/ communications to Agronomist. 73 Aaalald* SL West, Toronto Holiday Cakes from Scotland. I of life Ww&pjuuit over death and! therefore perennial life in the renewal' of each bourvteou: year. With hard! V an exception, cvery ^ England and Mexico. RVIH.-P r<A-rr.'<5 R\ DhR C.AfLS. European country has <ome ,,,.vth or THE SUNDAY SG100L By . When around housewives all over Christen dom dun their aprons and go' into the! d," lry : 'iore "bVn'imi i the custom, it is~not| kitx-hen to bake cakes after their 0WQI intntttlhw that u bit of green has ; . , the holiday season comes: ] e g,,mi connected with the us* of ! K ,. tcna . With such a wealth of lejen-| DECEMBER 18 favorite : SUI .p rif , ir( , , j Our Own Type Berkshire*. It has been claimed that a tendency to lengthening side i* noticeable the Berkshire breed in Canada wi*. the ktt few y-i.-s. Commenting on This might differ from the the !>..--,r. clas* t wards at tho Can- Exhibition, an ngri- visable for the Canadian Berkshire it would bo very interosUup For variety's sake, colne this , )al . L 'scum? i ur lira vttnrt*-i*m , . Breeder*' Ass-elation to draw up what Ghrirtma* for us to try Home of the * ' rnments of tried and true recipes of our sister- tironlilfl in might be termed the retjuirenw."" ul . >T ./'.I/ a distinctly Carvidian-bi-ed Berkshire.' cooks on the oth,r side of the world. fin -1.1 !* t . 4-1 ct-mriiiril! Kivglana BDu Scotland are famous :'*;K S"n m &t d Brltirp2.-^S fr their -Hor| h read, I^cen-. g ft *".' would differ very considerably from)"" that those delectable little concoc- - tea tha ' f fcrk- ' the actual standard of the breed in the tions were brought into Scotland by n^er^Ji factory United States, which is the outcome of; Q*en Mary from one of hor visits to n \ery satisfactory . ,.;,, to France. The French name for them is tandardj set in Great Britain; presumably it, for adian National i^vik;.; , .!- 1 would differ very considerably from| u . s cultural writer shire "has shown veij :..ioj ... , improvement in the past few years, t-hctr special and peculiar catenng to the heavy shoulder and ham giving the fat, lard market. way to smoother quarters with in- ~ " ' Useful Poultry Litter. he looked upon as an essential, ot the Christmas program.! Paul's Last Words, 2 Tim. 4: 6-18. Golden Text 2 Tim. 4: 7 (Rev. Ver.) Therefore, the homeliest and humblest of Drifts are dressed up with spoils from the woods or garden. I In addition to the spruce or fir trees, to tl-^e Ephe- i and the Col. 4: 7, 8). The cloak . . . left at Troas; when < n his way to Macedonia (compare Tim. 1: and hemlocks and ground pine are ull.inth and Melit . ('J Tim. 4: 20),TrMW 3). h wus a heavy <-..?ivoa't, which bearer ct' the Ep:< sian.i (see Eph. <i Acts V8, nrl visited Spin (see Ron 1 . Colos-sia-ns (see 15: -!H). From Spain the apostle se i L * \. 1 J I I */ *O/ 1 I VIII -J|/ U( VI It- UjJ'*.3 OIC JJGV*i* th< shortbreads. I.egeivl M19 pines of various sorts juniper, cedar, to have gone to the east, visiting Cor We once had an earth floor poultry house that was a little too low Bad creased length between, making them more suitable for the production of Wiltshire Bide*." The comment brings right ino the inclined to be damp, forefront the difficulty which many time to raise th level by hauling san.1 farmer*, face in the Berkshire breed. w covered the floor with loose They scarcely understand sufficiently corn toten to a depth of about six petits gateaux tailes, hut us near as the rough Scotch tongue could come to this wns "petticoat tails," nml petti- There was no coat tails they have been ever since. At Christmas and New Year's they are made into round cakes and decor- used, as well is such berries as holly, Jar.il bittersweet, wintergre?n, bayberries and mistletoe. Doxes or packages look very Macedonia (1 Tim. 1: 3, etc.), (2 Tim. 4: 13), and Crete Paul would r.f'd :i> r.i-< The hooks. There v.