Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Jun 1923, p. 2

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A Reputation for unvarying Quality is tHe Greatest MarR of Distinction. NURSES The Toronto HoapUal for t.icur- ble. In affiliation with Bellevue and Allied Hospital" New York City. offers a three years' Couree of Train- ing to young women, having the re- quired education, and dolrous of be- ii iriMK iMir.'.i-s. This HoHpltal has :dopteil ihe U:it-hour nyBtem. Th imi'lls receive uniforms of the School, a monthly allo'vnnce and travelling >-xpensi>s tn and from New York. For (r-''.fr Information apply to ro R348 has given Matchless Quality for 31 rears. So Delicious! Just Try It. QREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons. Ltd.) CHAPTER VII.- -(Cont'd.) j climate is hot. and your cold brings I must have run miles before the me fe . ver - u w . ii! P ass '" , a ,, hot lit passetl, ar.d I stopped from . tw ? lf >' o , u , can give me a te< 1. sheer bodily weaknc.-s. There was 1 I stumbled after her and > no sound except the crush of falling t snow, the wind set nu-d to have gone, and place was very solemn and ul "V- ll wns a poor place, scamny thought of the Russians as . a num. liut Heavens! how the snow furnished, but a jjood_ log-lire burned nation of Savilge8j heathens who Then I nearly fell out of ihe hod. Von Khifin the name I had heard at Guadian's house, the name Sturr.m had spoken behind his hand, the naine lo which 'lilda was probably the pre- fix. It was a tremendous discovery the rirbt rtal bit of light I h-id fond. Harry Bullivant knew that i.omv man or woman called Von Einem was at the hear- of the mystery. Stumm had "poken of the same personage with respect and in connection with the work 1 proposed to do in raising the Moslem Africans. If I found Von F.inem I would be getting very wunn. ' What wa.-; the word that Stumm 'ml o f war When I saw ths splintered] whispered to Uaudian and scared that sne) ] o f Ypres and heard hideous worthy? It had sounded liki Ulm- ta!es O f (; crrr ,an doings, I used to' niantl. If 1 could only get that clear, want to see the whole land of the 1 would solve the riddle. Boche given up to fire and sword. I I think that discovery completed thought we could never end the war! my cure. At any rate on the evening proper iy without giving the Huns of the fifth day it was Wednesday, some of their own mc( ]icine. But that the 29th of December I was well woodcutter's cottage cured me of such! . enough to get up. When the dark had nightmares. I was for punishing the fallen and it was too late to fear a guilty but letting the innocent go' visitor, 1 came downstairs and, wrap- frec- j t was our business to thank ped in my green capo, took a scat by Go j and kecp our nun d s dean from j tho lire. the ugly blunders to which Germany's 1 As we sat there in the firelight, ma d ness ] la d driven her. What good; with the three wmte-headed children wou)d it do Christian folk to burn! staring at me with saucer eyes, and poor mt i e huts like th j s a nd leave \ smiling when I looked their way, the children's bodies by the wayside? To; woman talked. Her man had gone to be al)le to | auKn an d be merciful are the wars on the Eastern front, and the only thin( , s t hat make man better the last she had heard from him he tnan the beasts hifdr" -..i S ..JL*'Y! 1 "?. i "l! r The place, 'as J have said, was des- itive woodlands. The strug- pe r a t e |y poor. The woman's face had , or K'f meant little to her. It was an act the skin stretc hed tight over the bones! i,- v. U i 1 u u ut .? f , the t ky> and tllat transparency which means | drip- wh ! ch . h (l lakcn a husband from her unde r-feeding; I fancied she did not, . ** pud miirht -...in mnkp nnr M winnvv nnn !,.. *^ ,?. , ,, A L * .1 ' diers - and might soon make her a widow and have the lib - era i allowance that sol-j j her children fatherless. She knew no- d j ( , rs > w j ves Ke t j n Enpland The ? of its causes and purposes, and t . h ildren looked better nourished, but' , good Ing-nre burned -~r Kht 9 f tht> Russians as .a PiKantic u was h thejr mother . s Bacr ince. I on the hearth. The shock of warmth * ^.^^.