Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1919, p. 1

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.^A ^ r ^» gk^l^nion %imntc. A.. Vol 39. No. 16 Fleslncrton, Ont., Septetnber IS 1919 Hon. I. B. Lucas WiU be Opposed By A Strong U.F.O.Man Lt.- Col D. Carmichaei Will Go Gunning For His Scalp j giviDK the he to the statement that the farmers know nothlDg about fiuance. Speakiu^ after hia nomination, Lieut.- I Col. C»rmich«el .said he fully realized the difhculties they had to contend with, liace their organization was uot a« . complete as the party mschines. He had i always been independent, votintj »8 his ' c mscience dictated. He intended to ; conuoue to do the sinie thing if elected. Another Hindenburg L'ne for a Cai.adi.in to Break A Meaford despatch of Sept. 10 says: An the most largely attended and uioist en husiastic convention ever held ir. Grey county, Lieutenant Col. Duugall Carini- , ch»el, D.S U. aud bar and 41. C. with, bar, was unanimously chosen at Roctlyn this afternoon to stand as L'rited Fai ni- ers' candidile to oppose Hon. L B. Lucas at the next provincial election, j Seven names were proposed â€" Lieut. -Cot. j C^tmichael, Geo. tl. JuUry.Eiijhii Park- , inson, A. E Cairerou, \V. C. MtCouib, • D. H. Shore and Robert Shaw, bu: with ' the exception of the tirst tWM all with- drew. Later Mr. Jollty retnovtJ his! name and moved that Carui chiel'^ ' noniinaliod be made unanimous. This ^ action was greeted with prolonged cheer- , ing. The candidate is a piaciical fanner of Collii.gwuod township. Ue is o."5 yeara . of age. Ue <7as m the army for fuur )ears, starting as a captain oi. account of ' militia experience and returning in Feb of this year, having been in command of the llCth Battalion. He was iw'ce wounded, once at Amiens jnd once at Cimbrai. J. J. Morrison. Secretiry of ihf U. F. O , was the chief speaker. He was giaJ that the ladies now hid th«> v "•(',j:timirg ib-it It irould ha>teu an iiuil iiiei.t elec til ate, since all public questions would be thoroughly discussed in the hiiue. He denied ihat the I'liited Farmers are pronio'iu2 class legisIatii'U, saying that the farmers weie out only to secure what rightly belonged to them. P^r'y po'.i- ticinos, taid he, are not anxious to keep the taiuiers from being robbed, but art' trying to keep him iiuiet while hi 's being robbed. Hf referred to the awful depopulation of the rural sectt 'ns < f Grey County ; in the last 28 years the po.nilalion had decreased lC,r>71, while the ui ban centres have g.iined lO.CW The rural debt i> SK'S/Jl't*, or 344") per ctpi'a, i»9 comp'ired *illi the urb:»ii debt <t §1,%'.\374, or SWK) per capita, thus W. I. Convention The annual convent On of Grey Co. Women's Institute w-ts held in the Prns- bvteriau church, Flesherton, Fridi»y of last week. Theie Were about 150 dele- Bates present. The convention wai mnrked by .some very tine addresses and discussions, »nd a good deal of bUBine's i)f an important naiuve was transacted. The afteri;ooii 8e88:on opentd by re.-»dirg and prayer by Mrs. McVicar, the Co. Vice Preaideut, Mrs. Long, In the chair. owin<» to the illness of the President, Mrs. Euton. Mrs. Robert Best of Flefhetton welcomed tha delegates in a fcw w-U chusrn Words, and was replied to by Mrs. Uumstead of O»on S. uud. Af-.er readiLg the minutes tha fallowing othcers were elected : President. MiS. B A. Carruthers, Kimberley : Vice Pres. Mrs. J. VV. Long, Chatsw.irth : Sec- Trea:'., Mrs. G.iidiuer. t)»en Sound Mis. Gardiner. Representative Speaker . for Centre Groy, gave an iiitcresti 'g p'per on Service, after wtiich Mi&s Gjili^holme, Reprei'tntafive Speaker if the Depjrf.uent, addressed the conven- tio 1 on " A ?niiare Deal. " Stie sad in put : This ifteruioii we were d'scussin^ various "nes of w.>rk in your county. 