<.- >M (Titus t: 5). After leaving Crete, he be the iMtpyruy roils in -e for v nli- derideu to spend the winter at Nico- nary pi!v:-:;M. Mspeci.iit.v ih? parch- polir, (Titus 3: 12). Of the eight places mentv: the im r try ''; cortaiv- , bearing this name.. Hafit : ng;.-s' Bible irtg lil;e!y portions of the Scriptures the ribbon or str.ng, Dktionary decirie-i for the ope on the in Hebrew. Not even the near :<n- ,.~ t . , .. ... g , . I PVIJil I XIIU3 ,1. lij. ( hi-.stnwRsy with a spray of berries: bcaring this llalll( . that the breed lends itself to two types, almost opposite in character. "In tflie United State?," says Tro- fesaor G. E. Day in his work, "Pro- ductive Swine Husbandry," "it is only natural to expect them to conform to att-d with mottoes which five put wi-th little candies, candied fruit | or icing forced through a tube. "Petticoat Tails" on thrust with which tl'.ey are tied. If berries ! west coast of are pine Over the fodder we placed tough fodder formed a! ne of the most popular recipes for the lighter straw; calls for a pound of flour sifted with Htter. the winter fresh straw, a toaspoonful of baking powder and a3 thy old lit- >.f a teaspoonful of salt. Three- Thc ,,,,. in fourths of a cupful of igar ami a rif an(] kid cupful of butter are creamed together ag ^ as R , emnt very carefully, then worked into the the fat or hri type and some breed- have K <me rather to the extreme board fc workod ou , ri(cht ; flour. When the dough is smooth and brMdiiv for fine bone, smoothness on fln ^ floor where u , iusual ; well m.xed it u divided into two round lackinjr, a small spray of spruce, , chosen by Paul a or hemlock can be used with the winitr. while think? Acbaia a.< the ph.c ; ' proach of (loath turned the atKXli< his residence for away from ilie studies which ho D.\ David Smith; Vs. 14, l:>. Alexandria the C good effect. A pretty table decoration represent- ' was ' . Syna-Cilicia. He was ing a miniature landscape can be madoi ? ted - aml after a SOC( " U with clumps of moss, tiny trees and /^ r_> (;8 that the NicopoUs in question r.mith; probably the A!e:'ardi-i of I Tim. I: ^0 and possibly Acts !': ",?,. 34. Did me much evil; ir.juriri? 'he apostle in (ieeds as well a<5 wcnis. Tlw Tim- Lord reward him. It is the Lord's fuffcfeA , fhe First Koiat!e vines. Arranged on a shallow trayjothy and the Epistle to Titus were busircss ti parish, not the it can be dampened and kept fresh for written during the interval between Be Ihou ware also. It ',r.*;, ! c inl'.rre I weeks. * 1 VII nil <(!!' 11 ,1,>-'I WllVir I uti.n.'v fiLfi^LSftffLSLS ^Pth of litter was needed to build fecundity. In Canada the tendency is to select for a len-gthy, strong-lwned type, which looks somewhat coarse and lecgy when compared with the extremely fine type, but which is a first class far;ner'. hog. The demand for the bacon type in Cana<la and competition with the bacon breeds up. Straw is the beat litter we have ever | awl ''aked in a used. About six inches can be placed,' 111 done - * on the floor in the fall. The hens, brok en up with the fingers into pieces, gradually break it up and pack it; down. A litter that is not replenished' Hard becomes almost as hard as a floor and Christmas cakes in many countries. the first and second imprisonments, that Alexander was in Timothy's i the former probably from Macedonia neighborhood. Greatly ivu'isrood our ; to Kphesus, where Tiiriotliy wa.? labor- : words; strangely appeared the t.n:- ! ing, the latter from some unknown | trines t-iughr by Pan! ;>n ! also by a'l on place, when Paul had dc.'i<!ed to win- ' Christiana. ter at. Nicopoiis. The second Epistle: Iv Pu ,, f , rl .. ., your ! to