-*~- , ' -**< . VoU2, No. 26 Flcstierton, ( >nt., December 13 1921 FEVERSHAM Exceptionally fine weather for the time of year. No snow and the mild weather and occacional sunshine will -surely shorten the usually long win- ter. On the Blue Mountain on Satur- day we saw some farmers plowing. What might have ended in a serl- ou accident, ended with no serious results. One day last week, while driving his team homeward from this Tillage. Stewart McMullen tied the lines to the seat of the wagon and jumped off to walk awhile. After walking for some time, he jumped up on the hind part of the wagon. His usually quiet horses started -to run and," before he could get hold of the lines, which had become loosened and were down at the horses heels, the horses ran one on each side of a buggy driven by Miss Verna Roberts, who wad driving home from high school. After demolishing the buggy and throwing the girls out, Lidia L'dell and Verna both, the horses got out of the mixup and went home- ward at breakneck speed and Stewart had to jump out of the wagon, being unable to get the lines. .However, none of them were seriously hurt and the horses came off without a scratch. Sorry to report Mr. John Tyson and McGirr on the sick list. We hope to see them both well again soon. While we write the autos are buz- zing through the village as if in the forepart of October in place of De- cember. Mr. Jim Braymer, trouble hunter on the Osprey Telephone System, has moved his family from Collingwood. We welcome them to our village. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Croft and babe visited Mrs. Croft's partuts in this village ou Sunday. Miss Lila Foster visited with her sister. Mary, at II. J. Alister's re- cently. Mrs. John Kerton, who has been very ill for some time, is slowly re- covering. Well, the election will be over be- fore this appears in print and then we may expect cooler weather, as ^lere has been considerable hot air floating over the Mountain for some time. - Mrs. Win. Davidson. sr. t of this village, picked a number of ripe strawberries off the vines in the gar- den on November 30th. Another evidence of how warm the mountain air has been lately. Ths L T . F. ( political meeting here on Friday afternoon was largely attended, aud the f^rners turned out in a body although il was pburiuij lain. Mis McPhail : ;iv s -i ^"<\ addiess and was listened to with great interest. The Poole boys supplied the music for the afternoon, which seemed to have i^uite a stirring eli'ect on some of tha i ir.i .. Robt Purvis visited friendii in the city during the past week. Mrs Parliament visited her daughter, ilrs Lyona, of Portlaw for a few days tho past week. Mrs Foester is visi'inK her mother, Mrs McKmuon, ;it Ftesherton this week. Edwin Purvis and George Hyslop huve returned home after spending some months in the West, The missionary campaiu iu the Eu- genia Methodist chureh is in fuK swiuK. The Insuguratiuit D'ay, Sunday, Iov 27, n/u Jfirx-'iy attended, while last Sunday a large congregation gathered, when the choir, under Mrs Jacob Williams, ren- dered splendid music. Next Sunday, the veil letter day in the campaign, u'a- acriptioBsand collections will be Ukon up (or the extension of home and foreign missions. Sacramental services were held in the Prssbyterian church on Sunday last. Mrs Sloan and Mra Stobn of Toronto are visiting their mother, Mrs Gojrlpy at. present. EAST MOUNTAIN While going to prayer meeting one evening; recently James Harbottle hid a miraculous escape- * n suto waa Cl)m ' n ? down VineKar Hill and as the hill is steep the engine was turned off, dimming the lights. When it reached the level the lights were thrown on brightly again, iri({htning Mr Harboltle's borta causing it to run away. Mrs Harbot'.le was thrown out, breaking her wriit. Mary Welsh; who was with them, andjimmie, escaped with a little (baking up. Alma Humberitone is visiting with her sister, Mrs Pete Somers.Feversham. The young people here gave Mr and Mia Alex Carruthers and family a house warming one evening recently. Another evening they entertained a Eugenia party in their line new home A very pluasant Etoie was spent at both parties. Laat Week's Items The McMullen and Cnrrutliers families attended the funeral of Mrs M'H mother, Mrs Chaid, >,f Rock Mills. We extend uur sympathy to the beie;ned ones. . Alex Cirruthers attended the County Coui.cil at () .