Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1919, p. 1

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fk&l\txt0n %bmnu. Vol 40, No. 23 Festicrton. Out., Novernber G 1919 VANDELEUR Tboma* Gilray, a well know graio aad clovei threaher of tbis vicioity, while operating his machine on the farm of George Wright on Tuesday of la«t >veek met with a very painful accident in which he bad his right band cut otf and the arm 80 badly mangled it had to be ainpuiaied about three inches below the elbow. The accident occurred at>oui Lalf past tive in the evening when be attempted to remove some straw that had become lodged in Che cuttinf; box, getting hu band caught in the knives. Drs E^o ar.d Brown were hastily summoned and operated on the injured member, and at the last report he was progressing as well as cnuld be expected, and ia being cared for at the home of Mr. and Mis. George Wright, who are relatives. Uis sister, Mi»s Annie Giliay, trained nurse is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dezell, of AUenford, renewed acquaintances here recently. Misa Jennie Collina, of Toronto, p«id a short visit at the home of W. J. Hutch, inson recently. Mr. and Mrs. Comb, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Tillie Buchaniin for a few days last week. We are sorry to report Wilfred Graham suflfering with » felon on his finger. Mrs. Bridge ia ill at the home of her grandfather, Wnr.. Su.umera. We hope soon to hear of her recovery. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Sam Croft returned home Friday after spending a few days with relatives at Vande'eur. The hunters left Monday ou their annual hunting trip to the uortheru wilds. Those who went were : Wm Phillips, D Williams,' W J and Leslie Chard, Tom Howarrt, Jas. Dargavel, I Smith and B S Field. Miss Uargarec Newell returned to her home near Durham after spending a week with Chas. Newell here. Miss Irene Julian and friend, of Flesherlon, visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mrs. Robert Phillips and aon returned to their home in Toronto, after spending two weeks with her parents here Liitle U, H. Hoy went down to visit his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Hoy. Hallowo'eu passed off very quietly around here, there being only a tei* small tricks done. Misses Annia and Edith Betls speni Sunday with friends at Eugenia. Jamieson-Chant Balburst street Methodist church, Toronto, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding at high noon on Saturday November 1st, when Amelia Elizabeth, dauichter of Mrs. C. H, Cliant, <if I'uior.- vilte. became the bride of Mr. Tboma? Albert Jotrieson, sou of Mrs. J. L) . Jamieson, of Flesherton, aud formerly Sergeant in the 15th Batt., serving overseas. Rev. J. J. Ferguson, pastor of the chu:ch, conducted the ceremony, the young couple being unattended. The biide, who was given away by her brother, Piofessor Chant, of Toronto University, wore a handsome brown velour fuit with pressed beaver hat to match. After the cecemuny the happy couple left for ButTalo and on thpir return will reside at 32 High Park Ave, Toronto. The groom, who has been Instructor In Vocational Training, has been appoint- ed Inspector of Soldiers Civil Ueest- ablishmentrt. The bride, who was a Nursing Sister and rendered valuibie services duriust the war, was ou the eve of her marriage given a very generous miscellaneous shower by in Toronto. PRICEVILLE The continued wet weather last week delayed the harvesting of ihe turnip crop. A thunder storm with heavy rain passed over here during Thursday night of list week. We are Ute in mentioning our fall fair concert, but we may say that it was quite a success. All space in the hall was filled. T. Nichol, Esq., was chairman. The Proion orchestra in rendering music was as popuUraa ever, and Misa Irwin of Durham ably pri>sided at the p>ano. W. O. Kirkwood of Turonto gave a number of Scottish sungfi, but Miss Louie Rodney of Toronto w*a the favor- ite of the evening. Shs appeared several times aud was repeatedly called back !ijsin. $116 was realized. S'X cars of potatoes have been shipped from this station already. A Farmers' Club ha.s been organized here and the first shipment of live stcek