Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1919, p. 4

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Muy H,M)\\) THK FIKSIIEUTON ADVANCK I-H Flesherton Advance atiiii'U>|i«ii •lent! n*'\v-<piiprr, pulilistied mvitv rhur *l»y at th*" ott\r.<\ Collingwuod Street, (""Isnlitfrtim. Subucriiaiim price *1 peramuiiii NMh<;ii paidiiittilv>«iici' ;$l.r)..'wlieu no «i> P»iil .V1v<T liniiiif rnten oil .ipplicatii'ii. Cifoultttion " •••J^.'ekly W. n. THIRSTON. ED ITOK Rr.les And Regulations Foi .S.»iivliii;< I'luiil Ciipj) CiiiniiwtitidU H8 CoiiducLLvl by East (iioy Agricu'- <ui»l Snciaty, Flcsli<)it<iii. Selfctioii of crop in Wliitj OnU. 1 Kicli field I'nieiod must oon»i8t of »ioi l.'Ms tliiin (ivo Kcrus. If ilie fiolJ •Ciii»'»in« inoio Ibaii liio ucros mid the «t)nip-'titor winlies to retlucu it to the oiiiiimum allowed, It wWl lo ncccsiary <or hitii to eithiu' cut :i .swiilh but>vttn the pirt lo hi judned »ii<l the bnlaiice (.f tlie fi*ld. or set n row of etsikes not IttS th%u four fcethiifh for the diTibion line. I'ltless this ia done the jud;!0 will le te<i'jirod to score the whole lieKl. 2- Competitors will bo limited to those who »re p»id up monibcrs of the Society for iho current ye»r, »nd the fieldt entered must not l-e more than hfieeu miles frnni Flesherton. Compet- it ir« will be (il'owed in one society only, and only one entry cm be nude by each «omi)clitor in each kind of crop, (eg.) a fiilher and sen residing []on the same farm and fforking it in p;krtnor8hip, ciinnui mnko sepaiatj entries. oâ€" Eniiies mnst be forwarded to the Secretary of Eist Grey Atjric. Society on or before May 20;h, lOllt.] 4 â€" Entrance fee ia $1. a â€" la the event of prizjj b»ing ofl'ercd «t the full iiliibilion the prize winners inuAt c.xhibii one slie.tf of f{r.tiii from the pri/e winnini; field. .Said .sheaf niuat not be less than eight inches at the binder. The name of the varidty must be attached to the sheaf, and also ijuan- tity of griin fi-r sale, if any. Competilora who fiil to exhibit a sheaf without ^itfinK reasons salisfuctory to the directors will have their prize money withtld. 5 â€" In order to oncourag* [neleciiun of the best varictie* of grain, it hia 'been decided that bold crop conjpeti tors should select from the folh'vtiDK staadard varie- ties : <Jat8â€" U A C 72, Hanner. Thii does not prohibit any ol her variety than those above named, but when the judi>e i.s scoring the field if any either variety than the above named ones is grown two points will be deducted from the total score. 7â€" Seven prizes â- ire ofTered as folUws ; For each crop Ist $20, 'ind Sl'i, :Jrd $12, 4 h J19, 5:h S3, Ulh Jl3, 7th $1. , These are paid in full without iiny deduution. Hâ€" It i.s urijed that the competitors in the ditl'erent cr(ips should seb'Ct tlio aanio 'V.iri-ity of );rain and have th«ai Nown, as nearly as possible, the same week . l!y tio doins; th.e crop.t will be nearly in Iho Himestatddf ripeiics'i and the jndi;cs will be facilitated. !• â€" The (Jntario Depiitinent of Agri- culture will furnish Judgev. Kor application forin-i, etc., apply to VV. A. llawkun, .Sicretaiy EiKt (Jiey .Axncultural Society, Kltshertim. Small Ads. FOR SALE S.ino .stonebciit inatorial for "ule â€" Graham Uros., Kugeuia. Horte For Sale- Kuinu C yearK old, about l;;0(), yood single driver. W. T. G.'uce. C'eylun. Phouo. Cow For Saleâ€" (iond cow, fi yeart. old milKini;. Apply to John Wriuht, Flesh- erton. For Sile â€" Dood serviceable sound horse 11 yeais olJ. VVillJ sell or trade for a'.oc.k. Apply to â€" L A. Fisher, Flesherton. Young Sow for Sale â€" Due to farrow <) pril i.':ird. FroJ Jamieson, Eugenia. Telephone. Store Stock and Property for sale at Maxwell. â€" Apply to S. M. Osboi-ne, Maxwell. For Salo â€" Ma;.'iiet C'roam Separators and Eiiyiius, and repairs for same. Also Black and White Leohorn E.;gs from 3 different pens. .