Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1919, p. 5

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May H lf)lf) THE FLESHEKTON A DV A ^r \ \tti THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrPICe - TORONTO »»T C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leuve olloirs : FUaherton Station as Going South 7.53 a. m . 4.27 p.m. The niiii'.s .ire Going North 12.01 p.m. 9.18p. m. osed at Flesherton a follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Bibles and Testaments for sale at this office. G. B. Welton spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Mr. Joe LeCard of The Advance spent Sunday with bis mother in Toronto. Mrs. W. Mojicspenta few days of the past week with friends in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Eijjle "i Eugenia ocoupiad tho Methodi.sc pulpit on Sunday evening. No chopping done at Eugenia until further notice. â€" /irahain Bros. The service in the Bapiitt church nsit Sabbath, M'iy 11. will ba in charge of Mr. Woods of Cortetton. Our subscription list is now corrected â-  up to dite. Lock at your label and see that it is right. If no', notify us. Messrs. C. Sproule, R. Trimble and L. Richards were iu Toronto over the weei end. Mr. D. Dow of town has beeu so unfortuaate as to lose two hoises this spring. Born â€" At liegma, ou April 15, 191l>, to Mr. and Mrs. Uarro Lunaiu (nee Florence Carr) a Jiughtar. Miss Hazel Honry returned to Toronto on Friday after spending the past fort- night with her parents here. Mi. Harold Mathewson *ud bride if Toronto were guests during the past week of the former's aunt, Mrs. W. A . Armstrong. The death occurred on May 2 of Miss Mary Stewart after au illness of nine days of pneumonia, aged oi years. The funeral took place from her brother Alex's residence, near Vriceville. There are some who still d j uut realize â- our uew terms of subscription, If your subscription goes six months nverdue it will be ?1. 5(1. By[»ying promp'ly you Save fifty cents- Mr. 0. W. Phillips was taken suddenly ill on Saturday uiurning with tevere p.tiii in the region ot the heart, and his niany friends were much concerned atout him. He pulled through, however, and was back in the harucss shop on Monday. The heavy rains of last week put; a thorough sti p to farm work, and lefc tho roads in bad shape. Tho 'loming of these rains, however, saved iniuy lives, as the local lishurmeu were debarred from their sport (Vr the tjist few days of the season, The net national debt of Canada is about «l,uOO,OOt),000. Figuro this out ou an eight nallisn basis of populatiuu aud you wiU thi'u kuuw exactly how much every inxn, woman and child has got to pay f<'r their tight for liberly. Owing to illness the Eugenia W. 1 have postponed their annual meeting from Wednesday, May T, to SW'dnesdav, May U, Ht 2,30 o'clock, to bo held at the hoini* of Mrs. A. Uuy. Roll call, mem- beraliip fees. .\ paper will be given ly Mrs. H. Fenwick and a report of what Red Cioss work wo have done in the past year â€" Mrs. A. Hoy, Sec. Two of the new county Ford tractors and a grader graded up the road between Flesherion and Markdale last weeic, snd ^he tains cim» and descended thereon and behold â€" a qaaicmire ! Many people think the tractors are net strong; enough for the work and that tho committee k«ve made a bad bargain by purchasing th«ni. The fact remains that one of them will not pull the vrader throui.'h any kind of tough soil. When such is atruck two of them have to be hitched on. Judging by Iht roara of the eogina we Wbuld also expect them to uie a lot ot coaloil to cover ttie work, i^i.d also that their life wou'd be short. Mr. Boland, the overseer, thinks they are all right, and perliaps tkey are, but one of the Owen Sound papers is inquisitive a.'< to why tenders were not asked for this ruad machinery and a trial made before purchasing. The comtu'iteo will have an oppor'uuity to explain their potition at next meeting of County Council. This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 FLESHERTON BRAxNCH CEO. MITCHELL, Manager. T'le L'pper Canada Biole Depository, kept at The Adv.inco t-Bice, has ju.-.t received a complete stock of Bible-i, rnnging in price fiom 50c. to 85.25. Anions; i htso are Sfiiiie beautiful thing for presentations. There are also Bibles ("I old people with largo print, pocket testaments and faal.us. Come in and look at them. t have turned over the farm to my s-jn and will now be at the mill every working day, holidays excepted, to attend to chopping and gri»ting. We will clean your seed grain at oc. par bag. Your patronaoe solicited. P. Loucks, Flesherton. Any person desiring to build a house, drive shed or bara, should attend Mr. Fadden's sale in the Orange Valley on M*y y. This is a genuine sale of every- thin? on the phce. There are between 35 and 40 thousand feet of lumber of all kinds, including pine, and 1100 shingles. Lumber can remain tilt after spring work is done. Is it noi about time the