Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1919, p. 1

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fkB\\tti0n mtt Vol 39, No. 15- Flestierton, Ont., Septetriber U 1919 ft i i I t I PORTLAW Held Over Last Week Sehool reopens this week with Miss Shuiik, our popular le&cher, a^ain direct- ini; the descinirs uf our youth. Mr. Thcniad Crown ia able to be around again after a spell of illness. E. Montgomery of Toronto vislced recently nt F. H. Thompson's. Charlea Wilkinson arrived from over- aeas list Wednesday, and a right royul welcome is being txtended him by hia numerous friends. J. H. Watson has been Buffering from an attack of pleuvity, but we iire glad to learn that he is somewhat iiuproved. Miss May Cornfield baa returned from a week's visit wilh friends in Toronto. J. L. Wood of Toronto is visiting with friends on the Centre Line. Mount Zion church intends to hold annirersaiy services on Thanksgiving day. Abraham Hannah, wife and family, of Markdale, visited with the former's brother here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and fam- ily returned to their home in Hutoalo after an extended visit with the foruiof's mother. EUGENIA Victoria Corners Too Late Last Week W. M. S. iaf ies quilted two more quilts at the Hall last Tuesday for seod- in.! in their bale to the Northwest lodians. Mrs. Will Acheson, Mrs. Walter Ache- son and Mrs. John Acheson of Bethel, saw the Prince of Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. McMillan of Ntw Ontario motored down and are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Stiuson, ai.d â- brother, George Ludlow. Mr. and Mrs. Kirch aud little daugh- ter, of Toronto, visited the week end at J. Lock hart's. Address and Presentation On Thursday evening, Aug. 28, the friends of Richard T. Wyatt gathered at the home of Mr. Bert Wyatt and pre- sented the former <vith a haiid.some gold watch and fob. The adirefas was read ByW. J. Moore and the presentation nittde by J. J. Bro«n. Following is a copy of the address : Dear Richard, â€" We, your old neigh- bors and friend.", have met here tonight tQ give you a personal welcome home. Although you have made your home iu the western part of our country during the List few yeMs. we feel you still bj'oiitf here. We cannot feel too thank- ful that the armis ice made it unnecessary for you to complete your journey, "^i^wc realize the time and labor you spent in bravely fulhlliug the many duties of a soldier in training and preparing fur the tiring line. We now ,isk you to accept this wftt:;h as a slight token of our appre- ciation and esteem. We all join in wishini; you health and prosperityâ€" W. J. Moore, J. J. Brcwn. Mr. Hubert Campbell of the Valley , passed away at his home on August :iO, I and although in failing health for aome time it came as a shock to everyone. Mr. ' Campbell wa.. a very highly resuected manâ€" a member of the Presbyterian j church and a regular attendant when in good health. He was also a member of the Orange order here, the members of whioh marched in a body to the cemetery on Monday of Ust week, when tua re- mains were laid to rest in Salem ceme- cery. Rev. Mr. McVicar, the familv pastor, CL'nducted the service. The childreu are Will of Toronto, John of Eugenia, Ejtanley on the homestead, and two daughtersâ€" Millie and Lillie- st home. Mrs. Campbell predecea'sed him some two years ago. Another of our soldier boys has just returned from overseas. Will Williama_ All are glad to welcome hi<n back. Crops in general are excellent. The Misees Clinton of Toronto ha>e returned home after visiting friends in this vicinity for a couple of weeks. Mr. ar.d Mrs. L. R. Munsbaw of Alliston spetii a few days at che'parental home during; the past week. Garald and Kenneth Larga returned wilh them to Alliston for a few days. Mis. Joseph Williams "Vent to Toronto last week to meet her son, who was returning fiom overseas.- Mii^s Dell Wilson is teaching this term in the East Mountain school. Florence Parliament teaches on the i-th of Osprey. Gerald Larjje and Heibert Haney have returneu t.i Fleshertun high school. Mis.ses Miiy Park and Gcorgina Smith have gone to Toronto to take pesitions for ihese-i^on. Harry Kelley of Ottawa is the ^uest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lirge. Mr. iiid Mrs. Kllwood Purvia are holiJ.ijing with the formers parents. The Methodists have decided to hold their annual fowl supper and harvest homa in October. ' Eighth Line, Artemesia Mr. Fred Spofford ha.^ treated his family to a new Chevrolet car. Mtss Florence Parliament opened her school »t No. .") on Sept. '2 with a fair atteudiinco. Miss Acheson of Cha'sworth has commenced duties at No. 9 school. Mrs. MoH'dt and daughter. Nurse Motfat, have gone on an extended visit|to friends in the west. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Haiiley visited friends in Markdale oh Sunday. Mrs. Porter aud diu«hter. Miss Muriel, visitud recently with the former's brother, Mr. Geo. L-iwier, also Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin of Windsor. Bornâ€" <->h August 8, to Mr. and Mrs. â- James Smith, a son â€" James Lloyd. Bornâ€" (.