lis Hkhncss inQttality gives Tea -Pot results h^ equalled by no other Teas on sale anywhere IMYSTERYSHIPGOT I 2 U-BOATS IN DAY IJi;iTJSlI .SA1L1N<; VESSEL MADK NOTABLE Ki;COR!) *l "^I.iry IJ. MiUhell," iit Ihe Dceoy Service Since I-^arly in 1916, Sank Many Hun Submiii i-». -rrr? BH? Black •> Green or Mixed Sealed Packets OiUy. ArtK\ir StQP.'^vood Pier Coi);xl(bt KuacbtoB HlZUa ComvuiL tr rixcli) RrT»D7«miE! Tno». AU«« TiUUBtS CHAPTER yXXVIII.â€" (Cont'd.) Jtrry did not pjvjvc, it mvn^ be eon- ivi-: ed, a ta/.'n^cl deteot.ive. He opi-ri â- ed up a number of clues, but k>.vt Htcm in the maze <:(f wir'gjc to which they .'.'I !*d; he hc2r<l jtor'ei and re- otiwci hints of ilnfowiation from his f'JJ'.ow pc*jic;-men %\ho, uniter Dc'an'n repime, lind been afraid to ta'k; but ncne of thsm did more than indio&tc and sugjcest. Going I;aclc of t)w immtriX'/.e camT?ai.?n, Jerry secured many ki^r.ds but iitt'.c le^l prcof of the knavi'^h mclhclj of tlic Jfiigi:'iro mu'^'h-ate, of the tributei that Miiffuire h«d ex,<utij frjm aM £'ort.3 of men unA corponsitionB in their nood; Maxwell, so far a:! he couM as- certain, htud been a'b'jve the necessity of m'nliiirvff morvcy oi«t of politics awl for -that rc£is«»n hpad l>een X\t2 niM-e u.3€fxil i>rotoge for Maura' re. The masi of rnfurnuii1«'.on aiid conjecture tixJit he a<cuTnuiii'ted m'iijhpt be valua- ble Eiome tJme, and he gwithcr-jd it dUi- jTCXKt'y e.rx\ tlig'-as'teid it as weV. as he coaiWj bul, he bad tj canfess inability t>o hnng to account Vho persoiis wfhio for ycaiu had exert «1 a baji^fu! m- fluence on pul/-:*; affji'.TS. With one of these por^ciw, ha â- was oiuicycd to ftrsd Nora coTitin-ucd upon frendiy terjnis. On the Siinday af:t-fcT Dulwji'i arrest, Ma'^jirj drove Ncra up to her dcor in Ivis auilcinob;'.*! juft a? Jerry cams brjskly fihng tha s.'ii;-Aj!i!c NijTa uas em;bar.-?i5s<;i and Haid gw>d.-bye to MiigTi'iro raither hunied'ly; ha, on the olfeer hand, sec.mod in no liasta to <Iepart. He ehut off his engine in spite of her gH>cd"-bye ariJ v.iijvcd Wji hzvA SL-ivlal- ly to Jciry. 'â- Quite a stroke of youiu, Offiwr," lie faij. '"Qu'ta n 'l^'t you've madj, 1' â- • "â€" -.• an ih^^^ii^jB^kj?L.Uke Jerry igTi;T«^l I'.'m, and turneJ to fo/icvv Noru, wha vrxi ojnivrs-g the dcor. "I can't see you r/>w, Jerry; you mustn't cc-me in now," sli3 Fa.'d under her Lrcalh. Ma.?ii-''re, is.:'a'.sd lin his car, wsi \^c\:''.xr.g them. "You must see me now," Jerry »ns- wcrt-d, ar.d lie entered with her aiwl c'.vjii' the dcoT. "Youâ€" you treat tne as if I had no ri-sl'.'jJ," Noia cried anifr»':iy. "I'm «'>;<!; I didJi't want to Imj bo'iiarw^l wi'h you now." "You've girveii mo .'.cme riig'l'.ts, an-d I prcp3.?e to stand on th'cm, •w^iitili:'^ it bcilJiora you or net," Jerry rep'ied R-n'tnly. "I th.'i;k w^'ve gtit to ooma to an undrrsuijKiiirg: one a for all about Muguirc." "Come uj>atiair8," .-ild Nora, uilrr a pause. "We can't £tand Lalkingr hoTe . " STic ltd thn v.ay up to the altting- rocm. Jerry wa/kcd past her to the bfiy vindow ar.^ looked ouit, Ma- p.'iira wa.1 ='ti'i w<;iit;in(f i:i his <.ar; hs isiw Jcri-y ,in the v.«ln:I'ow, waved to him aifain with a f7nile tliait mijrht Jiiive l)€t>n g-ocMiUiinlyiod or nii'(?ht have bc«n dcrisirve, and tiien, iit.iitinijf hU f-r^iiii*, moved rapid'y uvray. "Do ycu let h'im take you on aut>- ir.ol 'le drives?" (us]<.cd Jt-rry. "Yfi; .'