Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1923, p. 4

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September 26. 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE !No! We are NOT selling out I WE ARE HERE TO STAY and will up- hold our record of giving SERVICE and selling only GOODS THAT PASS THE MARK of high quality that we have set since this business was founded. OUR PRICES ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE QUALITY OF GOODS WE HANDLE THE Flesherton Advance W. H. THURSTON, . Editor BOOST THE FAIR FURTHER Comparison lias shown that while on sonic articles they appear high, they are found in the end, really lower when coin pared to goods bought elsewhere. There it something very much wrong when goods appear to be sold cheaply. We are i-ver \villing and ready to compare our goods with those which you may perchance get a little lower somewhere else. We have faith in our goods and in our charges. Therefore we ay this WATCH YOl'R BUYING and compare JTetoeler? W. A. Armstrong & SOD FLESHERTON Flesherton Fall Fair takes place on Thursday and Friday of this week and good weather is hoped for. The country fair is in a different position to its big city cousin which has two weeks of hilarious existence for the sole purpose of advertising, amusing, buying and selling. The city fair is really not the competitive concern found at the country fair. The latter is competitive throughout and no attention is paid to the commercial end. In the past merchants and man- ufacturers paid more attention to advertising their wares at country fairs than they do ao present. At some points, however, this does not hold good, and the merchants do take a keen interest in their fairs, making fine displays of their goods in spec- ially constructed booths. The town of Meaford is in this class, the mer- chants there doing themselves honor in this respect. In Flesherton, and in fact at most other country fairs, con- ditions are the opposite, merchants taking little or no interest in the fair in the way of displaying their wares. The Advance would like to seo a change in this respect. The country fair has not reached the end of its usefulness by any means, and every effort should be put forth by everyone to make it the suc- cess it ought to be. Every person in the district should muke it a point to attend and thus lend their aid to boost the fair. '4* Fall Fair Specials LADIES' DRESS HATS We have jtist placed in stock some Ladies' FaU Hats all made in the newest shapes, close fitting- and drooping brims, made of the best quality velvet and duvetyne. Colors are Black, Red, Henna, Taupe, Sand, etc. All at very reason- able prices, as we have not the expense of a milliner, so are able to sell them at much lower prices. $ MEN'S HATS, NEWEST MAKES What is more complete with the new Fall Wardrobe for Men than one of our new felt Hats, in-most popular shades Grey and Fawn. Men's Fall and Winter Coats Our asortment of Men's Fall and Winter Coats is of the best that has been shown around here for years. They are made in the grey and fawn tones and are with- out a doubt the smartest and best made coats that can be procured for the spec- ial prices of $25 to $35. CO A I A car of Alberta coal to arrive in October. SPECIAL for Pair day 9 Ibs. graunlated sugar f 1. 6 Stock - taking Bargains Last week was stock-taking week and we thank the people of Ceylon and community for making our year a success. However, we find ourselves over-stocked in a few lines which we offer at jjrcat reductions: White twill cotton for Middies 18cts. Print, small patterns 5 yds. for 95 cts. Print, pale blue 5 yds. for 69c. Print black with white stripe or dot 20c. yd. A. E. HAW THI-: STAFF OF I.IFK We have been told that bread is the stair of life. But that depends on where you live in this world, and is not wholly correct, and there are peoples who never saw bread in any form. Our observation is that different nationalities have diverse this question. Ask a Canadian hoy what is "the staff of life"and he will say". Manitoba wheat." views t on HARDWARE DEPARTMENT STOVES ! STOVES ! Every person at this time of year is preparing for winter an done of the most necessary articles needed is either a Cook Stove or a Heater and we have some of the best thaf can be procured already placed in stock Be sure to call and see them. F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON, .... ONTARIO General Store < 'u--.li Cream Station CEYLON Store closes every Tues. and l-'ri. eve. Ask the Hnglshman and he will say "Kosebeef." Ask the Frenchman, and he will say "Bouillion." Ask i hi- Italian and he will tell you "it is "hugetti." The "hinaman will say "lice," meaning, of course, rice. The Scotchman will assert that it is "parritch," But ask a citizen of the United States and he will stoutly assert that the yellow metal constitutes the staff of life. Any old woman knows that none of tin -! answers are correct. Tea is "it." DOMINION OF CANADA LOAN 1923 BANK OF MONTREAL at all its Branches will accept subscriptions