â- r â- • â- ij-i^. /lesh^rto Vol 39, No. 13 Fleslnerton, Out, August 2B, 11)10 ^-- CEYLON Mrs. Fold of Toronto »nd son, Mr. Wilson of Bdllwoad, visited tlie former's brother, J. J. Piiferson. Mrs. Arcliie McPhattar ;»n<l j4Ughter, Miiud, who liiive been visi iMj; Mr. Fied WriEh', return'id lo their home sit Uwen Sound on Saturday. Mrs. Martin and daui^h^er of Proton visited at J. J. P.tttf r-sooV lust week. Mills H-!Zel McLeod is visiting friends in Markd:tle. Misses Mary and Georijini McL'iugh lin, who have been visilins Shelburne friends, have returned home. Mra. Ri noy of Southampton is visitib^ her mother, Mrs. D. McPhail. Miss Jean Cijllluson is visiing wiih Toronto friends. Mr. Archibald and tive children of St. Thomas are visiting his broth ?r here Bert Whittaiier and bister, EmnM, of Canton. Ohio, are risitiiis their pirenls. Viola and Irene McDonald aie visiting with Proton fi lends. Mrs. il.heriiiiiton and dHii^hter.Violii, of Toronto, are visiting her ccusiii, Mrs. Archie Sinclair, tlie pa«t week. Martin Sionehouse, son and dauithier, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dixon â- f .Mono Road, motored up and spent a ci.uple of days last week at .4.Ldrew Gilchrist '(<. Mr. and Mrs. Shiers and daus^hter, Doris, of Toronto, were visitors at VVm. White's durins; the |i;ist week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mcls'ea of Cleve- l.md, motored ore* and are visitinij the latter's pareiUs, Mr. and Mrs. .John Melia. Their dnuahter, Mrs. Cole, ii also visiting her urandpareuis. Mr. Wells Whittaker and l.rid.-, of Franc, arrived from ovrrstaa Si! urd.iy HvHuiug and Wiis given a hearty wel come home. Mr. Crimeron enlivened the scene with his bagpipes. Clara and Kihel Gilchrist, attended ll.e Toronto exhibition this week. KIMBERLEY Bomâ€" On Thursday, Au^. 21, to Mr. and Mrs Ezra Fawceit, > oon. Another vote for Hearst. Misa Mae Hutchiuson left for Swift Current, Saak , oo Tuesday last MrT and Mrs E.'. Baker of Vandeleui- ace mpauied by Mi.'s Taylor, Tisited at W. E. Ftwcs't's one day last week. Hazel Flood, who has been vi'iting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John brown of Fairmount, returned home Friday la^t Wni. Hammond attended the summer school at Guelpb, taking a course in Agriculture. MissS!.<tila Hy-tlop of Thorubury is renevini; old acijuaintanccs in ttiis part. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Owen Sound are stuests at the Traveller' home. Quite a number fr:.in here are attend- ing; (he Canadian National this week. Mrs. Frank HiilchiBi<on and son, Albert, uf S«ift Current, Sask., who hare befu on an extended visit with friend* in this locsliiy, returned home on Tuesday last. Mr and Mrs. Fred Wheeler of Clarks- burg, acooiupauied by Miss E. Brooks, made a pleasant visit at VVm. Flood's one day last week . J. E. Hiimiuond occupied the tiulpic ^of the Mftliodibt church im Sunday ev- ening lasl and delivered in excellent d scouise. Miss Violet Fawcot i.s visiting with bar aunt, Mi.s I-Jobeit L lu^hce 1 of ihe Tenth Line, Collingwood township. Victoria Corners Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Eawcett of Uwen Sound visited recently at Mr. Jas. Lockhaidt'a. Mrs. Robinson of . Bethel is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Milton Bannon. Mrs. George Mooro is visiiini: a fijif djya with her daughtei, Mrs. Wm. Talbot. Mr. U. U. Gallagher motored to Toronto for a few days last week. Miss McKee of Dundnlk visited her siittv, Mrs. H. Corbet t, lasl week. Mrs. Hudgins of Toronto visited at Mrs. Win. Scott's, b«t w.is tailed home h'ume suddenly on account of (h? illi.ess of her ton. DURHAM Whi'e opening a crate of banan'i-', Uany Kreos, eleikmg in McLachlan's 'groceiy store, saw a little snake peeping out at him from among the truit. The reptile is kept on f.xhibition in the store. Robert Ewmg and Charles Rubens weie mixed up in a bad nio«r niLshap about three o'clock this Thursday mnm ing. They were reluming to town fri m an ea.'