♦onietimcs." "Hcv/ docs it happen tbit he aska you?" "Br.Musa h'> finds me pleavant com- pany, I sui»pcse." , "My (lut'.tion may have soundieij in- BUkinff. I diiJn't mean it so. All I meant was, how <'.'a you and lia hain- peii to have titabrvhoil such friendly rc-'j-'i'-rsV" "in i'lto fir at p!iacc, thr.-.uig^ my t*a<hiiiiff of k'is r'ieee. Tiitn, w^on I Iva I come to knuw hrm a "littlo, I O5«l;o<l h'm on^ duy to help mo to get Da\"e rardoneid. He prcmi.'c-d to do vhat he could when a new Kovwnor wa'9 e)ei"tc<l._ Then, wh m Dave was r' 'wi<*h"j>uit bis hivin? been oble to do anytihiinfr abaut it, ho just keT*t on bointf n'ce to me." "Ho want! to mairy you,- dow.iM; ba?" "Yes." "Hove you evrr told him defirj;t<Jy Utat >ou couldn't marry himâ€" itlhiut you were (j-oiiria: to marry me?" "Not di'fmi'te!y â€" not ju.-.t that livi I've hinted to li-im there wag rvxme <mc €!<i thr.t I carrcd vjiy much »bowt." "Stai, MoigiuTf. thinks bij dhance* are pretlty g«<od â€" thinks they're '.m- prov-'niu?" "I can't l>e sure, Jerry, â- what he tbinku." "Aren't you tPeaMnir him exaetfy AS you treated vhcn you fcad prrimirerl ito marry mo? And aren'' '/ou tr«Mitir(j; mo now cx^n'i'jy ua yiX. tr^ntod me tji^n?" "You can't say lb it, Jerry. I bnvcn't mcrrifd Mr, ^!,?.^^vire." "If you rt'dn'it fcol in iho \.xc\ <vf yo'ir h*a(\ ttv-it yo'i mi«*ht mflnyh'm, JK'U w.'-.rd liMV!> fit a s(t.>p to Qvis c<)iir'.'-i(r cif yon." 'â- V'\\- {(â- â- •oirli 17 ITe's not so yotiTif? peri-'erxci that I iwid to bo U.vler of him. 1 think you'i'c very in:"an to be so crc^'S v.iii.h mc, J«ry. Vou leave me alone for duys togcthir, and I need sime aJtiusonKTut, I don't sec- any hann i'l ftccet'trlng an invita- li ;n to go oa:t bi a frion-d's aurtomo- yV-'i. I don't Wtt any harm even in i k t''..'rig ' h'm ti y to perLjU'adnj me to ; m /ry him . He cauU do iit, for it'« ! ytx.i ibjit I lovo, Jerry ; it's you th«t ji m;-.xn to ma'TV." I She I:oked at \n'.\ witili eo-ft cj-©.*; ; Eh3 spoljo wJth a note of 'p'aiijtivcness [ /n h:.'- vcice. I "Tlicn why don't you tell h'im So?" I "Bersusa iit amvsss me to see hrim I and ride in his au'tumobite oacas."ion- j a'ly, «aid if I were to come out us you ' VKiT.t me to it would be tHie end of â- ail- that. Can't yen urjierdtaradl, JtiTy, how miuch I need tho amuse- ment, and hiw harmless it is? I «:eo you h^rd'y cnce a week, aiid I see no- , body else th-at uivcn nw any fun, i Wh^n â- «'e're m..irried ai^d I'm seeinsg: you eve.-y day and' feeling that I'm ; i-oally <\j<ug something for ycu ©very day, I won't notd any outride excite- ments. But just now I <lo need thsm, and Mr. M a iruire gunpiies about all that I liavc." "You muiit find other reso-urces and ; th^y mustn't iiKdufto filrtationB," sr'id Jen-y firmly. "You teiil me, Nora, i that ysfii love me; now you must prove i thirlt you d'o by Risiiig iin to my •wishes." ' i I "Why '.i-rrcaildn't you prove your : l<Ae by giviuij in to mine?" I I "In til'.is n;attcr it's imposeilblc. I i v/art you ito-rjL;;ht to write to Mr. ' MugU'Ve, lelVng him that you arc en- ! f^af/Cil to mavi-y me and that his at- I tentiDn.-i to you mufct cc;-iw." ! Nora \va3 wlejit. Then ih« came Jcria' by th-i anoj, ami sal'il, crrylSTi'S, don't stand up any' I Qo-njer and Beoid and scold n s if y.iu i I Wci-e a great big ns.sty school-teacher. \ I Silt down and ta'k to m?." She pu-h- ] cj h'im down on the stuSi and t'nen perching 'h_rst'if on bi-s knees pasaod an i;nn i-ouiiJ his neck. "Why do you treat me Mko a';rhty Ifttle sirl, Jerryk'Lns? I'm not a naughty Kttle girl; I'm a nic3 littif; giil. And of couuo I'll i!o aiiytliin^r you say, only don't you think you're rather unkind to poor littji me?" She stroked liis chuck with the ,?oft hand that ha<r crept round from lie- hir.'d li's n.