Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1919, p. 1

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/ksl)^rt0n 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR ' - '-PELNTIPLEg NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 36 -«aMW Kesherton, tJnt., February" ♦J lOlO EUGENIA A very eiijuyable evening! was spent at the home of Mr. J. Duckett on Tuesday, Jan. 24, when a reception w%9 held for Pte. Henry Tudor of the dd 147th B»tt;, who waa presented with a purse and the following address : Dear Friend, -The war is over or partly so. although peace has not yet 1jeen declared. Thousands r.f i.oble auU brave men ire returning home to their loved ones, who hare watched and waited through long yiars, sjmetiines with tears of joy and sometimas with teari of sorrow, at the brave deeds done by those they loved so dearly, away off yonder on the blood stained tield of battU. But now ie who hav« teen ipansd by the kind providence sf God are return- ini, and that is why we are hers this evening, to welcom* bnm* one of those true sons of Britain and one who brings with hioi the scan of battle. Wa wel- come you Home again, H»gry. We honor you, kir, in that you have travelled the blood ttained field af Europe to halp win tha liberty that erary man, k omen aad child under the British tiii; today CDJoys. Nohaoor is too great, no privi- Icffe is too much to offer those heroes as tkey retarn to us. Lat srery British subject always realize that it i." to these men that wa owe our freedaai today. Nor mu«t we forget thoK who ara sileatly sleeping in the fields of Flanders and France, marked by a wooden cross. We therefore wish to show our deep appreci- ation by offering you this small tokon Of gratitude, and we wish you God's richest blessing in all your undertakings. Signed on behalf of Friends and ceithbors. A pleasant evening was spent by a number of young people at the home of Mr. and Mr<>. Will Hawkens on Jan. 22. Something in the nature ol a house warming wan held at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul on Monday evening, Jan. 27. when a jolly time in games,atc., was enjoyed by the youn^ peofle. DUND ALK Lieut. Eby Uoheau, who enlisted here in the 147th Grey Battalion and went overseas in the fall of 1916,arrive:l home by the noon train on Thursday. The Citizens' Committee and li large number of friends were at the depot !iud gave the young soldier a good welcome back. Lt. Gohaeu won his commission on the tield of battle and at the time the armistice was signed he was iu England taking the ufticers' training course. Pte. \Vm. Knox of the old 248th Batt. returned from overseas on >Vedue8day night, Unding at Proton St.-ition for his homo near Swiuton Park. Pte. Knox was wounded in the ankle by a piece if shrapnel last sun; uer. Mrs. Lucinda GrabaD\ widow of the Ut« Henry Graham, passed away at htr late residence, 154 Delaware Avenue, Xoranto, on Jan. 23 in her Suth year. Born near AUiston, in the county of Simcoe, she lived for a number of years at Dundalk, and had resided at Taronto for the last oti years â€" Herald. Seed Regulations. Canadian farmers and gardeners are protected troui the eviU nf planting inferior seed of many kinds of iTopx Imported from other countries. By an Order in Jouncil that came into effect in the autumn, importation is prohioited of untit seed of clovert, grasses, vetches, rape, other foliiije pllmts, tield root and gnrdrn vogetableo, in lots of leu pounds or more . In Pamphlet S 12 of the seed branch of the Dcpartnieat of Agriculture at Ottawa, and obtainable from the Publi- cations Branch, untit seed is described as that which does not comply with tlie Seed Control Act reijiiiremants respecting the sale of seed in Canada, or if it has been refuse.1 admitt,iuco iutu any other country on account of Uw vitality. fhe regulations "wiH be carried out through the customs oKolals, who are required to take and forward to the Dominion ^eed Laboratory fqC^x.