^^l^.J 1 ^ did my best to cheer them up. I told blood for r.ourfehing the hair bulb*. Massage- -thn; is, vigorous rubbing night and morning combined with pinching the scalp between thumb and forefinger will help greatly. It that is done faithfully from early life, a man may, if he avoids- the stiff hat, not only preserve Hs hair but also retard or prevent its becoming gray. Shampooing the healthy scalp be- yond what is necessary for clennlines* once every week or fortnight is harmful. There is nothing better for the shampoo than tincture of green soap. After the washing, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed in cool or cold water, and then a very little yel- low vaseline or a mature of vaseline and lanolin should be rubbed into the roots. When the scalp has been neg- lected the hair may become dry and lack lustre. For that condition a pomade of equal parts of citrine oint- ment, yellow vaseline and lanolin is useful. A little of the mixture well rubbed into the roots at night once a week or so and washed out with a shampoo of tincture of green soap in the morning will often bring back the natural beauty of the hair. HOUSE OR HOME. A house is built of bricks and stones, Of sills and posts and piers; But a home is built of lovely deeds That stand a thousand years. A house, though but a humble cot, Within its walls may hold A home of priceless beauty, rich In Love's eternal gold. I After Every Meat WRKLEYS In work or play, It gives the poise and steadiness that mean success. It helps digestion. allays thirst, keep- ing the month cool and moist, the throat muscles relaxed and pliant and the nerves at ease. A BETTER SCORE D-33 burned, and there were riery pains "You are welcome." she said; "but nnd out if she had any notion of af- caryed verv nresenta ' lcenes<?es of over all my body. I stumbled on first I will make you coffee." fairs in the West, but she hadn't, be- ' " 'onkev a snrinE-bok and n rhin blindly, without a notion of any di-i I took off my dripping cloak, and yond the fact that there was trouble ocerw The cbildren went to bed hug- rection, determined only to keep going crouched close to the hearth. She with tho French. I doubt if she knew _:,._ t V. p c ri . t t - v . i ...., .>..,., _.,.- to the last. For I knew that if 1 once Jfave me coffee poor washy stuff, but o f Kngland's share in it. She wae a f "ses"ed ****? tne3r lay down I would never rise again. i blessedly hot. Poverty was spelled decent soul, with no bitterness against ' _ When I was a boy I was fond of large in everything I saw. I felt the anybody, not even the Russians if they I ^ lo be continued.) fairy tales, and most of the stories tides of fever beginning to overflow would -spare her man. * 1 remembered had been about great my brain again, and I made a great That night I realized the cra/.y folly MlnarcP* Liniment tor Corns and Wart* (iernian forests and snow and char- ' attempt to set my affair* straight be- K.U! burners and woodmen's huts, fore I was overtaken. With difficulty Once I had longed to see these things, I took out Stumm's pans from my and now I was fairly in the thick of pocket-book. them. There hatPlHon wolves, too, I "That is my warrant." I said. Hnd I wondered idly if 1 should fall am a member of the Imperial Secret in with a pack. 1 felt myself gel- Service and for the sake of my work ting light-headed. I fell repeatedly I must move in the dark. If you will and laughed sillily every time. Once permit it, mother, 1 will sleep till I 1 dropped into a hole and lay for am better, but r.n one must know that some time at the bottom giggling. If ' '" here. If any one comes, you any one had found me then he would must deny my presence." have taken me for a madman. Sh:- looked at the big seal an if it The twilight of the forest grew were a talisman. Woman's Sphere A GARDEN PARTY. I"; that is, the name of a flower be- ,..- .