Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1921, p. 3

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THE MAELSTROM By FRANK FROEST. Late Superintendent of the C rlminal Investigation Da partment of Scotland Yard. Draft-linen made plans to scale of investigation every one Is suspected, t'ue room and evory article in it. A In that lies t-h difference between fingerprint expert peered rouia searchingly, scattering black or gray powder on things which die murder- or might hava touched. In the top- most rooms (Jongreve, Menzies's right-hand aiau, hud begun a hasty uearch of the house, that would be- come more minute the next day. Mi'ii:i.* had occupied a morning room at the bock of the house, and wa deep in consultation with Sir Hilary Thornton, the grizzled assist- ant counuiioner, and Heldon Koyle, ihe well-groomed superintendent of the criminal inves- i.gatiom department. There was Ht- t.a likenea* between th three men, unless it lay in a certain hint of humor i th eyes and a firmness of tae moat*. A detective without a tense ' humor ia lost. Now nd again .Menzies urol^ off the ooTarsation to issue an order or recelTe a report. Thornton observed for the first time the characters in which b mti.de a few notes on the back of an envelope. "I didn't :-:now you knew Greek, Menzies," he, remarked. Tha Aief inspector twiddled his pencti awkwiirdly. "1 used it now and again, B* Hilary. You se, if sliould lot>a Tiiy notes by any chance it's od-is agaList the finder reading them. I as^d !^J do them in short- hand. Iwt 1 save it up. There are too many people who understand It. as, wtat is it, Johnson ?" Th-e man who had entered held out u. pape Addrenses of the cook and housemaid, sir. One live* at Potters Bar. tne other at Waltham- SIOW." "Have them fetched by taxi, or- dered Manzies curtly. 't/cnlda't you have statements tak- en from them?" asked Sir Hilary niildlT. "It's rather a drag for wo- m.Mi in the middle of the night." Menzie* suicxjthed his moustache. -We doa't know what may develop lierc ulT. We may want to put s^iiie questions quickly. \Vhile thus Menzies was straining every resource which a great organi- zation fronseeed to gather together into his hands th* end of the case, .liiumie Hailett awoke once more. Tho throbbing in his head had gone. and be lay for a whll with c:osed cyo listlessly conscious of the mut- tar of low voicea in Uie room. He sat up. and at once a dappw liulo man was by his side. "Ah. you're woke up! Feeling better? That's right Drink this. We want you to pall yourself together for u while." "Thafc. I'm all right," returned Ha'.let* mechanically. He dranH Kometfctas which the other held out to him im a tumbler, and a rush of new lif krilied througih him. "A-re vou Mi 'No I'm t&e police divisional sur- K<on. ' r. Meuzleu Is in the next room. Think you're up lo telling -, him wtiat hsm happened? He's anx- ious to kow the meaning of all this." "So am I." said Hallm grimly, and staggered to his feet. "Just, a trifle murder and proioasional crime. A burglary, a forgery, is usually com- mitted for one fixed motive, by a fixed class of criminal, and the search is uarroweded from the start. A millionaire docs not pick pockets, but he is quits as likely as any one else to kill an enemy. In a murder case no detective would say posi- tively that any person innocent until he is absolutely oertain of the guilt of the real murderer. Hjallett, whose brain was beginning to work swiftly, held out. his hand to tlie chief inspector. "Please to meet you Mr. Menzies. I've got a letter of introduction to you from Pinkor- to-n. That's how I came tj ring yon up. My name's Hailett." Menzies shook hands. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Hailett. This is Sir Hilary Thornton Mr. Heldon Foyle.'' "And now," said Jimmie decisively, when the introductions were done. "do you people think 1 ki'.led this man. Greye-Stratton?" The possibility had been in the minds of every one in the room, but they were taken aback by the abrupt- ness of the question. Weir Menzies laughed, as though the idea were pre- posterous. 'N'ot unless you've swallowed the pistol, Mr. Hailett. We've found no weapon of any kind. locked in, you know. You were Now tell us all about it. I couldn't hear a word you said on the telephone." TSiey all listened thoughtfully un- til he had finished. Thornton ele- vated his eyebrows in question at his two companions as the recital closed. "Where are those checks?" asked "They may help us." H.a:iett putted his pockets in rapid n "They're gone!" lie ex- claimed. "They must, iiave bsea tak- en off me whnn I was knocked out!" "Him," *aid Poyle reflec:.ively. "Can you make anything of it. ilen- without regret of a committee meet- ing of the Church Restoration Fund the following day from which he would be forced to absent himself. Scores of messages had been sent over the private telegraph and tele- phone systems of the Metropolitan Police before, at seven o'clock in the morning, he took a respite. It wan to an all-night Turkish bath in the neighborhood of Piccadilly Circus thut he made his way. At nine o'c'.ock. spruce and ruddy, showing no trace of his all-night work, beyond a slight tightening of the >rows, he was in Heldou Foyle's office. The superintendent nodded as he came in. "You look fine, Menzies. Got your man?" The other made a motion of his baud deprecatory of badinage. "Nope", he said, "but l"ve got a line on him." Foyle eat up and adjusted his pince-nez. "The deuce you have. Who is he?" "His ncrne is Errol,'' said Menzies. "lie's a stepson of Greye-Stratton, and was pushed out of the country seven years ago." ."Menziee." sajr Foyle, laying down his pince-nez, "you ought to be in a book.'' iTo be continued). chief Inspector was gnawing his- moustache, a sure sign of be- wilderment with Mm. He shrugged his shoulders. There's little enough to take hold of." he return ed. "Could you recognize any of tlie people you f&w again. Mr. Hailett? The girl, the man who wan running after her. or tlie chap in the house?" "I haven't the vaguest idea of wh* the face of either of the men was like." Kiiid Hailett. "But the woman the girl?" per- sisted Mei'.zios. HaU.-t: hesitated. "I- 1 think it possible that I might." he admitted. Then au Impulse took him. "But I'm j sure alie'8 not tlie sort of person to be mixed up in- -In " The three detectives smiled open- ly. "In this kind of mess. y>u were going to eay." finis-bed M-enzis. "There's only one flaw in your rea- soning she is." Wrung as dry of, infonnaiou as a ..'iiy <-..-. -.il sponge of watei\ Hallett woe permitted to depa-rt. The court - esy of Sir Hilary Thornton supplied him with a motor-car bivck to his ho- _ __ iel, the forethought of Menzies pro- --..-. no added ais he swayed, ami v lded him with an escort in the sluipo tile Mttl doctor thrust a supporting ( ot a detective sergeant. shoulder under his arm. , Hal'.ett wou'.d have been less 1 The three in its next room rose as pissed had h known that the he- 'll lallett wa* ushered in. It was Koyle j ; are mentioned detective a-ergeant who sprang to assist Hailett and lifted wa>s to j,e relieved from all other lilm bodily on to the settee, which I duties for tho specific purpose of Menzies pmahed under th-e chandelier, keeping an eye upon him. Weir The doctor went