Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1921, p. 4

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October IWJI THE FIBSHF.RTON ADVANCE MM3DJ mmm. HfADOFFlCL HAMILTON ESTABUSffED leva liirU'i'l ofcurrjiii", tin 1 proceeds lYuin (jtrtin Ticket?, Sa!e of (.'(title, Produce, t'tr. , in your |i i-kc-t,' deposit tin-in in the Hunk <>f Hamilton, where they will ho s ifc. Y.J'.l fill lll"ll iaSUL- clll"|'U'B tO p.v ai'i-'oniits, at.tl your pat-s book will alToi.l ymi u compleia record nf nil your tiiinfttctior.s. BANK OF HAMILTON UUNUA1.K BRANCH-A. M. Carlhcw, Manager SIK-HUxNCH PROTON C. J. I orster, Sub-Manager \ I \ CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and Fridays hava di-ci.IeJ to have decided to have two diyi a we'k for tpstin^ e"e\n Tnos'l-iy? and 1'VHny-;. I'.ri.i^ y.i.ir i-rvriiu to tin' sMP 1 . \\V teat air! [iival uirj; tiio lii^hedt market priei. 1 . EARLY CLOSING T bo Store will b- i-'iiil every Thiiisiliy evetjiii^ at ti p.m. untii tlis eml of tiifi reason. JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON BACKED BY SIXTf YEARS' EXPERIENCE! FARM EQUIPMENT DOMINANT IN QUAL. ITY ANDSERVICEI Sixty year* of leaderhir> of giving good value, heaping satisfaction nd real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to cell this dependable farm equipment- THE GILSON ENGINE All Slsci "THE WONDERFUL GILSON" The furaou* Gilon "Got* Like Sixty" En- gine any :.ize for any purpose can be pur- chased on the easy payment plan. Let it pay for it.sclf. Its economy autl <lcjicnd- ubility llave made it the uigxest selling en- ,' - 01 Caaada. Let u^ Ucinonblrute on your farm. HYLO SVLO The Ilylo S>lo insure! sweet. :r .- h succulent en- silnue down tu thr ',m forkful It is built to i.ist indiTiuitely F.xilusive patented features of de- sign aud cons t r tic t ion explain why the llyln is chosen by the discrimin- ating r .:!.. T Pays for itself in the first IM n Then year after year. p.iys 11)0 per cent, pruut (in your investment. Cuu you beat it* "The Wonderful r.iUmi" ?l;mdi supreme. Mole Cihon Silo Tillers \vcn- ,old in Cun;i(lu last year th.ui uny oilier make. It u nu.u- antet-d to be the lightest i tinning bluwcr- i utter made. Hi; iiulcpendeiit et LI ('il-.tm Siio Filler and till your own silo -with your own ennine. 4 lip. or larger- -at the proper time, when your corn has the Kieuu-st feeding value. THE GILSON SPREADER Manure is the heat fertilizer You have it. Useitl The best Mamne Spreader made ii the Gilson. Why? H has u wide spread. It H low down, ttbultcht draft. It will take a real load. It M free from rluu-hes. gears and ..;] complicated parts. Call and >e our naret .1. .,!,,. name below. He will ava and ., ,i,.- you money an lh- equipment illuntrated and on Gilion Threshrm, Diiie-Ace Tractors, Wood Saw> GrlndMi, Pump Jacks, Beltinf, etc. Write for Catalog. Atiidt in Canada and Guiiruntecd by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - . GUELPH, ONT. Call and See Neare.t Dealer R. J. COLQUEITE, Feversham, Ont. W. A. HAW KEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHFET MUhlC. Call and s AT awkou'H I'hoto Gallery and Music Store FLESHERTON Fat m for Sale Lot. Wiahrl 107, H W T .V S U ,d. Boar For Service '"" .buck him*'-, baiifc tic n v> in. TJ. wiih wi'll ;it. bah bouse nrt Urn i.iiiiarkc'. Tiiwf'rm lie* in Artrmo-in, i Puro brtd Durham 1>ull, No 14301S fi.