Address communications to Agronomist, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto PLANT BULBS FOR EARLY FLOWERING PmiiTRY TO WIN POULTRY TO W1IN HIGH PRICKS { mches wide and eleven inches ' in the hardy and miked flower border, six mcnes wiae, ana , ,>,..' ._ju:_.,. ,.,,.,-, ,,t if '""* " il1 *" lM " flvft or six-round ' ""> ii'i" ;1 . nt it, the surface, but when digging it is] kept well down in the soil so that it is covered to a depth of quite eight { inches. On no account use fresh ma- nure, as this is liable to induce dis- jease; rather rely upon leaf mold with j a little bone meal, or use bone meal Daffodils or narcissuses are'lndis- alone, but mix it thoroughly with the pensablc to our list of spring'flowers 80 - and should be freely used in thc gar-! FWIWrln* digging, rake the surface den. They may be planted in clumps carefully until it is quite flat, or there may be a marked difference in the of flowering of the same variety long, will hold a five or ""-pound j ".tirilteed'in meT,w''"lot 8 " "aVound of bulb, for, after the mulch is remov- In selling poultry, quality count*, roaster or two broilers. ' e bird SSSS^ASlSSL, n shrubbery ed. the sun's rays warm the soil on nd quality is secured not only by the | are nicely *****&" or ope * WOO(R Mogt ' eharming &n l the south side of a raised bed leaving proper growth of the birds, but also per, they open '. nntu a , effects bp had b * lant _ the north side cold and shaded, so that; in the manner of dressing and the end of the journey. tfce daffodl , , n g Broaa but " thc bulbs there will not flower for at; SOMETHING TO SELL EVERY DAY. | irrejfu , ar are ^ mm effec . . least a week or even longer after those dressing method of shipping. For successful marketing it is im- portant that the whims of the market The poultryman should try to dis- wher a ew bubs arpant- on the side. ^ tribute his produce over more of the ed at uniform distances. After the ground freezes, cover the be studied before it is decided what ' twelve months than he docs. Instead whcn p j antinK in ' Krnsa set the beds with a tw - incn la y er of leave9 breed to keep. Some markets call for \ O f keeping the spring chickens all bulbg dpepi go thnt the roots ^j, al . or rough litter to prevent the frost small roasting fowls, others for med- ] summer long and marketing them in ways be ab]c to have 8ome necpssnry from penetrating below the bulbs; but Sum, and still others for large. A se- , the fall, some of them at least might mo j sturet thi3 being mogt d es i ra blo aa soon as n11 da "S er ot severe frost is lection must be made accordingly, be marketed throughout the season BE during the flowering and ripening per- over - thc mulch is rcmoved . bein S care ' Here, in Canada, the yellow-skinned broilers. Broilers command two or iod later It lg mogt i mportnnt tba t f ul not to har . m the top3 which ma y carcass is in demand, while in foreign three times as much per pound in May the i eavpB are ncver ctlt unti i tney nve "oade thcir w y through the sur- countries they want white-skinned . and early June as they would bring have died awgy , naturu u y face of the bed. birds. | as roasters in the fall. Hens that ( It ls al| a( j vanta)re to p i ant car i y; The market, too, is largely influ- 1 have practically completed thoir use- jn fact( some Krower8 hold that the .rrv enccd by advertising. The buying pub- . fulness, and have passed through tl.a bu)bg K ^ ou]d ho in the Kroun( j before POULTRY. lie becomes prejudiced to a consider- breeding season, should be eted , the fall rains come, arguing that a| Boile<1 purnpkiri mlxed with bran able extent Our epicures will not as soon as the breeding season is oven wet bed u B i to(?other aRaingt their ; makes an appetizing mash to develop take to a white-skinned table fowl Hens in June bring considerably more we n_ being before they have be(fun io ^ ^ crop capacity in the pullet? when it comes to poultry, but they than they do in October and if mar-, |t roots if you ha ve to plant after This ha8 been successfully used oy are eager for whuc-skinned turkeys or ketcd in June