Timothy was written during the ; c, , i i B ^. Isecond imprisonment at Rome. The V. 16. At my iirst answer; the cre- , pinched around the edges with: ) cn 't let Christmas giving deterior- 1 three Epistles are filled with advice Hinmary iiiveslijratior. before Uv ". the fingers, perforated with a fork) t into a trade i con corning the way the young min- peror cr his vepresentative, iU '" Christmas Dont's. Don't leave the cost-mark presents. Don't let money dominate Christmas giving. Gingerbread Cakes, gingerbread is used for Don't ba yourself by more than you can flfford -v The have had an influence about this modification, me B- ,. , whire is better suited for supplying the market demand for fat hogs than it is for producing bacon hops. Where back*, shoulder* and hams are the fits the scratch grain Is not hidden. The 1 A good English recipe says to sift j Christmas presents, purpose , , Don't try to pay debts or return called the Pastoral Epist'e*. obligations in your Christmas giving. . Panl'a < . n-.-i R 7 Don't grive trashy things. Many an "'' ~ ' ' attic could tell strange stories about iHeru-e, alorvg with Timothy, they aro was no one to speak for Paul as hw advocate. All . . forsook me: as tl'a disciple* forsook their Master, Mark . . , 14: 50. Not to be laid to their charge. rf , (ReV , Ver " Compare Stephen', pra.vers for hi* l . am be '"P enemies (Acts 7: .'0). of whom Pa'i' and HAS too heavy a neck and shoul- ders. The fat typo of B.-ikshire is utterly unfitted for rhe Dominion bacon trade, which depends so largely for \ f or its outlet in Great Britain. This ing about choosing thu proper poured out as a drink offering. The litter is to mako birds ex- together four cupfuls- of flour, one. Don t make presents which your reference is to the rfrink- nflfpt-ir nf * 1- -n j /fi. .\ *ivi\.iciivcs n> LUC 1 1 riiirv un tr ' , _ i>i j w ] I i ' ! oro f\nrist * stOixJ *A * i n So new 1 liter of sugar, a tnblespoonful of ginger friemts will not know what to do with, wine which among the Jews frequent- me u\. ,:;.) , wt {,jj v .i'en'all oOw > on the old to furnish and a teaspoonful of salt. Rub in a I and which would merely encumber the ly accompanied sacrifices (seo Num. ' f a jj e j Strengthened; aceorclir"- i<; that loose top layer that easily hides, half pound of butter and just enough 'home. 15: 5; 28: 7). (Compere Phil. 2: 17). ^ e promise r,t' 2 Cor. !.': '.). 1'reachinij the grain. When litter becomes damp molasses to bind them all together. Don't give because others expect Departure. (See Phil. 1: 23.) The ...fully known. ' All 'present al and tough it must be removed. Let it stand overnight in a cold place, you to. Give because you love to. If ''K 1jre J * taken fro-ir a ship going out p al: ]' s trial would \r.v.\r ;!-o gonei. i'.'.d to sea loosing the cables and weigh- vkat hamnanaH In Rome would eccme tin' v.crl-i. ! " JM i ! ; r ; =. an ver" I' . I _ _ .^^V^^' The Mexicans make a delicious little | bu >' >' our presnts, and then, for lack v ' 7 Fougll , a K , )0(1 flKht C< >mpare was p^rtiSned. The lion. PI a 'of time to make proper selections, 1 Tim. 6: 12.. The image may be- from inp may t , th.it h ..:.! ; - ; : - r,ugh length of silo M h , f an Bbun(1 . a nce &o if* a nnv.1 - n*7 AH! of leaves can be obtained near at hand.. ^ ^ ca ,, azucari , lo Thcy eream ; _ The leaves break up very easily and , )(rether a qLlnrU . r of a cupful of but- B ive what W ar bett r Judgment con- the Greek games, and if so, it refers thrown to the !!cn> of -he Roman good as wheat or oat straw. ter an(J ha , f a cupful of pow( i e red demns. to the mimic contests of war between umphitheatre, th:- uv.;'ul form ,.f Don't gh'e too bulky articles to ' combati nts. Finished my course; the niartyrdcm which .-:..