out . j Morales was always cautious, and "Qult comfort3l>le, ch?" asked Lhou&li his own impression of the Koyle. "Let me take that cushion ! young nw.n hail be-on favorable a bit easier for yoa. Now you're b<?t- ! enough, he was taking no chances, ter. W won't worry you at pitw- j All through that night Weir Men- ent more than we can help, wiil me, | zies d-rove hi allies hither and thith- MeneieB?" j or in the attempt to bring tha end of The three great detectives, for oil the raveled threads of myst.ary into that their solicitude se-emecl solely , ^\ 3 .h,. ln d. No ouo knew better than fi>r Che comfort of the young lima, j he the importance of a first hot. burst were studying him keenly and un- o' pursuit. An hour in the initial nbhrusiv-rilT. Already trey had talk- | stages of an investigation is worth a ed his orer, but any suspicions that | week later on. tlie.v migfct have held wera quite In- i Hlg irritation at being kept out. of cKd'inHe. ' bed h.-id ai! vanished new that he was At '..ho opening stage of a murder on tin. warpath. He could " ihink You Co.n be Cured of Catarrh The Pure Balsamic Essences of Cat- arrhczone Afford Surest and Quickest Cure. Ca-tarthozoue is certain to cure be- cause Its healing vaipor is carried with the breath dh'ect to the seat of the chest, noae or Unreal trouble. Be ing composed of the porest balsams and pine essences, it imimedia.tely al- lays Irritations, facilitates the ejec- tion of niin!us^ soothes and stinwi- iues tins lungs a:nd brouehlal tubes. The marvel of the age is wiring nosr. Ui.ro:it H.nd brcnclii-al traubLes. that's wh-a-t thousands ay about Catarrh - oione. TUero : n-.>t.'.niiip; HO sure to CUTV, and to ihtKt- to fea-r of chuaigi'- able witht-T- -t'hrse who tasily f-itdi cold -tho.-'u who work among lung emitting ."uuToundi-'.ntrs < r \vht:'i j dust, impure a^r. fcg, or dump cau atfo<- tliwu lei ;h:in g.-: C-.iti.uriKKK)3ie ai'.'l u>.- it s'vi ;ol times daily it wi:i cure (.-very time. br^.-KM size ra^-arrheuone. siiffivicn' for two HiJJi-tlia' use. piuunintT-od. urii--. S1.!H>; sinaiJer siae. 5Uc; sumple '-. i.'.c. Su'd vvtrywiiorc. THE CARE OF YOUR TEETH FIRST OF A SERIES OF ARTICLES TO BE PUBLISHED IN THIS PAPER. ANYONE WISHING TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE CARE OF TEETH SHOULD WRITE TO THE-DENTIST. 34 KING WILLIAM STREET, HAMILTON. HOWT9CA5EFO? mm ROOI CROP That tfo care of th-e teeth stoou'.d extend ro long before a child's birth, arui that every a:Urr.<t*on to diet shciCd be paid by e.\;>e^ir^it mothers if they desire Chair offspring to have good teetu, 'is Hie striking st.vleme-n-; of a {.vudnuniiu denunl sdemtist wiwse views on Lhis subjeot havn receiv-:! ill- unqualified approval! of aai in- iLuer.'.ia!l den-tU bady. to a w<eil though t-ouit inj,arvdew he ppresse.s his views as follows: "The extraditions obtaining during the pre-i;t).u*l perccd of a chip's life are of very vital importance in de- t(minhi5 rti<; future huakh and de- VHllcpment of a tfi'Ad. Tti healt-U and win-twins; of the mother are wrapped up in the hea,!th aiut wull- betng of tile developing chi'd. As l<aig as rfje - -i: :i:ii-.s noumhmen.t from herself to her young, so loirs will thuit iiiH-uenco la-'.. Thai: would not- liia'ly be till (be lime of waniru?. "It then iKlioovea th* motii-er to so reguj-te her life during this period that a'.ie may enjoy the fullest meas- ure of liea-lrh that at may b-e impart- ed -to 'her young. "Tluia parn:a'l influence affects all tine wgans of the young body, and not least iuno.ii these organs -the teeth. About the fertaet'b. day of the inter- uiterine period, the little teeth twgin txi develop: and at the iuno of birtli their crowais a.pe ful'y termed though Miey do not appear in tltw mouth, ex- cept in rare inst'Kices. until the child Is <-ax nu-n:UiH old. "Thua. ft. w-'.