or July, do not c ompete tho bed . very ^ , Me somfl dry 1 Scvera ,, breeder8 in forcing the growth other fowl. What's the difference? I with cockerels which are marketed as 8oi , under an(j RrwnA each bulb> fof ^ w^ ^^ ^ g them on the don't know, but the whims of tho buy- ! roasters in October or November. j anything in better than planting in i av i ne ra tion to produce winter otrtrs Ing public must be catered to or busl- First-class market stock is well fat- soil that ig 8ponKy wet Daffodils When chicks have been marked with nr^sups. ted, so that the breast-bone does not should be in p]ace Bnd reaf)y to |frow ^^ ^ ^ examine tho ESTABLISHING A REPUTATION. stick out like the keel of a boat , yeiv whell lhe soi , bp< . omes WPt and whUo g Boon after the bjrds reach broi , While the market prefers brands of , > w moated, well dressed, cleanly p CK- it , Btin warm Tho idfia , g to have ^ Jf ^ ^^ ^ ^^ known reputation, it is possible to ere- '< not a " roughed up or torn, no pm thcm in place Bufflriently caHy for ' u R wi ,, cauge a ^ m the ate a demand for your own product. I fathers left In, nor the legs ' them to make pood long roots during! winR j think it u usually best to have in mind an enterprising poul- left dlrt y- Such 8 J U) ? k ' 'f P acKea October, and then the less growth Sub9titute \ CK bands for the wing 1 R**. _ . nonaAnt . .,t .. , ( l lr*\MTiniy BlmenT- BBk^M _!.- .:!! *1 1- Al. - 1 .i f , -^ I markers as soon as thc birds are half Krown. terer who puU a leg-band on each fowl i P re8ent a neat "* m v ' tin . PP enr - they make till March the better for shipped U, market. This band is 10 ancc - wl command good prices n ne tbem . Mail tlie Coupon. and Watch tlie Mail It will bring you at once a copy of our booklet "Buy Ing Bonds on the Partial Payment Plan." There- in you will find a sane, workable plan for budgeting your income and a simple method for the investment of a monthly surplus no matter how large or small in sound securities. A systematic programme of saving an J investing a determined portion of your earning! is the foundation of an independent income. Our Partial Payment Plan will enable you to do this. During the next few months you can become the owner of a safe $200, $500 or $1,000 bond. Just send us your name and address on the coupon below and full particulurs will be mailed to you. arvis & Co. JJMITED 293 Bay Street Toronto Kindly send me a copy of "Buying Bonds on the Partial Payment Plan." Name , * Address ............................................................................... _.. Drtaich Offices : Montreal, London, Ottawa, NCTV York, London, Enf. 1 i n Y t IT Useful broody coops can be made fastened on the leg that it can not be or f n mcmth 1 m the u year ,^ Sl " n \ Daflfodil. appear to succeed best Jn uselul Droouy ^ uc 1Ilaw taken off, and on it is the advertise- " tO( ; k ', Bev " al monti \ a o1 ^' lum P: a loam soil, ami even a clay soil wh/ch b hanging the shipping crates merit of his farm. ( backed white mealed and crooked b rca ks up readily when dug is better a nin3t tha , t housc walls near | The carcasses are put up in special breast fd, are not wanted In market. i for t h er n than one approaching muck jthe neatinf( sections. The slatted side cartons one good, fat, yellow-skinned WEIGHTS KOR MARKET STOCK. | J Peat, but the plnnter^csn generally ; of a shippinK cl . atc forms the bottom! "of the broody coop. Each crate will, hold six or eight broody hens and they break up more quickly when setting fowl, neatly dressed, wrapped in oiled Broiler weights should be from one trust to the goodness of the ordinary paper in each carton. On this carton and one-fourth to two pounds each t| prarden soil. is printed not only the name of the the lighter weights being in demand Tulips cannot be omitted from our THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON SEPTEMBER 30 farm, but a brief story of thc class of from January to July, the heavier for l s t. a nd although the many magni-j on the B j ats because there is no chance bird and how it was fed, housed and the remainder of the