Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1923, p. 6

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I Its Sale is Phenomenal Its Quality is Irreproachable 0Af I HAH H5BS Is thc Purest and Most Cleanly Prepared Tea in the World GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas NvJson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER X. (Cont'd.) II expected, because, you see, he got The harassed commandant grinned. |\ i8 , 8t " ff safe in any case. H was only "You've offended his lordship, and he J 1 " 1 thc wretched Turks had to pay is a bad enemy. All those damned tw jj e for a '"* f of '* . , . Comitadjis are. You would be wellj " e * ave - Peter and me ln cheo ". advised not to go to Constantinople." "And have that blighter in the red th\Vk vou he lT,nVo"n? e to r soe' them '* for Jt would h ve b <" n "omething s^V'hati.dTa.'o'whaVv^toy < f - .* view of. Germany's I call the artillery depot." Eastern campaign JMr. Kuprawo. He paid no attention, ao I shouted louder at him, and the I noise brought a man out of the back 1 parts. | He was a fat, oldish follow -with a I long nose, very like the Greek trader* ! you see on the Zanzibar coast. I beck- I oned to him and he waddled forward. 1 smiling oilily. Then I asked him what he would take, and he replied, in very halting German, that he would have strop. (To be continued.) Woman's Sphere to wait. The Obedient Boy. A lady In a trolley car displayed the wrong spirit recently. She stared at a ragged urchin across the aisle with unspeakable disgust. Then she said: "Have you a pocket handkerchief, boy?" The ragged urchin snuffed, but I did not dare answered with a grin: clvl1 and TE Then he My word but I used ' sions which would have ravished my | Young Turk friend to hear. Looking b.ii I;, it seems pretty ridiculous to have ' in.ii- all this fuss about guns which ! were going to be used against my own. the Any moment there might ar- incriminating wire from Rust- chuk. Finally he lent us a car to take us a few miles to the city. So it came about that at five min- ' three on the 16th day of with only the clothes we I entered "Yee'm, but I ain't allowed to- lend ' people, but I didn't see that at ! v hether she'll learn that much of the time. My professional pride WHS up ww> best of life can come only in quiet In arms, and I couldn't bear to have a the times, and that the gift of creating hand in a crooked deal. the first your own adventures makes living a "Well, I advise you to go armed," pointment of hundredfold more wonderful than go- s " ld tho commandant. "You will have THE-JKNK1NS BABY. "I have only a minute to spare said Janice, running lightly up steps of her Cousin Rachel's plaixa^ you and your enchanted garden. If., rouna "and" round in a perpetual * 2Sf^?j TheTmaJ E" te t j= ltjr ' ihe only place in the world I know whirl of doing and doing, and getting hold yo P u up*,,, g 8ame . , c . n ? t hold SEJ"!S whore things seem really to rest. I no * h ' r ln d " > you once you are pat the frontier, but houldn't believe It existed, I should "Is that all?" Janice asked politely. I'll send a wire to Oesterzee and he'll r 1 worn draamine except for i "I'm afraid my time is up, dear, make trouble if anything goes wrong, he sure ** "% h l wav I < Wasn't it sweet of me to open the door 1 still think you would have been wiser the Jenkin. baby cr " the y this . for yoll lo nlce l y ?" And with a flirt to humor Rasta Bey." .oe tho grandfather won duty this , X ^ Ag , g ^ a ^ afternoon. Don t the> ?