country editor^ were striking for an eight h.ur day, «ith double p^y for overtime, a minimum income of $5 per day, the payment of all arrears subscriptions by the State, old age pensions or « retiring allowance, two months' holidays each year (with double pay and freo trangporiationX and com- pensat'on for voluntary idleness, and a participation in olhec people's profits ! Everybody else is doing i*. â€" Bruce Herald and Times. The annual Methodist Sabbath school meeting was held on Monday evening, when the following officers were ippoint. ed : Superintendent, W H Bunt ; As.st. W Miller : Sec, Clarence Fisher ; Treas, VVai Millar ; Pianis^, Mrs. White; Cradle Rill ISupf, Mrs Millar; Teachers- Mrs. Armetrong, Mrs. Heard, Mrs Beifrey, Mrs Moure, Mrs White, Thos Bentham, W Miller, H Down, Wm Martin. Supply teachers â€" Mrs Mitchell Mrs Down, Mrs. Miller, Mrs Mirtin. The Advance publiiihcd an item two weeks ago chionicliug the feat ot a hen belonging t.j Mr. Vollet of Durham, which laid two egs;s in one day. We have something riajht here in Flesherton tha: " knocks the spots galley west " od that Durham biddy. Mrs. John Nuhu, whose veracity is beyond ([uestion, in forms ui thit sha has a djck of jthirteen hens -sober, iudusttijus hens of no particular breed- just hensâ€" that in one day last week laiU seventeen eggs. There was no chance of a mistake, as the hens are k opt in an euolusurs. No intuxi cants, elec:nc lighr, patent nests or other persuasive measures were used ou these birds, either. The baseball season was opened on M'laday afternof".), when the locals staged an interesting .game with the Power House. The first five innings looked like a good close game, but at this stage the home team got their clubs working and the wi>v they pounded that pilllkround was a shame. Both teair.3 played very good ball, considcjring that it was the drst game, but the Flesherton boys were superior with their tats aud puUed off a win by the score of 15 to 4. .A feature of the game w.as the Flesherton 17-year-old bittery, Muir and Buchanan who handled themselves like veterans. Geo. Mitchell handled the game a.s umpire. NOTICE Owing to a largely signed petiti ju of fcusineos men and citizens the Village Council decided on Monday evening last to ask the cicizens to advance their clocks one hour at 13 o'clock, midnight, on Sunday, May 11, the uew time to be in vogue until Sept. 30. D. McT.WISH, Reeve. To Bore at Shelburne Hiving had oil and coal hunta of our own in this usighliorhood in the past, the Shelburne district does not tie itself in knots at tha mora mention of pros- pectors quite to readily as it mi^ht bava doni" at one time. Were it otherwise, we iui);ht be considerably excited at the present time, for prospectors are aga'n iu our midst. The talk is of oil or gas, with an oocisional mysterious hint of c»l. Options, it <h said, have been secured ou the Jaiais McCabe farm; Melancthon ;-S. McVanel farm, Ama- ranth, and other |irupcrties a few miles west of the town, and a drill is to be put at work aome time in the future Koooomist. Magnet Cream Separators .?*<iuare gears â€" no fictum ; double supported bowl â€" cannot rock; perfect skimmer â€" one piece ; easy to turn â€" a child can operates; capacity changeâ€" saves the buyer ?50.00 ; patent brakeâ€" "Magnet,' patent ; ttrong, rigid construction â€" meohani:al y correct ; sanitary strainer â€" aerni proof ; easy to cl'junâ€" a child cleans it in a iew minutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. Trm^s^'S^^^!i'»^^!?s'Ss^^^^iis^^^^^^ Brave Joe Allison Edi'or Advance ; Deal Sir,â€" In a letter recently received from my son. now in England, he says he came over from Mesopotamia with several R. A. F. men who knew Joe .\ll;son, and every one of them spoke well of his work iu Mesopotamia. They told him that onoe he brought home his plane with seventy two holes in her. That shows that Joe was not afrvid to get m lid up in a good dght. One fellow who saw him shot down said that | Joe had been out bombing the retreating Turks, and after duishimj his I»ombs he dived down and machine-gunned some infantry and a battery of held guns. It was while he w.as ciiaibin" up again te come home tha'. Major ShuUz and his flight caugnt him. He fell near Alton Kempri, which in England means Alton Bridge. -JOHN GRLMMET, Pioion Station. SPRING FOOTWEAR NOVELTIES JUST IN Ladies' High Cut Kill Shoes in patent, dongohi, mabojiany and chocolate leathers. Hi^h French heeLs, u)ilitary heels aud sport heels. Ladie.s' Pumps anh Oxtonls in kid. piitent ami chocolate leathers. MLsses' High Cut Shoes in black and chocolate. Misses' and Chihlren s Pumps, Mary Janes, Eonian Sandals and Strap Slippers. Men's and Boys' Mahogan) Caff and Box Calf Shoes, new ^ lasts, all size.