year. Squab- "cent late-flowering varieties have be-> for thcm to make any res cmblance to _ . -, , .... . . -. _ carod for. The buyer is prepared for broilers, weighing three-fourths of 1iB" the most popular for bedding . ncgt ag jg the case whcn con fined Keview : l,reat Men and Women ot the New I estament. feast before it is placed on the table, pound each, are in demand only! Purposes, the continuous display cnn in a p on t he ground. nd when U'sted it meets the require- through January, February and the on 'y b <> maintained by utilizing the; Now is thc time ^ pre p arc to store flowering varieties also, includ- up plenty of mBllBetai ca bbages and types. cul j veKe tabIes for thc hens. Where ments. Naturally, that brand becomes early part of March. thc demand of that family. In time' Roasting fowls should range from "'(? h tn single and double the call for this poulterer's goods be- five pounds a pair early in the season] Grown in good soil, .double er.rly flow-; a su fft c i t , nt supply is lacking it is came so great that dealers telegraph- to ten and twelve pounds a pair in. erin K tulips will frivp you blooms al-i ftcn pos8 j b i e to purchase a large d "rush orders." i the fall and early winter. Hens weigh-! m st as 'an?e a" those of the peony. quant j ty f ro rn neighbors at a reason- Much of the dressed poultry con-' ing four or five pounds each sell bet-;ese. glorious double flowers remain Igned to commission houses in large ter than either larger or Smaller' 1 " prime condition much longer than the single type. TULIPS IN ALJ, TIIKIR (1LORY. May-flowering tulips come to us in Golden Text Wherefore, seeing we also are compass- ed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight , and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Heb. 12: 1. i- birds cking invigor cities sells low because the carcasses stock. are not dressed and packed with skill. | Capons weighing about six pounds It is of prime importance that the each command readiest sale,-'but the poultry products be placed on the larger birds nine, ten pounds and; all their glory after the overwhelming and' hatching eggs that will not pro- Qiristian^wav market in a condition that will make more bring better prices. The above rush of early spring flowers is on the! duci- vigorous chicks. ividualitv Am able price. In sections where the win-j We have been companying, for three do for Mary? How did she show her tors are long the poultryman cannot months, with some ofthe great ones of gratitude? What did Mary do on the afford to neglect green f , tu. If the the early days of the Christian, morning of the Resurrection? supply gives out early in thc winter it Church. To-day they arc all before! LESSON VII. True Friendship them appear as inviting as possible, weights arc all for dressed poultry. It is not enough to turn out superior! MARKET NOTES BOILED DOWN. separate not destroy indi^What did Jesus say about Martha's And how tremendously hu-; worries? (Luke 10: 41-42.) What did The poultryman who receives tt quotations for his product i to mo i t ... , ebb. Just as thc last of the daffodils Plan on cleaning thc laying-houses man t ), C y & \\ are truly our brothers Jesus do for them? (John 11:31-46.) and other extra curly flowers are and filling them with clean straw on nnd sisters. And yet how rich in the How did Mary show her gratitude? quickly passing away, along come the sunny fall days. Then you are ready fruition of lives lived humbly and (Mark 14: 3-9.) late tulips, made up of Darwi::s, for the cold fall rains and chilly winds faithfully in the service of our com- LESSON VIII. The t old h s before hev start breeders 'and 'the' old-fashioned" Eng- ; wh'k'Mri ve" unprotected poultry many.nion Lord! .<-.---..