Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1926, p. 8

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*«H»aMWMn-Mp4laM|fMi 'Wednesday. June 16th, 1926. THE I'XESHERTON ADVANCE Tie Game With Kimberley A tie KHiiie was played at the Thursday celebration here, between Kin.berK-y and Flesherton Centre jf l^,, j^j^.„^ j„„ Crey League teams, the final score ^^j^^^ ^j,^„,j ^e rosy rik'ht through, of the exhibition tilt being 8â€"8, al- ' roost a coincidence with the 9â€"8^ Kitchen wa.. hit hunl, and the score at Kimberley one week before.,K'"'''«''l<^y bludgeons pounded 14 hits practically the same as last year, tod three run*; while Smith and E. namely Sparks, Thurston and Wauch-' KIlis hunjj up the other two. ope, with Dick Clark stuginif a "comej Thurston scored four Flesherton back." The battery of Kitchen aml:,.^,u„ters, and drove in two more. L. Akins will improve with work, and 1 ^auchope wag second with two, while halved the Field Day at Flesherton I SAFETY FIRST AT CROSSINGS Govemi I Bjggt^C 'ontrol The game was a trifle slow all the j way with the exception of the last ' " three innings when things were liv- ened up considerably. P'lesherton are handicapped by having an infield composed of new men with the exception of Mc- Tavish at shortstop^_and the general play lacks the machineliko speed and amoothness of last ycar'.s champione. Practise however,, and nothing but practise, will bring â- standard re<iuired to Grey championship. ff Ket into the game!(- p^.tt^ „„d g. Akins other two. FLESHERTONâ€" Thurston c.f., C. Betts Istb., U. Kitchen p., G. Akins c, into the old score card. This canJB. Sparks r.f., D Clark, l.f., F. Betts credited in part to slow fielding, 1 3rd b., C. McTavish s.3., L. Wauchope and lack of i)ractise. Kitchen is c.f. known to be a slow starter but a jtrong finisher when he rounds into .shaTie, and in .short notice will make I the fans sit up and take notice. E. Ellis served up his assortment of goods for the Kiniberleyitc-s and hurled strong ball all the way. IFc was given fair support in field and at thing.s to the ! bat und the "blossonis" should win win the Centre 1 nuny a game in this season's cam- KIMBEHLEY -- Dillon h.s., R. Stafford c, R. Ellis, c.f., O. Smith 2nd b., E. Ellis p., Flood rjf., . Fred Ellis 1st b., O. Lawrence, 3rd b., C. Fawcett l.f. y A gcoJ tnapy motorints fail to real- Recently five men died at Lauzon, Field Day put on at the local . ijje that the Highway Traffic Act Quebec, as a result of drinking "of grounds by the Agritultural The I any period 'â-  months." Fawcett each net- re<iuested 3.30 p.m. T Flesherton ThurS. WEEK m KIMBERLEY VS FLESHERTON This is the first Centre Grey League game this season and the champions are out for a win. The Kimberley team is also looking for a win. A battle royal is the prospect! Be sure and see it! Kimberley opens the league com- p.'lition here on Thur.sday afternoon, ;,-.uno bcin.T called nt four o'clock sharp. Umpires and players are to be on the grounds by It is necessary that all games be started on time, and this rL:le sb.ould be taken note of by fans and players .ilike. Advertise in The Advance Kimberely play their first league game in Flesherton this Thursday lu'ternoon atf 4 p.m. sharp. A win means a lot to either teams, so a fast game is assured. Be there to si;i)port your team. Dundalk is in Ma-kdale this Wed- nesday afternoon to open the Centre Grey League. These clubs are field- ing utrong teams and are out to win with a flying- start. GAMES NEXT WEEK j June 2.'{ â€" Vandeleur at Dundalk ' June 21â€" Flesherton at Kimberley WOOL WANTED Coarse, medium and fine j wool wanted. j Flesherton Woollen Mill*. I John Nuhn, Prop. Society I means what it days when it enacted Moon-shine whiskey." Over in Quebec wa.j not tlic success financially thia clause: "No motor vehicle shall the liquor traffic is under what is Rs the effort merited. The sports how- be driven at a street intersection at known as Government Control. And ever left nothing to be desired, â- and ^ g-reuter mte of speed than ten miles there are those who recommend it a successful afternoon of baseball per hour in a town or village. The on the ground that it will put a stop and Koftball was staged. j penalty for first offence is not less ' to the moonshine business and to the Kimberley and Flesherton b.iseb:ill than |5.00 nor more than fSO.OO and booUegger. teams hooked up in an exhibiti-jn ti!t,' for second or subsequent offence not the account rf ,which appeara ebe-'ieas than $10.00 or more than $100.00 j where in this issue. 