/ Markets of the World lireadHtuffH. Toronto, May Câ€" Manitoba Wheat â€"No. 1 Northern, $2.24%: No. 2 Northern, $2.21 '/4; No. 3 Northern, $2.1714; No. 4 wheat, $2.tlV4, in •tore, Fort William. Manitoba oatsâ€" No. 2 CW., 13\c; No. 3 CW., 70%c; extra No. I feed, 70Sic; No. 1 feed, «8%c; No. 2 feed, 65 %c, in .store Kort William. Manitoba Imrleyâ€"No. .I CW., $1.0614; No. 4 CW., $1.00%; r>jeot- ed, 94c; feed 94c, in store Fort Wil- liam. American corn â€" No. 3 yellow, $1.77; No. 4 yellow, $1.74, nominal, track Toronto, prompt shipment. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 72 to 74c. according to freights out.sule. Ontario wheatâ€" No. I Winter, per c«r lot, $2.14 to $2.20; No. 2 do, $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3 do, $2.07 to $2.15, f.o. b. shipping points, according to freights. Ontario wheatâ€" No 1 Spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2 do, $2.00 to $2.14; No. S do, $2.02 to $2.10 f,o.b. shipping points, according to freifthts. | Peas â€" No. 2, $2.05, nominal, ac- 1 cording to freights outside. Barleyâ€" Malting, 98c to $1.03, nominal. Buckwheat â€" No. 2, $1.15, nominal. Rye-No. 2, $1.68, nominal. '\ Manitoba flour â€" Government stan- dard, $11, Toronto. Ontario flour â€" Government stan- danl, $9.66 to $9.75, in bag.s, Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment in jute bags. | Millfeed â€" Car lots, delivered Mon- ' trea! freights included. Bran, $42 per ton; .shorts, $44 per ton; good feed] flour, $2.05 to $2.75 per bag. | Hnyâ€" No. 1, $2i! to $28 per ton; | mixed, $20 to $24 per ton, track To- 1 ronto. \ I Strawâ€" Car lots, $10 to fll per ton. Country Produce â€" Wholesale. Butterâ€" D.'iiry, tubs and rolls, 33 to 40c; prints, 40 to 42c. Creamery, fresh made prints, 58 to 60c. Eggs â€" New laid, 43 to 44c. Dre?sed poultry â€" Chickens, 30 to 31c; roosters, 25c; fowl. 30 to 33c; ducklings, 32c; turkeys, 45c; squabs, doz., $6. Live poultry â€" Roosters, 22c; fowl, 28 to 33c; ducklings, lb., 35c; turkeys 35c; chicken'!, 27c. Wholesalers are seeling to the re- tail trade at the following prices: Cheeseâ€" New, large, 28 to 28V2C; twins, 28% to 29c; triplets, 29 to 29V..C; !3t<lton, 29',i to 30c; old, large, 31 to 32c; twin, 32 to 32'/ic. Butter â€" Fresh dairy, choice, 50 to 52c; creamery, solids, 60 to 61c; prints. 62 to 64c. Margarine â€" 34 to 37c. Kggsâ€" New laid, 47 to 48c; new laid in cartons, 49 to 50c. DrMsed poultry â€" Chickens, 40 to 45c; ^ring chickens, 75 to 80c; roos- ters, 28 to 30c; fowl, 37 to 38c; turk- eys, 45 to 50c; ducklings, lb., 35 to 38.-; .squabs, doz., $7; geese, 28 to SDc. Live poultryâ€" Spring chickens, 60 to 65c. Potatoes Ontario, f.o.b., track Toronto, car lots, $1.70 to $1.75; on track outside, ^1.60 to $1.65. Beans â€" Can., hand-picked, bus., $4.25 to $4.50; primes, $3 to .$3.25; Imported, hand-pi^'ked, Burma or In- dian, $3.50; Lim.'.s, 12c. Honeyâ€" Extracted clover: 5 lb. tins, 25 to 26c lb.; 10 lb. tins, 24'^ to 25c; ftO lb. tins, 24 to 25c; buckwheat, 60 lb. tins, 19 to 20c. Comb: 16 oz., $4.50 to $5 doz.; 10 oz., $3.50 to $4 dez. Maple productsâ€" Syrup, i)er im- perial gallon, $2.45 to $2.50; per 5 imperial gallons, $2.35 t?,. $2.40; sugar, lb., 27c. Provisions â€" Wholesale. Smoked meatsâ€" Hams, medium 37 to 39c; do, heavy, 33 to 34c; cooked, r>2 to 54c; rolls, 32 to .33c; breakfast bacon, 43 to 47c; backs, plain, 46 to 47c; boneless, 52 to 55c. Cured meats â€" Long clear bacon, 29 to 30c; clear bellies, 28 to 29c. Lardâ€" Pure tierces, 32 to 32 Vic; tubs, 32% to 33c; pails, 32y4 to 33'4; prints, 33 Vj to 34c. Compound tierces, 26 to 26 'Ac; tubs, 26 'i to 27c; pails, 27'/4 to 28c; prints, 27'/a to 28c. Montreal Markets. Montreal, May 6â€" Oats -Extra No. 1 feed, 83c. Flour Spring wheat new| standard grade, $11 to $11.10. Rolled oatsâ€" Bags, 90 ll)s., $3.90 to $4.00. Bran ,$44. Shorts, $45 to $41!. Hay â€" No. 2, per ton, car-lots, $.32. Cheese â€" Finest easterns, 24 to 25o. Butter â€" Choicest creamery, 58 to 59c. FIggs â€"Fresh, 49 to .52c. Potatoes- Per bag, car lots, $1.90 to $2.2.5. Dressed hogsâ€" Abattoir killed, $30.50 U> $31. Lardâ€" Pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 33c. Live Stock .Markets. Toronto, May 6.