Vol 46 No. 50 ©hje /kgljirtxrn aitr^mt^ Flesherton. Ontario, April 20, 1927 W. H. Thurscon & Son, Prop rietOTS MAXWELL Wedding b«lls are loudly ringing. The Women's Institute held their regular meeting Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Thos. Guy. Roll call was answered with hints for house cleaning. Discussions then took place on first aid in case of accident*. Mrs. Long was presented with a cas- serole as a remembrance from the nursing class. Nest meeting to be at the home of Mrs. Gee. Ross on May 12th. Mrs. New is ob the sick list at present. Xurse Barnes of Dundalk is in attendance. The Ladies -•Vid met at the home of Mrs. -A.. Pallister, Tnurs. .A.pril 7. Miss -Alice Long has returned from Toronto after spending the winter there. Dr. Guy is improving nicely. The 0.:prey U.F.Y.P.O. held a con- cert in the Orange Hall here Thurs- day evening last. X good program was given. Mrs. MeCallani is improving af- ter having a severe cold. Miss Maj-nard is holidaying in Ow- en Sound. Miss Shirley Buckingham of Dun- dalk ;5 holidaying at her home here. TORCmrO UNE, NORTH VICTORL\ CORNERS [ Mr. and Mrs. Char. Perigo* and 1 daughter, Betty, of Detroi:, were vis- 'iiors the past week a: A. Stewart's. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swanton and â- daughter, and Misses Helen and Am- elia Davis, East Back line, near Markdale, were Sunday visitors at R. , Swanton 's. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alrrx j--- Sunday last with th. r ; :.. ?. r- •wife, a: Vandeleur. Mr. Henry P.:..'-.ar'i? T: of Dixie wa< a holiday vij;: • •, â- â- jijj brother, â- Mr. Rober: Ricr : ;. . and family. Miis Vera L^ver or Toronto vas an Easter %Tiitor with her paresis, y.r. and Mrs. J. .A. Lever. Mr. Sandy McKay and John Wyonoh of Tottenham visited over the week- end with R. Swanton. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Perigoe and lit- tle son. of Toronto, aro speiu&ng a. while at .A.. Stewart's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson, son Harold, and Mr. Henry Ridxaidsoo. of Dixie, were Sunday visitors with Ow- en Sound friends. Miss BtsLe Stewart Is sper.-irr ::â- . Easter vacation a: her home here. ROCK MILLS We are en; er at time jrs ai» B-: veath- Mrs. A. itt . intererftine t.. wa-i ifij- . We- I At: aad Mrs. iiiss-ci Z I •i-T2t>- I prc.ieeis CO tow the Travellers A ipkeeo Mrs. Ne--.-. . •ek tr.... :r jsister. Mrs. C. ?Ci .... . effect. tsraed â- -'*!t :are- 't a ^^Mow Mucff Pa/NT TO COVER MY House? IF YOU USE S.W.P. voir will be sur- prised at the small quantity required. It brushes better, covers more surface and it wears longer. Naturally S.WJ'. is more ecoacmical. In fact. Sherwin Williams 'N Products ari rccogaiied throughout the world for quality. .'iXiton Xiinno: FOR SjIL£ at PAIKT HEADQUMBTEBS BY FRANK W. DUNCAN \ HARDWARE. Phones 34w and 34j Widow and Widowers' Special .\ short time ago I pronn.