Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1921, p. 5

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October 13 J921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Courteous Service courteous^ attention extended by members or the bank's staff where you keep your ac- count, adds materially to your satisfaction in con- ducting your banking business. Standard Service is essentially courteous service as rendered by every branch of this Bank, from the Manager to the latest recruit on the staff. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. 194 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Fleshert on Branch: - ) - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN PAOI-FIO C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flasherton Station as 1 nins ollows : Going South 7.55 a. m. 4.80 p.m. The mails are Going North 11.52 p.m. i O.UOp. m. oson at Fiesberton as) foiloa* : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and , p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at| 3,lo o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. L'pshail vilited last week with his f-imily at Brampton. Mrs. W. Miller ?peut a few days last week with her niotUer at Honey wood. Car Ifeed Corn to arrive shortly F Q. Kiirstedt, Mrs. C J . Crossley of Toronto is visiting witli her mothor here, Mr. Cliff Blakeley was in Toronto for a couple of days last week. Mrs Blakeley returned with him Saturday. Mr i>nd Mrs. W. J. Uoss of West Toronto are visiting the latter'.s sister, Mrs. W. J. Stewart. Mr. \Viu. McLoughry of Artemesia died on Saturday after an illness extend- ing over a year. No particulars ure to hand. I'ricoville fall fair was knocked out lust week with wet weather as were also the surrounding The first snow storm of the soa arrived on Fiiday morning last. Barred Rock roosters and pullett) for j a number of fairs Bale John Oliver, phone 1 24 on 21, ! country. Born-On October 8th to Mr and Mrs. I Mr. W. J. Clark. H.I old Fleahrton boy and brother of Joe Clark of the Ton into Star, has been appointed Police Teachers' Convention The annual convention of I'.*-; Grey .ii'iii'.i i was held in the auditorium of the high achoo! heie on Thursday and Fiiday of last week. There was a large attendance uf teachers ftom the inspec- torate and several visiting teachers. Mr. G. M, Jons, B. A., of Toronto, the principal speaker, gave three excellent addresses, one of which was delivured in the Methodist church Thursday evening, his subject being "Europe before and after." The inspector aud teachers of the inspectorate contributed the balance of the program, and splendid addrei-seb were given. It was one of tho most succesbful meetings ever held, aud the teiichars should carry away many :deafi , hulpful to them, The next meeting will! beheld in Meaford. Following are the officers foi tho ensuing year : Pres, R A A McConnell ; 1st Vioe, Miss Leslie ; 2nd Vice, Miss Ireton ; Sec Treas, Miss Graves ; auditors, W Hammond, Misa Witeox. Delegates to O E A, Mr S Fetch and Miss Leslie ; District Representatives, Miss Leach, Miss M Boyd, R G Holland, Miss Joly, T Andrews, Miss Purvis, Mws Rusjell, T D Walter. Honeywood band .supplied music dur- ing the day and gave some well rendered pieces. SPECIAL THIS WEEK MEN'S FALL CAPS $1.49 This week we place on sale a large assortment of men's and boys' Fall aad Winter Caps all well made and finished, perfect goads in every respect, none shop worn or damaged. They come 'in a variety of patterns in all wool twesds to suit individual tastes seme without inside bands, others with fur or wool lined bands. All up to date shapes, sizes 6f to 1\. Regular $2.00 and $2 50 values. Special $1.49 FALL MILLINERY Come and visit the Show itoom whether you wish to purchase or not. You will be interested in one of the best displays we have ever ottered for your selec- tion. Our prices are reasonable. Sam Pliillips, a sou. Miw Holmes spent the Utter part of 1 Toronto Star, . . , Magistrate uf the village of Pickering, last week in Toronto. .., i Congratulations, . I im. n stock-F. O. of tho Car Una barrel salt Karstedt. Mis? Margaret McTnnes nf Osprey was a gueit of Mrs. Thurnton over the week end. The fowl supper held in 'he Methodist church Thursday evening last was a distinct aucLvss. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pindar and duuuh- tcr, Gladys, spent a faw thya last week in Toronto. The annual convention of the Owen Sound Distriot of the \V M. S. will be held in the Methodist chuich, Dundulk, on Tuesday, 18th inut., opening session :\\ '.