-ii Sound. We are orry to report the death of one of Mr and Mrs' Alex Maxwell's twiu daughters i,f Lady liank on Nov. 15, Thu little one waa five months and one y old and passed peacefully awy after a:i illness i.f t*o weeks. Mrs Maxwell (nee Sadie Bravttder) liveM with Mrs Htrbuttle here bt^MHM tim*. We extend nur deepest sympathy, but we must remember that Fiieud after friend departs. Who hath nor lost a friend i Tin-re in no union here of hearts Th.it haih not here n end. C. Liuinbortti'iie and E. Thompson attended a shooting match at J. I'nti < , Lady Btnk, and won rjve ducks out of 9. Junes tUrbottle visited a d:iy with friend* Ht Priceville. TRYON A couple of our boys caught a few tint) specimens of the GOOD family recently. Mrs T Wilton a spending a few days wiili her aacd friends at Dundalk. Quite a number from hre attended Mi- - McPhail's maetini; at Siughani9toH. A. Wilton is spendipg a few days with friends near Mclutyre. THE LATE JEAN CAMPBELL. There died on Thursday, of last week, (November 24th), after only two days' illness, Mrs. Jean Campbell, widow of the late Jock Campbell, con- cession 15. Proton, aged 91 years. The funeral was held on Sunday to the Latter Day Saint cemetery. W. G. Watson, of Priceville, was the un- dertaker in charge and Elder Taylor, of Grand Valley, the officiating cler- gyman. Mrs. Campbell was born in Scotland on the 31st of October, 1830, and there spent her girlhood days. Her maiden name was Jean Black, sister of the late Robert Black, of this place. Sixty-nine years ago she married John Campbell and shortly after being married set sail for Canada on an imigration ship. The Grand Trunk Railway, the first in Canada, was at that time under construction and Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell first founS employment there. .Mr. Campbell on the road and his wife in the camp. While there em- ployed, their oldest son, John, now 68 years of age, was born iu what is now known as the village of Malton, then a railway camp. Shortly after this Mr. Campbell followed the survey of the gravel road from Guelph to Owen Sound, with many other pioneers, and settled in Normanby township, and there a second son was born, Joseph. 4 years ago. This young couple came into Proton, settling on lots 11 and 12. con. 15, where they since re- sided and prospered. Two daughters. Mrs. Dougald McPhail and Margaret. Mrs. McGregor; also four sonsn Willi- am. Thomas. George and Robert, who were born here, all are living and were present at their mother's funer- al. The community exteujd to- each of them sincere sympathy In their be- reavement. We rejoice with them in that their mother lived so long and that she left to the neighborhood au example of a full life well lived. She was of a bright and cheerful disposi- tion and the smile still on her face in death that was there all her life will be a sweet remembrance to her family. Mr. Campbell died about 19 years ago; thus the pioneers are pass- ing, we have very few left and those few deserve our kindest thoughts for the hardships they bore in the early days. Some of those early pioneers are: Mrs. Duncan McMillen, 84 years of age; John Ferguson, 82 years of age: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, both in their eightiee. These, we think, are the only ones in this community who came in the bush with the first settlors and started on their own hook. We hope they may yet see many years. Duudulk Herald. CEYLON James Railley of Torocto was % caller in town last week. Sam Pedlar left Tuesday for New York, where he expects to remain for three months. Wm Wadsworlh of Toronto waa a oilier at R. Cook's last weeU . Mrs James McLean spent the past week visiting Salem friends. Mrs Hany of Southampton is visiting her parents, Mr u.d Mn D. McPhail. Edward Sargent and wifa h-tve jone to Owen Sound for the winter months. We are sorry to report Mrs J Cummins ill, but hcpe for ?peedy recovery. The church will hold its first anniver- sary on Sabbath at 3 and 7 .'JO o'clock p.m., when Rev. I'phau?, a former pator, ill have charge of the services, and