Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1923, p. 8

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itejnber 26, 1923 TflE BtESHERTON ADVANCE LARGE NUMBER OF ENTRIES FOR FAIR A Saving Of and On the Sedan On the Coupe NOW On or about January 1st, 1924, the Ford Motor Co. ol Canada, Ltd. will be in production on a new Four-door Sedan and a new Coupe iden- tical with those now being produced in the United States. The prices on these new models will be: 4-door Sedan - Coupe - - - $98<i.OO - 755.00 We have on hand a limited number of the present Coupe and Two-door Sedans which can be obtained at thr following prices: 2-door Sedan - Coupe - - - - $685.00 - 595.00 This frank statement of merchandising and production policies is made to settle all the rumors that have been circulated regarding Ford cars and prices in Canada. The considerable saving in price on present models gives you the opportunity of driving your Ford closed car this winter. Price* ol New Models 4-door Sedan S98S.OO - - 755.00 Prices ol Present Models 2 door Sedan - $685. Coupe j 595. All price* quoted are K. O. B. Ford, Ontario ami do not include government taxes. With winter close at hand this differential in price should be all the more attractive. You can obtain the advantages oi closed car comfort and distinction by availing yourself now of these prices. H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, Ont. FORD MOTOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO With two more days to go before the big day of Flesherton Fair on Friday, Sept. 28th, Secretary Haw- ken informs The Advance that the exhibits will equal if not pass the record set last year, when fully twelve hundred entries were received for the different classes. Entries have been piling in by hundreds the past week and all departments are expected to bo. filled up. A large number of first-class and speedy horses are coming for the races on Friday, when three fast events are on the card. Some of the prominent horses of the country for miles around will be on hand, and a large crowd is expected to enjoy khein. In fact if the weather keeps warm as it has been the past few days one of the largest crowds the Fair has enjoyed for years will no doubt be on hand. The concert in the high school in the evening will be given by real talent Bert Lloyd & Co. f com To- ronto. An extra special feature this year will be a cartoonist and enter- tainer, who can draw anything and no doubt will create a good impress- ion. Come and meet your friends at the Flesherton Fair. Chopping dona on Saturdays only. Graham Bros., Eugenia. Held District Meeting SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customer* in the iix com- mun^f ie* may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively astoclatei with high quality merchandue at th fairest po**iblc pricei. A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY Exceptional Beauty and Absolute Correc tness of Style Distinguish Hill's Presentation of ^ Fall Millinery and Ladies' Ready -to Wear Garments The Methodist ministers and repre- sentative laymen of the Owen Sound District held their financial District Meeting at the New England appoint- ment of the Kimberley circuit on Tuesday, Sept. 18th. The chairman, Rv. John Locke, of Owen Sound pre- sided at the morning and afternoon session and Mr. R. D. Little, Owen- Sound, acted as chairman in the even- ing. t The morning session and part of the afternoon were devoted to the trasaction of business in regard to the financial and spiritual interests of the District. At the afternoon and evening ses- sions Rev. Dr. Lang, representative of the Department of Social Service and Evangelism, spoke on the sub- jects of Evangelism and Temperance. Also Rev. Dr. Norman, missionary from Japan, gave two very interest- ing addresses on the progress of Christianity in Japan. At the ses- sion in the evening Rev. R. Spencer, Dundalk, gave an address on the Hailcybury fire. Mr. Spencer was minister at Haileybury at that time. He showed what advantage had come to the church through this fire. How church union had been accomplished in llaileybury. The people of New England are to be commended for the royal way in which they entertained their visitors The ladies provided both dinner and supper in the basement of the church Music for the evening session was pivcn !>y the choir, ass if ted by Mrs Thompson and Mrs. Veales. The dominant note of the sessions was a call for a deeper interest in the BYangelizing of the people for Christ on the part of both minister and laymen. Dr. and Mrs. Murrav, Rev. and Mrs Lowmles, Henry Down, W. H. Bunt and Rev. H. H. Eaton attended the meeting from FlcRht-rton. Honored The Bride : Frocks to suit YoUr individuality Our showinjr of new Autumn frocks includes dn i: ,- pes for very occasion in styles to moot individual preferences. Here are street dresses of smart wool- ens of the newest weaves, Alltymc Crepe and other Silk weaves. .Some are imported direct from New York. OUuM.i .