'and the license may be suspended fori Masscy and the High .School giris|any period not exceeding three 1 playi (1 an interesting gsme of soft- 1 ball, and both teams displayed a good 1' and of stiKf, with the local tcani having a distinct superiority through- out. The final scoie wa.5 12 â€" 8. A pame was played between the Kim- berloyites and the local town team. The Kimberley outfit were the victors tjie week before in Kimberley, Ijut were unable to contend with the slug- ging power of the home squad. The score card showed the fixture to be closed with a 1.3 â€" 1 reading. The final tilt v.'as the best of the evening, and the fact that the final-! ists were local teams gives rci.;;on | to be proud of the rapid advances j made in this game in the last tv/o years. After a close struggle the high school girls own the bologna end of the sausage by a 17 â€" 16 score. The total receipt.? of the aftcrnon amounted to $95..00. Small Advertisements Springhill School Report (May) Game called at 4 p.m. sharp ADMISSION : 25 and 15 cents FALL TERM OPENS Sept 1st at The OWEN SOUND Individual instruction. Business and Shorthand courses. Preparatory courses for those who missed first chance at public schv.ol. Catalogue Free. C. A. Flemiiig, F.C.A. G. D. Fleming, â- eiaiaiaiaiaiaiaia'siaffiiaia'aaM3jaj2iaiajs!aiaisBisisi3EiaM5iai^^ • Umpires appointed for League gamo3 this week are ^ follows: Dundalk at Markdale â€" A. E. Bu- chanan, Vandeleur and W. G. Akins, Flesherton. j Kimberley at Flesherton, Thursday at 4 p.m. â€" G. Dundas, Markdale. Nothing them. counts but results â€" get Sr. 4thâ€" Hoard Ferris, Be.ssie Beard. Florence Best, Lola Black- burn, Willie White, Audrey Brown. Sr. 3rd â€" Earl .Johnson (hr.q,) Ann- ie Akins (hrs,) Clifford Allen Ellen Parker, Jean Board and George All- en (equal.) Isabelle Ferris. Sr. 2ndâ€" Cecil Thistlethwaite. Jr. 2ndâ€" Wilfred Best./Billie Park- er, Doris Waller, Selma South. , Jr. 1stâ€" Merle Allen (hrs) Mar- ('*^^^'''"^' Eugema jorie Wyatt (hrs,) Harold Johnson, Orren South, Doris South. Sr. Pr. â€" Elsie White, Patsy Beard. Jr. Pr. â€" Ivan Waller, aussel John son, Nellie Thistlethwaite. No. on Roll 28. Gladys E. Miller LOST AND FOUND FOUNDâ€" Lady's 3ca|f. Apply to â€" Dclla»Pedlar, phone 42 r 3, Flesh- erton. FOUND â€" Came to m,y premises, the middle of May, one Leicester sheep The finder may have same by pay- ing expenses. â€" Richard Clark, Rock Mills. , July 16 BOAR FOR SERVICE Tamworth boar for service. No. 2-16,816, on Lot 14&â€" 147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton BOAR FOR SERVICE No. 92-77530. Also a young York. shire pig, both bacon type for servica STRAYED or STOLENâ€" Sometime on lot 176. N.W. T. & S.R., Sunday night or early Monday mom- , Terms â€" $1.00. ing, one female Scotch Collie pup j ^r. J. STINSON. 4 months of age. Color sable aild , . white, .\nybody knowing the wheiis- '' abouts of this pup would kindly ad- ; viseâ€" H. E. Karstedt, Pricev'll*. ' BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE EaR"SALE-^2 year old steers and | heifers, extra' good beef bringers. â€" A. I C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 2 r 3 â€" 1. I FOR SALE â€" The new Rye Buck- wheat for seed. â€" Kendal R. W. NOTICE SIX HILL STORES W. buy together in order that iour cu.tomera in the six com- munities m«y materially ben- jefit individuaily. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- r ively associate* with highp quality merchandise at thrC fairest possibin prices. Special Clearance of Summer Merchandise at Low Prices We have gone through our stock and pick- ed out the broken lines of Summer Merch- andise which we are going to clear, in many cases at half original prices. If You Shop Here you Will Save Money. Spec. Clearance Men's Oxfords Children's Dimity Bloomers so pair Mun'.s Frne Oxford.s in Tan, Black and 5 dozen only, sizes 6 to 12, made from the Patent Leather. All sizes in the lot. Values up same cloth as the ladies, to 16.50 per pair. BarRain at 39c. per pair While they las), $2.9.'