<,,-,. K ,ev, --., - -... If you want an excuse to dress up, ginning with the letter the leader has dimmer, but I scarcely noticed it. "Yes, yes." she s:iid, "you will have why not ask your friends to represent 1 Called. Evening was falling, and soon it the bed in the garret, and be left in their favorite flower at an afternoon j For instance, the leader calls "C" would be night, a night without morn- peace till you are well. WP have no or fv( , n ; na , nr ,i pn nnrtv? Since June' tnd points to a certain guest. Imme Ing with my was MI: K. for he knows th: he will fall, and I had NATURE STUDY RECORDS. It would surely be interesting for the girls of a community to set out to discover how many flowers, birds or trees they can find in their vicinity in the course of the summer holidays. At a camp one year on the closing day, after only a week's search, the girls went In a procession and attached names to all the trees they had identi- fied and presented to the camp on a birch bark roll a list of forty-five flowers they had discovered. If such tests were preserved, compared from year to year, and additions made, they would become really fine records. Mlnard't Llnlmenv for Cough* A Cald* Help for the Helpless. Lecturing in London recently on- "Brains," Sir James Cintlie, the fam- ous surgeon, prefixed 1m address with a demonstration of what brains can do. This took the form of a new ma- chine whl -.1 has been devised for tb u iu of men who lost their arms in the war. It Is worked by the toes. With the aid of the machine an arm- less 111:111 ate a meal consisting of soup and a meat course, with a drink r.t the ; end. He then lit a cigarette, wasted ! his face, wrote a letter, folded it, and j put It In an envelope, which he ad- ! dressed and stamped. He also turned o"er tht- pages of a i book, and performed many other re- \ markaLlo operations. rould be night, a night without morn- peace till you are well. WP have no O r evening tarden party? Since June,'- points to a certain guest. Imme- ng for me. My body was going on neighbors near, a'nd the storm will js lhe ^ of roses you n irhl diately she must answer: "My ship is ^^ssft&'SaS.s*! -.S'-istJ"'"" ta '""" ',*- ." >- *** >, -I 1 is* h * m t". n L; B ;,:' :-''i::,:!^.r;,^.!";r.= 3feSgA*^^!^^* H *^&&&!tt3& on June eighth. ( Flower centimes) R. S. V. P. keeps nut if he stops but I mad'.' one more effoi t. d a sort of bet "There is food in my rucksack bis- with myself not to lie down -not at cuiN und hum and chocolate. Pray any rate iust yet. If I lay down I take it for your use. And here is some should foel the pain in my head worse, money to buy Christinas fare for the Once I had ridden for live days down little ones." And I gave her some of Time country with fevor on me and the the (itrman notes. Place flat bush trees h:id seemed to melt into After that my recollection becomes MM- big mirage and di.m-c ifuadrilles dim. She helped mo up a ladder to Most of the girls will conic as ,jay l.efoie my eves. But then I had more the garret, undressed me. and gave crepe-paper duplicates of their favor- Mi Ics:, kept my wits. Now I was me a thi.-k course nlrfltgOWtV I seem itcSi bul don - t ^ surp| . i:St .ti j,- some O f fairly daft, and every minute growing "> remember thm >he k BMdn hand lh |)Q , ooki , Jk . b t . daftei. and that she was crvmir. "The good , , Then the tree, ,oemcd to stop and lx.nl has ,ent you," slu- said; "Now to " s or M*~rf heart* from which I was walking on flnt gmund. It wa f h" littlt* ones will have their prnvers a clearing, and before me twinkled a answan-d mid ihe Christkind will not little light. The change restored in.- pass by our door." lo consciousness, and suddenly I fell with horrid intensity the fire in my /MI A DTL^D trin head and bones and the weakness of ( MAI ThK % '" my limbs. I longed to sleep, and I T ^ > ;ssl:N BAKIJKS. had a notion that K place to sleep W.-M f lay four dtiys like log in that l fine me. I moved towards the light giirret bed. The storrn died down, the and pri-si ntly saw through a screen thaw set in, and the snow melted. The of snow the outline of cottage. children played about the doors and l;r ' otn on ">e porch gonia." It would be well for the host- I ess or leader to have at hand a die- Crimson Rambler bid., ill the. tionary for reference. The faster the flowers to a party in her gai don i game is played the more enjoyable it is. You might finish the evening with a rose hunt that will send each guest (iff with it souvenir of the evening's tlow - CARE OF THE SCALP. Among the minor ills tho.