â€" Crood heavy steers, $14.50 to $15.50; choice but- cher steers, $14 to $14.25; butchers', cattle, choice, $13..50 to $14; do, good $13 to S13..'^0; do. moil., $12 t^) $12.50; do, com., $10.25 to $10.76; bulla, choice, $11.75 to $12.50; do, medv, $10.50 to $11; do, rough, $8 to $8.50; butchers' cows, choice, $12 to $13; do, good, $10.50 to $11.50; do, med., $9.25 to $10; do, com., $8 to $8..50; stoekers, $8.75 to $12; feeders, $12 to $13.50; canners and cutters, $5 to $6.75; milkers, good to choice, $90 to $150; do, com. and med., $65 to $75; springers, $90 to $160; light ewes, $13 to $15; yearlings, $12 to 14; choice lambs, $18.50 to $20; spring lambs. $12 to $15; calves, good to choice, $14 to $15; hogs, fed and watered, $22.25; do, weighed oflf cars, $22..50; do. f.o.b. $21.25. Montreal, May 6. â€"Choice select hogs, $22 per ewt., off cars. C'alves, $7 to $11 per cwt. Steers, $11 to $18.50, according to quality. Butcher cattle, $7.50 to $12. SEAL RING AN ANTIQUE. They Wore Them in Rome in the Days of the Empire. The seal ring worn by the modern business man and ucassionally used to seal important letters and documents, had Its origin In the early empire and haa come down through the centuries virtually unchanged. Each ring bears In intugUio the coat of arms or crest, duplication of which by any outsider constituted a crime. Theae jewels show plainly the influ- ence of times and conditions: trace victories and conquests and reflect the sucoessive graduations of the early Romans from Iho summit of v^orld power to decadence. For instance, the passion for engraved gems was plainly stinjulatert after I'ompcy's vic- tories in tho East. The conquests of Greece and Etruria are plahily reflect- ed in the infusion of delicate handi- craft and Etniscan artists, taken cap- tive to Rome. Compared with the jewelry of other ancient nations, the distinctly Roman jewels are held to possess the advant- age of color and strength in design and workmansiiip. Its characteristic features were broad surfaces, massive construction and the use of large stones. Under the Roman republic the use of precious stones was prohibited ex- cept in rings, but in imperial times they were worn in such lavi;ih profu- sion that successive laws were made In an effort to correct wild extravag- auce. Pliny describes a girl who at her betrothal ceremony was covered with pearls and emeralds from head to feet. _ I Reflecting the decadence of this j period is the fact that rings were worn j by men in senseless profusion. Mar- j tial speaks of an exquisite who wore six on every linger, and had different | sets for winter and summer. i Hrncelets were also worn In large 1 numbers, the design of a coiled aer- . pent being very popular, Thi.s is be- 1 lievud to have been an importation af- i ter Pompey's Oriental conquests. j CANADA BAIg "Olfl)eiRSLES Order-in-Council Prohibits Im- migi-ation of Ilouktiobors, Men- nonites and Hutterites. A despatch fron> Ottawa says: â€" Until further order, immigratfon of Doukhobors, Huttcritos and tlennon- ites is prohibite.l. .