[ b seen tlut sinco the : iH are developed t'j such an extent chris 1 ; this period, thfl iicurL-iimwit cuppf-tod must cor.-cj: i the neces - ; ry. el< nunts th:i'. eattr iiiai tlieir u-p- iiu.;UU:j. aaii uuc nour'-cAment must l!"-i \>i> tokpn by tiie ni)!hw. T-.:r in^i:uioe. if :i iiuriinj; ninther were -ti eat larsre quui-tiiie.--, of sweets, cake, !);( -,ul aim so f;--:i:-h. nnd very lit- :..; - !i: : -.it. fnit-t and -!i':n '.e-s -i..---i-hy i 'K<:..H! -. \v ?u:<l be- found on ex- Kinina. inn t.'-vit her ui.il!; was ove.'- rich i:i Mi;i'.r and l.u^kine :n protein-- a.:ul ihti ner'.vs.ic-y - ;'.'.* loujiJ In tlie ru:;-' ii:ul v .-.: :.!>' -* '.v.;:i '], results Um- 1 . till- r'li-;:'- J!^r> lion W'JUl-d be <li'-i:urbed a:rJ sla nutritic-M iir.-.rfri'-:l wJUt. "Caees luiv. b"fn observed wln-r-t some- i:f tCi>' :i. ni>:r.iry tp'Hli be'^an t.> a:-;;i'-..- i:: :'i.r inuu-Lh iliirln^ tlv; '!iirti- iiiS iwriwxl and pninij>tly bi'i?a:i to de- civ and v ii'_- t'liuut ar'r.;d t.'.ieiu i j bf- < ;mu inl".aiiii-d pi-ris; ! n a .:.s a iv- sult of tiie milk being too rich in su- gar and kicking in protein and so forth due u> til* mo-thar'.s diet, being a befoa-e- outlined. Tlie milk lucked balanre in iwxvnortioii ui ue int>rhor's diet lacked balance. XeeiKoss :.) say dlg'eattve disturbance*! w<-re wri- deut. as romitin^ after feeding and so forth. "If the .mother indurges in rhe use of aJcxiliol or drugs. tJie ifftli as well aa> other ora^aiis of the c\\*.\A are ser- iously affciitcxl .;nd. i;f couine. any sypliilitic cxindititm is sure to l>e visil-. ed up on the tet^h of -.'lie unoffending "Health in p'jKruy- How m.iy this v; ry d!=ara.b! tiling by obtained? Princlpailily :'ii two ways: First Plf-my <if pltsai'-nnt outdoor exe-rci-se wuh ail<quate rest and -i contented m.iiil S'^oond' A proma* aaii'Junt of pioprr food w<>ll mastici-tiid. "Tho ftrst : ;-!iV5-h-.' requires no ccimnM>n.i. but a few su^s;-:ioii-t ro- y.ixi'n^ the food yiitai'.ioa might be helpful. "The question oj[ proper toad is one which should r<"i:tv.' cartful o^naide-r' a'ion bexauise H.I mucii depends on it for the con'.fnrt and hnaJth of filie moitlier. Hisjhly Kweetiened foods, confections, jams, toasi, in.-^-u-n-.. |as- -try a.nd flour products aa wc-11 HS cerealii. and so forth, slionid b UMM! in con.-dderaKn inoderadon: while UJB less starchy vegetablem. fruits and Brpens should be used liberally. The daily Ufse of some uncooked fruit tip to but not 3ater than the middle of the af'!rniQon is very beunfkdal. Mtxlemtp aiuounns of pnatein food. s nie.t, fifi. fowl, eggjR, che* 6 *, niilk. and so forth, ahculd rind a place in a \vcll-baia:i>-cil :n-.-na. '"}( :'nii'y .i:-<iue>il :'ot>iLs, c'j<nJi- nventN. and BO for'Ji, should lie largely tiv^id-t'd, as well a.s o\t^r-eAing. "Th .r.-u^h nuu'tiontiiin is very es- sii'.'iiuJ. Inefficient iiubHiciRlon and h' .lirln.' will <::s indifwsL'oii a.nd con- - .in at ixis-'oniii*; of tin ajid ;Jir<ii;?n'i it., of the wiujo b iy. "U'i'.h a good *: of ar-' .i n-<-c.ssiiy K;r efficitMU nwstaci- tion. '!'* f >';u.-i .-hou'.U be chnwd r'.vfiiy tinifs; f<x>d liku bread siiuutlU Iji 1 clu'wtxl ..iljout f<jrty tiiiHtj: a-r.d thf HUT- fibrous food, like mext. C/.TTU auil sti f[>ruli. about ucio hundivd T!ii- is <?jiiy a guide t-> uu>iHh ef- fii !::> IV) not depend on i-oiuitUiK but Btr4ve for lije i-ffk-ieucy to wiilcli 1 is i.