Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1924, p. 1

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®hje /kfilj^tt^tt %Hmu. Vol.45 No. 9 Flesherton, Ontario. July 30, 1924 W.H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis have re- turned from th«ir holiday up north, Mrs. Purvis being very much improv- ed in health. Mias Mary Halbert of AUiston and a former teacher here is at present visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Latimer. Miss Halbert has had splendid success with her entrance class, some twelve pupils all passing and one taking honors. This speaks very highly of Miss Halbert's ability as a teacher. Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson of Durham, Mr. Black, M.P.P. and wife and Mr. McBride of Brantford were guests the past week at the Munshaw House. The party visited the Pheasant Island and other points of interest while iere. Mrs. Harold Proctor and babe of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. Em Proctor the past week. Mr. and Mrs. StiUwell (nee) Ella Roy) and daughters, Catharine and Elizabeth, motored from Orange, N.J., and are this week guests at the Eugenia House. Do not forget the anniversary serv- ices in the Presbyterian church here FEVERSHAM Abundance of rain now, but keep smiling. The hay will be gathered ROCK MILLS next Sunday, August 3rd in the mom- in in fair conditipn yet The wet weather of the last few days has delayed the haying opera- Mr. Harry Foester visited his par- ental home at Waterloo recently. Mr.Pike of the power house was a guest at Mr. Leonard Latmer's the past week. Hundreds of cars were in the park on Sunday last. Mr. Robt. Gorley has purchased a fine new Chevrolet car. S. W. Sloan motored up from To- ronto the past week and is spending a few days with friends. Miss Hockley of Markdale is visit- ing her friend, Mabel Hoy, at present. J. E. Large has gone to Niagara Falls on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Latimer have gone to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Frizzell, of Bognor. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hillock of Max- well visited the latter's father, Mr. J. K. Jamieson. _ Mrs. Munshaw is visiting friends at Vandeleur this week, aceoupanied by her grandson. Jack Large. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson of the 8th line have great reason to be proud of their eldest son Jack, who has been successful in passing his entrance exams, at the extremely early age of 10 years. Congratulations. ^ Communion was observed in the Union church here on Sunday and Rev. narrower d«tivered a very able sermon. The anthems and hymns were very appropriate. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kew are visit- ing the latter's parents at present, FAWCETTâ€" On July 21st, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn and two childi'en visited at Mr. Alex. Car- ruthers' the past week. We were pleased to note in last week's issue the success of some of the Flesherton boys of former years. It surely is grand to hear of these old school mates making such wonderful success, when we consider the educa- tional advantages of the days when they attended school, compared to the chance the boys and girls have at the present time. These boys mentioned in the paper last week are self-made men and after all do we not find it the case that invariably a boy who starts out from home with an ordinary pub- lic school education, and very often not even that, finds that he must either sink or swim, generally comes out on top with flying colors, a credit to himself, and to the world in which he moves. Other boys come up in our mind whom we know have made equally as fine a success in the busin- ess world and it would be very inter- esting to all the home folk to hear of these boys, as suggested by Ye Editor in last week's issue. The Liberal-Conservative Associa- tion, with their wives, held a picnic to Wilders' Lake on Wednesday last, when they were the guests of the local member, Hon. Dr. Jamieson and Mrs. Jamieson, at ther summer home. The wild animals which the Dr. has coll- ected and placed in his park were re- viewed with great interest and every one was unanimous in expressing their pleasure and enjoyment of the day. .\ number of our sporting fratern- ity attended a meeting on Wednesday last week which was called at Dur- ham for the purposf of organizing the Grey County Game and Fish Pro- tection .