-ick. Slia lo»>kcd at him with eye? that were boith m'iiichievwis and repfcutdvful. "N,7," Jvrry said, "I'm net being unkind', Nor.n. And I'm just asking you t<) il.) ^\ n.-Jt is rcajly the kindest thing: to Mugucire." "Oh, hui-m!" .'-dd Nora. "So it's Mr. Magui'ro's fceliirug.s tihat you"i'c anxio',;ci aboiit--lhat they .ihouidn'^t l>e hurt, or aiiyihijig of that sort. Jerry- kins dear, I won<lw i^ I really do love you whan you ride a great high moral horse. Bspcciaily ivihoii you ride it ao ferociour'ly right at me." .Sh^^ continued to (itroke bis cheok areJto look iiito lif? face Avith Iht mi.s- i'nicviiio, â- whLmsit'iil oyes and her faintly challengirvp; smile. Suddenly bis airni w«rc round lier. "There, then!" ha exclaimed among ilhe ki.' "Of course I love you â€" land you've got to lovo me. Andâ€" i you've got to do what you're told. I Do you under stand, you teusimg littlo thing. "Yes." She wiigiliiod) and! gave ht'ni J uolher k iii.-j. "Aren't you the hard- h.'artcd fellow, Jeny! Shall I wiite 1 the letter liow ? " I "1 wish yc.i -would." I "And then ycy cou'd take it and: 'drop it in tho I'ox for me?" I "Notl::!r;r ceitninly could be safer than that." I Ehs tat dfiwn at bar wrltlivtf-table, I and Jerry wntchcd her while she' wri .3 and- felt a new and sweeter tenlciness for hzc. What a winning I 'pttle pei-istm it •was thait could give in »3 gracefuHy! She handed h'm tho note for hiU approvaV. It was aa follows: â€" Dear Mr. Magtiire; â€" I I fo(d that I must teM you I am I enpigejl to be married to Mr. Oemld Doirchaie. Try not to feel dfeaip- poTitedf. I tlhi-r.k w^i h'ad better not see each other any more. I Sincerely j-^urs, , Nora Ojreoran. ' ".liiot r'ghit." of'.M Jerry. I I Sha roalci'l ami nd Iror-sd end .s.t'jmp<d the note anj bandid -it to him Qg:ain. I I Sh^j <i.>8cr^/&d '.nr.rj r«03ih'cd more VctVr?; ho vcwcd to h'tmae'l* th't «1- ! <hou!rh mc-.;:i'.infl; ths h'lali iwonl 'â- horro had s'.i^'oeodtdi wr-V. till*) time it ^ 'was n f.<fitc\TMn(e to l-e nVAldod in I the fvtui'e . ' j He h^l but a fe-^,' minu<rta with b â- ' ' .• s^ .-.'iv, injd him. He dv. in ihe firt mii-l box ih.:- it'- I > 1 r..n;l hafl a mo- jmtiA's i.'caaurn imav'" "ir MJasruirc's em''ti-;n< iinon rcvclviii;; it, ; 1 (To Is ccntinucd.) ' Kait; Holds llic Line. "Exli ie!" the newpies callâ€" Extrlcl Bi(;; Oerman Drive in Fianet! ExtricI Tea TiiouKnnd Prisoners! Hxtrie! • All About the liiz Huu SmnEli! Kx- trial Ii that y;-r smulbst, PJxtnc! (.IbinunJc! Change a buck! Extrie! Down ovcrj- street with shrill-pitched key And flying feet â€" we hear â€" E;:trio! All alniutâ€" Extrie! From Harlem to the Battery. i Erom London to the Zuydcr Zee, I Erom Tokio to fair Duiulte â€" • * i • - â€" ' In divers tongues they cry "Extrie!" J ^^. «"tro3, she v.-ill be csllod upon to 'Iv/o (ierman s-ubniarines v/cro suul in one day by the Mary B. Mitchcdl, a T'le "Blood Bath" â€" such the name Failing vessel, one of the "mystery They dubbed it â€" well, at last it came Fhip.H" of the war. Tliis craft ons With gas and flame. Ths-n fell Bau- of the first, if not the first, of the paurce, e decoy ships which played havoc with They took Combles aad crossed tho the U-boat-.. This vessel went into' Somma. the decoy service early in 191(5, under To Montdidier they drovs their wed^e coinmiuid of Lieutenant Joliii Lowric. With Noyon on tho southern edge, Nursing The Sick. i no exertion himself, A fcxt batli inaj ..,. .