-- ., t- . _-.!.,_ ..,-_ x. L _... .u. ; o_v n _ First Christian Martyr. Why was Stephen chosen to throughout the year is the one who studios "how, when and where" to' April broilers must weigh one and one-half pounds ench. market. He learns that during cer-j Market as soon as dcsired wcight taip months in the year there is a is ,, a j ne d bortag* of different kinds of poultry | lish cottage varieties. Thc essential point., for success are birds busily scratching in clean colds. It is a satisfaction to have the' Perhaps thc best thing to do is to apostles? (Acts 6: 5.) What to his arrest? Why was he stoned to death? How did he die? beds nnd early plantine:. latter i point will always largoly depend upon j studied has given us, somewhat after the following manner. Generous Spirit In what way befriend Paul? (Acts 9: -, Packages for shipment should not 1 local conditions, for if the tulips arc! The women of the Holy Land, usi j o h n the Baptist-^his fearlessness, I?' 31 '* What fine thing is written of products, and he plans to produce as we j K h over 100 poumh I 10 occu Py the beds now filled with soon as their babies are able to sit; and self-forgctfulncss as he pioneered Barn|1 !1 ' ' ; large a quantity s possible of these Monday is the best killing day of summer flowers, it is usual to delay alone, place them astride their shoul- : the way to a higher and more spiritual products during thc season of scant' +v ' Al1 4| l ' J nnu- ....*,... # xr:.:.. .......... i;fa supply. He then ascertains in which 1 A^tag on e markets he can dispose of these goods advertist , ment . Mary, the Mother of Jesus her packs them according to the require- ments of those markets. THE PACKAGE SELLS TIJE GOODS. The old style of shipping dressed poultry in barrels and large packing- boxes is not used by the present-day poultryman. The most popular pack- until they have become panne, or per-jders. The women of Nigeria carry, A tir on pvorv rHrra* croid ' haps killed by the first frost. We al ' their now-born babies in calabash .. 1 go^u,. ^._ j....l_ t _ i ,...,; i _u_ii. The Tera women in Africa 1 8lm P' e faith in God and her mother 1 love? 'i inl fidi*litv Torn skin will cripple the price o r P', ant f a , arouna , UM ! m'" ^ or ucloder. | carry tneir chiUren slung ^ in their! gimon Peter il so near to m in LESSON X. What is the Paul? Paul the Dauntless. first mention made of thc carcass. There must be uniformity of color, grade and size. The beds are first cleared, removing waist-cloths behind thcm and cover , human frailty, and yet such the old plants, and if it happens that their heads with calabash shells to gpjration in the heights of heroism the ground was not manured in the protect them from the sun. For a year and devotion attained by a life finally What made him so bitter Christianity? Have some tell the circumstances attend- con version? How did Paul tn .ithe Christian show his zeal and cour- Never ship in cedar boxes, as cedar 8 P rillK ' a tw - incrl la X er of well- after the Bayiika babies are born they taints the flesh. Thc soft roaster is a young fowl weighing four pounds. age to-day for dressed poultry is the| Ncver ship to a commission house box holding one dozen carcasses. ! before first writing. These boxes are made in definite sizes) All poultry should be killed the day .to contain similar-sized birds; but in before making shipment. parking them for shipment, it is nee- essary to see that the birds fit tight, else they may become bruised and spoil in the journey. The boxes should be lined with parchment paper; and for fancy qual- When possible have the color of the skin of dressed carcasses match. decayed manure is spread evenly over are not washed. Efficient Silo Filling BY EARL ROGERS. Some four years in filling my own , then three near the top, and when silo and helping to fill several in the j finishing I hud four men tramping. I of devotion and of service. i I LESSON XI. Warning and Encour- Christ-mastered '\agementfromtheLifeofMark. Who John the Apostle thc man of the was J 9 hn Mark - and w " at great op- loving heart, who has shown us that P 01 " 1 .""'^ ( |J. d , ht ' have? . Wherein did love gives insight, virility, gentleness, h full j _.y ho gave him a second power to a human life. ,chance? Did he make good? What ia Matthew the Publican-who found, the chief lesson for us? the higher scales of values in life, and 1 LESSON XII. How Luke Helped yielded his life to the highest motive. r<iul ' What claim does Luke make for Mary Magdalene love and grati- himself as a writer? (Luke 1: 1-4.) tude to the Lord uttering itsel f in acts What parables are found only in _i it i_.