| (,no milf f" "i Saugepn Jc>.. Applyto M vioe tn lot 162, S W T A S R, An.- - P. J VAlJ.SK |ni:i' T|rmR--$a for t-rvlfv $:. f, , flll.l. Pfnto(JM' ' Ih " r ? tt hbr8d ' < (; AK '^ S . " .: '< V 1 An Amused Correspondent KHilor Advance : I wad niim-eil to road vur Inmetit in 'n-' week's : tint aoiuo uiifori uiiiitc youtii! nmu I it been lined for diiiiking lupicr in an va) phce, but Imd not knuwn what ha dunking. In ! i; brsl placu, i ur Itwi are tnnc'e fur observance and no breach thou'd I e c><iidi>ned simply on sjirpitl el:c uiouiid.H N iliis iiol so t If there wi'S liquor in :.n illegal pUce flumld not ihe illegality bs nit ject to Ilio peiihlties nf ihe law ( At for tin) ''innocent" young man (one can f[)ivik villi t itnkness mice his umne is withheld) who di.ink u s'my bevenijie <nit of a sealer, 01.11 woi.ders what he IhiHIijht it wa.i. Seldom doci on* diiuk watri uul of a si-tiler just to tiiid out wlut il IB. < >ne miglit bo excused fur Ffgntttog (tut it nen>|iui'ci thctild in>in'iate that a Uw breaker is lundriou purnecution be- (HU.se of any set of circumstances 10 'I hiu" an though, ruvenled ty your newu it mil of la: t werk. ' )ne of our tint tJutiet as cit /ens is tu obivrve the laws we have mdo. TOKONTDNIAN. Small Ads. Owen Sound Couple Charged With Murder I" .'. JamieBoii Juhniion came to his 'leth ii September 5 nt hia home in tha Cily of Owen Sound we believe through siiychnine poisoning, and that the evi- -n. points to Dan McMillan and hi? wife, Mary McM : lln, as tha persons unplit Ijd in the administration of the amo.' Such wa> tha wrclict < \\\,: '.y the G'jron. r' jury sburily af : er midnight in the inuuest into Jol'.nston's death which occnriu.i on the night of Ltboi Dny under circumstances which, on the surficn, appeared inni cent rtiousih. '1'he death c<vti6cate, iu d by the Coroner after ti'iguiry tuning thu dead man's friends, gam tetanus following extraction of i h 1 ' terih as the cause : but ihe statements neinhburs iul, probi'ly luorn than hie- _;'-, the marriage of hit widow t i Denial McMillan within a we<-k atie r o"eth, caused the Ciown Attorney to i >!. t ihe oiae in hand and order th exhuma- tion of tho body and the holding of au iu(|ust. Advert iser .Shortly after the vardirt w nnnounc a d thu man and woman weru arrered ad |i'<. ! in ; nl to await ihuir tiial. Try Kt-vfMtifeii ftry r'lour, the t your oook. All Omwio h.ec Chopping done MI Tuesday, Thursday mid -Saturday Giwham Bros. Kugenta Krducud pno> on all suns and suiting It. Alexander, rVvt-rslmm 20 1 81 CREDIT Cr of Faed C iru to Arrive in a few (Jayi H. Ltiucks. Kleihertun. A littsr of young pigi fur sale - Apply t<i Kdiuund Pallister, Maxwell. Pure Bred <>*fotd Down Rum Latnb* : ur 8^le. Must be sold (hit month ' ud- Kkin, Kl Four new Oliver |_hiw for sale. Prices if it. Ciillnndsee iheiu H. Duwn it VIIIN, Fle-h.'rton. Fire and wiiul in-nii nice in thu b( t jonipanu'i. for htru. aud tmvn propurty \\ . O Kiiwct-tt, Hgenr, Ceylon K.v. H SVnii'fd Good ewes fur breei'- iny. Cumniuniouie with Hur^ Corbivt, Protoo. Strnyed -From lot l.'