-'-n« .-, * ~ • 4U.. i:,*^ «f h^ siven under the clothes to one in 'UK. t.i7ie must oome m the life ot\ " . , , „j,..„ „ii rerrltr ,ru^^„ T^. „.v^ bed and often uulucca sleep •when all r.cariy every -svoman, wnin unless sha , ^ ., , .„ ,r.-, â- „„ s wjvi-nr. . • â- 1 .u _t .™«,o,i t'lse fails. In ilmes-s no detail is un- 13 wuiOig to f iiirk the most sacreU ; . "^ ^ ,. ^ 1 1 i *v^ iâ€" „* - - CI unponarit that can add in the leas? to tihe comfort of the sufferer. The Substantial Supper Dishes. Dui-Ing tlie cold weather the house- All her oflicera and cvew volunteered for the hazardous v.'ork. She vras provided with a twelve-pounder and two well-conccalcd six-pounders. J-'be .oigiited the first subniarins three miles away and loafed along awaitin-j a chance to bag it. The (lorman craft followed at a safe dis- „„„., tanco for a time, but finally crawled I Qut-numTe'rod-yes! But unafraid! cio.ser and after satisfymg itself that it bad superior speed and gun pov/er opened fire. Failure of the my.stery ship to re- turn five at once baffled the German mmwtea- to th.3 sick and siifferir.-fe-, and vfh<ai those whom elie lovos will look ta her for cai-e aihl comfort. One of the first qualifications for tho position of nurse is a willin«'n«-js wife turns her attention toward more to >-jo!d absolute o>xd'ieace to the i Eui«ita.itial dishes than tliose wbtoh I^byaician in charge, and to us* pain- j !:ave eatasfied her family during the litaking acc-aracy in carrj^liig out his ; eummer season. We are coming to (iirections. The patient's faith in the realize that meat onze daily ia in For seven days the long front bent ! doctor s-hould aisfi be encouraged :.s r.iost ca-os sufficient, aiid, foffowing Until it seemed their force was spent, ' l^-*^ as that physic-ian lias charge of the saiggettion of those who have And on they surged across their dead, 1 J-''^ case, sin-ce it lias a distinct \-alue made diiietetics a rt'udy, are finding I Yet ever in the news we read â€" "Haig Holds the Line." : A million men and more they flung j Against a wall that swayed and swung- ~ - - -- counter. Tho i.-arlh rocked witii their cannon- a'Jowed to fee! any responsibildty ade, I whatever abyat his own case. But oh the Hunnish blood that drained | i i^^^w you will sayâ€" "V.'liy, every- m furthering the recovery of tJie pat:- acceptable many disiies which do not ent. A tranquil mind being of tlie ' call for meat at all. Bee'dics bteng utmost iraportanc-o to the patient, â- noarLshing ar.d appetiziiig, tlie dishes everythiiRg mu.'.t seem to be m-tyving described beliow ere ccmparaitively in- •i'moot-hly and carily, no matter what | experisive. AJil have been tc3ted poT- di.ff'ie-Lilties tho inir^e may have to en- sorjally by the -writer and caiied good. The invalid shoiJd not be, although rt is r.ct claimed that all are original. Spaniaih Kioc. â€" C-j-t in sma-ll pieces th;-ee or four slices of bscon and fry With every shell-swept yard thay j body knowVtlio.'e tiling's." B-at it is 'until brown. Slice in the ji&n one oftiL-.-rR Tbnv wpvf. niiipt for fifto^n ' ^'""^''- ^^ little things that count in a eick- ; good-sized oifion and allow to cook minute; and t^,en re.»umed fire. When J," J^Jh rrnroutTuf i'lln^.