Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1921, p. 8

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Octottr 1 3 TE P A J? ^p Flesherton Tia Shoi I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- I ings. Repairing of all kiuds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for (Mare Hros. Furnaces. D. YlcKILLOP | CHRISTOE BLOCK "' FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. ISK t Grey County Shorthorn Breeders Association Sale of 35 Pure Scotch Shorthorns to be sold by public auction at MARKDALE, ONTARIO Thurs., October 13th, 1921 TERMS: Ca.Oi or apdrovcd bankable paqer bearing interest it 6 per cent, and due in 10 months. Catalogue from SALE AT ONE O'CLOCK T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale r ? Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Mutlftfootfca LAUNDRY-Uwkfit closes. Monday night, delivory Fruiiiy ev A Grateful Correspondent jWieat Leader of the World Cane Astray Two yar old heifer e*oie to aiy prtm- , net kbout Aogasb lit. OVUM MO km w I lame by proving property nd paying 'expaoiu. W. PHILLIPS, Lot 1, Con. t,. Artmeiia Fleihert on P.O STRAYED Strayed frem th premises of the under- igoed OD or about September 18, red yearling heifer. A. CAMERON, Eugenia (National Crop Improvement Service.) "Repeated baking tesls have shown that MarquiB wheat makes a loaf of very much finer quality than any other of the wheats; that the Durimis will make a loaf fairly large in volume but yellow in color and coarser in texture. "As the rust menace spreads, then; will be great temptation for (aiiiulinn farmers to grow a so-called 'rust resistant' wheat. The worst of these Is probably" Hod Durum, which was lntroclucf'1 in North Dakota at :i time when rust was making ter- rible attacks on the world's vho;it. This wheat is rather prolific and has ;i heavy kernel, but should not do reive the farmer because this wheat will not make bread nor macaroni, and its only nu-rit is that it Is heavy and may bo used in export to Improvij the weight of light and chaffy crnlns." say.' Mr. ilfrt Ball, director, Spring Wheat Crop Improvement Association. "The Canadian Northwest grows ihp best spring wheat In the world and flour nuido from it always sells tor a superior price. If Canadian farmers will breed quality, and mar- kpl only their lim-M wheat, millH will r.lways pay .< premium for fancy Farm For Sale Lot 152, 163, 2nd E T & S R ., adjoin- ' ing Fleakerton, 100 acrea, all cleared, good buildings, -mull orchard, well watared. For particulars apply to - JOHN BEECROFT. 141! 2nd ave. , Owen Sound Or John I'- il-ir. Fleaherton FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHYTHE BREAD WITH A PURPOSE. ' Yes, our Pure Food Bread has a worthy purpose. It brings health and strength and a meal time satisfaction to febe folks who partake of it regular- ly. Oae slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit. Bread is your best food eat, more of it. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton I iinc( (-ill') Voting K lit. >r Advance : H JVt J iro y ,, u ex proas auy hunun lympailiy wu , re a vi, .hum, of ili* O.irtu,, TonipPiRiice Ac! .. | intentional or not ! CLEAN LNu nd DYKING - rtV a-e I sac " Torontonuu " hag jiisliy afittftafor Pafter'n I>je Works CKotbea | you to ace -iini f.,r jf. with ihib lfrn, cleaned and dyed, feather.