A "Balloonatic" Party BY EMILY ROSE BURT ICc ompanion's nearntsa to us. Many think that Christ is mediated to us by a priest or sacrament or church. But he is near to us as our breathing. We have but to hear his voice, and our hearts will burn within us. It is a constant surprise to us, this nearness of the Great Companion, and his readiness to join in our wayWc con- versation, and revive our sinking faith. ____________^___________________ ^ 2. The resurrection appearances ' "^ i meant the beginning of a new life for Just as the struggle with windy, mentioned, he must rise and blow his|the early Christians. When they be- M*rch melts into April foolishness,] baiHoon into the air, catch it again,! came convinced that Jesus was living, you may appropriately think of a "ba\l!oonetic" party. Cut out little fu>*-*W4i inw ,nc ti, \j**v\j* , , . , and sit down. On mention of the ar- their faith m him reasserted rival at the moon ensues the inter- n paper balloons, with the in vi-i change of seats. tations, inscribed on a sma-11 white baakt-shaped card, b<*low: In our I'.-.'"....!,, in our balloon, We'll soil away up to the moon, Rtvlloona'ios well say we are, And stop at every windy star! Decorate the rooms with toy loon* of all colors, to bob and As if the company may not have itself with overwhelming force. Now they understood that the way of the cross was the unexpected pathway that God had selected for the fulfilment of his acted sufficiently- like Kinatics, the plan. These early Christians were next amusement may be a "luny" one.jfiWed with ecstatic joy, and soon they The company should be divided into ** ut to capture the world for two .ides and the members are to vie bnl- bow' stringil from every chair back and win-iow| pote. Everybody should be (rre?te<l at 1 the door with a request to wear a bal- loonatir rrin during tlie evening. . it . . . . . . , , n.. wumu complete nis messianic iasK with each other In doing "^^_ ua j[ y , so they felt sure-by a speedy return to earth. It was a sunrise of a new epoch, both for" these Christians and or collectively something utterly ab- may act a scene from side may for the world. 3. We can still walk VKth Christ. Soon after folks have arrived, an- surd. One side A i <l 1 11 olXCti. , m^ < i i ~i -> . i HI.U j f*- , . - v mock minstrel show, or some H , e '"T Dnimmond g.ves the confession ... ,. of a man of outstanding intellectual uwville parodies. <rtren;th.. in the high noon of his nic- \\hen it is refreshment time, tne] cess He saW) .,j want to speak to _ baPoonists are asked bo come down night only a littfe, but that little I d- , out of the clouds to earth and food, sire to speak of the sacred name of mnoum-e a balloonatic "mp.-t," and in- Hot co ff^ is rev i v j nR j n suc h a case,; Christ, who is my life, my inspiration, rh all ad\-enturers to hu ready at thej nm j of rourse there should be sand- my hope, and my surety. In looking naval balloon station for the start, j W j c h e8 , which to be entirely consist-' back upon my experience, that part This is the signal for everybody to! ent ^ fini of air Mrrent9 | of my life which stands out and which ' o rather at a certain spot and receive* d one of the gav balloon, unattached toT*j fcin-rant iellv trinps or sticks. The next annrunet-ment is tho alti- The stars may be represented by| not tl>is the cookies or little cakes, or by I remember most vividly, just that part that has had some conscious as- sociation with Christ." After all ia sort O f religion- i ; just walking with Christ and sharing tude test. AH who enter it mu-t stand i luscious layer cakes, dusky as the his hiph friendship? In a row and strive to make their indi-; night with dark chocolate frosting, ! 