Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1917, p. 8

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Novembers 1917 THE F L E S H E R r N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Societies ,lNOK AHTBUR LODGE, No. SSS.A.FA A If.uiaeUia tbc tlasouio hall. Arm trom 8 lilock FleBbertoo, every Friday on before tbe lull mooo. T. Heuiy, W. M. U.W. BlckliDg, SecreUry. pR CHOSEN FHIENDS-Fletlertou Tounci Cboten Frienilt :>U met'ta in Clftvton't Hal first ftod tbitt] Wediievdav o* tracii inontb a K p.iu, ray aaseiuient* to Itteorder on o before tbe flrat day of racb uioutb. C'biu CoiiDcUlor, W. H. llUDt; Itecoidcr, Um. L. A Fltber. J3ENT1STRY ryi B. C MURRAY li. O. R, dental aargeon U bcnoi Kraduate of Toronto UoiTertity and heyal t^'olleKe of I)t>Dtal Surgeons of Ontario, Gat adiuiaiuittered for teetb extraction nice at reeidence, Toronto Street. Fleeberton. Medical /P OTTEWELL Veterinary Borgeon Jradnate of Ontario Veterinary Collene reffideuce â€" second door soutb west^OD hary (treet. Tbli street rJDI ODtb Fresbyteri^D Ctanrob. Cha*. E McLean. M D. C M, Specislty â€" Surgery, Midwifery & Wduieii'K Disea.ses OnicKs â€" KlesherUjii, li w 1I..ii.m'. Vrici\ille (''mmierrial ))' tel. l'.:«> t.. I ii.iii. Drug stiire in oinncction with i.tfiie. t)ffi«' Hourn in Kleshfrton â- We.lnewUy and Friday afti-rii.)"n 2 to â- '> p.m. JTiobi- nies.-iiK'- receive |>riinii)t attention at U'th >.ftioe. Iti.MaylK Legal f fCAB, KASEY * HE SU Y-Barrlatere. ^ ool>citori.e)c.-I. B. Lucas, K. C. ; W. E, Kaney, K. I'. ; W. D. Henry, K. A. Offices, rorouto, MGO Tiadors Hauk Hide., pboDe main 1412: Uarkdale Lucas Itlock, Phone 3 A. Krancb oUice at Uucdalk o|<eD «Tery Saturday. WRIGHT. TELFORD * McDONALD tlarrister, Kolicitors, &c. Offices, Cirey t Hruce lUock, IJwoQ Bound. Standard Hank Hlock.Flssberton.(KaturdavB). W.H. Wrigbt, W. I». U'elford Jr. J. C. McDonald, I,, i^. H. Business Cards U OULJXJl/'GH A YOUNQ P' hankera Markdale General banking busineaa. Money loaned at re&aooabla rates Call ou us. DUcPHAIL. I.lcrnsad Anctionee for the * County of Cirey. Teius moderate and »stis action guaranteed. Tbe arrangements and datus of aales can ba made at The ADvaucs office. Reaideucc and P. o.. C'*^yl^i>, Telephone coaoectioo. Dec. C, 07 nrif. KAITTINU, leansed Auctioneer foi '' the counties of drey and blmcoe. Farm aad Stock sales a specialty. Terms Biodarat*. tatiafaction guaranteed. Arrange- ment* for dale* may be made at tbe AdTtnoe office, or Central telerkone oQ'.ce i-eversbam or by ftddreasing ms at Kavcrsbam, Ont. Representative WANTED at once for FLESHERTON and District fm Canada's Greatest Nurseries Spring l')17 ]i'anting list now ready splendid lint ul linrdy Canadian grciwii fruit and (irnamental htock, including, Mcliitoah lU'd Apple, Sr. lluuii) Kver- lieariiig ReKpberry and many ullier caderv. New illustrated cstalouui' Koiit on applicAtiun. Start now nt best felling tlinu. Libur- »1 pro|>oRiti'jn. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (Katabli.shcd 1m:;7.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Kimberley Budget llalbwe'n paascd off ({uietly here. Mr. and Mrs. Asliley McCallum of Duncan visited recintly with the latter's psrenls, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wallacti. Mina Fawcett of Markdalo visited at the Tratellers' home for h fe>v days the past week. Hartley Lawrence, who has been visiting friends in Clarksburg, returned home on NNednesday last. Mrs. A. Knott uf Eppini; un<) her dauiihter, Mrs. li'irold Ellis ut Uucklyii' visited at \V. T. Ellis' over the week end. Mrs. P. Harris bou^h( a house and tut from \V. S. ISishop list week. Wni. Clark is busy at present levelling his lawn. J. K. Hauiniond, coiiinieruUI special- i!it of Meitford high school, visited a few days lately at the parental home. (ieo. Hutchinson occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sundiiy evening last. W. T. Ellis, Harold Ellis and T. Don- nelly cook in the hunters' excursion to Pjwassan . Pts. Harold Proctor and Andrews of Torouto .spent a few days recently at the former's parental liome. An aeroplane passed over the valley on Sunday on its wa;' to Camp Borden. Harold Kerr of Uocklyn motored over one d»y last week and visited at George Proctor's. Mrs. Ed. Donnelly of Wodehouse vinited with Mrs. P. Harris. Portlaw Farm For Sale or Rent Lot 141-14L', .