^ed to put on a special tor tlie people of Fleslterton alone, and upon givinc" it consivlerable tljought happetied to think ot a verse in the r.ood liook which says that it is not gotxl lor nuiti to live alone, atid I thought it it was not gvHxl tor man why it would also apply to the ladies, so I am going to otter a little encouragement to these two classes ot people in our village in the matri'Vny line by ottering free to the first widow or widower residing in Flesher- ton setting married before Aug. 1, 1927, a fine Leather Rocker This otter is only g\Hxl until .\ng. 1st, which I think will be plenty ot time tor experienced hands to put a deal of this kind through, and should K^th parties reside in Flesherton. 1 will donate one chair to each inirty. Fertab Pills for tlowers. to promote bloonu 25c pkg. Fertiliser in Mb pkg.. used by the Dale Kstate to nish flowers and ji^rden plants along: gives excel- leivt results. 25c pkg. Fumitui^ Polish, at this season of the year, is i\eedevl to briji^itcn up odd scratched furniture; per bottle. 25c. PROTON STATION t;irn-.ers are on t.ie land, â- .v'c.ici is veiy dr;. n-. n-.cit ;-l.ict.-i, and vie ane almost i\:nrla;n:n^ ot thi neat. Last Eas- ter holidays the Proton Young People went -In a sleigh kNid to Flesherton rink. Govxi Easter serriees wwre held in the churches of this village on Sun- day, and the caoure rendered special music. Oar school teachers. Misses Ruth Stewart- Jean McCannell. Mary \Vy. vule, and M&rjorie and Ms-ud .\o"r-.- eson, arc spncmc the Easter hol;d;iy> at their pare":-i" h.n\c> ;:\ :\ ? s:i;..-; The local v:i:/j :^^: : :c;ic-r. >L English, is >;.â- â- ,:â- .: :.-.c r....days a. her home in .M..7.\.-...;-j. Mis.s Gertie Ly.v.? .i-d her littie :-.:ece. Helen MoNiv... and Mes.5rs. Stiaiey and Lloyd Lyo-.-.s. Mr. H..- N?rt Meddausrh of Toron:.': M.i< l.i Batohellor. of Owe;-. S.--.:-.-.d: Mis* Eva Wa-uchOfV. Wo\v1<:oon: M-.ss Nora Thon'.pson. Barrie; Mr. Jack Haaley. Hansilton. aivd Eddie HemphiD of Dun- vi.^k. all .^;e their E*s;er eggs â- with friends at Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Runciman and fam- ily, of Toronto, were Easter visitcvrs at postmaster McCannell's. The Proton boy» who are work- ing on the "Vxtn saaK" at Tbttenhan wvre home for the holidays. Mrs. Still and daughters, Edith and Jean, are visititvg at Movrfield. Miss Roberta .\cheson spent the holidays in Toronto. Mr. Gv\>r5^» .\k!r.s. of the Wing- ham .•Vd\-anoe-Times. was a Good Friday irisitor in Proton. Mr. aj'si Mrs. Robert V»-.;so of the Old Durham Road, visited at Mr. Vause's here. wen. Mr. and Jirs. .Art T t : faasis of Osprey. rtoBs with the f r Mr. and Mis. .' Mrs._ Sedey,_. Jfc'VwlWw, of xoroaio, we»« East-?- visitors wi*h W, J. Caard wife aad family. Rev. K. B. Jaekion. -yi Pwtoc preached st Saka CIs=r«h Stoiay ! eTeaisjr. i Mrs. .\il:e McLean of Prseeville, • sr^nt 3 fe'w davs -with iser parent;? " ?sere -Mr. acd Mrs. I. Smith. ^•f- snd >£rs. CSjis. Kc-wari asi ^ ir. Mrs. Brv.