Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1917, p. 5

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Novembers 1917 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCK • TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- â- â- T'D t»Tt est at current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH > GEO. MITCHELL. ><i«n«ger. C. P. R. Time Table. ! „ , ' The Khaki League wishes to thank Trains leave Flesherton Station as thn cil men for their generous donation •to ^0W3 : ^ ioi $11 lowaids their worthy cause, and 'joing Sooth GoingNorth'al'otothank ihe ladies of Flesherton l.a.i a. m. 12 01 n in I :> •. . . 4.27 p.m. • !) 18 '" * persons who hav» ccntributed to The mails are osed at Flesherton I2 "''' '""*'" °^ '^"^ '''"='*'y- ifollowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and Mr. C. W. Belliimy of the suburbs I ^n'°'- ' ^""^ "'® afternoon mail south at will hold an extensive auction sale of iSclos*'e"aiq*lV°M"'"^ '"'" ««","> 1 ve stock ..>d i-plexeutH on W. dnesday man Close at a p. m. the previous eve. ..,>,„ . . , . ' ^ov. 'Jl (ur particulars see large bills. ^^ "â- â- "â- "â- ^â- """"""^^â- ^ "^^ D. McPhail auctioneer. Mr. Belhroy is ,^^ VICINITY CHIPS ' giving up ftrmina; and will move to the ^^ -=" village, where he is erecting a residence '«*» on a lot which he recently purchased A number of news budgets are held ''â- Â°" "** *^*'"pl^» estate near the high jr_ school. A unique Hallowe'en party was hfld at the Mi>thndi3t parsonage last week, when Mrs. Joseph Clinton was made a life Councillor F. Nathewson visiced his member of the Women's Missionary Society. Mrs. Clinton, in thanking the members, aaid that the dearest wish of her heart had thus been gratided. They fell that no one was quite so worthy of ho-ior as she, uot havin;; been absent once from the monthly meetings af the Auxiliary duriu;; nine years. Luuch was East Grey fall fair prize money will be 'paid In full after Nov. 8. ' brother at Newmarket la.st week. Mrs. Hickling is visiting friends in 'Toronto this week. Ford car was upturned in a ditci a .ii Mrs. Myles Wilson of Durf.im. is visiting with her son. Mr. M. Wilson, jr. Miss Lily Tbistlethwaite haa resumed her position in Toronto for a few weeks, served at the close. The Red Cross knitting tea will be held at Mrs. O. Mitchell's on Friday ., ., , ,. .„ .. , .ff...,« „ 111 â-ºI, I J- • â- . J mile north of the village Monday morn- ttternoon. All the ladies are invited. n,. . ' ing. ihe four occupants escaped un- Sergt W. A. Boyd of Toronto .pent injured but the car was badly damaged the week end with Mr. W. Boyd and ,„d will require a new front axle. """'y* «ind«hield and ribs for the u.p. The The Spring Hill Red Cross Society driver cannot explain bow ic happened, W'll hold their seuii-monthly meeting io tut certainly the rough frozen road was the Red School, Friday evening, Nov. !>. rde[>onsible. The occupants were very The T. and J. Watson paity captured fortunate in escnpinif as they did. The •two deer and a bear the fiffst day of the '"''°'*''"* *"e brought to McTivijh's bunt up in Algoma. garage for repairs. The ladies packed and mailed 42 Mr. DaviJ Oswald of Everttt, Wash- Christmas boxes to the .soldier boys i.n ' iogfon. tiear Seattle, visited frierds here Friday afternoon last. 1 'his week while on his *ay to New York. Mr. Thos. Scott, lleturuin^ Otticer for ' '^""'"'J' y*"" '^^'^ ^^'- ^*'"''<^ ^'" ^•'''â- '' South Grey in the furthcoming Doniiai< n election, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowes of T«ron 0, visiied the lalter's mother. Mrs. D 'McLeod, last week. I Mr. W. ,T Mead.s recvived a cable this week atiiiouncing that his son. Jack, who • enlisted in the 147th Battalion had been wounded in France. The hunter.s in the north cfuntrv are in M. K. Richardson's hardware stoie here. He is now in buiiiiesa fcr himself oa the I'dcitic coast, is \ man of family and apparently has proi^pere). His tuany old friends here were pleaded to grsop his hand. Hallowe'en pa.'.^ed otFon WcJneidiy of Ust week with the usual bild beaded, ringbjned, spavined and jaundiced jokti that pass for fun in the brains of some youngsters. Next morning the square having ideal weather for their ouUng „.as littered with » heterogenous msss of and are meeting with success, according . i,roken down vehicles, boxes and other to word received by friends here. truck- the same familiar sii^ht th.it we Mr. John Adams of the tuKiirbs has a have gized on annually since the yeat a row that I'ave birth Saturday night to . one ot this comuiunity. There wn.