^n order-in-eoun- cil to this effect was signed by the Governor-General on Thursday. It was passed under tha provisions of the existing^ Immigration Art whic% gives authority to this end. The order recites that "owing to conditions prevailing as a result of the war, a widespread feeling exists throughout the Dominion, and more particularly in western Canada, that •teps should be taken to prevent the entry into Canada of all persons who may be regarded as undesirables be- cause, owing to their peculiar cus- tom'?, habits, modes of living and methods of holding property, Ihey ar? not likely to become readily as- similated or to assume the duties and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship within a reasonable time." The order adds that numerous re- presentations have been received thai Doukhobors, Hutterites and Mennon- ites are of this class and character. THE POWER OF A TEN DOLLAR BILL ty. But the ?e« ,1 Mar b UU. UK se!'^ '"•';• u "''"*^' BUSINESS and puts people to WORK in our communi- comes DEAD to US It is o t of nnn ^'^^ ,° '"'' out-of-town house does NOTHING for OUR town. It be- Lerus tht^ Rive POWER to t,'°""""°" ^"rj^"" *" ^""^ ''^ ^^^ t°*» '« concerned. We NEVER see it again. POWfS- one'" h L we fpend a! HOME "" ''^''''°- '"' "^ •"'"^'"''•=- ^^'^^ °"'' ^^^"^ ^-^^^^r..n. is that GERMAN UNDERSEAS CABLES ARE SPOILS OF WAR; A despatch from Paris says: â€" Da-i vid Lloyd George, Premier Clemen- ' ceau and Pre.sident Wilson have set-i tied the question of the German'' under.seas cables. The decision was' reached that the cables were spoils \ of war and belong to those powers wj^ich took possession of them. I GERMANY MAY JOIN LEAGUE | AT EXPIR.VriON OF ONE YEAR! .\ despatch from London says:â€" The Renter correspondent at Paris says it is e:<pected that Lord Robert Ocil will be appointed British mem- ber of the organizing committee of the League of Nations, and that Ger- many will he admitted to the League after a p. riod of probation, probably one yeur. STATUS OF KIEL CANAL HAS BEEN FINALLY SETl'LED A <le,-;patch I'l-Gm Paris says: â€" The Council of Threi! to-day settled the status of the K'cl ''aiuil. Germany probably will retain proprietorship of ^ the waterway Init tolls for passage j through it will l>e levied under inter national control. â€" >-- TWO BILLION I'RAN(S TO (iO TO BELGIUM .\ despa'.ch from Paris >ays: â€" The Belgians have asked the Council of Three for w first advance of two billion francs on their sli?re of the German indemnity, according to French circles, and it appears that they have received definite and sat- isfactory assurances. FROM SUNSET COAST WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLB ARE DOING. PfogreBB of (h* Great West Toli In • Few Pointe4 Paragraphs. Calgary School Hoard will spend half a million dollars this year. Pincher Creek is going to enforce its curfew bylaw. The Great War Veterans at Victoria have endorsed the attitude of the In- ternational Longshoremen's Associa- tion and also a suggested agreement that veterans be given preference for positions in the mills. The British stoatuship Cyclops, af- ter several years' absi^iice from the route and braving tho dangers of sub- marines, has returned to Victoria in command of Captain W. C. Lycett. Alderman W. \. McAdam of Duncan has been chosen us publicity commis- sioner for the Victoria and Island De- velopment Association. Nanaimo anil Ladysmith City were the winners in tho preliminary games for tho McHride Shield, enihl?matlc of the football championship of B.C. Vancouver Island Indians are pro- testing against the settlement of Great War Veterans on tho Indian reserves, claimlag that llioir own men also helped to crush the Germans. Robert Kyle, who has recently re- turned from overseas, has been given Ills former position as foreman car- penter by tho School Board under Building Inspector Barrs, at Van- couver. The total amount of tlm increase in the Vancouver teachers' salaries for the present year amounts to $17,362. Lieut. J. H. McKi'iizie and Major