TO REM 41.^ l'Ol'\(i! flush the bowels regularly with fifi PURQATIVS WATER A mild but sure iiallne purgative which softens tl\e contenta of t1i« Intei- tlnea and facilitates the!r expulelon without causing coUo, cramps or dls- oomfort On 33I9 evorywhsre: 25 cents the bottle. RIGA PURGATIVE WATER CO. MONTREAL. Spriiij»tiiiie FaHhioiis â€" dâ€" O O â€" O â€" O- O (J â€" o â€" o â€" o â€" oâ€" ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! No foolishness! Lift your co^ns I and calluses off with fingers BEGINNINGS OF AIR CONQUEST THE BRITISH AND DEVELOP- MENT OF AERIAL COMBAT. At the Present Slage There Are Three Branches of Aviation, Dif- fering in Several Respects. In an interesting communication to the National Geographic Society, Cap- tain Andre de Berroeta, of the French aviation service, now on duty with the French Military Mission to America, traces the development of the air- inan's duties since the beginning of ihe world war. "The preparation, conduct and re- sults of an offensive military opera- fcion in Europe," says the captain, "bear but a faint resemblance to those of a battle at the opening of hostili- ties. "The extraordinarily effective appli- cation of aircraft to the uses of war hail greatly accelerated this radical transformation. To-day aviation reigns supreme over the field of bat- tle. "There are at the present time three branches of aviation, which differ in the duties performed, in the machines Used and in the armament provided. Branches of Aviation "These are: "First. The divisional or reconnais- sance aviation, a valuable ally of the staff it serves, of the batteries whose firing it directs, of the infantry it assists in leading during the battle. "Second. The aviation of combat, younger sister of the first and the most faithful ally she has for her protection from the aggressions of hostile airplanes. 'Attack the boche, down him or compel him to flee,' is its clearly offensive motto. "Third. The aviation of bombard- ment, hitherto chiefly employed in re- prisals for the aerial raids of the enemy, but now called to a much greater and perhaps a decisive role. "Although essentially distinct, these three branches of aviation can only be effectively employed by the con- stant co-ordination of their efforts. "When the war was declared the chief strength of the French and Ger- man armies lay in the masses of their infantry, in the power of their artil- lery and in the skill of their cavalry. However, it seemed the part of wis- dom to put the few hundred airplanes we possessed at the service of the fighting forces, in order to facilitate the success of their undertakings. The offensive strength of both the French and German squadrons was very small in comparison with the millions of combatants ready to clash with each other, supported by the fire of several thousand cannoiL "But these airplanes possessed the power of exploring the field of battle to an extent far beyond that of the cavalry, for which this delicate and dangerous duty had hitherto been re- served. To them, accordingly, from the beginning of the war was intrust- ed the observation of the movements of the hostile armies. Increased Services. "During the whole period termed the 'war of movement' â€" that is to say until the battle of the Marne â€" the French commanders were kept promptly informed of the movements of the German forces, thanks to the airplane reconnaissances of our pilots, who, accompanied by staff officers, made flights far within the lines of the enemy and at a low altitude in th« rear of ho.stile forces. The aviation of reconnaissances was thus created. I "The number of aircraft in use was I so small that a hostile airplane waj i rarely encountered in the course of 1 these reconnoitring expeditions. If â- adversaries did chance to meet, all the pilots could do was to shake their fiats at each other or discharge their revolvers without the slightest chance of hitting. It was, however, from these gestures that aerial combat took its ' birth, the history of which will re- ; main as one of the most brilliant epics ' of the present war. I '"Taking advantage of their excur- I sions within the lines of the enemy, the pilots carried with them a few ar- i tillery projectiles, which they dropped ] on hostile assemblages, camps or col- I umns. Such was the beginning of aerial bombardment. â€" It's like magic! Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly ba lifteti right out with the Angers if you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can gel"* small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or calhi.s without pain. This simple drug dries the moment it is applied and does not even ijTi- tate the surrounding skin while ap- plying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your drug- gist hasn't any freezone tell hira to surely get a small bottle for you from his wJjolesale drug house. Prayer Before an Attack. It ain't as I 'opes He'll keep me safe While the other blokes goes down, It ain't ast wants to leave this world ,^nd wear an 'cro's crown. It ain't for that as I Bays my prayers When I gSea to the attack. But I pray that whatever comes my way I may never turn me back. I leaves the. matter o' life and death To the Father who knows wjjat's, And 1 prays that I still may piny the : man Whether I turns east or west. KUuird'B Uniment Ximnberm&n's rrlenil. i Clean Black Kid Gloves. I Add a few drops of ink to a tea- j spoon of salad oil, rub on with a feather and put them out to dry in ; the sun. It will make them look like ' new. Secret Worth Knowing. ITie secret of creamy fudge is the addition of a small teaspoon of corn- starch diluted in a little of the milk when added to the sugar. Klsord's Iilalmvnt osed by Fbysiclana. In Praise of Pigeons. Although the lark in rapture May sing above the guns, The pigeon with a message Does more to lick the Huns. MO.NEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. For Mending Runs. i Stit<-h up the runs on a sewing ma- chine. By using this method they will not show as much as when done by hand. The mending, furthermore, will prove permanent. Mias Springtime will not heaita'te to like this little coa-t as much a» herj Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. mother does! McCall Pattern No. 7878, Girl's Goat. In 7 sizes; 2 to 14, years. Price, 15 cents. I Johnny, Get Your Hoe. I Mr. A. Barnstead, organizing secre- j tary of the National Committee on ; Food Resources of Nova Scotia, has j sent the following, which was compoa- I ed by Mr. George E. Graham, man- j ager of the D.'^.R., a subsidiary com- pany of the C.P.R., and was sung with I good effect at a public meeting held I recently at Kentville, N.S.: I Johnny get your hoe, get your hoe, ' j get your hoe, ; Make your garden grow, make it j grow^. make it grow, \ Plant youj- seeds Crom sea to sea, ; Let them work for Hberty. j Hurry right away, don't delay, start to-day. Forward to the lami with a right willing hand. So we'll help defeat the Hun, Now we've got him on the run. Over there, over there, over there. Send the food, .send the food, over there. For our brave boys need it, our bi'ave boys need it. The calls are coming everywhere. So observe and preserve Save the food, save the food, and con- serve. So we'll help win the cause of free- dom. And we'll plant, save and send, till it's over, over there. Dear Sh-s,â€" Your MIN.-VRD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never falls to relieve and cure promptly. CHAS. WHOOTEN. Port Mulgrave. > Hulling Strawberries. ! Use the ordinary tongs that come with boxes of candy for plucking the | hulls from the berries. This method : not only does the work quickly but ' prevents the juice from staining the | hands and fingernails. Aak for Kliuird's uid take no otbar. Note the straight-aeross neck of this little frock. It is one of the mon popular features of the pre.seril. mode. McC'all Pattern No. 79(18, MisdCi' Di-ess. In 3 sizes; I'i to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterrjs may bo obtained from your local McC*ll dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond _ St., Toronto, Dept. W. Soap rubbed on the heels 'of stock- ings will prevent blistering during long walks and will prolong the wear of the stockings. KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT I L-ffll WHITE SHOE DRESSING LIQUIDa/»/CAKE For Men s WonnenS ~ and Children's Shoes - The Program Nowadays Is to Save ! Grape-Nuts food fits in fine with this idea. No fuel re- quired to prepare; no sugar needed; there's no waste; and the use of bar- ley, in its making, conserves wheat. Grape-Nuts is economical, nour- ishing