April 25 m^ T H t? Â¥ L E S 11 1 i; J X A I J V A N C R \ Flesherton Advance .". â- â- . . . '. •ii.ii.leiil Iviverv For Sale ii u^w.i.niwr, ^)^l'..li.ll>•.i .-..â- o Kir>l i.' i-- livury in city of l.\0'U, It 'l.y at thr „rtic,, C.'lIi.ivrwi..K) Sirwi, i« tlio olJest cslablUlicd Hiid iO»tl>cat*d J. am. iSiit'scriiiti'iii piic SI I'll iiiiiiuiii , ' , , ni*idinaji iiiec^^l.V'wheii m.t«M imiH in llie cily. lli.-ic ore IS hoises wilh ft iMn.r r*M-« oil n)iii'hati''a. Cin'"Ull"" very licst criuipiiiciit, d<>in;( a Ihrivirg liuMrd.v.s I.usl 'iioiitli wan iivor tT^'"'. liiil line cnmintili.r. Will g.'ll fur chs-U 'ir consiiltn- i<ii e\ilmnt;c â- ii i faini. Apply 111 WlLLOliillliV KAUM A.iKNC V. n)ii l.iiMi Hveklv II. iin it.sroN. li'ii'sh'y cdokpii piitti'iuM pii' |ii-ni h :i L^Jr' ru'i'i' rr fui'ol tlil'iiUjtli 'I tiiw Kiiaiiii'r ^ iviii la- titled ill pliico .of p.>r' if I ',<â- tl ii i ^ J 111 liiitlcrs nr.d il<iiij/ti«. Cnlil I- ft ' ver, ^^ i pii.i •i.s 111 ly lir ii>ei1, lini. ill", H"! 0) M oiiiily l>'«niii>ij ii'i ilio fii'>li lint po utiles, j yy llnr ihu M iVdl i{U tl- :i' H'liPil | ^' f â- *â- >•-»•'-•- ->â- â- »â- â- •- -^ 'V â- »â- ^^ "V -T- "V V T- -"^ â- »- V-"-<r 5~^ '*' ^â- '^--Z't^ d-)''^ -^ â- »â- â- »â- -T- V .V -r =tal HOUSE CLEANING TIME IS HERE â- *:! I I'ltnl' \Vi> ,iiv U'liiy with <'Kiyiliiiii< y.>u iniil fur iliit l,ii<y jii.sun. y. TAPESTRY kUGS Oond patloiuH, tl<>i;il iiml urieiitRl ilf»i.,'iii in sun, ureeii liud hiowii color eti'octa. •J't i) X I2~$1S ((I, $2(1 (10. $ii:t.j(» .iiui $2r>.0O. •.'] .X .•{ - $l(i.r>0 and «17.M K< tMliL'is .tl. piiip.irl i'liulo piii'es. \K Dundalk Tilt)' fill .sLic'lici is III) ln'tlvr lli.ii tlif ninn wliii wnu'd not uvt Into klmkij ^ >vlioii till' ('.ill fm it'cruilK i'.hik'. TtiC'j'-. wimicn iiiiiM " wliitu feiitlur " tliH iiiiiii '>•' AWIINSTKK .\N1) rAl'K^'ritV MATS »â- > .miI' .iiiy i;i.l..r of (Mij...r. Tl NOI.KT AI.'» .*>(,•. nil 'lul (' iii^niiiiii iiKiki's 2 yaiiU mul 4 yurJs wile in :i vnneiy of popiil ir pilLeriis. f'rict'S 81 to ?3 '.Ci »' ^1 (;ii.-il.li .ma Oeoru.'ti.ttii, Ont. „lii. coiitinues to live iiu m-c'iiiilly d'iwil-! !â-º liiiU throti^li th'u day and diiiiciiii; llirniigli '} Jj!in L."e of < 'ppviy, iicii HmljenR. iri'd wltest on Apiil 8tli, wliicli, wo ;icvi;, i» 11 veci'iil for only huwIhk in M.my f:(i>;i;eNtiunH hiivu heoii nin'e to the niiilit. 6 loiality prevent fi.ol sp'iilin^ in c 'M stoi':)i.4C .Mr. K. K, , ullcr in lUnk 'â- ( plum.''. <>iu- ccnc.'-iionck'iit ri'ijuesls Tlu' .ViisiiiliHii u'.viiiiin 'iil i.s imkiii.' . iitiik'ji', li I- tccii culled to Iha colors The Sun to ndvoe^to the policy if niskinj' cvfiy I'lKlesvnr to limo iilililt liuicluni' ih iiiJtructi' ins t.i report in Toronto. Flavellc and Ins crew nf proliluen eut b.'cnnu' '1110 of the bij^ di-sits • oi tlie . .1 pUce ill tho bunk it liileil by t^.o llio next liui.cli of seini-decuyi'd chickens futm-e U'lnclics winch f'liiiuTly ni-'d . I'.notio.i of Mr. 