fkBhtxim 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR' - -PRINCIPLES NOT MEN ' Vol. 38, No. 49 Flesherton, Ont., Xlay J5 1919 CEYLON ^â- ' â- I KIMBERLEY Mm. (Dr.) Holmes of Owen ssound Mr. Win. Waliem of Toronto is renew- visiced her patenrp, Mr. «nd Mrs. T. iiiij old acciuainlaiiccB in these parts at Chislutt, litit week. Mrs. T. Fletcher, who has beea visit- iu!; her sister, Mrs. D. Wydeman, has returned to Batfalo. J. J . PnUison of Toronto and Willie 'if Oransjevillc High School, i^pcnt the week ebd with their parents. Inspector Beckett, Owen Jijuud, was in cowu k«c week on his rounds »> lu- t-pector and issuing licenses. Mr. Fred Wright risited with his sister in Owen Sound 07et the week end. Miss Dorothy McLeod is vi.sicing with relatives in Toronto. Mr. an I Miss Wellwooa uf Dundalk were guests of Miss Ella Whittaker ihia week. Mr. and Mr». Camphell, Mis. P. Baitev, Mrs. McPLer.ion kud Mrs. J. Baxter of Caledon, and Mr?. F'erguson of Orant[eville attended the funeral of Miss Mary Stewart, which took place to Price- ville cemetery on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Paisley attended tae bedside of ihair sister, Miss Mary Stowirt, who passed awiy on Frid; y iuoruin>i afier an illness of ten days with pneumonia. The decea<ed wi.s ot a very kind disposition, and behoved by all who knew her. She leivos to mourn her loss two sisters, Mrs. Bell and Miss May, and four brothers, Messrs. Hoddie, Doudd, Archie and Alet , the Utter with whom she resiJed. Much syinp»thy is exprtsi- eJ for the sorrowing one*. The remains werd laid to rest iu PricevilJe cemetery On Mondiy afternoon, followed by a hl.Je coucuurse of friends, Rev. Kendall of Dunda k othi;iatinij. Mis. i.MoLeod and daughter. Miss Edna, who have sp.-nt the pait yeir in VViniiipeg, returned home on Monday night, and were accompanied fcm Toronto by he: .daughter, Mts. Heebie Fisher. Mis.s Ethel Bennett of S«hclbuuie attended tha reception at J. Gibson's ou Moiidiy evening. Born- Oil May 2i)d, to Mr. and Mrs Sandy McDonald, a daughter. Ml-, aiid Mrs. John Gibson very kiiidly opened their home on Monday eveuint; to i» lari^o K^thering when a reception was tjiideted the boys who hiive returned from overseas. Rev. Quiuu was pio.seiu ttud i;ave a splendid address on what we owe Iho boys, which was much enjoyid by those preseu:. Miss R. Cargo of Fiushertoii, Thos. McArthuraud Mr. N. Cameron on the bag uipes and ethers assisted on the programme, after which thj Willing Helpers pi.-seuted th.'b.ys wno were present each with a ring wiili their number battalion aiiJ mitiiils on it Ptes. Melville Rntledge, Jas. McMulIeii, Will Gibson, C las. Jciies and Mc- Whiuuey were present. Pte. Melvilln Rutiedge, ou beh.iif of the boys, ttiinked the donors for tkeir tukeu uf respect, which woiiJd ho kept in lou^ reniem' brauce. A dainty lunch was then served aud ample justice done lu the onvd thipgs the ladies provided. present. George Stuart of Powissat visited friends in our burg during the p<ist week. County Riad Overseei Alonzo Rennie of Goring was » pleasaut caller here one day last week. Mias Orr of Flesherton is wielding the b!ue beech in the junior dep.irtment of 'lur public tchool in the absence of Miss Etta Latimer, who underwent an opera- tion in the Toronto Geticral Hospital recently. Mr. and Mrs. K Brady of Chnrry Grove visited with the latter's brother, D. L Weoer, our enterprising merchant, one day last week. Mr. Divid Graham of Vandeleur made a business trip to this part la^t week and purchased an iucub.ttor from John Plewes. Mr. aud Mrs. Cbas. Lewis, of .Seattle, Wash , who have been visiting friends in this v.ciniiy, returned home one day last week. And so the chief censor of Canada has got Ben Spence tined to ths tune of live huudred dollars for publishing the book called the Parnsite. We'll waucr tell Co one tint the chief censor is not a temperance man. We thought that every British subject wis entitled to a trial by jury. A ceitain cabinet ininisur in the Pri>viiicial Government will not get the fupport of the temperance electors at the ntxt Provincial election. Uats