> early Chi litter . corn fodder is also It absorbs moisture ,,u K <i. Into this pour gr 'fourth of a cupful of milk. th Berkshire breed in probab- i ].. ^m j a ra iae<l n * use of shred<ie<l e of uon t give too ouiKy arn 3 = JIA nw. riHinwa my vuurse; tne niariynu wnicn r. - .... > eariy i people who live in small iviarters un- foot race which was a leading feature tian suffered. less vou know that thev need the par- j. r . ' h< : *% Kept the faith; the V 18. I'uio his iK-asenly kingdom lirnlnr fhino-a vnt, son "l tlf>, falth '" the Son f (r d b >' w "K'h ho Paul IS CGllllJer.t of (Jed's hc-'n ' . ; had been saved, and by which he had Through death ! ;> will r 'i.- - oi" f Don t decide to abstain from givm-g i ive(1 (ii< , e Gn] _ 2: ^0). Th-- tichin? nnwe, of hi< ri..-s nml .-nr^r ' .- lrin. popularity liecaus* it <!oes not "scald' under prairie heat mib-divinon of the Kvi-n within this breed prrxluceni hould pay strict attention to get- limited, it pays to buy baled straw. This savas time in replenishing the ntraw litter in the. laying houses. In the right conformation. It is tho! 80lm! nations poor grade* of hay can- common experience of buyers to-day ! be used for poultry litter. We firvl that' that, aa Professor Day has stated it in the important point is to have a mix-' general, tohoro is "scarcely enough' tul -,, t| mt 1 H ,| ry and clean and hides lernrth of uidejm* -too heavy a neck I the grain. The material produced at und fbatiUkra." It may be vith the growing domaml ! placo of straw th other material* for bacon breeds, thnt it would be ail- i will give fair satisfaction. a Stir in a , less vou know that thev need the par- V' r'": *;:"" ":" VT ',".', """ i-il- v,:.. vou 'i tie, faith in the Sc-n of God by which ho ^ had been saved, and by which he had Through Ueatli i,c> wi:i p p i>- oi:: [ to abstain ,! n givm-K live(1 (Me Ga | 2 . .. 0) Th? teaehinj j po . vo , of his ;.,.. .,,; . M ,- er ,..,. ,, r into just because you cannot affo I ex- which had meairt S') miich for himself, dom. The apostle was at lar ; squares an<l bake a delicate brown, pensive presents. The tho'iirhU'ii!nt;ss he hud kept as a sac-red "deposit" (1 hesdoJ at Rom; between A.D. poultry flocks and storage room is when ,, one cut apart ami roll up into of your gift, the intere.n y.m take in Tim. (S: 20, Rev. Ver. Margin) to be A.D. 08. , those to whom you give, aie the prin- handed on to others. \pplicalion cipal things. The intrinsK value of. II. Paul's Crown. 8. In M. ta.t Wnta St. Pad had your gift count, very little. y _ The crown of righ(eousness ' thir. to say in reference to the n,- Don t give things because they are (ij ev Ver); either the crown that con- sent past and future. As to th? ptv- cheap and make a big show for the slsts in the po.-xe.--i >i: of rigJiteous- s 11 ' Be is face to face with ,'catli, Many legends surround the use of money. As a rule it is a dangerous ness like the "crown of life" (Jamej and 's able without a tremor to look St. thing to pick up a lot of all sorts of 1: 12; Kcv .2: 10). or, more probably, into the dark countenance cf that Dress Up Christmas Gifts With a Bit of Green. evergreens at Chri-tinas time. . Winfrid. after liewin" n huge oak things nt bargain sales for Christmas tlu> home Is often the cheapest and in whjch na( , hcc|) , ho ; t ,: cc . t of ( , rui( , , )!PSen ,,. ]f y< u ,| , t j lc worship, saw l,<-!iin,l the fallen oak, the temptation to make inappropriate unharmed a young fir tree pointing n gifts- Hc.-ide-i, there i.- usually some green spire toward tiv .-tan. Turning, defect in ImrgJiin artic'e Maritime Provinces 201, and British he spoke to the people: out of style, out of date. Columbia Ki2. What is known as tho "This little tree, young child of the some other reason why the> tnc-y are w | ium -. with whi-.