Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1921, p. 4

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October 13 IU2I THE FIBSHBRTON ADVANCE Ill Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat, HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDAI.K BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager Sl'B-lilMNCH i'ROTO.N C. J. lorster, Sub- Manager CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesday* and Fridays \Vi- In, v -1'-. .-!- I to bavc ileoidi 1 > luvf twi diys a woi-k f iv tr-tiii_' c -Tu-^liys niirl Kriliy-. 1 1 riti.' >': -r.M 1 -! ;> t'ue itoro. \V teat uil piy nt once llic lii^ht-.-; inttkel price. EARLY CLOSING Tim store will I) closed ov :y Ti,nr-liy evening at ti p.m. until tlio in 1 of thi> --o JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But if will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. .. - In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have be^n roddcd by the DODD System and in not a Single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ask us tuday what it will cost you to have DODD protection. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. ' BW W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see riirsc lii^li tfra<l.> inst riniiciits ...mm AT mm'" Hawki-u'H Photo Gallery uiul Music Store FLESH E R T N Farm for Sale Boar For Service Shipping Lambs List Npriun, under the ilirectifin of Mr. i .11 i . \. Telffr, sheep 'promoter of Western Ontario, Live Stuck IJMI tl), Department of Ayrioiilturo, OlUw, Vr. W. J. Howard c-isimted nd docktd I1~U Umbg Thei'hjectg of such woik 'VHK to demontrate approved methods < f performing tho wnik. la addition to thut, however, die linaticml viluo of performing such woik was ID be shown. In order for this to lie done we determined to follow the stock atli'iuli'd 1 1 in tho spring to the market. Mr. Howard bw rsturoed *od h"pe t> ship the first cir' loud of uraded lmbs on <!,.. her IPth. Nothing hut tiist cUss coiiilitioned latnhs of DO pounds will be i l.i-n. Kull results jf thi<i work will he iindn known hoan after Iho n.ile of tlio cnr load. As muny linln n>; possible will lie tionl dmvn but on'y (>ruJecl HIH! rinnl fur slm-k will he acccplcd. NOTICE Kememher tho Old Holiable Singur Sewing Machine. You can buy on i'iim to mil you at a very reasonable i prioo. 10 year giuurantet. lll'CH KN'HT, Agent, Mftikdale, <lnt, Small Ads. Try K>ershn.ii Pastry Klour, the best r your cook, All Oiimriu wheat Cli'ippiug dune c-n Tuesday, Thursday md Saturday Qhim HI-OH. Eugenia Reduced pnue< on all suits and suiting* H. Alexander, Frivrslmm 20 1 21 Car of Feed C >rn to Arrive in . few tlay* 1'. L'lucki, Klesherto'n. A litter of young pifp< for nale -Apply to K-Jiuiind 1'allisli -r. Maxwell. Kivi- y mug ewi-s (.. let on shares or for ale Louu Kerton, Maxwell. Imo Colt Fur S ile- (ji.ud driver, .'! yeirs oM N. Cameron. Ceylon I'.O. Cedar Swamp ITot Sale N. Cum-run, I'n. I'i;n: Rred Oxfoul D-.wn It'iin Lambs for .Sile. Must be Mild thin month Claude Kkins, Fleslierton. ! i. iud wind insurance in thu best companies for tarir. and town properly \V. o F.twcttt, M^cnr, <Vy'.nn !;-, s \Vtti,' eil-tiuod ewes f.,r bree.1- in. C-iuiinuniiMie wi'ft Herb Corbett, Proton, Stuiyi'il* l'i"inl"i i:'.M, west back hue. Aitein lia, n 'iinil Sept. 1'Oth la-t, led heifer with white H|iot, til s 'f hoini cut , tl' .J. \> McLc.nl, Ceylon. !',.! .vili On l..t III!, dill. 4, Aiteiue- 01 .