Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1923, p. 2

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Until You Try H4S7 GREEN TEA you Have not tasted the best. Fresh, fragrant and pure. Try it. GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XIV. THE LADY OF THE MANTILLA. Woman's Sphere HAPPY BROTHERS AND SISTERS Dear mother, when the busy day Is done, And lep!ng lies each tired litt.c one, Then fold your own hands on a heart at lest, And sleep with them upon Godc lov ing breast stains have not been removed befor* washing, and which have contraband markings and spots, all come out from the rinsing water WHAT I TEACH MY CHILDREN AT HOME. By being with his father the roost of the time when not in school, our son and tt pound candied orange peel (or lMirned by obser vation something of the different kinds of work (lone on the farm. Many times his father showed him just how a thing was done and explained why. In thi way he preserved ginger). THE USE OF TOMATOES. Canning Use only firm fruit. __ r Blanch In boiling water 1 to 2 mln- learned'much that' has been a help to utes. Cold dip, core and peel. Pack him in school, even In high ichool. close in jars, add 1 teaspoon salt to a Often points have come in the nature \ quart (2 teaspoons of sugar if de- study and the sciences that have been' The love that gave you such a .acred ? ired >' Fi " J ar D with boiling tomato re view rather than new material , _,. ' Juice or water. Process in hot water When we irot our first "flivver," the cha | juice or water. Process in hot water When we got our first Is passing tender and exceeding larp,-: bath for 30 minutes or under 6 pounds boy was with his father when h. Oil, trust it utterly, and it will pour Into each crevice of your life its store. Thi ii things unworthy shall no raor flnd room, And like a sweet contagion in your home Your life shall be. A life that's hid in God Tells its great secret without spoken word. Henrietta R. Eliot TOMATOES IN SWEET COM- BINATIONS. pressure for 16 minutes. learned to drive and also when re- Puree Cook tomatoes (may be pa irs had to be made. When he was peeled or not) until tender, and put O id enough to have a driver's license,) through sieve. Add salt, sugar if de- h e i enew how to drive, and also a good sired in proportions as abova. Boil deal about caring for a machine, until reduced one-half. Fill jars and We live a few miles from a small process In water bath for 25 minutes, 1 c it y where we do our marketing; when or at 5 pounds pressure for 16 min-jit wag convenient, son accompanied ut8. Puree may be seasoned ready | his father and became acquainted at for soup or sauce as follows : For 1 j the stores. When he was quite young gallon add 1 onion, 1 cup chopped \ he occasionally made the trip alone, green pepper, celery leaves, 1 bay leaf. an( | we ne ver had any reason to think A Lifebuoy bath Cool, freth, reted .kin tinUn with helth and comfort Feeling cleaner tb you err felt before- B*c*uic I.tber of Ufebuoy Chili Sauce Chop 2 dozen ripe to- matoes, 5 onions, 6 green peppers. Boil 1% hours with 4 cups vinegar, 1-8 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons salt, 1 1 gelling the berries a crop that sick for the burning veld. My ear, too, caught the twanging of a zither, which somehow reminded me of the Since that first night I had never afternoon in Kuprasso's garden-house, tlapped eyes on Sandy. He had gone j pulled up and proposed to investi- tlean out of the world, and Blenkiron Kate but Blenkiron very testily de- and I waited anxiously for a word of c i med news. Our own business was in good .. ZjtherB are aa common here ag , vrim for we were presently going fl h d "You don't want to be ' pound sugar and juice of lemon andj ,Catp-Cook % bushel tomatoes, * A. _ f So K,, Bib* i i g ]arge onions 4 red p e pp erat 2 cups any grocer ever took an unfair advan- tage of him because he was just a boy. Last year he took sole charge of Honey One pound tomatoes and ! teaspoon each cinnamon and cloves, rind of lemon and orange cooked and I tasPon allspice, 1 tablespoon celery strained. Cook with each pint 1 1 8 * d - c n and seal - amia, u u f ogs j ck j ng aroun d