Free "A Financial Courtship" A little booklet which tolls in mn interesting way, go simple in its language that a school- girl could understand it, all about investments of all kinds, bonds, mort- gages and stocks. Even to experienced investors this little tory, woven into a charming romance, con- tains many valuable pointers on invest- ments. Tkt bookltt uiil .be mailed free to any out ou rtqutil. AF1KANC1AL COURTSHIP ft rOAMX W ROLLINS iccuormi fOAONTO. OKt LONDON. U*> arvis & Co. Ottawa NewYorK 293 Bay St. TOFORtO LIMITED Montreal London Eng- Woman's Sphere A Culinary Romance. A Fkipper, Hght and; fluffy, kept a Tea Shop, and her cakes She served with such descretion that she never made mistakes. NURSES Th Toronto Hospital for Incur- .bl*o, In affiliation with HelUvu* and Allied Hop!tJ. New York City, offers * thr* your*' Cource of Train- In* to young women, having th re- quired education, and dealroui of be- coming nunei. Thin Honpltal has adopted the eight-hour eyatera. The puplla receive uniforms of the School a monthly allowance and travelling exi>n>c* to and from New York. For farther' Information apply to the Superintendent and that, !f they selfishly rsftwe to take the trouble to speak loud and distinctly, the child will grow up with the enormously greater handicap of inability to talk properly and they will be responsible for his condition just as much as If they had curt out his tongue I Those who become deaf duringr school age will have learned to speak, but if neglected will never learn the speech of educated adults and may even forget much that they have ac- quired. Those who become deaf after sixteen or seventeen are in the clas* of the adult deaf and must in general look to themselves to acquire new eral hours. Slice the dates, dke a She give the Baker doughnuts and cupful of celery and arid nil to the the crusty folks a tart, ; dressing, mixing thoroughly. Serve The Driver* roly-polies (ehe served '" n ts of lettuce. An equal quan- them a 1 carte). til y f **"** or * cream may be The Grafter wanted sponge cake and combined with the dressing if desired. the Miser asked for gold, Fruit tapioca % cup pearl tapioca, The Reason. How many re-Ms the Sailor had can 1 K P almonds, 2% cups cold water, Every ^y glnC6 th4)y tM& started never now be told. I % te P- 8alt > * inc " stick cinnamon, % ; housekeeping his bride hart given him The man who deals in Real Estate and P ugar, % cup currant jelly, % cup the seme ktad of breakfast food, and owns his tidy cot ! c' tp n. *4 cup sherry wine or fruit finally he mustered up courage to Was there; I don't know what he ate 1 J. % cup seeded raisins.. Soak make a gentte Inquiry. except it was a lot. I *?* > cold water over night or| "How .sloes It happen ttat we have The grave and atately Lawyer (assure for wveral hours. Cook in same water tufa, eTery morning?" he a&fced. me that you knew it) | in double boiler with salt and cinna-j "oh, George!" she exclaimed, "they Put in a plea for raisin cake richly mon untl1 transparent. Remove from| g t ve blue coupons with each package, baked with suet. , ran * an<1 *&<* currant jelly, &herry|and for one hundred coupons you can The people from apartments were w" 16 or fruit juice, almonds (blanch-; get the loveliest rocking c::air! You After; EVERY Meal 1 give your diges- tion "Melt" with WRIGLEYS. Sonnd teeth, a good appetite aad proper digestion meaa MUCH to your health. WBIGLEY'S Is helper In all thl> work a pleasant. beneficial plck-aie-up. D39 alert for layer cakes; ed and shredded), raisins (cut in' have only to eat ninety more pack- Reporters like the kind of cooky P>**> and citron (cut in thin slices), ages!" pressed and stuffed with dates. ' Sweeten to taste. Turn into a serving The Politician sought the kind all dlsh - cc>o1 slightly, and serve