Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1923, p. 8

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September 12, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WE WON THE . SECOND SCHEDULE friendly games this year in the League, but with the dirty, low-down words that were hurled at the Flesh- _ j ii ri~ i x> erton players on Thursday all the Dundalk Blanked On Home sport in baseball retires to the back- Grounds First Time ground. , ' Douglas began pitching for Dun- This summer the baseball fans in <lalk an<1 bcfore the first inninR wa " this part of Grey County, who have attended the Centre Grey Baseball League games have seen some fine baseball dished out by the players, but the final games in Dundalk on over the first five Flesherton had scored on three walks and three hits. After that there was no~ scor- ing until the eighth, when D. McLeod added another one. Dundalk tried Thursday of last week had it all over harcWo 8coro but wcre " nable to P ut arty thin K seen around here for years. run acro f Jhey had a chance in Dundalk specially imported two old the seventh when thcrc were threc players, who were ineligible, in the men , n ba , ses a ? d Armstrong overran persons of "Derby" Russell from second and made a dash to third, not Northern Ontario and Geo. Armstrang knowing it was occupied by J. Black of- Hamilton and even with this addi- tion failed to make a showing, which failure was partly attributed to both these would-be stars. Rev. Kellur- DUNDALK WINS THE C. G. L. TROPHY Flesherton Handicapped By Darkness And Strange Grounds LOST IN 10TH INNING Score by innings : Dundalk COO 000 OH 13 Flesherton 000 002 000 02 The line-up for this game was the same as-in the first game. NOTES ON THE GAMES Bell boy- Page Dundalk. Are Protesting Game As Flesherton won the second schedule in the first game a sudtlen- dealh game was ordered to be played and it began right after the first well. Blackwell started for home game, with Mountain pitching . for and the former stayed on third. In I Flesherton and Armstrong for D::n- the excitement Armstrong thought Blackwell had been touched and he, man an.l W. A Maire of Chesley too, started for home but was automa- mpired the game ami gave entire ticallv thrown out when he P ai ? ed satisfaction to both teams, although the Dundalk players were continuous- ly kicking over decisions. Dundalk was unable to win the game in the field nor on the bench, either, with the remarks of the manager of the Dun- dalk team and a business man of Dundalk. Maybe the latter gentle- man is :\ good head off the ball field, but we know for certain that he entirely loses his head when a game Blackwell, the latter then was touched out a nice double-play credited to E. Muir. Runs by innings:, Dundalk 000 000 0000 Flesherton 500 000 Ol\6 dalk. Neither side scored and very few hits were made during the first five innings, but Flesherton went into the lead in the sixth when J. McLeod and Howard scored on two errors by the fielders. Flesherton made a record by holding Dundalk scoreless for sixteen innings, something that wan never done to Dundalk b-jfore, while they counted eight runs. By this time dusk was settling and Dun- dalk counted for the first time during fhe day when Armstrong scored on an i error. Russell tied the score in the Dundalk Armstrong s.s.; Claridge Ib; M Thompson l.f.jH Blackwell 2b; McAlister 3b; Douglas p; Russell c; C I sta iii ng t i one during the day, as is in progress, "if'te rould'hear'the Thompson c.f; J Blackwell and Sud- 1 c , aimed by onc of the Dundalk sup- same remarks, vrhL-h he uttered, at (len rlght fleld ' ! Prters to the Advance. The game some different place he would be l Flcshertoff Dow 3b; E Muir c; H. j should never have gone beyond this thoroughly >' shanked of what he said ' Mountain p; A C Muir s.s.;J McLeod ' inning, as he is o!d enough to know better any- l.f.; Howard c.f.; Gibson 2b; D Me way. There have been some nice Leod Ib; Hutton and McTavish r.f. Four Dundalk players were caught at second base by the unerring peg of "Fat" Muir in the first game, so after that they were conspicuous by their not trying to steal the base. Small Advertisements Chopping done on Saturdays only. Graham Bros* Eugenia. For Sale A quantity of lath. John Oliver, Pricevile P.O. Six men were caught at third base in the first game by Dow and two more in the second game. Dundalk looked pretty sick for 16 innings, but were somewhat recover- ed ul the end of the game. The Flesherton baseball leaders hav L > protested the last game on four counts but it is not known when it will come up for hearing. Truck For Rent IVi ton