.teni point and at the weat side of Haiuilioii's lake in Egremont on tho .\rnold Noble property, it is said thit ihey wore forced to turn out along ihe old tiiilwiy lino in order to let a vehicle pas.i. On tho track the oar jumpad tl.a steep luibauknieiit from 15 to 20 fom in ' height, turned a complete somersault ttud landed upright at the bottom of the incline on tho lop of a wire fence. Kob- • erts was f^rtunajo in having only » shou'Oer dis ooated while K*hii received 'alight b»ck injuries. Little damign was done to the car. Wm M:iten of Durhiin and a former Durham lioy, who for a few yous prior to ihtf war lived with .Mr. and .Mrj. Wm. MeNaugh'eo of Hampdeu, wis one of tho few Canadian soldiers marrying over soa», who br-'unl.l home a bride fiom Belgium.â€" Review. WU.Ie exercising one o: his driving horses ill the Exhibition puk at Collini?- wooJ N. t^proule of Prontico A Sproule met Willi a veiy wrioui en I piinful accident. The horso fell, throwing Mr. Spioule to tho ground, causing a seveie frac'.ure t f th.' .â- ^kull. Lalo repoiti are that bin condition is yet serious but hopes are euleilaiued fur bis ultiiuate 11.0 '»ety. DUNDALK Sun l.iy afternoon's electrical .siorm put aeveiiieeu DuuHuik tlreet lamps out of commisMun and a hydro pole was splintere.l. On Tuesday evening Lic!ilan McQuar- rie, a well known resident of Shrigley, passed away after a few week^' illness at the age of 41 years. The dece-ited wa< born in Proton near Vcntry. He is survived by his widow and four young children, al.-o Lis mother and four sisters. â€" Herald. Church Struck By Lightning The steeple of ihs Methodist church at; ait. Forest ws.i struck by liabining and set on lir^. The Coiifeoeiate says the tire slonly ate its way downward and it was not until the f 'IkLting morning that it was entirely extinguished. The Sundjy school was in session when the b)lt struck A:id scholars and stiff were greatly stiirtled but providentially no o'lf w.'\8 Miju'bd. A bill of elerlric rtimes was seen playing about one tf the furnaces, und anothor travelled fiom front to rear, whero the eltctric switch box was pul out of coniinission. Some daiinge was done by wilier. Fifleen or twenty feet of tho s'piro is ruined by^the tiro. Several persois in the vicinity of the church felt slight shocks or prickly sens.itioiia. A Big Success For Flesherton H. S. Eleabertou H'gh School basi been re- markably successful ihi.s year in the Entrance to Normal examinations. tjut of twelve pupils vvKo Wioe eleven Wfre successful, three tikirig hon irs. Follow- ing are the names of succussful pupil.i : E Caswell C A FLsher L Lever • V S. Levis V R McMillan K. B McVicai (Honors) R O Meals G Mitchell (Honors) E Speniier E W T»y'or (Honors) F \\ illiarnsi'n Damage at Grand Valley. & side brn^li of » very lioiry storm passing over the district l.s'. S.t'urd(y afternoon, isny* the Grand Valley .Star, hit the vin,iL;e and in its sweep grounded t'le grain lields thrMUgh a stretw'ii of country around .