'iei. K. .\niistron;!. thai iiro tukoii fnnii Ins phiiits --OranjiO- ' xhcep uml ciil'li- nri) 1 ot biiii'ji fciiccilin I. 'a *.t Misii Miigv:ii} Foley of Melunctlicn h ».s villo Sun. , with closi! wire nottini; hihI boiri^ used '."11 »micttd iritb total bliiidnc.s which TlieshortaaeofHlie.it in franco li„.s for lireodinj; grounds Hiid in....^ for i..h- has hoeii cmiuK oil for some time, bocime su serious that the bread rati, n : ''''". <''">«<l^i*" '«;: « "'"' A.vv'inpaniea by her sitter Mrs. t.'iiipii of „f the French snldieis has been reduced, j *"^''l' '>y '••»'«•'"-' ''•l''lj>l«- N-^w Oii'.ario she went to Toronto on IK, 000,000 bushels ..f wheat were' S.turdiiy with the hope if securini; bene- promihod Kiircpe fioin Noitli Aniriiorti " Wh i.s.iever in iki.'> l» ial treatment by a Kpeeiatist. per nviuth. Since January !<>, the ' firas* to grow where only oii' Mr. N. J. .McCHniiell, farmer, of iie.ir shortane lias been .".7.000 (UHl bushels, [ deserves heller of mankiiu Pfiloii Station, met wiili an uiifoitunate eecordiii'.' to Hon. Kverelt (.'clby, Senator j more i s.sentiiil sertiee to his cmiiitiy thiin ...idtlit on Tuesday, while wa'eriug a fir N'ew .Jersey, in I. i« speech delivered the whole race of politicians pu' lii;;i'iher I'"l.<iiii; ii||, Cl.iiriH, y.iu!, yard ai^d h.ilf, t^nyaids., two .iiul ,'i halt yard.s wide in the new seasou's **.|j I'esiL'ns and colorin;;. »)} "ills Wllld bUd'-'s if! ircw before I and docs I t.'hiirz ami Ci. Iit.i ir r>«ii^'a|,>w Nets I'lain Mni'iuiseltes Madras Mu«liiis An S.iteei's Kunii'iui' D.uii I .ks (.'iirtain .Scrima Wii.dow .Sliades Ciirt.'.iii fries ]-;ice Curti.ins BRANDRAM-HENDERSON ''ENGLISH'^ PAINTS â- rse at thi. well. He had no halter on : at Ottaw* tlie other day. :.-j animal and deprndin-,' una hold on , Kni-land is t' h ive national Kitchun.s. â- ,e mai.e and no.iie for leading it. The p„Mi, i,,,,),, „„a park buildiniis will be ise turned ,<u Idenly, tbiowim- Mr. ^,jj„^j ;„,„ ,.i,j.,,^,„,, „i.d town lu!l.s into McC. "'..(Hinsc H post, ic.-ulliiiK in a badly 1 j,„i„j, |,,^|,., . ^,^3^, g,,.g „„d ouiuibu.«es j.okeui.ose. He was hurried to UunJalk ill p,„ ,.y ,|,(, ti„i«|,ed product to «nd Dr. Martin Hiiended the injury. The | thoui.aiids of snudl aistribuiini,' stations, misfortune will lay him oft' duty jnst ; v,,ri^,, ,,,^,^1^ ^.jn p^ provided for cvery- wheiithe busy season on the f'tmi iâ- ^ | i,„(iy ,jf ,i,e lowest p ifsible price ai.d 'â- ^="^'"""'-- (there win be special invalid kitchens. Switt. BUI.!, rOR SliRVICH Kei^islered S'lo- 1 horn bull for si-rviee. Terms: SI..">Of.ir niiil' cows. S:! 