and delicious. Try a package. ROYALTY AT ONE WITH PEOPLE Queen Alexandra Wields a Hammer 1 In Shell Plant. | I How thoroughly the royal family is | at one with the people in the present j situation has been shown by the ; King's informal visit to the battle [ front and by the Prince of Wales' re- j turn to duty before the expiration of i his recent leave. Since his return his | Majesty and the Queen have been busy visiting munition factories and equipment works. I At a factory at Walthamstow t'lie ; Queen, as ever, was chiefly interest-, ed in the girl and women workers, ! among whom she mingled with her usual cheery smile, chatting most of j the time- â€" when not passing a few | words with the girls â€" with Mrs. 1 Phippg, the org mizer. | The Queen, impressed by the ap- pearance of tha girls, remarked to Mrs. Phipps they seemed to be girls of a very superior type, when one of the conducting party remarked, "Yes, your Majesty, we are some stunt on these girls." The Queen looked puzzled, not un- derstanding the slang, but quietly laughed with pleasure when it was explained that what the official meant was that their experience in the em- ployment of female labor had been altogether satisfactory. Queen Alexandra has been busy, too, visiting factories with Princess Victoria, throwing out a useful word or two of advice as it occurred to her practical mind. In one shop she saw a girl wielding a hammer and punch- ing Identification marks on a shell. She thought this must be very heavy work for a girl, but. to the Queen's inquiry the girl smilingly re- plied it was quite simple now she had grown accustomed to it. .Accepting an invitation to try for herself. Queen .Mexandra held the punch in position with one hand, and with the other hit n series of hard blows, but on ev amining the marking feared that they camo far short of the standard. There are many advantages to a single pitch roof on the poultry house. This type is moat easily built. It gives the highest vertical front ex- posed to the 8U»'» rays and throws all of the rain water to the rear. GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JLKE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallow ness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottlt then put in the orchard white anc shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Mas.sage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and liow smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Y^es! It is harmless, and the beautiful re- sults will surprise you. : i:x>Mf|Y WITH LAvy Increased .Vcreage in West. .â- \mple evidence that the farmers in the great grain growing areas be- tween the Great Lakes and the Rockies are responding whole hcart- edly to the govenimenl's appeal for increased production, is contained in a detailed report of farming opera- tions in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and .\lberta received at the head office of the Canadian Northern here to-day. It is pointed out that the late fall in 1917 and the early spring of this year have compensated largely for any shortage in farm labor at this critical time. Recent reports to the Canadian Northern indicated that the new breaking along its linns would be between, three-quarters of a million and a million acres, and that sufficient fall ploughing had been done to facili- tate early operations this year. The report just in from 235 points, shows that up to the week ending April 17th, there was pronounced activity throughout all districts served by the lines of the Canadian Northern in the west. The condition of the ground was given as good, there being not a single complaint in respect to the state of the soil. ♦ If you want the bottom cruat of pie or tart to keep crisp tk) not put on flat surface when taking it from the oven; lei it cool with s|»»ce beneath it. X«*u M'li.M'i 1 tiintintnt la the hoiuM, ED. 7. ISSVE 19â€" 'IS. BWOBBDS or OTKSB PHUXS All you have to do to win one of the«« splendid prixea, la to And th« Farm- er's Wtfe. mark the place with «uj X and fuini one alnu'la condition. Thl« need not oust vmi on» cent of your money. We will let you know by turn inaJl whether your answer I correct or not. Write yoiir name aUdre»8 n'^atly on a sheet of pape send It \\ith \oiir jinHw-'r Hf oiu'h to â- IIX.VAST SPBCIAI-TY CO.. Sept. X STATIOIT r., TOBOMTO rer is le and ei and Cottage cheese is delicious with fruit preserves poured over it. Straw and similar material gather moisture, and when the litter becomes damp enough to be lim.p it is prac- tically usolets for fowls to scratch in for theii- grain feed. Scratching lit- ter in the poultry house is essential, but it should be cleaned out and re- newed freouentlv. WEEKLy NEWSPAPER IM WEST- ern Ontario. Dolnir a good bual- r.ess Death of owner places It on tbs market. A creat chance for a man with cash. .