4. The lesson reveals Jesus as con- rktual br.!loons reach the tiling by; but lighted by small star candles. I quering death and all its terrors. Paul iint of puffs and deep bivaths. The] Big baskets filled with cracked P h {? st ^ ,.!' ^"f" "tf^T Chnst ' ' most successful are set down by the i hickory and butter-nuts may have real _ a a , i' S f-'j ' t^ 3 . f o Judges for future awards, j little balloons tethered to them : ChrW conquerel the pa*an world. He A speed test takes the contestants they are passed. Little paper parasols "out-lived" him; he "out-died" him; fcywn the k-nirth of the room, chasing or wind-blown umbrellas will mike and he "out-thought" him. fchelr DuHooni with thoir lung's. Fans delightful favors. i How did the early Christian "out- tmn b<- provided fctf this if you prefer. After supper, play the old-fashioned die" the papan? That is our concern An endurance test to see how long pame of "Elements." The players ilt|fca*IWW. Why did he face inartyr- ttvt- b-'l!oons can be kept in th\ air in a circle, and one begins by toMlnjf | f m m f TV! 00 ,V- raffe? . Qtevw k* a third exc'tintf contest. |a rolled-up handkerchief to someone vHamnS t ''"I ta* -^l v S A laKcon battle, in which greens' else, crying, "Air." As soon ai the gaid. " Vhllt does 'it cost a* maTto do gr.n ye"<-ws attempt to bang and player who catches the handkerchief that? People asked what was the "bu?t" re<!'* and Wues, is a thoroughly has mentioned some creature of the magic of it. The magic of it was just Ice-breiikinjr occupation if the crowd air gull, eagle, aeroplane, swallow, this, on tho other side of the fire was &ee<hj livening up. The promised trip to the moon may| est it to another player and be carried out in the same way asj "Earth!" The recipient must name "Stage Coach." Kch player is assign- some inhabitant of the earth mole, e<l iome portion of a balloon's anat-i bear, girl, hog, etc. When "Fird!" is SMOKE UT PLUG i or whatever it may be he or she toss- the same friend; "if he wants me to lye burnt alive, I am here." Jeatii Ohrut was the secret of it. If you roll your own, ask for i *l * 1 ' -- < Easter Lillies. oniy or the name of a star or planet.! called the player must keep silent Majestic, stately, lovely as a dream, clever p*r.<on must be st-ks-ted to tell until tossing it on again, the story of the balloonatios trips to The prizes for the bolloonatic races' Che moon, in which the various trials and tribulations that real balloonists should also be award>ed after sunner. ' If you care to introduce dancing, put The Easter lilies bow their heads in prayer Before the shrine and offer incenui there ; April's Coming. Now the noisy wind* are still; April's coming up tho hill All the spring is in her train, Led by shining ranks of rain, have been known to undergo may on your liveliest records, and let the. Like flowers of pearl the shining First the blue and then the shower, co:no in for exploitation. Each time halloonatics end the evening in their blossoms eem ; Bursting bud and smiling flower, the ward assigned to any player is' own way Each golden calyx seems to catch a Brooks Bet with tlnkhn * K. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON i Birds, too full of song to sing; Of ifght from Him, the Altogether [^ Fair; Each li'iy breathes a message on the air, THe words i>f Christ form for each one the theme. EASTER DAY The Walk of Emmaus, St. Luke 24: 13-21. Golden Text- Why seek ye the living among the dead? He if. not here, but is risen. St Luke 24: 5, 6. Lemon Foreword- The two who ' served the right to carry out the son- walkod out to' Emmaus were suffering I fence. Thus tho chief priests were from an eclipse of faith. It is true | ultimately responsible for tho death that before they left Jerusalem the ' of Jesus. women had brought strange stories!' V. 21. We trusted, etc. Not onlj had : from the tomb of Jesus, but these 1 th two recognized Jesus as a prophet, stories the two could not credit. They ] but they had bad hopes that he would required stronger evidence than that , prove the Messiah who would deliver j of the women to convince them that Israel from the yoke of foreign op- i Jesus was still alive. Jesus' appear- , prcssion. Up to this time no Jew had "I am the Resurrection arid the Life; Ho who bcl'ieves in Me, though ha were d<?nd, Yet shall ho live; and he who live* in Me, Shall never die. And lo! have I not Id 'I am the Way, the Truth that frees from strife'? Behold death swallowed up in victory!" Elizabeth Soollard. Whore tho timid violets hide, All things ready with a will, April's coming up tho hiH! floor", link.' frre ti .. "K tiy Fa t;s Thli Tho ' 'Brant- ford" Miiur cau be operated by band or by a imalt 1'iigini'. It provide* con- ;(,- lor lniil.l iiif iio, born posts, c-tc\ \Ve Uo 1 nuifrs. \\riti' lor Shdploy & Mulr Co., Ltd. Spring. is here, rejoice, O heart Bowed <lic>wn with gritif and care; anoe to them is characteristic of his ! thought that' the Messiah would" have ! Ij 't l U P y ur *d_aml look above, post- resurrection appearances. He to suffer death to achieve his end, and came upon them suddenly and vanish- so the dwith of JOBIH shattered their ed Just as suddenly. By such appear- 1 hopes. The third day. They Ivad dim noes Jesus convinced the disciple* recollections of Jesus' prediction that, that, though unseen, he was .still nonr on the third day ho would rise again! "UU VS ' i,r>- n St .. Htuutioi BRANTFDRD ; Concrete Mixer The skies are blue and fair, her mantl Spring spreju earuh, And o'er th* Winter's snows; at harwl and could still hold fellowship ' (v. 7), but it wng now the third day The birds are singing loud with mirth, tit ii_ _ rwti. I __ I i __ AI \ It t J *_ L . * > . , r i * And gone arc Winters woes. sleep the flowers with them. The Uirrii-r between the I and ho had not yet appeare-d to them, seen and the unwn is only the thin-! V. 22. Their hopes, however, were newt E/hH, which he can break through j stirr*>d by the favorable report of tho at any tim. I 1 . The Stranger, n l, V. 13. Tvfo of them; two of the Christian community in Jerusalem, not two of the diiciplos. One of them women. Although they <ikl not rag-ant tbis report as merely Id'le gosaip, they were not in a position to establish it as entirely trustworthy. V. 2. r >. Fools, and slow of heart, etc. From their long awako To fjreet tho iww born Spring, And from the air fresh fragrance take And live, ami laugh, and sing. The two had shown a gross lack of |k So take fre*h courage, look above, ' n in their rwuling of the! o hea others think that it NVUS Luke himself, i P^^lv../"^, aC . C0 .^ i " g ^ to _ Jc , su . a> ! For all is fair, and all is love, was Cleopas (v. 18), and, according U1 V " l ?" tl s '' owll . n K r <s -W* Ot\ to some, the other was Simon, while , understating '" Hlrtr rwuhng of thej O heart bowed down wit.h care. Irrigated Farms in Southern Alberta In the Fanion* TBOxltall DUtrlot Bow BlT*r Irrl(tlon Project An enpei'liilly eood looatlon fur mlxd furmlnK and dulrylng. .s,,i. -I.M.I i.p- I'ortunlty for young ni>n now living In dlHtrlfts whftra K"od lnil CHimot b bought at rca.sonablc prl.-t-s THIS IS NOT riONKKHINU. tho drat 10,000 H.-I i-s ,!! fully -.-t.l.-.! i .