was iuide la.sc Tuesday. We were sorry to hear that Mis, Myrtle McArthur of Buffilo, N.Y., waa badly injured last week in an auto wrtc'i. Uet mother aiid sister, Mrs. D. Campbell, took the first train to be with the injured one. Fred Pinkerton, an ex soldier, brought home-his bride a few diys ago. Frtd became acquiiluted with an Engliiih girl while he was overseas, a> be sent her an o:ein ticket and met her in the ciiy and was married. Wqi. Smolli3, an old resident of Gleu- elg, passed aw;iy un Oc". IS at ttij home of hie dauijhcer, Mrs. J. McLean. Mr. S, cime I o the county in 18o7, and a few years »fter bought the farm on the Duiham Hold, where ho lived uuil old age caused him to retire. He wac a good carpenter in his day aad a fine peuniin. Ue w^s for miny years ap- pointed deputy returning itficer at the elections in Glenelg. The funeral on the 2lst was largely attended, his pastor, Ucv. C. S. Joues, ccnducting the service at house and grave. Dr. Mclntyre, V. S., has been il. for some time, but Dr. VfoFirlane has tre^ited him successfully and has him jn bis feet again. Mrs. J. Beaton is s;ill under th» doc'.or's care. Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. •4th Class â€" Wildi Martin, Louie Cargo, Orrel Fisher, Cecil Loucki, .\nnie Teeter Peter Dow, Bessie Stewait, Klizabeih Moore. Sr 3 â€" Jessie Colgan, Evelyn Ferris, Elizibcth Beutham. Euicrsou Thompson, Will Carrington, Tei McDonaW, Ella McMuileii, Winniu GoaW, Ihelms WiUon. Jr 3â€" Gladys PinJor, Laura Bo) d Marie Patron, Viola rhistlethvvai e. Harold Richardson, Orville Martin Luella Lever. 2nd Classâ€" Melvin Sled. Arlene Bee- croft, John Nuhn, Ruth Thistltthwaite, Miltou Teeter. 1st Class â€" Marion Stuart. EJnu Mc- Cdlluui, Heleu Wollon. Jean Stuart, Jeanette Cari-o, Ernest Feuwick, Elbie McfcLee, Lily Carriugton. SrPi â€" Blrttche Paiton. Helen Heard_ Leslie Feiris, Gjrdon Teeter. Jt Prâ€" George Sled, Alice ilenrd. Bob Phillips, Eul Fenwick, WelliogtLn Co'.pan. Florence Weliop, Billy r.ilti.'u. George WcMi«ster. NOTICE the I'o the citizens of Flesherton and surrounding country : . „ I wish to cU'tw yo^r attention to the her f-ieuds j f^ct that I am the sole agent fir the I Singer Sewing Ma.-hiue, as that iucludts a pirt of my teriitory. .\3 you are all aware of the fact that Major-Oeneral Mewburu, Minister of j jh^ Singer is by all means »he most Militia, speaking at a reunion of the 16lh Bttt. niemberF, announced that a silver ciOiK, hung from a puiple ribbon, would be given to every mother who lost a boy at the front. Eight war niemoriala are to De erected t > the memory of the Canadians vvh'> fell oversias. One i f them would take the for.n of a hall if r«>«?ords, while the others would be tueoiorials comiutmorating the fallen. reli*tle se»in<j machine on ihe market. Ifyi'uate thinking of buying, phone, write or call ^.er«ollaliy and g. t prices and terms. Old machines taken in exchange at a reasonable price. You can also buy tbeni oo your own terms. Call and get particulars before the price goes up ag^in. HIGH KNOTT. Agent, Matkilale, Om. KIMBERLEY Mcssri Alex Carruthers, K McMuUen, Jasper Stuart and Wm Flood left on Saturday luorningr last on their annual deer hunt n the Parry Sound wilds. HaruldTuibedeau.of Markdale.accomp- anied by Miss Nellie Burrilt, visited at S. S. Burritt'd one day last week. Lila Fuwcett, of Eugenia, visited with her aunt, Mrs. Oliver Irwin, of tbg Taveller's Home recently. Our local nimrods captured four tine specimens of the raccoon family in the rDck back of Donald Wallace'j on Wednesday Ust. Samuel McClung, of Heaihcote, pur- chased a fine mare from Jas. .\. Fawcett recently. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawc.tt visited at the latler's parental home on the Etst Mountain one diy last week. Viola Madill visited at her parental home in Duncac on Saturday. Mr. Clarke, manager of I he Rocklyn branch of the Memhants Bank, made a business trip to this pirt one day lii.