somebody's stables I orange until like honey, Mr j"y "would ^ a TO^ ffi"d a^orse^oy entertaining his j Bu . r _ T en pounds tomatoes, failure. And learn about Greenmantle we could not, for nobody by word or deed suggested his existence, and it nuz7rrrs narem-i ---- . -, .. was impossible of course for us to Klrf J.JiufZ^'SCS BsSStt * each mace and cloves - Cook *" "' ask question. Our only hope was num {m ^ Turk fa * JJJJJg had i until thick. Saiuly, for what we wanted to know had ag a b & natural K-^ry book! Green Preserve Ten pounds sliced was the prophet s whereabouts and hw with R icture of a bird cMed tomatoe 6 sliced , emons (do notj brought several hundred dollars. He was very successful in this. Two years ago we were quarantined by diphtheria, and the boy had to do all the kitchen work. He also took le friends. They don't like visitors In poun dg sugar, 3 pounds tart apples, 1 i vinegar, 1 grated nutmeg, % teaspoon )r this country; and you'll be asking forj rt m n d vinegar spice bag of % I whole c'oves, 2 teaspoons stick cinna- , t trouble if you go inside Uiose walls. I| each clnnamo ' n and gi n g cr> 14 \ mon, 1 teaspoon whole allspice. Cook ... guess its some old Buzzards harem. . . . * , \. , ,,_*n, ,.,! .*_! u.->i rn 4J brown sugar, % cup salt, 1% quarts j care of a little six-year-old cousin. This was work for which he was wholly untrained, but he got along fine, and the food prepared for the pa- Bottle. Onejtient and his father, who acted as pint grape juice can be substituted! nurse, was surprisingly good. He was r 1 pint of vinegar. a happy boy, however, when Mother Uncooked Picklr Chop 3 pints to- was able to take charge once more U64 Solitary. Maiste 'And did they go into th< Ark two by two?" Mother "Yes, darling." Maifle "Oh, mummie, who went with Auntie?" drudgery ^^ tomatoes ' nutmeg, % teaspoon allspice, 2 cups! have given him work that required ana siae "oMhe WH ^om'lng"'^ the 1 1 poun'rta7t"apples" 2tt"p^nds sugar! ' vinegar (tarragon, if possible) .Mix some care and responsibility. We have pet schemes I reckon you and I would Boaporus l fancied SO m e body of fis-Ufi lemon (juice and rind). Boil one thoroughly in stone crock and cover, told him about our business, and have very SOOn be In the Bosporus. tinctinn HvprJ thoro tnr a liftln fnrttior ,!,. A AA ..,,,,11-,,.,- Viol* 1, .,,,,, i,icn This must sta "That's the most dangerous woman notion that we were wise about her verv what " 81 for a little farther it two of us on met a big empty motor-car -. -,. ti~ t - snorting its way up, and I had a no- were bund led off to Bagdad with in- g* ^ belonged to the wall- tructions to wash away the British r- . ... ^* jj __* t X_ . .. . I . . - 'l . .. t ..,,;! CO I 1 1 ll. Next day Blenkiron was in grievous Add another half lemon and rind. Cook until thickens. Conserve One pound cut tomatoes, % pound sugar, juice 2 lemons and 2 oranges. Stand overnight. Cook until stand a week before using, and will keep six months. Our time was getting pretty short and .... T J MA .A ' r\CAL UaV J ,J'T! K ,,',,, ,, .1 ,44 K . !,,-...- , I doubted if we could spin out more . , * th hi Hv.rw.nsia Ahnut! thick with spice bag of 1% teaspoons than three days more in Constantin- g^ ^^5^%. n i * cinnamon, 6 cloves, bit of giTger ople. I felt just as I had felt with an(J havjng ^g^^^ to do } had root and nutmeg. When nearly done gayy jajg.rala ^;nAr^ sa;- - ""- * - d -- army-saddle, riding with saw no way of avoiding it. Lven . Blenkiron was getting anxious He h played Patience incessantly, and wasi^ e disinclined to talk tried to find out something from the servants, but they Th from nfternoon gtart . d the g louch : horses on the top of them, and the "'three were off like rabbits. I sent a waa unfortunate shot over their heads to encourage nofc ^ mirt |them. Peter dismounted and tossed either knew nothing or wouldn't spa, ^-^dr^.e^the dTbef^re^uTa ihe guns^nto a bit of scrub where --the former, I think. I kept my eyes ._ nnrthprn , .