Lends Fragrance to the simplest meal 6710 is pure, wholesome and delicious. Send us a post card for a free sample, stating the price you now pay and if you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea* Address Salada, Toronto* OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June ;: ::l< A..-.U 1U KVBKV BOf AND C.1U. IM CANAUA My Dear Hoys an 1 Girls: I hone thai pome of you have not t ...... i '. 'li!v; nr-Kleottvi. f'>r my mail lag WAS sluffwl .so full lat-it woek with tlhat I have oru.y b<>cn ablo to to a few, a'.id I think ih-M. most of our curnur this wo'k \vl!! li:ivo to be ta^na -up with thi-sr Iv.M.-rs or Honru of my bXiwrs will indeed Uiink Uwy are forg;;::t"!i. BIRDS. Jack Kfox>t is very foii*y again trim- iifii-.- up the branches of the trees .nut paiivtliij; tin windows an-d coun- trywide wiUi bin nifish iJinR.Ts, and tli<- HttV) birds that a tew days ago IwiU.t-rcd and chirped cheekily rmdor- iv.a:*ii my window urn now huddled together on the branch of a tree try- ti>S to k-cp warm. Tho friend who left .irunibw for them every day at tlio liuuso opposite IKLH SMI<> iway. but I liavo liopfu>ly scatters! some over ttiu ground on my skJ<>, wishing thai thx-y will (sjmo down to get thr.i, ftiKl a* 1 wrfixth I am thinking < V my tir.uiy M who love this Httlr birds, u-ud that you are rf.menibwiag ti> 4>UL wm^hliLg out fcr them whilr tin- nouiwl is frozen up and ihetr food is owe. I In - d^>n't forget your lUtl-* x !liu birds. -y day. When I come lionio at I brlns in wood, and wash disli- I i 1 --, and do my hoiae-work. I hive j i>:i brotilM-r. ho is fourteen. I am en- j riosiriR a thro?-ci v nt stamp for a I h:. ige which 1 would like to receive. I am 12 yearn old. I^ove from OL.IVK VIRGIN. P. S.--It is near ChrMmas. I j iuvo -fot four presents aiTcady. i Fi.-:r (I i\c; 7'h,Ss si-Mils a very hito answer to ! a t'ivri.'tm-.us-tirce letter, dr>o it not? | l;y this time, however, you 'have re- { n iv-Rd your badfie. i ;nn tjlad that ! you had somo nisi> C/toristniaa pn-s- ! i-ifts You did not t<01 me ycu.- | upmhor's nan:e. I expect you liavi> | 'had inuc'h tun together in Uie hoii- Birds. \'-ioome to New Members. A v.-y lovla? and in-arty \\eloorno to <Ji fol'owtng new nr iiihers who bavo joined our Ijoaguo c:_i>or\'lco: h:i:i. <* y!on. . Alma lliKin, rvlndonix lt r n<'<i n;iu:ly. Caledonia. t:\.i C.ildw, C-onibor. IiwilK'l <'win, 15eac!ri bimg. VI. n. i ('ra'.ff, OalaUfiRic. Jan Ha:diiby(, linlyrood. Mtiry i'urdon, Mcl>oaa!(i :- Olive Holc-n Anniw II.. Jiu DinmdaiU', Kippcn. Oiifford, Li.ndon JuncMoa. M Hoiber, t'.tuMph. An:ri" Alilx.ji, Dunu.Uk. Kirkton. Mcl><>iineH, yCuihtor ('ou- tre. H:irvey .sietf<rt, North IJrut-p. J*:w7 SinRI), Ijjrwlok. (V>m>er, Out., R It. No. 2. I1--.I AllD't .IllJli- I licivu just ftiu.