-ii week. Saul Fiiwcett purchased a H.'jnJsome White Leghorn cockerel from Walter Rose, of Brussels, paying ten dollars for s:ime United Farmers of Grey County Owen Sound, Oct. 29â€" Theinnut! cm- ventiou of the Inited b'armers of (.Intaiio in the County of Grey was held hire this afternoon. Representatives from sixty c'ubs, numbering eighty live in all were present. The chair was t:<i!en by Mr. N. Parkinson, of Clark^biirt;, county director, in the absence of Mr. Harry Shaw, > f Mirkdale, who came in later. The newly elected otiioers are : County Director, J H Carson, Cape Ri-h ; .-Vss't County Direc:or, Neil Calder, Holatein ; President, Harry Shaw. Markdale; Vice- President, H Neil, Singhampton : Audi- tors, W U Shortt, Proton, and J H Chittick, if Elmwood. The secretary-treasurer and supervisors tor each township arp choseu by the executive. When Mr. Piirkiiison took charge a year ago there were i>nly four- teen clubs ill Grey County. Now there are sixty. Trustworthy It is a good thing to have a publication in the hi>use that you can tiust. You never have to think whether you can safely leave The Youth's Cuiupanion ou the table. When you beg'n a Companiou story you knew you are uot bound ou a sluinmins; eipedition. You iire being led up into the sunshine of iho evorlastiug hilh. 'Ihe folks in The Ccmpanioii stoiies are everyj »y folks. They are like your ewn townspeople : stumbling, falling, pickini; them>e!ves up, trying with S' me difficulties to attain to their high ideals. 1920 will be a year of gieit sioties for Youth's Companion readeis. There are more than 250 of them in ilie year. Oi e of the eight gre;it serials will te Capr, Tiieodora G. Robert's glorious story of Canadian patriotism and v ilor, Sous of Liberty. New .lubscriber." will leceire : 1 â€" The Youth'.s Companion â€" r>2 issues ia 19iQ. 2â€" All rem.ining weekly 1".U9 in.sues '•> â€" The Oompaniiu Home C»lei dar for P'20. All the above only $" 50 mywhero iu North America. THE YiilTH'S COMP.XNION 887 Couimonweallh Ave,, Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this olfice. FARM FOR SALE L >t 25, con. 4, Artemesia, containiu* !<l) acres, "0 acres cleared, bulauce lurdwoid bush. G'od well at house >«iid ruunii'.g creek the year loiiud. Good barn, log house Hiid orchard. About 2 miles fro.n Flesherton. Apply to HARRY P.VrTt>N, R R . Klesheiton. FARM FOR SALE Lot 7. Con. 5. Ospiey, 100 acres, 80 acres cleared th<< balance bush and pasture. Frame house and new frame barn 40 x tiO. Gi'od well at house and runninn stream across lot. Forpaiticu- lars ai'ply to - MARSHALL MORRISON, Maxwell P.O. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Genoa and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, cf Eugenia, were recently at W. T. Genoe i. Mrs. Tolcbard and daughter. Miss Edni Richie, of Cheiley.jnd Mrs. Uicnle, of Durham, spent the week tnd with Mrs. George Arrowsuiilh. Mr. and Mia. Fiank CoUinson and two children, who have been visiting Owen Sound friends, returned home Monday. Mrs. Raney, of Southampton, is »isit ing her parent*, Mr aud Mrs. McPhaiL The Insiitute will hold their meeting this Thursd.iy afternoon at the home of Misb E'la Whittaker. Mr, an i Mrs. E. Embury, cf Toronto were visitors at It. Cooke's Saturday. Misses Gilchiist gave a veiy enjoyable Hallowe'en party Friday evenirg to about 3.T young people. Thomas Chase aud bride arrived from oversea! on Saturday u 'Tht and are visitors >l Alex Muir'a. Miss Doia McLe.,d, of Toronto, spen; the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .John McLeoJ. Mrs. Dr. P^Uerson and babe, who for several weeks has teen visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLecd, returned t'ridsy to the city. Miss Edna McLejd, of ( irai.geville business college, spent the week and wiih her mother. F/NE JEWELER Y Bates BurialCo. Come in and see onr fine large stock BUSINE.SS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embaltners of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc. r%u it-ii ^ y c* aud when you have seen them )o« ^"0^16 HlllCfeSt 268 w.llbesure to b.,y. Watch re- 124 Avenue Road pairing a specialty. ' ^ rweUUC I\.Uaa, A full line of Photographic snprlies' Toronto, Ont Including developing powders. MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, &ll i Ml o l d »* j j . sues of kodacks and film?. *'• ^' '**^"' ^ Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF PROTON Ibe Presbyterian W. M. S. held the r annual Thaukoffering on Oc. 21. Rev- Mr. McVicar g.ve an i.