Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1922, p. 1

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IT Vol. 43, No. 5 Flesherton, Ont., July 5, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. ^ KIMBERLEY I 1 $ / f Fall wheat is filling good. Itboks * as it it might be ripe the middle of the month. This is the earliest I can re- member, but one year, about 45 years ago, it was ripe on July 14th in some place*. The alfalfa hay crop is oenrly all cut and generally well saved The first crop was heavy and the sec- md crop will aUo be heavy if the damp weather continues. John Plewes and bis son, Leslie, have been in Toronto the past week looking after their interests in the waterwheel that John patented some tec or twelve years ago. and which has been slowly winning its way to the front. It is said to be the beat on the market. John deserves credit. Oar football team was disappointed In not getting to Fevarsham on the First. It rained here from Friday 9 p m to Saturday at 3 p m. We were sorry, as the Feversham team came to our pirty on the third and played a good, gentle- manly game here, which was so cleverly reported by the Feversham cor to The Advance. Wild strawberries were art abundant crop here. Cherries are also plentiful, but the robins and cherry birds are taking them before they get ripe. And the sparrow is busy on toe fall wheat. Their toll is going to be heavy . Missea Walter and Uutchinson, tea- chers, are visiting with the latter's parenta here. Our old men, of whom there are quite a number here between 70 and 80 years of age, have been working bird garden- ing and haying. Tbe youon men see in t .. liv.-e found other empl> ymeut moie to their liking. Our High School Entrance exatmua- ti HI had * goodly number i attendants. Inspector Uull presided. Shelburne The Ontario Government has awarded an extensive sign painting coutiact to Walter Morrison of Shelburue. The part of which his already been fultiled, is for railway crossing siguf, aud was secured by Mr. Morrison by tender. While engaged iu sorting pota'o^s iu H. White and Co.'- potato house ore day last week tha pickers cauie across a potato of a freakish uature. The potato resembles my much . huui:in closed list, the four finders and thumb being in their natural position. Tbe iadex linger and little finger are separ- ate digit* while the second and third fingers are grafted to each other but the formation is distinct. Tbe t'reau has been ou exhibition at H. White & Co.'s stjre for t e past week and many have iied it with astonishment. Tbe Sbviburne Flax Co. has sold the Flax, which is at present stacked ou their farm, to 11. 1 1. Andereou, Buffalo. The raw material will I > manufactured at the Co. plant neu Sholburue. Tbe finished product will then be shir pod to Buffalo to be placed on ;be American iiiarktt for upholstering purpose. H L. Lee, manager of the Union Bank, cirne down town at an unusual hour on Sun-lay morning, his fco aglow with ' that smile that won't come .if " He was enquiring for the census taker, stat- ing that the population of our village had been increased by three and he denied to hare it shown immediately u ji u the census return. Triplet-", two sons and a daughter, were horn early that morning. To our knowledge, this is the first case on record of triplets being born here. Sad to relate, one of the sons was still- burn, but Che two o'her infants aud the mother tro doing nicely. In the opinion of tbo attending physic- ian, Dr. W.J. McLean, the father will, with proper care, recover speedily from his daughter and son stroke, Free Press 42nd Successful Year Practicl courses Expert iuatruc- tloo Individual instruction Emplofment departuieDt G. A. FLEMING, F.C.A . Principal nine* 18HI . 