*" Cousin Rachel smiled and siehed K rum ' Here's a wire for your Cap- Jouncing that baby day or rught? ^ D^^STS^*^^ "^ "" i kuuw too 1 aunt _ had come out ^ relieve tha; Schcnk was pretty gickt so j left m not In considerable iritSi /or r ot tfae finn , k "The most importan thing in Hi for a man to unite with man; and the worst thing in life is to go apart from one another." Leo Tolstoi. Minard't Llnlmenv for Cough* A Cold* Employ your time improving your- -Ives by other men's documents; .o waf) Q , My disap I don't quite "know what have labored hard for. Socrates. had expected a sort of fairyland all white marble and shall you come easily by what others ! Habita are the only cobweb* that plices, band discoursing sweet music. forgotten that winter is pretty the same everywhere. It was a _ day, with a south-oast wind blowing, and the atrcets were long troughs of mud. The first part I struck looked like a dingy colonial suburb wooden houses ana corrugat- ed iron roofs, and endleas dirty, sal- nights." she responded, "but I am sure Soot Ihe days. That baby carriage is jouncing the rriage. jounced or rocked or jiggled or swung every moment from the time it Is put out after breakfast till it is taken in after dark with brief intervals of course when the little midget is car- ried into the house." "I don't know anything about ba- bies," Janice remarked meditatively, "except what I've seen of Helen's, but little Helen Is left so still, and when he's awako she does her own Jounc- tg and makre a great game of It. It so much better than being jounced!" "Exactly," Cousir Rachel agreed. Janlca flashed about "Nobody," she declared, "may say 'exactly' in that tone without explaining. Why 'ex- actly' T" "I was merely agreeing with you." ' .it sin Rachel auerted innocently. "That is precisely what you were not doing," Janice declared. "Not underneath, I mean. Now precisely what are you insinuating?" "I was only wondering whether the Jenkins baby will still want to be jig- gled when she grows up, have some- thing done to her every minute, she began CHARMING AFTERNOON DRESS. 4342-4S79. White and black foulard is here combined with black georgette. canal l 8aw each irucK ana reter anu t {hc hea( j o , each e Then we in a horse-box Presently I remem- t mt bered Schenk's telegram, which still deseende reposed in my pocket. I took it out what , took to be m ues and mlnar . and opened it, meaning to wire it from et and th ab ' out Impre8 .! the flrat station we stopped at But siye ag fact / chimn B ^3 by! changed my mind when I read it. It we c d brid JJJ, paid a penny was from some official at Regensburg f th privil * If j h ' ad ^ wn it asking him to put under arrest and wag th ^ Go , d Rorn j , d back by the first boat a man can- haye , ocked t , t , th more , nter ,. 8t ^ cd Brandt, who was believed to have Kllf i , ,,.. _ _ ,^ , _n. come aboard at Absthafen on tho 30th of December. I whistled and xhowed it to Peter. but I saw nothing save a lot of moth- eaten barges and some queer little boats like gondolas. Then we came into busier streets, where ramshackle The sooner we were at Constantinople cabs ( , rawn b , - h luttered ftl^SL^J E5S*.2'*J I J through the mud. I saw onefold fel- thero before the fellow who sent this low who looked like my notion of a . , ,, , . .. , i ' v\ wuu j'.iihni iit\r my iiuuuil ui a wire repeated it and got the command- Turk but mogt of the populatlon had ant to send on the message and have the appearance of Ix)lldo ^ O i d . c i ot he8 us held up at Chataldja for my back mel) A ,, but the sol)]ie Turk and had got fairly stiffened about these Germftl who g^,,,^ ^.get-up fel- munitions, and I was going to take ], )WS any risk to see them safely delivered p eter had paddled alonK at my side to their proper owner. Peter couldnt ]jke ft faithfu , do not ga in a word undj-rstand V at all. He still hank- but clear , not approving of this wet ered after a K rand destruction of the an( , dirty^etropolis. lot somewhere down the railway But .. Do you know that wc are ^ ng then, this wasnt the line of Peter's followe( f Cornelis?" he said suddenly, profession, and his pride was not at . <ever gince we calne , nto thig evi ^. i Mmelling dorp." i Peter was infallible in a thing like; that. The news scared me badly, for I feared that the telegram had como' to fhataldja. Then I thought it; couldn't be that, for if von Oesterzee had wanted me he wouldn't have taken