-h righteousness is shadow feared of man. I am aJ . whi.-'i mr.rk' its recipient as being offered and the time of ir.y or;- .us in God's sjjfh:. The right- barkuticn 's at hand. s:> (iiffc:-en: from the nn- As to the past IK- is in a iv.ea-nre Unman Kmperor before s:l uv..s s > soon to shirvl. 1'hat ^ s to tne future he is Car-lot Policy was adopted by the forest, hall be your holy tree to-night, under price. same branch in liUO. Dmler tho terms It ' H the WOM! of peace, fr>" your | To-day I okod one of my friowtaj tno rcas^naijio transportation ex])ens- houses me built of the fir. It is the Good-bye, old cow, we bonnled you why he TNUH M> strung for the incu-| es j, Kurre4 i i, y fni-murs residing in sign of nn endless life, for its leaves for many R thankless day: we kept stock at central ' nre ever irreiMi. See how it points to you warm and fed you. and yet you yards for return to country heaven. Let this be calleii the tree would not pay. You fooled us for a repetition. Un say., "I haven't any-, r , ; Ilts> aro nlt , t Under this policy of the Christum* Child. Gather about little while ami then there came the himself, arul so many of the'm'throiiirii Dricf night to'that etenu; M n, surrw ,y nrmu bator as a help in poultry raising. His c,; UK | ( j a wno puix-hase s r argument is w> plain that it will bear s to t -k yards for retur there is day; the <!:iv of judgment. All . . . "wisitful perhaps" liils the eyes \vitli are sold that love his appearing; all who look tears. "Henceforth there is I.iH up forward to the appearing of Clxrist. ^ or . ni(? a crown of rijrhteoueiieM. If we Icng for Christ's return, we which the Lord, the right ?o vis jiuige, fhall receive the crown. Thus Paul, shall give me at thi't day." We note though stamlinc on the verge of death, se^-eral things !n St. Paul's visin-; of S.--IM victory au.iit.inir him, the r.bjrct hls certain future. of his life is gnined, and he rejoices ' a * "lh> day." "After t-v:T !: to think cf all these who, along with l! ;irk." His eyo i-.-.tv. ed ht-yci . thin* against the old hen its a ehick farmers In eastern Canuda nre entitle 1 it, not in the \vild\\v.od. hut in your rub; the tester said: "My n-.urds bcre l.ii> effort:--, will Mveivo the hatcher and raiser, except that she to ^jp f roll , Rt()ok yar j s to t . mm t. rv own homes. Ther.- it will shelter no proclaim your row a si-i L;'I." \\'"'- doean't want to sit when I want her p i n t s female breeding stock -cuttle, deeds of blood, M lovin-g gifta ami feeling tin the Do to, and the chicks sho raises usually s hep. or hogs without payment of ome pi-etty high." i f t ,-i K ht, provided the animals are not lino of reasoning runs s<mie-| purclia.-e 1 for speculative purm.-e-i thing like tin "' re year and her in ewtiorv has about sixty old hena to use for I together, in the four yours "and three! breeders, while he plans on raising, months involved, the expenses have mnfty pullets -ach season for hisjheen met of the shipment of 74,744 winter layers. With hw White Leg-: steers, 57,770 heifers, and 2';ioiO horns, It takei about six invntlw to gheep. I iti - ( f ki!;,i...'.^.' The ci:-tii!ii is i.Nc migl'.ty h:ir;>y, I r:t ;'.]>r now, '' he v (lad has buy ;' ti'i'.e ! ,:re i e'e- t' ->i.'.iH'd COW. r, \vnrd. HI. Paul's "" l'"i.i It-eight, provided the aninmls are not nc custom is also e i be mother he wul ' effort. To co:ne --liortly. The=e si-< Tfce lino of icasdiiiiiir nr.s s^ine-j purcha .-ed for =p<'culative purposes, ing derived fivm tile ancicn i-: r :yp'i::n V.'e'iv glud to ro- th' last of jiin; no p witr's n Hivt t!:- :,!i:oline--s of (.',. Iling like tln>: This particular favi!,-. j n wi stern Canada the policy includes fustom of di-.