Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1917, p. 1

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\ i \ • 1 . A /kslj^rt^tt %hmnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINCIPLEb SOT MEN.* tf- â€" 1 -. >- fOl r>7 No. 28 Flcslicrton, Ont., Thursday, November 29, IQ17 W, H. THDHbTON EDITOR ad FROPBIB Eugenia Paragraphs Many ate enjoying sleighin); thesa evening. Rev, Coburaof Tatonto visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Latimer last we<*k. Wilfred Ma«ee spent the week end with his cousin, Mrs. Lyaess. C*yloi'. R*y Geniie has purcha««.t n driver fffiru his father and Mi". fJiiiue ha.s purchased i horse from Oarnel ^la^ee. Much sympathy is felt here fur Mr. and Mr>. tjeorse Mitchell and family of F!e hertoQ ia the lo-is of their son and I rolher . The"Eus»enia W. I. »ill hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Litinieron VVed.nesday, Dec. â- '>, at "2 :jO. iioU call, recipes foe Chrislniaa I'aiulics. and other topics. Everybody welcunie. D.jn't forget the silver collection, i<> he Used for comforts for the boys -it the front. Proceeds of last meeting were • 1.2<). John Williams hiis purchased ^ new threshing outlit. Deputy lleevo Alex. Cameron attendeil couoty council la.st week. Mrs. Graham h;is (cturned hime from Clarksburjij. where she h.i-s been eni;a:4ed narsing the pvit two or three nmiiih.s. Heathcote Kimberley Budget W. S. Midd'eijio, the only Win the War candidate for North Grey, delivered, a telling speech before -i lirue and enthusiastic audieice in the town hall ni Friday evening last. He showed con- clusively that Dr. Danard, the Lil)oral c:tndid;ite, had been brousht or.; by the pro-Laurier element. That Mr. Middlebro will be elected is a foregone cocclu.sion. Mrs. W. T. Ellis attended the Women's ' Institute convention held in Toronto' during the past week. U. J. Stuar^ of Thornbury was a pleasant caller in 'lur bur^; or.e lUy list week. Win. Moore of Moaford, has a number! of men tnkiug out «hin:4le timber un his two bush luts on the valley load north. At the recent athletic tournament of the Mtaford high scH"ol. Vernon Bishop of our village was the winner. He scored by far the ;;reate.st number of points. We are pleased to report Jasper Stuart on tlie ineiia after his recent illness. Mrs. J. Smith received word on Sat. 'hat her husband had beau killed in acti'iii. Much sympathy is e.xpressed for Mrs. Smith and children. It is too IjaJ that 90 many thousands of innoc-nt lives have to he sa';ritioed to gratify the whiins of the crown heads. Uuu'h Hammond of Eugenia, \ixtttu at the parental home one day last week Robert Thompson Ls visitinc; in T> ronto at present. Capt. M. F, Sproule Dead Capt. Miltuu Frederic ijprouie wis born it Maxwell, tJrey Co., Dnt. He WIS a nephew of Mr. R. J. Spioulo "f Flet-herton. He wjut west with his! father, mother and bnithers and settUd in Winnipeg when very yitung. Afti-r liiishing his education he entered the law tirm .>f Allen A: Cameron, reniiiiuing with them a few years. Ha left t â- '• London, England, in the year 190»> and shortly after be.:anie the lunnAger of the XiiX'.n Manufa«turing Compan^.in which he achieved !^reat success. W -la there he travelled extensively over .ar > >3 in connection with the bu.-iiness, "•â-¡ which he coaL:Du.:d uutil he left tor oevrseaa with an artillery hrixad: under the com miud of the U"c Li--ut -Col. Duchanne. He Sit w active .service aliuott cjuimually and was awarded the Military Cross t-ir distinguished â- service L«>t year. He is survived by his father, WiUiam Spioule, of this city, and a brother, William Howard Sproule, i.f Vancuuver. He was wounded on 2h)V. 14, and died of 4r<jii:ids on N •»â- . I-"*. Intended for List Week Back again. ,^ Threshing is the order of the d.