* __ T t 1 1 n't- ( I ,i 'i.i.l f Luke's Gospel? weighing over two pounds. May broilers range in weight be- tween one and one-quarter and t\vo- , H neighborhood show me that one can figured that the bottom of the siloj Martha and Mary-helping us to LESSON XIII. Timothy Trained to y Ung blrd , cut corners in this job. We own our would be packed pretty well with the <! the true balance in life, and to.Se *JW '*?**1 I own cutter here and have our own usuallv - , t* T j- . weight from the top. In feeding out, first things first ' 7 Vu ic Stephen the Martyr iWhat fine tribute n_ -L n the boldness ity, each bird should be wrapped in ] pounds, dressed. To establish a r->pular demand and income, marketing must be done on regular fixed days. do not like to let I am having a little trouble with small! ,^1^ SK1SSS&3B. and the tune of : moldy spots around lower doors. 1 1 R n ,.r, n i,o= ttm r. <,<, f_M n o,-* ,i box. Thc carton system cial trade. A carton is used for spe- six inches high, 1000 Eggs in || ii Paul pay to and Lois? (2 Tim. 1:5.) What T <.i, u BCIIUV..CO.-, uj. o oun iv-iuicw me. i -i ' in Timothy did Paul especially that power run idle and the time of : moldy spots around lower doors. I Barnabas, the Great- Hearted the admire? What important tasks did two or three men be wasted for an! wonder if this is because of the one 1 gracious generosity of a truly Chris-'P au ^ ?* ve Timothy to do? Did Tim- hour or BO each day of filling if we can help it man on the tramping work at first? It tian gentleman, looks as though this plan was a mis-j Paul the Apostle uttering, as per- take. i haps no other, the passionate mission- We load our wagons with the tops arv impulse of his Lord, world-vision first. I notice that there has been ln ^ ea^t ' and world-conquest as his goal. New Cystcm of Poultry Keeping Get for shipment. Dollir a Dozen Eggs Farroue Poul- trvmsn TELLS HOW Full-hatched chickens are in good! Consequently it is our aim to plan demand from January 1 to April 1 to drive P ast the cutter with ench Count on a shrinkage of a half- 'wagon. If we have to drive up and pound for each bird shipped. then back out ' the whole utflt runs! some- discussion about this. I suspect, * Jo ' hn Mark _ in spitc of earl halt . All animal heat must be out of the idle nnd the waiting team and feeder) that if we were raising corn about; inR w i nn i nK out a i ong the path of carcass before packing for shipment i of the cutter arc idle. Driving past j six feet high it wouldn t make much | humble and arduous service. Carcasses should be dry and cold i the cultcr enables us to keep the cut- ' difference, but when it runs from ten j Luke the gracious and gifted phy- but not frozen, before being packed i ter working continuously. to twelve feet on the average that sician, sympathetic, devoted In per- Our silo filling on each farm runs way of handling would be pretty hard sonal friendship, making the Kingdom othy measure up to these difficult situations? Forty thousand tons of tobacco are smoked in the United Kingdom every year. The natural resources of the earth are the heritage and the property ol of God his first concern. "Thc great troubl* lth the poultry . -- -.-> f. bMlBMs hu uiwuyK bpn that the lay- vailing prices for the latter " them nearly on time. That is as places. 1 hope we'll get to using that LESSON I. The Herald of the Clirit-t. HfnrTVrairor'r' l*?c,n'uii O n B | "VouitrJ ! Ship adult' fowls in a box 20xlSxl2 mllch our h " s ' (l 8 * the mlo filling form of rack in time. We figure on In what way ^id John prepare the *m>n ..n. i Urdrr fi, r m-ariy i(hteen inches, to hold twenty-four birds " nd ' l ' s BS seasonable too. I found two or three men in the field and about way for Christ s coming.' wnatisthe **Th" aviri' > puii > i l M"i r uy S V5o"Sg,. Jf i The' head of the dressed ^a,.;.,,,,,, 1 last fall that if the unloading man will four teams to keep our cutter going, fcepr Hit