-i !!!! K-'-l'll'." CHILDLESS A Woman Likes To Be Admired, No Matter How Old She May Be Nature undoubtedly made woman to be ad- mired, and man to ad- miro her. Mo woman ever gets so old that she doesn't; want admira- tion, and no man ever gets beyond admiring her. Good looks in woman do not depend upon age, but -upon health. A woman's health depends more upon the distinctly fem- inine organism than upon anything else. Be- tween that organism and her beat ty there is the closest connection. You never see a ' jvood-looking woman who is weak, run-down, irritable, out of sorts, fidgety and nervous. Headaches, backaches, dragging - down and troubles of that sort are all destroyers of beauty. Men do not admire sii.'kntss. It is wit tin the reach of every woman to be well, healthy and strong if she will take Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the safest woman's tonic because it is made entirely of roots and herbs, without alcohol. ( Ingredients on label.) It is fifty years old, nnd its age testifies to its goodness. A medicine that has made sick wome* well for half a century is surely good to take. Women from every part of Canada testify to its merits. Send ten cents to Doctor Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package and confidential medical advice. WATCHFULNESS AND CARE WILL PREVENT LOSS FROM ROTTING O-R DRYING UP S'JRING WINTER. Ther> is u!way much loss of vego- taWes f-r rotting or drying up iltiir- iait tim winter, hut wirti a little waitchfulnetis and care much of this cauild be prevented. ThiK yjsw the late b.'lght. of 110- fitoest caused much rot, and iiuiny tubers were suxvd wi-tti tihe disea-sc iu thp.m. 1-t will be found to po>- well to look over the potatoes from time to time if a winter's supply has bei*!) store;l and remove thot^e which >how tin; djwase or are rotting so liicit others will not be inl'e<y.eil. It wUl nut Ue Urn? before tlie poUHoen wilt bcRin tu sprout. ud if U)< sprouts are r<.'Jiiuv<'<l pr-jmpt^y the tubws will remain in much belter condUioii tlKUi t; 1 they ara allowed to KTVV,- ;-.is. It. will be nceia*acy to go over them two or three tim*s or more b-v^n-n spring lo remove sproiiits. If po- t'..toe are in boxes or bins when; Nprouis cfui be rejidily seen ono it* nu-re likely to remove the. .^proius in r.od^Aime tJuin if they ore kt-pt in bags. ' If onions are retting, pui thrra in n drier place and spread out weil. Kor best refcU'ts they need to be lu'p; v-ery dry. Use a Damp Bag. U carratH. beets, pjj-^uip^ aaid lar- nips ;ue wiUiea-ing. a Rood inla-n is to put MI- in in boxco and keep a d:imp b# of piece of sacking ovr Uie txjp <XC die bcx. To keep well a,'l these vegetables should. howPvtT. be stored where it in coo! bui not very dry. If cjbtoa&es are rottinsr. keep the li^jds ap>u: t no they will no: jouc'.i oae iuiothor and to thej'e win lie a i^aod circulation of air abaut them. \Vliile t.'a-ey slii^uld not. be in a very dry ptoue, ye: one thai, is fairly dry is be; ter than one t-liat is inclined to he dump particularly if i" is ra<fher w^rm and not well ventikut'.'d. They t-lumld bo kwpt cool, but wiil not siiaiid m.tT.y de- BTees of fiX)&t. SquasJh and pumpkins if kept in a cool pJaoe may have ratted by this time, but if they ti-re s.;A!l iu good condition they wiil keep nvui-h if put in a room where the buixj is above 6tl degree* Kahr. Care cf Cslory. If celery h:i.; b-isu-n to rot, ivl'.a'.ta sh^aJd bo all gone over <iist;ad parts of iriiun't-s removed, and who.! replanted *? tflicn Mac Oops are !'..-pt dry aa Jong as Uio pl-n.tis Itt-^t and if -tile-re is iwam have a small space between tile top of each pilont. To keep celery in good condition dur- ing th winter tlie tops idiouid be dry but the roota in molfiu. soil, ln-m-'- If water ing is uecetssary great care sJiould b<- taken not to wet .th tops. It is not Ui.'