00 for j ei^istcrod CO ws. (''in. 4, lol.s 10 11 rrteiii'.'sia. ' July 1ft - -J. D. Mil.EOD. (Vjlon Vast Issues Depend Upon the Welfare of Our Men! CHeer Up and TliunK God for the T.M.C.A. TRY to ])ii.tiirc yoiiirulf i.i [he. unidfly c-.kl trenches aft -r CKciiing days and long nij/ht^ of tnortnl danger and in- tense iicrvijus strain. Rii'<lii!i;| "whiz-biiijjs" :'.iid iTc-rni- ing "roal boxes" are no rc-^pcctcr;; of persons. Yon are hit! But dc-s[iite siiofk and pain you Eliil can face the long weary trudge back t(j drc:;sii!ij station. Wvary, ovvr\vroti;;lit atid de- pressed, you are prey to -.vild imaginings of tliut other coiniii^ ordeal willt till- siirger-n. There are Other "ivalking wotiadcd," too! Von niitsL wail, wait, v.ait. And then â€" Up comes a cheery Y.M.C. A. man. i hi-, t vcr-presen t "big brother" to tile s(jl(!ier, with words of iniii'.l\- cnfouragenieiil. Clo-sc be- side the dressing station the good generous fulks at hi)iiie have enabled him to set ti() a canteen. IIo hands you biscuits, and cbotjoiate or coflte. Red Triangle F'^iid $2,250,000/ May 7, a, 9 Canudu-Wide Appeal "In Ihoti.-ands <.f cases," writes .-in (.fficor, "it was thai first li(<l cup of coffee that drag^'ed tho niun buck In life and sanity." The tremendous helpfnh.t ss of tlu- Y.M.C. A. as an aid to the "morale," or ilglitiiig si)iril, of the soldiers is cNerywhere praised. No wcnidi r the C'leriiiaiis lauke every tlTort to smash the Y.M.C.A. huts out c.f ixisleiice. The Y.M.C.A. is everywhere. Yoii first met tlie helpful, manly Y.M.C.A. wmkir in camp, then on train and boat, at camp in I'liigland and in rranee, close to the firing line. Often he risks his lift- t.) naih yiiii in the trenches, lie has won the warmest praise from military authorities, statesmen â€" the King! Have you a precious boy at the front? You cannot be "over there" to guide him away front furce temptations of camp and city. You Cannot comfort him in bis supreme hmir cf trial. Your parcels to him are necessarily fw. Hut the Y.M.C.-V., thank God, is "over there," going where voii cannot go -doing the very things ymi long to doâ€" (loing it for you and for him. Will you help? This vast organization of helpfulness needs at least $2,2.'')().()00 from Cauadu for lOlS. l-or your boy's sake be GENIvROUS!! War Work Summary There arc: â€" Oti branches of Cauudian Y.M.C..\. ill France. â€" 79 br.inches in England. â€" Oozcn'i of Y.M.C..\. dtiK-onts ia forward trenches miiler lire. â€" Over 120 Military Secretaries oVL-rseas. â€"^00.000 lettcr<5 a d.ay written in Y.M.C.V. overseas buildings. â€" 5n.?.00n needed for athletic eiiuipincnt. (Helps morale of .soldiers.) â€" Y.M.C. .\. saved hundreds of lives at \'iiny Ridue bycaring for walkiiii; wounde.l. â€" Over 100 pianos in Fngland and b'rance, also JiOO jjraino- phon'.-s and '27 inoviiii; picture inachims. â€" Y. M. C. A. helps boys ia hospitals. â€"More than 00,000 cups of hot t. a and coffee dislributed daily ia France â€" free. FstiinaleJ cost for 8 nionih.s, $ 18,000. â€" 1.",0,000 nia;;a/ii!cs distrilinlej free every month. (l';stiiuated cost $1. "1,000.) -?12.