\rihur and continued for twenty miles norsheast, doing great damage in its c ursq^about a milj n>>nh of Griuia Valley. Thedatkening clouds broke in a hail of largo. pie^e.s id ice, the slZ' of some beiiiy hardly cla*poJ by the hand and when striking upon glass would go through il - in some lustaiii-es as if ma lo of paper. The loss to .some farmers totalled up in tho thous.inds of dollars, not alono in the »e«ai.n's harvest, but also in repair of barns as in one iustanco on ll e firm if Junes Elyie, a shifting i f t u barn from tho foundation was no". iced Grand Valley had a saris id excite- ment Oi-ei a i.eiiiid of one week recently. An auto WAS uvorluuied and threw the ooeopints out, .-Vnothir day two people hid their arms broken, .^n -.vi^A ni»n wts throvn fiom a horse an I iiijurod. A team attached lo an cil i'agoii ran away, and a heavy hail sttrui did consic'erablo damago. Then camo a tire in li.wn, caused by the upaetl ni of j coal oil stbvo. For one week of aceidents Grand Valley is entitled to the diploma. Osprey Council Osprey Council met on -Aug. !), wi h all the members present. The following accounts were ordered to be ptid : A. Ainott, S'i .">7, freight on road drags ; Municipal Wor:d $W, stationery : J. S. Winters $;i;! 75, work on roid ; K. M. Weldtick 811. repairs to grader ; Innot Iron Co. §175. roid drags ; F.M. Winteis $S. dainaue to c ir ; John McCullough ?o, delivering ro,-id arags ; Irwin Morri- son $4, inspecting drain No. 2 ; T. N. Scott $0, postige ; Alfred Partridge ?!.), sheep killed by dogs. .\ conimnnicatiun Aas received f om Mr. Haw'.on ie«aiiiiiig ihc openint' of Peel Ureet, Fevershaiu. The fi^lliiwing turns wtie o.dered to be [lai.l for gravel ; Syaney Piiddle 5f2i> 12, John Scoit Sl.S 7o, Hobt. F.tchi.ie 87 50, Philip Woods f;).:37. W. J. Mullen Stj 87, John Tyson 55, W. Fi^her §3 2.5 Henry Wright ?G, Kobe.'t Ring S7. 75, Richard Dividson §8 25, .1 imc! Otlewell 38.87, Mis James Myers f.i 10, Jiimes Thomp.'on §25 22, K. Paliister ?2 50, .'ohu Seeley {13.75, Edward See!ev $12 75, F. H. Welherall $4 25. The Resve was instructed to wiito to Mr. R. C. Craven, eecrelary ot the Uu imnc S. ciety, reipiesling bin, to decorate James Davison of Fevershani with their life saving medal in recognit.iii of his vsluabie Wirk in saving the life of Sim'l Shorit in the mill pond on July 18, 1919. Bylaw No. (5G2 wat panetd through its several readings. The Clerk was injtiucled to have the telephone aisessinent placed .isainst lots 34 and 35, con. 10, .4iteine8ia,tian!fsried to lo;» 12 and l."?, Simpson St., Eugenia T. N. Soott was granted the privilege of laying 10 the Treasurer 975, it being error in the late Thomas Soott's salary. Nap Crevier was graniol perinissim to cut down a certain tree from the highway 1 pposilo his windmill on lot 7, Co:i. A. Tiio Cleik was instrucloJ to prepare a t.yU'v to be piss, d at next mctting tn pnnidetoi' §550 debentures for tile- [ihiine <>xieusion, to be charged to the properties representid on 1st of peti- li mers for 10 19 The (CiiStion of opining Peel street in the village of Fevershani was la d over unlii next meeting, ivlien legal advice miy be rtoeived, the Cork to iisttuc .Mr. llaivt'ii not to interfile w th the fence until li'j receives pernrNsi m froin this C'uucil. O'lU'icil adjourned t.- meet at Maxvvell on Sa'urday, Sept, I'-). -T N Soot I. Cleik. VOTERS' LIST, 1919 TOWNLIUP '»K .\HTK\IESI.V Notice is herely giviii that, 1 hive iraiismilled or delivered lo tho persons meiilioiud ill Si'ctiois 8 and '.