.H< ult for a fiiniii.-r to car-.- for hds ve)get3ibl in winter as li -hns<. ;IM a rule, a good coot oeldar, but in cities oeUars are usually too warm for mutft vegutabtees benice whire the majn i-H'tw is too wunn w4ierever possible a part ot H wltce cool air can be admitted ohouild bo pn-ntltiioned otf from ttoe ret for a vege-table room. W. T. Mauowi, rto- HorUcuKiurist, FALF, WAN CH-EKS INOiGAiE AN^EMiA NEW HEALTH CAN BE OBTAINED BY ENRICHING THE BLOOD. the tund Apparatus ha.-< been invnoted to antomatkaUy record the work done by lanu tmplemeins hauled by trac- tors. When a girl in her 'Vena becomes pveriiili, Ms't^ss and du.l, wileji nolll- ing skeins to inlerR.st her ajid daan- tis no do tempt her a'pi)etilue. you may be ot-r.S.v-w tlvat s-ha needs m-ore Kioil blood Utajn hr sysfeni N irro- vide-d with. liei'oru O^K hwr p^liJ c.ieeks, t:c-(;ii-::l ;ie.uiac':i<'.x. liretli- ibssne? and h-etuit pj-lpitaiUun wi'l confirm nliat she is anaemic. Ml.uny moUwrs, as Hio resiiit of tlleir own gii'.h.:;:;! experience, can iiromui.!y de- '.^<:'. - 'K> e-arly A'SIM of .'iiiucmii ajid the !.. luoi'.'.-er does not wiit for t!ie K'.nib'.e -to develop fuirrher, bill a' ii::c r - gives lie;- u.Higjhtor a ;'Ht:> waUi Or. Williams' Pink Pills. w.\i.-!i i.:iew-s till." bv. ud supply nd IKIII- is-hes asiCtMni.'. b.\fcr'! it UJH obtained u hold on lite system. Anrong tlie many W.IK> huv bene- fnted by tlie 0*0 of th;.su pil'ls is Ml^s Dura Karr, 1C R. No. 4, Wtaaaon. Ont.. wdiu says: "K-<v a Jutis tinw I toad Iwen iitelln-g lirwd liml worn o-irt. 1 wu,s t'.-onb.ad wttii heKlacho and Ua^kaui -. nd wouid wjko up in vhe cenUy <leai<. wit.i this subpect. It w-i.s jsui;;4estc'd thut legwiatiou should bt-> ]):it-Ki-(! pnihibltint; tlie use of oeilu- loid for childrvu'.s toy*, owing to itJ> intlainiiKibility. The National Flr*J Protection Aaooc-iution in its quarterly bulletin, refer* to th.- ignition of u ceUuJoid i-onib through I'rirlion while combine ha.ir. Owing to procest^ea of manufacture many produrts are placed on saJ-e ivhich are imif'Uons of n<ui-hazardous ntateri-jlH, Biicli as t-La-tois* shell, ivory c:c. Tiiea* Hhould be (Hf.inctly mark- wl. to prevent accident*. It is of the utmost iiuiHiLituuct!' Hhiit' car be exercised in the use of celluloid or s-lmllsr itiflnmnuihle suostvincvs un- dur a variety of ir.imes. What Cause* Yo :r I hid to wiCk it Konig to auid from olio>j'. and would t<n\ so tlired Cha't it wemed I could not go aniHiliar w^ep. Abu-uit tliis tine a lady d<x-tor cajiit to Ui wiiojl, to i:.r:iiiiJai the cliild-ren, ajid Kic :oJd me 1 bitd'.y lu'fdi-d u tunic to bufld me u.p. Dr. XVUiaiun' 1 I'uik Nils li-anl boon uod in our/ lioine b - Sc'i-a tills jjid 1 beS'iri to t.ili.j thcin. I OAII only say tiiict idiey have fsrtM.vIy helped nva. 1 no Ioniser surf.c-:- tioiii the hea-duches and bat- Ua-oli- * :ni(i I now wafeo up iu Ui-S inomin^ t'^ll"'" rasi-eiJ and refreshed. If ever i:i iitt-d of a tonic tiwaiti 1 s'i.:iH l'.,-m no >mo In tukhrg Dr. \\'i!!i..ms' Pink Pflte;" Yuu c:tn get tO.jse pii'..-< i-iir-ju;;h any i : .'kor in I)H-J':CM:-J <;r by nr.ii-1 puw;- ;,.'. il at 3d I;P-:KM a Ixix or s'ix boxti<< to.- 1J.3U frc-ii 1 . Tho V'-. WI'.Ham-i" ie Co., Brock ville, Out. Frequent People, culch cold eith'-j 1 because of exposure, iow vitality or uegluct of Uw.- bowela. Onco become costive, ailow the climiuatiiiiT oraivs u grow sluggisih, and cold wiil find Uiu entire .-in. Hut the wor.