\leo good serviceable woik horse and fresh milk co# for svle. Apply to O. 1! Weltni, MuiiiUi* Uouse, b lo>*herloii. I Social Habits I of the Eskimo For Sale cheap'^and en easy terms, Lot lo, con. 11, O.prey, 110 acrei. This is a first class farm ind in a good slite of cultivation. Good Lank barn and new frame dwelliiij;. Apply co K. J. Sproule Fiis lurtou I Around Grey County. \ dnease wh cli seiins to Ijo a t)pe of l^ralynis has teooine alino.'^t ejiidiniic a:i.on'.{ the cattle ill ih.) vicinity of Me iHiiclliin Etaii <n. While workin;^ at a slnper in the Durham fiiinil 010 factory Wo^ley id se- borough had the index fin;;er of his left hand badly injured and aniput'itioii was decided on. Samuel Le.ike, i ret rriied s.ddier, u e" instant death on Mond-iy iiioniini; i.i last week at the Ki.i-elitel f.ic'.ory, W.ilkr;- ton, oy beiiiK ciuijht in the shiifiin^;. He was .(t work ahjiie in the uii^iiie room <-f th<> sawmill and no one w«« anaru if the accident until Ills lifeless body m« /ound by w.'ikineii. Mr. Leake went uveiseas witli the lliOth Battalion, ai d had but recently reurned from aiti\o service in Fiaiiue and started at his <ld job in the factoty a few days Bgo. A wife and five sniiill children i^urvive. Valeria CullinH, a btlle (Jhataworh |;iil, was kicked liy a colt. She »as bad'y bruised and had her imse lirokin. Arthur Djui(las, colored, attempted an escape from Owen Sound jiil. He was found hiding under the floor of his •other's hi.ii'^o. Arthur was in for •teilinx uhi;kena. iieotva FerKU'on was given s x monil i\ in jail for '.hid nt iho joliie cuit in UwcnSoutid. lie was f'liiid guilty o| the theft of wool from Ijemon Bros, lo the amount of alinoHt f.iO') Tliii* w is eold to a Choiley ili-aler Ry a vote of II lo i) daylight suing was reiommeiidol by the t »wen Sound council and the cit>.«na am aakcd to •hove tkeir clocks on one hour 'afer May lit. CEDAR WANTED C-dir Wanted- 4 foot 2 in. long price $7} for No. 1 cedar, or in thi) lo^ 12 fi.il 4 in. long. Mo. 1 $11, delivered at my mill.â€" Edward Sirijent, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS SmaM chain found between Flesherton and Ceylon, .^pply at this ofti:e. Read "The Advance' Try Feversha.ii I'astty l''lour, the best for your cook. All Oiitwrio wheac Private funis to loin on real estate security .-it rca.soiiable rate iif in'erest. .Apply to 11, J. Sproule, l>leiherton. sept>'317 fli^jhosl price for butiei anil nags a' (Jniliain Uros. Kugenii.'. Ji-n ; 2o W. E. Hellamy of Tojsoronto Ins a cow which for prolilioness probably hdda the record in all tliis p irl of the c niiitry. The animal is a urade Sliorlliorn and in three years shn produc d e ght calvei. In li)17 three ware horn, two uf tliHin dying. Ill 1!I18 this cow hud twin Oliver both good healthy youngsters and today liar.ly your olds. This spiini! the co « gave bin h to tliroo o^lviK, all of whom are hardy, healthy, u'ood r siz/il Ji't!" f.dlows. Two are while and ono is re t. There is no sign of waalvneiS In any oi theui and they will very likely ina'ure. Bull for Sale .S!i ir h irn bull, fourioin m orhs o'd for H4l«. -Apply on lit 12, con. I'. Ospivy, or telephone GEO. BDRKF, Kioiiia 1' t). NOTICE Cu'jloni choppinif Tuesdays, Thnisdiiys and Salurdiys mily durinL' tliu nioiuhs c f M.iy, .luno and .July. .S iwinij of liimliM and sliin:;lei', plming done to order, on other diy. lijLyonr 11 'orin;; and hcin':e fiiriiishmj;-! at (!. A. WAT.St>N A- SONs' l!o\ ltl',> PricjvilleOiit. ApiLMf Auto For Sale Clievrolol Kiiii'iliour. auto f ir nile, <inl> U'edafew weeks, property of the late Dr. LI Hi'. .\ liiirgaln. Appiv tc C N" Uiehardsoii or Tlios. HlakeLy, I'M i^h r Ion. Residence For Sale For sale ohenp iind on o.isy teinn, i|i. residence and pnnilses thereto lielon.;iiic lo the I'll! M. K ItiebardsoM. f lesb -r I'll. On the pieinis H are a hoiio bnok veneered dwrllnii/, wtdl llMished anil ii i^ood rep»ir, iMiiilains '.