>u Sept. 3rd. to Mr. and Mrs Jack Haley, a son. ANNOUNCEMENT The Merchants Bank of Canada Will open a branch at Flesherton in a few days, with a sub office at Ceylon. Merchants and Manufacturers accounts solicited. Special attention j^iven to Farmers Business. Our Farmer's Account Book is free. Call and receive one. A Good Bank For Farmeis C. A. Norsworthy, x\ct'}^ Manager KIMBERLEY The merry hum of the threshing machine is heard on every side. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dinwoodie of Wakens, California, are renewing old aci^u^intanceH in this loctlity nnd are ihu guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sloan. They made the GOOO mile trip in a car. It would certainly be some trip. We are sorry to report Miss Viola Madill on the sick list with a severe attack of appendici'is. Pte. Ott'j Baker of Vandeleur, who recently returned from overseis, was a pleasant ciller in our burg one dty last week. Joseph Boyd of Riverdale repaired the school organ one day last week. As a mechanicil genius Joseph is tiuly a star of the first magnitude Mr. and Mrs. Cameron visited .it the latter's parental home in Owen Sound one day last week. Wm. Hili of Markdale spent a few hours fishing iu the placid w^aters of the Beaver on Monday lastand laiidec! a fsw nice speckled beuuties. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sloan visited recently wilh friends in Duntrorm. We would rispactfully remind some people in this village that if they expect ihia place to prosper to i.ot try and mooopol z: everything >n it to their own advantage. There are some people in every town whose epitaph wculd he complete ill the following ; Here lies the body of ten per cent.. The more he got, the more he lent. The moie ho leui the more he craved, .'Vnd how could such a nnn be s^ved. M S8 Tcni Hutchinson, one uf our popular young ladies, is at'euding High School at Meaford. Auctioneer Wildan of Maikdale made a business trip to this part on Mondiy last. TRYON Miss Elsie Morrison returned from the West last week and has taken thareu of the Mcliityre school. Mrs. Paul Sornberger spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Mort. Siyas, of Feversham. We wish the young man success who has taken the contract of hauling A\v\e Sornberger'.s wood. A " welcome home " receptiiin was held at U J. Neil's for Andrew biuclair of Vancouver. Miss Lizzie Hale has lake.i charge of oiM Tryon College. We are slad to learn that Mrs. A. Sornberger is recovering from a severe att»ek of LaCrippe. M:s. Cameron and daughter Merretts spent a day in Colliugwood recently. Threshing iiiachino whistles aud ihe riiii{iug nf wedding bells livens things up on our line. We are sorry -o report B*liy Sullivan ill at present, but hope for a speedy recuvery. Miss K. C meroii has returned to the Klosherlon hit;h school. DUNDALK Siaii'ey Minis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MiiiiH, ai' ueu homo from overseas Wtdnesday night accompanied by his wife Stanley was in the Kiigineers Corps in the Enelish Aimy serving two years in Fiance :ind a yenr and a I alf in Italy. Lin vva.i in Dundalk when war broke out aud went itoiue to Ku^land to s.'ive his country. The men in charge of ihe road machin- ery i.o the County Huad System east of the Village p'ace liuhtid lanterns (U highway obslruelioua at ti^ht to avoid danger. .\ sneak lhi> f walked ill' with two new lanterns Tuesday night. Oiher small artiek's have bien stolen before. 1' is a disgrace to 'he coiiimunily if County property is not sjfe iroin common thieving. A monument to thp ineuioiy uf Ihe boys of Badjeros district who give their lives iu the gr«at war is being elected iu 8»dJeroK*ceiu»tery. The niaturial, in- cluding base, pedestal, shaft and sidJier do»iiin were shipped from Bedford, 111 liiP'«, iiul arrived at Du::d.ilk s-atii n last w.ek. One of the parts weiiths ()4ljC lbs. and the while nhipmi^nt goes o>cr fifteen Ions.â€" He; aid. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Win. Muir and family oi Port Aithur are vis'ting their brolheis John, Dan and Duncan here. Rob Patton left Monday for studies af Guelpli. Will e Patterson is visiting his brother in Toronto. Mr. Percy and .Miss Maude Hemphill are visiting their brother in Toronto. Thomis Gauoe spent the week end with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mis. John McNea and Mr. John Melia motored over and visited CoUingwood friends last week . It is lumored there is to be a branch of the Mercliant's Bank opened here Soon. This wi 1 fill a Ion,; felt want in this village M. Diilhy of Lethbridee is visiting at Mrs. A. Rutledge's. Miss Mary McMullen of Toronto is visiting her parents. Douglas Isthinan of Norval is visiting his aunt. Mis. .A.. .McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittiiker aud .Mr. and Mrs. Wells Wiiiiiaker