-tmina- tloii sample of lots of seeds oflne classes l.amed entered for consumption in Can- ada. Seed that has arrived in Canaua and is found to be untit shall be deported uncUr Castoms supervision. The penalty for f'tiliag to comply with these re^ula- ti<'n» is ?f>00 fi>r the lirst offense and not exceed iog fllAH) for each subsequent «tfense. CEYLON PROTON Mr. Charles Spiller of Toronto was a> Mis. John Hargrave of Dundulk visitor at T. Chislett's the past week. visited at Mr. S^'auchob's on Monday. Pte. Charles Jones arrived homa on i Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lyon.', Thursday night and is visiting with his j on Sunday, Feb. 2; a son. sster, Mrs. J. J. Lynesa. Charley's! Robert Acheson attended the faneral m^ny friends are pleased to see him. i ^f the Ute Mrs. James FsUis, Bramptoa. J.J. Pattison left last week for To-, Miss Mildred Binnie U visiting with ront), where ha is engaaed iu learning , friends in Toronto for a couple of weel.s. the undertaking businsss. «,_ ._> „ „ , r\- •^ j " Mr. ADderson ot Owen sound apenr Mrs. T. Colem»n ha? returned to , ihe week end at the home of Mr. John Owen Sound after spending the past four j Q^i.gy„_ weeks with her daughter, Mr*. F. ! , , , = A number ^f our citizeaa were very CoHinSun. . , j _ . . r fr> XI much pleased -o meet Mr, Tom Hargrave Mr. and Mrs. George Arrowsmith arej „ho has returned to visit his rr.uther at now comfortably settled iu their home I g^im^n p^j^ ^f^^^ h»»ing s,«nc almo.st h;re. two aud a half years m France. Oil Tuesday evening of Inst week the Edward Sargent spent the week end I with hie son in Owen Sound, who is in' y„„„|^ Peopla's Gu/d held their aunu,.l tha hospital there, j election of officers, after which a socUl Mr. and Mrs. Wydemau spent the ; time was spsnc and the ladies served a week end with Elmwood friends. Mrs. | very dainty lunch. Following ar< the Wydeman remains for a week. j officers elected for the ensuing year Pte, K Rjss of Toronto is visitiof at i Pros., Mrs J T Wilson ; Vice Pre?, <De- KliMBERLEY D. Stewart's. Mr. 51cPhersnn and men, who have been loading siabs heie, dnished Thurs- day and rsturned to Oweu Sound. Mr. Snarr of Hanover made a business trip to this burg last week FEVERSHAM Fine weather still continues with nut enough snow for sleighing. Mias Lizzie Hal', whA hai been teach- ing out west for the past two ysars, returned home and now has taken a school near Barrie. Miss Hazel Tupling has returned to her home near .â- Vitincourt .if'er spending a weak A'tii fiiend.* here. Emerson tjsborne is spending a few days with friends in Collingwood. Pte. W. Lawler arrived home fiom overseas last week. Pie. Lawler enlist- ed shortly after the war broke out. We are pleased to know tb-it he ha» .itrived btck safe. Mi.'s Ada Kaitting has resigned her positiin as telephone operator in the Fevershan central after seveial years of faithful service. Mrs. Wni. Davidson, Sr., has gone to visit her daughter in Siiskatchewaa. I vocional), Edna Acheson : 2ad Vice Pres (Miosiunary), John Neilson ; ord Vice I Pres (tiducatiunal). Miss Caveil : 4'h iViee Pres (Social), Edward Badt;ero > Secretacy, Steward Reddick : Treasu.