^v 'Z""' "^ ''''^â- â- ^'^ ^^^-^^ taows, slowl-y a few minutes To fi. a*l the submarine came suffici-ntlv close ^,Z bells rang out-but who can say the«e ssmpk pracauidor.s arc very of-, two cups of cookeil nxe =ni the aaaie ^d "tfn good position atel the | ''''^' ^ ""' ^ '^"''' "''' '*" '""'"^'^- I ""^'â- ^"' "' -^"^ TT\ '^^"'^ "^^ ' loau I Too mufh E'trcss ear.n«t be pat upon ' 8**-n«' ^^"^} »'-'' tlemted, sea-wmng concealed guns of the sa.hng ship ^Uose columns of fne endless dead- were broj^ht mto play and landed six ^^^ ^.,^. ^^^,.^ wounded-mile on mile mortal hits on the submarine, which Return-train after train-the whib was unable to fire an additional shell. u„!_ i,„i i„ i-i,., i:„.i - , ,, . . ,, ,1 /- i. v-i Haig holds the line! Ju.>tt three minutes after tlie first hit,! tho submarine was blown up by a They strove for Paris and Calais, shot which holed it just helov; the They thoueht to scatter and dismay forodeck and caused .i.n explosion Our hosts â€" to split the allied mass â€" which threw a vast column of water The high into the air. alt and pepper â€" oay- or chopped retl or Sefj-o aloae or oo A Successful Ruse. answer pass!" came â€" "You shall not From guns left by the Bolshevik, Later the same day another Ger- 1 F^'cf" Austria's guns they had their man submarine approached the Mary I P"^*^- Gods what a duel! B. Mitchell and opened fire at a di.s- tance of about two miles. After the sixth round tho mystery ship was stopped and a boat put off. To all nopcarances the craft was obnndoned. Th? submarine approached the sup- posed wreck at full surface speed. Then it submerged for a time and suddenly rose to the surface again. The punncrs of tho Mary B. Mit- chell landed a shell just bolow the A stadium Where all the eager world had come To see the beast recoiling there In red defeat â€" while ev'rywiiere Ilaig holds the line! fHE D. C. JL Takes Precedence of All Other Doc- orations Except the V.C. Who docs not know the red, blue, onning tower and pierced tho side red ribbon of the Distinguished Con- the appearance of tSis sick-room. It to taste -vvith must be as cheerful and attractJA-e as tnr.c if likod- posMble, that the eyes of the P9,tient green pepper.' may rc-st -with pleasure upon his sur- toast. fundings. The nur=e herself musi"^ Bii>curt3 v,-i;h Chsase Drossing. â€" contribute to the ngreesible er.vii-on- Make a -n-hite sauce and in it melt ment. Her dresa must be simple a cupful of cheese c-j.t in smaK pieces, and tasted, but above all, scrupolo-as- Open the b'scuit ai:d pour the cheese ly neat. No food mus-t be in s>ightâ€" Mlxt;ire over them This is a hearty even meilicine bcttics should not be dish and very good to taste. Serve obstrus:vc*ly in €A-idenco. j h&t. A few hard bc-Lled eggs, a fana'J Staincsis has power to soothe, and <^^» of ^^' ^ <5iicd beef added to aids nature's h'>aling processes. So all grating and di-aturbing noises must be banished from the sick-room. The putting of coal on the fire i.s of- the cream sauce furnls-has a pleasing* variation to the biscuit dish. Salmon with Hot Biscuits. â€" Bake n tin of baking powder or 'outtermilk ton accompanied by nerve -racking biscuits, using one's favorite recipe nowes. It may L'e brought to tlie room wrapped in newspcper, and laid n-oisclessly on the fire, paper and all Remove salmon fr:m the C3n, free it from boneo ar^l ;kin and add it to a' rich mi'k gra\-y or v.^'nite sauce made As fresh air is said to be the best 1"^*^ ^"'\- . ^'-l' ^ «!