*lH'd ic'iidlnj; your let*vt! i-o 1 I'huiuv'it 1 would !il;e to y<mr ll<jprw' I^OUKIW [ Service. flour itJMi Mut*ltmoH 1 milk. I o tt> n:lh)(>l vry day wlicm thoro to wiy. 1 nan sendip.s 'tlire.fl <'i;n!.n with I vv.tn: a I>f."i8-'. l.ove to it. eoter, . You . I bost. the your d. Ont 1 r 1 .id yi>ur Itojw anil Girls' papor evivy w?ok :ur:l I think it l very k- . I atoo likn the puz;-.!" piottiroti. I would likn to j >!n your IMpur*' at S v rv1''e. I go to school B'/A ('AM) Dirtr Kra: 1 v !iTk you for your tirM i wlii'i'i I iii '|>D will ;iot b.i tin; tast. Itav <>iruil -a. Helper's bad/e wonder wlvl-ch you Mk,; t > do llw> cows <,: WiisHiii's Toll uiu more ubcut itone. 1 am ThIS GREAT BIG ELECTRIC F .ASH- LIGHT FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS Klppen. Ont. Dear Aunt .lune; I am r. vvvekly r ado:- of our RoyH' and Girls' r.->imv and I would liko to be a mombor too. ( !ik^ to Iiolp :in<l I '.ij'--t, b3k", iron, sew, help t>> WXIK'I and other litrJ'O rljoi-^s .Mkj giM'tiir; I/ho meals . 1 am ten yfars <>:<! and I . :: ia Uio ju:iior fDtirlh clas* at ' '.oil. I like K-oiiiK very much. I hav<; two pets, a kVtten and a cat. Ii ;>ing to rpcoive my badge, and l:-ip:ns not <. > havn tired you wit'i thin leltfr. Lovingly SUNSHINE. i). ir SiiniJiInc: \\".7a'. a J, /::> pcn-namn you liavo n. 1 f-!i'.iM nirturo >-,) ,io\v a a ll^lprir u iio Invert must of all t> make tiio day:; Urig-ht far otliorw. Your r..i-,'v .in-: t|:., ! W tt1i JUT llttie p:<xJi;('. T!;,.in!; you f::r tel'i:is mo :ii:-i!i;. vci .- pi t , I , ...; ( | i, lvc to s ih-- kit* :;. I'Vr a little giri of te'l. ! tllil;!; y<,i| !iu:u>;<> t ) (1 > l|luli- ' ' t oi chore*. I Mli::t:Jd lik.- t , ' ii ono of your c.ikc^ after U balk tag. 1 > ') >:i. Or.t. I>e.ir Ai::it .June; I :i:n a r.-nder of 111" Hoys' and (lirJT p:me il'.iuBht I would \vriti> ami improve tho p. w( . . ( K> , ..,/i 10 ,i ' V.TJ- day. I : .m in Ui" rtiinl ca.^s. like my ::!.)), -r fine, her naiiu. is Ml*)* PfTgOKm, When I K ,'t up I i tin- momdnc i w-wi tho divh, - hi-t<-,, i K ,, to nbooL And whim 1 conu horai> I set t!:<- siippcn- and t->n I wiuiJi the dl-flits and lirtn? In fih wood.. 1 UVP on a farm of two hundred iicres. I llko drivtiiff h-om's and I lirfp pa.pa in widi Mio hurvuBt In tho MUinnnT. I ml5k h ot>wi soinothncs. We.il my fottMt- Is r-otffini; oti so I will ha\o to close A FAR. \ITJR ., , 4 Orar inr.j tit lw.iyH plor.ty of hlpin t. WOO n farm. 1 know, and always sir. rliirru.il for tmr farm BMmben." i wtaat every boy attd gtol want. Tills MR ftiecttrK: f Ja.sihMgrrrt It JUKI Bw "lilog :t> oarry wRh you on a d*rk ntgi)ii>. TI>I*'/ ttte button und >iou mp.ko any ronri <-r paa-k as ItglH ua day. Sniii. d.d f<n- .-, .iiic, out. to (ho in ru or Hlied. The flaliltght Is Cfitnplotw wkh bat- tery and bulb and ts >;.- -a as a prizo u> .i:i> ,.in- Who Wiil w! I T'hree noHars" wrsrtth of 8t Hatrtck and K-astPir I'ost camla at ttm i-iic-K u">- (4 n.tr^a in naoh pack- -,'.) Scn.l os your i,,ini.