off to the United Farmers of Ontario, stana four sijutre f jra dry Ontario. We wmc moro farmers in tl.e Legislature. Mr. Will. Banks, a returned soldier of ^sask., occupied the pu'pii lu the Meihodist church on iSunday evening last aud delivered Hn excelle-it ctiscuurse. Mrs. Thos. Reid of the Valley Road JJortii lost a couple if valuable horses recently. .Vruold Liwrence, one of our p ipular young men, left for Tiout Creek, Parry Sound district, on Monday, where lie will engage in the butcher business with his uucle Henry Liwrence. Will. Hirns is buiy thj roof f ilrs. M. K. Hammond's rei- deuce. PORTLAW Held over last week. Mrs. .1. W. Bates has returned to her home iu Toronto after visitiug with bet mother, Mrs, Taylor. Miss Violet AlcMaster was huiue fruai Toronto for Easter. Miss IShuiik spent her holidays with hur |.aients in the city. Mrs. Art Watson of Toronto visited hitt Week with friends here. Sinnaller Howey, a former pastor,who has recently returned from overseas, took part in the service at Mount I^ion ou Sunday last. Viss .Agnes Bell of Toronto spent Easter with her cousin, Lillian Mc- Ken^sie. Wm. Love I ad the uiisfortune to lose one of his horses lately. Murray CornBold of Toronto was home for a few days. EAST MOUNTAIN •' Little by little the skies grow clear. Little by little the sun conios near ; Little by little the days smile out. Gladden and brighten ou pain aud doubt; Little by liulo the saed we sow Int ) a beautiful yield will yrow." Mrs. Robert McMu'lcn visited a fcw days with trends in Toronto. .Mr. and Mrs. Chnles M.-\rtin and babe, .\ri;yle, visited at John McKeii- i^ib's, Duncan, reoenily. W'e express our sympathy with Mr. Wallace Graham, who kst his barn aud c intents by dre on Saturday inorning list. Joe Williams i>f Eugenia s helping D. GeiDo with his spring work. Miss Mae C:irruthirs is learning the millinety bii.-.i;.,ss with Mr. ilickliug, Ficshtrion. ROCK MILLS Mr. aud Mrs. Ned Cfoft vi.,ited with re!ativ< s on the 4th line over Sunday. Tom Brown, who lecently returned from 1 verseas, is vis'tiog with friends in this vicinity. J. Kleiu of Toronto visitol recently with his brother in-law, J Darg.ivel. Herb! Betts re'urned homo froin To- route last week, where he was pngtged for the past thn-e uMulhs with the Maseey Harris C.<. Mrs. W. T. Pedlar has been l»id up with a broken aukU>, but we are glad to hear of her recovery. Lili.jn Park visired one day thi* pas" Moun' '/. on Sunday school has been j ''*^'' *"** ''•''' •''â- '«'"', Ida Radley. reorganize I with Mrs. Thomas Taylor L)u i«i Fi<her of Ti-ronto, sp:nt tha a.iain a.s supfrintendeut, and a good p>-t "i ok with relativvs in this vicinily. sot of tfti.-.-raaud teacherj. School will! We aro sorry to rcfort Mrs Wm. bojopeneil uext Sunday. | Chard or the »Vk list, hut hope for a We r.-ijiet to iMro ihtt Harold Thfiiupsoii has been very III the past weok, liu' wc hope that he may toon le fiil'v rec iviMCvl. speedy recovery. Mrs James Park relumed homi! fr. m Onvii S<.u d aYler ^â- ;•cndin.{ a inou h «i h ic' itives there. PROTON (Last Week's Iten-) The weather man surpris-jd us all the other day by sending along a renewal ot winter, which, we cannot say w»» vsiy much appreciated after the be»utiful spring weather we hive b'ien hai'iiig. Tii'ise home forho'idiys were : Misses Minnie Galbraith, Toront) ;_ Marjorie Acheson, North B.y ; CUra Binnie and Hannah R)oine, Toronto. Mi-^s .M.iry Hadey, who Ins been visiting re'atives hire, returned to her home in Dundas on Monday. We were please 1 to shake bauds with Mr. L. Becker, wlio hai been up from Toronto on a short visit. Little Miss HiZ'il. McLillind of Toronto visited with her grandfather, Mr. Jas. Hodgiuf. Signaller (Rev.) Will Howey, who returned from overseas to his home in Cwen Sound. a fortnight ago, visited at Robert Acheson's. A veiy ple-ifaiit evening was spent in the Orange Hall on Friday of last week, wien a splendid crowd assembled to do honour to our returned aolaiers. After an interesting programme, consisting uf male '|uartettes, so'.i.'S, duets, readings and a splendid address of weic )rae by