\ssociation, when tho men were met by Hon. Dr. Jamieson, chairman of the Agriculture Com- mission. Mr. Black, M.P.P. of-Adding- ton, chairman of the game and fish committee of the local House, also Mr. McBride of Brantford. .Discuss- ion took place as to ways and means of stocking in local rivers with trout fry for the enjoyment and sport of the sporting public. Resolutions were passed for memorializing the Government to throw open the pre- serve at Eugenia. The feeling of the County was quite unanimous that this be done. These resolutions will be diKussed at the local House at next session and in all probability will be passed. A strong committee was appointed representing every town- ship in the county. One of our local sports, Mr. P. Munshaw, was elected Vice-President. We unedrstand the .Association will meet in the near fu- ture to draw up rules and regulations wb«reby they will be able to help the control and protecton of the game and fl»h, so that thejr will not become extinrt. ing at 11 a.m. and evening at 7.30. Rev. Mr. Harrower will conduct the service in the morning and Rev. Mr. Shamion of Mclntyre in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and babe of Toronto visited one day last week with Mrs. Blakely. Mr. R. A. Neilson of Toronto is re- newing acquaintances in this vicinity. Mrs. Neilson of Toronto is spending her holidays with her parent.*, Mr. and Mrs. Consley. The Misses Binnie of Toronto and their niece, Miss Florence Wright, of Hamilton are at their home here. Miss Allen of Riverview is the guest 01 Mrs. Rcbt. Bates. Miss Carr of Varney visited with -Miss Ruth Stewart, the latter return- ing home with her. Billie Cade has returned from holi daying in Guelph and Toronto. Mrs. Vause is visiting her sister, Mrs. Turner. Margaret Brooks of Dundalk is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Davie. Miss Eileen Tribble of Shelburne is the guest of Miss Marjorie Acheson. Miss Violet Campbell of Owen Sound spent Saturday with Mrs. S. Batchelor. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wiley of Nottawa j j{r Gordon Warling, wife and fam- and Mr. F. Wilep, Jr., and wife of | jjy visited recently at the home of A. Chicago were visitors at Rev. A. Partridge. Mills' last week. j Mr.Clinton Pedlar and wife of De- Mr. and Mrs. Fred McTavish of ; ,jo,t have been visiting friends in Oshawa and Mrs. A. Stewart of Flesh- ] ti,jg vicinitv. erton, were callers at Mr. I. H. Peri- j .^^^^ Flesherton, Cevlon and Rock go's on Thursday last. !j,;,j^ Baptist Sunday school picnic, Nellie Stephens of Singhampton J which was held last Thursday at the visited with her aunt, Mrs. X. J. Con- i Eugenia park, was well attended. The ron and other friends in this village ! afternoon was spent in baseball and last week. I races. .-V happy feature, too, was Mr. George Julian and daughter, 'the splendid supper that was spread Sadie, and Charles Hudson, of Col- i and eaten under the trees on the long hngwood, called on friends in this | tables. Soon after the supper was village on Sunday. lover a heavj- rain came and everybody Miss Marj- Hanley of OrangeviUe I'nad to hurry home, is visiting with her grandmother. Mrs. i Mrs. Irwin of Windsor visited re- Thomas Cooper on the townline. jcently with her sister. Mrs. Les. Mr. Chas. Hornby, who was teller Chard, in the bank here a few years ago, was Mrs. Sam Croft and two sons, renewing old acquaintances here on ; Harvey and Everett, spent last Wed- Sunday and his 'many friends were ;n_esday with her triand. Mrs. Chas. glad to see hi.m again. : Xewell. Mr. and .Mrs. Dickenson. Mr. and . Mrs. H. Phillips of Toronto visited Mrs. Fatheny and daughter. Elsie, of , with Jier brother, Mr. 1. Smith, and VICTORIA CORNERS family. Held over Last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks and ! family, of Toronto, \isited in the neighborhood. Mrs. Newton Bannon ' and two eldest children returned to Toronto with them. Mrs. Geo. Ach- i eson is staying with Mrs. Bannon Sr. and keeping George. Miss Mandy Pate of Dundalk is visiting her friend. Miss Dot Stevens. Miss Ottillie Lockhart, nurse in training from Toronto, is holidaying at home. Her cousin. Miss Des Cor- bett, of Dreamland, is visiting with her. We are pleased to congratulate Joe Stinson, one of our former Victoria boys, for taking the prize at Owen Sound on the twelfth of July, for the best drummer. A number of our people attended the Owen Sound celebration on the twelfth. An • Acheson re-union was held at Vi"^'reu Gallagher's of those not at- tending the larger celebrations on thj Twelfth, there being abo'U ninety I ie:?ent. Miss Violet Stevens, Toronto, is •â- .â- isitiijg at home. We wish to congratulate Miss Dot Mi-s. Meads of Flesherton " visited her sister, Mrs. Vause. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferris were visit- ors last week at Mr. McNalty's. Dr. and Mrs. McWilliam and grand- children of Dundalk visited Mrs. Park and Miss Lena. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson and daugh- ters of Shelburn were visitoi-s at R. G Acheson's last Sunday. Billie Cade has returned from holi- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Bannon. Miss Lillian Carson of Toronto is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Carsop. ' Miss Elsie Cooper, Dundalk, was the guest of Miss Jean McCanneL MAXWELL Creeniore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whiteoak and family on Sunday | Master Dick Hoy is holidaying with last. 'relatives in Toronto for a few wee'KS Miss Norma McKay and Miss j Miss Masy Se:-ley of Detroit visited t „ c n » i. i â- m j Phemia Graham of Owen Sound are , the oast week with her friend, Mrs. I ^-ejens, ^,teUa Acheson, also Maud holidaying in this village with their IW. J. Chard. friend. Haze! Alexander. j jir. and Mrs. Chas. Newell, Mr. and Mr. Robt. Brown Sr., Mr. E. Robin- : Mrs. W. J. Newell and babe motored son, Mr. Geo. Julian and Chas. Hud- 'to Durham Sunday and visited with son had a look at some of the old j^reiatives there. lajid marks, while the latter two ! Jij^s Wilson of St.