truck for rcn t. G. B Welton, Flesherton. Came Astray Airdale dog came astray. T. Fisher, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE Hound Lost Black and tan. Find- er pleas* communicate with W. A. FisJfer, Maxwell R.R. For Sale Two good horses, four and eight years old, in good condition. J. F. Jamieson, Eugenia. It was a hard game for Flesherton to lose, but one thing they have got to their credit they played a better game than Dundalk in every way. For Sale Steel tired buggy near- ly new, reasonable. Archy Conkey, R.R. 1, Ceylon. Heifer Lost 2 year-old, dehorned, about first week of August. Notify I. Smith, Flesherton P. O. On the Toronto Line Provincial' Highway. Three farms, two of 100 acres and one of 50 acres all cleared. First class buildings, up to date i every particular. Will sell any one of these. Good brick house on one of the farms. The stabling for anni- mals is perfect. One farm has ten- acres hardwood bush and another nundred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everything needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed should investigate. JAS. STINSON. Imy Proton Station P.O. FARM FOR SALE Lot 166s>nd 167, 1st range W.T. & S.R., 100 acres, 2 miles south of Fle- sherton on the Provincial Highway; 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and swamp land. For pa- ticulars apply to Mrs. M. Thistleth- waite, Flesherton. "Pete" Mountain, our lanky right- hander, has made a name for himself along baseball lines in Flesherton. He pitched nyist of the first game and the last entirely, and was as good at the last as he was at the beginning. It was his fourth game in four days. For Sale A small quantity of hemlock lumber. J. K. Jamieson, Eugenia. Calves Lost Two calves lost last week. Information thankfully re- ceived. Adam Hyslop, Markdale P.O. Stock - taking Bargains l.a!>t ucck \\as stock-taking \veek and \vc thank the jH'nplc of Ceylon and c< immunity for making our year a success. However, we find ourselves over-stocked in a few lines which we offer at great reductions: White twill cotton for Middies 18cts. Print, small patterns 5 yds. for 95 cts. Print, pale blue 5 yds. for 69c. Print black with white stripe or dot 20c. yd. A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON Caxh Cream Station - Store closes every Tues. and Fri. eve. it was too dark to play, and with the bush behind the batter Flesherton waa unable to see the ball when batted, and consequently errors naturally ensued that cost us the game. BuJ, as Dundalk was playing on their own grounds it was natural for them to wish to 'continue whether it was to the disadvantage of Flesherton or not, claiming the game would never be replayed unless it was finished then. This byhrdrrd prominent business man of Dundalk, as mentioned in another article on this page. The game went on then | to the finish and. us we knew would happen, Flesherton lost by one run ; scored by M. Thompson on a hit by McAlister. , Flesherton played better ball all day against the sotherners and we declare the better team lost. An unfortunate incident occurred : in the ninth when A. C. Muir bowled Claridge over on first base. This i gave the Dundalk crowd the excuse '. to clean up on the Flesherton boys. ! so a free-for-all started, but only \ lasted a couple minutes., Athletic Club At The Flesherton High School At a meeting held in the High School on Wednesday afternoon of last week when all the H. S. boys were present, it was decided under the leadership of Mr. Carroll to organize an athletic club. As everybody was in favor of the move the following officers were elected : Pres., Jack McLeod; Sec.-Treas., Alex McLean; Form Representatives Form 1, Cecil Belts; Form 2, Hartley Blackburn; Form ;{, Reg. Hutton. It was decided to organize baseball and hockey teams and the captains appointed are ; Jack McLeod for base- ball and Ted McDonald for hotkey. Hon. Coach, Mr. G. B. Welton; Hon. Pres. of Club, Mr. A. E. Bellamy. A motion was carried through that the High School hold a field day, but the date was not decided upon. This is the first organization of this kind which the High School has had for a few years and we hope all will try to make it a success. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the sis com- munities may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO.. Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest possible prices. '.:'. '"' 8 A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY o $ S 1 S O i s The Fall Season is at the threshold ! The Hill Store is ready w ith the Merchandiaeyou want. Every article dependable in Quality and Rightly Priced. IMPLEMENT AND TOOL Misused and Neglected Too Often by Many Farmers. \ When Tools Were Really Valned Neglect Is Criminal Waate Jointer I'lough Half-Acre tlen Gives Good IlcsultH. The 1 Dress and Street Hats LADIES FALL UNDERWEAR Tliis i* a special assortment that wo will feature for a few weeks. Various styles and weights are included in this lot. The vests come in long and short .sleeves, lar^e roomy size, some are O.S. They are soft imil comfortable for the cool Fall <i:iy.-i. In fuel many women wear this weight dur- Another lot of Ladies Primmed rail Hats just ing the winter. The drawers come in ankle length placed in stock at the popular and special price ol : ,,, ( | a ,.,. ,,,.,,|,. |' U H an ,| r< , m ny. Regular prices $100 ' $4.95 M.95. Included HIV many of the season's smartest .. . ,, m , .peca Bhapes, such as tains close-fitt me hats, drooping ,,,.j,_.,. ................................................ c ( 5 c _ . )er ,,j lrmcn | brims, matrons, ami off the face effects. They are ' made of duvetyne, velvet and combination^ of duvc- tyne and velvet, smartly trimmed with pirated rili- bons, feather mount:- and ornaments. In Sand, Copper, Grey, Toast, Black, Brown, Red, Purple, Henna ami Tati|n>. Positively no hotter value- $1.25 ,, m| g, :?r , ' .special September Men's Sweater Coats obtajnalile anywhere Special ?J.!>, r > A Summons to lover. Tweed and soft Felt Hats in a rainbow of colors ready ! During all these 'goings and comings" common to the Fall Seuon with HH many Fall Fairs, etc., there isn't much time to think of hats to be sure? But proper sports headwvnr is really important after all. They have a way of expressing ability and certainly personality, don't you think? These tweed and Roft felt hats aro just out of the hands of What is 11101-0 comfortable for a cool evening or HB for wearing under a coat when out driving or ruling in n car these cool days and evenings than a closely e>\rf>rv *->rrf knit SW( ' aU ' 1 ' coat? Our assortment this ypur is , " . .*-: l Digger and better than ever, and our values are sec- ond to none. Our sliovfing comprise a wide range of prices from $l.<j:, t,, $8.51) Men's Underwear , Most Popular Makes At Reasonable Prices Our assortment of Men's Fall and Winter Unfler- the manufacturers and arc the newest and latest wenr is most complete. We arc showing several rocurable, and what an assortment of color qualities in heavy ribb wool from such noted makers twins as though the rainbow must have been dipp- as Stimfield, Penman, Watson, Dodds, etc also d in the cae that brought, them to Markdale. We two finalities infleece lined. We are convinced that beliere we are selling up-to-the-rninut cheaper thi Sport Hat* 111 !!! ""V.VHITI |^V\ I I Ul I _ . Millini'i-y you will find our prices lower than elsewhere If cheaper than any other store -n Canada. Special you nro interested in saving money bnv your under Very Special $1.25 to $2.50 each, wear at Hill'a (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) With the advance of agriculture the Increase In farm tools, imple- ments, and machines has been greaf. A century agO 4 , an axe, a scythe, a syade aiul u sa'w formed a large part of the equipment of many farms. These fw simple tools were probably the most useful In working the small areas of land under process of clear- ing. The development of the farms j brought Improvement In tools and a I gradual development toward the modern type of farm machines. When Tools Were Really Valued. Tools were valued In the early days bccausu auch were bard to get. There was no waste of tarm equip- ment then; the gpade and the scythe were valued aa much as the shotgun. Conditions have changed during the past century. The progress Is now marked by an abundance of tools, Implements and machines for every purpose in agricultural production und harvesting in abundance of machines BO great that we see waste on every hand. Ploughs, tillage machinea and harvesters neglected and exposed to the weather, rust and wear out beforo giving half service. The wasto of tools, Implements, ma- chines and articles of farm equip- ment amounts to many thousands of dollars each year. Neglect or Implements utul Tools Is Criminal WMtft Neglect to put machines iiiuln cover, to apply weatlu-r-jirooiliiK paint, to keep sharp ull cutting parts, to oil or otherwise lubricate nil boar- ings la reducing 'the efficiency and shortening the period of usefulness of equipment iu which many millions of dollars of fanners' money lias been Invested. The machine or tool Is not the only loss, since the power, elthei horiso, motor or man, Is ulso reduced through having to work with a toot or Implement not lu the best condition. This double liability, while fully apprecjated by the most efficient or business type of farmer, i$ a matter that should be under- tood, by all who own or work with f F.T, HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale 1 . 