0. D. FLEMING, Secretary. FEVERSHAM Mr and Mrs Wolfe and cwo daughters aad Mr Ji. J Mrs Eatton of Toronto are camping on the old camping ground and eojuyine; the invigorating Blue 11 i-.tjia air. Mr and Mrs Rob Burk and Mr and Mrs H ti:iliu of Toronto are renewing old acquaintances around here. Rev E L Douglas and daughter of Barrie, a former pastor on the Maxwel] circuit visited his former congregation at the Maxwell and Buckingham appoint- ments on Sunday last. Our new minister, Mr Dumeld, occu- pied the Methodist pulpit here on Sun- day and preached a very earnest and interesting sermon from the words, "H* brought him to Jesns. " Emerson Osborne of Toronto is holi- daying with his father and brother here. Mr Jaa Buckingham, sou and daughter of Stayner spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs E Buckingham. Our teacher, Miss Jolley, has gone to Toronto to attend college during the holidays. There will be service in the Salvation Army hall, Feversham, next Sunday, July '.Kh, at 11 a.m. and 7 p m., conduc- ted by Ensign and Mrs Chambers of Collingwood. Mr Morris, our on '101111 ion school eacher, hs none to his home at Cobourg or the holidays. We Wi nler who of our K .-.-.-. I:K citizens changed ctn ou .Sunday. Fie! Mr and MM Thos Foley and two ehild- s: I : Collingwocd spent Sunday with 41rj K.ilcy's father, \V'm Coun. Dr and Mrs Robt Henderson and two child eu of Toronto and Mr aud Mis Henderson of Fiesherron weie f-a'lers in our village ou Sunday. PRICEVILLE P.icevtlle is planning for a big c-lebra- ion on Civic Holiday, August 7th. From Friday evening to Saturday ifteruoon we hud seventeen hours of rain coining down ^uietly, but steadily, .nd giving the iarth a good soaking A cousideruble <|uantity of sweet Clover has been cut and harvested fof odder, in good cotidit : on, in this neigh- borhood. yuite a number of shovellers had to ithdraw Inst week from County Road work in order to get the hay crop saved. The directors of the uew public ceiue ery hope to see as many us possible of he plot holders aud others iuterestd in the cemetery attend the meeting culled . r Frid-iy eveening, July 7, in the Pres- jyteriun chuich basement. Geo Rutherford aud Mr and Mrs D ietherington of Shelburne motored up ou Saturday evening of last week, made short call on friends and returned home. Dr R Wat.sou aud wife, a!so Harold Watson of the Bank of Commerce aud >U wife, all of Toronto, mofWed up Saturday and remained with friends over the week end Rev R J and Mr* McCurten moved out of tTie parsonage on Thursday of last week. On tho evening pievious a large delegation from the Women's Institute and other friends gathered at the pais onage Mr Wm Mather was placed in ;ho chair. Mrs D HcLochlan spoke a : ew miuutes expressing the loss they felt at tho removal <jf such an active and be- loved member as Mrs McCarten hiul aeeu, also the pastor had been active in every good move and had endeared him- self to a host of frionds in both the church congregations heie. The chair- man read a nicely \vorded Address and presented the worthy puir with a nice couch hammock. The reply was full of .ove and good feelitg for the peop'e of Pricevillo and vicinity. The address will likely be published in some i-f the local papers CEYLON Toronto Line North Mrs J A Lever aud Mrs Fred Brown and daughter spent a few .Uy- with Mrs W J Lover in OH en Sound. Wist flattie C\>lu returned to Toronto after a two weeks' holiday with her mater, Mrs Charles Stewart. Mrs W Reid and two sons of Oxford, Michigan, visited at R Richardson'* the past week. Pied Pedlar, wife aud family, of Bu genii, were visitors at E Wiekens'. Mr and Mrs Geo Cairns and family motored to Wroxeter and spent toe 1st with friends. A wedding of much interest took p'ace at the Methjdisr pirsonage, Mark- dale, on Monday afternoon, when Rev^F L wes united in n.arria-jn Miss Annie Willis Coleman Speer and Thomts Fred- eric Wright, both of Artemetia. Mr and Mra Wright left on the ufiernoon train te spend the honeymoon with friends at Wingham, and on their return