Rev. McVicar, the returned heroes â€" Wm Ha/, .'n. Tmn Kyder, John Hanley, ..'aiues and Will,iir: White, were called to the platform and presented with engraved gold watchps and large boxes ofckoculates. Mr. 1\. .A. Nfi >on read the address and Mr. .1. C. Wriilit made the presen'ation. Mr. John Hauley made a suitable rep'y m beh.ilf of his ciinrades" also thanking the lad e.s f ir the b nes which they ha 1 sent uierst-as t > t'leni. Mr. Wm. Black- burn Old the hiiuours wf chairman very successfully and at the close all e.ijoyed the l;codâ- ^uIlcll. Mr. Ton Ryder has returned from Detroit, where he visited with his brother. Miss Gertie Lyons is home from Toronto for a few weeks. Mr. and Mis. John Eddie of Toronto were visitors at Mr. Conjiey's over the Ea<ter week. TRYON Seediuir has been very backward owing to the wet weather. Much sympathy is exprebsed for Mr. and Mrs. John Rad ey in the loss of their infant son. We are sorry to report Mrs. H. Sum- burger siilt i.n the sick lisr, but hope to sooa hear a iU're favorable report. We uuderstand .VIr. A. Mclniies h s purchased a new Victrola. A number of young people gathered at the home if of Mr. Tom Beatty to bid farewell to Wesley, who intends saliug this summer. All leport a good time. Socces--, Was. MriJ. Morton S-iycrs spent the week end at her parental home here. Wedding bells are tinging. Expeit Testimony Fr 'Ui ;he Chat^worth News ^' Boh' d the lish-rnian ! Hj risith in ttie morning aud d.sturl eth the who'e household and leturneth lafci in the evening smelling of st-ou^ diink .n'd the tru'h IS not iu h^m. " [Hier McCulbugh nii^ht also have mentioned the fact- .liiat the tisheriuin stMnetim",'» loSiS Tl 8 pacts ! â€" Editor Advance ] Does Your Say 1920 ! Label AUCTION SALE A Credit Aucli<°>n Sale of Farm Stock and Implements WII 1. UK HKLl) i)X Lot 124, 1 N.E.T.&S.R. -ON - Friday, May 9th, 1919 8)i1c to commence at I. lit) p ni. (o|.{ i mc) Everything must be sold as the owner sold his faMii. For pact'cti's's -. p posttTH, JoHS F\DI>B.N. B. [?. W.M.liK.v, ftopriet 'r .\tict;oneer. Victoria Corners (Last Week's Iteui>) Emerson (iailagher visited last week with his uncle, Mr. I). Wiltshire. alariin Acheson vi'-iteil htr uncle, &lr. Thus. Ludlow, lust week. Mii^a Lena Ludlow, Be hel, visited birr cousin, SteLtt .\chesuti. Ltwsoii and Otti lie L>~kh<rdc enter- tained a number of yiung people on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday eve.iing the League held a social evening and mude a presenta- tion to Pte. O. Cornell. Miores .\da and Marjory Acheson visit, ei at their grandparents', Mr. George Moore s. A number of the neigh'oors look in the reception and preseutat;un at Proton on Friday ov^ninL'. Mrs. Thus. Banuo'i has been laid up for the week with sciatic.i. Howard^ Flossy ^.nd Lily .\cheson visited their sister, Mrs. Newton Banilon, last week. Miss Kdna ScuCi has been visiting her grandiuother. We Were rejoiced lo have with us again Rev. Mr. Uowsy, who preached for us eight years ago, and has for the past three years been in the trenches. Hi; gave a short address after thi' seimoii un Sumiay at Inistioge, the theme uf which was "TUat wbich seemed to malter most when one was facing the cannon was ho<v much he h id really acomplished for someone else iu this world. Mr. Wm. Orr and fatm y have mcved to Dundalk and we welcome uur Ut:W neighbors, .Mr. aud Mri. Herb Corbeti, wiiu have moved in. Mrs. Eagle and baby son visited at.Mr. Gallagher's last week . DUNDALK T*o Toronto detectives were in 'own on Wednesday of last weel; looking for some siolen articles. They found an overcoat b: ought here by a Tuionto woman and they took the carme .' back to the city. The man in the m.