on die following Monday evening a splendid prrgn>iu will be given. Thu League, which H held in the chool house, S_lune Line, every Monday evening, is meeting with success. Rev Mr Fowler and Mr Ferrier uf the Mer- chant's Bank, F.'osherton, had charge ou M i day evening. A welcome i extend- ed to every one to attend and enjoy these meetings. VANDELEUR Too Lite Laat Week Mra S Gilbert spent a coup'e uf weeks with friends in Toronto and also attended tbe W I convention. Little Irene McGee Toronto is .litinn her grandma, Mrs L Gcnoe. Miss Mabel Irnin if Fiesherton spent few days wuh fncuds haro. Mr iinl Mix Matt Dr.avitt and balie of Rocklyn spetu the week m\d Mr und Mri L Johnston. Little Lloyd Bolaod hid the misfor- tune to get hit W broktu cne day Ust week l>y being kicked with a horse The little fellow met with a similar accident when he was on'y two yers old. Mra Bert Mai tin (nee Cora Hutaliin- soo) of SwintoR Park, peui n touple of weeks with friends here. TheJW I held their NoveinVr meeting at the home of Mrs Wyville on Thursday afternoon of last week. The "meeting was well attended. Pipers were read by Mrs Brodie anil MM Huteliinsou. The Vandeleur baseball team, cham- pion* of Centre Grey Bisebsll League for the season uf 1921, hud thdir pictures taken at the studio (n Markiiale last Monday afternoon. Pittotically tins whole uoiyhborhood attended the monster politic*! meeting m .1)1 1' armories at Murkditlu in the intercuts of Miss MePhnil. Canada's New Coat of Arms Every home in ' < i. every Can- admu ichool boy or girl shoulu know the new Cauadian Coat of Arms. It is a uio.st beautiful plate and should occupy a piomiaent pines iu all true Canadian li- ines The people of C^uatl* ore in- debteil to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal fur reproducing the new Ccat of Arms iu all its true heraldic colors and presently a copy, 14 X 17 inches, to all readers i thut great paper. The Family HernKi and Weekly Star is Ciuada's ureattst fan.ity and Unn pup r aud is known throughout the wholu Do- minion. It i .wondi-rful vilue and jirn- vides every member of the family with clenn, wholesome, instructive reading. It js a great mouey saver fwr the foiumrs of Canada and it/pays tlie subsciiptiott pricu one hundredfold c.ich yenr. Can- ada is proud of the bii{ weekly. 1; has no superior the world over nd is improving year after year It costs only two dolUis i yenr and each render for I '.)_'_' will re ceive free a copy of thu "Coal uf Arms. PROTON STATION her Held < >ver Last Week Mrs Anderson is the guest of daughter, Mrs Wm Hughes. Miss Ena McMullen is visiting with her sister, Mrs Dave Bradley. The W M S of the Presbyterian chuich entertained the Inistioge Methodist and Anglican Auxiliaries and a goodly rep- rasentatiou of the Presbyterian W M S of Flesherton at their annual thank- offering on Friday last. Addresses were given by Rev Mr Fowlor and Mrs Cade, also greetings from the presidents of the different societies. jl- s were given by Mra Elmn Stevens' sod a -duet by the Mesdames Sherson and Park. A general collection wss given and lunch was served by the horn.* suciety. We are sorry to report Mis? .Mary Wy villa on the sick list. D, Hopkins Visited friends at ' '.\.-n Sound. Married- At Buffalo on N..v 23, Miss Milicent Maryatet Albert to Mr Milion Neilscn of Toronto. Mr Becker apeiit the week end with friends in Toronto. Great preparation in b> iix. ni.de for the Clu-istmas conceit Dec 23. J. C. Writiht visited wiih frin.Ji at Kincardine and Toronto. W. O'Bryau of Durham is vixiiii'i: st the home of W. Wright. Honor Rolls The following is the report of S No J2, Artemeiia for the month of Nov. SENIOR B.OOM 5 Dcualda Nichol, Alex MacLemi, Esther Maclean. Jr 5 Dorta HuuLean, Mm. iy Nichol, Bessie Joaee, Anna Teeter, Gordon Macintosh, Anna ShortreuH, Muiray Walsoii, Will MacKechme, V.olet Mac Dougall, Leoae MtcDonald, Clitlnru Hinuke, \itred Hiuck, L MacDonald. Sr 4 Isobel Macintosh, M Carsi<n. Jr 4 Uebecca Kichol, Katherine MacMiilin, Leonard MacAi ' ur, Olive MacMeekm, Hilda M.,, K. . . Alrsy MiL'Lt'nu, Norma Ma^Dougall, tiilvray M-i.-I.e in. Nell MacLein, J M;ic-Meekin. Myrtle A. Kidd, Te.'