-,t cold U curablu in one night. Don't use a strong CHlliar'ic It only makes mailers worse. .lust take oil! 1 or tw > Ur. Ihunilton's' Pi'ls before reti'-ing. While you sleep, t.liis wjudertul medicino works timuigli tiie system and completely i-:i-iTie away the coid. By stimulating tiie bowels a.nd kid- i neys. it ensures hoalthy elimiuution, wik< up the - -I,- ...-n -M; LI- and gives nature ciiance. Next morning you wake up with a !'r*h brisk feeing. Color has iiu- [ proved, nppet.it-e is sharp, cold lias cis- appaared, Nothing simpler, notliing u-jlf so effective us Dr. Humilum's Plils, \\-.iic\\ not oniy destroy rtio cold but tone and regulate the whole systeoi. In .r !>. gout mid kindred ills, the attk'ii and effect of Dr. 1-tam- llton's Pilis is just the sviine us with t.'ie t>;:uple cold. Prevent sickness by keeping Dr. ll.imilum's' Piils on hand, 25c per box or five boxes for $1, at all deal- ers, and refuse x. substitute. DANGERS OF CELLULOID. Celluloid is being usoii to a greatr:- oxleiit th:ui 1'onn.e rlv for tlie manufac- ture of tJilct articleu, iur.luditiK comb.H and lucks of fair bruh?. a:i.d fr childran'B toys. The very inflain- mu.bls iiatur* of Uun material repre- sents a serious fire, liozard, and one which has recedvd much attention frojii insurajice ajid fire protection assoctationH. Stringat regulations are laid down for Ha-Caty of employees and property during proceses of man- ufactuire, while Tary ''it*! attn-Uon i.i paid to t-hiar dangarous na.UiTe of celluloid in the hands of *h public. Th Professuoaittl 1-lre Brigades As- sociation f I'fiitL'sni'i oit a mrtng re- Cook's Cation Root Compound A M/V, rrUniilf rrtmlatint: mrtlictnt. Sold in threo de- iiraoa o( iiln-nni!> Nn. ), II . No. 2. $3; No. 3. $3 perboi . . Bold by all drniiciKtu. or ncnt Drapiid on n-<-.-i|)i of nrioa. Fn<l luunpbl'.u AililrOM i THI COOK MEDICINK CO, GOOD GRB3N MANURES. I > rn..si)r H. U. Waittsi wrttiiifi in tlio M'.urk'C-t Growers' Joiinuel, sums up Mie I'eiH.illty problem of Uio nuirke; Kr'iwi>r in the l\r.owtinj< : "While wo hav pkntied our fsiitli <o uhe ue of stable manure in pro- i.l. Hi, .('! I CrOI, '.;! --:i ,11. i ml-: i.. 1 i r.-ps are gradually taking ui.- place of -I:I!>K- iiuiiuM-i-h It is fortuiutXe that we ane able to iiuiiiiUun in this manner tile supply of s.nl organio mauler. bet HH ireniember aome in th im'c.cs-.ii ul u:,c of green They must be givien 8 fol- lows: 1. HIM', aikijiM-Lion. VVi- .shouJU tie oapefttil IB) select the rlgltt csx>p far I.IIH sadl under cuiitiva-tton, which also fto r/roprly into the system of crop- ping. Z. Uee a bountiful supply of seed. 3. Use .siift'.l<-.i:nt comntercaal fer- tiMaer to ins-urn a h:.i vy growXh. 4. Sow In ample time, especially In (-he fall of i'he year, no that the crop i'A Ket & 0ood start bofor winter. 5. Take advantage of every oppor- tunity tr> grow a manurla! crop. WOMEN Please Read This Letter And See What Norma! Health , Will Do For You Berwick, Ont-" I had organ-c trou- ble, and after taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound - ud Blood Medicine all my troubles passed away. I was made strong and well and have been ever since. Now we huve a line baby boy six months old, and I know that I would not have this baby and would still be suffering if it hatl not been for your remedies. My husbnnd and myself say that your remedies are worth their weight i:i gold, and I recommend them to my friends. On* of my aunts is taking" them now." Mrs. NAPOLEON LAVIGNE, Berwick, Ontario, Canada.' Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pink- liam's Vegetable Compound is its abil- ity to correct sterility in many cases. This fact is well established as evi- denced by the above letter ar-d hundredn of other.