Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1921, p. 5

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October 6 J921 FLESHEKTON /ADVANCE t Farmers' Sales Notes D RANCHES of this Bank in rural sections render valuable service to fanners by acting as cus- todian for their sales notes, or by discounting them and making collections when due. Service makes the fanner's financing Standard easy. THE STANDARD BANK Of CANADA. TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: - > - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. I 1 r:iiiiM leave Klesherron StaUou an' allows : Going South Going North 7.56 a. m. 11.52 p.m. 4.80p.m. 'J.SOp. m. The mails are oaea at Flesherton is, follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and, 6 p.m. ; trad the ufternoou mail south at I 3.4Q o'olook. For morning twin south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. Rlcet your frit-ndu at^FK-aherton October lOih. W. II. Bunt peut ihe week end i Toronto. Fair VICINITY CHIPS MarkiUle Fair Turn, acd Wad. of neil , week. The federal elect ions art) expected to Uke place about the tirsl wnek in Deo. Mri. 11. M. Hyland and children of I' r. -in H ,u j Tinting with her parenta. Mm Xila McClookliu uf Owen Snuud visited relatives in town on Monday. Mrs. M. Wilinn and daughter. Irene, 1 Hc3Vy ara risking friende in Toronto. Mrs, J. Lougheed, Httherton, wh* wan * ] iid Lie at our fair, wai Ihe gutil of Mrs. R. Down. Mra. H. V. <Jadio of Toronto ia viait- in ; w -h hut parauta, Mr, and Mri. Jukn Breen. Mil* Agnet Campbell McPhfcil Who WAS Humiliated hy Ilia I*. P.O. at DurliHin on TiKted-xy ( ,f l.i<t week to contest South Est Grey ndii.y in the! aomiiiK Fedrnl elections. From Duck Hunters ) Scotland, Out., ara Ttiiting with reletirei Mrl. M. I-! . <n '1.1- none to <:-.i: frieuda { !, er ,, in Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. Cliff Blakely la riiitlnif relative* in Toronto. Dr. T'.m' Hendencm nng uf a -!.:. waa ou>rd in , this district on Saturdny Inat when a ! provincial officer made <i - r.ar at the I hydro pond of two can, gun* and Mr. au4 Mi-.. Andrew Wlike.a of ,,, KBVera| wj|( , du( . ka T|i|j of visiting hie brother here. Mr. R. W. Pat-in, Oovvrnment Jadgif. is this week judging Fall Flr at Uorrie_ Teeawuler, Kincardine and Kilsyth. Chicken pox is prevalent in this locality and the HcliouU nv mitfi-nnj in their attandanco. Mr. : . Mri. George Pattun were ffMeahertou fall fair Monday, Ocl 10 with : |i Te gtuck how and horm raeu. Gund j r iu.-s IT.- aavured . Toronto ii Mra. Long of Houeywood ie OB an ex- 'tended riait wilk her daughter, Mri. Win. Miller. airs. S. C. Bowe and daMi(hler, Ruby, and Mr. and Mm. Webbe of Barri, visited wiih Mr. and Mri. UMWU last week. Mr. Cpsliall, Miss Holmes and Mini King, high school teachers here, werei in the down from Owuu Sound for n fuw day Harrintim on Saturday attending lat week. Teaoher<i' Federation meeting. Mr. ami Mrs. KJgar Pttrou, Mr. A horio and liuugy collided with n oar Patterson Sr. nJ Mrs. A. (iilohrist | ' front of Tho Advance flfice Sunday pent the week end <t: Mono Mills. ! night. The horse was nightly daiuaced Mi NelHon, public school teacher, i ud the c " hB<1 >ts '''" P ut out "' spent the week end at her homa at Mono who . has apont bmmeaa, Mr. Fr-tn* \amtiueti, the punt few weeks h.r. ., returned to Toronto Tuenday. , llev. O^a and \V II. Bant, atteudnl tha Mrthodist Dib'riL". meeting t Chata- woith In t week. x. Fortunately the U-H wai trav- 1 ellinn il.