Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1922, p. 3

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-; HOW TO BEST TREAT STOMACH TROUBLE Those Vain Regret* Sap Mental Energy. Do not allow your mind to be too much occupied with regrets. It Is a waste of time and mental energy and accompllar.es nothing. If you have A Tonic Medicine is 'Needed to made some mistake or met with dls- Strengthen the Stomach. The old-fashioned methods of treat- ing stomach diseases are being dis- carded. The trouble with the old- fashioned methods was that when the treatment was stopped the trouble re- turned, often In an aggravated form. The modern method of treating In- digestion and other forms of stomach I appointment and there is nothing you can do to rectify the matter, it IB beet to forget it as soon as possible and turn your thoughts toward the future. Re S rets belon to tne and the we cannot change. Let ne review it only for the happiness which it con- tained and for the good we were able to accomplish, or let us recall the mis- takes for the valuable lessons which they may teach as for future use. All glands to their normal work. The re- j we nave left u the remainder of our covery of the appetite, the disappear- ! llves ar - d '* ls ln tbe P wer of ach of ance of pain after eating, the absence ' * to mold his own somewhat as he of gas, are steps on the road to health ' wUl - He cannot accomplish this, how- tfcat those who have tried the tonic ever - without the full assistance of his treatment remember distinctly. Dr. nlinfl ali(1 that he cannot have if his Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic which \ thoughts are turned in sorrow on the through their action on tlie blood are ; P ait - We are al1 to a P' to sa y tnat helpful in building up the digestive or- ] we canoot he 'P worrying or cannot es- iua, and therefore the best remedy ! ^P 6 from our regrets. We can if we tor simple or chronic cases of stomach i wil1 - l)ut we <*" a ^ free our minds trouble. The success of the treatment ! trom dismal thoughts by replacing Little Orphant Annie. New Receiving Aerial on Little Orphant Anniie's come to our Telegraph Poles. house to stay, Ordinary telegraph poles support an An wash the cups and saucers up an' an , tennft stretching cross-country for brush the crumbs away. } e , Knt mlle3( that te now , )elng U8ed for An shoo the chickens off the perch, tne region of transatlantic wlrelem an' dust the hearth, an' sweep. | messages from England, France, Ger- An make the fire, an' bake the bread, ; many and Norway at o^ rece ivlng fliTl ' *^ - i r i , '..- r VwvdT*/) o r ' 1. ..j. , FRIENDS TELL LAHUE HOW FINE HE IS LOOKING Classified Advertiseme&U | an' earn her board an' keep; ; 8ta tion of the Radio Corporation of An all us other children, when the ; America at Chatham. Cape Cod, Mass. supper things Is done, Running less than 30 ft. from the We set around the kitchen lire an' has j groululi ^j, antenna i, a 'decided de- the mostest fun 10 shown by cases like that ol Mrs. Joseph Leclere, Wellington, P.E.I., who says: "I have been a greit suf- ferer from indigestion and stomach trouble, and nothing that I took for tt did me any good until I began Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was so bad that I did not want to eat, and when I did take food it lay like a weight on my stomach, often causing me much them with hopeful ones. However bad things may seem, refuse to accept the Idea that your life is ruined. Concentrate on making the utmost of the balance of your days. You will flnd that by turning your thoughts ahead your mental atmosphere will gradually become hopeful and cheer- ful. When fortune deals you a hand to the witch tales 'at An- nie tells about, An' the Gobble-uns 'at gits you Ef you don't watch out Onc't there was a little boy wouldn't say his pray'rs An' when he went to bed at night, away up stairs. His mamy heard him holler, an' his daddy heard Mm bawl, An' when they turned the kiwers down he wasn't there at all! An' they seeked him In the rafter room an' cubby hole an' press. pain and misery. I saw in an adver- filled with regrets, throw it in the dis- tfcement what Dr. Williams Pink Pills bad done in a lilar case and began taking them, with the result that after taking the pills for five or six weeks. I am feeling better than I have done for years. I hope my experience will help other similar sufferers." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills card and call for a new deal. e The Disappointed Soldier. A young Irish soldier was wounded by a shell in Flanders, and they car- ried him unconscious to a wrecked viHage. When he came to he lay in a ruined house. The walls of the house I OU LUU gel LTV. W1UUUBB ^'"*^ * li f |,J /nll^n through any dealer in medicine or by | wer J^ly gone, the roof had Men fcall. post paid, at 50 cents a box or i in and debris from burning bombs b boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wll- wa, falling everywhere lian-B' Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. . ) Vhe [ e . am I? " W the WOun<le<1 A I Irish soldier. An orderly, to cheer him up, A New Name. Bobby and tis little sister were tra- TWl'ling by train with their mother. "Oh, see the lake!" proclaimed the ister. Presently they passed a river. "Another lake!" proclaimed the sis- ter. an- swered: "You're back In Ireland, mate." The soldier looked around at the encompassing "I've missed it I all. Tell me, boy, how long have they and desolation I him. "Faith thin," he Bobby knew it wasn't a lake, but he ; eouldn't think what it was called. " 'Tain't a lake," he contradicted. "It's a a keep-on-going:" ! had Home Rule?" If you find a forest fire, try to put it out; if you cannot put it out, notify the nearest forest ranger. Surnames and Their Origin HAYNES. Variations Halnes. Hane. Heine.. Racial Origin English. Norman, also German. Source A locality, also a given name. There are really two names here, confused into on In many instances through the course of centuries. That IB to say. any o>n of tire foregoing reflations may have been derived from either one of two sources. If you bear this name and wmnit to be sure wbich source it comes from In your oaee. your only resource Is to trace it back genealogically until you come to the parting of the ways. The given-name origin from which it may comp is plainly indii'-ated in the It is, of cours. Heinrich, Keefer, KEEFE. Variations Keeffe, O'Keeffe. Klefer. Source A given name. Here is an Irish Family name more ancient than the vast bulk of English hereditary surnames. It dates, ae nearly as can be estimated, from about 950 A.D. The farms Keefer and Klefer some- times represent Anglicized variations of this Irish name, but often are de- velopments from Teutonic sources. 'Caomh" is the given name from which the name of O'Keefe Is d-erived. In the Gaelic the clan or family name is spelled either "O'CaOimhe" or "O'Ofadu." the former being the more generaJly accepted. And. strange as it may seem to on unfamiliar with the An' seeked him up the chimbly flue, an' ever'where, I guess; But all they ever found was Just his pants and roundabout! An 1 the Gobble-unfi '111 git you Ef you don't watch out! An' one time a little girl 'ud allus laugh an' grin, An' make fun of ever' one, an' all her ' blood an' kin An' onc't when they was "company," an' old folks was there, She mocked em an' shocked 'em, an' said s4ie didn't care! An' jist as she kicked her heels an' turned to run an' hide, They was two great big Black Things a-standin' by her sdde. An' they snatched her through the ceilia' 'fore sue knowed what she's about! An' the Gcbble-uns'll git you Ef you don't watch out! An' little Orphant Annio says, when the blaze is blue, An' the lamp wick tputters, an' the wind gees woo-oo! An' you hear the crickets quit, an' the moon i gray, An' the Ughtnin' bugs in dew is all squenched away You better mind yer paretts, an' yer teachers fond -nd dear, An' ohurish them 'at loves you, an' dry the orphant's tear. An' help the pore an' needy ones 'at clusters all about, Er the Gobble-uns '11 get you Ef you don't watch out! parture from the old typo strung be- i tween towering pylons commonly used : for Intercepting wireless messages i coming from long distances. In one respect particularly is the new anten- na an advancement over the old. The wires can be used for receiving an un- ! limited number of messages at the same time, provided a separate receiv- ' ing set is employed for each massage. Fifteen messages have been received simultaneously on thta type of aerial without interference. Four receiving seta at the station are constantly tak- ing messages over tills single antenna to-day. The results have led to dis- , continuance of high aerials at the sta- tion. The wires are strung