'bo Life o(.A Grain Binder. In the hands of good men a rnln blndej: Ijaj be,e.n known Jo lat und do *00 per cem, efficient work for thirty years. In the hands of care- less men grain binders ho.vc been racked to pieces In less tnau'< five years , through Huch treatment a* neglect to oil and to keep bcits tight. The reward lor efficiency might here be expressed ns thn price of five binders over a period of thirty yearn. L,. Stevenson, Sec. Dept. o( Agriculture, Toronto. . Wanted Laborers wanted at once on the Eugenia pipe line. apply to A. C. Scott, Eugenia For Sale A litter of young pigs ready to go, also seven head of two- year-old cattle. Ben MacKenzie, R. R.No. 1, Ceylon. House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; 1V6 acres of land. Residence of the late- John Breen. Aqqly to JOHN W RIGHT, Boar For Service Purebred Registered Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard Famous 77530 on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emesia. Terms$1.50. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those- For Sale Young pigs to go at once I :!<* weeks old. Fred Russell, R. R. No. 1, Flesherton. Phone Mark- dale: 30 r 33. For Sale 11 young pigs for sale, 5 weeks old, also one horse rising four years, broken. Would exchange for cattle or sell outright. Harry Patton, Fleshertpn R.R. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed aucT- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. House and Lots For Sale in pig. Feb.15 -T. J. STINSON, Boar For Service Purebred Tamworth Boar for serv- ice on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Arteme- sia. Terms $1.50. Sows not retur- ned will be charged same asthose in Feb.15 T. J. STINSON. Prop. pig- Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms For grades $2, thoroughbreds $5. H. C. RADLEY & SON, ^> Une Fleshertoiu BUSINESS CARDS House and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good colar, stable, etc. ; about an asre j o r . g. C. Murray, L.D.S.. dental of land, would make a good home for i surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto a retired gentleman. For terms and I particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. Imytf and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas administened for teeth extraction. Office at residence FARM FOR SALE i _ \ Toronto Stret, Flesherton. 100 acres, Lots D and 10, Con. 3, N. ! Dr W " G " Davis ' L - D ' S " * raduate f , , . , . D.R., Osprey, 95 acres cleared, bal . | the University of Toronto and Royal ance good harwood. Brick house; College of Dental Sturgeons of Ontario barn 44 x 55, good stabling; hen I Office at the cor ' of Queen St " B ' and house; Hard and soft water. For full i Woodbmc Ave " Toronto, particulars apply to ROBT. HILL. lOct. Maxwell Glad. 138F HOOT REPAIRING Dr. A.' Turnbnll, B.A.. M.B.. grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Office Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 35. * all work, especially sewn work. Will commence work on Sept. 1st, 1923. In rh;irge of W. L. MORWOOD. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Be a mySec . Bellamy, bee. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. "Lucas. K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. From my premises on Friday, Aug. ) lth, one Rose Comb Rhode Island Wright, Telford & Birnie, Barristers; R0d hen wih red ring on right Solicitors, etc. Offices, Grey and ni " (> I*. Bruce Block. Owen Sound. Standard W. W. TRIMBLE. Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lot 12, Con. 13, Osprey, 100 acres, bank barn 40 x CO, frame house with Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays) W. H. Wright, K.C., W. P. Telford Jr. J. F. P. Birnie. Wni. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. stone cellar, well in woodshed, small ; Terms moderate., satisfiiction guar- orchard; 40 neres under cultivation, ianteed. Arrangements for dates rest pasture and bush. Apply for [may be made at the Advance office, or particulars to (Central telephone office. Feversham, JAS. T. McKENZlE, (or by addressing me at Feversham. 15 Oct, Feversham. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes .W.W.SV Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy AV.W.W PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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