1 am not here to tt'l you hiw it what to do for yiur chldreu, but r' member t i-re :.re iithcrs. How ihanlfol we shouli Ic Ihat we live in a country like this. We have sad hings right in «..»n- tario. Do children require any other protection than that of their parynts '. In cases whi re the parents do mt Icok after 1 he Welfare of tber ilispring th. the state, which l.as an interest lu the ' welfa-e of every child, has a right to interfere. In the reign of Queen Vic- tori* provisions wert iiiaJe to help the helpless aud the child who could not look after i:sclf. Women, we h;»ve a' ' last .'ucoteded.in Iriniiug irto tlutario the old cui tew law when tue bell will ring at 9 o'clock. We have" good laws and we do not make use of them. The law-" aim t > secure foi every Wjy and ijiri a we'l trained childho'd It aims to socure Grand Reception to Returned Soldiers homes rather than institutions for any boy or girl under 16 years of age. .\s an organization you are responsible in your county for childrfii whi» are no'- gecting a aqu<tte dea'. We have talked I about righcs â€" nioie lights for men and I women H rfght^ â€" nnd now that we women ha»e our rights I earnestly hopi that every woman will give tba' 'privilege hei "most earnest cons deration and give to every child a tijuare deal. Evt-ry child has a right to proectiun from the inda- encts of an undesir;»ble home. We have these homes in Ontario, and you and I are resoonsibie if Ixiys and girls are left iu these homes. Every child shuud hive an education. C^t zenship ! I wish we could write that one word in Irttt-ra of gold on the heart of every woman a:.d man. What if meant by thit word CitiZiU f Wo are asking for juvenile courts in rural didtricto. The County of Giey is askiiiij f jr one. Tlieie is su-ue- thing Wrong with rural conditions, bj- ciuso juvenile delic^uency is on the increase all over Canada aui Engl^iiiu, partly because of war conditions. We believs that prevention is be ter thiii cure. The court will save them from the iudus;rial schto!, the indo^lrtal school will save them from being c-inii nals. Ca ada stands in greater need ' f a go id manh ;od aud geod womanhood and good citiz-urh'p, than she evar did before. Thii.k uf the mighty fores wj have m our Canadian inanho. d If the parents do nut see that the younti hive a njuire deil i", is u;: to you to see that they have a ihauoe to become good citizens. We have no poverty in Oa'ario --k IS recklessness auJ indiff.ience â€" aud wL.n you leid your hti'dto he!) another little child, '' as much as ye d» it unto one of these little ones ye do it unto m.'.' Sirs. S rathie ot O^en S und uave a talk on thij Refereudam. This is our drst oppurtutiay of u<iui{ our franthis^, and I lie women should use it. There is a rii;h'. and a wrong way of doing. Every man .mi every woman ahoud maik four J< j's o:i the ballot. I' you sp< il a ballot go right to the other and teil him thtt you hne accideuta ly spoiled it aud he » I nive y.'U au.ither. Ttie Ou'ar T uiuerancj .\cC was a guveruin-nt iseasjre which came into foric and w^s ihree yean* old on Sop", lo, 1 WJ It w as a measure jdr»wn to ensure «ttici<'ncy hud ever} ihirg that was essential to tiie «ar. We are uuder a huge debt. If i' was necessary to have elhciency during the war, i*. is just as essential lua' it ^.hould 1)0 kept on "whe books until »\- have wiped out this huge deb". K\c.>lleat music was suppl.cd ly FUsherton t.ileuL B^'th nfternoim aud eve iug s ss:uus were wi.'ll aitend.d. Speakers at the evening session were R«v. '^Mr. 'McVicar, Mrt-'. Hunter if Kemble a;id Mr-. Gardiner, t le County Sec'"eiHry. 'IVie pac -editigs elided wili th • National An. hem. AT FLESH ERTON -ON Friday, Sept. 19,1918 Tho (.•tninciis of Aftemes^ia miuI FJesliertt.n will oxlcntl ;i wfk-ome hoineto soldiors who servtul in Franc-o ami othei- foroiiiii I'tHintrios iti the late war, oi-. tlit- Agricultural Giounds, Fleshierton, on the above (Uito. The k)ilowinjx are e.xpccted to be present ati.l i^ive at!«lre.