->,000n-.ed ia 1017 to build huts ia France. â€" Concerts, sing-songs, good- ia:iht .s rnces and personal interviews energetically con- ducted. Concerts, lectures, etc., cost $o,0(X) a month. â€" Thon-^aiids of soldiers decide for the belter life. â€" Y.M.C..\. .sells many needful thiin;s to soldiers for tlnir convenience. Profits, if any, all speiitfnr lienelitof soldiers. â€" Service to boys in Camp hospitals. â€" Red Triangle CUibs forsoldiera ia Toronto, J-l. John and Montreal. Cent res in I'arisand J.ondon for men on leave. â€"Out of Red Triaii^'lo I'lind, ST.'i.OIX) I.I be ei'iitrilmteil to the V, ar V/orkof ihcY.VV.C.A. Boys ! Here's your chance to do a fine stroke in the bi>; war I Help the Y.M.C..\. to help your bis' bro- thers overseas by joiniinj in the '"Earn and Give Campaign" Six thonsimd C'anadiaii older boys are invited ti earn and tive at least Ten Dollars ($10) to the Ri.(l Triangle Fund. That means $(10,IXK) in all I .Splendid I I'ive thousand dollars will be used for boys' work in India and China; another So.OtX) for the National Hoys' Work of Canada, and $511,000 to help big brothers in Khaki, Ask your local Y.M.C.A. representative for in- f irin.ition and pledge card. When you have subscribed one I r more units of Ten Dollars, you will receive a bfautifutly ea- graved ci rtificate. National Council, Young Men's Christian Association Campaign Directors for Red Triangle Fund : Ontario : Dr. John Brown, Jr., Quebec : P. S. DoLson, 120 Bay St., Toronto Y.M.C.A., Sherbrooke I i h^ t'liina Lac H'loor Vnrni^h Kalsoininc Tiiriie'itinei .\11 e <\"19 111 St. el< l-'li.or Paint Porch Paint Linoleum Vurni h IJ.iw and Ri^iled t)a* I'luslus ,'f all kinds < YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR TEA AT OLD PRICES i W'v liHve been -iipplyiiiLj scire.s jf li un-.'i villi .a silenJid .Ltpiii Tea i i bulk at 25j. and m\ e-tcelleu j HI ick Ti'a .it 40^' .but we are i:o» ep-nin^ iipourlasi paekajjes it thai; price. Farther supplies of the same qunlitv Kji willeosl I 1.'' more miiiiey and "ur prices will n-.ces<arily advanee tn our customers as soon as the original * ' lot is sohl. t .''I There is aboiU pnoii,h to li-t to the lirst of M.iy at the old piices. Bitter buy some today \j\ and saip iii.u.i-y. SiUad.i Tea I'u* sells from tJOe. cp. S' I , 1.4 F. H. W. HICKLING, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO rt â- I I â- - . â€" â€" - I.,- 1 - ^ . â€" . . â€" _- ..-.. â€" ..â€"^1 I .. I I « » » -w . » MM mm I' .â€"..,, -w n ^1 [[' Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorouahared Yorkshire Boar for service lUi lot ILcon. 3, Osprey. Terms Sl.oO. FUKU SPDFFARD Fles]:xex*t:on ^^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors Easy to aitply tluralile antl piodncps it ItfiiiHiliil. lasting lini.'^li that inntt'cts the carâ€" don't .start t)iU witli a shabby f;ir, it is not m-fei*sary - «hcn :i lieatitifiil tinish can l>e ob- t lined iit vciy little fo.st ami hibor. SAVE MONEY l^e .