-king the hv.ui:-* at the t- -ir is in our eye; you paid us il! for ^u' i: > h : ; Komnn dunc:s-:i. Demas be kw.p iock of about 160 hens each gtocker and feeder cattle ae well The time of tlv winter snlsti.-c. with all our care; ;r<:od-b>i-, old ..,.,-ub, ll "''' i<)rs:lli0n '"-' Ueirww to mention- ao ear and, by the way, this is the mini- po |j cy canle in fori ^ ,-,.^.,,.,1^^ lhe brunches of tho dute palm, the symbol good-bye. el '" C ' c1 ' l: 1;i :in ' 1>h i'-mon 24. He pt- er in the average farm flm-k In this western stock yards In HI 1C and as 1 ' nt - v " I l "fi ve (f n ?^>\- <'+ (ctiork He culls each fall until he ' .-,. K:i rds tho .-astern vurds i)IM A i' n"'' in -' ved thw present world. . ,. u yunis m i MM. Al- _ ,.. tr , He chcae earthly wealth or ease naither A get thwn matured enough to lay, A third policy in force is the ich; tfteui-.s HIM if they are to start; j n(r ,,f pure-bred rams and Ixuns and In early winter, they must be, tho payment of premiums for the uso D 'd >'<'" ever watch The Welfare of the Home The Outgoing and Homecoming of the Child HV hatched by tho middle of April. I of such stock. This system has en-' about the pig"uii hoi:--'.', NK1.IA (IMIDNRIt WI1ITK .MI-! circling them. Wouldn't he lie m.ice int TI -: 1 -.-! ;MI i li^U-n to in insect life if ho knew the life his- ,-efove they suttled down tory of the bu terfly or of the m.t with this completely jrniiie'd the risk run sfi ? a'-vs, the In t he tin I His past reooi-ls .show him that heicouraged many finniiTs throughout their must set five eggs for each pullet the Dominion to purchase pure-bred for the nirht ? The flying in and oul its almost luiiv.an raised. Some eg;s will be infertile, animals. Up to the eiul of Hl'jn, f.Oii of the pigrur l| is -the glad DU'.- home and work '.' chicks will die. and half of the young rams nnd !2 li'iars luid been dvstriliut- tiing,- --swct lv niv -ii:niii" of child- more satisfaction in the fieUU if he Stuff will l>e cockerels. He must .-et ed and l>22 premiums paid. In ron- hood, n round the riothtr'it km-e. Free know tint there were wrtvU fiat a'e JKA ,,~. _ ~-.L ,.. * 4.;.,.. ... .: :.t. .u; | lo ij,.y (Jomoiistrn- lll 'l re:'()i;iii;.c(l i:i this si-ene a ay-mho^ hups and sonic that lived gre-.it we as vividly anticipate the gr'at. to- mon-ow. o'- are our p.^or hopes jj j- e.l by a sleep? (b). "The Lord.'' in the mir|*i of Do thy diligence; make sn t!';'t evo'-.-ir-.g jrb'y even a.; he vis ' iir.;r;. T.: vo:nv- liortly. These s<- n any I the "-.''. :.t the Dam.- niUvt th- :.M;oline.-s of G; t fo Ti;.- c.-rn.'c rf heiven v/iil not Demas be t;ir,;ci-M S-CM-.T.. ",-r 'he >;ruc.<.u s "ifty cf ji:st n e i ri } -A-nn^r, n.ade perfect, but the f e'!o.vshi.> 'hrist. (r>. "The crown cf ri-glr . i -thly wealth or case rather A crown woven out cf risrhteou^r.ess than the -crown of righteousness." v. for those who .-hall w : day be niado 8. Crescen*. Titus. No blame is laid perfectly lighiivm ir. his sight let on these for their absence. But the us not 'be like thai man in the ?il- apostle was the lonelier for their go- grim's Progress -,\ ho cculd 'ook no \ng. Luke; the beloved phyichui and way but downwards air I h^.-.l a rniick- an. lie would fe-.-l th:,t of all rake in h-is h-r !. OT- H,;,. S . (J ...,| .- c . n,;'.,. his p;a-.-e WH.X wii.h th? a.r>ost!e \\i;n a celistia! crown on rU h-i-l h end w^s so su'av. 'tak? Mark; whi<h he prr.iTcrt -i 'rm for the muck- to whom Paul was n->w fully re.'an- rake; but trw man .i:l >y>t ! ' -111 n'tr ciJed and who had (Col. 4: 10), before regard but rake,! t.> h'--ive!f the Jirrance nont cf by Ha .'.,.; V ;,_, him a otaace the' fleer cf tim*. : sticks ,md Gifts We Want. Va'ue of Farm Manure. 450 eggs to niake sure of getting nection with this ninety pul'ttd, and the.-'' nni.-st le set ti ons are hold iu sheep luisleuidry "f '' f(> . le*-."'