-wiy or there might htie been a h | different story to tell. Thu Women's Infttttuta will muel al thu home of Mrs. Will Mooro on \Vud. evening Oat. Itfch it H o'clock. Topic "Our social rcHpnniiuilitiea'' by Mm. Hickling ; "Miking ttio niuit of Life" by 1 Mrs. i\ .!c Lunch cuinmittuo Mri, Mi. \\'n. Kenmhan, Olork of Ouproj, D McTavish, Mri. C. Heat, Mr. Hick- will bt thu Retiirnii.K , Uict- r fur 8outl || ill){ slld Mr8 Hunkeii. Grey at the forlhcoininjj ..]. L-'.I.-II Annivertary services in tho I'rosliyter- Suuth Grey tuachei* meet at Uundalk , HI1 a hu ro li, Eu g enia. on Surwlay, Ocl. 16, for ihisyoar'e c.mTiiition ou Thursdny cji.uuoied by He. Oke of FleHheriuu, ht and Kriilay of tlim wesk. ' 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Fowl auppet and Mr. on.l IVlri. R. Maddocka, Mm untvrlaiuuiiiiit mi Mouday Oct. 17th, ! - . - and Mian Mary MadJnek* aupper nerved 6 tu 8, concert at ii. Ail- Toronto visited friends iu this vicinity uiutmon, adults HCr, children 30c. Every- durinij ihu past week. , The anniversary tiumcta next Sunday in tho Muthndiat church will be taken liy Kev. J.ia. Dud^aon of t'ort Credit, a former pnatur here. Betler than ever Full arrangoinents b v heuii made for nuother M ir.l oon- crt f.iir niht, Oct. lOih. Sucure yuur resurvu soat tickets at Kiclmrdaou'a drug store. A change wa nide in the Kimborley aiail ruut* on Friday laat, when Mr, Kzra Fnwcetti look uver the contract after Mi. John Abercroinbiu had faith- fully carried ihu letter bags fur the pant, umhl years. Flohertoii \\ I will give a chicken pie concert in the Methodist church on Thursday, October Oth, also a Incture hy Gfo. M. Jones, B. D., of Toronto, on Europe, b*f,,.-. u d after." Supper 6 i oh t |i. n Bnde to'K. Adiaisaiun 70c, Mr. I'. I. n :, . handed u it wild raspburrv branch well loaded with quite ripe herriee on k'riday Innr,. Theru were a il-'.-i'ii ripe berries and *s many more in the green state. This ia proof of the remarkably hue weather wu have beun enj-iying this fall. Mr. Louoks also had Li dy Beeciut'e Kenwick --The Melhotlitt parsonagp, Flethertou, was ilu< scen of a <(Uiet weddiiiK ou Weduenday >if lint week, the contracting parties being Mr. (jttorue Buecroft, of the Township of Ariumeiia, and Mr-.. Mary VYmvtuk, of thu same place. Thu ceremony was per- formed by Kov, J. H. Uke, p .it -r of tbs Methodiit church. The newly wed left for their IKHIU-, beariu^ with them the l)Ht wishcH "t all present fur H hippy and profrueious future. At an election of officers for the Metliodiit Yunog :'-. ,iU- - - . i- -.- followiug ixaoubivu it - rti, , for the oominx year : I'ros., \Vea Anustmng ; Vioe Prcs.. Mrs. (Dr ) Murrsy ; Literary conveuor, MIDI M. Holme* : Mimioonry, Mies MHUU Aoliueon ; Social, Hirs Kila BelUmy ; Bible Suidy, Mr. Millar ; avour, Dr. Murray ; Sec.. fit was brought in Flealnrtun ud stored in M, I'. -.. - laritifti pending -iull. One -jf the cam, a Baby (Jrand, lje!i>ued to Mr. T. U. ny, mid the i.tlier, ("her. rolet 4i)0, tn \V. K^wn, traveller f.ir MuLauclniii A Co. of Owen Sound. Since the ctuik tration opened on Sept. It* hundreds uf people hurt- been out to th h:i; |i. n,i duck sliuodni! "nd did not .Mi(i|ionf tlni the ri'serve wan In beti|(ht- eni-d uu as it wa. Here i* whero 'hey ijuesifd wro.iK. Ilocently a fipecial Ffu- viiu-ial .itficer, Mr. I*. Kevill, came up ami laid hi* lines for a eap'uie. when c n Saturday iaC Im maili- the tenure noted bnve and !(.uk the name* of the kix ill the party. meliidiiiK a liuy !." yi-urs old. Monday Mr. Cx, ! ..i . . . .'...-,... > r the (ininu ami Kiahcriaa d.-piitment. arrived in uiwn tu MB-J up iho nt'ual c.u | and left for Owen rt -uu J ttu- tuiiiu dy. , The jji'iiilfinen implicated, >-f whom two j are hydm iiip:',yi-j, hvu not hud thrir uinmoniea Hi 1 IOB.OI wtltu tf, but it is uini.