- j Arthur Badgero ; Orijanist, Mabel Wau- ' cbobe ; Assistant Organibt, Mildred I Biunie. ! On Thuraday, Feb. 13, the T. F. i). will hold their monthly meeting and iu the evenius, wo understand, -i social time is to be spent. A pioisram is beiug pre- pared, different speakers are ezpecteU and the ladies are asked to provida re- freshmen's. Everybody welcome. Victoria Comers Mn. Morrow of Beeton is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Best. Carl Atkinson lost a valuable Durham cow last week. Miss Msiiuie Johnson of Harkaway is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Milton Bannon. Mrs. W. Acheson has been on the sick list. Mrs. Milton Bcmnon and sou, Jimmie, are also on the sick list. WiU Not Have A County Memorinl I Una thing in cunnectioa with the ' proposed memorial to our fallen soldiers is certain, and that is that it will not .be a County affair, aays the Cw^n Scv..> â-  Ad»ertis«r. Ueports itvm the different municipalities presented at a meeting Friday atternocn showed that practically all are in fivor of ths community or uiuaicipal scheme. Owen Sound was the I only one that favored the County plan. The meeting was held in the County i Council chamber after the Friday session . and all the municipalities were repre- ! sented but Sarawak, Durham and Neu- 'stadt. Judue Sul^herland occupied the chair. In opeuiue the meetiog, he , referred to what bad been dune at tha meeting in November, and read over ths • questions submitted for cousideratiou^by tha people. He then, as a most oipedi- tious way of arriving at a decision, called on the representatives of the different muuicipalities In turn t.> state what h:id 1 been decided. As each wa« called h.> I gave his report, and the result was that I nearly every munioipvlily was in favor ot I a community or municipal memorial to I be erected iu the muiiicipaliiy and not a County lueiuorial. J. W. Bates. R. Pres. On the eve of their removal to their Funera! Directors and new home at the oower house Mr and Mrs. Harold Proctor were the recipirnts of many useful and beautiful presents .n Friday cvenini? last at the home of Geo. Proctor. A pleiaant evening was spent in playing games, etc. The best wishes of their mat.y friends go wih ihem to their new home Mr. and Mr.s. ManscU Cook, of lltck- lyn, visited with the latter* mother, Mrs. M. Ferguson, one day Ia.«t week. Kobt. Cook, of Caylon m.ide a busine.'s trip to thi.s part on Saturday last Mr. and Mrs George Har^rare, of Maxwell, visited with the latter* sister, Mis. John Wickeus,during the past «eek. Mrs. Wm. Flood is visiticg at Thorn- bory at present. U. J. Stuart, of Tfaornbury. spent a few Jays fox hunting with his b.other, Jasper, in this vicinity last week. Well ! The Govirnment told us to increase production this la?t year. Wa took their advice and slanted a lot of beans. It was a poor fall for saving the crop aud a large uumber of tnem were spoiled. \Ve have be n picking them out for days now and nearly ru:ned our eyesight. To add to our discomfiture 'he price dropped like the mercury on a cM winter night. There seems to be no market for them at all. It would drive a fellow beany thinking about it . We see ly the papers that the Allies are wondering what form of punishment can °3e meted out to Kaiser Bill. We would suggest thai they m«ke him sort beaus for a ui'-nth and if by that time he isn't repetMaut he certainly must hftve a heart of stone. Quite a uumb.-r horn Vandeleut; visited our rink on Friday eveniag las:. Thos. Uuichinsou is renewing old acquaintances in|Oundalk at presack ^^!^!S^i^l^°- Fine Jewelery Embalmers i Come in and sct â€" ie 3. Phone HillcreSt 268; ofJewelery, Waj£be£. Clcck. 