• of 'hi- (.ii.t. no Voters' L St Ac, 1887. and the amen Imeiits therein, the copies renuired to be traiisiiiill -d or delivered of the List, made puisoanl to I ho said AC, of '; all peis-)iis apiioaiiiig by the last tevis-d I AssiSsment ll .11 of llie said Mun cinaliy 1 lo bo entitled lo vote in th .Vunicpili'y at elections .'or inmbers ..f ihii L'lt^s I lativo .•Ksseiiil.ly »nil at Municipal elfo- tions, and tint siid list w is Hist po-<ted i up in iny ollioe at Flesheiinii on the 18 h i day of .\u:ie-t, 191!), ami remains ih^re â- for inspection. Kloclovi aie called upon i 111 cxHinino s.iid List, and if any omission or ether etrois ire per.'oivod therein, to take immediate proceetlings to have the ' said errors corrected accord'og lo l-iw. j â€" W. J BELLAMY, Clerk ol Arte.i osia I Flesherton, August 25, !!)lrt ROCK MILLS Harvest will soon be a thing of tho past in this locality. Chsrioj Newo'l and Thomas Bells are the liisr to tiuish. Mr. and Mrs. Thi'inis li.lts visiied their S' n, E iiiar, . n Sunday lasl Linrie Fish.-r uf Tor nio is f pending a couple of weeks with relutivis hire. Mr. and Mrs. FianK Tiylor spent Sundty at Isaac Smith's. An oi.j. yaljle evening was sp.-nl on Thursd.ty :as^ <th. n tliu frieixis si d neighbors giitlierfi at ibi home of y.r James Russell, Rock Mil s, and p'esei.t- ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell with a hridal shower. The evcnti.j» was repent il muiic ami dipcing, Mr a:.d Mrs, Ku-.s..ll leave shoiUy fill Iheir new home at Pinna, Id.ih i. .Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. Cmft visiti-d friends at l"'e vert ham. Sir. find Mrsi. Jas. Jlark of Colling- wood vinited last week wflli Mr. and Mrs. Jiihn Hargrav.;. Bornâ€" To .Vr. and Mis. D ck Ciark, on Thuradjy, .â- \iigust 21a', a sou. Mr, aud'Mj'3. C. Newell visited last week with the fo.-mei's parents nea.- Durham. brnid Kus.sell hai pnrcbised a new Chevrolet car. .Mas' er Ralph Bbickwell if Dniddk spent a week end with his friend, F.eddie Hirgravo .Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft visit, d recently with friends at Fevershani. Mr, Call Atkinson of Victoria Coiimis spent a few days with his parmt.s here. Mr. and Mr.s. Tlios. Be ts visited ov;r Sunday with tlieir son, Edgar, on '.hff ijh line. Messr.i. Wlil and Lewi* Nowell of Durham motored over ti'id v. si id over the we»k end with iheir brother, Clias. Newell and wifs. .\lr, and Mrs. Will Uargrave uf W ire- hum and llev. Mr. Black well and -o.. Randilpli, of Dundalk, visitel last week with the f->iin!:'8 brother, John Har grave and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Levi B'.t's ar- imily vioiied over Sunday with I li .t u. near -Ma.wvell. FINE JEWELERY Cooie ill aud see nnr fine Iar<>e stock of Jewelry, Wutclies, Cloclt.s, etc, and wlieii you Lave seeu tLem juu will be stire to buy. VVatcL re- pairing a .specialty. A fall line of r.i;oiograpliic snpirlies Inchidiiig developing powders, ,, priutiug frames, flaik lauteriis, all I t sizes of koduek.T and fiini.s. Bates Burial Co. Bf-SINESS ^% USl AL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. • MOTOR EQUIPMENT W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W . A . A R MSTRON G ^°"' ^^°"^ ^""^ ^"*' For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, „, Phone or writuâ€" GEO. W. ROSS", FLESHERTON, - ONT .Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. PROTON Dr. rind .Mrs, Becker, accoiiij aniid by tho lornu'i 'a father, Mr. L. Becker, vi,s- i'ld at the hoineof Mr. U. Becker. .