Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1919, p. 5

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November 6 1919 THK FLESHEKTON i^DVANC SAVING. -The foundation of almost every successful business venture is built on Savings. The Standard Bank of Canada can be of great assist- ance in helping you to de- velop your business. ^s THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH 'GEO. MITCHELL . - Manager C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leare FlesbercoD Station as ollows : Going Scuth Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. ra. The mails are osed at Flesheiton a. follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail soutl} ai 3.40 o'cloclt. For morning train south. mail close at 9 p. in. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS The All Vance will not be issued next week The brickwork on Mr. Down's esrage ia nearing completion. Miss Clara Duncan of jrand Vitll<-y epent the week end with her parents. Mrs. vV. A^ Armstrong spent the pas' week in Toronto. Mr. Tom Chard, of Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. .loe Legard spent the week end with his parent! in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Miller spent the p:ist week at her home in Honey wood. Mrs. Will Nixon and three children of .Amulet, Sask., is visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. R. Beutham. Mr. George Richardson, who has spent the past si-t weeks at Owen Sound, i> visiting friends here. Miss B;atricB Tbistlethwsite left Saturd.iy to t^ke a school near Sing- hampton. Maurice Wright left Saturday to take a course in motoi mechanics under the Soldiers' Civil Re-estabiisbmeut in To- lODto. Bom â€" At Oxbow, Sask, on Monday, Oct. 20, lo Mr. and Mrs. Hu^h D. Pedlar, a oaughter. ^ Mr. VV. DaltoD, of Dnndalk, has bteu wiring the high school during the post week and now electricity will lake the place of the big coal oil lamps. Mr. Wea Breen has sold bis farm, » mile tnd a quarter south of Flesbertuii, to Mr. L. Uill, possession to be taken after the New Year. D.ed~In Arlemesia, on Jiiday, Oct. 30, James Anthony, infant son of Mr •ud Mrs. U. J. Vause, aged nine mo». and fourteen days. Rev. Mr. McCaiten, of Piicevitle, wili preach iu the I'lesbyterian cliurch here next Sunday, and will conduct anniver sary services at Kugeuia moruiug and evening. Lome Richards, who has teen in the Standard Bank here for the past nine monihs, left last week for Sunderland. Mr. Uogeiuan of Midland will bo reliev ing here for the next thrve weeks. A credit auction sale it household goods, mare and bugpy will be hrld ou the S. Irwin farm, half mile from FleahertoD, on Wednesday, Ni>v. 19. D. McPhail, Auctioneer ; A. Wickens, Proprietor. According to the oAoial figures of Returning Cfficer A. E. Colgan Mr. Lseson'a majority in South Groy was 963. The Referendum carried witi: the following majoiitiee : Question 1, 56U9 ; tjaeaiioD 2, 5129 ; ({ueetiou 3, r>276 •' queation 4, 4155. Mr. Joha Blaekbura had a narrow ••cape fruDi serious injury one day la<t week. While a heavy gale wis raging be WM walking along the sidewalk at F. Duncan'* hardware store when a section of high board fence wm blown upon him, knocking him down. Fortunately it fell aitaiust a large electric light j^le, which .held up the section of fence so thtt its whoV wai^jht did not come upon Mr. Itlkckburn when he fell, otherwise he would have b>.'en badly cru-ihcd. As it was he was son e < hat s tre after the blow. Boraâ€" In Oaprey, on Saturday, Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mrs Andrew PallisCer, a fon. The Soldiers' Aid have a number of good homemade iocks For sale at MrS' Wilcox'. Proceeds for Memorial. Those having socks to deliver please do so at once. Mr, o, J. Sproule received word that his son, M»jor Fred Sproule, waa In a hospital in London suffering from a broken leg. While walking along the street be slipped, striking his ankle on the curb, breaking it off between the knee and ankle. Lieut. Herb Little, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Little, of Owen Sound, *rrived home last week after apending three years with the British Motor Boat Patrol Service in European waters. In May, 1918, he waa in the greatest naval raid of the war at Zeebruge and Ustend. L'eut. Little is a brother of '.he Late Dr. W. 1. Little of Fleshetton. Postponed Auction Saleâ€" The post- poned auction s.ile of farm stock and mplementa belonging lo J. £. Earle. lot 14, con. 10, Ot^prey, will be held on Friday of this week, Nov. 7, when e erything will be sold aa advertised except the farm, which has already been disposed of. A couple of months ago Edward Sar- i^eant of Owtn Sound waa coniiuitted on complaint of the Collingwood Chief of Police under the Motor Vehicles Act in the police court and fined. Sargeant ippealed the decision of the Police Mag- istrare mi the case came up in the Division Court on Thursday last before Judge Wismer. Judgment waa given on .Saturday dismissing the appeal with costs â€" Enterprise. Last Friday eveniug a meeting of the congregation vi Flesherton Methodist church was held to consider the rejponsi- liilities of the locil church in the inter- cliurch campaign for the carrying over into Spiritual wai-f.ire, the libeiality and sacrifice witnessed during the war, into a comiuest if the w^orld for christ. Rev. G. Mc.