*. h ., ' , . they would , - "' '" x ' ,' H h ft t 8t 'ff northern gale which blew sheets : they w ou id take some finding, lifting, oo as 1 walked about the, of rajn , our K faces and numbed our l This hold-up had wasted time By streets, but there was no sign any- brid] i, and3 \y e took the same road ' now il waa getting very dark, and we where of the skin coats or the weird P j " e - to ? K tnc satne . roaa< u..j., _:jj* ;! J v,./.J if ,.,., stringed instruments. The whole Com-, 1 P" pany of the Rosy Hours seemed to ' ... 'F^ 'OiHcrpst I Ii n 1 i ii clc'i r wostnor must i *"* F-~~ -- - ^ lessness made me want exercisce. ",_ = fl Dro ' SDect T h en we !get to the top of a rise in the hope was no good walking about the city. nave | '^ n no "es and I shaned o^r of spei B the ''(f hts of the citv - but ,.it, ,-H h. . f n ,,i BD rin 1 to strike the ton of the a11 tl ? c wan**W was s o pockety 1 I that it was hard to strike the right trenc h diiririi',r hadn't ridden a mile before it was ^'^ "i^t. It was an annoying prc- dicament, for I had completely lost m y bearings and at the best I had only f&y *aOoa of the lie of the land. i The test plan seemed to be to try and The weather had become foul again, nd I was sick of the smells and the c into trouble It cavalry mounts with heads like trees, . . and went out through the suburbs into | JJ2L askcd him where our line and sheeD do* i vellow he 8at very still for a minute sniffing f! 1 ??^ ?'. '_ ^!L W the air. Then he pointed the direc- tion. It wasn't what I would have taken myself, but on a point like that he was pretty near infallible. Presently wo came to a long slope which cheered me. But at the top D . - - there was no light visible anywhere v'tt >\ nK a i C " ori.y a black void like the inside of III Knfnt* Lrvt.nla - S. paces o cuvaon an e garens l . ere was no g vse anywere- of country house*. We kept on the * ^? l v ff ^ ?* "1" onlv black void like the inside of a high land above the sea, and when we ^ustomed to mongrels in Kaffir -kraals, h f, As j BUred , to the ]oom , t reached a bit of downland came on'^ k a summary way with the pest -. 3eemed to me that there wcre paU . he8 't despised his whip he out with is pistol and put a bullet through its head. The echoes of the shot had scarcely squads of Turkish soldiers digging trenches. Whenever we let the horses go we had to pull up sharp for a dig- irini' party or a streU'h of barbed wire.' ,. V , ,- Foil* of the beastly thing were lying ^ awa I.. W - h . e . n , ^SIL 1 **.^ bl . K l loos<- everywhere, and I5u-nkiron near- ly took a natty toss over one. Then , we w<-ro always being stopped by sen- dog's owner and proposed to pay no tries und having to show our passes. ' attentlon ' But hls cnea summoned of deeper darkness that might be woods. "There is a house half-left in front of us," snld Peter. A POPULAlt HOUSE DRESS MODEL (WITH INSERTED POCKETS). made him feel that he has an interest in It We believed experience was the best teacher, and he has learned by doing. I think the way he managed when we were in quarantine showed that he had an ability, to take responsibility, and the disposition to make the best of a bad situation. And with the teaching of other things we have tried to teach him that "honesty is the best policy." Mr*. H. N. M. Time to Leave. Lecturer "Altow me, before I dote, to repeat the words of the Immortal Webster." ' Hayseed (to wife) "Landsakes," Maria, let's git out o 1 here. He's a- goln' ter start In on the dictionary." 881 ONTARIO COLLEGE OF GrAnqc Park * Toronto DRAVIMC-PAINTINC-MODEUlNC-rESICN DIPLOMA COURSE JUNIOR COURSE, TEACHE R5 COURSE COMME RC1AL ART C-A-REID R-C-A- Principal EMION 1923-4 OPENS OCTOBER IIT Ballltf on Boiling Pins in Beer. It was not untU 1840 that solld- headed plna came into general use. About that time an American named Wright patented a machine which could turn out 160 pins a minute. In the manufacture of modern pins brass wire la used. It Is drawn to the i required length and pointed by means of a revolving cutter, while the heads are shaped by a die. At this stage the pins are boiled In weak beer to] remove grease and other matter. Then i they ore given a bright silvery appear- 1 ance by coating them with tin, or i "coloring." as It Is called. The most costly pins are those made of very fine hair-Hke wire; these are used by Insect collectors. In the middle ages pins