\ini to 'a,ve Entire batisfacti,.' L.MXDUVâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Fridiiv evenia Filler ',1 ELLIOTT CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto ^E^lt' \^l^T?y% Works-Clotho. f _ , V u cleaned and dyed, leathers rejuvenateJ TFISHE1?. -PROPRIETOR S.W.P. for outstanding varn- ishcs.Stains.Enamels, Brushes for house cleaning. F. W. Duncan The FleshertOn Hardware, t'tione .^0 ""A Hear the POLLOK PHO.NOLAS and RECORDS, also The l.itesi in Sb 'et Mii~i.- .i I'.e PHOTO GALl.tRV Hof'.re the Tuition Rates are lncrea.sed. Gre.at demand for ( iraduHies Write for our cata- L'lyne and learn how nur former Students are siiceeedin>». Open All year. W. .1. ELLIOTT, Pkincip.vl STOCK FOR SALE 1 have It pie.sent for 'iniek sale 1' Yorkshire snws, some youiU'criLssbred pii{s \\\-\ ready to wean, I Koiieii drake. 1 Hiiried Hock rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. _t;Fo. \V. K08S. t>.-.[irey Tel. System. .M.iNwell, I'D. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 .1111 opeiima nu at once, a blacksmitii- ins and woodworking business in Max-' well, and am nsiahni'^ iipto date wood working iiuchiiieiy. It will be niy en deavor t.n serve the putilio in a satisfao tory nKiniier and I would solicit patrnn- age. I wnit yourwork and wiil do it lii-'l't- 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG rrgy g^:;^ r^^ ^-^ ^-^ 1 1 1^â€" â- i ^^^____ S C* ^^^ •*'^*^*-^^-*^*^*^^^^M>''^'^yA'<^A'^r..^'^irA^^^^y..^»^.^IS^.^^ ^^ "^y rr^ â€" â- -â- ^ â€" â- ^â€" ?â€" ^ y ^^ ^, , || Flesherton Tn Shop r:..^ $90 W. A Hawken - Fbshertcn I Phone 'li r4 FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For Spring Planting j We i.eed no furllii'i ni'iiiilneiion ihan tha f«c'. Ihiit Wi' have leeii In the : Nursery biiin.-»» SIXTY dNK YE.MtS. and Hie imw prepirid to meet txislinu 'conditii'iis by olb-iinj; our hiyh strade I |.,>,>i HI.) iii'ints (lii'i'i ''^ eustoineis at ItCCK Bd'IToM PUICES. Send for our illtis raid ciiciilars 'of hi»rdy \aiieties which von eun oidei direct aii'i (.'ive ill" ikuem's e. iiiniiiMnii, ..f which yell liet the beiielil. Our prices will e sine l<i inierest y"i and nil stock H alisoUltnly lir6l eb»h« ai d tiU'> lo n»iiie. THE CH.\SK RRdTHERS CO. " (tf tlitaiio. I,-iiiiiod. Nurserymen. COLIii>RNK.- â€" -t»NTAKl(t II l^^l l^lll II 1(1 If^l II l^ill 1(^1 I i i^;<i II 1^1 1^1 1^1 I have jiist [ilaeecl on the shelves a fidl line of Tinware, Nickehvaie antl Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies;. I'lavetrtniohiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- in ir.s. Uei)aiiine; of'all kinds jn'oniptly attended to. ripefitting, inclutiing pump work. Kurnaees installed. .Agonr for Clare Bros. l''nrnac(\s. D. McKILLOP i CHRISTOE BLOCK ||;*| FLESHERTON m ONTARIO, f |Sl__^___^_ I WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents IpQn? Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes CultiTators Harrow3 Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.