Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1923, p. 6

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For One Cent you may obtain 3 cup* of H40S AsR for a trial pacKatfe today. Delicious ! Economical I GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. man on this ruler in Israel. The next night I got another from Blenkiron on a greater than Enver. He had been out alone and had come back pretty late, with his face grey; and drawn with pain. The food we ate not at all bad of it* kind and the cold east wind played havoc with I h U dyspepsia. I can see him yet, boil- ing milk on a spirit lamp, while Peter worked at a Primus stove to get him! a hot-water bottle. He was using hor- rid language about his inside. "My God, Major, if I were you with a sound stomach I'd fairly conquer the world. A it is, I've got to do my work with 'f rny mind, while the other half is jivellingin my intestines. I'm like the child in the Bible that had a fox gnawing at its vitals." He (pot his milk boiling and began to nip it. "I ve been to see our pretty, land- lady," he said. "She Bent for me and I hobbled off with a grip full of plans, for she's mighty set on Mesopotamy." "Anything; about Greenmantle?" I asked eagerly. "Why, no, but I have reached one conclusion. I opine that the hapless prophet has -no sort of time with that lady. I opine that he will soon wish I himself in Paradise. For if Almighty | God ever* created a female devil it's Madame vori Einetn." He sipped a little more milk with a (Copyrighted Thoraaa Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XIII. (Cont'd.) | touring in those parts, so Moellendorff 'grave face. "What about the Germans here?" I was the biggest German in the city. ' "That isn't my duo-denal dyspepsia, asked. | He was a thin, foxy-faced fellow, Major. It's the verdict of a ripe ex- Blenkiron laughed. "It is no sort of cleverish but monstrously vain, and perience, for I have a cool and pene- a happy family. But the Young he was not very popular either with trating; judgment, even if I've a der- Turk* know that without the German [the Germans or the Turks. He was anged stomach. And I give it as my boost they'll be strung up like Hainan, ' polite to both of us, but I am bound con-sidered conclusion that that wo- and the Germans can't afford to neg- to say that I got a bad fright when man ' 8 mad and bad but principally lect any ally. Consider what would I entered the room, for the first man , b d-" happen if Turkey got sick of the game I saw was Gaudian. (To be continued.) and made a separate peace. The road I I doubt if he would have recognized D ^ ~. "7" would be open for Russia to the nie even in the clothes I had worn in! rower of a Thunderstorm. Algean. Ferdy of Bulgaria would Stumm's company, for his eyesight' When a great storm la raging with take his depreciated goods to the other was wretched. As it was, I ran no flashes of lightning Illuminating the market and not waste a day thinking risk in dress-clothes, with my hair Bky an<1 ,i llinrier rnish deafenlne about it. You'd have Roumania com- brushed back and a ffne American ac- thunder crash** deafen ng ing in on the Allies' side. Things cent I paid him high compliments na " T **" We reallze "om^'lne of the would look pretty black for that con- a fellow engineer, and translated part "*Ur*H Powers of electricity. trol of the Near East on which Ger- of a very technical conversation be-j If a cat's back Is rubbed in the dark irany has banked her winnings. Kniser twcen him and Blenkiron. Gaudian during hot, dry weather, sparks will says that's got to be prevented at all was in uniform, and I liked the look often fly from K. They ere perfectly costs, but how is it going to be done?" of his honest face better than ever, i harmlaeo, though they are identical Blenkiron's face had become very ! tJiit the great event was the sight of with lightning flashes and the crack- olemn again "It won't be done un- Enve r. He was a slim fellow of Ras- i in g that accompanies them to thunder less Germany's got a trump card to *' build, very foppish and precise in' on srnall ,' rlay. Her game's mighty near bust, his dress, with a smooth oval face like! , , , h , inH " ,K bue it's still got a chance. And that a girl's, and rather fine straight black 1 '" a thun d e tonn the earth reprth chance is a woman r.nd an old man. eyebrows. Ki spoke perfect German, B * nts your nand and the clo "ds are I reckon our landlady hai a bi<*ger and had the best kind of manners, the cat ' 8 back - T|H) Pressure that brain than Enver and Liman. She's neither A VIEW FROM AUSTRALIA Humanity "See, she IB sinking! Are you not going to help?" Uncle Sam "Don't !UB. gls the body will drift to the shore." From the Sydney Bulletin. pert nor overbearing. He had a flash of liBlrtning may be as . . the real boss of the show. When Ija pleasant trick, too, of appealing all much as 1,000,000.000 