were made j by a very slow and tedious method, j each pin passing through sixteen dif- ferent hands before It waa finished! The head, which consisted of a small piece of wire, was made separately 4426. The slenderizing features of and gecure d to the shank by compres- this style, will appeal to the stout wo- B i on . man, while the practical points willj The Saxons made their pins chiefly make the style attr \ctive to all figures.' O f bronze and bone; they were curl- , A , . . wny when , thc row be . Kan ' ^ bll? I peered till my eyes ached and saw . ae t . e 8tyc ff ^twe to all figures.; of bronze and bone; they were curl- . ***!!!? r T unnl "K , ti ? wards a . nothing. Figured percale with trimming of | Ou8 i y fa^hloned^ome being In the ing wildly. I guessed he was the <. Wellf for Heaven's sake, guide me' mercerized poplin is here shown. Ging-! fornl O f a horse-shoe, while others r- Still the ride did us good and shook i two other fellows-soldiers by the look ,. j , up our livers, and by the time we turn- ; $.J&?TJ&jS?*. *U*J* W' dung as close to us as a vest. Twice to it," I said, and with Peter in front e set off down the hill. It was n wild journey, for darkness ham, with an edging of rick rack ' gambled across. would be good damask, with organdy for collar and cuffs. The Pattern is cut in 7 Sizes: 36, Specimens of these ancient pln have been unearthed from the prehis- toric cave dwellings of Switzerland. ed for horn. I was feeling more like ' ' r 9 ns >. nc y ra \ M V wo stepped into patches of bog, and ^^ 4244 46 and 48 inche. bust 7th arT f . white man. first idea was to show them our heels, | oncc mv horse saved himself by a hair ! ' 4O> 4<J> I 4 '.I 6 .' 9" f 8 mche f bus . t In len K th 8ome of them compare fa- We jogged b.-u'k In the short winter M. 1 had . ? desire to be shot In the twilight, past the wooded grounds of ;back and they looked like men who whit, villas, held up every few min- ! woul . dn l . 8 ^ P A 2 Hh , tln f- So utes by transport wagons and compan- ! weslowed down and faced them, ies of soldiers. The rain had como on ! Thev nlad ? as sayago-looklng a trio In reul i-arnent, and it was two very ' as V " v Y ou . Id wan ' *<> av , (l - The shep- bedraggled horsemen that , rnw l c d herd looked ns If he had been du.if up . once my horse saved himself by a hair ,. , M , . had no desire to be shot In the from going head forward into a gravel ' mcasure - A d8-lncn size requires 5 vorably with our modern hat-pins! and they looked like men who pit. We got tangled up in strands of | y flrd8 * 32-inch material. To trim They are wonderfully carved with or- wire, and often found ourselves rub- j with contrasting material as illustra-l namental heads, some resembling anl- bing our noses against tree trunks. I ted requires % yard. The width of mals, while others, with round amber , , Several times I had to get down and. the skirt at the foot is 2H yards. heads look like modern ucarf-plns. make n gap in barricades of loose j Pattern mailed to any address on r . . I ' , . t nft,.t* n i-1'lisiiilmin n mmm4 c... UKH . cu ,,-,,.,.,, . ^, ,. ,- .-,8toncs. But after a ridiculous amount receiot of 16c in silver alon K the muddy lanes. As we passed a d'Hy ruffian gfo ma ,. tod ^ lr nnd j of s]ippinK and stumbling 'we finally tfc ^ n p b ,. ' |" one villa shut in by a high white wall a honnl Ilkc " blrd 3 nest - Tnti two struck what seemed the level of a V\ c . v" so " / u |' snin K a pUusnt smoll of wood smoke WHS soldiers stood staring with sullen road, and a pieco of special darkness ' "'"'' '"'" ' ' """'" wafted towards UH which made mo fiu ' es> ""K'-nng their guns, while the 'in front which turned out to be a ,,, ; other chap raved nnd stormed nnd high wall. "'kept pointing at Peter, whosn mild] I argued that all mortal walls had eyes stared unwinkingly at his as- doors, so we set to groping along it, sailant. | and presently found a gap. There was The mischief was that neither of us ! an old iron gate on broken hinges. WRKLEYS weeks for receipt of pattern. CLEAN IT WITH JAVELLE WATER. In every house there hould lie an! During recent excavations at Pom- ere discovered re- use at the present two time. Mlnard'a