( unother 10.000 ucrea now ready for settlement; niaxliiuim Jllnnc from railroad. Beven nillea. Ociod roail*. ("lephonpd and aehoot.s. Raiy pay- niontii. extending over 13 yi-ins. This TH tl>* B*t Land Bnv In Alberta \\'riie for furtiirr Information to CANADA LAND .vn-1 IRRIOATION COMPANY, LIMITED 1.1 n, i,,,. Hat. - - Alberta He who saves another's character 'a a greater benefactor than he who saves l.is life. Horace Mann. V/iiat do we live for, u it is make life less difficult to each Goeth* not to other. ' ' ' - '/ i The Canadian Pacific Railway *WILL FIND Farm Help for Em astern Farmers TO BE OF SKRVICK (,-) Eaitera CnmdluTi T amtrs and help to mot-t thrfr needs In twining com|>*tnt farm ho!p. ih Cnnxlian Paciric Railwuy i prapitifd tu uii!i I'l wldwpread HgutnUoo to n^ividj juch h<nv from a number of couutru>*. The CANADIAN PACIFIC Railway viil now receiva and arrange to fill application* for male al.il fnnaiv farm hetp to bo supplied from Ur.t Brituin, Bc'itium, Holland. Denmark. Swiiierland at.d Norway, in all of which MontliM the Conip&ny hat rei>rxMtiivc who have farmed in and are fanilllar with Kastcru CanadUin comlilion* and who are now ii touch with I'.-li men ai:d women ready a: J unr.iouj to come to Cuoada. TIIB GOVERNMENTS of iho countries ab<e mentioned have expressed their willinKneas to aid the immigration of this class of their peoples. In older to (III nuch application amtUlHtorily and brinir the lioiy to thu fsnner at lh proper tmo and wi'h a clear understanding of the roiiuire- iii. n 1 ! and obllrations of each, a p-intnl -Application for Help" form has been prepared \vliu-h cju i- ..!.'...: irom any of the office* listed below. The Cqpipany will make no charge to t. fanner for this lervice nor win tho fanner be rr<juirrd to BUM ai.y cnah advance whatsoever towards tho traxclling expense* of his help to the r.oairat railway *tnlion. The Informa- tion MMHUJB asked for In thee application forro, which will bo held In strictest confidence, covor* the fo'Iowinir i<oint: the kind of help wanted male or fcnalo married or unrrurrin! : date required and for how long: natiouallyr desired; monthly wanes olfered: kind of work offered, etc. MONTREAL. P.Q.{ J ' Dou lU - t: n - Airicuhoral Agent. C.P.R. (C. La DIM Neritood, Land Agent, C.P.R. KENTV1LLE. x.8.-Geo. K. Graham, Cc* Mgr.. Dominion Atlantic Kf. Department of Colonuation and Development Canadian Pacific Railway J. 8. DKNNtS. Chief ComaiU.ionfr, MentreaL 4 1 fereii? Tlve Jews had looked for a triumphant, and not a suffering Mes- siah. Thery had never supposed, for instance, that Isn., ch. M referred to Messiah, whenws Jesus identified himself with the suffering servant of that pa.*sa.ge. "According to the d>- of Jesus Were the "topic of their con- P*""* 1 .' Prophecy, pnvisely the vergation , things which the two had allowed to V. 15. Jesus . . drew noar. While ' 1 .' tn> y t( ' r ^ thej- were alworbe.1 in thought and a V! "I "fj" 1 . conversation, Jesus came u|x>n Uiem ,, t ", unnoticed fmm b.hind. , The threo div.smns of th, V. 16. Various conjectures have mc "SnT"! iT", - I^iw (the books of cult p^ace to identify, but near enough to Jerusalem (fiO furlongs or 7'/a miles) for the two to have their even- ing nic-al there and to return to Jer- usalem tho name evening und find the disioiplea BtiM as<*ml>l<vl. V. 14. Thes things. The crucifixion, an<l pt-i'liapg th re-portexl resurrection BABY CHICKS 35 ft tlim dUea fr to Try vei-ac.il Who rcRt.lor., for Bhaw'B Oolrtlitlt Poultry Omira* fop Horn* Study. 