with thin Dye Faded Sweater brown and full of plums; j cream - The Gos&ips ate the spice cakes up and _ Spank and be Slender. Slap! Slap! Slap! The Failure of Success BY FREDERIC BOUTET (Translated by Wm. L. McPherson.) No, all the children aren't naughty. Skirt, Draperies in Diamond Dye* even liked tho crurr.lbs. The man who race;} bis aeroplane just made the drop cakes fly; The Flcrist wanted seed cake and the boit that he could buy. j even the grandmothers trying to "get co r that wll not streak, spt. fada The Idlers liked the loaf cakes and thin. The latest way is to spank thai or run. Every "Diamond Dyes" package tells how to dye or tint any worn. _, , - jl^-*UiiWTT \ \ ' \ljrj ,i t MM* ' * - _* > ' ' 1 i-I , It is just mothers, aunts, and, yes, faded garment or drapery a new rich the Prodis had arrgc-1 food; Perfect home dyeing It flesh off. With the palm of "the hand! ^Z with' bTamonToy w 'even" if'you '" d * ng6r- She gave the wise ones cocoanut and slap the offending part briskly and, have never dyed befon.. Just tell your hoped it was not rude. j firmly. Dont mind if it stings a lit- druggist whether the material you The Sculptor asked for marble cake, tie. That is the protest of the fat cells' wish to dye Is wool or s!!k, or whether which was no idle whim; j as they are battered down. Of course It is linen, cotcon, or mixed goods. For To be young and poor ia a blessing and an asset. To be old and depend-] nt is a calamity. In order to mak sure of a competence and independ* ence for old age, we must make the. first part of life take care of the last.; Mlnard's Liniment for Bums & 3cald>[ When men cease to improve them-) selves and their conditions, society is; Shallow men believe in luck, strong men in cause and effect. ''My dear master, we come to ask your assistance. Your goodness and your generosity, all Paris knows, arc as great as your ta>lent, and it is with fhe certainty of being well received that we have ventured to disturb you." The painter Dostranges made a polite and benevolent gesture of pro- test. They didn't disturb him at all. He invited his visitors to take seats in a comfortable corner of his big, sumptuous rtudio. They were both art critics Sergy, with an established in- fluence, fiivj Belt, younger and less aWe, but still highly useful. They were people wo!l worth cultivating;. "What can I do for you?" "My dear master, our errand con- cerns a case of enffering which must be relieved at once. An artist, a vet- eran, who twenty years ago was doing very interesting -work, Is now in a desperate condition lick, almost blind, stripped of everything. If he has not already starved I am not exaggerating, my dear master it ls[ dole to the wonderful devotion of his wife, a heroic creature, who, to keep the wolf from the door, has accepted the roughest sort of work. But human forces havu thtir limits. This unfor- tunate woman la worn out." "I am entirely at your service," Dc- trantfes answered, with the ame polite benevolence. "And believe me,, gentlemen, I am grateful to you for ' culling this unfortunate CMC to my| attention. But don't you think that ome im mediate relief " consent, Monsieur Sergy, I will ac-j company yviu to-morrow on tho vi-sit; you expect to make. I can then see! better what is to be done." "My dear master, I shall be only too happened to be round. The Smart Set wanted currant cakes they don't want to go. Who doesn't to be in Fashion's swim. i know that better than the fat woman. Foot'ball Boys had jumbles and Hasn't she ben coaxing them for the Carpenter some "pound"; | years to leave her figure to its youth- The cup cakes went to any one who^ul curves? It is best to begin at the bottom and cakes with caraway, | That objectionable roll of fat at the happy. Will you allow me to come The Chauffeurs never tired of her slap your way up on the too-fat arm. rf * * __^._ ti_ l T', ..4- ^' .;/* .