> per pair ^^ • i a Children's While Running Shoes G'ngham Apron. 5 dozen only, Ladie.!* Gingham Apron. A good 100 pairs Miasea' and Children's White runningr selection of patterns to pick from. !>hocs. .Sizes 5 to lO'A and 11 to 2. All first While they last GSc. each class quality (roods. Regular up tofl.75. cuaring at 95c. per. pair Fig^urcd Voiles aud MusHus j^^^l^ g AlCAW ^^f Ork onOfiS '^^ pieces of New Voiles and Fine Muslins in ^ spots and dress patterns. All the newest shades 10 doien only, Mcn'a Heavy Work Shirts In '" ^•'•' '"*• tilue Chambray. A real shirt for hard wear. Special 45e. a yard -Special clearing price 95r. each £>\ • â-  i* >â- â- â€¢ Clearance in Ladies Hats Men 8 IChalci Pants ^^ "^'V' Ladies' .spring and Summer Hats. This is a real chance for you to get your summer hat 5 dofen Men's Fine Twi 11 Khaki Pants in a for little money. Rood wearing weight. Well tailored with cuff. VOIR CHOICE at $2.49 Very Sp«cial at $1.95 per oair /^ ix o i brocery Department Specials LAciies Dimity Bloomers s bars castiie soap for 25c. ,- . 1 T ji . «i ru !. »i "• iwunda C.ranclate Sugar for fiSc. 10 doien only, Ladies' Fine Dimity Bloomers Purity Packagv Oats 27c In all the newest shades. Good full size. Seedless Raisins. 2 pounds for ...."...'.."!!!""!!!!!!!!26o! Very Special at 59e. per pair Cooking Figs, 4 pounds for 25c. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, miarkdale" K pair of shoes was left in the tent at the Agricultural grounds on Thursday last for safe keeping and were afterwards found there unclaim- ed. The young man may have them from Mrs. Will Moore by paying the exponoc of this ad., and take 'em away. Eight youths, convicted in Barrie police court on a charge of spearing fish in ToUendale creek, were each fined $1 and ?3 co'sts. FOR SALEâ€" A quantity of good hay. â€" T. J. Stinson, Proton Station, Phone 41 rl-1. Registered Yorkshire Boar for aer- iviceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 I â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog jClub. Terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDI.E, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason* table terms. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Dates made at this office. FOR SALE â€" Good Silver Hull seed buckwheat for sale. â€" James Sergeant, 'Ceylon. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Purebred Buff Leg- horn rooster for sale. â€" Jas. Stew- art, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 5 cows for sale, two freshened, three due shortly. â€" Wal- ter Akitt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good Ford car for sale, 1918 touring, cheap for cash or exchange for rubber tired buggy. â€" Albert Wilkinson, Rock Mills. 2w. Registered Jersey bull for service. Sire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; Daan: Brampton Petune's Lady. Fee: f5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, FleshertoD. Ont FOR SALEâ€" 'A few bags of small Green Mountain Potatoes for seed, %\ per bag.â€" Alex Miller, R. R. D, Markdale. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estaf.-; and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited FARMS FOR SALE \ St. Mary's clergyman says that out of 600 people in his parish, only ; four have ever voted other than Con servative. Ou the Toronto Line Provincial ,-1igrhway. Three farms, two of m i acres and one of 60 acres all cleand, j First class buildinfirs, up to date h FOR SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn , every particular. Will sell any cM ^^bull, yearling, eligible for registra- | cf those. Good brick Louse on on i ^ tion. â€" Jas. Hill, Markdale (Orange the faims. The stabline Every motorist knows the danger and difficulty of driving with a damp windshield, so this tip may be val- uable. A solution of two ounces of glycerine and one dram of common .'•alt mixed well in an ounce of water will keep the winshield clear in all kinds of weather. It should be ap- plied with a piece of gauze, a down- ward stroke being used. TENDERS WANTED _ for 8Bli!