{rd range N.E.T.S.H,, Arteiiiesia- 70 seres under culiivation, good li.'irli and brick liousc, iiii acre of orchard ; well watered. Apply to â€" I. SINCLAI|{. l.'NoM? Klcstu'ili n. Heifer Came Astray f'tmc to the preiniseH of tlic' iindei- signed, lot '2i, con. 7, Altenusiii, iil. u Octolier Ist, one yearling heifer. Th" owner in recjucsted to prove iirop.'riy, p'ly expenses and t ko the same aw«v. â€" JAMES «EN<»K. Kloshprfon, Oct. 20, lillT. For Service One iiure Dred Bhorthorn Bull on lot M, ton. !», Artemesia. Ternih $1.00 f,.r grades. Must be j>aMl within '.i month.s from date of service. 1 Jan. 17. --R. O. TlilNKH. Boar for Service The undersigned has n lhorou«b.iiod Yorkshire lioarfor service on lot ll,oon. 8, Osprey. Terms tl.TiO. FllED SPOFFAUD. Mr. .Shenrdown continue.') in a very we'ik state with little hope of improve- mont in his condition. Mr. tJeo. Thompson arrived home from the West last Wednesday looking as though that country agreed with him. He went West in liUti with a harvest eicursion. He report* the crops very light on account of inutsuftioie, uiois'uit butt he i|uality of the wheat is excellent. Mr. Marshall and wife of Toronto, visited with Mr. J. Lyons and family. Mr. Wyville of Proton Station, had charge of the service* in Mount /ion ihurch a week ago .Sunday . Mrs. Wesley Jamieson of Toionto. is visiting with Mis. W. (i .Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. David Itlakey and fsniily have moved to the McMaster fnrm, ihird lineOsprey. Very little threshing has yet been don* ill Ibis neighborhood; but pri»i)H-ct^ are brightening. We notice ill the papers a good many stories of giant tubers and huiiiper yields of potatoes, but this neighborh(>e<l can hold its own willi any yet leported. Some of our neii^hbors had potatoes tint, although they do not like to say fie exiict weight, they had to call on wife and family to help " lift " ihein. Victoria Corners Wi- hive K-i-n so long f:uori(l with " M|U'«w wiiiler " that wo liavo been in- clined to lliink our Iniiiii Imd enlisted and was " s-inicwliere in Kriiiico, " but wu iio.v liiivo line Indian snminer at last. C. .Atkinson or Ibnk Mills has brjuglit what i.s kiiovMi as the .Sliain faun from .1. C. Wright, I'cton, nnd Ins stiirted pl'Aighii g. Mr. Sto»en« has roturiio.l from the NVcsl !ind ripoilN it. very cold there when he left. Oro' (.f our youiiy men is laii! up. The only « .xphiiiiition ho otb.rs is that he m ived loo ijuickly last Sunday evening »nd s|ir^iiied h s iinkle. The iioiKh- bus lire wondering whether it was her fa'lier or the dog which started the chusO' Siicraincnt -if the Lirii's supper vv.is d'Spenseil on Suiid'iy -it Inistiogo by Uev. Dinniek. Wo extend our aynip.vthy to Mrs. Will Aehivion in iircouni of lliu death of her mother, Mrs. Reddick. Beef and Bacon Needed Beef «nd Bacon are needed overwas in ever incieasiug i|uantitie«. Ttiey ure for>ds especially suited to the rec^uirc- ments of the men who are fighting and those doing heavy physical labor. The scarcity of fodder and the greater call for meat have compelled the Allies since the war to kill mere than 2:1,000,000 head of their stock animals. Thus the source uf their meat is decreasing. Ab the samo time the needs ol the soldiers and war workers have increased the necessary mett consumption. Imp.itts of beef and bacon into Great Britain from Sweden, Denmark and Holland hive been reduced to a very small am lunt, whereas all three countne.s f jruierly supplied laige ciuantitiss. The United Kingdom is thrown more than ever upon the Noith American continent fur these ommodities. Moreover, the entrance of the I'nited States into the war has greatly increased the rei|uire- ments of both beef and bacon for the United States ;irmy. The fculdiers need beef and bacon and they can iiily be su)>plied if the civilian population of Canada and the United States will reduce their consumption uf these foods. A saving of one ounce of me.»l per person per day, and iucreaseu production i^f beef and bacon on this continent, would go a long way towards meeting the armies' rei|uireinents. Western Recommendation By H. Milton Martin. I have no hesitation in recommending to every one that at legist