124 Avenue Rd. T'~""^ "\V '*'"'''" tuem yoa will be sure to buy. 1 OrOntO, Ont. WatcL repairing a specialjy. MOTOR^EQUiPMENTjAfuU line cf Photographic suppUe inclndin L-3 Maddocks, Manager. (Jeve'ioping powders, prmtiug frames, dark lanterns, all sizes ol Kodaks and fi'ina. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires I Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes W. A. ArmStrOng Phone or write. â€" GEi >. W. RoSS, j Jeweler Osprey Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. FLESHERTON, . ONT. *^**^l^^i4^*^^4^f|^;i^4^4i;|.^ f LET US SUPPLY I Your Requirements In any of the following lines : ^ Sleigh j:. Cutters. ^ Ga.soliue Enjjjines, Cockshutt Farm Implomentsj^Sfe Coekshutt ».Si Massey Harris repairs, I-Oudea Stable Eiiuipment, Me[otte Cream Separators. I *t V $5.00 for $4.00 And Every Dollar Worth More. Small savings now share in the high interest on Govern- ment Securities. War-Savings Stamps : ftssaoi 'HO? mn<itui<i' Cost $4.00 this month Redeernediii 1924 for $5 GO. Sold at Money- Order Post Offices, Banks, and wherever the Triangle arid Bearer sign is dis- played. 24 F, P. S. ! 4ch Class â€" Elsie Ferris, M.^inie N-iiD, Harry Carriugtou, Ida Lever, .^ nie r>ow, AUie N'orrie, Cecil McTavisb, i ' .ve Machewsou, .\dele Breen, Frt;eda M.tih- ewson, Di»vid Colgau, John Carriugton, Harold Wliewell. Sr 3â€" Hazel Wy»iil, Margarite Bowes, Orrel b'isher, Louie Cargo, Wilda Mar in, -Annie Teeter, Cecil Loucks, Bccsie Stewart, Luella Bliikely, Peter Dow. Jr 3 â€" Willie Cirriugtou.Kvelyii Ferriu, Jessie Colgau, Eliz-.»be'.h Benth»ui, Kili McMulieu, Gordon WyvLlI, EininerSvU. Tbompsou, Ted McDonald, Tlielu.* Wilson. :iud Classâ€" Viola Thi«tlethwaite,M»i e Pation, Harold Richardson, Lui-llt Lever, Norris NVhewell, Orville Marlii;, Laura Boyd. 1st Classâ€" Molviu Sled, Arleue Bi-e croft, Mii.ou Toeier, Johnnie Nuh.i. Kuth Th'stlethwaite. Pr \ â€" Edna McCaliuiu, J>aiiei;e Carso aud Jean Stuarc tnual, Marion S.uan, Helen Weltou aud Erneet Foi.- wick iiiuil, Liiliim Carrinston, E .â- 'le Molvtfo. Pr Bâ€" Helen Heitd, Leelie Ferris. Bi;»iiclie Puttou, Ellen yuiuu. Gonivii Teeter. U. Dowu, lot :J0, 2T, Con. .i N.D.K., Osprey, nil '. hold an auction sale of farm stock and iuiplciueuts on Feb. 17. VV. K tilliUi;, auctioneer . Farm For Sale In the townslup ot Osprey one hundred acres, ninety ;kcrc» cleared, ton acree hnrdwoo-l bush ; two storey Sv>lid brick cort^igo. Pedlar roofiufi, cellar full size, furnace, kitelioti aud woodshed, soliJ brick , hard aud soft water inside : large outbuildings with witter supply 'uside. Fer further panicul.irs spply tt JOHN OiU'MWETT. Protou Station K.U. 2 13f v^ D. McTAVISH, fLESHERTON | o r^-:!^^^.^^.S^j:^^^ Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fowl, Drv Picked, Heads off â€" Geese â€" 2.') cts. Ducksâ€" 2y cts. fleavy Chickensâ€" 30 cts. Hens â€" 2(3 cts. rurkevs:â€" 40 cts. Don't Forget tlie Place W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton . ' ^- -' - V^'^^ J^ - ^ ^^^ -^zrr^:7^ -^^.^: : ^ I RUBBERS "' •••• It yon want a good wearing rublier fin- men. wmnen HH^ or children oouie to this store. We have the ohX HH reliable Maltese Cross Braml of rubbers. â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ Kn lll[l!ifi|[IS, Carefully Corrected Eacii Week Butter 42 t 42 Eaes r>0 to oO Wheat 2 W to •.' a ! Peas I 4fl to 1 50 I Oftts .. .50 to 53; Bailey 7S to TO | •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Suit Cases and Trunks jl ••• If iu need of a ^Suit Case or Trunk call H: and g<.n want supplied. THOS. CLAYTON Kt^ ;V •••< ~-^ > SS^ Br t ill FLESHERTON, •••• i ONTARIO Hi

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