- lujuvenaU-d j unrelenting spirit of Puril<ini<' d iy- .T PI3HER- -PROPRIETOR 'which Uiu.i joyous vmit in l,, ln ,m.' .Ihalplesjold woinoii .-a tlu> v.^ko. Farm For Sale II;>1 1|10 " '' A - |( ""' "> f""-i- in H U Jays of our Lord thi* writer i:i ..f tin- 'V|>.- lll.'ll On 75 Minnesota farms ;. lolnl >.f l..:^''. I>\K <] i'aiTowrd with an average of S.IJl |>< r litter. Of tills iii:nib<T H.21 I" -r I-'T.I. wi-re fair: ' ed dead, IS. 21 jT r''iit. di'-d I.' ! -'.v weaning. tiK. 30 jrr ('![. we:-i v.it^' ti and ol.TO per i-en:. of Hit original pi;; (rop \vas lost. Iinprojier !' '(lii.^ and lack of exercise by the brood HOWS during ill" winter wiv !- Bponsible lor uio.si (if the troulile (unnecessary trouble; at furro\vi)iK time. Brood aow.s nlioiilil be eni'i. n aged to get out and work (Very dii\. The droppingR should be w I tUe .so*si an 1 coa.stii'^.cd. nii!:ieal qf bran should l> intrudiu< I . their ration until satisfactory i : dltlon results, l-'or immediate adinn 4 ruasonublu doso oi : aiould bu gi-ven. I.oU 21, 2iJ, Areine.ii, l.'.O :n-ie Con. : od loul out mile wet of Ceyl'in, two bin '< b.in , twti tiousvs, two good wellj with wniJiin'.N. f cr ImrJwooil Iniah, I ! ti, ,: uuJfi cultivjlion, 2nill orclitdt. DAN Ml'li:, <;,-yl .P. BOAR for SERVICE d Tnm worth Hoir i \ on lot 1!V. S W T -<.nt\ H K , A;' . TerinH 81.00. Mows in, i icium >i iil be churgi-d H.iine in tlio'e in \jt. Fob 15 -T. J.8TIW80N, l'i. \> Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock or Sale For Breeding Purposes -*' 1 ..r or wrUc-QEO. \V. HOSrf Maxwell P.O ."''i <"> ili.ulit I. i ... mi' tki il r- mid III.' v i.-iiniy of tile -,'.!n:i tii'l '!" in ' i: iy h .! ii . m M , (,! in', ecu it. I .1: . HIM f[ i n , .;,,( wl.ilu my lyuiti I'liy t .1 M u . ;. i i , . u , n I ho idi if "" ' I "ii 1 1 'I ill i'", yrt i.ho ::i ;ry u'.hci I :'y nni-iii lli.i lunl, TIIH.I ,1 cm 1 ,'iid :iiiyiiiini l lii'iii- ^|>I1H evmcul l>y .-"H.I- i.f 1 1,.. , , .'', I i, inpi.riiiKc p ,.(.'.. A ihougll I i!,i n. I lui ,v miy ,,f till- |Mtl.i'-. M-l.'llnl 1 ., Ill I H II - , am -l.."!i'y -^r.t, .'"I I.. y.,ii |,. r , \ : ,, ., a liUli- cliriMinn Mytnpntliy fur tin mil f"i i "Hi a ' i .1 t. I 1 >\v nrin. " 'r..n/ntiiii- 1. syBtcrn BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIKS PKIWCIC AHTHliK I.QDOK, No. ::(. A.K 4 A M. nmeti In the HatODloliill. Aim fc-jonn'n Illock riwharton, nvery Ktidnv m ot hIpr lh full moon. IV-tur M-i.r. W. M K. O. Holland, Htcretary. DENTISTRY Arsenutc of lead <>: \<r',. good reracdii"^ to u: , :i ; iUHCCU. Wben par is ;: ii Used it i8 Well to ndil an |iial tlty of lime to previ.iit H This Guarantee Gives You Better Rubber Footwear The strongest guarantee under which rubber footwear has ever been sold is fastened to eich pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear. Here's what it says : '' Every pair of Ames Hold.T. Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to outwear any pair of similar rhr>es of any other make, sold at the same price and worn under the same conditions." It protects you against inferior workmanship and materials, and assures the greatest possible value for the price you pay. If every pair wasn't made right with the right materials pure rubber and stout strong fabric and linings this guarantee wouldn't be possible. No matter what you need in rubber footwear, we want you to try a pair and satisfy yourself that the best is far th" Amns Holdeti r.iark on every pair. AMES HOLDEN RVBBEF FOOTWEAR FOH SALE BY F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ontario of tin' ! ,N I. I.