-.re manufactured by some of our hijjhest'-elas." Canadian Mntiii.rnctiirers. In every instance whether it lie a New York production or a high class Canadian j.:;irl]ii'nt, you are assured that the Btyle is absolutely ci TIM l^ -and -the workmanship the very liest rfhd all are moderately priced at S12.:>0 to $25.00. Piquant hats that belong to Autumn With their air of smart assuVnncc these hats seem designed foi' these pleasant Autumn days. So var- ied are tin- styles that every preference is success- fully Miet and this possibility of pleasing ho:.-e makes the purchase of a new-hat a pleasure. An important feature is the price which we believo it- lower than similar high class millinery is sold at elsewhere in nny store in Canada. A liij? selection at the popular price of 81.95. Now the New Winter Coats VVitli Juck Frost lying in wait "just around the corner" its a wise policy to purchase your winter coat now. Here arc quality coat.; of new soft smooth woolens which tailor KO well, and luxurious- ly braided wraps of various new fabrics, smartly fur-collared. Lonfr lines are emphasized in many types of coats, and the side closing and lurgu button seems important in most models. Prices from S14.75 to $37.50. Union Homespun Dresses $3.95 This is a remarkable dress for such u low price. '1 hey arciiuore than house dresses. While distinctly practical' and serviceable for wear in the kitchen they are 1 HO trimmed with braid and button;;, that they ser^ie admirably for afternoon frocks in which to receive the neighbourly caller. Quantity limite/t' Very special at $3.95. Spats for women and School Girls Never before have Markdale shoppers been offer- ed such a large assortment of spats from which to make a selection. Our showing includes many heights and (|unlities in felts and beautiful qualities of high grade broadcloths in all the wanted shade*. Our hip buying power enables UK to sell these p.t pi ices that mean a big saving to our customers. Specially priced at per pair !!)5c. to $2.50. 1 On Thursrli'.y evening of last wuek > [ Mrs. Jan. Patton entertained a num- ber of younpr people in honor of Mr. a7id Mrs. .1. F. Sewcll, who had retur- ned from their honeymoon. A very enjoyable time was spent in music and games. A dainty lunch was served at the cluse. On Tuesday evening a large num- ber of ladiest waied on Mr*. Scwell ( nee Joan Re-id at her home and pre- .'i-aleil her with a set of sqlvr knives, forks iiml spoons, a bed spread and "Maggie's" rolling pin the latter is said to he an object of offence, de- fence and safety. A very jolly was spent. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Pres. Guild Officers The Young People's Guild of the Presbyterian church held their elec tion of officers for the coming year and the following were elected : Prcs., Miss Mary McMillan; Vice Pres., Miss Wary Patton; Sec., Elsie Ferris; Trcaa., Albert Sparks; ' Devo tional Convenor, Miss Mary Patton Missionary, Mr. Jos. McKee; Educa rtional, Miss B. Stewart; Social, Mrs. A. Down; Organist, Mrs McCallum Flower Com., Mrs. Wilson. Missionaries To China Among those who havy recently left Oanadu for Missionary service in China we notice the name of Mr. an'd Mrs. Harold lluke Brown of Toronto. Mr. -Brown was a former teaelwr in Fleshcrton high school, having taufrht here prior to 1UM, Mrs. BioWn w- f >;; formerly Mis. 1 ; Marguerite Weasels and prior to her nmrr'mco Was a bacteriologist in tJio University of Toronto and on the Provincial Board of Health. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Brown success in their ^ : Small Advertisements Truck" For Rnt 1 % ton truck for rent. G^B Welton, Flesherton. Came Astray Airdale dog came astray. T. Fisher, Flesherton. j Hound Lost Black and tan. Find- j er please comrfiunicate with W. A. ! Fisher, Maxwell R.R. 'Wanted Laborers wanted at once ' on the Eugenia pipe line. apply to A. C. Scott, Eugenia . For^ale BrooeTsow with UtteiTof 'igrs. A. Cameron, Eugenia. Phone 'eversham. For Sale Bird's Mackinaws, tweeds and yarns at the Feversham tailor shop. H. Alexander. Pigs For Sale Seven weeks, and three months old, about 20 of them. H. Genoe, Kle.sherton. For Sale First class four-burner oil stove with oven. T. C. Blakely, Flesherton. ^ Dog Lost Black an I white Beagle, young dog, in the Valley about tw weeks ago. Finder please notify B. Welton, Flesherton. FARMS FOR On the Toronto Line ProvindaT Highway. Three farms, two of 10ft- acres and one of 60 .acres all elearai. First class buildings, up to date m every particular.. Will sell' any one of these. Good brisk house on one of the farms. The stabling for anni- mals is perfect. One farm has ten acres hardwood bush and another nundred has three acres of timber and has buildinnga for everything needed, including ooultry house and pig pens.- No broken land and clear of weeds. 