spent hist week with Toronto friends. Will Fletcher left Monday on an ex- tended visit to Vancouver. Meldrum LeGard, who s.peut the summer with his uncle, Mr.G. Meldium, has returned to bis home in Toronto. S. Hemphill aud son, John, spent last week visiting Toronto friends. Ans-iis Whittaker visi'ed his brother at West Toronto last week and was accuiui anied home by his sister. Ell;), who|haa spent the past twj mouths in the city. Mrs. Boyce spent a week wi:h her brother at Windham. N.'Jamerin has purchased the Flet- cher farm. Pte. Bryant of Toronto spent the week end with N. Archibald. Wedding bells are peeling loudiy for one of our young ladijs. ROCR MILLS Threshing has commenced in tos vicinity. Mr. W. J. Newell of Durham is spend- ing a fortnight with his brother Chas. Mrs. Cecil Meldrum reurned I .st week to her homo in Toronto after spendinij two months wiJi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Belts returned home Tuesday after spending a we.k wilh relatives iu Toronto. Chas. Newell and Jidin Porteous each had a well drilled lust Week by M. S Bellerby. Mrs. Frank Taylor spent a few day-^ with her parents here recently. Dick Clark and <Joe Pniliips spent >i few days the pis. week with relatives in Toronto. Will Newell, Mrs. C. Newell and Misses .Vnnie and E litli Bjtts iiiotoreil to Uuntiooii on Tuesday list and ap' U' the day there. Mr. and Mrs. "5 mi Croft and family visited recently with the former's pare us on the -ih line. Lewis Pedlar is spending a few dsiys with rel.itivea in Tou)iitn. Tom Brown vi.iited over Sunday at T. Betls". Mi?s Lilian Park is spending a fev dajs with relatives in Owen S.iuiid and is I t«luiii{ in the Vuir i Misses .\nhie and Ivlitli Bctts spent ! the week end wilh friends at Durhiin j Mr. ni'.d Mis. 'Ja.-*. Dargivel visited | recently with relatives at Dornnch. Mr. vVes. SlidJard of Maikdale visited over the wetk end with his friend, Herb Belt-". Md.'ler AiUf. Molnto.li uf Dornocti is sprttiding few days with his uncle, J is. Daigivel. Mr. and .Mis Ed. Croft, visited the laltei's patents at Fever.sham. FINE JEWELERY Farm For Sale Pos.»ession this fall, lllO acres, on the Toront'i G' 'â- .!. good county road, soil good cl*y li' ir, 8 "cres hush, 10 roomed brick veiie. led houso. soft water inside, , go. id wi'il, never failing springs, creek close to nut huildinj: and house, large bank barn cOxdo, '20 ft. posts, well i lighted, go'Kl stabling, drive house, ! piagery, hen house. * mile from S. S. No. S public sohotd (luJ IJ miles from Flesheiton. .Vpplv to VVKS. BREEN, Fieshertcn. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and .-lut lu auuieeoiir uiiu laif^e svocK ttinbalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, |r»L^„_ fj:il ^ '^ /^ o aud when yott have seen them ,ot. |*^hone HlllcrCSt 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Come in and sec onr fine large stock will be snre to bnj*. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full line of F.'iotographic supplies Includin;,' developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks aud films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, Ospi-ey Tel. system Maxwell P. (>. House of Quality All kinds of Fresh Fiiiit in •â- reason. FLqUR We carry I large supply of lioval liou.sehol.l, ?iveKoM;s, Purity and Eclipse I'lour. We have a <iuantity of First Class Machiue Oil. All kinds of Grain Chop and Pivj Feed on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. W« are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario •^ -^ ^ ^ LA DI ES! We have onr new stock of Fall Hats on display at present and we invite yon to call and see what we have. Every hat sp'jaks for it.self. Just give us a call anil you will be pleased with them. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton Farm For Sale lOOHCiej, luniiiiii; water, two creeks, 2 i;i)"J wi-lls. uiie lit bam, other :it lioiHo ;i !M) iiu-res e'o'«iiHl, 4 Hcros of bush, u iicies (if orchnrc! . We «r« in the froit ctowinj; disMict of the Oeoiyimi Buy. F.iriii U well fviice.^, iiii stoDes. cUy lund aud loam ; bank barn 72 x 40 ; 2 ilrivini; shed , licii house ainfpit; peo, uocd, woll , finistbi'ii hoii^e Dn Htmie wall 2'.t x 24 : kiichi II, \voiKlsh«<l ; all kinds of fruit â€" ciu'iry. p'unis, pears, (jrapea and eveiy kind oF small fruit Oa governmeD ; ro.,d. I'iioiio I - IIOUFRF K.\Wi.KTT, l.*> Sept llttrthcolc, Dn' . Farm For Quick Sale too ;KrLS<, under ^ood eultivatioii, one acre uf orchard and a qunntily of tniti'l fruit. On the premises are au ei|{ht- roonii'd solid brick house, soft aud hard Writer inside, heatod by fuiunce ; bank barn 70.\5G, cement .stables and pig pen. water inside ; nevor failing well and windiiiitl, i{<oti drive house 24 x 48, heo Iu use attrtched ; 2S ii.ili'R from markel. Rural mail and lolnphone. Kvcrythinif in first cla.ss couUitiuii. For particulars apply to - J, T. BEST, Pricevillc P. v) , R R :? .Mata^,, ri£i-iifc^^- . -1

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