*;.*....:'.. -. i r _* ._!. _*. At _ for you early to-morrow afternoon? The callers got up. Dcstranges con- ducted them to the door of the studio fifty-one years millions of women have been using "DiamonC Dye*" to add years of wear to their old. shabby, waleU, skirts, dresses, coats, sweaters, stockings, draperies, hangings, every- thing! And batter, cakes baked for the Nine, back of the neck must be slapped with; pho First English Lawyeresc Miss Monica GOOD not only baa the , a clever play. j each hand alternately. Slap at the distinction. <* being the first woman and 'then" returned "to" Vs chair" and! And then came JACK tho daring, and middle of the neck, and slap out to- ' aw >' cr to aPP<""in the Eigltefc courta, aim me i JBLUIUCT-l I/O Jl.B Uldir UilU . , , - . _ Kiif urnn !ior ftrot i -. ** aa WA.'| lighted another cigarette. He tried' w>thin K wouW he take, j ward the shoulder I- or the too-large but won ll *^_ ' * M v * unsuccessfully to clarify his feelings.! n ****** tile P rett X Flapper to give' abdomen lightly pinch the flesh away. M | nard . L | n | ment f or Coughs a- Colda. In .pit* of his habitual coldness he! him Wedding Oake; ' '" '"~ '* -* - "" *'"-' "" ' ' L - Lifting it between the thumb and the had been deeply stirred on hearing 1 Sh e said: "Now don't be flip, Jack, but forefinger give It a good pinch and r ' hl nh that name Chandler. Whet had he| jlf >' ou rM&n il tru . felt? Sorrow, joy, anger? He shrug- ' Just S 'P vour tea uatil ged his h</uldera. No; nothing of j ^ ordor <two -' ' that sort. It was only a memory of sho & ve ^ m Lad y Fingers and past emotions older even than' '""'"" "~ *"" '"" '" twenty years. Now he recafWed calmly the time when ho had been In love with Marie- Anne Deloire. She was the daughter of an architect whose house he and Chandier had frequented. She had thel ^ n e ht on to * s P<>t- Removes Tight Can Lids. 001 ha be n Invented to rise and make When you reach your hips and \ tight fitting milk can lids without dam- thighs you may slap until your arms I aging them. are ready to drop. Some women who :-* rejected him to marry Chandier, whom she loved. That was all. For De- stranges It had been a blow, certainly. "kiss" or two for fun The Flapper's "Mrs. Flap-Jack" now and so thi tale Is done. Stella Kniht. Dishea You Will Like. Liberty raisin bread 1 cup butter- want to rex'irce in a hurry use little wooden paddles that beat the fat away in no time. Don't be overzeilous. If you bruise your skin you will have to wait until the Mack and blue mnrks go away before you can resume the patting. The fat cells don't wait. They come back just as fast as they The most precious deposits are the deposits of affection and friendship and love fox you laid up In the hcarti of your fellow-mortals. Tent* chapped hands, cracked lips, cbllblaina. Makes your skin soft, white, ear and smooth. DRUGGISTS SXLL IT '\ milk, 1 egg, 1 cup whole wheat flour, ,<. And when you are ready to re- 1 cup corn meal, 1 tsp. salt, \1 cup ' sugar, your treatment you will find all More than that, it was a sort of mysti- j ""7,' ' ".T %SSLS*IM soda ' ^ *T T k ?*?*: .*L * *' firatlon That Wo .hmiU o , i,,tJ CM raisins (floured), % tsp soda danger of going too fast in reducing u .JL,l ntor into, (wlth j tb0p flour) . M ix and sift dry' There's another danger-winkles work and S n . 7Tf ^l 1 "^"^'- Add well-beaten egg. ! Tho .kin, you Sow?