«y. Jo^n McDonald and nephew, Maste^ Archie McDonal 1, of Lucknow, \isited with Dr. and Mrs. McKer* the week und. The Heathcote W. I. held their reju- Itr monthly ineeiinK ^t ihi- li.> iie ot Mr.". 1 Fred Hutchir.soM on Thursday, Ni>\ . I'i. Mrs. Herb. Kerr rf Duncan visited at the parental home here. Master .\iexander Murray, who has been living with .ilhert Skypper the past •umuier, returned home Friday. 'I he Methodist Teacher's Training Class meet at the home <>{ J. .\, Conn on Thursday, ere ht* departure to Thoru- bary. Dr. Danard of Oweu .Sound iiiid a friendly visit with old itiends in our viliaite on Friday. J. H. Gurduer made a business trip to Rocklyn on Friday. Miss Ida 1'lioiupsoa i<i visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wiley, at Wudehou-M*. Dundalk Foxes seem to be plentiful this season. Local spoits h.ive had a harvest tlii» week. T. F. Lockhart shot on eMoudav and G. Beamish shot two the same day. Harry Palmer ^ot oue Tuesday more- iug and another .-^pott nearly 'n<t i^iie Tuesday afternoou. Dn Sunday J ototli Fcrtiii of .Mel.tuc thou waa suddenly stri.keii (\ith appviiuecitis. Dr. Martin was called and an operation was decided upju. As k strauiie coincidence a few hours later Mrs. Ferri.s, wife of the first named, was similarly stricken. Operations were performed on Monday on both patients by I'r. Groves 'of Fergus assisied by Dr. Martin of^undallc aud Dr. Guy of Maxwell. At last report the ])HtieDts were progressing favorably. â€" Herald . SAVED FROM fi\' UNTIMaV GRAVE Seldom has a more tragic tale been told than that of this young woman, whose parents, brothers and sisters bare all died of consumption, leaving her alone to make a living as best she could. Never robust, hard work and worry soon undermined her health, when she, too, become a victim of this dreaded liisease. Shunned by friends who feared contagion, without funds, for â- he had been unable to save from her small earnings, she seemed doomed, j like the others of her family, to an untimely grave. Fortunately, she was ] discovered and sent to the' Muskoka i Free Hospital, before it was too late. where she is now doing well, with | every chance of ultimate recovery. i Appeals are now beinj: made for the I Muskoka F'ree Hospital for Consuntp- I tives to enable it to continue the great | work of caring for juat such eases as this. No matter how small the gift, it will be welcome. , Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gag«, Chairman, 84 Soadina Avenue, Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid, Secretary- ?Pwasxirer, Gage Institute, ToroAto, Tliii Finance D>-{Mrl^ueiic it <. ttawa tias received 'lur 81,1 Hjt) miles, c >0!»cience money, tri" ui St. John, N. B, Gunner II hf. Cnrnpliell oL King.tnu. who ».'.iS tL-purted dead ill the second battle of Vpre*. .^. pt. i:i, I'.llO, walked into the otHce <if \ new^ipiper in King'ton to deny the re[xirl . I ^e Tk^htltug Men malt i|our ansiver TJTOW many Victory Bonds have you bought ? Have you put yourself to any real in- convenience to buy Victory Bonds ? Have you denied yourself some purely personal gratihcatlon, so that you could invest the money saved in Victory Bonds? Have you realized the urgent need for personal self-sacrifice to make the Victory- Loan a great success? ^ " â- * Until you have bought Victory Bonds to the very limit of your ability, you have not done your duty. , ' . Gampaif lloses Saturday Ni^ht What Answer Will You Give? y Taaued by Cinada'a Victory Lo.in Ccmmittee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. esa Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors'and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks. Pres. Manager, Pig Came Astray S'rayed ont.) 