It was more We had a mortally slow journey. It was had enough in Bulgaria, but when we crossed tne frontier at a place called Mustafa Pa^ha wo struck the real supincness of the East. Happily I found a German officer there who had some notion of hustling, and, after the troub i e to 8talk me all. it was his mtcreat to get the stuff Hkely my friend Rasta moved. It was the morning of the - 10th, after Peter and I had been living like pigs on black bread and condemn- ed tin stuff, that we came in sight of a blue sea on our right hnnd and knew we couldn't be very far from the end. It was jolly near the end in another Wo stopped at a station and . { 11 plies a style that is very becoming to doaen TurkUh gendarmes, stout figures, and one that may be de-[ I called to Peter, and we clambered veloped in silk, cloth or wash ma- into thc truck next our horse-box. I terials. In plnld and plain ratine had been half expecting some move combined, it will be very smart lk tnis and had rnde a plan. The Blouse Pattern 4342, Is cut in 1 The Turk swaggered up and ad- 7 Sizes: 34, 30, 88, 40, 42, 44 and 40 dressed us. "You can get back to I found the ferry of Ratchik by ask- ing a soldier, and a German sailor there told me where the Kurdish Ba- zaar wag. lie pointed up a steep street which ran past a high hlock of, warehouses with every window broken. Sandy had said the left-hand side com- ing down, so it muxt be the right-hand j unged in 1*1 i'. . The wind whistled up the garbage. It seemed densely habited, for at all tlu* doors than>' were groups of people squatting, with their heads covered, though scarcely a window showed in the blank walls. The street corkscrewed endlessly, i Sometimes it seemed to stop; then it| - m' f" r \ found a hole In thc opposing masonry "Is thia Chataldja?" f asked mno- and cdgcd ju way g of n , t Lb*i INVINCIBLE QUICK COCOANUT PUDDING ONE OF A DOZEN "QUICt* DESSERTS lioononuccl NouriihinJ Add milk to the content* of a paokag* of IN'V fN'C- IBL.B CocSanut Pudding. Stir, boil for fewnili.aU* and Serve. Inilt * McLAKEN'S IpVINCIBLg Sold by ell Orooeri M.IH- by Mil.ABENS I IM1 rui). Hamilton a Wlnnlp.t. II almost pitch dark; then would comei a greyish twilight where it opened; inchos waist measure. Tho width at centfy the foot with plaits extended is 2%j "It 'is the end of your affair," he yards. To make the dress as illus- gald haughtily. "Quick, or it will be tratcd will require 3H yards of flgur- the worse for you." d material, and 1H yard of plain ma- 1 "Now, look mro, my son," I said; terial 40 Inches wide. To make of "you're n kid and know nothing. I ono material will require 6'/4 yards of n *1^ over to T* B SF*' von ^ estcr7ee 40-inch material nn ^ to no onc l ' lse - TWO separate pattern,, mailed to' ^^^tf^aZ^tt?' looT, as if they understood any' civiliz- any address on receipt of 15c FOR -m obey the Government right EACH pattern in silver or stamps, by enough," I said; "but if you're the the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Government I could make a better one find a house in that murk was no easy job, and by the time we had gone a quarter of n mile I began to fear WP had missed it. It was no good -l;itu: any of the crowd we met. They didn't Adelaide St., Toronto. OUR KITCHEN CLOCK. with a bib and a rattle." unslung their rifles. TH,,, , , . "Please don't begin shooting," T said. , Y]^l uu u^uV at L lftst "There are twelve armed guards on relegated to the kitchen, but oven hero thJB tr(v , n who w m |f,8UE No. 29 '2J. dark wood and out-of-date lines can shoot a bit." against the light painted walls and "Fooll" he cried, getting very angry, trim. It was too good a timekeeper "1 can order up a regiment in five to discard entirely, so the man of tho minutes." family decided to try his hand at a " Ma >,l >e ^ u f. an ' ', " a " 1; .