-! we have published in these columns. In many other homes, once chiid^t -s, there are now children becauw '' the 1'atl that Lyiiia E. Pinkham'.s \Vir -tnulti Compound makea women ::<.-i-rnal, !'.":ihhy :mrl stron,, If you hf-ve the sligntcir: duubt that Lydia K. Cinkham's Vegetaii!.' Com- pound will fu-!f) you. write- Uj Lydia li Pinkham Medicine Co. (contidential), Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your !ettef will Iv oiwned. >-<':i<i n--l anaivred by 5 SKo^nldl JERUSALEM. THE GOLOEN. lerusaiera. the go-ldeu, \Vltii milk :iod honey blest, : n uth thy conter.iplaiion h*M-t and v: ice oppres*'-il: A- lot, O, I kat w not, \VTiat joys await inu tliere. \1iiit nvHancy of slory, WCiat bVlEB bey:>:id ccsnpare. They i-t-.uid. those hull? of Zion. Ail-l jub.iant with song, \nd hrteht with nvwy an a-nK-'i. Aad ail tJie mttirtyr throng-: The Prince in ever in them. The daylight is serene; T:u- patituTiKH of tile bCeased Are -decked in glorious sbx--n fliere is live Uwoue of David: .Vad tiiero. frcm care released. The about of rmuu, that trimni*. The HOOK of thm that feast: And they who, with tiJieir L<edr. Hav conquered in the Forever and torever Are clad iu robeu of white. 'I*ttnrtMed troiu ih* l>a-nn. by . W. ( WINTER WITHER HAiuJ f'N LITTLE ONES 0ur Canadian winters ai-e ecced- ingly bard on tiie lieul;;. of Mttle onieai. Tli wuther is oftem so K<:ver lluit th tuoUiur c.-xuiut taJje ttio iiUlte- tXM cut i jr tut aa-ring. Tho coutw- is that baby Is conflwid w> Uadiy ven'Ulated rou-ms: and b('c<un6 croba un<> Baby's Own Tablets F'.iculd oc g-iven to kt-op die liruVo ouf twuJ- thy. They are U mild laxative wihuJi regii'ae Ui-e stonuu-li amd bow^-4n uncl prsveiit colds. Ttoo Tablets ore by ni-xiii'tiio dealers or by -.null .it 2," c.vits a box from T*, IJr. WiJ- *.vma' Xii-d.. in i? Co., HrockvHle. Curt. \V. V/. K'l is. 1 rmwrly of C-Coan<:y, wlu. II-IN hid 23 yearo' ot- ponier.ee in tliy Civil Service, ims tMen appjinted inspector of I)iviiiii>i CsxirLs for tlie province. fntal hi-s npuoimnun:, hu \vn.-i :issifit.i.n; inspx- ror. Mr. KL'.lis s>.icc?id J. Brueo "orvwiaW. who i.ftir 4;i years of ser- vice lva been rttirwl on ptmsioc. Ti)e uwitioi) of aas.iBUi.nt intpeoOur fcos not yet been filled. *j-e. Ilthey Tire, Itch. Smart or Burn, if Sore. Irritated, Inflame j or ;<;n. "anirfis, Refreshes. Sa:< fcr Infant Aifult. A: ail Druggisrsand Opticiar^. . i Free Eve Book. Mulct tx Scut* (A. iar 1>he Kituatiou to DO creaited by xije retirement from the Ontario Tjiminse IXxird of .1 1). Klavelie, ohate-mtuj. whW). cv.'o-rxliiix to Mr. Flft-ve-fo will ahe ixl.ice by June 1st at t'.io lntst ind e;i;-'k.- if iK>e. ; 'il)lo wi/ll in aJl pavb- hllity i" 1 :i :nat p (>:- for 'tho con;*W'ra- '. >f ;ho Gov6-;iinier.t euppartcni in uicus. T!i,-ro is soms opinion oaionR ^ niombccs in favnr of doin^ away i M 'the Bojrd and n^flieing tofl tul- ",:: t:\it ion of th-o O. T. A. d*!>M^Uy .<! - tlvo A'ttorney PHOSPHOCINE. i i".'ii- ; .-.!( English Prtparation. | ! on. -. and invigorates the whole jnctvous system, makes new Blood i old Veins. Used for Vrr iva- ;w.i/ifv. Mtntal and BraiuWarry, Dapondeaey, Lou of Energy, Palpitation of tht Heart, failing Memory. Pricottper bon,3. for SI Sold by all druggist*, or imiilad hi plain oo receipt of price. Ntm pampUel mailed 'TrlB WMP MKPKNK COk,T9IWMTO.OIIT. Ram McL&chthn, Arnprior. te agiin preoident of th-e CanivdiBR Ijuiuber- uien tor 1921; A. 3. Cfcrk. Toron4o. la Vlce-Pirwslidenl ; ; Amelia Mcl.v.iu, BaSMrrst, N. B., Second VHee-Pro;.- di&'.; while R. G. Cameron. O'.'i'wa, la again Honorary Treacuror, <ml K'-.JT* Hawkins, Seuratary. Next year's ot-.ivuit'on wi-'l fte laa Tcronto.

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