'h' [i-. :i:.sv* ..f tl]e imderi-iijDed .11 ..r al..;;it .July 1st, .jne m^ • iiviier prne oropctcy. piy expena- i CI an J take •'••nir' iw<y .1* once. •I T. SLKD Flesh ewni. Jewelery A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT I\DIA\ JO JEM POLES (luctioBs of the red ina.T. i u-st Straogs si>ev.'iiueus of wood itulylur • are still to l>e fouad in Bniisu lo- lumbi^ t!spei;U!iy along tti-; S'avi-.- Csasc. as well as in Alaska. lu inury a \^aters:iie viiliige these cunn::..]. crested poles stand ia i-roaiiii places, cr along the main siree' a A'.ert Bay. or over the gruUM fcroiJie warriors who have goua their happy huntins grounds. Tu white oittu they are as mysteriuua as the (iruiiii'-al stones, but to the IkOkit they tell ih<; v.iau to »hn.ii the dt.nii Indian belonged, as well a3 tiis ;rija! status. Kach clan of the Indians or .\:a.-'iia and British Columbia has t's 'j.m tot#tn, from which it ukes its name. Thus there is the cUn of the v,M, tlie claa of the laven, the clan c( the frag, and so ol* .\11 tiie members oi tb(j clan are supposed to be descend- ed, actually and literally, from lU.- animals wboiw naaies tbey bear, atid to conduct i.ht!ni.selves always with due remembrance 0: the fact. For exainple, a maa isn't si;ppoied tj kill or >•..;. his father, and. tlie.-el'orc, the In<i ins of the bear clan, for instance. art not supposed to eat or kill bear. That animal is sacred to them, and the mediciri" •â-  .m or "shaman" of ihe iiau »'• 1 voxe tiie direst peualtiea on au» 1., 1 ,i>er who dares to irans- ginwa :l.a r iie. The n.;, M.ijje customs of the clan are regulated by their totem. It is absolat«ly unthinkable that twrj ineui- bers of the same dun should ever m:irry. With thea a bear must mate witii a rnven, or a fux or a beaver or tt .shark or a member of socne other clan, and never with a bear. V usually these poles are very large and !.av« a doorway cut through them at i.1»> level of the grounU. thronch which acx-ess is had to the s-lidly- buitt «ood«n house Id which thf rlan or tlaas live t.Araoiig some ui the l*actljc roast irtbi:8, wn within tho momory 0/ incn. not i^n.'renocntly the posla of the chlcf'8 bouse w<re si-t In i;olPS In wbloh were placed bodies, t'iiough ii»e *^iperstlttoiis belief that tin woiil I dilve away evil spirits protect th" chief, and oontf'ice to stic- cess in htjhlns;, hunting and victory la war. When the posts were plac*dl lu position and the hou.ss rnnshed, i!.«» ceremony was generally cudi?d by a feast. For selection the slaves wer» gatherfd into the nev* house, whiclfe was always the larsest hi the vitlagak The chief wfrh his principal "'tvees'* entered, dressed as demoiis in bear and wolf ski us, aad decorated witli horns, bon.-s. skulls, eagles' clsv^s, aud pauil-.crs' teeth. .A bandage was. then placed over the chief's eyes, and thus blicdfoldsd, to the si>ort of his. "tyees," he chased the terrified ere*- litres through t;,e iioi;se until he had cau):<u th« Dumber agreed upon to b*- o;nri,> sport of. The â- â- iccomj:!My;ii{; ilhistrations «r» strikiii; specimens to be found )a .Vlaska. and while the :trt Is crude, from Ihe whiff n.an's point of view. >et t!i ..â-  are not to be despised as » reve!u:;cti cf the artistic spirit at thoee orlgioal AjiaoricaJiia, â-  ' ^ >_*â-  •/?. â-  ' . , . â-  "V JL

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