Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1921, p. 8

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October ft 1921 THE FLESHEKfCN ADVANCE Honor Rolls FlMherton Pub'io School ,)r II i'ii|-n. i- . 11 lletrd.E McKee J CrgoK, C; McKaddei', H WelUn, I White, E Fenwick, M Stuart, J Stuart, Sr3 MSId, E McCsllum, .1 Nuhn, M lukster, SSeweli.' 4 Ii Boyd, L Lever (iual), M>PV.on F McFadden, Vioder.V rhitlelh<te T McDonald, II K .,.;. .1 .;.- r.. C Belts, J ! 1 1- R Smith. 2 L Ferris, L Carrinnton, B Pa'.tnn, Cmidy. G McF.idei>. 1 1 . Thomp.on. Sri A II--; ' E Ponwiok, Sled, 1 Thompson, H i'hillipi. Jr 1 F Welton. 0. McMiter, M Bibby, M Fenwick (equal), O Stuart, i: I' \V C,)l(cn, A L'vr ( A Chapman (abient). . SS No 14, Oipry 8r4 K FindUy, N Pad lar.O Cameron Jr4 M Guy, M FindUy, B Wilton, G Thomiuon, M Mclune. Sr4-B Pedlar, M Kendall. Ji 3 It Thompson, I, , , n. Sr2 \V F.oJUj, CSullivin, Pint- A rmdlay. Primer G VViliun, V Sullivan, N Patterson. C Tnoivipi'in. K Wilton. TToe Winters, Te%che. Oylon I'nblio School .Jr 4 -M McDonald, D White. E Me- Lwhlan, K U*iuphi:i. J C MclluHen. 8t 3 U UcClean. McLvliUu. M McMullen. Jr S V 3tewrt, P; \\ hi'e, M Sinclair V McDonald. Sf D Stewart, K Stewart. Sr 1 H McDonald, J HUwarr, B Geooe, 11 Genoe, T James, M Sucll. Br Pr-M Uley, W Laughliu. Jr Pr-A Laughliu. D McDonald, 3 Sinclair, D Snell. D McLeod, B Piper B Cairnn, J P S'ewait, K Ganoe. V A I .r ..,,., Teacher iasett"Yie1d 1 (National Crop Improvement Service.) Canadian oats had Hie world for quality and are in great demand for seed in erery civilized country, but oats generally receive little attention and are raised in a haphazard sort of way. Very few fanners put In seed plotr, although there Is no other crop which responds so readily to intelli- gent selection and treatment. Careful experiments have proven conclusively that the formaldehyde treatment of the seed for smut fre- quently increases. the yield more than would be -naturally expected from dimply replaring smutted heads wlth Round ones. This Is probably due to the fact that the grain is allacked liy other seed-borno parasites which arc ;is ef- fectually cherked as smut, adding to the general health of the grain. Seed CJraln KuiHlumentnlK. 1. Soloct the variety for your j neighborhood best Adapted to soil and climate. If It is decided to put In both an early and late oat, do not gpt them mixed. It will be fatal to lioth. 2. Fan and grade your need until you have removed all shriveled and broken kernel*, sticks, chaff and wtN-d seeds. 3. Test your seeds for germination in a wet blotting paper and plant oi'ly strong-sprouting seed. 4. Treat your seed 'grain will formaldehyde to prevent smut and othT diseases. 5. Put oats in early. Mesheiton H. S. Farm For Sale I,oU II, 2-2. 23, Can. 2, N.DJt., Arteueeia, luO acres ou good load one m. K weal of Ceylon, two b.nk baroi, two fcoueee, two good wella with wiodmilU, H aer*t hardwood built, baUnee under (lltivalioa, 2imall orcbardi. -DAN Ml' Ml, C ylm. Farm For Sale Lot 1S2, 153, 9ml B T A S It , adj ..in- lug yirhrlon, 100 acri, all cUnred, good LuildmiTB, MI. .11 orchird, well watered. For |>articularx >t>|ily to -JOHN HKKCROFT. 140 'Jnd ave K, OAUH Buutid Or John I'edlar, Fleihertoo STRAYED Strayed fi-.ni the [jr0niini> of I ho uniler- tinned on or about Si/ pi cm IK- r 18, red /flarling heifer. A. CAMKKO.N, BOAR for SERVICE I'urel>rd Tnmwortji I'.mi h>r on lot 1V, S W T nrid S K ., Art Terms fl.60. Sown not returned will be charted nnnie ai tin .-.- in pie. Fe 15 -T. J . STINSON. 1'n.p Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock or Sale For Breeding Purposes PLone or write-OEO. W. UOSH Oeprey Tel. system Maxwell P.O BUSINESSCARDS FORM 1 French E KerriB !!, K Thomsou '.m, H I,ikstr 'JI. I! Arnolt 110, R Iluiton SO K lirnthain 0, M Stewart 73, K ArheaiB T2, S HUckt.urn f)8, I Stewart r>7, O Fisher 6(!. M Sc-o't 47, T Wila.in 41 FORM f (ici'inntry -E Oiirer 80, H K.I. i .v !i, V. S|rott !L', 1 Hiuck* 91, W Martio P, O Akii.s 87, H Mcr,f..rt R\ K Frrria 82. I' l.ili.iKT HO, .1 Lowia )i<>, I' McMaxter 61, A IVdlerf.l, K Waiters 0, A Li'tli. o.i, F Mnthewmm 50, C L..>uck 4U, K Miore 4-_>, A Dow 20, I Lever 20, I. Onrgjo IK. Fall Fair Dates ih Hot i:t, 14 FuVf tHlinin Oot 4, 5 Ktlsyth Oct C, 7 .YlirkiUlu ()>! II, \'i Pricuvillw <>o: 6, 7 Mi it. i'l is having in. i. lil.