-teresting t.lk with map illu-trations on the different foreign mission fields of the church. Mis. Eigle in lier p'easing uiiinner gave some brief sketches • f the lives of missionaries. Sirs. Cade gave a well rendered reading and MrsMcVicar brought greetings from her society in Flesherton. Mr-. H. Thoinrson and Miss Binnie sang very pretty solos. The ladies of ihe An.;lic.iu ehurch joinet with them in the af •miooo service, and a dainty lunch bro^i^ it a pleasant afternoon to a close. Knox church anniversary took place on Sunday last. Riv. Mr. Shannon of Maxwell preached in the mornioi? ^nd evening in the absence ot Mr. Rose who was unable to be present. Mis. E gle took charge of iho afternoon service. Splendid congregations assembled at nil services. The choir rendered special music which w,i8 much i[..preci\te i. Mis.s Winme Wodehouse was horns from Dundalk over Sunday. Mis.s iTladys Hockley of Marliia'.- visited f I lends here for a few days. Mk-8 Gjrtie Lyons returned ou Mo .day to take a position in loronto, Mr. and .Mrs. H. G. Beckjr and s'n vi.-iiv'd relatives in Toroiuo, Coal-Dust Elxplosion At Cement Works Mr. Jiines McLein was the victim > f â- , aeru us coal djst expinbion at Ihs C. n tf'it Woiks on \Vedne^sd iv. While akfl .ii ^ tank enc'eavoring to clean some clg I'li pipes, the ciml dust surrounding hi v, the expb'sion took phee, the H;iiiies for a luo.ne-c luak ng a frmhiful show ing. His leas and face are severely I urued imd be suffered much till h ip nuj rei.Kilies came. Brother w<'ikuien w^-iv not near liini at the time and ii is a wonder how he divesttni hinise f of his lie her clothing, the >kiu of his ley! Icing sevcr«-iy burned. Mr. Shock, ll;e new miiua'.;er, (;ive onremitMn!» iineution i.. the sufferer until iii.dicil help nriivij, and we hope that s.kill and care wi.l ((kii hrin.; "Jim" around ag.iin,â€" Durham Review. Osprey Township Notice of Registi-ation Bylaw. Notice is h.-reby niven that a Bylaw was p;i<sed by the Township of Osprey, on the nineteenth day of September, 1919, providing Icjr the issue of Deben- tures to the amount of $ooO 00, for Ibe purpose <'f I xtendmg the Local Municipal Telephone System, and that such Bylaw was registered in ihe Registry Office of Durham, in the County oi Grey, ou the ninth d.iy of October, 1919, Any motion to quash or s vt aside the same or my part thereof, must be made within three ' months afier the brst publication of this I notice an 1 cannot l>e made thereafter. Dated the litth day of October. 1910. I • T. N. SCOTT, Clerk. I MA RRIAGE LICEN SES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG^"""*^'""''''"^'''' . For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, I Phone or writeâ€" GEO, W. KOSS. FLESHERTON, • C NT Ojprey Tel. system Maxwell P, u. House of Quality All kinds of Fresh Fniit in season. Hou..ehol.l, l-nei^L.es. Puritv ami EcIiDse 1 lour. pse Wehavcaniiautity of First Class Machine Oil. All kinds of Grain Chop and Fi^ Feed hand. on Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Onta no r^- V â- â- >^,,-wjt:/t^;:>yy7.>; L^ZLI^I.^ ' For Fall & Winter We ha\e just opened up a tine assortment of Men's Felt ilats. Fall and Wiuter Caps, Sweattr Coats. Wool aud Fieece Lined Underwear for men and boys. Ladies' Mantles ant! Sweaters and ^^'oollea Setts. Linoleumsâ€" four and two yards wide. Get our prices before vou buy." W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton â-  11 ' - ^ "^ â- ^ , -^^ â- ^- , -^ _^ -A. _-^. A*^ .A, .A. .A. ^, J^^^ Fami For Sale Boar For Service I Pure bred Registered Yorkshire Bcwr jfor serviceâ€" W.a.\well Jack 62903â€" o»- L it i'X COD. 4, Artemcsia. cootaining; fifty acres, in good ahaje There w « 10,-t,r.» good fiame hrus> with stone fomid«tini», • barn with stone f> undat'oi a-) bi.tg' shed. There is a good drilled well tt house. For particulars apply ri J. A. LEGARi\ I le^h , on, or MRS A. M.icGLA«HAN. 23 >J8 Dupo 1' S' .. TiTODto. lot 1R7, S. \V. T. Terms $1.50. A S. R , , Arretu T. J. SMNSOX. Farm Wanted Give locntion. sc<-^a^e, o-mdnioD o f land ';iid outbuild.nc.i. morci?%4{e if ai « ".' '*•â- ''' l-:'--; 5^ '>'l repliw to iS Advanee, Fleeherton.

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