-la, 1 | iirubrod Leicester rain '2 yearn ikl, al'ii 1 purebred Leicester lain liiinli. -^'.in I'eiilei, Klesh-rtnii K R. Bulls For S.le C)n n^ed bull, one yeariuii! and two calves- pure bred rog- iatered hhortliorus -Apply to H. O Turntr, For Sle Quantity of Uth, good box tnve, 40 or i"0 Htovu pipfH, three story drum, Ur^t: ooinliination book case and o'. her .ivticle.i. F.o.shi'iti.n. Apply to Dr. Bibby, \Viini! Wanted- 2"> cords ^rei'ii beech rt'icl uiHple ',in". i for I'l-. -lu-i in-i In ;K ifhool, in be delivered not later than the ITithof January, l'.)22 \V. .1. Hellamy, Socreliiiy. I,.,l.Hi; ir,7. s \V T .V S_ K.,, A, ; 39, odn^A S, i v in- -Lot oolitmi ii.' IHO ni-ii", abmil .Vi : under i-'i 1 1> ., io'i Hid in p-is'im-, I ,1 liuihena ; luitk hniiii?, bank IMIII ilh L, niih \veii at liiih hoiisu and I This farai is AII r !,,,! airl IJ, .11.1:1 -i ^ikiit. Ti,itt f-,rm lien in Artrm i mild fi'-in fl ii'i.' .. \VAL1,A('K Bull For Service I'uiu l.n.i Dnil,:, i, i. :!i, Nn l-:i(ii:, i,,r . ,1-1 ;c II JO". Apply to s-rvi.',' <,n b.t Mi'.'. ^ \\ V \ S K, An, II. .1. V M SI- 1 ,, ni,-hia- Tfiiiis--- for (-milo-. 16 fl ms>yl THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspaper published eveiy Thursday at the oftiee, Collingwoud i Stieit, Fltslierton. Sabicription price 81.6D per annum whon p*id in advance ; 82.00 when not so paid. $2.00 to I'nil'.l Stated. Advertising rates on appli.-ation. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. II. TIIUKSTON KUITOB Memorial Unveiled At Price ville Another memorial mueuinent in Arte iiioaU lii\vii-hip was unveiled at I'ricovilie >'.} Tuesday ttfleinoon of last week hcfi.it- ' ii Urgo number of people. The tnonu- ment U placed in front of the Presbyter- i in church on a solid concrete foundation. Tho l.aso and die is of grey Bane yranite iti. (I the Matute of Italian umrhle. The statute represents a soldier with bared and liowotl head placing laurul wreith on a cross in front of him. Only the ualiies of the fallen soldieis are inscribed on tl,. ; monument, which i- a creditable piece of wnrknrinnhip furnished by the Tbompwn Memorial Co. of Toronto at a cost of $2500. Th UN veiling was peifonned l.y Major (Hev.) Ihurlow Kiaser of Owen Sound, who Hervi-d s a chaplain oversea*, and the Lust Pout was sounded immediately afle: l.y Bugler .lack 1'orkiim tf Mark- dale. Addi esses wt-r..- jjii-in f,,I|,,.viii,. the luivi-iliiig by M<|,r T. .1. Kuthrford of Leilh, Alderman Willouyhl.y .,f (),, ' Sound, Hev J. Mathewson of Mone ! Slillx, . farmer pastor a' 1'riccvilio ; Rev j Mr. Leece, formerly Methodist minister ' thore, nnd Kev, C. S. Jones, Presbyterian minister Say Mrs. Reader- Have you ever tried Cargoe's for groc- eries? If not, it will pay you to give us a call. We have a full line of fresh groceries at the bottom prices and pay the very highest price for your produce. A full line of FLOUR & FEED always on hand. "Your patronage, whether small or large always appreciated." W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J . ONT. Lost Light tun hound from premise! of Lot 1, Con. .">, Colhn^Wood Tonship. Any information us tu Ins wbumboutl will iiouivo liburnl iaid. Charlrs KiulfH, Kitveniiii 1* O. Pot BMB Democrtr ffigon with tup, ne.iily new ; one set single harness, bran iiinv ; Mnssey II ., < , hay rnkp, nonrly new ; n nuiibor i rei/istarcil Oxford rain liimbs mul i.'iiliii.' inn ; also a nunilii r of whilu Li^hiiin cuckureU Itoliort A I Unit, MXWi-ll H. I). N(I\V IS THE TI.MK. NVe f*tl sure th:it whi'ii i lie pulilic roftli/.-< that fir all thi-iiO yivn.s of liijih prices wall pspt'is are ri'illy down and much ' Hie loii^ poit- |iinoil and iii'cedHary decoritting will be done, .Sou samples > Kmpire wallp.tpi-ia at H. i .i , ii- .n - I i' -li,-i-lon. At tin- close of the unvellini; wreaths, and (lowers were placed lit (lit- ,, O f I the monument by ilaiivi-8 and friends | of those in wh->se honor iho monument; was erecte I. A magnificent wrenth i,f ' tl.nvr, u-,s dqiosited l,y th o , e turiied ' loldien of the c ,mniuiiity. Liu>. Ciro ,.f Flesheiton had clurj^e of the detach- ment of returned men in uniform who did military hununi duiins? Hit, service. The followiiij. is a li,t of the ni.nies i mscrilied on the monument : Gold win 1'ittternnii, John H. McDon!d. Hubert MM.ckin, D, n McN.lty, .James White, | Douaia L. MwKinnon,Tbomu L.M.nher ' Naiic.A. F.nkertoii, Irvinj MacArtlun-, Al.