^teer, of O.ven Sound, presented the work cleariy and emphatically to the meeting. The cougregation by a stand- ing vote priiniised to emer heartily into :he woik to accomplish their chaie of the grtat task. The OA-eii ^ound Advertiser published an a.'ticle in its issue of October .JOth in which It stated that on TuesdHy morning iu the high wind a tin roof was lifted clean otf a taagaae car that was stand ng ou a siding, and deposited it neatly across the track iu fionl of the morning tiiiiii which had jjst pulled iu ^t Flesherton sthtion, causing the train to be held up umil the obstacle was remu.ed. The Advance m ule enquicies and the informai^ion that WIS received whs to thetffvct tl:at no such accident as The Advertiser repotted took place, also that no baggage car was on a sidii'g at the time nieiitiond. We don't know how The Advertiser received the news, but it looks as though he had uot quite recovered frum the recent elections and was still "seeing things '' The Deer Hunters An unusual number of deer hunters are going into the northern wilds after game this fall from Flesherton and surrouuding coiiatry. At least three different parties have been made up and all left by special car Monday for Parry Sound district, as follows : First Partyâ€" J Dsrgavel, W Phillips, B Field, Lealie Chard, Wm Chard, H Tudor, D Williams, Thos Howard, I Smith. The dsstioation of this party is Deer Lake. Saoood Partyâ€" Chas Stewart, Fred Mathewsun, Herb Smith, D McTavish, Jacob William). This pariy goes to Spruocdale. Third Party- J McKee, S Pedlar, P Munshaw, T Berry, M Wiipon, T Brady, J Wriuht, Geo Mitchell, T Lockhart and W H Thurston. This party hunt in Burpee township. Parry .Sound District. Mesern. Jos. and Thomas Watson go to Algoma, where their attention will be : divided between moose and deer. Venison should bo a drug on this market this year. Arm Cut Off A shocking accident occurred at the farm of Mr. Geo. Wriuht, Vandeleur, on Tuesday evening uf last week, when Thomas Gilray, a thresher, haj his right arm cut off about two inches below the elbow by having hia hand caught in the strawcutter belouKini^ to the machine. Mr. Gilray was threshing for his uncle at the time. He ULdertuok to loosen soma clogged straw while the machine WHS ID motion, when in some manner j his band was caught in the knives which chopped it up nearly to the elbow. Drs. Brown and Ego, of Markdale, dreiised the mangled member and the patient is gettini' along as well as could I be eiptctcd. )<=0!:gs^:^^g>jg=C^^P=^:r:«gSrigrg^^ Heavy Footwear at Right Prices Expecting higher prices we bought heavily, a aeasou's supply ahead. These goodd were delivered mootha ago and were priced at the values then prevailing and have not been re-marked since, so therefore they are now exceptionally good value. Heavy and medium weights are included in tan and black, also plain toes and toe caps. All good weather resisting qualities. Sizes from 6 to 11. Prices from $3.75 to $6.00. Granby Rubbers in all sizes for all purposes. Ladies Cloth Spats Havana^^Brown, FawD, Grey and Taupe. Ten and twelve bultou lengths. All sizes. Prices 12.25 and t'2.50. New patterns in Chinlxes, Sateens, Cretonnes Curtains and Curtain materials this- week. Ladies Reliable Furs New styles in Stoles, Scarfs, Neck Pieces and Muffs made up in Persian Lamb, Sable, Maimot, Siberian Wolf, Natural Wolf, Black woU. Chinese Coon. Fox and Lyn.\. Every garment except- ionally well lined and iinished. New Goods all at Eight Prices. Wool Specialities Cap and scarf setts, Ladies* Pullover .sweaters, Ladies' Sweater Coats, Men's and Bov?' sweater;!, Men's Wool MnflSer?, Young Men's Overcoats This week we are promised shipment, of a delayed order of waist line effect overcoat, just right for men's wear. Come iu and see them. Millinery Department Special Prices on Trimmed and Ready to Wear Hats. Some New Fall Novelties F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO fj l^^^ ^ ^^ ' ^:.^±\^^2y^^^-l ' ^^ .X i ' :^^ ' ^^^ iKiZJ The Victory Loan No Paper Next Week The Advance is taking its annual holiday next week and will not be issued. The othce will remaiu open (or business as usual. Received Son's M.C. Mr. Joseph .