- Catharines was latter two gentlemen were here from ithe guest lai?t week of Mr. Walter CoUingwood. and visite i Bethel ceme- i \i;itt and family tery where so many of this district's : .^^^ chas. Howard and babe of To- early settlers are laid to rest. Infaci:y^„j^ ^^^ ^^^^,^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^. ^^^j., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .A.. i Partridge. Master Ivan .Alexander is holiday- , ji^. jj j La.j^hlin. Willie and Bella. visted last week with the former's GIFTS Be they for a Wedding. Birth- day or any other event, we h»»e just what you would like to gw«. The quality of our Gift Merch- andise is of the very highest, yet we can offer the sanM to yoa at very rea.-sonable prices. We shall be pleased to have yoa look over our selections. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, Ont. all '.\\^ above gentlemen ones laid there. In fact have- dear ing at Port McNicholl with his sister. Mrs. Will Colquelte. mother near Feversham. ^9'^^'~^'\,^''-'^r'u'^"'^V^^-^''' ^^-'^- I iiiss Edith Robc«son of Maxwell to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wniteoak. a j^-^j ^he guest of her uncle. Mr. Robt. Akitt.a few days last week. daughter. The Misses Bessie and Helen Dand of Toronto are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquett^. Mrs. Sanderson Hudson has return- ed home to Port Huron after a month's visit with friends in this locality. Mr. Chas. Newell has had his res- idence re-shingird and other repairs done. Mr. M. Kerton did the work. The U.F.W.O. club will hold their annual meeting at the heme of Mrs. .A. Cameron on Wednesday. .August 6. A good attendance is requested as the Mr. R. F. Guy and two children, who has been visiting Toronto friends the past couple of weeks, has returned to her home here. Mrs. WiU Robertson and two little daughters of Toronto a/".? visiting with Mrs. Tom Guy and other relat- ives in the vicinity. Mrs. (Sev.. Duffield has gone on an extended visit to her parents and other friends in Bracebridge. Mr. Chas. Heron of Buffalo, cousin of Mr.' Chas. Heron of Maxwell, who has been visiting here for some little time, has returned home. Mrs. C. Heron of Maxwell accompanied him.to visit friends in Buffalo and Toronto for a while. Mrs. W. E. Irwin and little daugh- ter, Ruth, have returned to their home in Windsor after a three weeks' visit with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Quite a number from here Sunday at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brodie visited Miss Mc.Arthur, our past school teach- er, and other friends in Owen Sound over the week end. Miss Jolley, Mrs. Kernahan. Mrs. Hanley and Miss Jewel Wilson of St. Catharines were visitors with Mrs. Lawlor the past week. The .Anglicans are holding a ganlen party on the Orange Hall grounds here on Thursday. July 31st. The grim reaper has again visited our community and carried away one of our oldest and most highly respec- ted residents in the person of Mr. Robert Fenwick. ,,Mr. Femsick had been confined to a -wheel chair for the past couple of years. He was a staunch Methodist all his life here and a good supporter of his church. His funeral was very largely attended He leaves a wife, eight sons and one daughter to mourn his loss. Miss Macklem of CoUingwood spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .A. J. Conron. PORTLAV/ spent TORONTO LINE, NORTH VOTERS' LIST - Municipalitv of the TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA County of Grey Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 10 of the Voters' Lists .Act and I have posted up at my office in Flesherton on the 2nd day of .August. 1924. the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. .And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omission* correct- ed according to law. Dated this 2nd dav of .August 1924 W. J. BELLAMY. .Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Conron and I election of new officers will take place Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson and â-  two children and Mrs. McKee of To- jronto and Mrs. S. Osborne and son of 'Collingw-od. motored up and visited \ with the former's brother. John I Robertson ^id family. The Sunday school picnic was held \ Mr. and Mrs. .A. J. Richards, Detroit in Mr. Hopps' grove and attracted a Mrs. Robt. Lee and Mrs. Jas. Park, good attendance, and a thoroughly i Owen Sound, visited the latter's enjoyable time was spent by all. .An daughter. Mrs. Dick Clark, abundance of good things were spread ; The Ladies' .Aid will hold their on the tables by the ladies. Mr. ! meeting at the home of Mrs. .Isaac W yville provided cooling refresh- j Smith on .August 2tOh. '"^'"*' i James Par'i visited in Owen Sound Mrs. S. -Arnott Sr., centre line, who ' over the we-^k end unfortunately sustained a fracture of j j^^ and .Marjorie Lee of Owen a leg recently isprogressmg as fav- 1 5^^^,^ ^^.