^ mto suit- tomc, tlie sick-room sliouJd be well table sized pLece- for serving. Open ventilated. An open lire is « fine *^« ^'^'^'^ and arr^.r?e on a patter, means of ventilation. .A thermometer ;^f" <;oyer with the hot gravy and should be freauently used in a sick- ^'â- '^- ^« ^'^'^"^^ '"'"'>' ^ l>nttc«<l. one foot above the water. A flash of duct Medai?" Yet it ^s'qulte'a modern I »w>m. A wiiidow may be opened at ''"* '^ the gravy .is ri?h enough, thij brilliant blue flame and a dense yellov/ decoration, dating with the Conr.picu- ^^ top on a sunny day no r.iatter how , ^'''^'' ^'^ °^ necessary, ous Gallantry Medal of the Royal Navy in 1854, the year of the com- mencement of the Crimean Campaign. smoke cnme from the hole. Almost instantaneously another shcdl struck forward and the submarine was en- _ velopod in black smoke and sank into ' The Meritorious Service Medal dates the w.'.ter bow foremost. With a loud ; ^ack nine years earlier, gurtclinpr and hissing j .^-he earliest known medal for djs- â- ' The official renort does not snj«|thP , tjnguished condust is that awarded .by the Mary B. Mitchell wa;- filled with charles the First. The recipient was wood to keep her from sinking, bu. gir Robert Welch, of the Irish Com- this was doubtless the case, as other ^^^^j^ ^^,,,^ recovered the Royal Stan- mystery ships were so equipped and ^ j^^^j .^^ ^,,^. p^^^,^ ^^ g^^^ ijj,j_ p^.^, were able to flo;tt in spite of any . ^„,^^j^,,,y ^j,yj. ^^^^^ ^^^y,^, ^^ ^^^ damn-e inflictef, on them by torpedoes uj^^ient of oflicer's D.C.M. of to-day and .shells. Their guns were frequent- ly hidden behind doors in the sides of the ship which could be swung open. BLACKli'Ox'lNDUSTRY namely, the D.S.O Tho youngest winner of the D.C.M. is Private John McKinnon, of the Black Watch, a sixteen-year-old boy. The medal was awarded him in 1910, iiti the patient m.ay be, if in the cupen- ins a wooden frame covered with flan- i nel is fitted. .\n umbreilila covered â- with a shav/'l maksa a good screen when the â- nTindows are open, the pati-, ent being sheltcirtd by it as in a tent, j A room a little shatted is more rest- ' A CANADIAN IN GERMANY Describes Triumphal Blarch Tkrougn Hunland â€" Canucks Looked Fine. Carried m Extensively in All Paris | f'^'^^^''"'' "' getting him discharged . , ,^- , „, ^ from the army because he was under of Canada and Northern States. | ^^g. Y'outh will bo served The number of foxes in the ranelios | During the war something like one of Prince Edward Inland at the be- ' thousand D.C.M. 's have been confer- glnni'ig of the pelting season in 1917 red for individual cases of distin- waa approximately ten thousand, guished conduct and devotion !•) duly From December 1, 1917, to January jn the field. Many of the vetipients ni, 1918, 2,500 foxes were killed and have earned tho decoration on n sec- their skins marketed. The pup pro- ond, third and fourth occasion, anl duction for 19 IS is 3,500, therefore have been given bars to their medal making the number of foxes nt the accordingly. opening of the present pelting season ! Hero and there many years have 11,000. If estimates of 3,,'iOO for thi:-. Eo-ir.ratcd the winning of the D.C.M. season's kill and shipments nbroad from that of gaining the bar. For are correct the season of 1919 v.-ill example, Company-Sergennt-Major Major Geary, of Toronto, in a let- , , ^ ,. , ,. , , . ter frotn Bonn, under date of Dec ful to a paUent but a littie sunshine ^^ber 8th, says in part: m Uio room makes it more cheerful. ; ..