^ ut b - bil of decorating. serve the .s.tuat.on. 1 am sitting on ,, K ". _ .. .. I enough toluol to blow up this country- Ho first flawed off all the extra 8ide . If you darc to come aboard 1 wood, leaving only the square clock will K hoot you. If you call In your with the round pendulum hanging be- regiment I will tell you what I'll do. low. This was n great improvement I'll fire this ntuff, and I reckon they'll In its appearance and did not interfere he pickiriR up bits of you and your with the working qualities of the clock regiment off thc Gullipoll Peninsula." in the least. Next he removed the I He > d P ut . U P, a bluff-" poor ono flgures which tell tho hour, and the tho clock Itself and thai were painted white and - . , ' , a " d I I h ^ nll f ll ' He s " w ' niBHnt what I said, ami became silken. "(Jood-byo, sir," he said. "Vou have had a fair chance and rejected it. We 'OCB hand; then pendulum enameled and given a smooth glossy ' shall meet affain soon, nnd you will he surface. Tho figures and hands were! sorry for your insolence." He strutted away, and it was all I could do to keen from running after ^ is/ewe/* and ^/tetter imp MMBtled dark blue our kitchen is In' blue and white and when all were dry, fastened into place again A tiny' P 1 " 1 ' T wuntwl to 1( *y him stencil of the mouse who ran up the 1 n<l spank him. nlnot , i . j I We got safely to ( hat.aldia, and clock was used to decorate the pendu-J W(ire ,.K. eJve( , b von Oesterv.ee like lum. I his was put on In a dark blue | long-lost brothers. He was the regular also. So now our kitchen boasts a gunner-officer, not thinking about (tunning timepiece, quite, like the ex- ! anything except his guns nnd Hhells. ponalve ones shown in illustrations of. I had to wait about three hours while correctly done interiors. If we had , ne wafl checking thc stuff with the in- wished to use the clock in th'e hall or i voic s . nn<1 tn( ' n he K ave mc a receipt living room the same Idea could taw S^lSSPtPSSj a cou ave I kn=n ...,.,.ii f i A-* ,' Rasta, and he agreed that 1 had been carried out in different colors and ri ht ' It d|dn , t K , nake him aa mn(1 aa with more elaliortp Btencil designs. Mary Grace Raruey. the SMART'S TANDEM Doub't* Acting A slfent, e&sy working and dura- ble pump that definitely replaces the W/ng type model Pumps all kinds of liquids. Can b drained tf> prevent freez/r^t "~'9y to prime and to repair m with housfiho/d took <M 3EE IT AT VOUR HARDWArtt STORE JAMES SMART WANT BBOO<VlllE ONT. Mlnard's Linlmtnt tor Corni and Wsr-.i Shoe Polishes ed tongue.. At last we stumbled on it^ n tumble-down coffee house, with A. Ku- prasso above the door in queer ama-i tour lettering. There was a lamp He said something to his men, who burning insidei and two or three men smoking at small wooden tables. We ordered coffee, thick black stulF : like treacle, which Peter anathematiz- j grow into cables. EDDYS MATCHES Eddy's make 120 MILLION matches a &jy Serve FLIC) In the Kitchen? FLIES In the Dining Room? FLIES In the Barn or Dairy? FLIES or Insects on Cattle? LICE or Mites on Poultry? GRUBS on Plants? THE SAPHO BULB SPRAYER $1.00 For uce with Sapho Powder Kill* them all and saves your money and tmpr SAPHO POWDER IN TINS, esc, SOc, fl.ti. SAPHO PUt'FERS, 15e. If your dealtr doem't stock Sapho Bulb Spraytrt, ordtr from ua, sending his name. KENNEDY MFQ. CO., MONTREAL Wrtt for clrvnUmr to Ontario AlCflt: Contlnmttl 8ltl Co., 24 Adlllld* St. f., Toronto LILY WHITE Corn. Syr up FOP Preserving Half Lily White and Half Sugar You will have wonderful success with your preserves if you follow the example of the Technical Schools and replace half the sugar with LILY WHITE Corn Syrup. The initial saving in money may be small, but your jams and jellies will keep better, will have finer flavor, will be just the right consistency and will not crystallize. LILY WHITE makes Dandy Candy Endorsed by good housewives every- where. LILY WHITE Corn Syrup is sold by all grocers in 2, 5 and 10 Ib. tins. THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED, MONTREAL. SOS

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