Liniment Hesli Cutt. Every Meal Take it homo to the kids Have a packet in your pocket for an ever-ready treat. A delioiout confec- tion and an aid to the teeth, appetite, digestion. ! hud a word of Turkhih. I tried Ger- which we easily pushed open, and emergency closet carefully furnished ., ^'j""? ! man. but it had no eft. <(. We sat found ouraelves on a back puth to Bnd pro mptly replenished when sup- - Plan Miscarried- V olce at the oth<- end-"I that you. looking at them, and they stood storm- some housie. It was clearly disused, ing at us, HIM! it wiic fast getting d'irk. for masses of rotting leaves covered Once I turned my horse rolind us if to it, nnd by the feel of it underfoot it proceed, nnd the two soldiers jumped was grass-grown. (To bo continued.) Saaltd in its Purity Paokafa in front of me. They jabbered iimong themselves, and thru one said verv slowly: "He . . . want . . . pounds." and he held tRmllto(1 s "'"f up flv fingers. They evidently .saw teas to thelr " orrow - by the cut of our jib that we weren't <H'fioniy ' Germans, "I'll be hanged if he Gouty Pater "Er yes." pliea begin to lower. j voice "Oh. good! How's the old In it should be kept n cleaning fluid, boy . g gouti my pet ? i mean to say. If turpentine, gasoline or benzine, ja- he Btlll nua u, m come round to-night, I velle water, oxalic acid, prepared but lf he hasn't, we'll go out to some EDDYS MATCHES, CANADIAN ALLTHROUCH -since I85J / Have Summer Heai L/* ThisWlnter A Warm house and acool cellar day and niiht thowin- ter thresh: Anda saving In yourcoal bills of from K[ to )q? A KELSEY WARM AiR GENERATOR In your cellar will ensurethl*. The Ki-Ucy Uthc mott efficient and economical system of home heating ever devised and will heat the smallest coUageorthe (attest mansion properly and hcallht'villy. MAY W SEND YOU PAPTICUIARS? CANADA FOUNDRIES & FORCINGS LIMITED JAMES SMART PLANT BROCKVILU? ONT. . chalk, chloride of lime, ammonia, ab- a hnw' TUB taoreMtd cost of fine teas hai aorhcnt alt . ohol and the tnou j 81 ' cheap. Inferior to uso u penny," 1 (mid angrily, and the conversation languished. The situation WIIH (celling Hcrions, so I spoke word to Peter. The so!- diero hud their rifles loose in their li.ih'i , and before they oouhl lift them f we had the pair covered with our i pistolfi. It Is real SAUADA" since It yields to the |>oiind more cnpx of a sutlafylng Infusion and bo!dos hai such a fresh, itelicloua flavor. cand and one things which, if not used "^ dally, are indispensable when they 1 are wanted. Javclle water is one of the most useful of the family supplies, especial- ly at this season. Handkerchiefs never get so hopelessly yellow as during the summer, when they are used to wipe' perspiring faces and hands, hut a: both for ten or fifteen minutes in n "If you move," I said, "you are and If you can retain It on your atom- dead." They understood that all right! ach It ouiht to cure you." and Btnod ntnck still, while the Hhep-| The next day the doctor called Following Directions. A doctor nroufht a dyspeptic farmer a big brown pill. "I want you to try this pill nt bed- , , , time," he said. "It's a new treatment, i weak 8ol , utlon of i, avelle water wl11 restore them to a clear complexion. Javelle water, too, will remove ob- stinate stains of ink and iron rust. herd stopped his raving and took to muttering like a gramophone when the record is finished. "Drop your guns," 1 Raid ohm-ply. "Quick, or we shnot," The tone, if not the words, convey- ed inv meaning. Still staring at us, they let the rifles slide to the ground. The next second we had forced our again. "Did you manage to retain the !>lll on your Htomarh?" ho asked, eag- erly. "Well, the pill wt.s all right BO lonf as 1 kept awake," ald tha farmer, 'but every time I fell asleep It rollad off." Mlnird'a Liniment to, Dandruff. The stained portion should be rubbed in the fluid and then washed thor-, oughly. i Javelle water is the trusted friend of one housekeeper at least who has employed it for years in her launder- ing. Pillow cases that show a yellow tinge and table linen from which fruit Bj!yiMi^ t Mix Musferd ffi/sv& . i-~

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