*.pply Box 82. Wilson PuhllshlnM ACureforPimples "You don'tneed mercury, potash or any other strong mineral to cure pimples caused by poor blood. Take Extract of Roots â€" druggist calls it "Holfaer Scieel'S Curative Syropâ€" and your skin 'i will clear up as fresh as a baby's. -'' It will sweeten your stomach and regulate your bowels." Get the genumc. SOc. and $1.00 Bottles. At drug stores. Co Limited. T oronto. ITT ELL EQUIPPED NEW3P..iPB!R TT a.^d Job printing plant In Eaatera Ontario. Insurance carried II 500 WIU go for »1.200 on quick sale. Box l>. VMlaon Publishing Co . Ltd.. Toronto â- ascE^i.AinBoua (1 R.^.MTE CITTEH.S A.\D LJET- J terei'8 wauteil. Write Geo. M. Paul, loS Victoria .St.. .Sariila. LADIES WA.NTEU TO DO ILAIM and Iljtht sewinif at home, whole or spHi-6 time, good pay. work sent any distance, charges paid. Send stump foj particulars. National Manufacturing ("•omiMuiy. MoiMreHl. C.^NCER, TUMORS. LUMP8. BTO, Internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatmenL Write UB before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical rn . Limited. CoUlngwood. Ont klJST^ PAIN Exteiinaior Pain? Hirst's will. stop it! Used for 40 years to relieve ilieu- matism, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lame back, toothache, and other painful complaints. Have a bottle in the house. .-Ml dealers, or write us. HIRST REMEDY COMPA.'JY, Hinnliou Can. HIRST'S Ptmllj' Salte. (SOc). '^S^tf HIRST'S Fcao>«l Sv.up oF <f\J Hoi«tiour,tl anJ Elccinipine. '35c.^ BOTTCC IP S] DaoM Hills tlieHiilr uilcuraKIUsDaoM HAUUNC BICCER LOADS without extra spanning is easily aci:oinplished when >ou use MICA AXLE GREASE " L jc half 03 much aa any other " Axles are rough and porous, causing friction. The mica flakes till the pores and tiie grease keeps them there. Mica Grease prevents locked wheels and hot boxes, gives sure relief for unnecessary strain on horses and harness. EUREKA HARNESS OIL " Ltnglhent leather W/e " replaces the natural oils that dry out of the leather and puts new life in old harness. It penetrates the leather leaving It soft and pliable, and over- comes I he worst enemies of harness â€" water and dirt. Sold la standard used packagea by live <Jealer» ever>'where. IMPERL\L OIL LIMITED Try one treatment with Cuticura and see howquickiv it clears the scalp of dandruff and itching. On retiring gently rub spots of dajidruff and itch- ing with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse with tepia water. Repeat in two weeks. Noth- ing better or surer. Sanpia Each fnt br Mail. Address post- card: "Cuticura. Dopt. N, Boatoa, U. 3. A." Sold by dealers throuijlicui rhe world. WOMAN'S NERVES M ADE STRONG By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Winona, Minn. â€" " I suffered former* than s year from oervousneHs, and was 80 bad I could not rest at night- would lie awake and get so nervous f would have to get up and walk around and in the mornintf would be all tired out. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and thouffbt I would try it. My nervousness soon left me. I sleen well and feel fine in the morning and able to do my work. I gladly recom- mend Lydia E. PinkhanTs Vegetable Compound to make . weak nerves •trong." â€" Mrs. Albert Sultze, 608 Olmstead St, Winona, Minn. How often do we hear the expreseloa among women, "I am so nervous, I can- not sleep," or "it seatns as though I should fly. " Such women should profit by Mrs. ^ultze's experience and givs this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, a trial. For forty year* it has been overcom- ing such serious conditions as displace- menta, inflammation, ulceration, irreg- ularities, periodic paina, backache, di» ziness, and nervous orostration o( women, and is now consiuered the stan- dard remedy for such ailments.