for the new Dominion Government Bonds, or effect the exchange of Victory Loan Bonds due 1st November, 1923, into bonds of the new issue. Full particulars will be gladly furnished at any branch of the BANK OF MONTREAL THE COST OF VOTERS' LISTS Father Appointed Guardian A rase of a (Treat deal of local int- rosl was heard before His Honor Sutherland Tuesday afternoon, .lud(fo Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirt*, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Repairing 1 're-sing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor FEVERSHAM, ONTARIO WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON, One of the weaknesses of the new Egg Grading Act is the fact >iiM dirty eggs are (traded as seconds. This will induce the farmers to wash their eggs and no egg will spoil faster than a washed egg. Ik-fore being washed there is a certain amount of iilhn- men on the nhell of the CKR which jielpi to keep the pores closed up. When this IB washed off the water gets in, and inside a week, mould has Ix'trim to form on the inaijle of the shell. Tho CKK will be spoiled Inside of eight Hays, and cold storage cannot save it. It is therefore very import- ant that the farmers do not try to ivrtify the fault of the e({K^ l>einp dirty by wnshini;, us this will IT nit in the HpoiliiiK of the epg altogether. when (leo. G. Allhorry. well known burittw of Meaford. a|. plied for the custody of his son, liobvrt G. Allber- ry, under the Infants Act, and to be appointed as guardian ,,f the child. Mr. \V. S. Mi.ldlol.ro, K.C., appeared lor Mr. Allherry. Th application was opposed by Mrs. Allberry, who claimed that she was in a better po- sition to care for the child than his father The mother appeared in per- son without a solicitor, and made a dramatic appeal for the child. She claimed that she had spent the last five years of her life carinp for the lioy, had (jivcn him careful attention, and had devottcd all her energy to K'ivinj,' him the best education pos- sible. Mr. Allberry was (fiven the custody of the boy, aa he showed that he had a good home for him, and was well able to educate and look after the youngster. The mother is to have access to her child every fort night, and Mr. Allberry expressed his wllingness to have her come back and live at home. Mrs. Allberry, who is a well edu- cated, refined woman, and very well known in Meaford, was heart-broken at the loss of her child. Some time ago she left her husband's home in Men ford and disappeared, taking with her young Robert, who is only about five years old. For a long time her husband could not locate her and when he did could not get the child. A habeas corpus motion was brought on by him in Tornoto last winter by which his wife was rctpuir- ed to bring the boy into court. This was not done, however. It was only a few months ago that Mr. Allberry found his son in Rochester, where the mother was teaching school. He was able to get the lad and bring him home. Tuesday's application now gives him legal control of the infant. Sun-Timctt. An Arthur youth was fined $6 for carying a revolver. J. J. Shaw of Riverstown, near Mt. Froe.st, had l>oth bones of his leg broken whnsi a lowd of grain upset. At the last meeting ol the Mount Forest town cuunt-il A. \V. Wright of the Confederate, presented his ac countfor the printing of the voters' list.-.. The report of the meeting says that in regard t?V this account horn.' discusson took place, as the am- ount ><.-3nied hrjfe cnused by the in- creas'i i /number of names on the list, j The rite per pago. $2.75, is the same as for several years. < hairman Youn : of the Printing an d : .ducation comi jttee admitted that ho had writ- ten (> Torontoand London a :<1 receiv- ed ol.'ers to print the list at $3.50 and per page.-Fergus Neva-Record. Dundalk Wins C. G. L F'.vherton's protest niriinst the Duiv.alk team in the last p.ime play- ed v as nut upheld on Krid; y evening whe i the protest was heard before the coin nittee at Markdulc <<n Friday nigl.".. In order not to cause any mor unpleasantness the ttaine was ordered to stand as played and Dun- ilalk is champion of the Centre Grey Lnaguo ofr ll>2U.. - SPECIAL! *S Aluminum Sale Balance! I Of This Week | 5 *|Also reductions on Tin and Copper Boilers, j| Enammeled Ware and Tinware @ *** JS I __________ | Sweat Pad Special 68c. ;;J :j I Finger Fall Mitt I9 O V * * < Jl | FLESHERTON HARDWARE iFrank W. Duucan- PHONE 34-H I Our Ideal of Battery Service - We have an ideal. It's to have everybody not only satisfied but so well pleased with our service that they'd never think of going anywhere else. Sometimes we wish we could take care of you a little quicker 1 or get your car back sooner or make your car last longer. But when we fall short of 100 per cent, we feel a lot worse about it than you do. Service here is on all makes of cars. Come in and let us show you what we mean by McTavish Standards of Service. D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet Dealers > .

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