on glasa Insu- j lators on the arms of the telegraph poles In precisely the same way that telephone and telegraph lines are put up. There are two arms on each pole, | and a wire running on either side of j i each arm. The wires are paired and joined outside the receiving station, those on the same side of the pole forming a pair. The paired wires act In the same way as would a single wire except that they double the signal strength of the Incoming messages. tongue, the pronunciation of Large Motor Lifeboat Has Cabin Accommodations. There is now biriding in England a mofor lifeboat that will go far toward robbing shipwrecks of much of their terror. The new :,oat is 60 ft. long with 15-tt. beam, and hai a displace- ment of 40 tons; it will be driven by two 73 hp. motors housed ui separate water-tight compartments. There wlU be two cabins for passengers with ac- commodations for 50, while the tot.il Electrician Had Stomach Trouble So Bad He Could Not Eat Enough to Work Regularly T a n 1 a c Re- stores Him. "I am one man who will go out of my way to recommend Tanlac," de- clared James Lalme, 22 Monet St., Montreal. Quebec, electrician for the Montreal Light, Heat and Powar Co. "I don't believe Indigestion can get much worse than I had it. I had such awful attacks I had to take to my bed and I was forced to lose considerable time from my work. The gas on my stomach waa awful, and I reached the point where I was almost afraid to eat and was losing weight right along. "But things took a turn for the bet- ter before I flnlahed my first bottle of Taulac and in a month's ime I wag feeling like a different person. I have been built up in every way and my friends al! tell me I am the very pic- ture of health." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. WAITED YOUNU LAJJ1E3 of good education to train a nu:- >. Apply U'ellandra Honpltal St. Cat'.iar- Ines. Ont. I^I:RSE.S WANTED BY CLAMS "A" -L^ accredited hoaplta! giving three- year course; uniforms furnished; also liberal allowance. For Information, write I. E. Greenwood Sum . ilarneid Park Hospital. Chicago.' 111. WBEZIiY IfEWSPAPBB WAJTTZI). WE HAVE A i 'ASH Pt.TlCHA.-KR for a weekly newspaper In On- tario. Pries muat be attractive. Bond full Information to Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd.. 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. WORDS OF PRAISE FOR BABY'S OW.\ TABLETS No medicine receives such great praise from thankful mothers aa do Baby's Own Tablets. Once a mother has used them for her little ones she will use nothing else. The Tablets arc a mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the bowels and stomach ; drive out constipation and indiges- tion; relieve colds and simple fevers; promote healthful sleep and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. Omer LeBleu. Maddington Falls, Que.. writes: "I am well satisfied witn Baby's Own Tablets and will always uae them for my little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brock- ville. Ont, The Age of Chivalry. Little Tommy and his younger sister were- going to bed together without a light. They had just reached the bot- tom of the stairs when Tommy, look- ing into the darkness and feeling a little nervous-, turned round and asked: "Ma. is it polite for a gentleman to go before a lady wtien they have to walk in single file?" "No. my aon," replied the mother. "The lady should always take the lead." ( thought so." said Tommy, delight- edly. "Go aliead. Susie." BELTING FOR SALE ^ ^ ^___ __ rpHRKASHIRE BELTS AND St'C- M- TIuN hose, new and used, shipped Hubject to approval at loweat prices in Canada. York Belting Co., 11B York ! St.. Toronto, Ont. Humboldt tells us that a follower of Cortez planted the first wheat in America. He found three kernels of wheat in has supply of rice. These h carefully planted. From that little . beginning' lias come the great wheat l-prodwction of our continent. 0. McPheraou, Furniture Dealer, Undertaker. Armstrong, B.C. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.3.: Dear Sirs, Since the start of base- ball .season we have been hindered with sore muscle*, sprained ankles, : etc.. but jus' ae goon as we started using Minard's Liniment our trouble* ended. Every baseball piayer should keep a bottle of your liniment hacdy. Yours truly. W. E. McPherson. Secretary of Armstrong High School Baseball Team. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money buck. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Cariot? TORONTO SALT WORKS J. CLIFF . TORONTO Spraying-Machine Strainer Prevents Clogging. Spraying solutions for whitewashing, tree spraying, water-color painting. Complimentary. "Good heavens' You are the dirt- iest. worst looking man I have ever seen ! " "Thankee, lady; hut I can't live on compliments-." Dog Book on DOG DISEASES u_ad How to l'"ea Mailed Fr-e to any Ad- :: f-M by )) Author. a. Clay Olo-r*r Co.. lao. 129 \Ve*t 24th Strovt New York. U.S. A, Mlnard'* Liniment for gala everywheri The habit of carrying "strike any- where" matches icose in the pocket ; results in many serious fires. In tak- ! ing something out of the pocket a j matjch drops out on the floor of barn or other place, is stepped on and re- 1 suits in a fire. Deputy Fire Marshal etc.. invariably contain certain gritty , Lewis, Ontario, ingredients which tend to clog the noz- j =^^======= zle of the apparatus used. To a;!evl- ate this nuisance, a non-clogging ma- chine has beem perfected which has a self-cleaning strainer, fitted snugly j over the end of the suction pipe. On i capacity of the boat will be more th:i ; ' the outside of the strainw is un agi- 1 150. One unusual piece of equipment tator, or scraper, that moves up and I will be a life-saving net to be stretch- ] down with the action of the pump i handle, thoroughly cleaning the j strainer with every stroke. ed across the boat, amidships of it. so that passengers may jump into it from vessels. Expenses Deducted. John Henry was about as careful of a quarter as a man could be. He mar- form Heine. or Henry. In most co.-es. however, you will tlud | "O'Caoimhe" is very close to^ that ofi ried a widow worth $20.000. Shortly that the name traces back to the ; O'Koeffe. the three vowels "aoi" hav- ; after the ceremony an old friend met medieval city of Toienu, bi Normandy,; ing a single sound and the aspirated or to the Tocality of tht same name in : "m" being pronounced virtually like Devon. That the name in most in- an "f." It is different, but no more t&nces oon.cs from the place name is; strange, when you stop to tbink of tt. Aown eleariy by the number of times! than some of the pronunciations of wfeloli it is ri'.et in the old records with "otigh" found in English. (be "de" prefixed. This word, as in The founder of this clan was a des- nodern French, had tho meaning of cendant. through twelve generations. V>f," with something of "from" In it i from Aeneas, the first Chrstian King 10. i of Muiwter. ine." he said, "to congratu I believe your wedding was him. "Allow late you. a clear $20.000 to you." "No," replied John Henry, "not quite so much." "Indeed, I thought It was every pen- ny of it." "Oh. no." said the benedict "I hod to pay $16 for the ring " Let this food build strength for you good Mlnard's Liniment Relieve? Neuralgia The Blot on the Letter. i The tlrst thing that you noticed on drawing the white sheet from the en- velope was a spot of ink. The pen had caught in the paper and made a bad blot. The letter begaoi. "You must par- don the blot ; 1 am sorry for it. but ' this is the only aheet of paper I have ; here, and I shall have to send It any- 1 That famous ready-to-eat food, Grape-Nuts, charms the appetite with its rich, sweet flavor But it is more than an appetizing food. Grape-Nuts is the perfected goodness of whole wheat and malted barley flours, scientifically prepared to pro- vide tissue, bone and nerve with the needed lood elements. Served with cream or milk, Grape-Nuts is completely nourishing. Splendid as a breakfast dish, delightful and sustaining at lunch always ready when you're ready. You can have this economical, health-building food, by an order to your grocer today, Grape-Nuts the Body Builder "There's a Reason" The paper was heavy and rich-look- j Ing; the penmanship was beautiful; | the sentiment of the letter was most ; cordial, and the information It con- tained was pleasant and interesting but the blot! It was the first thing you saw on opening the tetter aad the last thing you saw on putting It back Into the envelope. In the circumstances tnere was no! harm in sending the letter, but what I If It had been a letter written, not with i Ink, but with the spirit of the living j God? What if it had be*n written, not | on a tablet of paper, but on the tablet i of tbe heart? For Ckxi says that his | children are the epistles of Christ to the world. \Vhut Uien. of th blot on the epistle of life that Christ has written in our ' lives for the world of men to read?; It is true of us. as it is true of the let- 1 ter. that the blct, if there is a blot,' shows above everything else on the ! page. The life may be as nearly per- fect as possible: It may have many touches of beauty and many Christian qualities; it may be mt-st attractive in various ways but the blot! An un- kind word, a trelfish, act. an unfair at- titude. a tiueo-ticraliU- transaction, and the worM will stop HIM! staire at the blot while the beautiful letter of Christian, life, the eptstl-* of Christ to | men. is left unread. \Vlia.t a precious thing Is R letter from a friend! It is almost the friend , himself. 4"d yet. how easily it is spoiled! \Vlui t a precious thing la a ChrstiiMi life! It Is oinic-st th snme uj* Christ lilmnp-lf!. An<4 yot how easily i it is spoiled! One talse move,, an. 1 the blct Is mnile, and the page of liiV U marred. Miss M. Bayington Tells How Coticura Healed Her Scalp "I WM troubled with scalp trouble for several weeks. It broke out in pimplea and my frir fell out. My head itched and burned a great deal. I tried different remedies with- out success. I saw Cuticura Soap and Ointment advertised and sent for a free sample which helped me. I purchased more, and after UGing one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Marian Bayington, Premiss, Maine, Feb. 27, 1921. Keep your skin clear by using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for every-day toilet purposes and Cuti- cura Talcum to powder acd perfurr.e. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Before bathing, touch pim- plea and itching, if any, with Cuti- cura. Ointment. Dry and dust lightly with Cuticura Talcum, a powder of fascinating fragrance. Staple ZMkFntbr Mu! A.Mrn: "Lntui.Llm. '.tj. .i 11 Pi it. W .Montreal." ES ..,,-ty. where 3o*p26c Olntraeal2SantJ50f. ruentn26c. "uUcur* Sop ihavet without mug. BEFORE BABY GOMES Watchful Care Necessary Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a splendid medicine and should be taken by the expectant mother. It will assist her in keep- ing well and strong. This is very necessary, not only (or her own com* fort but for the future as well. Read the experience of Mrs. Bar* ton of New Brunswick, and please bear in mind that every letter pub- lished recommendine Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is genuine and unsolicited. It is tho expression of gratitude from women who have been helped. Cumberland Bay. N. B. "I was troubli'd with weak feeling:-, head- achc. all tin- lim^. a cough, in'nting spells and pains in my hnrk and side. I could not do a single bit of work and had to be helped out to tho hammock where I lay In the fresh air from inorn'.ng u!i:il n-Jht and I had to he carried up .\:'.<1 down stairs. After other medicir.i ? had failed a friend acivised n:e to takn Lydia E. Pinkhnnfs Veg-table Com- pound as she said it ws excellent for anyone In the f ami TV war. Bo- fore the first bottle was taken I could walk alone and as I Kept on wit.h it I got stronpor. iint'l I was able to uo all my wuru. My baby is now six weeks old and is a bip fat healthy fellow. I am sure Lyiiia E. Plnliham's Vegetable Cnmponnd has done wonders for me and I recom- mend it." MBS. Mvmm .1. B.MVTOX, R. R. No. 1, Cumberlaud Bay, N. B. Unskilled foola quarrel with thoirj tools. _ Tho oldest authentic accounts ofl ships <UiU- back to H,000 B.C. ISSUE No. 28 '22. WARNING! Say "Bav^r" when \uu buy Aspirin. l';-,!.->> you s-o the n;inv "Bayer" on tablets, >uii .ire not get- IHIJ Wi:vi ;if"all. Accept only an "unbroken pnck^e'' of "ftyLT T.. blots of Aspirin," which contains directions ;u'.d josa vvii ip.fc by \vuY*?'J -rvut 1*7 pfcysicfans i!i*f :; M'> for Colds Headache Rheumatism .'^Qtiiaclvi. % Neuralgia Neuritis t:.i niche Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" fcoxos of 12 tablots -AUo booties i 24 :uul loo Druggist*. Aplrt.l lh-tra -mark iToglFt"f<>fl In OnnadrU uf Himjt M .inufn t -.iri; i>f M,>n<>- acftlt :i<-u)iaior of toltayUcftald. While it Is well known >nn> Aspirin mfnn* *<:i r ni.iniifn. tnro. to tttls (>>< public ncalnst Imitation*, ttto T,tbl< ta of I'a Company will t> ni>:u*a iflyjl Uwlr |iii*I trtt* mark. ilt "Boytr Cran." . V I : I

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