Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1924, p. 1

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I()je /lesli^ttutt %Hmu. Flesherton, Ontario, November 26, 1924 W.H.Thurston & Son, Proprietors James Russell Died : Suddenly At His Home Was In Hi775th Year- Born In England Following a rather lengthy illness Mr. James Russell, a well known res- ident of .A.rtemesia township, passed away on Sunday morning Xovember 16th at 9 o'clock ar. bis home here. Mr. Russell had been feeling much better of late and was able to be out around and visited with. his daugh- ter, Mrs. Jas. Linton, just the week before his death. He took suddenly worse and was confined to his bed Saturday. Sunday morning he arose and ate his breakfast and a few min- utes later passed away, heart trouble being the cause of his death. To his many friends and relatives in this distnct the news of -his death came as a severe shock, since he was so well known and very highly respected by all who knew him. He was 74 years and 8 months of age. Mr. Russell was born in England and married a Miss Dinah Holland, also of England, later coming to Can- ada and settling on his farm here, where he has lived for a great num- ber of years. Mrs. Russell died some twenty-six years ago. Â¥heir union was blessed by a family of sLx boys and three girls, namely: â€" Geo. and Jas. of Idaho; N'ellie (Mrs. Jas. Linton) of Eugenia; Will of Ware- ham; Lily (Mrs. Thos. Black). Bessie (.Mrs. W. Fisher) both of Portiaw; Walter, residing here; Fred on the east back line and Ernie on the old homestead. The family were all present for the funeral except the first two mentioned. The funeral was held the following Tuesday to Flesherton cemetery and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Pogson of the .\nglican church officiating. Mr. Russell was a kind and loving father and his death is keenly felt by his family. He was also a good neigh- bor, being very honest and upright and always showing sympathy to others in time of trouble. The flowers were beautiful, among them being a wreath from the family and a spray from the grandchildren. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Wm. Gall- ope, Frank Chard. Robt. Clark. W. J. Chaud, John Porteous and Robert Fisher. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family in the hour of trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallope of Stayner attended the fimeraL KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Prime of To- ! ronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous and family. Mr. Dick Clark, wife and family and Mrs. Jas. Park motored to Owen Sound last week and ^isited with rel- atives there. , Miss Kate Jamieson of Eu^renia ! visited with her sister, Miss Ella Genoe. Th U.F.W.O. club will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Chas. N'ewell on Wednesday, Decem- ber 3rd for ordering only. Miss Edith Robertson has gone to Toronto where she has secured a good position. I Mrs. Walter Russell has been ill ! the, past week, but we are pleased to know she is able to be around a^ain. The Sunday school pupils and others are busy preparing for their annual Christmas tree. Mrs. Geo. Proctor spent the week end wth Mr. and Mrs. Em. Proctor at Eugenia. Mr. Ross Ellis and Mr. .\llen Ferg- uson left Monday morning for the Ellis, Donnely camp in the north w^oods. Mr. J. Taylor returned home after spending two weeks at the Mxmshaw House, Eugenia, during the absence of Mr. Munshaw on the deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. D. \. Graham and children, also Edna and Norman Burritt. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burntt. Mr. D. L. Weber spent two or three days in Toronto last week. Rev. Mr. Ellison is holding services all this week in Kimberley church. For the past two weeks he has been working at New England with splen- did success. We wish him all suc- cess in his work here. Mrs. Procter, Miss Marjorie and Mrs. J. -A. Stuart accompanied Mr. Em. Proctor to Collingrwood G. and M. hospital on Thursday to see Mr. Proctor who is improving rapidly. Mr. Proctor hopes to be home in ten days or a couple of weeks. They also visited iliss Annie Burritt, nurse in training. We are sorry to report little Shir- ley Stuart on the sick list. Dr. McKee in attnndance. MLr. Russel McMuUen. acompanied by his mother, visited with Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. A. F. Hammond on Sunday. The young people sper.: two happy evenings last week with the bride and ^room. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faw- cett. the first with bells, guns etc., also the groom's treat; the next ev- ening to give them a shower. The evening was spent in games and dan- cing. A meeting of the ratepayers of the school section was called by the trustees to consider a yearly grant of $50 for four years to establish a library and provide books. On mo- tion the measure wa^ lost by a small vote. We are indeed sorry to think so worthy a cause could be voted down for so small an amount. It is also a discouragement to the young people and W. I. who so wiQingly worked to provide the books on hand. We are loath to think they are not in favor of the work or the efforts already put forth. We hope they will prove their good-will by coming across with generous donations to- w^ards getting a new supply of books and grood magazines f jr the winter reading. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson visited Mrs. H.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McConnell. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Melvin Hawes and his father of Kitchener are visiting friends in the neighborhood. Mr. Jas. Best who has been very ill with pneumonia, is improving nicely. Mr. Robt. Montgomery of Fort Colbome visited his cousin. Mr. Thos. Bannon, over Thanksgiving. They have not seen each other for fifty yars. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore and four chl'dren spent Thanksgiving at Smithville. Miss Maggie Lyons of Proton Sta- tion visited her friend, Margaret Moore. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. Lockhart -visited on Thanksgiving at Markdale. Has aus ved alloMring: <S up to TOBOGG.\NS. DOLL all sizes. Kindergarten setts, CKERS and CH.\IRS. HORSE: GH. Baby Walkers. Framed KS. Smokers' Stands or say. nice easy Chair or perhaps th« r nice piec« of Funtitur* e his headquarters h«r« for tk« f articles. )r W.\NT AND WE WILL PIT !LY COME EARLY AND : PICK. Findlay - FINERAL DIRECTOR srton VANDELEUR Mrs. Bowerman of Toronto visited with Mr. aiid Mrs. L. Johnston dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Reed and two children of Michigan spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Pritchard. BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Buchanan on Wednesday, Xovember 19th. 1924, a daughter. Congratu- lations. Mr. Robt. Graham and daughter, Minnie, left last week to spend a couple of months with the former's daughter in Paris. Miss Lillian Buchanan is home after spending a month with friends at Guelph and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol (ner; Annie Richardson), who have been married recently, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W ill Johnston and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bumstead and son. also Mrs. Bumstead Sr. and daughters. Flossie and Mabel, of Meaford spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Xurse Edwards of Markdale and Miss Edna Wright of Barrhead are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Harold Hutchinson. Mrs. Gilbert is attending the W. I. convention in Toronto this week. Mr. Fred Boland is in Toronto this week attending the Royal Fair. Miss Jean Sjephenson is attending Mrs. Johnston, Sr., who is under the doctor's care. The Women's Institute held their monthly meting at the home of Mrs. F. R. Boland on Thursday afternoon of last week. .\ grood program was given and lunch was served bv Mrs. E. Baker, Mrs. Otto Baker and Mrs. S. Gilbert. i The Ladies' Aiti held a special meeting at the home of Mrs. Prit- chard on Tuesday afternoon of last week preparing for the bazaar which ; was held in Markdale on Friday afternoon last. The ladies are very ' grateful to all who helped and are • Very pleased with the success of the i bazaar. | Miss Doris McGee is visiting with friends in Toronto. News of Residents In Toronto From This Dist. Jlarriedâ€" October *)th, Mr. Cliff- ord Williams, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Walton Williams, formerly of Eugenia, to Miss Beatrice- Truscutt, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Truscutt of Woodbine .A.ve. Con^jra- talatio.Ts to the happy young couple. Married â€" N'ov. 5th, Mr. Cardwell Graham to Miss Lilian CampbeU, both of Eu^^enia. The young couple arrived in Toronto on the evening train and were taken by surprise a: the depot, under showers of cotu'etti, after whicli they were accompanied by friends to the bride's brother's home. Mr. Will Campbell of Mark- ham, street, where a large number of friends of the bride were gathered to receive the happy young couple. The bride was the recipient of many useful and valuable presents. They left next day for a honeymoon trip to Copperciiff and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Browning, nee Gertie Fenwick. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fenwick. cele- brated the lt.>th anniversary of their wedding. Miss Mary McKee is attending tha Canada Business College. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jos. Armstrong .-if Thombtiry 'nave moved to the city and were the guests of "nis mother. Mrs. W. .Armstrong, on Thanksgiving. Mr. Walton Williams has purchas- ed a sedan and took a pleasure trip to the old hoa-.e tor,-n. Eugenia, over :ho holiday, accompanied by Mrs. Joseph Williams and son. George. We are sorry to report iliss Hattie Wallace quarantined with (German measles. Mrs. Wm. Pavis spent the past i week visiting old friends at Flesher- | ton. .A. number of Eugenia friends met at the home of Mrs. W. .Armstrong of Clinton street and spent Thanksgiv- ing evening. Miss Renii Cargoe is attending the high school of commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeGarti spent Thanksgiving with the latter's sister. Mrs. Will Pedlar. Ceylon. PROTON STATION -A very pleasant social evening was spent in the .Anglican church last Tuesday. .An Latereating progra-Ti was very much enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Pogson presided. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vause returned from Toronto on Monday evening. Mro. Spiers of Erin spent the week end with her daughter, Miss Speirs. the public school teacher here. Miss Speirs spent last week end in Flesh- erton. the guest of Miss Elsie Caswell. Mr. .A. Kergott has been at Kitch- ener attending the sale of the prop- erty of his father, whose death we reported recently. Mrs. Armstrong, who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Cade, re- turned to her home in Guelph last week. Mrs. Hartley, who has been visiting her sster. ill's. Sherson, returned to her home in Hamilton last week. ill. 3crgott, our enterprising blacksmith, has installed a new gas- oline pump at the front of his shop for the convenience of the travelling oublic. The cause of over 100 telephones being put cut of commission in Brantford was discovred on Saturday, when it wis found that scuirrels had gnawed the lead from one of the cables, avowing the rain to short- circuit the wires. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Moikrn Funeral Pzurlor 124 AVENUE ROAI> Toronto, C"-'. 'Phone HiUcxest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks CEYLON Mr. -A. Wiiittaker "nas gone to To- ronto to spend the winter months with his son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMullen and little daugL ,• of Toronto visited the former's fatr.cr, Mr. J. L. McMullen. last week. Mr. Grant Whittaker. two children and niece, Miss Irene Whittaker. and brother of West Toronto motored up and spent the week end with the for- mer's brothers here. Mrs. James Serpent and little son spent a few duys visiting Owen Sound friends. Mr. Percy Hemphill is visiting his sister in Toronto. Mr. Wra. White of Dundalk is \^sit- ir- his son here. Mrs. Richardson of Proton is visit- ing her dauglier, Mrs. Knox. Mr and Mv;- H. Patterson of Stones Line visited ihe former's brother and wife here S;:nday and attended the afternoon service. The home of Mr. J. L. McMullen was invaded on Thursday evenings November IJch. where about forty of the young p.jple of Flesherton came to do honor .o the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. James Hales. The young couple were presented with a handsome dressing table, oak chairs, four kitchen chairs, half dozen each of knives, forks and spoons and a rolling pin. The evening was very pleasantly spent in games and music. Before leaving a dainty luncheon was served by the ladies, after which all repaired to their homes, leaving the happy couple with the best wishes for their journey through life. Mrs. Cummins, who has spent the past fortnight visiting 'ner brother and friends here, left on Monday for her home it Oshawa. She was ac- companied home by her mother. Mrs. [ Mci'onali!. who will spend the winter . with her daughter. The public school scholars .i.-id teacher arc preparing for their annual | concert v.hich they intend holding oii [ December ISth. when they will have a ; i^od program. Santa i^laus and ! Christmas tree. HOUSE OF aUALITY GROCERIES â€" A full line of fresh groceries always on hand. FRLIT â€" Oranges, Grape fruit. Lemons, Ban- anas and other fruit in season. CHOCOLATESâ€" Neilson's bars, bulk and Fancy boxes. FLOUR and FEED Five Roses Flour, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Oatchop, Barley chop and wheat chop. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, S««d<, Cxocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton s Boots & Shoes In men's wear we have them in the latest styles of Oxfords, both black and tan. $4.25 and upward. In ladies we have Oxfords and straps in © ... ^ black, tan and grey, also some nice lines ^ of white shoes. RAM PRE.MIUM POLICY I THOS. CLAYTON I FLESHERTON, - GiNTARlO Si* 9 IN MEMORIAM In laTinic memory of our dear (ika!cht«r. Kuth, who passed away November ITth. 1920. Dearer to memory than word can tell The loss of a dear one we loved so ««U. Ever remembered by mother and father. Mr. aad Mrs. J. TlM»tl«tliw«ite. Last year one hundred farmers in Grey County took advantage of the Dominion Governments Premium Pol- icy on Registered Rams. There were some additional who applied too late to receive the benefit of the policy last winter. The policy is a^ain continued this year. A large number of applica- tions are again through but the De- partment wish to emphasize the fact that all appbcations must be sent in before December 3 1st of the year in which the ran was purchased. The applicant must have at least ten ew^es and all offspring must be docked and castrated. The opportunity to improve your flock is now open to everyone. .Xsk the majority of men who have used a oure tretl ram and invariai<ly they will recommend the pure bred. There should be no hesitency about purehas- injr one when a premium of Ten dol- lars (f 10.00) is oiTered. .\pply for application forms ;^> the Department of A^cttlture. Markdale. PLEASE NOTE The office of this agency will from now on, be in the residence of Mr. deCudmore, Durham Street. Requests for insurance or information on rates etc. may be left at the jewelery store and will receive prompt attention. FLESHERTON INSURANCE AGENCY W. A. ARMSTRONG S. E deCUDMORE ii'Jiittl&^4--

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