-iH, weal bick IIUP, Aileiiiesia. ai'-uiui Sept. 20th !at, rid li ifi'i wi h white Kjiois. ti, s of hoini out ff. .1. D McLuud, Ceylon. \Vuol Foi Side- Wood to le tiikoii ou' by purchaser in any quantity iltire<' ( Also cut sjft and h-'tidwnod for hrlf. Api-ly to N. Aii-hitiakl K U ;!, l>rt,ton. h.'i S.ilu-- On lot o(i, CUM. 4, Aiteuit* m 'Ni-i, 1 purebred Leiccntrr i.un 1.' years ol.l, nNo I purobivd Ijcicvster lam lamb. S5>m 1'edler, Flefill.-rton R U. AUCTION SALE HOUSES, FARM IMPLEMKNTS, HOUSEHOLD rUKNITURfc AND FA KM The UM 1,'in.-i, .! iiict'onerr hxt been IIU'MI ' ' to -H', tiy public tucti.iiiiin the farm of i (.,- ! i THOS. JULIAN a )j lining th Vi!la(jf of Fleihertun, on Tue.. October llth, 1921 the fotlowiog, namely : Good haavy teum uf horsas at;d 13 and H years woiglntis. 28r30 lb., M H binder C foot ou in g. Mid repur, uw -ti-el land roller, n rVter Hniniltuu 1'J ft hay rake M U 11 hue drill, MH fanners' Friend ' ridiug plow, K""'.] McCormick mower 5 ft j cut, ui of disc harrowH, net 12 bull iron birrows, innle plow no. '21 ITleury, wtlgh sci i- 1000 It, set K0"d heavy lu^yin sleulin, < -.od heavy wanon, cu'.ter, good t(.p bii^s}), (juniitily of sweet c'uver eed , | Mulotte rreain Heparator, 15 or 'JO lous of i l(<K>d hay, ijunol ty of straw, about 1CU bu (Mtn and ab'Hit tl,:- saum f iit-w :it, :t finjjin Irmiess, et hatvy team htriiHr , ! hny tuck neitly naw, n-ttid stime, jjooj ; conk ktow. < ol box ^fioie, C kitchen chwi, (|iunu'y of etove pipe", dresser, I 1' notfl ot (>ed apLing;,, '2 ^ ud inafcti e^Mrit, good sideboard, ("lass cup'jourd, 2gjod ' cnucheo, wash t.tnj, KA KM containing ' (in acres will be uttered for slu. Mr. Reader! WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK Important Announcement W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J . ONT. Flcshcrton Garage FORD and QPAY-DORT Sales A full line of Tires and Auto Accessories on hand. FORDSON AND INTERNATIONAL TRACTORS, GASOLINE ENGINES - and Asjent for all Deering and McCormick Implements and fii'l line of TEUMS All sums of 9LO and n d r cash ; over th-it mnounl lu' in. tilling credit will bo ^jiveii on approved joint notes. 5 per cent, oil' fur csh in iieu of notes. W KAITTINC, \V. MUOHK, Auctioneer In H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHfiRTON HORSES FOR SALE of lath, goodloi , 40 ur 60 itove pipw, three story drum, Urge coin l >initlun bcok csse and o l:ei- articles. A | p'y to Ur. Bibb*, F eslii'rton. Tvo young driving rurei hoists will be .i>ld chi five wmk Wuuil \\'aut.'d f .*> i-urdu gro. n beech a id innp'o wcod for Flnhertoii lii^h c!iool, to be delivered not liter than th<- ITilh of January. IK'J-J \V. J. Bellamy, Secret ary. DOUGALD McDOUGALL PRICKVILLE Came Attray Came In my premises tlio fiir | <\r{ of the suinnier. out- yem lini; bt"iT. O*tn-r is ritjufs t'd to IIIMVC (rupdr't, pay eipeli.ti.s mid t-ikf t!li> Haaie jinnj. A. McINNlS. Li' ^K, t'nii. 7, U.