will reside on the groom's firm near Ceylon. Best wishes go with 'hem for a long and happy future. Miss Anna White of Toronto spent the week end with her paren's. Mr E Embury and wife of Port Perry and Miss Jennie Cook oi Toronto mot- ored up ind visited at R Cook's, Rev Mr Q'linn of Beamsville, afoiiuer pastor, called en friends here the tir&t of the week. Mis Strain, who has beeo riiiting with friends in Toronto, has returned and is agiin the guest of her sifter, Mrs Stone. Miss Muriel Spicer of Toronto ii spending a fortnight with her pirenta. Miss McCallum. teacher at Stone's school, left Monday for her h mo near Ms Forest. James McLean has purchased a Max- well car. Mrs Jatrea Ashduwn visited Dund\lk friends list week. Mrs A McLeod L-ft Monday to visit her son at Niagara Falls. Mrs Wilier, h-> utu beju vui'.ing her daughter, MM Win Msthewion.here, left on Saturday fir her home in Paris. Miss A M -1'lir., M P, spent the wtek end under the parental roof. Mr Bea'on and daughter of Durham spent the first of the week it Jmes Patterson's. Mr Vt -e will speuk t) the Orangemen ou Sahbalh a' 3 p m. Special music t. c service. Promotion Exams. Rsp irt of S S No 7, Arteuifttia Jr 4 to Sr 4 Ivan Turner. Robeit P-trslow. Sr 3 to Jr 4 S:eart Jluir (hou), Bessie Stiiusby, NYi!lie > > - y. Sadie Oliver, Mau-irei Turner. Jr 3 to Sr 3- Dot is T*ylor, Sadie V*Ub8. Sr2to Jr 3 Dick P^rslow, Myrtle Ustranuer (rec). Jr 2 to Sr 2 Wil:m Tiyl i, M:iry MacDouald. Sr Pr Mith : i- \Vi1liamSi. u, Jack MacMilUn, Wiihe LtughliD. Jr Pr to Sr Pr Christene,Miv:Kinnc>u E B Ostrajjder. Jr Pr Jessie Oitrar.der, Ada Wbyte. Average atr.end.mco 20 7. . Jis^.i F. BlAok, Toacher. SSXol4, Jr 4 to Sr 4 M GUF (b), M B Wilton, M Alclunes. Sr 3 to Jr 4 L Milne (10. B Pedlar, M Kendall. Jr 3 to Sr 3 R Tlioiu(isiu (b), L Cameron, Willie F.ndlay (rec). Sr 2 to Jr 3 C Sullivan (lioi ). Jr 2 to Sr 2 A Fiiullay (h >n). First to Jr 2 V Sullivan, M FinaUy, N Patterson. Pr to 1st G Wilton. Alice Wiiairs, Teacher. S S No 10, AtUmes : a A to Priiuer B C irns, E . Genoe, D Stewart, M Piper, J P Stewart, J Mc- Donald, K. Stewart, McLean. Sr Pr to Jr J McLeod, D McDon- ald, J Jinclair, D S.i-1 1 , L Piper. Jr 1 to Sr 1 G Jaynso, M Diley. Jr 2 to Sr 2 R McDonald,' fi 3snoe. H Genoe, J Stewart. M Snel), Sr 2 to Jr 3 L McLean. J McMilleu, D Stevtrt, I Snell, K. Stewart (V). Jr 3 to Sr 3 M Sinclair, V Stewart, B McDonald, E White. Sr 3 to Jr 40 McLachUn, M M .- Mullen, H McLMn (8). Jr 4 to Sr 4-J C UeMtilleu, E Mo. Lachlau. M McDonald, D White, R Hempb.il) (A). Viola Lewis. Teachr. PORTLAW An accideot < f a very serious nature o-curred on Tuesday of last week. While Mr aud Mrs Thi>niis Taylor were driving info Duxddlk with a -prr. -i team and hugjjy they were met by a motor truck 1 , nl.'J with furniture wh cb was covered with c in , It appears that this cov- ering iUpping with the wind frightened the horses so tint they btcame unman- ageable ud run away. Bjt'i occupants of the buggy were thrown violently t,i the uround, Mrs Taylor bein^ dragged a considerable distance aud rendered unconscious. She had her right arm i broken near the wiiir, her oack injure! and bruises on face, body and limbs. Medical aid was promptly in attendance and the w removed to her home aui .1 : e us u be doing as well as can be unacted. Mr Taylor, although surter- ing from bruists. is able to be around Mr aud Mrs J L Wood, George Haney and Mr Steveiis of T ironto were visitors with Wm Taylor and wife. T H Posers ul Orono vifited for some days at the home of T U McKeozie and gave an interesting and inspiring talk .it Mount Zxn church service last Sun. lay, which ,ts taken by the League. D J Jamiesun of Toronto visited *ith his biutber here. R McMaster, son, W,lu-;d, and Miss Pearl i Flesberton visited wrh friends here. Mr Geo Thomp:en is visiting with his brother here an 1 renewing old Frieud- Mr J-i!. Bealiy, wife aud diu^bterof Orange Valley vrete visitors .