- with t-pecd mi iliuir at*w mailvaj. Nail '!.'. ,1 ,. .( I: i : i , :, I, .,! tlirrv ribl broUert. At lie wmt jumping nut of a wtgnu hi* font enlist in the wheel mid threw Mm to the ground. Orfoado PrMlnn of Owen Smind fell 4Hectn\cr leil(i nf rm-lm well if I Oneri IS >mi I, lighting mi I. is I . <1 { In:* ten twa nittu Kign, and he will In , . i. -,.'. .Mil.'- of bmliHin, itciiini l.'ii- nmn mi the O.I'. K, inttt with A )>.id acctduiit when H frn : Ir.iiu :i..li.il himd on with hi* lurry i n whioli h wit lilinj. HIH n-lit li'v WHK l.nkeii nt (): tblgb, l*ft OflUw bOlU fi:li|ri'.: mid t nun, liar . I rilm lirnaiti., ..lie u( wliith pennlrnte I Im liinv SOCIETIES .l'.4 Ann DJUM i. AKTHUB t.olM.K No. :t3S, t A U. nioeta ID ttie Mmonio ball. I Tooga nine* Fl<wbtrton. rf Kridar on or l.t'foi. tl> full moon. Tutor Mi.. W. M Ii. O. Bolland, SecrvUry. DKNTMTKY flMfi. C MURRAY U O. 8, d*Dta> n.geou f bcnoi graduate of Torouio Uulvarelty au<! y C'clloiu at Dental RurKooua of Ontario, Otf adjatllnllMred for U.itl , altraetloo Bit.- uf; .i.l. r i Toronto Hircet. FlBhliorton. LGQAL ,\H, * I.KMtV ll.r.KWm. ,-,,,n, i!.,M. o.-l. H. Lucai, K. C. ; W. D. Honry, ./b. A. Ot&oM, Mkrkdale Luett Block. -Pbouu >A. Bimclj offic at Oiudalk and Inn) a '. 7 KIGHT. * TELFOnn.Karrliiter. fiolW , .-2"'. . ' u OU 1 OM . '"V * llruo* Block. OWOT i BouluJ. HtMdard Hank ul- T top, (SUt3ya. w,H, f', NOl'IGE Rrinoniliur the (),.| ItoluliV nj Miohiiif. Yen Crtii I uy in -IIIM I', tint you nt H MM . pric*, l'i , .1 .-.1.1,1.1.. Hl'CH KN)rr, Agent, MarbdaJe, (lilt, For Service One iMiru nred 8hnil)u.rn Dull on lot , con. U, A i toim-Hia. Turin* $1 f<0 for . ,A| i .1 U) pnid .MI!. in U in from date uf -..-i -. i. .-. 10..fan.S -H. O.TOHNKI?. BUSINESS CARDS l(;eufl AaeUcneer fat Uref aafl Mruoov. ali'u a ipeaialtj, Tyi-n 1 . 'afcttun uuaraAUcM- ^RmfljfQ' i l*mMrf Jm Vrwi.r^ Ullcbon Olfloil Firtmrxli in. ffil al Knvm ham, (Jut. OajoPBAlK IJoruito.l Auotlonra lot the County of Orel. Tatmt oiodnrato nrt a*M>CMoD fOMoteed. Tim arraiii)uwtitit ad ItotM QtHJalpMibe n>13MThB AIU'AN alflo*. BadicoiNd P.O.. Ctjloo, Tdeptiotra Bull For Service I I'u. hred '. Mi nl.. .in Dull of the SMUw," Fainily'f >r liervko on lot 10, coo. 10, Oopief. Finis f2.rC for ijindes, |6 for |>uro Uredn. July IB Mori. Sayur*, PHIJ). Bull or Service Fiirehrnd floololi Bhoithorn I u>i, AM.-. I'rldu i:l044~foi Hervioe mi lot 31, Con. 8. Ait. tin t-m. Torma $1.50, ptiiobrdt9. W. MAiiKK. Boar For Service Par* brad Kegt*inr>i Ynrknhiro Uu.i til A. TU " Iron li nt Toronto. O H u.. n.A., M.I. . gradaat acnliF of Medicine, University ce Hlclifcrdiuti Hloek, I'l.-i hit nrr. a w. x. \ s. R , tkftm 1 Wl BOWR not rvlurnad will b eh*rgaxt am thoie in |>ig. T. J. 8TINOM . i SON 1 EO&. Oshaiva, PULLEY and BRAKE GOVERNOR PLATFORM and FENDERS IMPULSE STARTER 546 THE PRICE IN KEEPING WITH CROP PRICES RIGHT now you are con- fronted with the same kind of problem that your father decided when he discarded the scythe for the mower and reaper. It is the problem of more and better work in less time and at a lower cost- it is the problem of making and saving the ci op irrespective of seasonable variations --the problem of realizing a profit even under the most adverse market conditions. The profits of the future must come through greater efficiency. Lower costs mean greater profits. Thousands of far-sighted farmers have successfully solved their problems by in- stalling SAHSON equipment. At the new price, thousands nf others will reduce their costs and increase their profits through the use of the efficient SAHSON. See us for SAMSON terms which are based on an intimate understand- ing of the present agricultural situa- tion. We have a special easy pay- ment plan which fits your present conditions. Take advantage of SAMSON econ- omies. Let us demonstrate the SAMSON right on your own farm. Put the SAMSON tractor to work earning more money for you with- out delay. PAY AS IT PAYS. There are similar reductions on the entire Samson Line including Motor Trucks, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators Planters, Listers and Weedera. See us for new price list and full information D. McTAVISH Si SON ONTARIO FLESHERTON The Samson Tractor Co. is a Division of General Motors

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