Vol.44 No. 16 Flesherton, Ontario, September 12, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Mrs. Seeley, the new teacher from Osprey, commenced her o*uties on Wednesday. R. Cook went to Toronto last week. Mr. Geo Arrowsmith took in the K Exhibition at Toronto last week, i Mr. John McKinnon of Brampton, Mr Dan McKinnon of (Tufilph, accomp- anied by their mother, motored up last week and visited their sisters, Mrs. Geo. Arowsmith and Mrs. A. McMullen Mr and Mrs Ed Wilson, who have been visiting the latter's brother, Mr Jas. Ashdown, here, returned Friday to their home in Cleveland. Mr. Andrew Kennedy and Robt. Rutledge spent the past week in Toronto. , Mr. Gordon McMullen of Moncton visited his father here a couple days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes and little daughter of Lethbridge are visitors at Mrs. A. Rutledge's. Miss Jean Collinson, who has spent the past two months at Saskatoon, has returned home. Mr. Thos. Genoe took in the Exhibi- tion at Toronto the past week. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bean of Red Creek, N.Y., motored over, arriving on Saturday, and are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs A. McLeod. Mr. Morwood of Markdale and Mr. Fred Martin of Eugenia were first of the week visitors at J. J. Patterson's. Miss Agnes McPhail, M.P., left last week for a trip to British Columbia. Mr. Houston and Misses Mary and Gecrgina McLachlan motored to Kleinburg on Sunday. Mrs. Campbell and babe of Proton spent the week end with her sisters, Mrs. Geo. Banks and Mrs J. Mc- Williams. Mr and Mrs. W. Hill and family of Orange Valley spent te first of the week at H. Piper's. , . Mr. and Mrs. Allie Muir and little son left Tuesday for Toronto, where Mrs. Muir will visit with friends, while Mr. Muir goes as far as North Bay and other points to act as jadge at Fairs. He expects^to be away about two weeks... The Ladies' Aid of Flesherton were entertained by Mrs. John Stewart at their regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon. After the business part Mrs. Stewart served lunch. A very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bentham son and daughter, of Fredonia, N.Y., were visitors at John Stewart's last week. Mr. Will Stewart returns Tuesday to his position in Prescott after a pleasant holiday at his home here. Mr. Joe Haxton, who visited his father and sisters here, has returned to Toronto.- Mr. Ed. Sergant. who visited in Owen Sound over the week end, re- turned Monday. Artemesia School Fair The annual school fair of Artemesia Township will be held in Flesherton on Saturday, September 15th, when quite a number of schools will be tak- ing part. Last year quite a lot of interest was shown in the event and the promoters look forward to a big- ger year than ever this fall. It is a big event for the scholars and is looked forward to for all year. Nathaniel Fitzsimmons ran into a herd of sixteen cows on the 6th of Bruce and disabled his car. Earl Avery was telephoned for and he went out with Jas. Alexander and Chas. Stenebaugh and brought in the wreck, but first of all they put the cattle in pound. It will cost over $200 to repair the car and the ownqr now claims damages from the owner of the cattle. John H Roppell There is no township by-law forbid^ ing the running of cattle on the high- way but it appears that when there is no township by-law the county by- law becomes applicable. The car is very badly damaged. The twp front wheels are splinters and the frame twisted. Kincardine Review. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known as the high grade School. Keen demand for our graduaes all the time. Write for Catalogue. Commence now. flT. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. KIMBERLEY We are pleased to report Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Hill improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Fawcett of Powassan are visiting friends here for a time.,, Mrs. Morwood of Aurora is visiting 1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawkins. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wick- ens on Sept. 7th, a daughter. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faw- cett on Sept. Uth, a daughter. Miss Fannie Abercrombie, who has been spending a holiday with Mrs. T. Abercrombie, has returned to Mrs. L. Baker's. Miss Jean Stephenson is spending a month with Mrs. F. Wickens. Mr. R. Wickens and John Magee motored to Midland last week Mr. Myers spent the week end in Toronto at the Exhibition. Miss Annie Burrett of Collingwood 3. & M. hospital, returned to her duties on Thursday. She likes her work and has passed highest in her class examinations, taking 90 p.c. We are sorry to report Mrs. J. flewes on the sick list. Mrs. F. Davis is with her. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL The municipal Council of the Town- ihip of Artemesia met at the town mil, Flesherton, on the first day of September, 1923. Those present: T. l.McKenzie, Reeve; J. A. Hograrth, Dep. Re-eve; A. Carruthers, T. L. Mer- cer and J. Williamson, Councillors, linutes of last meeting- were read and dopted. The fulowing were presented: The leeve, report of work on Valley Road; . Williamson, report of special grant n 20th sideroad, J. A. Hogarth, re- port of Division 3., By-law to levy rates for County, 'ownship. School and other rates was mssed. Accounts were passed as follows for gravel and ordered paid: I. B. Whyte 3.50; Bert Taylor $3.20; F. Collinson ill; J. D. McLecxl $6; Jos. Oliver 13.10; G Binnie $2.20; L. Atkinson i".50; W. Akitt$1.30; F. Cairns $2.50; <. Carson $10.30 ; A. McCanneR 50c., A. Carruthers $3.10; C. Moore $3.10; R Waller $170; C. Newell $11.50; P. Sweeney $1.70; P. J. Sullivan $5.00; W. McCutcheon $5.63. Other ac- ounts passed were: C.P.R., re cross- ng base line $6.04; for polling station J. Gibson $8;Orange hall, Proton $8; Orange hall, Ceylon$8; W. G. Watson wo booths $16: Foresters', Vandeleur S8; Orange hall, Eugenia $16; S. S. sheep valuer $4.50; W. H Thurston jrinting voters list and advertising S108.50; Sawyer-Massey, repairs for grader $1.57;. Claims for sheep tilled by dogs C. Turner $10; A. Thompson $15; H Genoe $27; Tur- ler $27; H Williams 3; .1 Porteous &60. Hogarth Williamson That a spe- cial grant of $100 be made for grav- elling 35th sideroad to be expended by Mr. Carruthers. Carried. Hogarth Williamson That the Reeve's report of expenditure on Val- ey Road be adopted, expended $363.70 and he receive commission thereon $36.40. Caried. Carruthers Mercer That Mr. Ho- garth's report be adopted showing ex- pended $116.18 and he receive $5.50 commission and $10 for 2'/i days' overseeing. Carried. Mercer Hogarth That Mr. Will- iamson's report on special grant to 20 sideroad be adopted, amount expend- ed 'J4, and he be paid $16 for four days' overseeing the work. Carried. The Council adjourned. IN MEMORIAM FEVERSHAM VANDELEUR ! Mrs. Broughton, Arthur and Lillian ,,Mrs Joseph Irwin and daughter, Mrs | of Melancthon visited a short time J. Devlin of Milton, were visitors 'ago with the Shannon family. here for the past week. John Smalley, wife and children, School re-opened on Tuesday of last week with Miss Peters of Weston are visiting at the latter's parental i in charge. home. iyj r am j 31,-.;. T^JH Hutchinson and E. Moore of Tro.ssack, Sask., and ' Pauline spent a week with friends at W. Moore of Mealord were visitors j Toronto and Embury, while attending their mother's fun- j Mr. and Mrs. Matt Devitt and cral - family of Epping visited recently Mrs. C. H. Smith has returned with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Johnston, after a visit with her mother at I ^ iss Nellie and Annie Burritt of Oshawa. ! Kimberley spent a few days with Miss Mary Witeoak has returned | their sister> Mrs< *^ ve Graham ' to Toronto after a visit at her par- I Mr. Oke and daughter, Hazel, re- ental home. ! turned to their home in Toronto after We welcome Mr. M. McLean, Barr- i 8 P endi "K a f( * v weeks with Mr ' aml ister, of Collingwood, who has opened i Mrs ' L Johnston, up an office in the Whiteoak block in Misses Lillian and Annie Graham the village and will attend every spent the past week with friends in Saturday. Toronto. We are sorry to see Mr. Christie I The Lea * ue had a very successful McNichol going around on crutches with a fractured ankle. ,,Ed. Smith, wife and family of Erin, motored up to visit friends in this vicinity over the week end. TEACHERS' UMON SHOT LI) BE SQUELCHED (Mt. Foerst Confederate) Uuder the name of a Teachers' Federation, the teachers of Ontario have established what is virtually and actually a. Teachers' Union, with all that unionism implies. Similar un- ions have been established in other Provinces and a Dominion Federation has been formed, which has agreed to join a "World Federation. Now all this would be very well if it meant simply the advancement of the inter- !8ts and efficiency of the profession. But it means more than that. It means the adoption of the strike, the setting of mini mums and the estab- lishment of the boycott. The Federa- tion is in a fair way to be an ally, or adjunct, of the I.W.W. \Ve take the position that extreme measures men- tioned above should not be permitted to employees in publte services, such as the post office, tlie schools, the fire brijrade, light and power supply. We doubt their advisability and real effi- need to enter such services unless ^ desire. If the services are not conpenial, it is open to employees to withdraw individuality after due no- tice. But they ought not to combine and put the whole country to incon- venience and kiss. CAPTURED A MINK evening in the church on Tuesday evening of last week. The pastor, Rev. F. N. Bowes of Markdale, gave a number of poems written by Rev. Wm. Howie, which were much en- joyed by all present. Music was provided by the Vandeleur orchestra and Mr. and Mrs. Bowes. Mr. and Mrs. Guo. Buchanan spei.t a day with friends at Cheslev. Mrs. Davidson returned to her home in Chesley after spending a few weeks with friends here. Mrs. H. Ready and two children of St.