*ses- K. ,] Hall. M. v.. Hon Dr. .lamieson. AL. P. P . Johi McQnaKer. Ks<i.. WanKn trrey County, W. 11. Wright, E^q.. C'wen Sound, o. A. Uoyd, sq., Mavkilale, l-r. INIeams. Hanover, and the K cal elers^y and other speakers and talent. BASEBALL MATCH Music by Swinton Park Pipe Band and Orchestra will enliven the proceedings. "Nledd-; will be presented to those who servetl in France antl Flanders; antl uieinento.s tt) the nearest lady relative of the fallen. Tiiis is a civic holitlay for the munieipjiHiies antl eviMybo,l\ should eome ami give the l)i)}s the glad hand ;hiil a welcome home. Admi^sii n to gixainds Is liee. The ladies will proviiU* <pr T 11. MeKenzie, Reeve of .\rteuiesia. PORTLAW Three ibrhseiug outfits are xpeiatii g in this dia;r;ct. George Young is recovering from a severe attttck. uf i^uiitsy. A larjj gilhcri g of friends met ac the home of Mr and Mrs. J. Wilknsoa iu honor if their son, Chailie. wh.) lately arrived home friiu overseas. A well tilled purse wa.s dooa'ed and a pleasant eveiiioi: fpent. All were glad t> see Charlie back, looking hale and hearty. Tiiuinas BiowD, -'r , has invested in a F.'idctr. I is said tliat be int.:nd8 to run a jitney, which wii! be a great co.i- Veuieuce until we get the street cars. 5liss .ileta .J.^m'eson of Tot onto is visiting friends in this pirt. J. H. Watson is in Owen S<und ^his week attending court a* a juror. Willie Tay'nr. who was successful in his eLitniiiatioiH it Flesherton, has a-ine to Toronto Fl ireuce White vuited with her sister iu Toronto lecent'y. Iu the distribution of banks recent y P.jrt L.1W appears to have been over- i Joked. This seems to be very strange, as a number of baoks c-.uld be kept bu-y here iendirg money. FINE J E WE LERY Bates Burial Co. DIRH.\.M While li Jina iu a car on the Durham Road at Liviugslou's Corners last Tt.urs day eveuiuix, M ss Llva Schutz. d.iughter of .Vlr. and Mrs. J, hn Sohutz, had her cjilar bone brukeu when the auco left tha road and ran into s s'ump alongside It IS thounht a boiit rai us rod or deftc- tiye s: Bering gear w;is r>sponsille, a.s the car was tr tveliing « a bIo'* rate i f sp ed when the accident occurred, otherwise a more seriom ending w..u'i have taken place. The I'thet passengers, bey>:id a sliikiui up, were ujt injured. Mis William A'joe <.£ EgrenKn". nun w-.th a pamlal accident la.st week at :he homo of her .laughtsr in to»ii, w'. . she feil down staiis aud sustaiueil a ci> : und friiC"Ure of the wrist. The bon-- was fiacurcd in three places, pn'j •cni; through th« tleih-of ih* foreana. - Chronic'e. Cocae iu and see our line large stock of Jcweh-j", WaicLes, Clocks, etc. aud when you Lave seen them j uu will be sure to buy. Watch r£- pairiug a specialty. A fall line Df P.liotograpLic supplies Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, ali sizes of koJacks and films. ISSUER OF BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W . A . A R MSTRO.N G ^""' ^*°'^ ^°' '^'^ For Bre«=)ding Purposes Jeweler, \ „, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. HOSS. ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. U. FLESHERTON, SPRING HILL .Mr. and .Mr<. .\i.el lliuison *i.d mother, Mrs. W.rd Harrison, all if Irving, N. Y.,in» motor trp through Cauad.i, called oh friends iu Owen Sound, Fieshectou aud T^ruuto. Mr. Uo or. Chird »;Hut the we.'k uod at Kituberloy. E sie Caswe'l is attending Normal at H.»ii...t«.n, Mrs. W.it.l llitrsoii of Iivi:'g, N.V., who has been sp;.>uding ^the past mouth here, his leturued to hi r h >:iie. accom- panied by bei' nepho v. Jim liarrisi>n.^ Mr. .\lfred Hartisu i and jon. Ward, 1 i motored up and att -lal d the fair At Owe I Sou .d I Mr. ^tm Catnti; tttended ibo funeral !of his s:j.tera t L< okuoA". Ui. Siuiuel Ivnui \i»ited frieuds lu â-  T â- ., Duncanâ€" VanDusen .\ mil. i;i.; o : c. ' ^ .IS o{. ! Ficiherti n to.>k place at Walmer Koail ' Bijitist ihurc'i. T':oi>io, on Tuetdav, ] 8vVt. !', U v. Dr. J. McNeil (tiiciatiug, I w'.ieii Mr. Kit.nk Duncan, hardware ' m ichii't of F.c^h-'rlm, was uu ted in CEYLON The C. P. U. have li.veu the d jiot here a new coal of paint, which he!