-r-i, il i Im! thu case will i . tneii in I Owen H uud thin WuJneiday ni"iuiiiK 'iii i' i 'clock. Hydro Meeting To Be Held At Feveraham A mee'i.iu uf all thop po ji'is iiilnr, fU-d in ami all who Munrrt the pel ti.m for the jrdio oUnliio iighiin^ and p -wi-r ml! be held in ititi Oriingi; Hall, Kuvarnhnin, n Munday evnviiif next, l^inlit-r IDili. :t. 7 .'M p m. A hyilro m^iiun-r wiil Ie uroNc-nf In <;,M'ii,s tlio meih'id of giving ervice, oust*, e c. Kverybody n quested to be preset f. - H. \V KKKXAUAN, Cicik .\T^^ FALL MILLINERY Come and visit the Show Room whether you wish to purchase or not. You will be interested in one of the best displays we have ever offered for yeur selec- tion. Our prices are reasonable. FALL OVERCOATS Our range of Fall Over-coats is specially attractive this season. The styles are Iroiu the latest aooepted designs. Every garment, is made up from dependable wool fabrice, well tailored and finished. Full assortment of skes in fall and winter weights. Some snfeppy young men's styles are worthy ot special mention Prices from $18.50 to $32.50 HEN'S FALL CAPS Now shapes and striking designs in all wool tweeds, all good oolimngs, with or without inside bands. Siies to Prices from $1.25 to $2.50 MEN FELT HATS FOR FALL We are fortunate in getting early delivery of our Fall Hats and an give you a good selection ot colors in th latest .shapes in soft Felts graen, browns and tfreys are all represented in different shades, also blacks. Price* $3 to $4.50. Stanh'eld'a Unshrinkable Underwear, Watson's Ladies' Underwear, Pehnraft^Ha Hosiery, Lang Shirt and Arrow Collars, Storey's Kid Gloves and Mitts, King Neckwear and Suspenders, Snag Proof Overall and Smocks. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO f^^ Hoodlums At Concort %*'' m * ... Dear Mr. Bdltnr: Would you.lhrounD j the columns o( y-ur vnluthle p->pfr, * kindly inform ui who art th proper *; uulhorilien uf Flesherton iu deal with '| hoodlumism t At different i-onecitp hold ::" in the hiijh sehoul ih ordt-r ha been ; .-in. ' iiin^ awful htrf'irn the (.-oiiaerta '.'I l)ein. Kvery yuung ennple who cnteri ;;; thu hall anil unlil they take their sesls. UK aio hoi.ted at by n numl>iT "f youth* and ','. . boy*. \VliH oil sirnu^crH think of floshei ton T I fur one Until: it 'H^rnce* ful ind it should lie atopprdA L AllltllXl OlTI/.tN. Al'l'ROVKD itv THE (SOYKKXMKNT ' niHiaiiiim*HiuMii^^ BOOTS & 5HOES I In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. uf its unequalled course*, lltlt ' r ' mwt hods ot instruction. l.uildini:. i-riip- inent nnd remit* it in, nl this wi-itin:;, thu only Uubinoss Cullf|< in Ontario approved fnl AdulescPHlK. Get the) belt it |jy. C.<t ili'Kuu fru 1 , iMitu -tuy time. C. A. KLKMING, K.C.A.. Principnl xlnce 0. D. FLEMING, Secretary. !55 F J 'I liu, -. .'ii ; Tro., Mra, W. Moore ; l'i-ii.-t, Mi.ss V'ioln Lvwit. .Some Bplen- did meet 1 ugi are in view for thecuniing fw moiiths an,! all youiiii people are invite'! to attend. Min> Matuiu Uuachlen, who jihyed t thu fall f.iir ronceti ntre ; .>-t Friday, in company with Mr. K. H. Clmonn. Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes in the County of Grey By vlrtuu of WAKIIANT i*ed hy lh Warden of the f unity of Grey, and ' authinticitud Ilia 3tl uf Ihe and County, bearing datu of tlio Sth day <>f <luly, Ono Thousand Nui Hunrirml and Twi-nly One i,l"-l), and t,i me dincied for the i l f iN.lltotion <>f tha nrrearn of taxon duo for three yenrs and ver upon the landi > lierrinaftc-r m-iii: n. ,1 i;i-i ileacnbed being iu thi> County of Orwy. , ^ TliBSK ire therefore to glrs NUTIOfl thk ualsM tbs atd laxr*, t ethfr with all lawful Cta ami Charuea, Roonsr paid, 1 uhitll on WEDNESDAY, THE 9th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1921 I ^ at the hour (.f two o'clock in the nfternoou at the C')L'UT HOUSE in ihe Cily ot ( > Owen .Suiii'd in tlio anid ('.unity, iirrr.eed lo aell by Public Auction the emd landu^ Lj| nr a muoli thi'ivf ns m-ty be sulfiuient to discharge such arrears of Uxrsiud Cut ' ^ iiid ('lmiKc incurred. Townihip of Artemeiia, Villsije of Ir'rtcevilln Lot i '"ii- f-i, r or S'rcot Acrps If fa'en'xd Taiea 11 Kitmrdine St. Ninth i Not Patented 1.". '-'0 Towns-hip of Oapruy West i 74, Con .'! N. D. Und Bii Not Patented prl 11 Con. i I'aleniid Bounty of (Srey Trrasuror's Otlii'u, ()w..n .Sound .July 14ih, 11121 First until shed iu the Kleslivrtuii A Ivanee October a, 1U-1. 44 n. r . rt ."2 H 00 ,*i <i : ' JOHN PARKER Treasurer of the O-mnty Total KS y i M IT' 14 '.'ft 1 THOS. CLAYTON | FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO | HHnH:ii::in?:H?H?HHt?^^:nH?:t?;;:?H?n?:?:???fff?H,i LOOK BACK TO PRE WAR PRICES All our machines including the two best known makes. Victrolas and Columbia Graf- onolas have been reduced. The prices will convince you they are extraordinary values and we advise quick action. Terms arranged if desired. in his garden this year six citront agsre- a thi.lling -op,- recently when leturu- gating 112 poundi iu weight thtso weighed 21 J pounds Oat of ing to Arthur after attending a concert at Krin nlinrti Mits Buseblen played . A Au advance on postage rata came intu " M) ll ' 1 ' 1 ' l '" M1> ' wr >ili> Mr. OlmneBft WM force on Ostober lit and all lettats ad ' nxin i{ il '" front of the Copes, viatui.n of dresied to Canada, United States and ; lne rectnl poisoning caie, tha father aiid Mexico will continue ab the present r(i i two " ns ^i'l'l^ ' '" 'i'" two ri0u, of 3 cents, to Graat Britain and all o;her thinking i'iii the report i.f Hie olowoul placet within the Kmpiro 4 oeuta nd to w 8 ''"' ' (rel " ! ! "'" nuii,,.-< Mr. other countries 10 oeuts for tha Krit Cleiweni jumped into the car and drors ounce. Foslmiaeter TrimKln rKjueaU the ' '-ft nl ( "P P e 'i. ul one of the Copet to take aotioe. < tired and pieieid the rear of the ear nnd M;s. Kusehlen'i 91500 rioltn. Tli, inn Ci.pe ha been arrested. The Hydro ii n4iiiR out fro plate matter to the local papera wilh tha idea of shutting *F critieiim of ih syatem or edvooscy of a flat rate for the province The arguiuauta put forward ara not convincing and we have declined to use thejnatter. Th<* hydro people appoar to father, Mr. Thomas think that they .should be ibovo criticism Jlfltl "" ' ' i:L '' l " 1 - >ind that anyone who raiaes hia voioa in One yeer has pansad since that ad dity anyibiiie but an .iiiMiuin of praiae is i\ ' The father wo luvod was oalied away. " knooker." Any public utility and the ! Ood togk him home it wau His wll", official* who control It aro logifcimato ' Bu in nnr hearts he livcth still. of criticism. Wife nd Family. IN MEMORIAM Iu IOVIM 4 mi-ill. ii > of our husband And WT t. i a' i>, wno Flesherton Tailor Shop What are you going to <.'u about that new suit you are going to get this fall? There is nothing nicer thiui a niade-to-onier suit. Call in and .sot; my samples of suitings and overcoatings . Suits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are rignt, and fit, style and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. r/| W. A. ARMSTRONG r. U.vKONOLAS - Vlt'TROLAS FLESHERTON, Ml'SlC Sl'PPMKS ONT. ARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER BEARD, IMPL6WICNT AOEHT FUftHIRTOM.

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