-, no three calves, all strooj!, healthy little 'damage to properly, however, which wa.s fellows of the Herefcrd varief . They \ j redeeming feature and augurs well for attract considerable interest. | the hopo that in future even the decrep- Master George Mitchell entert;iiiied ' id vehicles will be left to rot undisturbed about twenty of hi.s young friends on in the stiibleyard. It is time Hallowe'en Hallowe'en, when spooks, goblins and wa.s forgotten. It does not niccn any- witches wee in evidence. The young I thio!/ and its results are uus'ghtly and people spent a very enjoyable evening. 1 unptcasant to citizens. Out of forty young men who Iiiv"' I Duiiii;;lhe year l^ld the F.itnier'.> -applied to Postmaster Tiimble for papers | Sun promises to be more proStable and only ONE failed to ask for exemption, ' interesting to those ensaged iu agricul- The test all had reasons for not wantirg tuie than at any time duiii:g the past toi!0 and will appeir before the Kxcmp- : tweii'y six years of its production. lion Board. i '' News and Views of the Farm, " by W. The Eugenia W. 1. wi'l hold their ^- *^'"'"', for twemy years one of the moithly meetinu at the home of Mrs. A. j Sun's editors, will continue thi.s mo«t Smith Wcdnevday, Nov. U, at 2..':0 P'e»sing and profitable pirt of the paper. Roll Call, helpful hints. Visitors are 1 Tl'e farm market.s will be given e-xtra and welcome- Mrs. A. Hoy, Sec.-Taeas. j sptcial attention ly Mr. Crane and Mr. , 1 1 1 â-  .1 iThuiston, while many others will con- .\ union service was he'd in the ' j v. .. I tribute from week to week, topics of service was lie'u in Baptist chapel 011 Friday evening last to couiinemorile -he birtli of religious freedom throu;<h tlio instruiiunta'ity cf Luther. The three ret<ident uiini.'.teis were the speakers. Mrs. W. ,1. Lever received a cable on .Sunday announcing tiiat her second son' Roy, who went overseas with the UTih Battalion, had been seriously wounded in France. His brother, Fred, was wound- ed gome time ago, but is back iu the trenches. A physical exercise concert will be held in the Flesherton hi^h school on f Friday, Nov, 16, 8 o'c'ock p.m. An interesting program consisting wholly of drills, marches etc. by the gi.Us and boys. Ad-nissxon 10c and upward.s. Proceedi in aid of the piano fund. Ail welcome. Mr. li J. Ball, exM.lV, who was Domiuated tw.> years ago us the Lib'ial- interest to those actively engaged Id farm work. One dollar to 1st January, IDH*, is a small piice for the Sun, a payer that h*s so ling and fiiithfully served the farming interests. Vou cannot do belter than subscribe at once. Card of Thanks We desiie to thank our neighbors "ind friends for their kindness and sympathy during our recent bereavement Mis Robert Genoe and family. The Star Wonders, Too From the Toronto Stat At least six aeroplanes lost their way at different times during Octobe; in flying from Camp Borden to Toronto and landed in the district around Dundalk and Fleiherton. The Advance marvels that men Hying by compass can go astray like this, but they do. The curious thing it that they veer in the same direction, and decide tu livht always in pretty much the same district. In select- ing pupils for Hying much attention is given to ascertaining their sense of equilibrium, but it would seem that the sense of direction is important, too. Maj. Jaffray Eaton Killed Major Jaflray Eaton of the 147ih,Grey Battalion, and who has beed serving as a subaltern in the Fourth Can. Mounted Infantry, fell inaction last week as the Canadians smashed forwards towards Paaschendale Ridge a week ago la&t Friday. The young soldier â€" he was just ;i2 yeais oli â€" was the only child of Mrs. Christopher Eaton of Owen Sound and K^andson of the late Senator Robert Jatfray. His widowed mother it ia England, whither she went at the tiire of the departure overseas of the 147th Battalion, in which her son served, to open tea and reading rooms for aoldieis of Grey couuty, iu Loudon, and to visit the hospitai.s and minister to the wounded, and to Keep these boys in touch with their homes in Canada. Flesherton Public School Flesherton Public School October. Class 2â€" Elizabeth Beniharo, Joseph Dinnick, Thelari Wilson, Evelyn Ferris, Gordon Wyville, Emerson Thompson, Jessie ^Colgan, Ella McMullen, Tid MeDunald. Class I â€" Viola Thistlethwaite, Marie Paliou. Teddy Shunk, Luella Lever, Gutdon Diunick, Laura Boyd, Harold Richardson, Orville Uiitiu Nora Bowler. Primer A â€" Johnnie Nuhn Marjorie Dinnick, Milton Teeter, M^lviu Sled, Arlene Beecroft, Helen Welton, Don.tld Dinnick, Lilian Ca'rington, Ainkrosene Guy, Rutn Thistlethwaite. Primer R â€" Jeaoette Cargo, Ellen Irwiii, G-rdon Teeter, Edna Field, Blanche Patton, Ernest Fenwick. Jrllâ€" H Wyville. O Fisher, L Cargo, C Loucks, L Blakeley, A Fields. M Bowes, B S'ewatl, A Teeter, W C.irr- ingtoQ. Srii-MNuhn. N Shun'..