-oks. a=»3 Krv W. Tcrontk.-. were Easier vis- Mr. and Mrs. .\. Part-: - -1;:^. j,:-..l fiaitly. \ Mrs. Lei^i-- Pe-dlar ;pe::t a ft-icr : .lays w>h r.fr ?r.other, Mrs. H. Wi!- 1 sott» tn Pie^her^c^n. Uiss IVorJs McMuE<:s spent a t'e~- hotiiaya with her sister. Mrs Fra?"-; Betts, Mrs. Pick Clark and :wd chiidrai visit«d a few dav^ laother. Mrs. J. Park." Soend. Quite a somWr from .ir- attended Mr. H. Radleys Th-crsday last. I y.-^anor-r FEVERS H.\M Mr. R. S. Mot-Vrr attended the fKttera! of Mrs- McGirr's aneie. Mr. R. H.«vey. at Weston last week. Mr. Burton Henderson of Toronto .= hx.^:day:r-? as his hone here. Mr. an^i .Mrs. Win Cokpiette and .-'â- â- :i.-l >.;-.. Fetty Mien, motored ,7 trr- 0\k:: SI <>n Thursday 1 >' • • f.-; -t lie hv^Iiday with thar Our t<:dor.ers. Miss ClMWHts and Mr. R-yd. are speni&« the iMtUdajs :-â- â- â- 7 r;>---r%-tive homes. KiacardiBe \ \ YOl X« Hl>STKSS. M^..> ..:.:â- â- . X.. " nir. te*eh«- at R:vvr^.â- ^^ <v- ;.:r hoBdays with r.cr o.s:;r ~.t.-;. Mr, .r -. >'.rs Frxnk VHIey $Ttent â- â- ^ â- â- " â- -^^ â- ; ' " •• â- â- : : r sen at Not- Mr. *nd .Mrs >'-.-â- â- -, W; ;,-;t. A <:vnt S.-.n-iav w-.th . r .:--â- -. Mrf. Jo-.;- Radlev. : ; .^" S -, .. • •;. >hi>s G.via :• i-. ,-s â- - ;; â- . -nrith 5'r. and Mr^. Vr.--; V- . .; lv.;\: st >'?-V.-^' .â- ver : THOS. W. FINDLAY FlKXlTrRK PK Al.i: R nXKK.M, niRKCTOR FLESHERTON. ONT. Phone in houj^e and shop. .M r .> and .U r H .A wonderful Easter hol.d.-iy >s heinjir enjoyed by S-yeju>old Jiw Welsh o.' ' the ChiUhvn'-. Shelter. Ow*;-. Sound, at the Eujrenia farr.'. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gi^r'.ey. "I he little lad is :h? sues: of their niooe. Miss Irene Ma-- â- tin. who ox^noei^ed the idea of jT.vin^r j one of the kidxiies fr\^n» the city .â- «â- • outinjr. *jvl u'x^n her a-.tnt and ur.o'o jrivinjir their consent, shewrt'-te Mr. Trwut. who was wilUnjjt to wake th.^ osperin'.cnt. Irene is a little lady to whom the jtivinir of \>Usisarv to a >-ounjter child is one of the chief joys vif life. Jin-. is finditDT the tana life » continual round of â- woadenwent frow dawn tx^« dark â€" and ha* an interest in the way the heivs ami other live stivk tak^- their noarishment- i The oriyina! hvNspitality of Msss { Irate is one that o>ther irrMt hearts J wjjrht well en-.ulate â€" an\l we axe sure Janws Welsh w>U have a wwk's ex- exivrionce that will turn the other : ''feUahs" srreen with envy when her '. \vnt\* delivvJs him amin t\> the kiiHily care of the Shelter a; Owen Sound. â- .â- • " '. < .;.-. Forsyth of <'•.â- • > ^râ- 1 -.v-c â- . :<;;ons with Mr?. F.irÂ¥\-th"s v>arents, Mr. and Mrs. Ehy. Mr. 1- .;â- â- Al;\.-.-.-. : .-t Owes Sawtd fs^nt the '•-.â- ' â- • -.'â- • â- •â- â- * iMuents. Jiisses A d Blandke Kender.^on :•â- .. :. r..-. t, v-to Sun- day and are visttir.^ with :'; w < over the boUdaysv Mr. and Mrs. H. .\lexandw, lbs. H. Mc««e and Mr. Ivan Alexander not«Mred over to Owen Soand Sunday and visited with the fora«-'s dauith- sor. Mrs- WUl OolqtiMte. M:.