! r >". " mothcis, plums, the last week in Mnrch. If each hen' methods. In future, the pmicy will which we can mi s uuy to faithfully, wouldn't ivwe to sit on fifteen eggs, this means apply only to soldier settlers, to iww that thirty heivs would be requirod to .|tlemeiits, <.r to districts where ^icubat*.' the 450 eggs; and bearing in slit-op and swine improvement is a that them are only sixty hens pressing neod. the flock, it is very unlkely that ( 1, lf of them would want to sit by The loneliness of the country wo- M*rch 20. In fact, s,, unlikely that nmn ten miles from a railroad is im- What F n-l nf n homecoming does he small ideas? |b JM-ver has been M. i thing compared to that of c:ly dvvel- have? Aren't we, Mothers, too apt to And isn't it In his case, the artifi'-ial hen is the lei-s tno proud to tfr Some ufts I'd like on Christmas mom, like sellM folk-,? \nd T o mal;.- my dairv lifo com >lete. you hkfl t-.. have him so A patent sheller for the corn. The "outgoing" and the "homecom- form the- habit of telling you ihin.^ A mi.Avn plain for winter heat ing," the>'e is a world of meaning in that he goes en telling them even i' ( i ;ji u > tw>) s ;| u- . O f t h e ]><>.(, each word. Do you soiwl your child after he |ias.:M out of c'ni'uihood ? eac wor. o you seiw your ci aer e pass;-* ou o coo Cream separators well, out each day, to school or to play,; Wouldn't you like to he the OIH> he (They'll give US all a nee'i happily, trustingly, lovingly? Is he 1 always comes liac-k to for un.lerstan 1- ji/s what progressive fai glaii to go, but Rlndder .-till to return? hvcr ami inhdligrnt enlarpement of his leparatora well, say two. del rest) farmers do. . one thiit will inmr.aU> the ninn-' their iieiphbors. /.per of eggs lie wants to set ani bring hem off in l,lme to give the chicks Hen health can almost be ...... _ ............ ^ ^ ....... ^ make friends with make that homecoming full of scold- 1 faith in Mother a-. -d Puttier, nnd in the M !U -a !:;P; i -ad* running n-.;:r i ings for t:''-d : ni>-'s. m- nagging over intimate oomradeship with the nut- A teVi-'une -n-.y private 'line (ahle dt-porlniciit, er ru.-hing the chil- side world, that the faith in thp In- \< ( \ ]ji >(1 .'_ ,];,.k,, j^'i']. 'mcto-- car assured dren cff t> be i so v.e ran huve the finite is loin? Perhaps, in childhood, T O ta |< c nle to tiu , n ', ov : s j,' ow good growth during the summer. And, |, y providing living quarters that nre evening I > ouraelves? Those things the cennt'ction between the Cr.aior i f where all those olhei- racers are In entirely iinido from the fact 1 dry 'and well ventilated but free from -seem <if ;inall importance. but the Universe and a white-fringe .1, that tihe incubator gives him chicks draft.,, find that is clean and suffi-l wouldn't il be of more lasting value irnldcn-henrted daisy may not he over- of uniform age. In h-is particular cieiit to maintain bodily vigor and pro-' to us and to our children if, instead, ly cle-ar, n'ld if the connection is made casfe, the incubator malu's it possible ,1m-,. t vt: j be ide-i, ar.d exercise to' we made of that homecoming a happy at all, if the child sees the mnnifestu- for him to maintain a high-producin-- i-reati- an iippctitc. . flock and contii.ue it in production from year to year. Live Stock Betterment. Ka;-b winti-r nvir>-- trc"; nre injured summary of the day's affairs? There is no child who is not glad tion of the Divine in all the forces of nature, it will n-ot be su -h a fur cry Farm manure pays. In five yours on four acres ;-.t the Kxperin:o:.;->i K:: i m. Ottawa, the use of such ma- i nur? in.'H-v.sed the vake of the cro^s- I by Vrv.'O. E:u-h year where (arm i! '- applied there was ;>n i;i- cu. : yield, and conseiiuently in- cre;>.