- Marys returned home with her. .Vanduleur and Flesherton played the last game of the season on the Flesh- erton grounds of nMonday of last week, when a double-header was played. Vandt-luur won the first game and lost the second. Vande- leur attended the tournament in Clarksburg on Thursday, Aug. 30th and won the first game from Clarks- burg 62. Vandeleur then had to play with Ivy team of Simcoe. This game was a tie until the last inning, when Ivy got in two runs. This left the teams tied on the day's play. Quite a number from here attend- ed the cold merit supper in the Eben- ezer church i last, when an Tharsday evening xcuUent supper and program was givon under the ausp- ices of the Ladies' Aid of the church. The play entitled, "The Last Loaf", was well given by the young people of Ebenezer chuivh and was certainly worth hearing. The proceeds am- ounted to about $"). , A garden part" will be held on Sept. l!Hh at Vandeleur. Baseball between Dundalk ;.nd Vandeleur. A good super will bo served. Mr. Win. Cat; well set a small trap in his cellar for rats. Going to examine the trap one day last week he found a mink fast in it. There was an out- ' side entrance to the cellar and the' door was left open, through which Mr. Mink entered to investigate. Mr. Caswell took the small animal to the border of a swamp and liberated it. This was not altogether from a hu- manitarian standpoint, because in a couple of months from now he will probably do his best to capture the little animal again, { OWEN. SOUND Individual instruciion permits you to enter any <'ay at the and start your studies in Commercial Shorthand or Preparatory Courses unexcelled in Car.:ida Unexcelled in America. Catalo *ue Fr^j. G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Prindnle since 1881. JULIAN In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Thos. Juliun, who died September 16, 1921. I cannot say and I will not say, Thar he is dead he is just away. With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand, , He has wandered into an unknown land, And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be since he lingers there; And you Oh you, who the wildest yearn , For the old-time step and the glad return, Think of him faring on, as dear In the love of there, as the love of here; Think of him still as the same, I say; He is not dead he is just away. Wife and daughter. HALF PRICE I Our Big Gigantic Sale THAT SURPRISES ALL In Millinery and Dresses Will continue for the whole month of August A lar^e stock to choose from in the lat- est styles. People are coining to buy from every direction Investigate these wonderful bargains. You will be surprised at the value and styles' It will pay you twice over to eome here, no matter where you live. J. SURACE DUNDALK, - Ontario DIAMONDS For the next few weeks we are able to quote some exceptionally low prices on diamonds. SOUTAIRES IN 14 K. YELLOW- WHiTK <;OI.D FROM $12 to $200. CLTSTERS PERFECT BI.L'E- WHITJS AND OF CHARMING DE- SIGN FROM $75 IP. We also have an excellent variety of Diamonds with Pearls, and Dia- monds with Ruby, of first quality, with yellow, green or white gold sett- ings Specially priced $25.00. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS Flesherton, - Ontario Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer's Phone Hillcrest 26 124 Avenu-e Road TORONTO, ONT. MOTOR EQUIPMENT i J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, 1 President. . .Manager, Now is the time to renew; your subscription to -J The Advance HOUSE OF Q.UALITV Special This Week 12 bars of soap and a towl all for $ I only, a limited supply so do not miss tnis bargain. Fruit, lemons, oranges and bannan- as, other fruits in season. Confectionary Neilson's bulk choc- olates and bars and ice cream al- ways on hand. FLOUR FEED SEEDS W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. 3: School Boots We have them for Girls in both Lace Boots and Strap Shoes; for Boys, good sermeftbte Boots, both Black and Ta. ' MEN'S BOOTS FOR FALL WEMt ' In Men's Heavy Boots for Fall wear xw Hb*e very good ones at $4 and better ones at $6.00. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ::: ***-**** j * -_-_ ***.** ill* *T; t ! ! t *!S!! ?* I'M !!? MS 5 ttMtff tm* ?????! ??**??*! **