Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1928, p. 4

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'mmm' 'mn WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 50th Anniversary . OF DeLaval Cream UIIJ 1 JI Separators " 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE DAIRLMEN OF THE WORLD. WHY NOT GIVE YOUR COWS A CHANCE TO MAKE YOU MORE MONEY BY GETTING A NEW DeLA- VAL SEPARATOR. We will be pleased to demonstrate the new macHine. . . W. A. HAWKEN Xcw Cc'UK-nt lUock. Phone 17j. ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF AUDITORS' REPORT For the Village of Flesheiton for the yecy 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoI'iinsTwood street, Fleshertoi), Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1106, Price in Canada, |2.00 per ye«»» t?h3n paid in advance $1.50. Id tCt.f?.! ^3.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. KDITORIAI, NOTKS «. H. THURSTON. Editor "THRUMS.' The Creeniore Star tells u.s of a farmer in that district who drew "over five ton.s" of (fravel at one load â€" ."5 feet over four cubic yards. But the Star does not tell u8 how many team.s it took to move that load. « « • The Bible is still one of the best sellers. Last year the Upper Can- ada Bilile Society distributed 132,- 000 copies of the .Scriptures, or 4.000 1 more than in l!t2C. It is interesting to note that the Bible is now printed : in 4G different lanpuaprcs â€" from .Mbanian to Wendi:inâ€" and that in every room of the hotels of the world a copy is bein^ placed. RECEIFIS Balance .'. - • * „5?^ H Taxes '...„ v- • " »..•". Loans .....m.......... «.....- Di-bentures (sidewalk) sold »•â- â€"••« •" h..^.... .Miscellansous "...t »â-  '•••..- ~.". k Memorial Museum I were subdued with ch; ingwood Messenger. micals. â€" Col'- 6744 69 2000 00 1326 00 791 12 $11395 68 I 304 15 PAVEMENTS Salaries and Allowances - ^An ni I'rintinK, Postage and Stationery v » 14" "« Interest on Current Loans - • ••" °^ \\ I,<Kal Services ;. ''â- â-  6 00 Roads ami Streets, local .<. "â- â- â€¢â€¢ „^"^ "^ S<.hool» ; 3030 50 Tfwnship of Art. Ac. II. Deb. 1926-7 316 00 H:.!tman & Co. Sidewalk deb 160 49 Fire Protection ^ 90 County Rate ~ 1297 02 Standaid Bank. Repaid Loans 2000 00 Street Lijrhtinsr °38 87 Grants to Agl. Soc. 1926-7 50 00 Town Hall '. 19 ^8 Refunds , •• 9 22 p,,.]^. 30 65 Sidewalk"".'".'.';!!.'.".".'!!.'.*..!..'.".'.".' 1*10 65 County Work Miscellaneous Public Library Rate, 1926-7 416 60 6 25 293 00 Balance 1009 55 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ASSETS Balance Unpaid Taxes 1927 11395 68 $ 1009 55 275 75 $ 1285 30 LIABILITIES Bills Pjiyable ; Sidewalk Debentures Maturing Balance Health Service - of the - CANABIAN MEDICAL ASSOC. TIIK OPKN-FACEI) SNEEZER. Says the Lomion Chronicle: "That the Scottish country called Forfarshire should resume an old name and call itself Angus may seem of small interest to folk born south of the Tweed. Yet there is in Forfar- shire a famous place we all know â- wherever we live or come from. That place is Kiriemuir, Sir .lames Barrie's "Thrums." A little town still grey, and even in sunshine rather gloomy, it has doi-e even more than the cele- brated potatoes that are grown in the district to distinguish Forfarshire. w'e read almost daily in the press "Angus potatoes," we must say from ^..^ ^.^,i results of carelessness of pe- now on. But "Thrums" remams ,|c,>,trians and motorists, but we sel- *Thrums.' " I dom. if ever, read of the sad results We must demur from the conclu- of the carelessness of open-faced sion that "Thrums," the birthplace .„oc7.ers. of the fimous Sottish novelist, i.; a Nevcrtheles, the "opon-faced" snee- gloomy spot. Whatever it may have jjer is more dangerous than the care- been at the time of the novelists ; jg^s motori.st. A person is guilty of birth. Kirriemuir is to-day one of the riminal negligence who is careless liveliest centres of population in .Scot- aid lacks consideration for others; land. One doe:* not wonder, in viow.