-- 1 m" isk Iiini if ho c iy willi clear coiMcixnco tint lu. |,-is never ir.iiiai(ret>8od n i- lir,>Li n any i.f tin' ! uv, oiili.T iiiui.'il nr s'Htii.uy / [f li-j cm ! > v> tlicn hi 1 IM indued et|iri"'J lOClM ill" III it s'llliO .llul (.lion'cl 1)0 p'.i> I mi ;i (ir.li sl.il ',,r us i-ii'in^ nioi t-ils to ndiii i". Aiin.li.'i T irriiit iniin. Boar tor Service Th.- iiii'liTHifjned lui.s tlntruuKlurnd fotkshin HOHI for service on lot 11, con. R. ' H-i rey. TIT IIIH $1.5(1. * D n 6 C MURRAY U O. 8 , dental iHirfienn riuluatfl of Toronto Unlvemity ami i'ollt<e ul D(tptJ KiUKeounof Ontario, irdiiliifouite'l for UeUi gXtrutlon anwUtOBI Toionto Htrci't. KleBhurtau. LKUAL LUCtB, A hENKY Hurrliter*. riollcitora. .-!. H. Lacaa, K. 0.; W. D. Beury, B. A. Offle**, Mkikilalii l.nr* Blooli. iFbout VA. Ur*iicli offlct* Om.iUlk u>d Durlm , , WB1OI1T. * TKL.FOHD.H*rrlitr, Holici. torn, Ac. Offiroii, (Iroy * liruua Hloot, OwanHi.ntrtk Bta<Urd lltnk ,;K,. .1..,, toti(HturaT. W.H. Wilgbt, W. I* 'I'cKord Jr. BUSINESS CARDS loeniied AucUcDr toi t>' "f*T nn Hlnicon. WU. BAITTWO, UK oOJUKll ia U'l pKc ;iioaiin>t(> cftUfwtloft euimnUert , UK oOJUKll* Faria U'l pKck ;iioaiin>t(> cftUfw uientStor lUfonniay be um.lli t tn ArtVBiioe ,-.n>rc- or BentTal toloi-lioM' DlV.c-.. ii.vi I or lii idrtrobelfls me t Fovei '; u .. Out. For Service (Inn pure nred Sliortliorn Bull on lot 30, con, !), Artotncsia. Terms 81 .fiO for grades. Must be paid within 9 month* from data nf gnrvice. 10.Jiin.fi -K. O.TURNHK. Bull i-'or Service Pure lirod .;hiirlhorn Hull of ll.e Villutfe Kumily[f.ir SBITICO on lot 10, con. 10, Usproy. reiins 2.00 for 151 (!, JI5 for pure bredn. Inly 1") --Mort. .Sayel'H, Prop. DWCI' Cou .. MrvuiU'l Auotiouo* tin tin- ol Grey. TYrum moderate* ann inii-.tion BiiarnnUied. Tlie rrft(i(i!iiiiii(rt i (itW nf nalOBran lui inu'lfl nt TliR A I) VAN Ice. HonldunooutiJ I'.d Ceylon, Telepnouo iUCCtlull. .11 A. TI'liMll.''.!., I.. \. ;.|.'r . , i.i.lilKt, Irum On: K.u-nllv i,f :j ' I ronto. * > iionea;, Bull or Service I'urolirnd Scotch Sliorlliuri) bull, AUU's Pride- Kt644f(it service mi lit 31, Con. H, Artcnit'tia. Terms ^1 50, pure hrtdi f. -W. MAUKK. For Service ^ Pum htod Hpgmli'.rt'ii YiH-katiiro I5oa for tVlOG M,<v.\.ll ,l;iok C2HOI1 on Int HVT, S W. T. it S. 11., Aricmi-Hir*. T, mi i SI "0 SII'.VK nut returned will bo I!IOMI in jiifi. 10,4, i T. !. .STIN40N. . I . ' The Appearance of Your Car YOU want the car you drive to be a style leader. You want to feel secure in your pride of ownership. The New Gray-Dort is just such a car. Note the slanting windshield. See the handsomely tailored - top. Mark the new triangular topped radiator and high hood. This fine appearance added tp the famous Gray-Dort quality gives extra value to your investment in this car. Convince yourself. Visit our showrooms today. Or make an appointment to suit your convenience. Gray-Dort Motors Limited, Chatham, Out. H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON, :: ONTARIO \ A ^J

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