* a.m. Mrs. John Smith of Uob Roy, Osprey, died on Monday at the age of (il! yeurs. Mrs. Smith hag been ill for some time. She was a sister of Mr. Joseph Clinton of Flesherton. A meeting of the Oaprey U F O will Mr. W. L. Wright i (Bering his be hld in the .Orange Hall, Fever- business block, known as the Corner j sham, Saturday, Get 1-, at 7 o'clock. Store, for sale or rent. Any person \ Addresses will be given. Resolved, that interested should apply to him. agriculture has brought Creator henefit If " Inlercated Torontonlan will "' C " nllda thl " 1 1 " t8 manufacturing All kindly forward his name we will gladly re **- " S P cffurd - Sec publish his let er. All correspondence The play-olf in the Centre Grey league ihculd havt! the writer's nsme supplied dl< * not ^e place on account of ditler- as a in itter of goud f lith. Ann 1 . orsary services at Kugenin : e\t undy. Morning service it 11, evening at 7, conducted by Rev. J. H. Oke. Mr. Oke will also preach in the Prvabyterian church, Flesherton, in the afternoon. Rev, .'ames Dudgeon uf Port Credit, former minister of the Eleshorton Meth- odist churoh, preached anniversary ser- i interest* taken from the bi'uiuning to mons here, morning and evening, on ' t,he end. VVn ara only sorry that the SuuiUy to crowded houses. Whilo here play otl' could not have been held and so Mr. Dudgeon was llm guest of Mr. and , decidu the championship on ii.s merits, .is Mm. K. lienthatn. ' both teams made it jjreat racu for the top. t The marriage tcuk place at Windsor recer.tly of Miss Delinar Pedlar, daugh- p]pJlgfton ter of Mr. C. 0. Pedlar of the 4th line,, Artomesia, to Mr. John .Johnston of that city. The bride is a very highly esteemed young lady and the bent wishes of many friends follow her. Anniversary servicei in the Presbyter- ian church, Eugenia, <m Sunday, Oct. Iti, Conducted by Rev. Uke of Flesherton, at 11 a. a. and 7 p. m. Fowl supper and entertainment on Monday, Oct. 17th, supper served ii to 8, concert at 8. Ad- mission, adults liOu, children .'!0c. Every- body welcome. FALL OVERCOATS Our range of Fall Overcoats is specially attractive this season. The styles are Iroin the latest accepted designs. Every garment is made up from dependabla wool fabrice, well tailored and finished. Full assortment of skes in fall aud winter weights. Some snappy young men's styles are worthy ot special mention Prices from $18.50 to $32.50 F. H. W. HICKLING ~" FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO 'i"-"kvr' Vs, * ~- * "^- Came Astray ! 34i t r r (M i CDces of the two contojling parties, Vuudeleur snd Uundilk.' At an execu- tive meeting held at Rocklyn last week the championship was awnrdod to Van- deleur as Dundalk did m;t appear to play at VandeUjur for the second guma aftwr the lirst had been postponed- Laaubull had a yretit uplift in this community when the league was organized ;\nd great New Perfection Oil Cook Stove IS fHK BEST- Simple Al- ways Ready - - Satitttiirx every Requirement. It haa the high- est ran^e of i-lliciency, with low, medium and hi^h llnmu providuu any degree of heat required . When the XP. oven is usud all other means of baking will be uivi-n up in preference tn this device'. Just the tiling i,, r [| 10 se hot days Get one at once. The best all iiround .Oil Slova that has ever appeared. Frank W, Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 CViua to ihu premises of the under- ;;; about Sept. 1-', ;w.i siinii;- >tuer j.jj; calves. The owner ia requested to prove property, away. Lui :'.2, con. 0. Artemcsia BlenhzrtonP.O. BOOTS & SHOES f, pay expenses mid take the same ';j; -WALTKU RI7SSELL. J"! ; Potatoes Wanted 'M We are taking in potatoes every d;-.y at both Ceylon rnul Pnceville. Highest iiiiiiket price paid. Plume 2 . til A. C. MUIR, Ceylon;:: ::; ... > i- A Success Osprey fall fair enjoyed tho only two The postponed fair on Monday hint may be classed .is ;i distinct success, coimiderin<; ll tilings. The day was not favorable, yet u good crowd of people attended :iud the ho\v of live stock was quite the bent we have ever seen here. Cattle mul horsus were extra good, and there was very keon Competition in some of the heavy breeds. The prize team of drafts CIIIDO all tile way from Clarksburg Thure was tilso a Mi{ list of whoop, foui niea days extending over a period of ten ; exhibitors being present. The director- days. All the rest were rainy andi^teiio pi caned with the result of the disagreeable. The fir was probably the j postponement, all hough no money was best ever held by the society, takin i made thereby, but it was felt that IIEIIIIH! Carefully Corrected Each Week IMMor . . 30 to 30 1-^jiH 40 'o 40 Winter Whfiit I '>>> to 1 :io Spring \Vh,.-it 1 115 lo 1 -_'5 Oatt 40 to -I.") Buriey 70 to 7.'