« mals is perfect. One f^nr has tea acres hardwood bush and anotte nnndred has three acres of timte and has buildinngs for everTthiac needed, including poultry hooso a^ pig pens. No broken land and of weeds, .'uiy person should investigate, sows due to farrvW last week m p>. I Valley.) FOR SALE â€" Clover honey, bee frames, and comb foundation, also picture framing done. â€" Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia. FOR SALE Two Tamworth TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, ua to and including June 26th, for the construction of two 25 foot reinforced concrete beam bridges (10 rods apart), at Wareham, Lot 10 and 110, Dv.rham Road, and for one 18x6 reiniforced concrete slab bridge on Lot 17, con 2, S. D. R. Osprey Township. I'lans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Engineer, at the Court House, Owen Sound, or; with the Clerk, H. G. Burke, Fever- sham. The lowest or any tender not nec- e.s.sarily accepted. Tenders must be acconipa;iied by a proposal bond covering 10% of the amount of the tender. - R. C. McKnIght, Township Engineer interstati August, bred to Tamworth hog. â€" D. D. McLoughry, R. R. 4, Markdale. Phone 30 r 121. FOR SALEâ€" Set of Brass mount- ed team harness, with breechings, â-  nearly netw; also bay colt heavy I yearling. Would take three or ' four young pigs on a deal. â€" E. H. ' Jones, R. R. 3, Proton Station. Two miles south of Flesherton on Torojw to Line. I Imy -r. J. STINSON. Proton StaUoB P.a BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Mnrray. L.D.S., dntal surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Snrv«»i of OnUrio. Gas administered te teeth extraction. QfBce at rmidoMa Toronto Stiet, Flesherton. Dr. A. Tnmbnll, RA.. MA. «»«. uate from the Faculty of MadM^ University of Toronto. Offlceâ€" wS ardson Block, Flssherton. Pho^ M. FOR SALEâ€" Sable and white and Tri Color, registered Scotch Collie pups from my imported female of (Champion Strongheart) breeding, and the noted Sire, Campbell Style' â-  â€" â-  . . CKC 22817. Age 4 months. Prlv*; Prince Ar'.hnr Lodge. 3SS, AJ A $10.00 1.1. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Price- A.M.. meets in the Masonic hall. A**. strong Block. Flesherton. every IM. a day on or before tlte fall awan. J^ Wright, W. M., P. J. ^ TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to an dincluding Mon- day, June 2l8t, for the constniction of a SO foot reinfonced concrete beam bridge on Lota 180 and 181, Con. 2, W. T. A S.Road, Township of Ar- temesia. Plana and specifications may be seen at the office of the Engineer, Court House, Owen Sound, or at the home of the Reeve, J. A. Hog- arth. Saugeen Junction. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tenders must be accompanied by a Proposal Bond covering ten per- cent ;(10':f) of the amount of the tender. â€" R. C. McKnight, Township Engineer. viUe. M I S C E L L ANEO U 8 NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Satur- days only. â€" Graham Bros., Eugen- ia. C. C. Middlekro. Barrister solicitor, etc. of Durham. WiU be in Flesber. every Friday from 4.80 p.ni. to ton . GRAIN WANTED â€" Feed oats 8-^' Pâ„¢ and barley wanted at onceâ€" W. J. -^ â-  â-  â€" . Stewart & Sons Flesherton. Loess A Henry, Barristers. Solidl. : »8. etc.,â€" I. B. Lucas, K.a ; W. & WANTEDâ€" Any quantity of eggs, Henry, B.A. Offices. Markdale the highest cash price will be paid ^lock. Phone 2. Branch offleaa on delivery. â€" JJlunstadlar, Flesher- Dundalk and Durham. Hunting and Con 4 will be strictly R. Cullen, Flesherton. NOTICE I Telford A BImio. Bairistora. a*M> cHors, etc., Oftces Q ro y aad trapping on lot 35, Block, Owen Sound; Standard prohibited â€" Block, Fleslrarton. (Sattndiiya). W. Jne .30. 1 P. TelfoH Jr., J. P. P. BInla. CACUS STAR 2.10>; (Trotting) Wai. EaHtfaig. Ucmaed A< for the conntloa of Gray aad - Will be in Flesherton - Tvm and stock t%\n a THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL Torms Kodontas satiafadlM ^^^^ antced. AmuiffomeBto fm MARKDALE THURSDAY NIGHT may be made at Um See posters for farther partKolars. Caatral tatojibuui â€" Chas. PALMEK m kv iil^iMlal at at * < I

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