volts that is, came here I reported to her, and pres- ; round the table for Confirmation, and 5,000,000 times greater than that Woman's Sphere / AttCf A universal etwto* that tenefiti ewry- Aids digestion, ohanses U* toth, SMtlws tfa throiL WMGIEYS & good thing to remember StiMi! R> Parity Package FLAVOR LASTS iron. "It's scarcely begun," said Rlenk- 1 between these two. I didn't think I that can be producod by man. SEVENTY. The laughing welcome on Julia's lips died unspoken at sight of Maisie's face. For after a bewildered glance at her Maisie stared past her down the street, and her eyes were sharp with anxiety. "What is it, Maisie? Has Benjie run away? Can't I hunt for him?" "Oh, Benjie's all right," Maisie re- plied. "I didn't mean to be rude, Julie, come in. You see, I've been ex- Aunt Rebecca for the last two She's been gone since ton and I'm so worried!" for Aunt Rebecca!" Julia re- hope she's having a great time. She must need it if you That talk did a lot to cheer my spir- its, for I realized that it wn* the uig- wanted him aa a friend he was too In famous scK'iitifc't's laboratory watch over her like that." You cold-blo*ded and artificial; and I was tho experiment waa tried of producing i "But, Julia, she's seventy !" Maisie's pretty certain that I didn't want those a miUion-volt spark. It leapt a ten- voice was full of consternation. What's seventy if you don't feel Aunt Rcbc has all her faculties more interest in life than half tho Then began some varied experi-l I fancy I was rather Vsucces's" "at the hl|shest P rcssure Ht. has so far people you. know. Do let her alone, ences. I used to wake up in the morn- ! tha t dinner. For one thing I could been D**>* artificially. | Maisu>!" Ing. womlfring where I should be at speak German, and so had a pull un; Most ()f tlle llBhtnlng in a thunder- "But she may get run over! night, and yet quite pleased with the Blenkiron. For another I was in a storm dons net come near the earth*, don't seem to realize ' Uncertainty. Grecnmantle became :i food temper, and really enjoyed -^jut- but Ihifiiiw from cloud to cloud. Oc- "As far as automobiles arc concern- sort of myth with mo. Somehow ! ting my back into my part. They talk- ' casionally a fork tongue leans from cd , seventy isn't half so dangerous an couldn't fix any idea in my head <>: e( l very high-flown stuff about what ' clwul to earth and tlien unvihlmr what he was like. The nearest I got they had done and were going to do, H S ben anythi "6 was a picture of nn old man in a tui- nd Enver was great on Gnllipoli. I, ban coming ont of a bottle in a cloud remember he said that he could have of smoke, which I remembered from destroyed the whole British Army if it a child's edition of the Arabian hadn't been for somebody's cold feet i Night*. But if he was dim, the lady "t which Moellendorff looked daggers.! was dimmer. Sometimes I thought of They were so bitter about Britain and her as a fat old German crone, some- all her works that I gathered they ; times a a harsh- featured woman like were getting pretty panicky, and thiit! a m'bjOolmisCrc.ss with thin lips and made me as jolly as a sandboy. I'm 1 eyeglasses. But I had to fit the East afraid I was not free from bitterness into the picture, so I made her young myself on that subject. I said things and gave her a touch of the languid about my own country that I some- hour! in a veil. I was always wanting times wake In the night and sweat to to pump Blenkiron on the subject, but think of. he shut up like a rat-trap. He was' Gaudian got on to the use of water looking for bad trouble in that direc-!pwer in war, nnd that gave me a tion, and was disinclined to speak chance, about it beforehand. I "In my country," I said, "when we We led a peaceful existence. Our want to get rid of a mountain we aervante were two of Sandy's lot, for wash it away. There's nothing on Evidence Too Strong. age as seven. I've known at least two old ladies who counted hospital ex- periences the great adventures of their lives! Don't rob your aunt of any fun that's coming to her!" "Julia Durant, you're positively flippant!" "Not inside, Maisie; truly, I'm not. I'm just thinking how I'd loathe being watched and worried over!" "There she comes at last I" cried Maisie, running to the door. Aunt Rebecca came in; her hair was disordered and her hat awry, but her A PRACTICAL ONE-PIECE MODEL FOR THE GROWING GIRL. one more task. That is why hing__ furnishings, especially for the side or back verandah, prove so convenient^ They also save space. A table hinged to the wall makes * handy place to do sitting-down kite-hen! tasks or to hold the sewing material* in the afternoon. It is well to have it' | large enough to hold Sunday-night' lunches. Seats at either end of the verandah; that let down are generally handier! than stationary benches, as they are' out of the way when not needed and shed rain and snow better than