> uiu! addtreau and we aegid you the cards to MiK Wtte-n prtM, snd 113 gifljjr money and we aend yoni t4ie flah'.lg!ht complete, wltti all c.hhriw im paid HOMER WARREN CO., Dopt. 119, Toronto. -'r Thi< ^ the f?rt time I bav-n writ n I have bot-n a reulor of "tm yw' aiwl iHria' Ovrnor" for h x)tn I ajii c..ovcm yaars old. M-li tlio di*es an.f| h.p my molir il I can. 1 swoop una fkx>r. i |,. M iHk thn oo w. I oawy in the w<nx. 'I fl>H UK, onvs tn ih> sni'ramer limt -vo on ,1 twm abn-.it omo milo an i;u:irt-iv from (..19 vlH;" if i;,i >'ick. I hopo I wjiu roonive, a bid MAR i s.Mil ftoar Mary: I woiidcn- if y.n, Nvirot,,- UUs lette y y.ir^lf? K!av - , n ,i 'n 'P ' "you help .mother aJI you ca.n" I know that you are a true hfMp rtr for nn on do morn <haii (Jlioii- |>iwt I am glad to how Drain you. 131 StraMgw t.. Ouelph, Qnt Aunt JArne; ...H ^1 ^ m a rPi ' ldM ' nt ' m I! y' and Oh-ls cwnw, and bavn njoy,>d h very muh. i l lou : d lllw , to Join you,,. H^perK' !ueage of Snrvice I nwvo on Hlstor and bnmier. i help rny mottier a IGL I waah disihe^ et e table and do ohnr things. Whtm mottow l i<-.k I do th housework I "Uka fclie bedu, aJid HWtep tihe fiorn- I am 8e:idln ilhroo oont tor a. baxlee Love to Aouw Jun. FRANCA RKIBHR. I>eair Frances: aw g-kui fl, at y OU mvn a fl , 8tCTr and a Im truer, and ah?o to find yet another K-lpe r wlio JOVQ.J to do tliins for mottier. 1 hops you will like your badge. Ixrvfcvg thanlos to tlw ina:iiHs fur lni'orofiiin totttira. am so glad tD read of your pets: Owtedoiiia, Omt., R R. N O . 3 Den- Atmt June,: th- pledge ry to to be a toWhtul wortow. I am Bendtrro; ttiree-ocoi atawnp and Hie iiliHlnr and liopo to i^eceive my badge eoon. I cam make a Rre, watrti and dry dtabes. wtufti OH aaparotor wep fiotym. gat inflate and mflk if maoecBary. I am htrteeo and paauud th entraoMe ta*i Jua. I havn girt cJujm, Atuui jNE shoe off, and one shoe on, y Hurry up your dressing, my son John; Breakfast is ready, steaming on the table, If you don't come soon, 'twill all go to Mabel I '-,< ' Mitri jiij :;v , . JL L'rp led Minn down < tact of teal L'rpc/ >u i utt the e-.-itrarbce the same time as I. and sho Is fifii-n-g t-.> sign 'the pleilge too wishes to bo one of your c'.ub. your c.ub RUCCOM. I remain HHEA IJUN-DY. GROCER IS OT A PROFITEER 'a Corners, Ont. ; :lie plodjo and I tirp-> wKl rpofivo a brfge. This la my f.rs-t If'tt'er to your oorwr. I wasii ':! di^iivs. lio'.p to milk tiie cows, rln-i? the walor, sweap tiho floor, tmko the l>oi!s. I live t\v.> miles from !iof>l. I a..n^ye take my dl.nnr to chr>ot. I am c'.evwn yours of ag". '.ly t>irth'J-.iy is o>n th > f^vonteenth of \pr:l. K\;T pebs I have a doff named : ' . r nnd a rn!f n:imfxl I/iay. There ire only tweJiro sdio/srs in our ' Wp h.Tvr i" ">i '-iif- -^t <nr ;rtior J yr-r. I ;HII R-oifig to toai-Ji m. 1 ' brothers at home. 1 will e!ose. I ; in sending MVP c?nt for the badge. MARV E. ITUDON. \' irth Brucp. Ont. l)(^r A:; lit June: ! v>-ou!d li!;o to Jain ycur I/c'isu"'. ''>-.is' y-.ii'l m f a badge. I urn ' tcurti'Cii yo-ars old. I go to svJicol; I urn iu UK- ^(Miior fot;rUi class. I lave a mrmoor of peta.. r I ttok my ; ';ivriK; ia a colt, h<*r namo b Js. ', I B"t first prlwt an.'l a K|)p<-i;j.l for h"r ; ;' tho f;iU fair. I Jicjp dad milk tho oow.