834 people mad* the rlffht tart UHt year. Yon may have louie of th!r totlonial. Writ* Shaw chool, FonlU-y Derartmwut, e Bloor w , Toronto. n Old conjecturt-ii have """'" *""'" """"" '"' > "" T "" R!l the been q^Tcred for their failure to recog- . , ,. . ntee Am-tft they were emotion- ets and thu w " ll "ff^' T ^ Jesus gave ally unstrung, that his appearance had bodi diisfigureid by the sufferings on tho cross, or that br appeared in a transformed Ixxliy. The evangelist, vrlAoirffij believed that this was the work Of (tod himself upon their eyes. ! projsion thot, had they not invited him IF. The ConverHation, 17-27. ' to tneir home, Iw would have journey- V. 18. To Cleopas it was incredibU ' wl ,, on A,. than an inhabitant of .Ieru*i!m or a 1 . V ' Alt *\ ou ,f h l ' K 1 WA % t t K>'est pdlgrim to the palaver there, uliould ffS 1 ! HSmll j 1Ofi th 1 rol F lo f l f' ul U umn]Uflintol with tho stirring thl8 u "" 1 Procedure helped tl, txvo them a running conimentary on all the refcM-PtK'ps in tlu- Old Testament to the Messiah. III. The Disclosure, 28-31. V. 28. The trarger gave the im- of the. crucifix ion. It was the talk of tlw day in Jerusalem. V. 19. A prophet. This much nt least was certain concerning JPSUO, that he wan a prophet His teaching's and his work's attested that the spirit of God to rwognize him. Took bnsul, etc. In Palestine Irread hi torn apart by the luiml, and *onw*t.i:nMs the host tears it off himself and then offero it to th guests. It has been commonly thought thait JewiB had a way, peculiar to him- self, of J broad. was in him in a unique way V. 20. Tho cMef jjrtestn. According ,. %> a concession of the Romans, the Jewish S.'uihi-lnn h.i'l to rifrht to de- clare according to their own nnrt Me.siaK the laws upon whom the death putn<5 ii 1 i bo passed, but the Roniaii.t r- If m>, thU too would holv the ?r*jrnize him. Application. Many valuable lamum* may be drawn from this Kaster narrative. 1. Our uivawa.rona of the Great "Metallic' Ceilings Never crack or fall off Xrndtorour Fre BonklH "t!" The Metallic Roofing Co. Limited 401 1194 King St. W., Toronto $/ You Must Decide Now Whether you are going to be satisfied with low yields and inferior quality or whether you are going to have Big Profit- able Yields of Superior Quality. High Grade SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers get you Big returns. "A study of the average returns from 5 stations, reveals the /act that without a single exception fertilizers were profitably employed." Larger yield anil earlier maturity can be obtained at much less cost by a combination of chemical '/ertilUers U'ith manure than by the manure nnl.v." M, m..,-,m Experimental Furmi Rpc. Order your Shur*Gain I 1 1 til Izeri NOW. i mi .nil our Agsnt or write u*. Umlled ,. 1204 St. Clair Street TORONTO Get Big Hatche-- Raise Every Chick This is the most critical time of the whole year. A little thought NOW will prevent heavy losses which can't be made good later. Poultry Regulator added to tho mash, will keep your breeders strong and healthy. It tones up the entire system; pre- vents disease; increases fertility; insures big hatches of sturdy chicks. Then you can raise // your chicks by feeding them, from the very first.on Buttermilk Baby Chick Food the original "Baby Food for Baby Chicks." No other food is required for the first few weeks. "Pratts" contains everything needed to build bone, muscle and feathers. It helps tp prevent the deadly White Diarrhoea insures rapid gain in strength and weight costs about 2c per chick for 6 weeks' feeding. Your Money Back If YOU Are Not Satiificd Made in Ctnada. SolJ by Dealers Everywhere. ' ' VKfr ADVICE. Let our experts aotvo your poultry problems Write us fully. Ak for PREC Booklet- worth dollars to YOU. Or tend lOc. In stamp* tor complete, 160-page Poultrytntn's Handbook. PRATT FOOD COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited. S S 2 \V Catlaw Avenue), Toronto ' ^ PR^TTS 5I^.:X