( iarje bixlrimoi ml (he rocoiiil Hat m.i\ a huge donble liodroom mi first flat ; i;ood never failing willwltli foice pump III li'tsi'ineiil, lit .^Mul cist en. all well tiMi«h''il f a' wi'ili^ Ol Mininior kitrlien and dinim( ami wash rouicM » i b g o I piii'ry and o'ner cm veoleiiCrM ; lar^H Uwii a'ld ijirilen with yoiid yo.iiio irehard I'totriiii; and pleiit) of 'nHtl tiiiil ; Kiio.l liriie fra'i'.e st.iti'i aid diivinu hoiisn. IViiiitsis w m i' III ite ex'^i-llent l»ii,'< lioardiii^' hoii^e and piiviiin otlioii lieside^, or would answer well tor two tenants and also good otii :i for rent . Ap| y I" 'I- J- Sproule "i the prtinises i«h • will >.how any p-TH >.i over til'- premis.is. 17*>.' Advance Ads Bring Results. ♦•X'*«:-x-X'<~x-X"X~x-X"X"X~x COMMUNISM rules supreme among the Ksklnios of the extreme north. The men of the village hunt together, cat together, and if need be starve to- gether. In the phra.'je of the old hymn, they share each other's woei, each other's burdens bears; and of- ten for each other flows the syni- pathizing tear. Socialism has no op- position among the I^.skiinos; there is no need of the class war. If any man In the community Is hungry, all others go hungry in an equal degree. If anybody has a piece of luck ho calls in his neighbors. Nor would it have been possible lo make the war plain to them by au apologue such as a certain school of economic historians would have ub believe is contained in the Honioric poems. There was never an Kskinio Helen or an F.skinio Troy. Marria^R is a pliant and elastic institution iii the regions about Etah. The girl.=? are married, usually, at the age of 12 â€" as soon as they are able to chew the solo of a boot. There is no more requirement of recondite litual, but a very practical provision lo insure efJlcienoy in the practical arts of the housewife. Domestic science among the Ks- kimos has two essential require- ments; the bride must be able to take care of a lamp and niond her husband's elothps. The tiiinming, filling, and cleaning of the lamp is fairly simple, a sort of freshman course. More difficult is the task of mending the heavy garments with bone needles and leather thongs; and most difflcult of all the mending of the boot. The heavy leather of th'3 sole has to be moistened and chewed Into a lessor degree of toughness be- fore tho needle can be driven through it; and the chewing takes strong teeth, determination, and endless pa- tience. It is not only a physical but a moral landmark when, for the first time, the Eskimo piil chews her boot. She has graduated; she is ready for marriage. * But in marriage itself the same communism prevails. The bride- groom, having duly arranged, some- times years beforehand, with the par- ents of a graduate boot-chewer, leads her away to his igloo. But he is ani- mated by no selfish and monopolistic sense of possession. An Kskimo Paris would have had to do no more than ask an Eskimo Menelaus lo lend him his Helen for a month. Tho end of the month Helen will be taken back to Menelau.s, or transferred to another applicant. The Kskimo does not say, "She is mine!" He observea to his fellow-citizen, with a wave of the hand inclusive of all the women of the village, "They are ours." The title to the women of the tribe may be said to reside collectively in the men of the tribe. So frequent are these interchanges that a popular Eskimo girl, possessed of personal charm and accomplishcil at the mastieation of footwear, may be said to spend the first few years of her married life in a condition of recurrent honeymoon â€" ;i sort of honeymoon cycle, limited only by tho comparative sinallne.ss of the com- munity, so that all tho possible per- mutations and combinations of nup- tial existence are eventually