-*. \Vo have ihreo little . c:ilven; I feod tJiPtn. I will rlni; off ! for this time. HoiiinK to se<-> thlH in i prtn-t. Vours truly, DAD'S BOY. FC-iva ;.i> i.! ixasrtiinK sion-jr, to you reduced prices, is f.iHt <x- ^ster than they n>in,< LO him. Just bec^uso prices on iiwvny Rfod things ajre still high. d>n"t bkutin him. It Is uau-ally Uie P o-'st quality of everything that sl*i'w< tho jrreatBst decline. If ho is iut KO<X| a rruin as file avor- a^c. your groc.ir : Plill doing his uti'iost to give* you Win b.^-t value for your nionoy. Bat don't pu.-h Ivriw t( h ivd. H''s only human. Y(/ii di)n't k'.ov,-. but \ve do. tliat ho ta reoomm fi* i ins T'XxU itJvit p:xy him Ic-s* pr'-fit tdian othor wll known brands which ho loiipht easily p--r- t-iMdfi li'.s cust< !iie>!3 ui take if ho cairwl to do so. W.i Is now tints bocauso he pays us m.-ri* inr lUxl lies ft Tea and sflls it at Iru-xt profit Uian oth<T te^ia, eo * rncdr.r.ind:: yfi to b-.!y o Ti :i. yon wi',1 krow it. is he i),-lii>vos it the b:vt. ;.nii in \\i'i!in; to take u littlo lofs profit for tho yi.Uio of Rivine you the bost ^cilue Ive cam. \Vi, a.ro |>ul>lit4iinR thw becaius > w* boliv th> mure our pusplo know of i:hi! triiw fo(^t.-t conoerninR the pixtfits mad o by tlia^o they dl with, tlirt nioro Bisnaroiw Uio-y will be in th*Hr Jude-iHBn,t. T. H. Elstebnjolts Co., Ltd., Tiront-v. Ont. Notice: If your letter is not in the corner this wo.ek, ploane look for it work. M'any th;uiks to all wdui have written from yours lovingly, AUNT JUNH. .M. Stttton V., Toronto. Mlnard's Liniment For Diphtheria. im ht Mun* n,l I u, whm we K .. to Toronta M*mk uy she *lw*y i ., , | 3 t -' .y fhm becauH thy five u* auch aplendid alien U .o |h M yi it t* .1 hk bin{ home ocly it Cwtlrr 'ctuae hi * chwi|t. O'i, p 1 "' 1 like U i, .JUM evtfytnc emi to OOtiMflM nd Mama '.,,... if p*pj i n it - rVMtf* dit attention jutt lh .. The Littlr Girl U Right The WALKER HOUSE Mn|. \ m*nl Uke pecul paint in eatehng to women and i u, . ,, wti*a trvet1iii| wUboul gentlemen cortt, lit* hotn for travellerv, centrally touted In the City of Torocto. The WALKER HOUSE STATIONS IN CANADA. Tho highnat railway stations, with their elevations in feot above sea- !evol, in the respective provtnoea of CaimdiH urn as follows Province Station. liVvt. Nova KcotUi Fol'.-aigfc 612 New Uruiwwlrk . Adains 1,204 IVinooWd. Id North Wiltshire 311 Quebec Boundary . . . . 1,85 Ontario DundeCk 1706 M'initob'i Brickaoa . . . . 