V. \V. Koulthee. of Vi'.ncouver, have re- cently returned from overseas. By the time the Manitoba Parlia- ment Buildiugs are completed six mil- lion dollars will have been spent. ,\ resolution before the .Mautoba Legislature urges the federal Gov- ernment to fix soldiers' pensions at not less than $1,000 a year for total disablement, with proper provision for wives and children. The B. V. Manufacturers' Associa- tion have passed a resolution to give financial aid to the Keturned Soldiers' Club. The ttrst butterc\ips of the season on were gathered at Grand Forks Sunday. March the S.lrd. There have already been several bush flres in the vicinity of South Van- couver. That the people of British Columbia must display considerably more co- operative effort and initiative if they are anxious to see tho province de- veloped, was tho message conveyed by James Itamsay. acting president of the British Columbia Manufacturers' Association, during tho course of his address at the annual meeting. It is announced that the proceeds of tl;e concert recently given in Van- couver b) tho French Band exceeded thf; guarantee of $2,000 necessary to secure the services of the baud by $fiOO. making a total contribution of .?2,600 from the city to the relief work of the stricken districts of Prance. Two hundred and eighteen munition workers, women and men, with about forty children, arrived in Vancouver from overseas, and were given a warm welcome. Trout lishing opened In Vancouver on .March the 26th, and a number of anglers celebrated the occasion. Mea- suring 42 inches in length and tipping the SC4I0S at 27 pounds was the re- cord steel-head trout. Assuming full responsibility for tho returned soldiers after they have been released by the military authorities, the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re- establishment at Vancouver has re- gistered, up to February 22nd, 715 men, 106 of whom have been placed In positions. Palacf .\long Lake Geneva As Permanent Seat of League K despatch from Geneva says: â€" A palace for the permanent seat of the League of Nations will be construct- ed on one of several beautiful sites alontc Lake Geneva near the city. In the memtime the city authorities] will place the . Palais Eynard, near the Urviversity, at the disposition of tho delegates. • ->- Losses Impo.scd on Germany by Terras of Allies A despatch from Paris says: â€" The terms presented to Germany include a loss of seventy per cent, of her iron ore, a third of her coal deposits, twenty per cent, of her potash, and between 7,400,000 and 8,000,000 of her pre-war population. GERMAN SHIPS TO BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG ALLIES A despatch from Paris says; â€" The German fleet is not to be destroyed, but it will be distributed. Final de- cision has just been reached on this point. Great Britain, wMch at first was inclined to oppose the plan for the elimination of the German craft as war machines, shifted its position and came to the support of France and Italy, which had desired the par- tition of the craft among the allies. The American peace delegation op- i posed the plan of destruction from ' the first. â€" â€" . â€" .> FORESTS TO BE PLANTED Eiigland • is Preparing for Task at Cost of $17,000,000. I Two hundred thousand acres of forest land in Great Britain are to be replanted at a cost, for planting and maintenance the first ten years, of $17,000,000, according to an an- nouncement by the government. The trees will replace some of the heavy timber cut down during the war and provide additional forests, so that the country may be independent of other timber sources in cases of emergency. Foresters are being trained and the necessary saplings are being pre- pared. If the experiment is success- ful it is^ proposed