.chur. JUNIOR ROOM Sr 3 Erma MacLean, Jessie Nichul, Delia MacPhni), DnnaM MacLean. IIUIVK Maclean. Jr 3 -Florence Carson, Alice Neeljr, Jean MacLean, Archie Macintosh, Mabel Nichol, Eva Carsou, Kathleen Kveiibt, Muiray MacMillau, Jewel M,ic.\rthur, Melton Teeter, Ueleu Wynne, Johnnis MseKechnie, Beth Ilincks. Jr2-Jen McLachlan, Willie Nichol. Jini.uy MacDouvall, Gordon Ti'Hler. Jr 1 Jtck Cars n, Gertrude Huiruw, Donald Reiley and Charlie Aldcoru equiil, Eleanor Mather and Wilbur Buruett e'lual, Walter Alcorn, Piar| ^ill, Mari<aret Nichol. No. on roll, 41 . av. attendant:) ''.<. 'J. M. C. Smith, Tiaolitr. Nomination Meeting Notice is hureby given that a meeting of thu electors of the Township> of Arte- mexia Mill lie held in the Town Hall, Flesherlon, un MONDAY, the 26th day of December, at the hour of one o'clock p. 01. for the purpose of nominating can- didates fur tbe officer of Rueva and Councillors for 1922. If more than the necessary number of candidates is named for any particular office a poll will be opened... in the different polling itibdivisions of the Township ou Monday, the second day of Jaoaary, 1922, st 9 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'olosk p. rn for the election of the said offices o/' Hi'ove and four Councillors. Dattd this 8th December, 1922. -W. J. BELLA MY, Clerk, Oreu Sound cjllegiuta inbt'.tute is crowded with pupils, For Sale By Tender Sealed tenders will be rfcsivi'J liy the undersiizned for the purchase of lots 148, 14!! and ISO, 3rd raue N E T * S Road, Artemesia, 100 acres, of which Sit acres are cleared and balance in timUT, with roughcast dwelling and loii'.barn, 1 . miles fSSt of Flesherlon, Wm. Trueinnii pro- prlator. Teuai s ll - be sealed and marked " Tender fjr farm, ':'d Will l?e received up to the ftrfct of Jli.U.iry, ldi'2 Terms -Ten per ceilt UH accppa'iK-e, an : . >.t'. |(1 in iJO days, buianco to bo secured Viy iiinr'gHg-j fir five yean with iutorf^ 1 '<* (J pi'i- cent. Principal may b.' nude paynlle by yearly instalments, or wiU accept all c.ish . Thu highest or any tender not necessarily nccepteJ. W. J. BELLAMY, FI.i8lu-.-toD. Nomination Meeting FLKSHERTOX A iiKe'.ingof the electors ol (lie Vi lge of Flesherton will be held nt the Town tlall, Fleshertun, on Monday, Dec. Cflth at the hour of seven o'clock p m. for the nomination of candidates for the ofli'?es of Reevo and Councillors for the > n 1 102 1 .' and for three Public School trustees. If more than the required number uf candidates is nominated for any (.'articu- lar officn a poll will he opened at the Cork's Office on Monday, tbe 2nd day nl .Ituusry, 1922, at 9 o'clock a.m., accor- dilJi to law, for the election of said orrV*rs. lajfd the 8th Dec. 1U22. W^ J. BELLAMY, Cletk. We have a wonderful array of gifts to show you Come in early and avoid being disappointed. We shall be glad to put away, any article for you on payment of a small de- posit. SHOP EARLY Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, On*. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. W. A. Jeweler, FLESHERTON, ARMSTRONG Now is the time to re- new your subscription to ONT The Advance. Everyman's Problem "If I sare the same amount during: the next ten years of my life that I have saved during the pact ten years, how much will I be m worth?" What will be the answer in your .wn case 1 Are you proud or ashamed >f your Bank Account 1 It la batter to say "I'm glad I saved" than "I wish I had". No ma. aver retired on tbe money he ipnt. TH AVCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, \ 'I H. P. House of Quality FRESH FRUIT We now have in our fresh fruit consisting of Dates, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. Prices right. We carry a good stock of Oyster Shell, Oil Cake Meal, Growfast Calf Meal. Herbageum and International Stock Food, best on the market. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies* Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario I *1 i CLEARANCE SALE Having leasoci our stor to the Merchants Hank for a reini of years, we are going out of business. At A Big Reduction ; JL2 Many lines at less than half price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't mis* these bargains while they are goiu^. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Fleshertrji