-^ye have had a great time ever The one in charge of a sick per- 1 since the 11th of November. First son thould noit aUow visitors to sitay there were the receptions and that long, even the physician has gort of thing. The iov of the Bel- given pemiiission to receive caller*. â- pj^n people was unbounded, and no- Neilher should the nurse talk too thing was too good for us. The only much barseli Often the patient js diflicultv was sometimes in avoiding latigued in this Avny Some other- , ^^eir kindnesses and different meth- wi^e good mirsos fail m this partii-^ds of expressing a welcome. Even .... ........ „... 7'^'; J^J ^\ "^,"=« Accretion ^^^ ^^^^ p^^^,^ ^.^^ ^^^ j,^^,^^ ^^;.^ and, much to his regret, his parents "!;°"J '''^*" ^° ^'^ ^'"^ "^^" ^ ^«^P , pitchers of coffee, a substitute, for ^'"*^"' â- I thev have not been able to buy the Unless the attendant has some lit- ] real thing. This lasted all through .tie occupation to fill the odd moments Belgium, but, needless to sav. it has of leisure, the siek one is often un- ^een quite tho other wav in Germany. ploasantly conscious of being a bur- ^-^ have had no trou'ole. The peoolo den to one who may liave other duties ^,,.^ very deferential, and reariv to do to attend to. So the mi«e may oc- ...hat they are told, but r-ceiv. us in cupy her hand-s with some b:it of work that may be readily picked up and laid down. Don't read, unless the patient ia asleep. Th.nit is too absorb- ing in appearance, ami the patient often h€sita'^.M to interrupt. Makiriig the bed properly I'us one of the necessary requiL'iteg of a good nurse. Sitretdh the under sheet tight- try on a small scale, Japan having jng the present war in August, 1916. taken 34 island foxes this year and Thus 14 ycav.s separated the winning Norway 24. Good prices have been of the medal and the winning of the vcall-/.ed, probably averaging JT.SO clasp, each. American ranchers took 253 : On one occasion the D.C.M. was island foxes in 1918. ^ Raising ranch bred foxes is an in- 1 diistry that is being carried on ex- tensively in all the Canadian prov- inces, in at least n doren of the north. cancelled and tho Victoria Cross given In its place. This happened a couple unider one iia rolled lengthwiise from the edge of the bc<l to where the per- son lies. The c'ean sheet rolled' in liike manner, is tucked in at one side, and unroIile<l over the space from which the first was taken, until the two rolls are side by side. The pati- ent may then turn or be lifted over of years ago to Pte. W. Jackson, of I ^^e rolls to the clean sheet, the sod- thc Australian Imperial Forces. I ed one ia remove<l, and the re^t of tho A man in the ranks wears the D. pj^^„ ^^^ unrollod. The upper sheet what someone called a "frigid silence." They look foolish, sullen, or mourn- ful, or uninterested. Thev take off their hats, but don't smile: neither do we, so far as that gees. The girls, however, are girls, and I ex- cept a good many of them. â€" they do smile. On the whole, the country Wb been people Now and with- in a few miles of the Ehi'ie, and begin to encounter a distinctly hostile at- mosphere, but ihat does not woiTy any of us. We are the vannrnrd of the British forces and the first in Germany, and it is all novel and in- teresting. I am lucky to ba in this march, but it has been a lon^, hard one. The men have bean splendid â€" did their 15 to 22 niiles a day with ermoiit of the United States, and be- c.M. in the place of honor on the left j^^^ ^e changed by frccinij alT the ''^'" cn"i"ment, and at tho end of it ginning in Jnnnn and Norway, all ly- breast of his tunic, unless he holds cjotlics at Uie foot of the bed', and "^arched into bi'lcts in some Gor-; ing ii> much tho climatic belt, jjjp yx]. All other medals and awards ' gpi-eading a clean sheet over all. Over rnan towns looking as fresh as ailapteil to domesticating the black fox under the most favorable condi tions. "In Flanders Fields." (Canada's .