^ ^.j^j^j^ ^^^-^ ^.^^^ j^^.^^ orably as can be expected. .AIT are > d\q]^ Clark hoping for ultmate recovery. j J Mr. and Mrs. John Hannah and Mr. i and Mrs. .Abram Hannah of Markdale ; visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert j Hannah here. j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jamieson and their family of five of Toronto mot- \ ored up and are visiting at W. G. ! Jamieson 's and with other friends. | Mrs. J. L. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. ' -Albert Haney and family of Toronto : are visiting at the home of the form- er's sister. Mrs. Wm. Tajrtor. | Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell of Dun- dalk* also Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamieson I and family of Toronto visited with ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons. The ordinance of baptism was ad- : ministered on Sunday last in Mount Zion church \o the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shiers. Mr Robertson and two daughters of Toronto visited with the former's sister. Mrs. J. Hi!!, and other relatives here. Mrs. S. Wauchope, Mr. Wesley Rhodes and lady friend of Toronto visited c.t Lewis Sheardow-n's. Tiie former remains with her daughter. Mrs. Sheardown. for a longer stay. Mrs. H. Arnott of Ceylon spent a day at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Wilson. .Mr. and .Mrs. D. Blakey and family of Toronto are visiting friends in this part. Mr. Will Taylor of Toronto holiday- ed at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver of Shelburne visited with friends on the centre line. .Acheson of Proton on their success at ! Nonnal School, also Margaret Moore ' for entrance exams, and Otiillie Lock- . hart on nurse-in-ti-aining exams. Mrs. S. W. Woodian of Smithville is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Chas. . Moore. Miss Mabel Murphy is visiting at Mr. .Jas. Best':- and Carl Atkinson's. Mrs. Walter ^.cheson and daughter, : Maud, are visit'.-ig in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wade of To- ; ronto \Tsited over the week end with . the latter's couc.n, Mrs. Chas. Moore \ and family. Inistioge held a most successful gaden party on Friday evening near the churc'n. The excellent program provided by the Vandeleur and Dun- dalk baseball teams, the former winn- ing, and most excellent m->isic by Dundalk band, also readings and rec- itations. The proceeds amounted to $150. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Parlor 124 AVENUE ROAD Toronto, Ont. 'Phone Hillcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks Miss Mitchell returned to her home in the city ;'.t'ter holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns. Mrs. -Albert Stewart ivsited -with Fevershan friends last week. Mrs. J. K. Lever of Markdale call- ed on frier! -Is here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brow.i on the arrival of a daughter c-i Saturday, July 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murdock and family of Palgrave spent the week end with the former's aunt, Mrs. W. Burnett. The sheep owners in this vicinity have installed a dipping tank at Mr. Chas. Stewart's. Mr. ami ilrs. Wm. .Alcox spent Sun- day at Kiniberley. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. PedL-.r of Port law spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens. Mr. a.id Mrs. Ed. Biunett, Mrs. Robert Burnett and two sons. Rovden and Ned. of Durhapi. Mr. J. Mc- Kcchnie 01 Toronto and Mrs. Taylor of Meadowvale wore recent visitors at W Bi:rnett'?. SHELDON MYERS Builder and Contractor HOUSE OP QJJALJTY GROCERIES â€" A full line of fresh groceries always on hand. FRUIT â€" Oranges, Grape fruit. Lemons, Ban- anas and other fruit in season. CHOCOLATESâ€" Neilson's bars, bulk and Fancy boxes. FLOUR and FEED Re Fl ive r\oses nour, oran, Br Short s, Screenings, Oatchop, Barley chop and -wheat chop. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Se*d«, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton. €-i§J»iJC©©§0^©©€-©0©©c50®€OOO^©©©^&««O-^ SHINGLES .AND FLOORING L.AID .\LL KINDS OF REP.MR WORK Flesherton, - Ont. '.ln;eni.ieii for last week) CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robert Fenwick and family wish to thank their many friends for their sympathy and assistance during the illness and death of their beloved husband nnd father. Methodist Church, Fle\sherlon SUNDAY, AUGUST 3RD Pastor Will Preach Communion Service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Mr. R. J. Wood$,M.P. 9.30 a.m. â€" Simdav School District Young People's picnic at Massie on July 30th at 2.30 p.ni. Baseball. â€" Presentation of Missionary Shield .Ml yonns people invited. Bring your own basket © Boots & Shoes In mens wear we have them in the latest styles of Oxfords, both black and tan. In ladies we have Oxfords and straps in black, tan and grey, also some nice lines of white shoes. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAR lO

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