2,'o5-3 ..3,171 . .5.S20 ..5.M2 .2,924 HA HEALED MPLES ON FAC Also Itchy Scalp, Hair Fell Out, Face Disfigured. "My head began to itch and there were scales on my scalp. My hair came out badly when combed and it became very dry and thin. I also had pimples and blackheads all over my face. The pimples were hard, large, and red, and caused me to scratcn and irritate them, and my face was disfigured. "This trouble lasted about two months and I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After I had used two cakes of Soap and two boxes of Ointment I was complete- ly healed." (Signed) Miss Zona Jackson, R. 3, Goldendale, Wash. Improve your skin by daily use of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum. They are ideal. SupZSc. OUtm.it 25 .odSOc. TitcuZSc. Sold throughouttheDominion. Canadian Depot: Lpn.M. Limited. 344 St. Pul St.. W.. Montrcsl. ^3^F"'Cuticura Soap shtvea without mug. OFTEN MAKE EOS WHEN MOTOR SKiSS PREVALENT SIDE SLIP M/W B = CONTROLLED BY DRIVER IF CARE IS USED. ff bwta Mountain Hritlsh Columbia Steph-e*. Vukon Meadows . Asthma Victims. Tim maa or wo- tuam subject to as-thinu ts indeed a victim. What can be raor torvifytng th-ui to inl;ian.ly bo eizd with pa.r- <xywiut <>r oJ\;>king w>li.kih seem to fair- ly threaten ,h extetence of Jife U- ae'f. Knom eoich a condltdon Dir. J. D. Kel'.<jf5s'a AstJima RenM^ly has Drought relief /to many. It fc known and prized in every section o this broad land. "Every motorist knows thc ilanger of a sudden skid on fl wet and fl'.ip- P^ry street. Wheii your e-ir has started to skid there is no positive w.ay to stop it, but the sideward mo- tion of your car can bo checked, and in many cases controlled, by proper steering and caroful use of your brakes," says a local auto diisirbu- tor. "VVhe-n J-OUT or starts to skid you fhouW turn the front wheels in the directkn of the skid rather than In tihe opposite direction. Do not jam on your brakes, for th.it only locks your rear wheeis and causes th?m to sliile more freely toward -the curb. T:ie brakes should be applied gently and intermittrntly without throwing out HIP clutch. If your engine is d?Jiveiruig a Irttie powr to tlie reo,r wheela you oui brake them more ef festively, and you avoid the domger of locking them. "Many drivers become frigbtened at tho first siffn of a skid aad do the very things they shouldn't do. They app'y botti brakes, throw out the clutcli. and try to risht the direction of the rar by steerins in the opposite direc't:c\n of the skid. A ctear. cxx>I hoad wi?l save thi day. Leave the clutch in and apply your brake* Kvr.t'.y and releasu them several tlmw a,nd always ;ura your front wheels In rhe direction you are skiddi-ng." CHICKEN HOUSES SiMD ALWAYS BEjKEPT CLEAN CONCHfTE HE-PS TO IMPROVE CONOITIONS AND FREE IN- FORMATION IS BEING DIS- TRIBUTED TO FARMERS. Mlnard'g Liniment For G*ro4 In Cowl Wodehouse's Animal Invigorator Conditions Horses, Cattl-, Sheep and Swine Read what d-ealPi-8 wiy "W have been uing yonr protluct for seven years and havo aJwuys found U Hatifaefcc*ry Cue- ajways oome back ** mare -" J - Fawneuvi and otliers who have bocn .-nadiiTu? Uie articles in this paper from time to time cui tho care cf poii'.