\nflwer.) Rest now in pence ye I''landers dead, hood wears the D.C.M. after th?m With each a cross to mark his bed but ntill in front of all war medals. Where poppies grow. The boastful Hun excepting tho V.Câ€" follow the D. t{,^, jji^^.t ^ blanket is laid . Tho daisies. They did not feel that way, CM. But tho officer who gains th? ' c\e&n clothes should then be tucked in ^^"t "c German was going to know D.C.M. in the ranks and afterwards securely at the foot, awl the sailed ^°^' »ore were their feet and backs, wins further decorations in the form get slipped from under. Blankets "We carry colors, the bands play, of the D.S.O., M.O., D.F.O., D. ! are tho better for frequent airing. (Vie Boche salutes the flag, and PilUnv\» may l>e comfortaWy arranged everything is lovely. I have never by placing a large one under t.hc back seen the battalions look so well. |t and shoulders, and a onfall one under seems to bo tacitly accented, how- tha head, drawing the lower corners ever, that every man look his best, ' F.C., or any of the Orders of Knight- j \ pinch of salt addled to fruit when ! of tl^o Litter well do^vn so as to fit do his and be his best. The Who thought by might and sword and cooking greatly improves the flavor. | into the nnpe of tho neck, thus s.vinjr rocho is seeing a fere- of real sol gun To win the world, his quest has fled. Ye noble dead, Th.^ fight ye led is won, And pence is round us shed. Wo live and love l>ci-au?e you bled "In Flanders fields." Your rause baa triumphed 'gainst the foe. To us in vain yc iliil not throw The torch; With pride ,we hold it high. And freedom'.s light nhall novor die. Sleep then in prace Where poppies blow "lit Flanders fields." .-uppoit to tho head. diers. .Ml I hope is tliot lie will STOCKS H. i. CossnoSy itCa. Members iVionir;:<l Ctock Exohange. 1 06.106 TRANGPORTATION BUiLDlNQ. BONDS .___»_______» ____» /,To rai=e a per: on. in be^l to a sit- never think of 'str^rting 9->m^»h;no;'_ tirg rcFit;>r?, when too week to help h<" w"v'd simply i;ct more than ha himsvOf, have the p;vt.'ent put his ^a'' looking for. right arm nroimd the nurse's neck "Ml i" n\\. this mnTrh be.s i>e-^n a while hsr rirht arm Si-r-ports bis wrmderfyl exncrience. from ^^'>ns to .'^hou'don. The nur.-o then leaning Born, from the Inst days of fi'.'hting Kickward need make but lutitte effort, to the entry deen into Cevmr.nv, and and wi'ith piactice can l^aiso the pati-j an occilrati"n of her rich Kin-i'iim of eivt with ease. j Prusoin. One must r-nch himself to Frequent baih'nff is rtfrrsh'nT. and' know thit he Is not dresminjt an! to acts as both cmi and antidote for fev- i realise th".t after all the ro'!a"s-t> I-.h? erish condi liion-3. Tho •*".<. Jcr "bou'd:come. Wo are definite vi't^-- ani be tepid fcr face aivl hr>ndi;, end' peace i.s practically as'^uve,'." warmer for the leat of the body. The '^ ' -â- patient should be uncovered oniy a' Tho cathedraj -hi AnbM-M-, i Uttle at a time, and aUowedf to make.lms a seaiti'ns capaolity cf :^:i. \