\llison, of Ma.xwell, attended the review of returned soldiets, and presentation of medala by H.R H. the Prince..ef Wales, on Saturday, Uct. 18, 1919, at Hamilton. Ho receivod the Military Cross won by by his son, the late Lieut. .1. D. Allison, on March Oih, 1917, two months previous to his death in Mesopotamia. It was given for valor shown in bombing raids, behaving cirried out succusafully foir bombing laids on ihe Turk posiliona in one day at extremely low altitudes. The Victory Loan in the township of Arteiiiesia and the village of Flesherton is again proving a iiuge success, and the canvatsers have no reason to complain. The objective was SitO.COO for this high school district and at the end of the first week the thrte canvassers had pilled up ?G2,OoO, leaving â- ii.ly S27,W0 to reach the objective. Flesherton and .Ayton are running closely with .Ayton about one half per cent, in the lead, and Duidalk a close third. It if remarkabl* where all the money comes fruni, but ^ts a uistter of fact many farmers have put up from one to six thousand dollars in the Loan, showing how it is appreciated in this district as an iiiveslmeut. The canvass will end a week from next Saturday, November lOth. The following is the to'al returns up to Saturday night : District Objective Returns Owen Sound 1850,000 12157,600 Maaford 230,000 100,250 Thornbury and CUrksbury. . .3C0,'JOO 10.'?,7t-0 Dundalk 1UO,000 00,000 Markdale 150,0Ct.) 60,000 Hanover 125,000 53,700 Duihaiu 210,000 87,400 Chatsworth 115.000 ;U,0OC Flesherton 90,000 62,0CiO Ay ton 100,000 69.500 Total $2,31)0,000 fS98,2nO HARDWARE Moffat Stoves and Ranges, Tortoise Healers, Stovepipes, Elbows, Dampeis, Sherwiu Williams Paints aud Varnishes. Red Star Washing Machines. Bob Loug -Mitts and Glove?, Glass, Putty. .\l.so the uew Sharpies Suction Feed Cream Separator, .\ny member ot the family can turn and skim cle:\n at any speed. 1: F.W.DUNCAN « 1I<J Phone 24rll Flesherton |; Hobberlin Tailoring Clothes of Exclusive (Quality rt just the ordinary Tailorinsc Prices. A lull hue ot saniples in black, blue and gray serges, Con^naLion, Univei'ticy and KilJaruey being the ••^taiulards. Also many other shades to chocse from. Or ers taken any day tor sack suits, coats wiih vest, coats with trousers, sacR coats, vests, trousers and overcoats. WM. PATTISON, Agent CEYLON, ONT. In Memoriam In loving memory uf Charles Buchanan killed in action at Valenciennes, France, on Nov. 5tJi, 1918, while serving with the 4th Canadian Mounted Kitlej. â€" Father, mother, brothers and lister ' IH[MHK[IS <}arefnll7 Corrected Each Wee Butter 45 to 47 Kggs 55 to 5r> Wheat. 2 00 to 2 11 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 Oats 90 to 90 Barley 78 to 80 NEW MUSIC STOR I have opened up a Music Store in the Old .\rmstroug Block, where I will carry a complete stock of Columbia Grafouolas aud Records, Imperial rafonolas, Crv\ii-l Heintzman aud New- combe Pianos, aud bheet Music. C-ill aud let us show yju our stock. We feel sure you wifll be pleased . 1 S?^ Si Fresh, rich, full-flavored te^ â€" tne same every time REDBOSl XEA'is ^<^d tea* Sold only In sealed packaaes >Ab,?1- 4 J. H. HALES ("Old Apmstrono Blocki Flesherton, - Ont W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments Hawken'8 Photo Gallery and Music iJtor FLESHERTON IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST OWEN SOUND, ONT.ARIO Under a Chartered .\ccountant we iise s*' graduates to positions, :39th successfu year. We ore training returned coldiers who are lakiof; Vroatlonai Courses under the De(iartmenl of Soldier's Civil Re^ Eatablishment. Catalogve free. C. .\. FLEMING, K. C, K , Principal. 0. D. FLEMING. Secra'ary. (Mention this paper when writing) Farm For Sale House and Lots or Sale .\ Teiy conveniently located frame house OB stone w.il', wi'h six rooms : two IotJ>, nood water in woodshed, barn, driving shed, currant bushes itud some fruit trees. Lots 5 »nd 10, blook D, Flesherton Apply to HARMON RADLEY, Flesherton, or 93 Beverley St , Toronto. ^ ^ELLIOTT ^ Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto i Enjoys an excellent reputation for ; high grade business training and for I placing ijraduve'', in good positions. ! Enter any time. Write for our ' Catalogue. W. .1. ELLIOTT, Principal 12} A 50 'tee farm for sale en the G^s: Back Line, Aitemaaia, 3rd ^t»ugo, north half of lot t3J. Oo 'the premises there is a good frame barn 40 .\ oO feel : a small fm-ne hnuFe : a good drilled "«•' ' ^i,- -â€" ^ »^i.»^«^»^ • y^^l^^ hen house, for p^irticulars aiipl* »n I^H|« ^TFlc I fiMC« pteoiises. J H HOIXKY, Flesherton V^nE^O I ILI\ L^V/11 VS New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opetiinv u« atonce, a bUcksmith- ing aud woodworking business in Max- well, and am 'ns'sUinif up-to-date wood- working m'tchineiy. It will be my on deavor tn serve the puhlic in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit p-»tror- «tfe. I wiut yourwoik sod will do it right. 7 .\pril 1 ^T- Tonsorfal 'V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire ^fitiafactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket -se Monday night, delivery Friday ev CLEVN ING aud DYEINGâ€" .\ agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" C'-'il •« cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvett (A T FISHER - -PROPRlETOt

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