a portion of his funds be used for the purchase of Canada Victory War Lotn Bondk. Whether it be »,".0, tlOO or 8l(X)0, or more, that one has in hand, there is no better way, in my opinion, of using this money thau to purchase Victory Bonds. Now is the time for all men and women who are dependent upon their saving* for their livelihood tc loan Ihcin to Canada and at the same lin:e help themselves. Many of these have been unable to assist the vaiinus patriotic uritaniziitions because of their limited income. New they may increase thair income and help Canada. It is not ofteu that one can personally benefit by a patriotic act, and surely now that th* occasion present* itself, do one should fail to take advantage of it. The objective set by the Minister of Finance is |iloO,000,000. Many guesses are being made as to how much money will be subscribed. Let every one help, whr^lher it be for bonds of small denoin- inatiou or large ones. Let every one who has the power, purchuic at Ua.st a toO bond and thereby assist in continuing the iinitbstructed use of the high seas, so that the proilucts of our farms, mines and ftctories may bo carried to our boys at the front ; so that the farmers may be paid for their grain ; so that -â- very man ciiipli>yed may receive his wages ; so that Canada may be main- tained ill the higli esteem of the Allie.s. Let us show what we think of our dem >cratic institutions by huyiiig our own bond.", and hi.st but not least, let ii.s fliow the enemy that we are in this war heart and Soul itiid will b-.' so until he is cru.shed, if lleeossaiy. Voluntary enlistment has taken thousands of men from ollice work. Con«crij)lion will take mor«?, Ollice help is scarce - will bo scarcer very sorjn. Voung woiiieu and boy.s under military age must lill the vacant plice.s. Slid they need training. is the very best place to get a trainiii- and prcpnre to help meet the ilemand for Irainnd oflice help. Students may outer any any time. No increase In fees Ciooiihrs free on applicatirai. C. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, Dept. A., Owefl Sound, Ontario. Pulpwood Wanted 'r«ii I liousand lords of S| ruoe and liiilsiini Hood, cut \ ft. long, not less iliitii \\ ill. at the Nmall eiiil, knots tiiuMiiod close for which wn will pay jfCi pur coril for bal.sain, and 87 per cord for Spnue, delivered at nearest Uallroad Station. Anyone Imvint; samo for sale write to pliiiiu! Miirkiiale 50 .12. -W. T. ELLIS, Kimberley. Public Notice Take notice that a!l porsons are here- by forbidilmi trespassing on, or dumping any rubbish on, or taking, ssiid, gravel, eaith or other mailer oil' Park lot known as the B'lesher sand pit, in Flesherton, containiii:> about two ncres, as all porsons trespiissing or cominilting any waste oi remoiing .tnylhing Iherofrom, on any part of the Flesher estate in and around Floshorfoii Village, will bo pros- ecuted Kccniding to law. Dlt. T. S. •sPUorLK, .Inly r> Executor for tJie Estate Walkerton .Vii int<irestiiig action which is listed t 1 eoine before Judge (Jreig at tho sittings of the County Court in Walker- ton on Nov. 13 in a cl.tim proferi-od by the village of Teeswater Bg!.iiist Const. Robert Trench and which is the out- growth of ,1 number of liiiuor cast's which trans[>ired in that burg. Tronoh, who acted as prosecutor in the cases, collected |fl2.')0 in liipior liufs, and after deducting one half for himself turned over to thu corpoiatioii S,")l'.i, which ho inaiiituins, it seems, is ihe lalter's share according to an arrangement for a division of tho proceedsafter deducting certain expenses. The village, however, cl.-iiins tlut tho Consialile sliould come iicrosa with another 9JUo, hence Iho lawsuit, which prumLsuB tu be of an interesting nature. Accoiuing to a letter received by Town Clerk ('(dims of Walkerton the Hydro Commission will submit liguros shortly as I'l the c >st of delivering hydro power to Walkerton and tho probable cost of inslallinu Ilia system. Tt is proposed to take over the Walkerton and Southamp- ton hyslem and link them up with tho Eugenia group. The commission ex- presses tbe hope that they may hsvo these liguros ready for subinitting at tho coming municipal electionsâ€" Herald and Times. . • Tho Globe says : The local agircul- lural Hocioly with its fall fair accompani- ment lills a place tlitt Ihe groat exhibi- tions cannot lill. It performs n local serviao that no other existing organization can perform. Tho mo:i who keep the orgaiiizntion in vigorous life, often at nre»it pirsonal inconvenience, render a very real service to iheir own comniuiiity and to Mu< crmimunity as a whole. With Canadians At The Front ; %\. ' On the British Western Front in France.