to increase the acreage of reforested land to 1,770,- 000 acres within the next forty years. ^^ _ Relic of the Romans. There is a showcase in tho British Museum that is proving very interest- ing to soldiers who are waiting for their discharge certificates. It Is a case In the Roman British section con- taining the discharge certiticates given to soldiers in Britain in the ti;ue of the Romans. Tho bronze certificates aFe quaintlly worded, and record the tact that tho holders, "discharged hon- orably after 25 years of service." are granted Roman citizenship if nut al- ready held, "and the recognition of their marriage with those who i»9 their wives, or, in case of unmarried, any wives they may sub:^equently marry, provided they only have one each." Tho last sentence, in particu- lar, amuses the khaki visitors. GERM.\N DELEGATES AT VERSAILLES BUY UP SOAP A despatch from Versailles says: â€" Germany's peace delej^rates passed the best part of their fir^t day here blaspheming the weathsr, in common with other residents in this rainy, windy, chilly township. The second preoccupation of most of them, from Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau down, w^as the acquisition of soap. The barber shops near the three hotels where the Germans are quartered were emptied of their stocks of soap before noon. In* search of the pre- cious substance a party of German newspaper correspondents strolled far afield. Their appearance excited j adverse comment among the Versail- ' les citizens, and, although the hostile I display was limited to prolonged hiss- I ing and hooting, M. Iloudaille, who has charge of the police arrange- ' ments, gave the indiscreet soap hunters a severe warning against roaming beyond the immediate sur- roundings of their billets. HOLLAND WILL GIVE UP THE E-X-KAISER A despatch from Amsterdam says: â€" The Dutch newspapers, ex- cepting one thus far have not com- mented on the proposal to try former Emperor William of Germany. The exception is the Telegraaf, which in an editorial, says the extradition of the one-time Emperor will not con- flict with Holland's national right of sanctuary. "The ex-Kaiser," says the news- paper, "would not be prosecuted because of his intention to place Deutschland Uber Allies, but on ac- count of actions which plunged the world into misery and a repetition of which would be contrary to the vita) interests of the Dutch people." PASSED DEMARCATION LUNE BY MORE THAN S,!X MILES A despatch from Vienna says: â€" Seventeen thousand Jugo-S".av troops Monday night attacked Carinthan troops, numbering 4,000, in the sec- tors of Amoldstein, Villach, Rosen- bach and Rainer, and passed the de- marcation line fixed by the .Xrmistice Commission by six mile.-. Th ^ Jugo- slavs Wednesday cros.-ied the Drave River at several points .and cut tlie line to .A.rnoU!stein and Klagonfurt, preventing communication by Gerr man.-.\ustria and ItaK. The C. T. C. slogan for Canadian men and women is: "Buy Made-in- Canada Goods." Great Britain to Exchange Prisoners With BolshcvUts A despatch from London says: â€" The British Government announces that the Bolshevist Government has made a proposal to exchange the members of the British military mis- sion to the caucus for certain Rus- s'an subjects now in the hands of the British Government. It is also announced that negotiations are pro- ceeding for the exchange of all Bri- tish prisoners in the hands of the Bolshevists. tJEfciJxrcuDBya- -cri* Fu^-a^Eatx^x^ I'jtVT THAT MRS VIHHIE C^RRâ- ^ DAU1^,yTER? LITTLE. OrAE-OO I AW TEP- Wrethe T~ SICK ^\^N THAT â€" PAf^ AUWA-tb &\Tb UP" WITH l'f> JUbT ElCiHT DEAR'S •- OLD ^.H- \<;o TO SCHOOL VM AT THE HENO OF NY r. r WELL•C^N XOO TELL ME V>/HAT t^^N H^'b Dorse noi^E for THI^ COUNTRY 5AHTA CLAU5! > •4» tea-a«ar~'