'Any person interetOMfc she u Id investigate. JAS. STINSON, Imy Protom Station P.O. FARM FOR SALE STRAYED From my ranch one Silver Black Fox. Information will be gladly received. Chas. Moore, Proton Station. For Sarle 15 colonies of Italian bees in Lang-strath hives, also well ripened honey. Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia, Ont. Lot 16and 17, 1st lange W.T. if. S.R., 100 acres, 2 miles, south of Fle- sherton on the" Provincial Highway ; 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and swamp land. For par- ticular* apply to Mrs. M. Thistleth- waite, Flesherton. House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; 1%: acres of land. Residence of the late John Breen. Apply to > JK)HN WRIGHT, For Sale 11 young pigs for sale, 5 weeks old, also one horse rising four years, broken. . Would exchange for cattle or sell outright. Harry Patton, Flesherton R.R. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. Boar For Service Purebred . Registered Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard. Famous 77530^-on lot 167, S.W.T. 4 S.R., At- emesia. Termsfl.BO. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those \ in -pig. |Feb.l5 T. J. STINSON, FARM FOR SALE Lot 12, Con. 18, Osprey, 100 acres, bank barn 40 x 60, frame house with stone cellar, well in woodshed, small orchard; 40 acres under cultivation, rest pasture and bush. Apply for particulars to JAS. T. McKKN/IK. 15 Oct. Feversham. Boar For Service Purebred Tamworth Boar for serv- ice on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Artwne- sia. Terms $1.60. -Sows not retur- ned will be charged same asthose in House and Lots For Sale House and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good celar, stable, etc. ; about an asre of land, would make a good home for a retired gentleman. For terms and particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Imytf T. J. STINSON, Prop. Bull Far Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier f Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms Tot- grades |2, thoroughbreds $5. H. C. RADLEY A SON, ! IJne Flesherton^ BUSINESS CARDS ' FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Lots 9 and 10, Con. 3, N. O.R., Osprey, 95 acres cleared, bal- ance jyood harwood. Brick house; barn 44 x 55, good stabling; hen house; Hard and soft water. For full particulars apply to KOBT. HILL, 1 Oct. Maxwell P.O. Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dent> surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto- j and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ! of Ontario. Gas administered for i teeth extraction. Office at residence! Toronto Stret, Flesherton. HKIFKU STRAYED From my premises on the flth Con., Artemesia, sometime during the past couple months, red and white yearling heifer, with pig ring in right ear. Anybody knowing the whereabouts of this animal please communicate with H. M. PEDLAR, Ceylon 1>.O. FOR SALE Good house and lot, splendid loca- tion in PriccvJlle, owner obliged to r-ell owing to ill health, position as keeper of Pricovill" Fox Co., Ltd.. goes with purchase to suitable per- : on. For price terms and all parti- culars apply to the umlersigneoL A. FORD, Priceville, Ont. Dr. W. G. Davis. L.D.S.. graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal ' College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario I Office at the cor. of Queen St., H. and ! Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 1388 Dr. A. TurnbnII, B.A., M.B., frrad- j uate from the Faculty "of Medicine, ' University of Toronto. Oflice Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 35. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. A 1 A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- I strong Block, Flesherton, every Fri- 'day <>n or before the Cull moon. A. | Sinclair, W.M., A. E. Bellamy, Sec. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. 1?. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. ; Henry, P.. A. Offices, Markdale Lucas- Block. Phone 2. Bngnch offices at .Dundalk and Durham. TAILOR IH SINESS FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON First-class tailor business in Flesh- erton to be sold at onco at a bargain. B<>st of reasons for selling. Real thriving business. One who could lead band would do extra well. For full particulars apply to -T. C. BLAKELY, Flesherton. Telford & Hirnlc, Barristers, soli- citors, etc., OfficesGrey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block. Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr.; J. F. P. Birnie. Wm. h;iitiin:;. Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Sjincoe.. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., Satisfaction -'guar- anteed. Arrangements for dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office. Fevershanv of by addressing me at Feversham. full Line of Hardware For AH Purposes % .v.v.v.w Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy AVWWW PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. 5 : fl r , t D.McKILLOP FSHERTON, . - , ONTARIO HK ' ': . i

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