<e, name- ly, which do not threp.ten life or iro- If your party is outdoors you won't' P air Phynical efficiency-there is per- huve to worry much about decora- h "P s none thut occasions mo-e dic- tions; nature has taken care of that tri>S8 thun the various trouble* tnat for you. Of course, if your paity is! offect W halr of thc heud - " A wo ' at night you will want to stiini; up i >s (f'ory is her hair," and man's Japanese lanterns for additional light.! would be his if he could only ke,-p it! And you may want to serve >our re- ' n mos t cases he could keep it if rie nts from a rose-dec,.rtcdi woulcl onl y ^in to care for it soon enough lut good hair is like good No more we listen to the "Maiden's I'rayer," Strummed by a more or less preco- cious child Upon the tortured keys. We cannot bear Piano practice, for it sets us wild. We like to think that we are rather mild. Not prone to mounting fury when the blare Of strident phonographs w |th jazz stuff piled Cornea lo us on the inoffensive air. And then the wailing of the violin. Bowed by a second Kreisler, maybe third, Perhaps a fourth: sonatas shrill and thin. They setm an evil dream by mem- ory stirred. i Across the gusty lanes, clear, rain or snow. We listen In upon the radio. Thomas J. Murray. Mos. Have Been Bug "This must be one of those hurricane decks that I'va heard about." I-et the young lady who would be ; "pretty as a picture" beware of an ugly frame of mind. Skirts Pleated $1~ f FlBPll .!,'!'-.! A "nli .n ri.-r;!: ; .: .! in- Knlf* i Plwtlnf at r-i.DOal.l^ iTi.-ei. Ucnutlu-liiaf N t-a.| i 12 ...,:. A yard Out-uf-lowo onl>r> : i r.,.i|. (. EMBROIDERY AND LINGERIE CO. 740 Yonge 3t^ Toronto . I had no fe;u. only nn intolerable told stories 'at ni|.:ht round the fire. As the flowers arrive, give o..ch a health; we seldom appreciate it or MI, ./iiij rin i u wn i .iiin: luui ^nfiif.i n\. III)/IIL luuiui nil IIIIT. ^- " ., . , , . .. . , longing to lie down. Very slowly I Stumm's myrmidons no doubt beset j|!ged bit of rose-colored ,-ardl.oard! Ullnk . of mpa " s for preserving it until made my way to tbp door and kno.-k- every road and troubled the lives of or, which there are a few words from 1 \ l be KiJ\a to depart, and then it is often rd. My wraknei-s was so great that innocent wayfarers. But no one came some flower quotation. Tell . : m that *' I c<,nld hardly lift my hiiiul. near the cottage, and the fever work- There vsrte \oir.v, wit bin, and a ed itself out wliile I lay in peace. he will find his partners for the first I here vsrte \oir.v, wilbin, and a ed Itself out whllo 1 lay in peace. ,. V ont bv m-itchinf un with ihi> nthpr . ,.,. r of th, mrtain was l.fte.I from It wa.s a bad bout, but on the fifth , '' tc rung up with the oth the window. Then the .loo, ,-pened ,|av it left me, and I lay as weak 11* "* t!r " wh .^^ *" quotatior. and :. woman stood before me. a wo- kitten, staring ut the rafters and Wh( ' n "<? various quotations have bcc-n man with a thin, kindly fare. .the little skylight. It was a leaky, assembled, there will be some quaint dott." shi- said, while .-bil- draughty old place, but the woman of bouquets, indeed. Imagine a gaudy .Irf-n p.ep,.,| from behind hoi skirts, the cottage, had heaped deerskins nnd sunllower grouped with tea rose?, (iiu.- Hott." I replied. I leanerl blankets on i-iy bed and kept m- sweet peas, and forget-me-nots! " * '*" ' now and then. ~~ " tin ln(,i|M,-t. anrl spoerh for- ' warm. She r:unc in now and then, Kach group is given u score card on | a and once sh- brought me u brew of w hj cn tll i,| es on ,. two, and throe are F ressur(> Hgainrt the skull such Sli- ,.-,w iny condition. ( orne in, 'Home bitter herbs which greatly n>- ,. | is|ed Thp ., r ,, u ., s Droer ,, s ^ fro _. I made by thi- lim of a man's ti A , liUl .V J th V' .. P , ITid f e table 'to table - these are placed ,,uit e ! a distance apart sir," she said. "Von are sick ;uul it is fnsheil me. no weather for a *iek in.in." ! was u i] the food I could eat, and some I am sick, mother, and I have chocolate made from the slabs in my walked far in the storm an-l lost my too late. *%Many of the troubles with our hair, lack o( lus>ir*s brittleness, danil'iiff, . ll ni'.ir: oi actual baldness -como primarily' from lack of nutrition. The skin of the sculp, unlike the sk'n ol| thc rest of the body, is stretched over] a bony surface, so that its blood sup- ply must be brought from a distance is .i.nio i completely shut '>IT by that straw ,u t or his derby. The stiff hat, by