**** more 2 o "l,Sif nt K U "buttermilk, and shortening. Blend 8 l wly than the cell, of the body, so unTrrtlr!? ^?Tr f AV welL Add "'"i" 8 ' Beat vigorously/ u>ok out for uglv, pouchy lines. Once n afcrS htf ^2%A?f Zako ln B hallow pBn for 80 minute ' i a day bathe your face in a special lo- *LZSfttE? I. t if li i Br8n ""-"n*- 1 ^P flour - * tb P' tion that look, like strained honey and & At ^ h * . SSSA " h()rte " 1 ^ (melted), 1 tsp. Mlt, 1 Up. I caraway seeds. It braces up the flabby \ r!l, il T , t ^ 2SS& 8oda ' to 2 cup. ur milk, 2 cups I fles h ftn d kecps the skin flrm nd taut at each step lie made toward celebrity; /.loan limn v mn .....:. i v ;.:,,- nH i T us * i n and fortune, ho thought: "She -SI^S b f al1 '. % . CU P "^^ ralsins and ,^'er the vanishing fat colls. Or else little money, but only in the form of loans. I must go to-morrow to Mont- rouge. But I huve neglected to tell you tho name of our protego, who will now have in you a much more power- ful protector. Perhaps you remember him? Some of his canvas**, I repeat, attracted noticu twenty years ago, about the flame time that you yourself were making your murk. His name is Louis Chaiuliur. Do you know him, my dear master ?" i >. r. ., gave a start. But It was hardly noticeable. He aruworod calmly: "I know him I'trhtly. It soenriH to me. Louis Chandier? Perhaps I mot him once or twi-ci-. But that is of no con.scrjueiK'c. What you have toM mo has touched mo ''.';, ami If you will w. 8| chopped nut ., ( ,- u, ^ cllp ^ oteninff . Sift tether the flour, salt and soda At the end of a long, dark street' nml nllx wltlh tnis t h o 'bran. Add to- near thc< Harrier tho auto stopped he- ! g e ther the sweetening, melted si fore a shabby house. Dcstranges nnd| ening nml jmrk of the 'milk; then Sprgy climbed five flights of stairs , v ith the dry materials. Add trj- tho white-of-egg mask. Here's nearly the end of the article I think I hear of course I haven't , "Shi would rather n rd then a tort of ladder. They knocked at a door, which raisins and nuts dusted with flour, and enough milk to form n batter of opened into a baro studio, with crack- 1 gu ch consistency that it will drop but odand peeling walls. The harsh light not pour from a apoon. Bake in from the mansard windows aocentu- greased muffin pans about one-half atcd tho poverty within. It WHS, how- hour. ever, a clean ami self-respecting pov- Excellent lemon mincemeat 1 ,, cup erty. At the back, In an alcove, shut shortening, 2 largo lemons, 1 tap. off by curtains, Chandier lay In bed,l powdered cinnamon, 4 apples, 1 tsp. asleop. Dcstranges foohM ot Mme. J powdere<l ginger, 2 cups currants, 1 Chandicr, who had opened the doorj tsp. suit, H nip chopped nut meats, K How . candied allspice, ', 1% oups sugar, "P' at CORNS Lift Off with Fingers for them. thin, how much have suffered! covered in liar trace* of her former lioauly. 'ITie; Extract ju! blue oyes liiul ple<l~wnhed out by, pips. Now ,. .. ..., ,. uv< ,^.,, vigils ami toursbut they irtill hadj cover with cold water, and boll until, that samo, slow, <lcop and sincere look. 1 lonion ftwla (juita tender. Change water! Mme. ONutdler had fixed it ,m Dt--' at IcnHt tw^ce, drain und pound peel to stranges only for H moment when a past ( >, add applos (cored, peelod and Srgy prenH'iited him. Siirprieoil ' choppo;t), lemon peel, shortening, cur-' doubtless ashamed and porhnps indig- rants, raisins, salt, pice, lemon juice, ' r] ..j p , nant, she hud given no ign <.f ever|nu(. m.-ats un<l sugar. Put into u jar that can reduce. They are much more Interesting. The Child Born Deaf. It to hard to say which is the great- er handicap to a child, total blindness or total deafness. Fortunately, neither deafness nor deafness ac- copt meningitis, which destroys the nervout* mechanism of sound-wave ap- preciation, is ever total. Though suf> may hear nn ordinary sounds n distance of more than a few from the ear almost all of them spoken clearly an in.