*;. Spring Si)ecialties with Xeulin -Sole.s ami Rubl)er Heels in black and chocolate. Ask to see our Men's Special Work Boots at Five Dollars Every pair solid leather throughout, soft pliable stock, damp resisting, made on perfect fitting custom lasts and perfectly finished. Correct weight for hard wear. Spring Hosiery for men and women, iu black, white, grey and brown, in silk, lisle and cotton. Prices from 25c. to$i.50 pair. Mcu'.s and Women's Haincoats for liainv Dav.s. •Watson's' Underwear, "Arrow" Collars, '"Lang" Shirts, Suspenders, "Stay in Shape ' Neckw-ear, "Kins;' Coatless F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO W A barn belonging Co R. .\nderson and rented by Hugh Firth, on the 6:h con ofGleneIg, was destroyed by tira one night last week, together with 17 head of ci.tle 20 pigs, heiio, hainoss, etc , as well aa a con»ideiable amount of spring seed which he had recauily purchased. Five yoiiuji men, who were a.'tendinga dance in the house, Inst their horses iu the tire. The cause of the drd is not known. r NEW MUSIC STORE I have opened up a Music Store in the Old Aimstroujj Block, where i will carry a compicie stock of Columbia iCirafouolas aud lUfordsJ Impeiitil Grafouolas, Gerrard Heiutzman Piauosaud bheet Music. C^il and let us show yju our stock. We feci sure you will be pleased. 24 Years the same "good" tea REDROSE TE A"is good tea' Sold only in sealed packages :^ n Chard & Fisher Insurance .Agents Flesherton, . Ont. .1^ « L'fe, Fire, .\utomobile and Animal Insurance. Renfrew Machinery and Mason Risch Pianos For Sale. 1, RICHARDSON BLOCK lSi.Li.Lv'^! Old St.4>d) i i HELP WANTED ^^^ , Ba yoni- own boss. Sate a nl I iirocety business of your own. cut-rate f2i) to I T^ T T T^ IV T T T^T T 1"^ T^ m l^irocety ousmess ot your own. f2o tc FURINllUKJi- ||!^H:TS;;!u:wtK^f' "'"^'^ All kinds of t'uraiture iu our showrooms. Call and see U our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large || i range of prices tc suit your pocket book. i I OarefuUy â- ' Butter . . Corrected I H. HALES .\F.MSrRON(i BlCiK 1 - Ont. J. ( Oli „ Flesherton, UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Notice to Creditors W. H. BUNT Flesherton, [j '7=JiEEJr^r =Jr=]r=Jr- Eacb Weel,- . 40 to;0 43 ,,, , E^8« 4;! to 43 Hi ^^heac 2 00 to 2 U jl^P^'"? 1 4etol 50 ^ \ ^'"ts 70 to 75 Fhone 30 r 1 i Ij, i Barley 7310 so I ||: Farmers Attention I 1 Make tnouey in your spare time nil during the coming Fall and Wintei mouths by selling hardy Canadian nursery stock . Ont. Ill the matter of the Estate of Robert | SVihiani.", late of the Townstiip of .Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. JJotico is hoiebv i»iven, pursuant to â- 'The Trnstee Act' ' (K. S. O . 1914, Cliap. 121) that nil creditors and others liavini; cl imi.s ag.diist the estate of the snid U -bert Willi iini. who died on or about the Fifleetiih day of tVbruary K b. IDID. are reiiuired CO or before tlie Sixteenth tliy of May .\. D. lOllJ, to send by pj.st prepaid or deliver to Wright Telfurd & Walter of the town of Owen Sound, in the County of CJrey, Solicitors fot John E Williams and Udbert Planlt, E.^eoutors ot the last Will aud Testament of the said Robert William.'! deceased, their Christiau aud Suruaiuos, addresses and descriptions, tho full particularii of their claims, the statement of then- accounts aud the natute of the securities, if any, held by them. .\nd lake notice that after such las ineutioned date the said Kxtcuturs wilt proceed to disiribote the assets of the said decewed anion^ the parties entitled thereto haviii|< reijaid only to th<j clsinn of which tliey shall then have uotico. and, the said Eiecutora wdl not bo liable for Ihe paid as,"iBta or any part thereof to any person or peicoi..'^ of whose claim notice shall not have beeu- received by ihem at tha time of such distribution. Dated his I5th day of .\pril A. D. 1919. WUIGHT TKLFORD A W.vLTER, , Owea Souud, Ootati SATISFIED ! > TH.\T Is what over 100 users say about 1000 Gravity washer.s supplied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Giavitvwasliers and wringers tlectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Moweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultiv.ator, Flows, Steel Stalls, Harrows. Gasoliue Engines, BrantfiTd duubl«< Keared and auto oiled airmotor Wind MilU, Bea'ty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS Que third more wood cut with same power whea titled with my patmt. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. British Bud European markets wil) ' be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to oi;der for ."pritjg j planting. i Largest list of Fruit and I mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, 'grown iu Canada. Orna etc. Write for parht^lars. Stone & Wellington The Ponthill Nurseries. ( Ksiablished 1A?7.) TORONTO - ONTARIO It Pays. I Get The Best- ELLIOTT Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is niiled tbr>-ui{bout Canada for hiith grace business education. Great demand for our graduates Op«u all jear. Enter now. Writ* for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Pri.ncipu.

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