acoond yar. iha may lay ioo should be tucked back under the wing S ''P ^ sorne extra bundles and throw I think there ia a chance to help our- Cha. bleTicUnUrfr^ny'.st'SbH.'hed iha'i when parked for shipnic-nt. ' , them back of the feeder whcn there selves here in having more teams and v.ry pull.t U born or hatrhed with i A broiler should not be m,,re than 1R a litlle tinle lhia serves as a r 8erve - ' fe *f r ni ' n 0<1 Ulc J b - 1 1. When the angel announced the coin- rr""um-"3 win Uy e *hem r 1!S 2 'sixteen weeks old, nor weigh mo ,. e Then when the empty wagon moves Therr ; vea-on why each driver ing o f j C8us , Luke 1 : 26-33. 2. When highly profitable bfmla over a irlmi,,f than two pounds dressed out tne "ecder can keep thc cutter snouldtl I wui almost half of his Jesus was lost in the Temple, I-ukc 2 : jfour t.. ai* yra' tlmt if c iven propr i A]] rarPa8sl , s ' to be shipped should P lu KK in B w y- ; wagon ulone. For the last part and 41-52. 3. At the marriaRe feast in How 10 work to cei looo ?* K . fTOm be dry-picked, as scalded poulirv will We hnvo con - tmcte(i a detachable the top a little help is handy and pays. Cana of Galilee, John 2: ^1-11. What * n: . h JILi, to .if el iJ"!"* 1 *, '**','.? not stand limo- shinmi>nts Tho'lm, . feeding table on ouv cutter, about four But it is useless for a man to drive to iw lo muke th old nenn lav like ' nl '- nianu lung snipincnis. i nc noroe ,, - ,, . ,. , . ... if how to keep up h^y e*ir nr->- ' trade, however, prefers birds sr-ildcd w Bn slx ' K ~ Throwing the field and sit on his wagon until the, Brhtn"" * arahfthat <l \ri"\" f m " nl .^ s The regulation box for a dozen "'e bundles on thin table prevents get- pitchers come to help. The driver has JucVion, make*almcker hen* ^u.'i'f | P |''oo ; broilers measures 17x1(5x4 inches, in- U " K thtm mix> ' d ftnd omillles the f pcd - thc eas y ^ in 1 il0 mli "*' as h = K ets a confwsion? (*Matt. Iti: fs-lS." How AN I /.,.,. !/!> t, jn In . 1 . n.l.*4__l ' i_l 41 _ J 1.1 ..',,.. .....I i . . MA! . . . . KHdl .! ..4__. u ... _*._. In what sense did men? Bosom Friend Q/jvl(|vfi ltl UHC< wl1 l ' llc n""^ nine ID -i n v vi i ii i,; piling is/ VVOH**. TV nab iiu'itu'llt 8ho^VS the U.I.T of thla paper who kpa !* heni ; i "~ f "L"']* ":lu~, i n ff " We have found that an extra team through the machine. i tolerance of John when he first became sTo^a^Ms* wfnf.r l Ali l m.sS;- 1 ' doesn't hurt anything when filling. Lat When farmers work, their teams "disciple of Jesus? (Luke 9: 49-56.) the wagon standlonded. Then when usually stand idle. Because of this Whftt Z* c hangc came over John? isomc-one comes in too slowly take a the use of twn or three extra teams on ^JSK What wu Matthew's^oc" ln the >|K i h<- i Ml to th* pcultr/ keeper wlio (et Mr. TrkHOrd trlla liow If you h<- CIIKH [I. cnlckena and wutit them In make n"i !ir vou, out out ilni ad nn<l utrnl t with voiir nam* > ' addrniK in Hi>nrv Trarord. Hnlte CSOn. Herald Bide . Iilnc- tiKiiit>'oii N. T', antl a fra copv of Hl!K 1.000 SOU HEN" will b* cent by VSturn mall. inches, of half-inch stuff. Furn the old raspberry canes. j someone comes in too slowly tak Father, presiding nt breakfast table, man out of the silo nnd run this a filling job would net lose anything cupa ti O n"? How would he find it diffl- aBked William, aged threo, if he would wagonload through. and might easily allow horses to do cu )t to follow Jesus? like an egg. "Yes, daddy, one with a 1 Last year I tried to use one man in some of the work that men have been LESSON VI. A Woman's Gr+ttjul light in, please," said William. | the silo at first, two a little later and doing. Service. What great thing did Jesus Kendall'e Spavin Tctatment will get that Urn* huraa birlc on the Job agun. For inoro (h.u forty years aa ivaudali'a Spavin Cure it Kaa been removing spavins, splint, tinabone, thoroughpin and H kinds ol boay growlni. <''! II al your Jraggal', Indta,: aim llm fnt lank A Trtalnf an thm Htm tnj hit DlKiue*". or write Jtnct to DM. I. J. KENDALL COMPANY, Inacburg Falls, Wt.. U.S.A Kendall's Spavin Treatment 9 ISSUE No. 38 '23. tit c i *.-