-e i : -refit. Oealino, with H>20 1 alone, mangels proihiccd an increased | crop of 15.5 ton* at $2.88 per ten. a 'profit of Sl-1.31; oats increase 1 88 ' bushels at 58c a l.uslud, a i ' .>'it of ;$5.10; clover hay showed an iivre isM crop cf 1.7 tons, which ., 524^0 per ton meins u prclit of $41.3}. Theae < increases* are shown by comparison | with the y ic-lds on I'nmar.ured lanj ; that year adjoining. Thin ;< -ireet : profit is .-.hown en t)'e*r> three oops My heart, then, like a singing bird, by the ine of farm manure of $'.H).7'2. Will rai.-e its paean to, the skies. ; In addition the soil of the m^u nei land wns k'ft ia liiui-h better enmii- I want electric lights this year. m this deep abiding An;l P0 wer ;;nd a tractor fine, A har.-l:. me motor truck or so. cows ti> make ;i won.ler-lieixl. All pedigree,! HIM! niilking-wise. , t,-'l what he h..s been .loing ll dy. tj> .iiscovcring such manifestations in 1Iallg , the t!0l . t ,.,. minor gi(Uj tion fol . tu iti va t ion the following beyond recover;, In Canada by mice. If he has lieen nl school there are his own soul. Then, as you help him to can be ])rpM-n;-d I. y uraj.iiim,' theOftcn little diffinillic-,, little vexations weave his daily experience i into little thi; .-.; s I want and need, than WKS the unmanmed. The manure A statement Uvaed by the Livo trunks of the trees with building paper that the tiacher ! i> r. t had time to happy whole sit Uu- day's on 1. so may epnrt- , just l>efore vi, Her yets in, having the satisfactorily p\:;!aii' (.r smooth out. his larger experien.' .-.-, fa^'iicn thivn- 11 And, when the day its glory lifts, 'Twill find me worthy of the deed\ My boughs be strong and purses \viJ>, And may your Christmas list be used wa-, valued at only .?7.1.">. Branch of th-e Dominion Deprirt munt of AgTM'iilture :-|.r)wn that since paper close to the grmm I and put-' A word or two fr.mi Mi ther may nmlie .selve; into a life pattirn that he v/ill th ndojitioii In H'lli of iho policy of ting H little earth about the lower < a I it alt cl.-.ir -Mid right. And if he has n..t le ashamed to i-h: v.- (.1 him-e'f or .<Mtrtbul,in,g pure-broil bulls in mwly of the paper so they will n >: ; ,,l I, e.i at |.!uv tl.- e will !> si m.my his Creator at the ''t ilight houv" of (';, n t, nteT'dill 1 here : !d 'et(W districts and backward sections the tr.v ir.n.i belmv. Mire will not tbii.irs to fell. It la wfllle oul at pl:u I: fe 1](i:l .| ^-^ jn n .j ! ._ g ' ou i v! the different provinces, in nil :! -HW u-milly eat through the pain-r and, us | thai the child become* i.-.q-.i ,!>!. I . bulta h*ve been no distributed, an', in must cases tlu-> aie cl.i.-i' to the, with the fasrcin.-tting realm c.f cut-cf for each of the im,e irrouivd, llu; iiajier neod not I.e more (loors. Flowers. I'iiils, trees, lees and filled :T.?t knowledge x'''-'\v from mure to S 11 g. oelved 878,0 for each of the nine ground, Im; paper neo-.l not lie more (loors. I' lowers, units, ti tW^it-il, All-ert-a ha? re- ' than eighteen inches to two feet high j buttei flies, he may be uin c'.a ?r a-- Saekaichewan 752, Man!-' The paper should be tied after wrap- quainted with them all through thu I!rt nu:e cf revr-rcnce in us dwell, Too often tho poultry hV:"."t-ev will . r.t^'- ill'. 1 fl;icl, fi:r .1 K. :.' :iiiu> aal v.he.i the 'n:i Jn are 1; ilf -:.k expect to W 5th. ''"' a " tll! - s > I'fmi-dy .to ini-'kly return ' t > l..-;i!th. In ?i;jii cases the . tre..t r-e;.l is often ui'.s><ui.-t' ictory. The ; hen ihflt is linlt i!e..iil with ix>up or !I2H, Ontario JV7, the pin- that it will uot come off. Tint min I nnd s,:'.il according well, the virliige of Worsteail, in Norfolk, Worsted stuflfs wer-e first n:i 'e at I , ; -b 'i i., 'isvaliy a viitim of nag- retellmg of bis expovirni'i s among Mr. m ,'.:e u;-c mti.'ic as before." I about 1313. The trouble can be prevented su red.