exliaii.it- cd. It i.'i a long way from this po.si- tion of iin eagerly desired Indie at tho tliresliold of life to that of the aged Eskimo grandmother, her teeth worn to the eiiins by the chewing of tho .boots of three gfneration.s. To be sure, Helen may not always want to be lent to Paris for a week or two; she may prefer to stay with Menelaus. But Helen is not consult- ed. The simple, sturdy communion of tho Eskimo does not regard wo- men as people. Nor could the Eskimos understand tliat war might be made as a matter of religion, sanctified by Iho cult o," a superior people going out to con- quer their natural slaves under the aegis of "old I-'ritz up there" and the ruler of "Cherubinen, Seraphiu- en, und Zeppelinen." Their religion teaches a fear of invisible spirits cou- trollinK the riches of the sea, but tho most malevolent angekok never tried lo use this belief to inspire (leleli>- rious activities. Indeed, MacMillan has expre.ssed doubt.s as to wlielher (he religions of soiilliorn t limes could profitably be spread among them. "They don't need religion," he ob- serves. "They have about all of tho virtues already." And a Christianizeil Eskimo from .-louthern Greenland who recently came north, Inspired by an ambition to become the Billy Sunday of lOtali, apparently agreed with lliis, for so far he has confined himself to teach- ing the children to read and write. I'aler he may go on to mutters of ethics and theology, but apptirenlly he is going to make no attempt to interfere with the folkways of tho elders. 8USINESSCARDS yoCIETIKS pKlKCE AUTHUtt LODOE, No. Ml.A.F.Jt- A ,*.l, iiivuts in tilt Masoulohali. Arm « .0!:i,''H llloci. Kloslitu'tou. uvory Friday on or Ijafore tlio full itccr. T. Itoiiry w. M. T. ItUikely, Sucrotai-y. JJENTISTRV |]r B. C MURRAY U D. K , dental durgeou •^ b.uorKiaduato ot Toronto Uuivuraity and »..vftl v:o!liKe of Dental Surijeunn of Outarlo. iSB aduiisinistured for teeth eXtra'.ilou tjif:o til ruuitliiiicit. 'I'uroulo Street. l''lu8Uorto:i Medical ( y .-TTEWELL ' Veterinary Kurfjeon irftdiiate of Ontario Veteritiary l^odetfe resldotico â€" flueuiid door '^outb west bn V.ary Bti'uot. This street rahi outb 'ruHbyterlati Cburcb. l^ Legal UCA8, UANF.V A hENUY-liarristerB. riolicitorB eic â€" I. H. LucaB, K. C; W. K, •taiiey, K. C. ; \V. I). Henry, H. A. Ollloes, roro.ito, K)0-9 TiadorB Hauk lildg.. plione :'aiii 1412; Markdalo Lucas hllock, Plioiie 2 A. branch ottice at Uuudalk opta every baturday. m KIGHT, TELKOHD te WALTER â„¢ ItarriBter, SolicitorH, Ac. Otlicos, (irey t ISruc8 Block, Owoii Koiiiid. f3tandaril> Hank Hlock,Klo6lieiton.(Katiir(!avB). W, H. Wiiglit, "V. P. Telford Jr. W. 11. Walter. LLB. BusiNE-ss Cards ly-M. KAITTING, icenaod Auctioneer toi *' the counties of Grey and Sinicoe. arm and block sales a specialty. Turuie uoilorate. BatiBf^utiou guaranteed. Arranf^e- uuuts fur ilaLea May beuiadeat tbe Advance iltjt'i', or Contra, leluphuue otllce Ij'everaliftuj â- r tjyaddiesBinii iij>3 at Kevereham, Ont. DMcPHAICi, Liconeed Auctioneo for tho • Conutybf Grey. Terms moderate uiul â- utie action fjusrauteed. Tbe arraDgemeiita ind datee of sales can be made at ThK ADVAiice Ifice. Itesidence fcud P.O.. Ceylon. To'cphoiitJ oouection, Ucc. I), TO New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opciiijiL' 1111 ill nice, a blacksmith- iiij; and woodworking business in Ma.x- well, and am ns'nUins; up-'.odate wood- workine ni'icbineiy. It will be my en deiivor to serve tbe public ill a satisfac- tory niimner and I .would solicit pitron- ace. I wiiit yourwnrk and will do it right. 7 .-Vpril 1 CHESTER LONG Boar For Service Pure bled lieglstcred Yorkshire Boar for service â€" Mii.Kwell .lack ()2!>0.'i â€" on lot 167, S. W. T. iV S. R., Ar-emeaia. Terms ljl.50. 