Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1922, p. 4

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t June 28 THE fiXESHERTON ADVANCE The & I Flesherton Tailor Shop JJ The Place where you get Service laid iu a new stock of ready-made WORK & DRESS TROUSERS i M: ,.'.i<K- obtainable altei- ed to tit. At lowest price*. Come in and look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T. C. Blakely Merchant Tailor JJ THE Resherton Advance Ao independent newip'p*r published each Wednesday at the oHjee.CoUingwoud Street, Kli.ilii'rt'.u Sutxcripiiun prior 31 60 per iMinuiii whn piil in aHvonoti ; 82.00 when not so paid. 82.00 Ii United Slates. AdYerkminn rales on pplioatif>o. Circulation over IM weeMy. W. H. THUKSTON Ki>rroK Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Bojs' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Uepjiirinjr Pressing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER .Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario ..................................................... i ............... !!!J! !?!! IMHlllfMtllllillilliliHi ? Right Now - :: :: :: Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO *** . * ********** *)!. a*. .to**f>*t>**i**i)*******lt>***tttf*t) !ft!5f ! .-"' iff*Mf fffffffftliff*tfflflfffflflllffflffllfffffl No other car lasts so long and costs so little. BUY A FORD Ford Touring Gar $535 f.o.b. Ford, Ontario H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, - Ontario PULLING AND PUSHING Flcsherlon liai tome <;oo(l citixeng ineu who have the welfaie ol the tcwa at heart, who desire to ice it progress and who will pat their sttoaldcr to the wheel and giv a push when tkiugi arc going too slow. But it also has a few ol the other kind. Ilie otbr day WH sa\v a bunch of boys shoving and pulling a light wag. on the street. Moit of the boys were puffing and blowiog like per- poiseg, but there was one fellow who actod ai a drag aud let the othr boji pull and gtrnt him alouu. And h made the most none of all . There arc some growu-ups wh never gtt over the habit of letting tli other i. ll'i ,', do it all. but at the sam time will m il., a lot of uoigc to inak tli' world believe that they arc doin a lot to make the civic wagon buz H!. : j . TI. . -. who have been acsoc iated with tuch for ome time arc no deceived, but strangers are often mis led iuto believing that they cuny tbi burdens of the town on their should era. Latev it is disaovered that ihy are usiny the band wagon and their oivu calliopes to further their own in tercsta. We suppose that every town has people of this class, jut as every gardeu has its pestiferous weeds to relate! development in the vegetable kingdom, but we do not envy the wood nor the fellon who pulla on the wagon instead of pushing. He hath no honor and dies uumourned. The world 19 no better for his having lived. Transien* frdvs. Chopping done on ^'at-irdaH to'} Bros. Kuu'ci.t i A iiuanti'y of hemlock lunili<>r for J. K. .1 ttiii.-MMi, Eugenia. For Sale Fieoh lime, kiln open now. VVra. I; -ikry. Portlaw. A few tun of tiist class hay for cale A Conkey, Ceylon p o Phrne. Fur Sale or Kent The old rgg factory in Kleshertoo, on ewy term*. Apply to K. J. Sproule, Flesherton. For Sale Two building lots-, in Flesh- erton near the Methodist church--pply in Mrs. M. ThitUthwaite, Fleshertoo. Lost On Sunday, June 11, itt Eugenia locket with photos, open fac?, valued aa k>*epiake. Finder please return to Mrs. L M' r. ,r, Kugeniu. Reward. THE COMEDY OF THE WYE For the past two weeks the papers have been full oi a treasure hunt over tLe little river Wye, two miles cast of Midland. A new species ol divining rod was brought into use which denoted the pibsence of gold, silver aud copper, and probing re- veakil the existence of something supposedly a chest containing articles of this kind lost by the Jesuits wheii they evacuated the old fort of fct. Marie in Ki-19 to escape tun Iroquoie. A dredge was engaged and after some dayg' dredging the article sought was found to be a lar^s stone! Kxit divining rod! Kxit treasure! Kxit Ibpo and Faith, but Charity t:ll covcreth a multitude of sins. And the cxcitemtut created a lot f good copy for the newspaper?, finch goes to prove the wisdona of he old darkey adage that " its an ill vind blows nowhar. " For Sa'e-li H. P. alto 2J H. P. gasoline engines in tirsi class repair. To 1" Bold at a bargain. H. Down and Sow, Flesherton. If you arc* ihir.kinu ot buyiui: a Cream Separatoi buy no other but the DeLavai, which - the best and most leliable sep- arator made. Call, phone or write Hugh Knot', Markda'e. Warm Weather .here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundae's, Sodas Fresh Chocolates, Orange* and Bananas always on hand. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Residence Fr-r Sale Five roomed frame house, just newly renocated, I api-red and painted Good garden lot. ImmeJiutt.' posseseion. Apply to W. A Arni'tronu, Flefhetton Wimfed Girl to do _ n i il house i work in Toronto hoinp Must be able to 1 do plain cooking. No laundry. Twenty llarH per mnnth to 8'nrt with. App'y ii' The Advance office. LUCALREPflESENrATIVE wanted to Hell for " The Old Reliable F,>nthilli Nurseries.' Largest list of fruits mil ornamentals to offer, exclusive territory, i highest commisHions, handsome freej equipment. VX'rite for particulars Stone A Wellington, Toronto. For Sale One 14 foot power wi mill, buzz saw, onn 14 b.p. porl steam engine, one 10 inch plate grain ' in', r. and ball bearing pneumatic ' tired bu<gy, one C ft M II binder.raower, one 12 disc seed drill -Chan Stafford K H 5. Markdale. - Cream - Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Test- ing Station Come and see it tested. JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON % 1 c j Hume and Lot For Sale The prop, erty known as the Ashdown retideoce at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling. ijood cellar, stable, etc. ; about an ac-e of :'!, would make a good home for a retired (lent'emtn. For terms and fur- her oarticuUrs apply to W. .1. lieHaiiy, Flcnherti.il. 1 May ft The Markets WE SELL r i on Jarefully Corrected Eaoh Week Barley 70 to 70 23 to i 25 MANURE SPREADER, Buck hfitt 80 to 80 FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES . r i- WAGON Winter wheat 02210024 23 -M 28 1 Ori -o 1 lift ! 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER )at8 45 10 45 JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Boar For Service ( BOAR for SERVICE Pure hied Ut'K'iturca Vurk*liiri< l)<nti for service Vineyard i- mn . ~"~>'M- on lot IrtV, H. W T. AS II., Arnneni. TennH |1.50. Sows not returned will tie chargi'd . .nu- is i ii .- in piy 10,4,22 T. J. ST1NS )JJ. I'urel>ri-d Tnm worth Bn'ir for service on lut 107, S \V T and S E., Artemes'R,. Terms fl.fin. Si WH not returned will be chirsi'd flame tho?e in plK. F,.iiir. T. .I.STINSON, I'n Som- nien IMIW to the lnvi(kh!t- .. d IIII-M tiy to 'iifii- vnrli Ihr trli- i himo opcrntur. TELL US I'anclfcliou wine with a 28 pur ceut. luk iasuraething esti-oardinih'y, but jat is the grade that got a Tivei ton ri.'Htdurant man into a $200 mess . Hnw dul he do it? Wp have nc\er Ii H n obK to got any more than 1A in any (if our home brew. I. >IH cf thuso juvei ilu mntoriiti tiuet to thu hum when they nhould ubo lie horn. Buntinck townthip yum a, |ictip'i> I g- ured in what might laiily h,iv.' bi-cn i\ finl hfcidriil at W r l!li(<ck (north mat lii'iitn ok) Ubt Krid.iy cvcnii n, ihi> vic- I nit In- ii^. Hector und Mjnli- 15 .ycr, ii^otl IK ,ind 20 yuHrs roprrtivi-ly, i'hi! iliun of Mr Haru.-y Itnycf. It np|ini8 Iliti Ki'inUI Hlanln<ri<u(;li \VH cHnyiti^ n KDOtgun Hiid in Hrnie nmnuer it WI<H diMhirgtd, Hector Itoyce liuiiiu liit in ih lui.(,' nd his mister in I In- arm. Fi r- luii'iti'ly tin- Hcci'leut did not end fatally, iillhounh Ht'ctiif was in H neriiiU8 cundi- lion for a tiini'. He in now out of d.ir^tr tid both art) rtrovorini!. Gacus Star, 2.10 1-4 Speed bi'm'lH Speed if | uro hrccl. " (Jiclua SUr " WiUm StHinhmil, llp- py Medium, ro^igtricd A. T. H. 4rt;H(l, Canadian 1007 enmlltd i..i..' Oiriis St<r will IP HI ilu' MtifiliHW Hotel Studies fi-i-iy Thtirsdwy for diiun r itu-ti yiM's In MnrkiUY Thuridny niter noun nd buck In t'lt^liKitc n Fiiilhy iiinrninu, whero lie will icnmin iinti '2 |> in. nnd return to his . n -piM, , I M'H ,li , in it- he will rcnviin until ihe full 'wini: MiMulny at '.' n'tlnck. I "MI il ct'iuliMon.s Km fmthrr ptnicuUra adilrffH C'hi|f I'nliner, H x I4S, Dundulk, Out. Uuly one dood reason o Why the sale of Chevrolet cars is increas- ing steadily and rapidly every month is be- cause the style and finish is equal to that of cars double their price. When you buy a Chevrolet car from us you buy a complete car not another cent to be spent in extras. . . . > * > t v ' All D. McTavish & Son Flesherton

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