the and guess scries ' ""? is ""rtoubtedly the main rcson ' Embroidery, Crochet, Fancy Needle Worker* Wa sell your good . on coa'lgnment Send R stamp for reply. Lingerie and Specialty Shop 120 Danforth Avenue Toronto TWIN BEAVER W&SH BOARDS KJWBHEH outwear all others OflrStLttrGRKlftS MO HAMWMf HIRCMN7S ., fit's Great of flower odors at each. When -.he that so in. my more men than wnnum iii ' rowh:l1 ''- instances of bnld- I am from Africa, where the J lay and dozed through the day, ' rounds have been made, each ,....,,, hearing the faint chatter of children (fives its score to the judge, end ro .i M in w.ime:. can usually be ex plum- | below, nnd getting stronger hourly, ceives another card on which they find. e(i by laok >f cnre or by nt> K lett of .le of letters. ""I? disen - 1 " f tho ^"'l 1 ' It il wonder! I I. .IIINlllii fO hiindi. i.ii >-. and Malaria pnv.ses as quickly as it comes 1 an odd juml ami leaves a man little the worse, Thi(i is ralll ,,i RotJebush rbntost. though this was one of the riwrpwt A jn th w<)rk ns d h turns I ever had. As I lay I thought, , , . '' and my thoughts followed curious ? lw " wh( > "I" 1 "'"ft parts of a rose- lines. One <,ueer thing was that bush on lholr cards re "warded tiny Stumm and his doings seemed to have nosegays. been shot back into a lumber-room of To match up the flowers for supper my brain and (lie. door locked. He partners, let the girls nnd men draw didn't neem to be a creature of the from two bankets in which id-ntiea! living present, but n distant memory flowers have been placed. If thfro on which I could look calmly. I llrell - t elloll ^ h () i(T ert . n t flowers, "ou ffi'tfinS ^JSiW'S.JS as us<> "; si \r fl in rir position. You see I was getting hot- . C()1 '' 8 ' nM "'j 1 ' ^""f" P" lk - and whlt( ' ter, for I ralle<| it comedy now, not rns(<s ll(l thl ' various colored pink^ tragedy. H '"l pansicx. The thing in caring for *?w : -:il|> is to maintain u gooii supply of SMART'S The Mower ihais Guaranteed Hut chiel'y I thought of my mission. All ili. 1 1 wild day in the snow il had When partners have been drawn, they may seek the rose booth nnd helr> supper. You seoioed the mortal farco. The throe- j themselves to a rosy words Hurry Hiillivant had Hcribbletl ' might servo- had danced through my heud in a cra/.y fandango. They were present Rose-colored Lemonade In Paper Cups to me now, but coolly and sanely in all id. -it ineiigrenpii. 1 remember that I took each one separately mid chewed on it for hours. Knrc<lhi~ Iheri" wns nothing to bo got out of that. l'itii,-i-i- then- wr too many mentiiinjs, all blind, r. f that was t.hc worst gibberish of nil. II. !.. this I hud always taker the as the letter of the alplmhet I h"d thought thc e. must stand for , and I had considered the "German limn.' huginning with I Ingotdstndt, In.'. : . i.i i', Ingpnohl, and all the rest of them. 1 hail made a lint vif about seventy at the Kritish Mimeir'.i i>- f.i:r I li-M London. Now I xuddenly found myself taking thn / in the num- ' erxl One. Idly, not thinking what I ( WH*dr> : n({, I put it Into Herman. Dream Sandwiches Salted Nut- Kose-frosU-d Sponge Cake Strawberry Ice Cream As your guests ent, you might givt them some rose riddles to guesn. It' you prefer, you can give each couple a card with it pencil attached, on which to put down their answers. If they tire of this, tt-t them have a try ut Alphabet Flower Ships This is a gnine that was played half a century, ago, s.. that it's about old enough to b* new. The leader expUinn that each guest represents H ship named a certain let- di of the alphabet, nnd when cnll>l[> on urn-, nay: "My ship it. loaded with The maUrialifrom whkh Smarts Mown arc nude 9 the way ihcy are mode |unantee durable and satisfactory servke. Thtkn* lullrr vour monajrcanbuy. AKfur . a Smart* Mower W y n.>,n- JAMES SMART PLANT. MOCKVUll OHI. MOWERS to be thirsty ' when you Know the answer A pure beverage- bottled in our abso- lutely sanitary plant where every bottle is sterilized. Buy it by the case from your dealer stud keep a few bottles on ice at home* Drink Delicious and Refreshing THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Toronto, Montreal, Wlaatpcf , Vancouver Kll i ISSUE No. 24-'2J.

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