%s Violetta Davidson of T-.â€" .r« ;< .Hvnviinir the holidays with . cat*. Mr. and Mrs. Ern. I>av •< .V larf» concrecadon irst .-= 1 the Pt>fsb>teria« eh«rv^ -- S ".-:â- . evening to listen to a very â- â- :-.n; ,â- .:â- ,-- ilisiocurse by the Rev. M- Y .â- â- ; ;â- .•,,-- i\l or. the Sjiorifioial T.- .'osofh laid the ^ody of tl-.o Master m r-;* towK Rov. YounsrV sub.io.-; f.-r :-.o\t S^-.V- K<tV ovenirof xmlM be F.-ir c â€" :'-. Kin rdoai. Conte arnl hear hitv.. Mr. aad Mr^. C. M. Morris anvi Mr. Rae Hender,^->n oj^ Southampton !>r> srenvlinjT the holiday? with Mrs. R, H. Ht-nde^rson. M;-<-< Hasel Hawton ami Miss M. Mullir. of Colinywwyl C. I. are stvn»l- â- -.c tht'" holidays a: their rvspocJiw 'OTOO.'. i Brack^s Garage ^1 I I II W^M II I have opened up a modern gar- age on Collingwood St., where old friends »and customers will have the best of attention. Expert Repairs on ail makes of cars RELI.ABLE SERXiCE G.AS OILS .ACCESSCRiES Geo. F. Brackenbiirv PHO.NE 6! FLEiHERTON.'ONT R c^crcnce As jrou baild a stroitii Kank ac- couiit you write .in accoum of vorth and reliability in the bti&inesaii coniiMuiiiry. To the btiAineaBS rviar* vho has Siiven proper attention to his baitkiiij; oxmiiectioit. the o<-cas.ion frequently arisie* vhen he finds his hankini reference Invaluable. To he able to say ".Vsk my banker** may some day prove to be a decisive factor in success. The Bank of Toronto and its branch ntanagers are kilad to co- operate in the service of bosl- ne«se«« larj^e or sittall. "BAHK»^TDROHrO BR-kNvHKS : M.VRKOALEâ€" W. N. Yoj^nc y..v.-.i.irfr. FKVE.S5UAMâ€" C- H. Sr .:- V..\n.-ijrtr. â- i BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEKAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FL'.XEK.M. F.\RLORS 12:1 J4 .\Yc:ii:e R.v.d. TORONTO Telephoae : J. W. Bates. KlcLC$dal« 4441 R. Maddocks. KLIWKRS .\XP M.-VNTS For *il kimis of Flowers atWI Plant*. I\«hM;ts ard OladioM halh*. at W. .\. Hawken's Store. Floihertot',. IN MEMORIAM CARSONâ€" In h^'me roewory e*f wy dear sister, .\nnio Cars\>«. whv> i«.<so\l away one war *cv\ .\pr«l 2S. \i»{ n n^am^ur, m>t a sijih. ra.<.H\l her li-os as death drew nJjth .X* she livoxl. so ,«he died, l\<aoef»«l. Kwinjr. »att*fie<l, â€" Si«(or Macyie. !t is v-i>l>- a •^feraJ» of paper", bv.t ' -.Ty iHNY.vsary for those who wish Goverr.nvfsvt CVntrwl lniv»r. \ reporter of the Toronto St.«»r vfas in tx'>wn Friday huntinjr up \»erso;Ta! rpinions of rarioa* resident-^ of to\v;i. SJ-J v-v»antry. respeetiivp Miss Mo- l^hai^< r*wnt letter tvi the school ohil- vtro, Wo ha\-e heen «-j»itia>r th* Star's }â- *â- ; -nal coatment ourselves and to date hare not obaervrd it. HOUSE OF aUALlTY T.-\RT YOUR CHICKENS RIGHT. WE CAN SUPPLY ^â- e~)U WITH THE BEST B.-\B^' CHICK FEED. GROWING M.ASH. B.ABV SCR.ATCH FEED. CHICK GRIT BONE .\IE.AL. s ^^ W. J. STEWART & SONS F'-auT, F»«d. Sk»«d». C.ro«.-»r>«» and C<>r»f*ction*ry Flesherton