^ho, without any thought, sneezes, of the notoriety given it by Barric, '.showering particles of matorial from that "Thrums" is annually visited by j,j^ j,(,c;g ^J^^\ throat nil around him. thousands of visitors from all over| A man who strikes another is guil- the world. Situated a few miles ty of assault. Public opinion, as ex- from the Grampiun Mountain or, pressed in the law, doss not allow range, and close to the famous cas- of such assatilts. and requires that tie of Glamis, the house of the Ouch- the person who commits one be pun- css of York, and the reputed scene of jshed. A far more dangerous as- the tragedy of Macbeth, Kirriemuir sault is committed by the careless has an old as well as a new section, sneexer. Public opinion should rccog- The old has numerous ou-.int tho- ni/.e this and stop it. roughfivrcs and the new, up-to-date Pisease germs pass out in the se- buBincFS structures, an well as a large cretions of the sneeze and mouth. A modern factory which turns to ac- sneeze ca.sts a gerni-l/idcn spray for count the lively li'tle river which ten feet. Ifthe snee/.er covers his no?e takes its rise in th" near-by hills, and mouth with a h •ndkorchief, the Round and about it is the far-famed dan<;er is ?>ractically ended. Tf the Strath mart ine, most of which is, desire to sncc/.n is too Fiidden to allow devoted to the raisin'^T of the noted of using the handkerchief, tho head Angus cuttle. K'.rrienniir is also a can at lenst be lowered and the spray great sheep market, the foothills sup- directed to the floor, not into other plying fine pasture for these hardy people's faces. m animals. Over the hills to the south- west is the Carse of Cowrie, where trrows the finest apples produced in Scotland, and contiguous to thenianu- factturing city of Dundee, with its ra<lical weavers, who once returned Winston Churchill as one of their members, but speedily rejected » 43 57 469 11 772 62 $ 1285 30 Statement of Balance of Debentures PRINCIPAL By-Law 12 Sidewalks 694 85 By-Law 152 Sidewalks 1300 00 Bv-Law 30 Hydro 4033 25 Bv-Law 7 Hydro Extension : 926 20 We, the undersigned Auditors for the Village of Flesherton certify that wo have examined and checked the books and vouchers of the Treasurer of tl'.e Village of Flesherton and find the same correct and showing a balance in thf Treasurer's hands of $1009 55. C. J. BELLAMY. F. W. DUNCAN Dated this 24th day of January, 1928. The home of Sir Wilfred Laurier in Arthabaslca which the great states- man had built in 1877, is to become the property of the Government of the province of Quebec, and v.iU bo utilizedi aa a permanent ;np- icwial museum to Sir Wilfred Ln- .ier, was announced la?t week by Hon. J. E. Pcrrault, Minister of Colonization, Mines and Fisheries. Many people be- lieved, he said, that the home should bcoome the property of the Govern- ment, and within the past few days the Hon. Mr. Perrault heard that two friends of Sir Wilfred Laurier have arr.:nged to purchase the property and to hand it over to the Govern- ment. The purchasers are Noah TimminK, and A. Kirk Cameron, both of Montreal. Hon. Mr. Perrault said the Government would undoubtedly accept the offer. The Kirk Cameron mentioned above is a member of a well-known Arthur township family For a time, as we remember, he was a student in the Gait Collegiate In- stitute. For many years past he has been prominent among the financiers of Montreal. He was always an ar- dent Liberal, a family characteristic. It is to be hoped that a sufficient sum is included in the gift to maintain the place respectably during the gen- erations to come, or that the Govern- ment agrees to an endowment for that purpose. Too many of these public gifts are of the nature of white ele- phants, imposing on the receiver more than is donated by the giver, and later falling into hands that care neither for the giver, the gift or the recipient. â€" Mt. ForesfConfederate. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the purchase and. re; nioval of the shsd of the former Chal- mer's Church. » Tenders to be in my hands not later than Saturday, March 3rd, 192?. Highest or any tender not necesa- ;rily accepted. I also offer for sale the church or- gan which is as good as' new. â€" E. C. MURRAY. f ^â- s, ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF AUDITORS' REPORT^:; \,,^ Of Flesherton Public School far the yle^»t92^ Balance from 1926 .- .'.."'|-1336 21 Pupil's subscription for School Fair Grant for 1927 , Grant on accommodation, etc Treiisurer of .^rtemesia taxes Treasurer of Flesherton taxes 1927 1927 10 50 701 25 24 44 791 00 1714 10 CHEV. CAR DESTROYED BY FIRE IN GARAGE DISBURSEMENTS H.' Down & Sons, repairs W. A. Armstrong lumber Hydro Light and Power R. c;. Holland, Principal salary 1927 Mrs. C. J. Bellamy, salary 1927 M. McDonald, salary as oTretaker for 1927 C. N. Richardson suplies F. W. Duncan, .Supplies T. .S. Cooper, grant for school fair S. E. DeCudmorc Insurance Premium Tbo Advance Printing and Advertising Chas. Newell, Wood W. J. Stewart & Sons supplies D. McKillop, Repairs and Repairing ! R. N. Moyer Co., Globe, Mans, ect C. W. Bellamy. Work '. G. B. Wnlton, Cartage and Freight O. W. Phillips, belt for motor Wilfred I.?ver. Pnintinp: !...'.'!.! D . Me K i 1 1 01) , paint ..!."'.."""'."".."." Mclvin Sled, painting '..'.".".".'.'."."....."...'.! Gurney Foundry C, grates for boiler ...!.!!.!!!!! H. Down & .Sons, renairine M. S. Bellerby. drilling well '.','.".'.â- .'.â- .â- .' C. N. Richardson, supplies ex paper chalk etc. H. A. McAuhv, lumber C W. Bellamy. Work '.â- .â- .â- .'.'.â- â- â- â-  .'\llov,-anco to Secretary Treasurer 4581 35 i 7 75 10 49 21 29 1365 00 926 30 300 00 58 50 4 35 20 50 75 00 6 48 85 00 4 15 3 55 23 50 27 60 2 42 1 00 r3 70 •7 00 27 15 41 01 13 95 ''â- S6 00 36 9.-. 16 71 3 75 25 00 A Chev. Sedan was made practic- ally a complete loss by fire which started in George Ferguson's garage on the corner of Fourth street early Friday liiorning. As Ur. Stewart was returning from a party about IQ minutes past two, he noticed smok'* j issuing from tjie garage and Jmrned-I lately notified the fire department. A 1 stove, in close proximity to the par | tition became overheatd, and set fire to the partition. The car sitting near by then fell prey to the flar •;* I and before they could be extinguish- j ed it was destroyed. The loss was | not great, however, as the sedan was I an old model and there was no dam- 1 age done to the building. There was I no water damage either, as the flames ' ' If t-j So farâ€" and yet so near: "I must call John by Long Distance and let him know I got here all right. Then neither of us v.ill be worry- ing. It's wonderful to be able to visit ynu like this, and yet keep as closs touch with home as if I were there. What must it have been like in the old days, before Long Distance made it possible?" "Ill place the call for yoa while you are taking off your wraps." "That will be fine. Just ask for our number, 124, so 111 get the cheaper Station-to- Statidn rate. In a c«nple of daj^ ni- call up againy in the evening, so I can h'ave a few ' words with the children, too. The Evening Rate after 8.80 is really very low." J^i-erj/ Bell Telephone &"< Long Distance Statioii," Til Special in Men's Ready- made Suits Reg. $25.50 for $22.00 GROCERY SPECIALS In .addition to those actually ill, many per.sons carry disease germ? in their nose and throat. People with ciilfis continue to go about their busi- ness. For these reasons the sneeze may be the means of spreading dis- ease, and. for those reasons also, an him pnd should be put to the "open-faced" in favor of a pronounced prohibition- ist. "Thrums" and Dundee have always sneeze. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- been closely associated, and when at sociation, 184 College street, will be borne the dainty Princess of Glamis answered. Questions as to diagnosis may frequently be seen doing her and treatment will not be answered, shopping in the jute manufacturing *^*P'**'- THE MEANING OF ST. VALENTINE'S DAV THE MINE DLSASTER nKCKIPTS PAVEMENTS .