bench- es. Another advantage of hinged furnishings is that they are alwayi ready for use no storing away in the fall until spring comes. CAN GREENS FOR WINTER USB. To can kale or greens for winter use, one should be rather careful with every detail as a very poisonous, bac- teria forms sometimes. To prepare the greens for canning, wash them carefully in cold water and bjanch 4 to 6 minutes in boiling water. TBis allows them to shrink so that they may be packed very easily in the jars. The jars should be well filled, but not too firmly packed as they may not be thoroughly sterilized in the centre of the can if the mass is too firm. To each quart jar add one teaspoon salt and what other seasoning desired, chipped beef or other meat; then ad- just rubbers in position and tako one turn back. Process them three houri In hot water bath, or 60 minutes under 10 Ibs. of steam pressure. Mlntrd's Liniment fo. Dandruff. Busy Sister. "And how is your little baby sister, Honald?" asked the vicar, who waa making a call. "Oh, she's only fairly well, thanks. You ee-e, she's just hatching her teeth." for him to get out of It?" "No; the evidenci waa too strong." Blenkiron had very rightly cleared out "arth that will stand against wW ,. f he the Turkish caretakers, and they Now. speaking with all respect ! u ,, worked like beavers under Peter's eye, gentlemen, and as an absolute novicei sh Ul<1 till I reflected I had never been so well "> the military art, I sometimes ask , Customer "I'd like to ln tbe try on that looked after in my life. I walked about wn V tnis God-given weapon isn't more wllich l8 aled in alr-tlght aluminum the city with Blenkiron, keeping my used in the present war. I haven't to P re * erve '* d&liciou freshness. eyes open, and speaking very civil, been to any of the fronts, but 1'y.ei o The third night we were bidden to studied them some from maps and the Part Clerk dinner at Ifoellendorff's, so we put on newspapers. Take your German po- our best clothes and set out in an an- sition in Flanders, where you've got cient cab. Blenkiron had fetched a the n 'K h ground. If I were n British ^jf, _, dress suit of mine, from which my general I reckon I would very soon own tailor's label had been cut and a make it no port of position." New York one substituted. , Moellendorff asked, "How?" General Liman and Metternich the "Why, I'd wash it away. Wash away Ambassador had gone up the lirie to l ^ e fourteen feet of soil down to the! Nish to mi-el the Kaiser, who was "tone. There's a heap of coalpits bo-' - hind the British front where they! "So they convicted your friend ot eyes were bright, and there was a soiling bud butter? Waa there no way \ happy color In her face. And then at j Maisie's greeting all the happiness fell from her like a garment. "Aunt Robe, where have you been? I've been nearly wild!" "It was such a nice day," Aunt Re- becca pleaded. "I thought I'd just run out to 'Liza Saunders. I was BO glad I did, for she's had such a hard win- ter" But Maisie was not at all intcreited in 'Liza Saunders. "You go right up- stairs and lie down till dinner," sho The flavor of tea deteriorate* rapld- to the air. You should never, therefore, accept bulk when you can buy "8ALADA," Clerk-"Better try 'om on out here-, lady; 'Ulnt big enough." -+ . Why Brag. Jr. "Pop, wliat Is an ancestor?" Sr. "Well, I'm one. could generate power, and i' judge' )r -" " Ves - ' know, but why do po- there's an ample water supply from P' l)ra * al)o ' llt them?" rivers nnd canals. I'd guarantee to wash you away in twenty-four hours Mlnard'i Liniment Heal. Cuta, yes, in spite of all your big guns.! It beats me why the British haven't m got on to this notion. They used to T rtuiko Krape Kelutlne for lunch have some bright engineers. 4442. Linen or ratine, with em- broidery or contrasting material for THE FREEMASON, Toronto. Forty- collar and cuffs, would be good for third X ear of publication. Subccrlp- this style. The closing is at the left tlon * 1 - Sample Copies 10c. Cowan Co., Publishers. side under the plait. This Pattern is cut in S Sizes: 12,! 14 and 1C years. A 14-year size re-! quires 4>4 yards of 40-inch material.' Collar and cuffs of contrasting ma- terial require % yard 40 inches wide. Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 16c in silver or stamps, by the Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide St, Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. safer in ease daily washing were de- layed. Flannel bands; skirts; pinning blankets; flannel skirts, "Gertrude" style; wrappers or nightgowns but- toning in back; stockings; bootees; warm jacket* or eweaters; three dozen ordered. "Be sure to cover yourself . diap * rs> twenty-seven inches square, up." i wil1 be required ; BO will nainsook "But I ain't tired a mite," her aunt skirts nnd aressea; a cap, cloak; blan- protestecl. "I feel freshened up. All :keta; P ads - and ma11 hot-water the light had faded from her eyes. i bo " le - "Maisie," Julia said abruptly, "I'm' Sora * P>nt in baby's car* I hav going to take Aunt Rebe home for thaj been m Rt watchful of i night. We'll be back sometime! You! . No P nc ners or soothing syrups. needn't worry; if we die, we'll die to-' " 10 cnuso ot ita discomfort; getherl" I warm water enemas offer wonderful "But you haven't room," Maisie pro- 1 relicf for K ns P ain ' tested. See that baby has at least one good "I'll make room!" bowel movement each day. The same Ten minutes later Julia and Aunt ule for nursing mothers. Regular feeding hours for baby. No tIATCHES East -West EDDYS Best LOOK FOR THE NAME ON THE BOX Mr. Man You/**/ Lifebuoy's hellhine rijht down into the por. After Lifebuoy you feel leaner Ibin you lime crcr frit before. Tbe dclijht nd comfort of mlnf Lifebuoy ir* f*muut aiouad tho world. 7 A* Jtui Hit Hi t/ltr tm. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP ISSUE No. 3ft '23. To make .dissolve one- half box of gelatine in Rebecca were headed for the subway! Enver was on trm point like a knife, one CU P nf col(l (frapc juice, let soften "Aunt Rehe," the girl said to her exr 'tement and unnecessary handling, far quicker than Gaudian. He cross- for live minutes. Put three cups of solemnly, "can you sleep on a couch? In 'hanging and dressing baby I examined me in n way that, showed the grape juice in a saucepan and add And goto a show to-morrow' <Vnil- < P ut "'m on a softly padded card table, K* L i,..ii- I.. , i ............ I. _ *_ i i * !._.. ' ' i . > , . . . _ t The sudden flooding joy in the old sll PPing hls skirts and dress up over Ms feet As scrupulous cleanliness ;n pos- , ho know how to > approach a technical one cup of .sugar, bring to a boil, pour S^M&rt8S^ l ^ I!l 33 ovn th \ 8oft r d Kelatin <- c o1 and K " Ve hied cn-um. An frui giving me a sketch of the floodin i M-Hopotamia when nn aide-de-camp juioe m " y be U8ed ' brought in a c-hit which fetched him lmly>s fnce brou * lit hipped cn-um. Any fruit eyes. "I'll never tell her she's old," In hi-, feet. On I.ako Superior, the largest ex- I have gossiped l,,r,g enough," he' P f fr s h water in the world, BANNING TIIF I AYFTTW said. "My kind host, I must leave you. which has an area of 31,800 square 1 LAYETTE. *' C ! l i t '' ! , men ""' my apologies and fare- miles, splendidly appointed passenger 1 My three young sons have necessi- ri if i, Hteamers of nearly 4,000 tons ply ' tated my obtaining considerable mls- aml I wrote it down "This iTan'Ti'" whl<re only Illdittn cttnops s ''ed 300 cellaneoua information con'cernin B a healthy city for strangers"" Mr! yeal '" a{r Hanau," he said in very good Kng- llsh. "I have some srmll power of she vowed to herself. "Never, never! sibl * '" tne P"*onl care of the baby; Not if Bhe lives to be a hundred!" i handling utensils for his feeding, and! j particularly the hands of whoever cores for him. Mrs. G. C. protecting a friend, nnd what I have Is at your disposal." This with the condescension of a king promising his favor to a subject. The little fellow amused me tre- mendously, find rather impressed me too. I said no to Gaudian after ho had left, but that decent soul didn't agree. "I do not love him," he said. "We are allies yes; but friend^ no. He In no true son of Islam, which is H noble faith and despise* liars and bOMtari and betrayers of their salt." (irens spot* on wall paper layette. HINGED VERANDAH FURNITURE. Verandah days are invariably the removed by rubbing it with camphor- ated chalk. Marr> th( woman whom you would I have always preferred a simple, busiest days on tho fnrm. And look- can be P ract ' fn ' outfit, as it is less wearing ing j.fter verandah furniture Is just KELSEY Healthy HEAT ^^^i^^^^- KelseyHeaiiiid 2$/i* Healing The Kclssy warm air Gen- erator will heat every room In your house. It is easy to operate and costs less for fuel than any other heating method. Heats both small and larie houses with equal satisfaction WHITE F0 PABTICULARS $kii\^ C * M * 1 * ro """ S * r0fleiNQ8 ^ iSSk. JAMEsaMARTpLANT . ;' -L- '*l>*Lr Htt BUOCIWIUI O*T. iHg* on the mother to prepare it, and is so - quickly outgrown. I The money saved thin way can be much more advantageously used for a That was the verdict of one honest 188 - 191 Qcorgt at. choose for a friend if she were a man.: skillful doctor and nurse, a two weeks' ! ' ' i .j. ' complete rest for the mother, and the finrrupatpfi Caluani7pHi advice of * food p*to*t for the- uun ugaicu uaivdniieu , mby . s fecdinR if the mothfr is un _ nbl to successfully fpod her baby. The baby's life and future hea'.th HCC too important to neglect giving him the bent possible start. Three of each of the following Steel Roofing Direct from Manufacturera to Caniumei WRITE FOR PRICES W. E. DILLON CO., Limited Toronto articles arc necessary, four would bo

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