. PO.IB t 50 to 1 no Buckwheat 1 00 to 1 05 Potatoes 1 'W.to 1 30 Apples 4 00 to 1 00 r- In Ladies* Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Blaek_ Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attendedjo. THOS. CLAYTON | FLESHERTON, - ONTARICL-p for things all round. The hall was espec' tally well failed and live stock WAS up to 'In' usual mark . Miss Annie McMillan, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan of Ceylon, passed aw&y on Mondny forenoon at the age of 2fi years Miss MoMillan was a school teacher and taught at the Durhom Road school, Mclutyre and f orb Wiiliam, At the latter place she was taken with pleurisy and had to givg up her school elevan months ago, since which time she has been graduilly sinking. The interment took place on Wednesday to Swinton Park. Tho par- ents and family have the sympathy tf thtf community. the horsemen desorved recognition for their .splendid response on the lirst day. Half :i dozcn gninca of skill on the "midway" and did quite- a roaring business. The concert u( niyht was also well attended und enjoyed, although the attendance ws only about ; half what it was on the rirst night. Both j concerts produced $350 and the ^t<j receipts nearly $200. We will publish ! the prize list Inter* HAD GOOD RACES FREE FOR ALL Caucus Star (Palmer; 21211 Miss Charlotte M (Keutting). .1 2 1 2 2 Pwter Hall (Uillgartner) 3333 Time 2.24 2.30 CLASS Albert McKiuney (Matthews;. .1 uu 1 1 Kreddy C (Lewis) 2 DH 3 4 Lady Moilium (Keating) .3 3 22 Peter P.urtwnod (Legate) 4 443 Ti me -2.291- A pheasant raising export from tho United States arrived hat week to put up pens on th hydro property wilh a view to testing out tho feasibility of raising pheasants in this district. Such experiments have been surcasful in outhern Ontario In tho Lake Erie :;. mil ' <, and it is hoped the clinmto here will not be too severe to propagate D*Wtt*.Sttw gW a tractor plowing these f? rand game birds. \Vo fancy tha ' exhibition in Mr L. Fisher's field, next northern ptumigan would aland more of to tllc exhibition ground-i. I'uihaps the Department may Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears Taxes in the County of Grey By virtue of a WARRANT isued by tho Warden of lim County of Grey, and ' authenticated h\ the Seal of the s:iid County, bearing dato of the Hth day of July, ' One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty One (1!>91), and lo me directed for the j collection of the arrears of tuxes due for three years and over upon the lands j hereinafter mentioned and described being in the County of Grey. THESE are thoreforo to give NOTICE that unless tho said taxes, together) wi'h all lawful Costs and Charges, ' sooner paid, I ijliall on WEDNESDAY, THE 9th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1921 at the hour of two o'clock iu the afternoon ;t tho C'Jt'RT HOl'SE in iho City ot Owen Sound (a the said County, proceed to si>!l hy Public Auction the 3i\id lands or sa much thereof aa may bo sullicient, to discharge sueh uiroar* of taxes and Costs and Charges incurred. Townthip of Artemcsia , V Village of Prlceville Lot CoucoBsiun or Street. Acres If Patented T.ixefi Co : ts Total 11 Kincardine St. North } Not Patented 1:1 L'O 5 7.T J H:i Township of Osprey West A 74, Con. 3 N. D. Road 2o Not Patented Part 11 Con. i Paterittd k ||,C r County of Grey Treasurer's Oftico, Owen Sound July 14th, 1921 First published in tha Flesherton Advance October "> 44 ii5 ii r>'2 51 17 ,H 60 5 i;r> 14 _',"> JOHN PARKER Treasurer of the County of Grey Flesherton Tailor Shop What are you going to do about that new suit, you are going to get this fall? There is nothing nicer than a made-to-order suit. Call in and see my samples of suitings and overcoatings. "A Snap For Somebody" This week we offer a genuine bargain in Gramophones. F1RST-A No. 80 Victrola called "Prince of Victrolas." This machine sold for $200 a while ago and is now listed at $160. We offer it to the first customer for $135. Only one instrument, mahogany finish. SECOND Cabinet Grafonola in fumed oak. The most popular of this m^lee - a SU- perb instrument equipped with the auto- matic stop. The regular price is $ 1 35. Our price is $95.50. Full cabinet size. Make sure of having music in your home these dark evenings. Do not overlook these rare bargains. W. A. ARMSTRONG GKAKONOLA.S . VICTROLAS MTSIC SUPPLIES FLESHERTON, - ONT. " '^" ^ ^~2^2? ^*?^. '^''^* L ~ii~ ^~^.~+;~ ^~ ^-^H2*2?'!!S"S 5uits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are lignf, and fit, style and workmanship tho best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on a chance. be persuadt d I o include themiti thi/ir experiments after * timu. And prairie s whnt about Item '( WV woto tci;ul to .see our uld friends, Mr. John White ai:d Mr. F. G. Cole, able to be out and on joy tho f:\ir. T. C. BLAKELY, MANURE SPREADER, WAGON Armstrong Block, Flesherton * 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER "* HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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