-x. M^c-Vicar, Arch. A. UwKmnon, N.-il .J. MacMilUn. llubwi H M, L -an. llciny C'. Maclnt,,-!i Flesherton Garage FORD and QPAY-DORT Sales A full line of Tires and Auto Accessories on hand. For Sale At Eugenia 13 Hcr.-s of vil: K e 1,,'sin tho town BugenU, alv, H | .,.. mill ami <>0 >r.U ,1 ,!,y ,, a ., ^ M (>H l|)e Krouml. Ajpiy to ' JKO. U K.\ ll.\ M KuiieiiU I'.O. FORDSON AND INTERNATIONAL TRACTORS, GASOLINE ENGINES and Aiient fr all Deering and McCormick implements and full line of repairs. R DOWN & SONS, PHONIi 36 FLESHERTON - Calves Strayed From lot .:;.!, C ,,. ;, Arteme.ia, ,, n or about Oct. 7. two .r^y (.i,,l lwo ,-eJ Clve, ull delr)-ned. Any inf .rmatlon ihouiu M sea* to A. PARTBIDOB, Phona 1! .n4l H |> H^hurion. AI'l'ROVKD nv TIIK (lOVEl'.NMtNT Came Astray Came to my premises the f,,r,. ,, r t of tLe aurn-uer, oneyestling f)cr. Owner in rrqoeled to prove pi-op,., v , py expensi s and take tlie same away. -A. McINNKS, Lot2S. Con. 7. Osprey S,n,',ampt.m Because of its uncijuallcd coun-.-s, staff, inelhnJsot iimtruotiop. t uilibnir, equip- ment <nd resuli.i it i, at this wilting'. tho only Business College in ;. Ontario approved foi Adolescents. Getthebwt it pays. C.italogue'.fii-'C, entel any tims. i:. A. FLEMING. K.C A . Principal since 18^*1 . U. D. FLEMING, Se.retary. IXCRKASK Y.,i it EARNIKo POWER by attending the Jt is said that a mnuner with a big corn crop i usually followed by u winttr of severe frost and h -avy snow. JTouge and CJiarles Streets, Toronto Strictly fin' r.|a in nil Departments. 'Thousands of our former students now in j business life. Write for Knter iiny time. _W._.I. ELLIOTT. PBINCWAL Boar For Service Pure bred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot ::?, con. 6, .-VrtemesU. Terms $1.00. JOHN HARG1UVE. Prop. Hntioc and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known us the Aalulown reeiderrce at Ceylon, nil ei^ht roomeil dwelling, yooil cellir, ht.it. le, etc. ; about an ac:e of land, would inal<u it >nod liuinn for a retired jjentleinnn. For terms and fur- I her part iuulnm apply to \V. .1. Bella-'ny, l'lr-,li,'(toii. l.Mny t f K K .".. Proton rl .- (-' MxtN^. 1. tlouii> and L"t For Sali> t Ceylmi ( I m- ;iei'c f land, l l-ujc ffiiinn house, !l r.uinis, ."> lieiliVKiiiiH, ilinuii! room, parlor, i -... I li >1!". kill-hen, pmiHy nnd c.ll.u, nil nell Inii.i-luMl .-iinl in ffood condition, Woodshed ntiaohed, \l-- good st-i!.le mid wi-ll. Neir iho I'. P. R. station. A|,ji'y t-. \lis "II P. Ltigatft, Oejlon. -. Be Fair With Your Battery Don't st.'irt the fall motoring season without giving your battery a square deal. Have it inspected by us at the earliest possible moment, inspection anil distilled vvatar are free and it niaKcs no ditVerenee what make of battery or car you are usin^. iS'ine out ol' ten starting batteries are badly overworked in the cold \\vather. This strain is, ot course, injurious and eau be avoided by having the battery properly and fully rharged from an outside source. Our battery facili- ties sire perfect and besides giving the battery the freshening and invigorating charge necessary, we balance the cells in your battery so all are working evenly. Prepare Your Car For Winter ^ Your car no doubt will require some attention tbis winter and we would suggest that you make your arrangements now in order that we may get your work in baud and give it the proper attention- We specialize in complete overhauling and can gvarantee you perfect work and reasonable charges. We only employ the most competent mechanics. SEE US NOW and get your car in good winter storage. * Oxy*Acetylene Welding Btingus your broken castings. We can weld anything but a broken heart. No job too large and none too small. All welding work absolutely guaranteed. Let us have your next job. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO

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