-pU'y S.ti'jli ,uipt"ii Lout Liglit tan luitind from premises if Lot 1, Con. 5, UnlliBgwood Tuii8liip. Any ioforinatioQ i\- to bin whreaboiits *ill ifUt'ive a lilicral |ia*rd. - -Chariot , UiivcniiH 1' O. Km- Suit -- Dt'iiiticrnt wiigun with top, ii(Mi!y new ; HUH set sinijlo liirneso, bran iifw i M'tssey Iliinis hiiy raki 1 , neilv new ; A iiirnlier nf rei/isteru'l Oxf.ir 1 ! nun lambs itnii yelling ntiiiM ; also n nuinl>-r of nliilo Lt'ghdrn cockertl.s- - Ii ibort A i in ill, Msxwi'll C. D. Came Aitray Two y r old hnifcr came to uy preui lies abotil August lt. Ownvr c u tiHtc imiiie by proving pn perty HHI) paying eipnip. W. I'llH.Lli'S, Lot 1, Con. ti, Aittni.s a Home l iyi-, Fr Sale Ifi'iintl su!, ats yoiinn pii!^ A'sn iju'intity ct .s this y.at's Liup, utid a. Bell t it'pHr.i'm in "/noil repair ; will aeL cheap at $:ii)ll -W. ,1. Alciix, Maikdile P.I) I'lione IWrLM. NOW is THE T-MiE We fl mru that when ilie pnlilio roali/.j that af er ill thi-Ni- yen s of Inuh prices wll papers te fMilly down and inucti of the long pint - p mud und uect'saary Tlecoraiini< will I* lie. Seu samples it bJiii|iiiu wallpapers nt II. Cuting'on'i, Yonge and ChaiU's bti<e:<, Toronto Is a noh'ij witli a i>plfiiilni ipoord. Wl, u superiority ot tininui^ is UI:H d fted this i;<.l!i>te innkn HUIOII^; the ben 1 on the cuiHiiiuii^. Wiiio today for cnl)li ijui!. Kuter at HI.V time. W. .1. BLLI01T, HHIHI w3f Tjot For Sale --The prop, erty known HH the Aihdown residence at (.'lylon, an ei^ht romned dwelling, mmd jellir, ht.thle, ctu ; about an ac'e of 'and, would iimki- a good lit'ino for n atirt-d i;ent'em in. For terms and fur- lier UHrlioiilnrs apply ti> W. ,1. Itellaruy, l\1y t f oiiKo mid fjot For Sl it CViylon - )ne arri> of land, n Urttn frumn house, 9 nmu, ."i l.cdnnnns, ilinini; TOOIM, prloi-, iod h;>lK kitchen, pantjy anil cellar, all HTi'll fiimi-ned and in bTontl uoui : t!r>n, Wond^hcil !nuohvd. Also )(ixui stable u'i 1 well. Noir tho O. P. H. station. App'y to Mm R P. Logiit.*, Ouylon. Oarelufly Collected EHC!I Week O<9fit o :tn to o 80 B:t ' 37 to 37 Whiter Wheat 1 35 to 1 : J 6 Spring Wheat 1 2o lo 1 :.'f> <)* 45 to 45 Batley 75 to 75 P 1 60 to 1 nil Buckwheat 1 00 to 1 C6 Potatoes 1 30/o 1 30 Apple* 4 00 to 4 00 Flesh ei' ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket, clones Monday night, delivery Fim<iy ev (,'LKANINU tiul DYKING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Works- Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathurs rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Flesherton Tin I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on nje and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes ad Stove Furnish- inga, Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipelittiiig, including pump work. Furnaces installe<l. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. 'VlcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO, FLESHERTON BAKERY ITS WORTHY THE BttEAl) WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our Pure Food Bread has a worthy purpose. It brings health and strength and a meal time satisfaoeion to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loat forms the habit. Bread is your best food eafc'more of it. PHONE s FRED FINDER, Flesherton Boar tor Service Baar For Service Pure lircd Yorkshire Boar for 0prey. Tor ins $1.50. j on lot 37, cm. I), Artemoaia. Term* PRKP SPOFITAHD * J --'"HX HARGUAVF. Pn-p. f

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