â€" A field battery in ection. .' I [Â¥- â-  1 ' J.- . n* great BriUfh a4llic< in (lu Weat. â€" Tet another initance of a crucifix escaping: injury from ' - shelll. â€"Pkoioi ^J/ courtesy of 0. P, B, COAL and FENNIMORE COOPER D. & H. Line.â€" Cliffs on shore cl Lake Champlain. Till-; great liulustriiil wealth iiud tlie woiirierrul hlatorb^ Interest of the enunlry served by the li.'laware & Hudson Coiiipaiiy pivr f.-peclal Interest to t!io Unking up of this coniiiauy with tbe Canadian r.uilli' irriti«uy. It Is tlie lomilry nf antliranlte I'oal. and it Is the coun- try of I'cnnllliore Cooper, whose tales of the F»«in<!i and huliaii wars are Known to every silioolboy. In spite of Mark Tvvaln's Joke, that the In- dians of Fonniniore Cooper were an undent Irll.H that never existed, the (iiuntry round (Jleii Kails, Lake (•I'orge, OtseRo Lake, and Fort V.'iniam Henry Is dotted with loeall ties Identllled with the Ln?t of tho ^'ollllâ- an3. a:id leather StockhiK. 'rile hunting and fishing srounds of tile Klvn Nations and tbe AlKomiuius i.ie now famous huuting and fluhing Finunds for tourists, who find In this rugged lake and mountain scenery of the Adirondack.s the scene of many a happy holiday. X'onl Is the Indus- trial background of the D. & H. and the demand for coal In ("Canada to- day makes the value of the connec- tion between this railway and the 0. I'. H. all the more apparent. It was to carry coal that the canal from Piondoiit on the Hudson to lloneadale, lennsvlvanla. and the connecting BniKi^ j». -^^^^li . â- â- ;: .--'^^^f^:?-"?^-^:*^- '-â- ' -il "The Split," on Lake Chan (plain, is Canada's old frontier. gravity railroad from Carbondale to Honesdalc were constructod. The "Stowbrldge Mon," the llrst locomo- tive that ever turned a wheel on any railroad In Noillh America, was Im- ported by tlio Delaware & Hudson Company for use on Its railroad leaking the first run on August 8, lX2il, eighty-eight years ago. The canal was eularged, and at one time carried 2,B0O,IXK) tons of coal annu- ally, but In 189H the greater conveni- ence of rail haulage was realized and the canal abandoned. I'lattsburg, Weetport on Lake Cbamplata, Tlconderoga, Lak« George, Saratoga Springs. Troy, A\- bany. Blnghampton, Scranton, and Wilkesbarrie ar« some of tbe best known points on this Important riUl- road. To Montrealers it Is partloU' larly well known as an exceptlonall/. picturesque and comfortable rout* tp New York, connection being UMMie with the New York Central, so that paasengers arrive at the Grand C*iu tral Depot In the heart ot tlt« gr«at city. S>heep Strayed Strayed Irom Fftversham about Oct. 10, one pair sheep â€"pig rings in ears and one had bell on. Communicato with â€"E. HAWTON, Kevershani. Holstein BdH For Service .\ tliormighVirod Hulatein h\\\\ finnervice on lots l.SaiSI S.W. T. ,t t*. II., ArtcniMia; elos •ly related to the world's chanipioa Hpouiii eow. Terms: 91.6U for grades, 8.\0(l for pur breda. Farm for Sale Lot 162-153 East Back Line, A tie niesia, iuile and a (piarter from Flesherton, ooniaiuing !M) acres, mostly [cleared ; oomfottablu house, good Ivtrn with stone foundation, small orchard ; farm well watered, good ursin or stock farm. For p,rrticulars apply on the promises to -JOHN BKKCROFT, Flesherton, Po â-  1 July 17, -(JEO. MOORK ti Son, FARMS FOR SALE For sale or rent for grazing, lot 36, con, 13, and part of lots 34 and 35, con. 14, Artnmesia, 181 acres more or less known a tho Cooper farm. Will rent for pasture athis seasoa, or take stock iu by the mon th. This is a splendid grain and tirazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar and abouB 00 aoren tit for cultivation. It is well worth the attention of stock mon. Will sell for reasouible cash ttayinent, balance o.»sy terms. Apply to It. .1. Sprouie, JulytStf Fleshoiton, Ont. y

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