10,4,1!) T. J. STINSON. Boar for Service The undersigned has a thoroiii;h.)red Yorkshire 13oar for service on lot 11, C) n 8, Dsprey. Terms Sl-oO. PRKD SPOFFARD. Boar For Service Uejjistored Chester White h li; for service at Rock Mills. The futhir won lirst at Chicigo F.iir. Terms lSl,,"iO. l.-)decU» -I. SMITH Prop. FARMERS! Study your own best interests. There is no improvemcut on your farm tliat pay.s as largo rt turns for the money invested as a good well. I have tho experience, a conipetcnt outl'tl and the slock on hand lo put in a first class job. Siitisfaclioii guaiauteed. Communicate with M. S. BELLERBY WELL DRILLER Flesherton, Ontario iiti»iitt â-  " » FLEET FOOT Wliitf, I'.lack and Tan. Fiu' men, women and chililron. All .sizes. Prices right. Highest prices paid for produce. GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. m i r I $ $ $ I I I m FJesherton Tin Shop- I liave just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- in l's. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. F'urntices. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j0 ONTARIO. B WE SELL FARM IMfTEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sliarples Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN T AGENT FLESHERTON. Thirteen Urolliers In tlie War. Few faniiUeH in Cunadii ciin ciiiiul the record of that of Corpl. T. J. liolbrook, u Kinniounl hluck.smlth recently returned from overaeus. There were thirteen brotliers in the Holbrook brood and all were in the war as volunteer men, of whom rIx gave the Bupremc proof of citizen- ship. The Holbrook family record eclipses that of Staff Sergeant W. K. Payne of tho AiiHtrallan Iinperlala, who had tlvo brothers killed at Mons, one at UuUecourt, another elsewhere In France, and two in the South African war, his sole surviving brother haviUK lost a leg at iMona. The father of this family ot eleven fighting men l8 a lieuten- ant-colonel In charge of the DIsley rifle range. In his 79th year. Milk Costs Too Much IxMd. While hauling a milk wagon In Qiielph recently, a horse dropped dead, holding up street cftr traffic for t^tU an hoiu-. f Spring Needs Kvorybody knows rtherwiii WiUiiims PaiiiLs and Varnishes - -a liuisli for every purpose â€" inside and oiilside. Fluorlac and Mnrnot for lloora, Taiiit your own car with B. NV. 1* auto oniimel. A Rocd aasottniciit of I'liint IJriisliea Kcrrcn Doors, llecs, Rtikea and Shovels. New. Perfestion Long Chimney Oil Stove. Red Star Washing Machiuc.i, Dai.sy Cl\u>ns and all kinds of paiLs. Spring Frost Woven and Coil Wire Fence. Also the new Sharplea Sucliuii l''eed Cream SeparaUr. Any uieinbor ol the family can turn and skim clean at any speed. F.W.DUNCAN Phone 24rll Flesherton °^ Another Hired Man for Your Farm M;ike:i hired iiuiii of a Toronto Farm Engine. Use its wonderful power to make your farm a higger, faster profit-maker. Toronto I'arm ICngiiies j;ive you cheap power. Run all kinds of ma- chinery around the farm. I'ump water, run witshing machine, cream separator, churn, corn shelter, ensilage cutter, grain elevator, concrete mixer, wood saw. Toronto Tarni ICiijiiius cut farm costs â€" lessen work â€" .='.avc time. Sturdily ccjiistructeil on siniiile, seieutilic lines. Kconomical of fuel. Give ample power. Ke(|uite little attention. Kuii on gasoline or kerosene. Wihe us for booklet about farm engines. At the same time find out about Toronto Grain Grinders and TorontoS:iws. Itoth arc farm servants who woik for you at low cost and high cflicicncv. Uoth save time and cut out waste. Our booklets on engines, saws anil grinders are full of valuable farm information. Write for them. They are free. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Limited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Montre*! Winnipeg R«|ia« Calguy ONTARIO WIND ENGINE 8, PUMP CO OROiQ? â- 'HI'- Ilia F. E. SOMERS â- niiiiiii^ Feversham, Ont.

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