•'"64 10 ''".81 35 r:u 10 Wp. the umiersiened Auilitors certify that we have examined the n Vxmtl of Flesheiton Public School for 1927 and find ns above stated „ , C.J.BELLAMY, F W Dl WCAV 2.ith day of January, 1928. ' ' '" ^* "^^ 7 lbs. Ei-.om Salts 25c. 3 Pks. Corn Flakes 29c. 2 lbs. P re Mince Meat 35c. 3 lbs. I'ure Lard 59c. S lbs. Cookinj;- Onions 25c. Dp(-(>(1 thi: O'CANADA Flourâ€" $4.25 Cash, this week. W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 The fourteenth of February is cul- led St. Valentine's Day as the n-tro day or feast day of eight different Christian martyrs named Valentine; that is, in the medieval church, ser- vices were held on that day in mem- ory of ther martyrdom. The custom of sending valentines or gifts has The danger of the workman in the mines underneath the earth was forc- ibly brought home to the citizens of the world over the week end when two score men met death in the great Hollinger gold mine at Timmins, Ont. This is one of the first serious accid- ents which has occurred in Ontario, 'nothirg to do with the martyrs, how- although other distaslers have result- Uvcr. It happened that a spring- ed in a larger loss of life. As in all time festival which was kept by the times of sudden stress heroism is R,, mans fell on the same day. The brought to the fore and the giving o1 jniaking of gifts on that day has life to aid others brings the respect come down from this old custom; the of the world to his door. Two of origin of the custom was generally the head men in the mine met death forgotten, and in time, the gifts were In warning the workmen of their dan- -ailed valentines from the name giv- flrer.. The mine worker is at all en to the dny, This is a good ax- 1 times in danger from falling rock ^ ample of the way customs survive, and his position in the bowels of the sometimes for centuries among peop- ^ earth is not an enviable one to the.le who do not remember how they a- 25 YEARS AGO I Mr. Munshaw of the Munshaw Hotel has .iust completed the installation of 54 electric lights on his premises and discarded the acetyline. On Friday evening last, Bro. Cowan of Barrie. Dist. Dep. Grand Master oi Georgian District paid a visit to the Prince .\rthur Lodge here. East Grey County Orange Lodt^o met in Dundalk on Tuesday and elect- ed W. J. Guy, Maxwell Deputy Mast- er. It was decided to hold a celebrat- ion in Markdale on July 12th. Oats are 28c.; Wheat 65c.; Eggs 16c.; Potatoes 57c.; Butter 17c. A presentation and address was made to Rev. W. L. Thoni and bride who were recently married. Rev. F. W. Varley of Priceville occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church here on Sunday. The Past- or, Rev. Ivison Wilson took Mr. Vnr- ley's appointment at Proton. The Ontario Lgislature will open on Wednesday, March 4th. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Han- ky, Lady Bank, on February 2, the gift of a daughter. The protest against the election of Mr. A. G. Maekay, Liberal M.P.P. for North Grey was iiled at Owen Sound average man. iroie. Walkerton County hospital is in- stalling a system of electric bells throughout the institution. Used Cars We have a few good reconditioned used cars ready for the road and a real guarantee with them. It will pay you to see them now. Winter Battery Storage CAR REPAIRING Due to the lateness of the driving season last fall several car owners have neglected bringing their batteries in to have them recharged for Spring. It won't be long until you \\ill be wanting to use your car, and now is the time to sec that your battery i.s left with us where you can rest assured it will be attended to properly. If there should be any parts of your car in need of attention, now is the time to have it attended to. We can give better attention to your car now than later, when everyone will be wanting their cars put in shape for the season's running. k D. McTAVISH & SON - Flesherton

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