-h had she iwtlly none too worn out by' four pios. All measuremanU Hit level, the dnily struggle to have any prido, Down town vol n(ew 1^ pounds' Dtctag| let Sorgy rfo tlw; loan veal, 4 tUp. vinegar, Vi tsp.l Joft? havo to do with the of deaf children usually them nccoitling to the age at 10 deafness began: tho*e who gnvup are in- those who become doaf before 'dug speech and intelligence; who become deaf between the of six and sixteen; uud i !:<>-. who after i lu' age of sixteen. Children of the first class will grow up to be dcnf-mutM unletis taken in Poultry & Feathers vTe pay bl(li>t prio< (or Poultry, and are paylnff 660 per Ib. for Oon Fcathra: also IKo per Ib. for thick Feathers. We will tend you an lnt tin* price list If you will writ* to LINES & CO., LIMITED *. XiAwmnroa XAKKBT, TOBO: STQVE POLISH Will not lg; 4o Burn J^Ta^L Use Down t turt a bill Drop t> little "Froezont" on an (hint oorn, toatant- ly that corn stop* hurting, (hen in>rt lv vou lift It right off with Augtri Truly! Vour tliu(fglt selis Uny hotel* of "" fur h few centi, nuHloltnt (o remove every taril corn, loft corn, or t./r i ! .>!v,r.:n tht (UM, and tha cl- .i-c ; ili^ut o onesi or Irritation. with genuiim com- I w.ill do convsruat }<i they got up to <>. l)etrant r c-* lot Sergy put out flr.vt. Then, to Mtoiw' for the ci unity of his vleit, Ju sai<l to Mme. Chaiutier pasoioa: "Count (Hi 1119, uverytniDg in my power to tvllev your iluation." 6ho loiikwl him -tia'ti.t in th ey4 ini'i cut him -liui'i. "I have no regrets, you know," eh suid In low, flrm, alntost hard voice. HB tHrt(l, }>luhod und ranibinml for a in. Dm in noiip!u**l. II i li... 1 ;r; ef what sliu wuit (D ('.handier, of nil her love, M her foura<(, aH ncr <te- volioi). II thoutrht of wlut his own life would; hv 1u*n with .-in-li a com- panion. Hs felt I,.|').H,IN u- le, sidp-tnirkcd. H uns \vcroil humbly : "1 ri'gret you." here i. an opportunity to ( .o great burning. When il is nearly dwn, addi the vinpgai-, raUin, cloves, cinnamon,) horor<!ish and cnsoning of talt arwil l>oppr. Thicken the inuco with the luilteril bread crnnvhi. Dnl naiad 1 cup datos, 1 cup diced celery, 2 tbsp. seexlej rnitns, 1-8 cup: chef.ia ('<l Amer.), 3 tbp. walnut, ' : cup boiled (ireoslng. Mix' together tho and the chopped; nul n-cMts and ru'uiiw. Stuff th date| with tihi* und allow to ttaiul /w'sev- a 1 ft S ? h ") nd * a{ i st - H I lb^^ f*r* from natlti Hinl for _ bool win Btlnson HniMy Co. ot 0n<1a. IC11 Yonc* Hi , Toronto, Om. OUR NEW SERIAL The eeriea of short storieg thaf have been appem-lng in this col- umn during: the past few weeks will be followed next week by the opening chtevtov (f a ftsrial fi-om the pen or Colonel John Buchan, vmo has written some of the finest romances of the Great War. Our readers will find "Grecnmaivtte" a story of engrossing interest, a real "thriller," a splendid taio tokl with masterly art. No lover of great fiction i-an afford to miss n paragraph of it. Watch for "Groenniaiule" n>ext \v?sk. The Kind That Makes You Like Fruit Cake That tender, almost juicy cake with the rare flavor of delicious raisins and piquant pice. That rich, fruity luscious cake that doesn't crumble and dry out. The kirtd that you have always liked the kind you mean when you ay "fruit cake." You can buy it now get the kind you like and lave baking at home. Then plurapj tender, juicy, thin-skinned raisiiu ire ideal for caht. Tatte the cake you get and ice. You'll enjoy fruit cake more often when you can secure uch good cake ready-made. Mall coupon for free book of teted recipes suggesting icorei of other luscious raisin foods. Just ask your bake ship or confectioner for it the cake that's made with Sun-Maid Raisins Sun-Maid Raisin Growers / Co "ftrtt!- , Otsaolutiait (\- ,,,-, . 14,000 Cntttf M r. N-5J3-31, FRWNO, CAUFORNJA. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, Dpt. N-5JJ-31, Fre:.^ California. Please inii me copy of your freo book, "Recipes with Ralslnt." KAMI - CITY-