-. ith Mr aad Mr Th..m*s Fle'cher. A Remarkable Fire Mr. liilbri-t Houston, A well-knu*n farmer, liviog on lot -1, oca 5, we-:, Ciledoo, met with a severe inisfortuiie in Siturdiy afternoon, when his tine bunk baru, i s:ucture ."4 by 72, with modern stablinif rtttinys, w*s cumplett 'y destroy- eilyiire. Th* contents '.e bail J me also a complete loss. Tu- -> inc' J JeJ eiiiht ^ptiug cul^s, a sow, 10 y uuap ; g, a f<tt hoi. a number of farm uupltuien's aad a . .n ry of hy i:: 1 ^rim. The origin of the tire is enveloped 1.1 mystery, there were no person about ihe barn at the time, nor had Mr. Uou^tcu I een doing nythin in the building f. r some days tha: wculd afford iiiy posiible ex- planation of the ci ntUitriL.uii. Mr. Huustou and his neighbors ir.- iucliued> however, to attribute the disis'n- to 'i pile of sweet clover trw that A *s lying m the barnyard cloetf :o the luildiuij la the settling prccess this h : jirt'ssed closely igaiust one of the busemeut windows. The vviudow was in -.-jell ' position that th hot afternoon tun beat oa it tiercvly. Ir is thought tli.it the rays of th< sun heittd ihi glass > such ao extent thar the clover stra-v Bulled. Trie file spread with ^reat r.ipu'i'y and the wh!e building was iu a :, .-- f tl niies very shortly after the 11 za was noticed. Mr. Houston, who in* the >yiuijithv of th w.hole couiuiuu:'.y in his seiious ;::i-t ! u:u'. t?stiui:>tts his I--S9 at from ?4,000 :o So ^00. We urd-'tstand thU the msurauce will nut cover more t'iu. hilt the loss. ROCK MILLS \VedduittbeIlsiire Crult, ife sud fumily, spent a day with ihj foiin-i's mother, .vho his been ill. Mrs Thorn psou and, ton, of LonJou, Sper?r a luw J.ITS with Isaac Sucth, wife and fiuiily. Cecil Mooagliap, wife aud children, visitwJ with ths latttr's paieuts, J> hn Potteous and wife. Mr K.E. Purvs of Bur .\-ish, ,uid' witV, Viiited with Chas N*ell and wile. Rev Mr (juiun and" sen, SJr JJetcalf a^d sou, of Red Wiu|i, called ou 5h Lev; Bet'.s aud wife, recently Mrs H Hoy is spending n couple of Wdeks wjth relatives in Toronto. i Miss Sarah Wyatt, who has been as- tistiug Kirs VV Hawkins for the past t*o mjDtbs, is going home for a time. Pltyltin horseshoe is (he main poil around heie no*. A good game was played at' the home of W T Pedlar la.-' Tuesday evening, when about 30 were present. Dsve Janiieson anil S>mm!e Fisher were th winners for that evening, more games to follow this wck. Pipes Our stock of pipes has been greatly added to and we can supply you with a pipe to snit your style. The selection con- tains : The fame .us "G.B.D." "Peterson's" "Kola" "Sea Dog" "Old Pal" and the new pipe " Aonian DeLuxe" Armstrong's Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS C3UAL Funeral Direct) 3 and ^mbahnerf Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT' J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew Flesherton, your subscription to Ont. I The Advance If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from us. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. *' "Shop where you are invited to shop* W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds. Groceries and' Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario V 4^. ' i Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors 20e per yd. Factory Cotton i'Jie per yard Lai lies' Vests 2.~>e. Printed Voiles 35c per yard and up Organdy in all shade ?3.> Printed Organdy .joe. ami up White Canvass shoes -3:2.90, weie $4 7.3 Fleet Foot Shoes from 1.00 up Men's Balbriggan underwear per garment 7-V. Peabody make Overalls $*2.2."i Peabody Smocks !?2.2.~> tleavy linoleum 12ft. $4.00 per yard Highest prices paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. A'.full line of Groceries, also Can nod Goods ' PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton i - * ."* *

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