-e got thirty days. Some heavy lUi'chinciy fio.n the .Sawyer Massey Co. arrived ami was unloaded on Monday, consisting uf sieem roller, sprinkler with gasoline [uinp, stone luushtr with cirrier aud eKvated bins, plow, fcaapers, etc. F"our large wagons are also here rt ady for stjrting work ou the Grey Couny toad system. Wo understand a number of men from this vicini'y are en.;a-^eii to woik when operations te^n â€" Herald Fire at VVasaga Beach The luviera Hotel at Wasaga Beach was burned on ^uuday night lasior er y Monday morning. The hotel was own-d by Mr. Occar Burnside ai:d was one of the favorite resoita for summer visitors. Toe destruction of this hutt.1 wilt be a great liss to Wasaga Beach as the acjonimwaation was very limited at ilie lies:. The building -a as unoccupied, ihu proprietor expecting to go down and oiiimence preparing for the suiuiner on die Isi. (if .May so that theie is ev.ry probability that the tire was of incemJury origin. The loss will be a heavy ooi; us the iusuraiice^nly coveted about half tbe value of the property destroyed. .\ li'ic summer eotiage, owned by .M.>. Stewart if Torou'o was also destioycd and the lire adjusters are of the opinion that tires wore started in the hotel and cottage simultaneous. jVlr. Burnside Ins n^r yet dcciled whether he will rebuid or init as llure would be considvfil' e d tficulty iu beini» le .Jy for summer tr.ido and the present high cost (< f ma'eriat ani! labor is not encoursging fur invislm,'..ts of this kind. â€" Enterprise. For Sale By Tender Tenders will be r«Ciiv«d by the uUvier- si-ned up t.. iMay 17. I'.U".), at B p. 111., for the I u:chasi.> i>f the divellingand lands ct the lata Juhn { Osbnr-ie, cin-i«ting of two villags lots in I Flosherion, on which is erected a frame dwelliug and smble TK.RilS â€" Gas', oo acceptance ef tender i or teu Jays (her after. -' ' The hijhost «r a .» tpn'tr n )t peises- sin'y at-.'opied. R R: Smiihf W. .;. Stew i: I W. J. Ik.l|.imv Mai : 1 '::) F-' • r= Bates Burial Co. ur.-iNK.^.-, A.s rsi .•,!. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Fine Jewelepy t^'omo in ami see our fiue iargesiC^l of Jewelery, Watobes. Clocki etc.,â€" and wbeu you have seeu them you will be sure to buy. Watch repairing a specially. -\ full line of Photographic etippliea iiichidii'.g developing powders, printing frame?, dark lamerns, all sizes ot Kodaks and films. V I . • T â- ' ISSUER OF Yorkshires Tamworths marriage licenses Young Stock For Sale* I For Breeding Purposes W, A. AriTIStrOn^ Phone or write. Osprey Tel. System -GEO. w. ROSS I Jeweler Maxwell. P.O. FLESHERTON, ONT. House of Quality Corn-- ^^ "-'«»" *"PP'y.vour wants. Come in and ^â- »- -^ see our -eed corn Uur pi ices are right auJ our [- ock ii the best. r'T f , ,1 J^ <-t!U - high class assortment of Chicken fetd. W nh egg- at ihe present price there isu.ithing too good for 'he chickens. We have the best. Bn 1 It T^PQ ^^ " "â- â- *' Pu"'>ik > n » special isle of MJLlir^ J. CO. bulk tea. We have the best and 11. .w IS the best time to buy. L->y in -x stock now. Sfififi Onion «a.- ^'S^t now is the time toplai.^ KJCCt^ KJLilUllbâ€" your onions. We u.-. , excellent lot of seed onins in stock. Get yours now. a 5^11 Cfay.- ^^'e have just receivta anooi her car losd of N.../I.1.QU.J. mgar. This IS aaood lime to l>:iy Lav in a stock for yrur suiuuiei's use. H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario > â- I w -au^ 7^ Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Duu't be two years beliiud the tiuie.-:. Tlie millinery season i.s nghtou now aud Mrs Wright, with tea seasoub' experience in the Milliueiy Business and speudiny a termcaclj sea?ou iu Torouio selecting an slock, can <ho\v you what is up-to-date aud bccominf,'. No old siock left over. Everytbiug new and up-to-date. Just give us a call aud see for yourselves. Prices right according to -luality Highest prices paid for produce. W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton t t< \ 9 W '"^""•"'nU';'^' • •â- w («^- .- ----- .Wf1,Wâ€" , w-»^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:*** iiiJiiiiiiiiiiii;;:;;;;;, SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS •fust tlic kiiul lor liai'tl wear and i?olicl coivifort for .â- <[)ring ami .•^ununer wear. TKV THKM. ;| Suit Cases and Trunks •••• •••• •••• •••(I â- ••J •••• •••• •••• :::: :::: II in need of a^Suit Case or Trunk chH aud g<3t want supplied. THOS. CLAYTON ^: FLESHERTON, •••• •••• •••tt â- ••• •••• •«fl •4»ft*ta»« ••••!«••#• ••••••••t * ^^ ^ ON^FAftK) -^^^^:.