- ury and Jiow to gat more eggn trom ttir hens, have been told in nwirty p :.) articlw Uwt tJio fir*t e=-inUal tar hwUtSiy jxnCtry aad mare ejra is c'^eoiidincss. Chdtken housffl ehout'd i o!<1in. The het way t fcoep tlvem cl-oam is to prevent Uw accumulation of dirt. And the easiest wy to do to tniv the floors at least, In chkken house, built of oorc- CPODO. And tlwax* are m/iny otheir things around tlwj farm that could bo done with concrete. RuHdinRs of all kinds (y.in bo improved, aad at litUe by the aid of concrete, wJik* a permanent job. In order to oil farmers to make improre- and t givi> the\ i-deas on ooncrete building, t>h Oanada Ce- mont Oompa,i;v foaa ise<ued a book. "\\Tiat tiie I-\trm- (Xin Do With Con- oreto' 'wtoi^h will be sent free to ajiyoree wtoo writes to The Canada Cement Co., 1001 rteraild Buildins. Montreal. The bxx>k in well worth and a it is free we would ail- evieryone to write for a copy. Mlnrd' Liniment For Distemper. $300.00 CASH PRIZE CONTEST. Three hundred doUatns to OD f '\ U being offered as a prize to the ne who gueoaea nearest to the 001 <t thfpxrviB of trade of ttue U. S. wttti ( i- .wla tea- Ketenuary. See the offer n- : by *MY CANADA". "MY CANAb..' 1 la awn to be issued week by week as Oamad.te National WeeMy, to provide n Oamadian, "Host" for Canadians, tua- Canada., aad the Empire. ISSUE MO. 5, 1921 AUTOMOBILE PABTS. TORONTO AUTOilOBtfiM ing Company, 179 Qn west, Toronto, will su parts for any make of ear at aeaaon- ablo pricss. Also engine E of every make. Telephone Adelaide iloD. 7 PERSONAL. CANADIAN M A T RIM O NI4r Bis issue. Descriptions, ameB. ad- dresses L'Jc. B. McOreery, v Pnb- lisher, Chatham, Ontario. 7 POULTRY WANTED AND FOR SALE. HENS WANTED YOU CAN SHIP me 15 live fat bena, fi pcunde or over at 25 cents a pound O. O. D.. |17. I will remit tshe bafaoe by Pot Ofrice Order. I pay express within 3 1 ) miles of Toronto. C*ates 'loaned f re >, Albert Ltewii, 666 Dundas West, Toronto. 5 t _^^^^^__ ____^^_____^ 0. A. C. BARRED ROCK PULL.KT3 from selected pen. J. L. Banneti SL WfJiams, Ont. 6 MEDICAL. PITS STIXSON'S HOME TRE\T- ' J merit for epilepsy. Tweaay years' success. Thousands f teati. ruonials. No cass should ke con- sidered hopeless. Fr^e boc,ic!et. Wm. Stinson Remedy Co. of Oaai- a.da,, 2C11 Yonge sitreet, Toronto. 27 AGENTS WANTED. M ANUFAOTU R V. R. wants agents. Sample giriiaophwr, e and records at factory price. Cata- logue fi'ee. Vdlce-O-Phona Co ! Adelaide Street Bast, Toioalio. s' WANTKD-- SUBSCRIPTION a\X- vassera iti_erery district to eover rural roates for Oaniadjon Itemier. Cru-irantea aid liberal tcmmfaEJor. to workers. Write Canadian Hxxrrs Journa.l. Tonsvco, today, and -get exclusive territory. 