\. R. Cido haa returned from a Diea.'i- ant holiday in Toronto. Miss L 2/.ie Neilson of Totoni. is holidaying uii lor ihe parental loof. Miss .Mabel Biniiij of Wejhurn.Sa.-k , i3 visiting at her home here. lijv. Mr. and SIra. Liidlaw ao.l chil dren of Slayner visiied at the ho.u..' of R G. Aeh^.soii. * Mrs. Youu^j and dHUjhter, Helen, ; Toiontn, nailed at the h mie of .M-. N\ .o. FailiS. We extend our heartiest eonKratuli'.- tions to .Miss Edith C lUiley, ivho 'as bi-en sucjesiful in p.issiug her Lowvi School eximinatioii. .^^â- . Copeland nf Foil Will.iini is visiini!^ his cousin, Hugh Copeland. We are sorry to report Mis Ruhoi'- ford unJer tho doct u's c*r«. J.lin lianley sp,inl il o week end -.liih frientl.s in Ctwen ."souni. Mrs. WiU.in and dauahler. Muriel, and Mr. Wnltir vN'yvil'e are attendiim the Kxhibiiiun. Mi.sses Liii-iti Wyiiile and Mar. on KiekMtts hav,! r.-turred to Torcntn. Farm For Quick Sale IflO i.ercR, niiiler .i'lod ciiliiv^itioo. â- . .ii-r« of orehir.l and a iiUrtiit'ly "i siiia fruit On I ho preinisos are »n ei«h'- roiuned sold brick h.iuse, soft ar.d hitd wa'er inside, hcat.d by fuim.i'e; bai k barn 70.\o(> oenienl stable-i an.l piR peii, water iii.sido ; never faMino wull and \ wiiidmil', !{•"<,•,! drive Imnao 2-4^ .s 4S, hen hr.ii<(' attichoH ; 2\ mi!p8 from market . Rii-ai mail and tnlephmie. Kv.tyihii.g in first cli»»» condition. For o.srt cu'ais apply to -.J. T. BEST, Pricev.l'e P. <>., R R .1 House of Quality -\il kinds of Fix'.-^lt Fniit in season. FL()l'Râ€" Wt" cam a luiue .supply of Uoyal lfou.seliul(l. Five Eoses. Ptiiity and BLt-lip.se Flour. \V(:^liiivea (luantitv of Fii-st ('!,i.-<,<; Machine Oil. All kinds of Grain Clinp and Pitj F^ced on hand. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. w e are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario '-:'.--^ '- ~\.r^. --.â- .- '-»^â€" »"â- ''" f-'*-'-'^-- I I WE HAVE Ju^t what you want fop the warm weather Summer Hats and Motor Caps, Blouses aud Waist?, White Skirls and Sills and Lisle Hose, Fleet Foot aud Smart Step s;lioe=. Bathing Suits aucl Bathing Caps, . Spoil Shuts and CoatIe<s Braces, Creepers aud Kouipers for t!ie kiddies. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton n^' -W "W ' w ^ Read "The Advance" FARM FOR SALE 50 acres I'll lot 111", - '1 oonce.'s'oD n<>i th east of Toronto and Syoenham Ro»d, .\rtemeei.i. Apply lo W. CARGO, Klsiheiton. Farm For Sale ICDacre', rullllill^ wiiler. two creeks, 3 IJ.i.id wella, one at, halo, other at house ; Dii .aertt. cleared, 4 acres of bush, « acic-s of orch i! d . We are in the fruit ijiowini! disirict of tho (jeoi-jjiau Uay. Farm 1' well fenced, ini srouef. clay land and ]i>«iii ; bank barn "2 x 40 ; 2 dnviiu shi- Is, hen houuc and p'j} poii, (joud. woll tlnished llouno on stone wall i'.> .x 24 ; kilihcn, wo ulshed ; all kinds . f fruit â€" crieiry, jilnnis, (,ean, (;ra[,e'< hiuI every kind if small fruit O.) i^vveniinen rod P • â- >.> UOBERr FAWt^'ETT, t". •^ . ll.Hthcoie, Ont . FARM FOR SALE One ii< ilo nnd a half east if Mn.xwell, ooiitain Hit 170 litres, ahout To clearetJ, .,^0"d 'juildinns wiil> bank barn, well i watered, two acre* oreharJ, rural mail, ! timber-- includlni' cedar never oiilUd. , Silo, h^u house and pi^ per. For , ailcuhi's apply on the premiaes to i -HERBKUl CLaUK Jullil Suuhanij.li.ii P.O. - Does Your Label Say 1920 ! fchafc> â€" .,,-,......;.^.. MMtaaiia ^iiiii