|.'-'« to brikt4iten il up. Mks Kmuia Wldtaker le'i Friday f " .\kr' u, <.>bi>. .Mrs. David Gtudiu of Ked Wing uuti .Mrs. oleii of He.ithcote visited Mr> J. J. Pittisou i couple of days las' weet . .Miss Jean CoU nson ha." relurne<i fi :> s.veral weeks' visit with IVioato fiienO-. «.ioidwin .McMullen if Toion'o att«»> I- e i the weeding of h'.s sister. Miss Marj, which takes p .ice Wed^iesday of tins we.'k to Mr. L. .M irshall .Mi-icKdna Mcleod, whu is atteoo iig busiuess collese in l.>rangcvi!le. spent he week end wit i her im-lher. ilr. Wells Whiuaksr and bride left last week on their return j uruey to Fraice .if. ei thre" weeks' visit with tie f jimer'a pi- tuts h 'le. Mr. an 1 Mrs. SiucUir ana two children mot.uod lo C i-tsworth the hist if tto week and visited friend^. Mi"s. Cooey of Toronto visited Sir-i. John Kennedy over the week end. Mrs. W. i; Ticktll of I'ortsge l.a Pri'ne is v 8 ' ug *iiU M.liie C^^ok. Mrs .\rch e McM'i'len i» v m'.^i - i .r j dau^i'er at WestTo'on'o. Ross \!c Mullen of Cioksvi:le speiit he week oi.d .M his bviiie here. Mr. and Mrs J. li Egan if Toronto ciUod on fi lends here Saturday. J. O.ivLi IS Maitin, w;lh i .vtn S.'i.iid friends. Mr. lUley aui li'i'e li.iughtvr are visiting his mother at Saruia. House of Quality A!! kinds of Fre^h Fi nit in season. FLoUaâ€" We carry a lar^ire .^upplv of Koval iiousehold, Five Ktsos. Purity an.l c'i pse 1 lour. W'ehuvoa .inantitv of First Class Machine Oil. All kiuils ofGraiu Chop ami Piij Fee-l on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flcshcrton, - Ontario LA D lES! \\'e have our new stock oi Fall Hats on display at present and we invite yon to call and see what we have. Everv hat sptMks hn- itself. Just give us a call anil von will be pleased with tlu-ni. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. W. L. WRIGHTS^ Corner Store, Flesherton suppei", I'oi- \\hieh a fee will bocharged. KopreseutAtives of the county press are especially inviled. P. Mcravi.<h, Keeve ot Fle^hoi ton. niksiitfe to illise Celi* VauUuseu of Molvitle Kutled^e lef; U-t vvn'„ f^t T'>."oMio, diuuhler of Mis. .\. S. Vf-n- 1 the W«t. Di.eu of Kle.-herton. Th« bridal couple ] j ,,„,^ ^;oMuUun vtsi nl his l>r..ther V renttcmliHl by Wis* Kdna Gr«ni and ,^ Ocu->v...o the past Kcek. M". Chester Spr -n:i-. !k, h - f ToroBt.. | ^^^ ^.^^.^^^ jj^j^, ritu.ne.i .M. ...y , T..« youn^ coup e Ml by . ve itng t."«.n | ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^. ^_^^^ ^.„^ ^^^ ^,.^,^^^, |IO"Foit W«yue, I: dl'ua, aid other' ' poiK'a. The Advtnce, alou^ with «' host of other friend'< of thi* jHipiilar . V u 'J «<>-.ip!''. I M l> i' it-* fel'.C'ta'.tv'iis -n Ui.' h«ppy evonf. Farm For Sale ICO acre*, ruiii'iiij walor, liv.- ciei-iis, 2 Ifiv.il well.*. Olio nt i'»li', ull-er at l>ou<i' j j Iti'i acres cleared, 4 acres of bush, Z acies ; of orch">:d. We are iu the fruit ijrowiuij di^vict of the Georjjiau Bay. Fiivm U Will fenceJ, im sii'ne*. clay land »nd !. ,1 I : bank barn 72 x 40 : 2 driving! 11 house and p'g pei;. coi'd. well hou^c I'll ."tone vr%\X 'i!> I 'M : kite en, w ' •â- Islwd ; All ktiuN of frui; â€" at Wiu-hiitt. V - od K. â- â- :'.â-  .V;cl>i'>«l.> I ^1 . idier frhiDds visiccri ciietik. {â-  uins. pel'*, ur kind â-  •' sma'i r.Md P'-.-i.- ;;t>BEKr i 11 ;ltd PVOtV !in' Farm For Quick Sale l. â- ' .1. .t.-i, uiiucr <Mi.u cuiiiiaiioi:, one Mre of orchard and A quanl'ty of tni.i'l fruit. On the premises *re m eijiht- imiincd iiolid brick house, soft and hurd Wi'er in.s:de, heated by furnace ; Isiuk turn 70x36, cement st»bl«s aai' pii pe», water inside ; never fVliiig well "inU w;ndiiiil', m od drive houso 24 .\ IS. hem licuse att"\ched ; ii miles from market. I'^iral mu! and ..''etih ne. Kv^-rytbing fl *:»'â-  "1... . .r.,t -i -t K 'V v^*"' •-•*)..4T* â€" -i^J-'

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