5 MISCELLANEOUS $7.00 Per Day Profit. OtTR HIC.N'S PAY A PROFIT OF ($j.OO) each over and above feed bills. (300 hena will pay you a pnrfit of 4$7.00) per day. A Cock- erel of our strains will pay you many times over in extra eggs from yonr pullets next fall and winter. Our stock wins first place in the Sas- katchewan Laying Contest and second place in th Canadian Laying Con- t'-'st. Write for beautifully illus- trated catalogue. It's free. L. R. Guild, Box S, Rockwood, Ont it KNITTING YARNS LOVELT COL- urs, pure wcol, but very moderate prices. Sample shades free Georgetown Wollca Mills. George- town. Ontario. 1-3 !ii-::.irr UY DOMINION BXPMBSS ...M-jney Ordec. If lost or bcteu. you get you.- money back. LONELY 1'BOPLE Se* 10c ' fiir our l)i<j frienrlship BMiga- zizio. You'll be. ghul you did Thousands waiting to oowes- pond with you. Laosier ' Agency, Uut hurst, N.B. Dept. ' C. N. < ?1.000.00 REWARD FOR ANY DULL lozor blade wihtcli c:wnrt be im, ProTOd by .uainp Rroushloo's Strorp- Ing [>u-t. Miicxl witti Oiather on TTK>P once a week. Turno pink- not ffuanrrry. liound 1 ' Savns buying new bLadea. S toe an enorrnowt mmrtber of tn (.-batoer top lx 60c postpaid. fcam.T)jp in eii'wdope 15o. Aeewt? wsuvtied. Exciuaive territory. Mwt he (tot ol-cusa. Tile f'.eo. H. I*o8h- ton Co.. corner We-Hlinetom and UnHMa streeOB, Toronto, Ont. We ore rated in Dual's and awt* street's 5 MONEY TO LOAN Loans made on farms, first. * second mortagea. Mortgage t purchased. . REYNOLDS, t Victoria St., Toronto. attest It fatfcena cattle and inorooses th flow of milk. Tl is idU Itor conditioning your swine. It w the best medicinal taod on t'ho mmrket for all Itve stock. f>rdor to-day Srom your naarost Hour and f*ed store or hard ware deat-er; or dircot pom the taetory. WAKBHH OP Wodehouse's f>ouHry Invlgofator. WoctehotMe'* Bahy Food. Wocfe-house's Creameal tor calve*. Zenoteum. WODEHOUSE INVIGORATOR LIMITED HAMILTON ONTARIO Mlnard"s Liniment For Cclds. Etc. Niiy aB chlUlTu ar subject to worma. and many ere born with th*<m. Spare .them suffcirtg by \iaing Motto- r Graves' Worm EJxtewninatXM 1 , an excellent remedy. A Kidney Remedy Kidney trouble, are frequently cauied by badly digeited food which overtake! these organ* to eliminate the irritant acid* formed. Help your ito.iuch to properly digest the food by taking IS; to 30 drop* of Extract of Root*, sold a. Milker SclflCll Curative Sjrop. and year kidney ditordor will promptly di- to $59 a Week at He me m Yonr Spa e Time your Income at *r*re in your spare tlnia. You 1 wi ffh $10 to ?50 each week wr*tiag (show cards at harrta or qualify tat a position paying a good eater? eaoh week. No oamviaeBinB of soliciting. We teaoh >-ou how and supply you steady work. Write to- day for full particulars. Nfctixxtal 43. 44 Adelaide St., W. -Poromta Show Card School Limited, Room CVamadla. '5 Pills That Have Benefited Tfcous ands. iKnown flar and near as a rn- dy m th t,nrt.nwvit of te and ftJ! deiunKementa of thw liver aowl kWinvys PaniMlee'c tainte Pilla have. bronr*t *EM ' to ttaowaaads vrhaa ottoeo- flpeUcii bfcn Cadited. TBBtiinioniale eaa W pw>- dnoed to <wt WJeh h 4ruh ot hte Onee Dried tthey w 0M*Ment oUi ta tte y