-, E Ferris, !,> Mathewsi^n. K Mathewson, I Lev. r C McTavis'i, VV Martin, J Carringtoii, H Carringtoi), A Nurtis, D CoIg:m, L M^MuUen. Class 4--G Lever, M McTaviih. R Boyd, (! llI»keley,V WiUon,.! Karstedt, W Lever, J Stx.iord. Card of Thanks Wedes'reto thank nur friends (or syiiUKHhy and assls'.anoe during the ill- nes.s and death of our beloved wife and i'onservative candidate for Southeast ' riother. Grey, announces himself as a supiotter of Ihe Inion tioverniiipnt under Sir Robert Borden, and h'js asked to have the Executive of the Conservative Asso- ciation called together, in nrJer to consider the (]U<.'ttion .'f his lesign'ition uj an old paily candidate and pefuut him to take the tie d in the interest ot the Union party. Mr. \W\ h.is .strongly supported all win the war measures and has done eveiything possible to ;i?8;at the boys at the froot. -John Hilesaitd Family A German farmer in the i orih end of Bruce county, who Itst year refused 'o a'low horses to stand in his stable while the owners were in a'tendance at a Bed Cio3s box social, is now being repaid fur his miserly deed ny having his entiiB crop of grain ft miing m the bain un- threshed, as he can get naiihor machine nor men to assist liini. M Fur Coats, Wool Sweater Coats, & Bedroom Slippers Behold a nice little group of garmeDt.s smart to look at, comfy to wear, and moderately priced to buy. -â-  ^ Wool Sweater Coats Such a selling event should be of immense interest to women for the price would not cover the cost of the wool to-day. The sweater _ coats are in the fashionable linK and link stitch and are procurable in two smart shades principally Brown & Green, Brown & Blue, Red & Black, etc. ! The *'Kozy" Slipper ''Kozy" i.s it's name, ami cosy is it's nature, we may well say of this little felt slipper for men, women, and children made up in those soft warm, wintry shades. Men's and Ladies' Underwear °^ ^'^^°"'^ ^^^"'^^' ^^«<^e ''^«^- natural wool, etc. Come in and See Oui New Fancy Work The liose-tinted centrepiece with the Library runner and cushion to match, dresse.i-scarfs and pin-cushion.'-, white linen centrepiece.- also the plain white and brown linen, all al the right price. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. \^ '^ •** â- *" -^'-i-^'V i^ â- '^ ^ ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ â- ^'-*- ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^-^ ^ ^ M.-^ ^ ^ TC^>M; gC".ii?^ pia^ The Military Service Act, 1917 Honor Rolls l''.Uienia Public School Sr. 4-1' I.itimcrOt!;;, G Large oO , K Larue * 47 ', . Jr. 4- M McKee ol ., P McM.i.ster ^ 21%. Sr. ;)-l Hiney*HTwohy. ir. o-M Ouckell', M Fenwick, A Pedlar**. Jr> 2- L Gordon, I McKee, H Hammond, B Hammond, F Large. M Pedlar*. C Fenwick, B Fawcett** Jr. 1- V Gial'ani. Pi. Srâ€" .M Hoy, E G idon, R LitL't, A Fawcetf, C Gmhaffi. Pr. Jr. â€" J Larue, J Park,"^; WiUian s, .\ Kmvcett. i'l. A-K Go.-doii, V May, M Hammond, L Fnwcett. G F.iwcett, H Graham, A Twohy. I) Fenviick. * riiissi d an exiiii'. â€" Uarty E. Tate, Teacher, S. S. No. 1^, .\rtemesia, October. Class 3 -R Lyons, O lUdgerow, J Jamieson, VioKt Tuylor, O Wilkinson. CU>s 2 Srâ€" M IVJlar, G I-yons, S Blackburi'. Class I .Si -George Wilkinson, R Jioft, K Badjjerow, Class I Jr â€" L ISadgerow, K McKee. Primb. 1 Bâ€" I McMullen, L Ulakey, L Ccoft. Primer Câ€" P McMullou, R McMuI'.cn. â€" H»Z 1 Shunk, Teiicliei, S S No II, Artuiuesiii, for Octnbir Sr 4 - N Boland. Jl 4- J His'op. S Cenoe, A Bowles. Class oâ€" M McOuiUuab, M Uislop, A Sewell, K. Sewel, D McGee. Cl,><.s 2-C Neey. W Deveiell, A lU>*l«s. Caas 1â€" C Bolii.d, M B.Iatid, L Sewel!. Piimer A--D I'.uaud, V Uoland. Pr mer B- A Hi.-lo[i, F. GrMiam, G Neelv. .Avmge attendance Iti â€" E L Burriti, Teaclicr, DON'T DELAY ! Do It TODAY •T-HE MILITARY SERVICE ACT is passed ; the Procla- ^ mation issued October 13th. It is now the bounden duty of every man in Class One to report for service or claim exemption. This includes all bachelors and widowers without children (not otherwise excepted) who were 20 years old on the 13th October, 1917, and whose 34th birthday did not occur before January 1st, 1917. What To Do Go to your Post Office and ask for the form for reporting for service or for claiming exemption. The form contains clear instructions for hlUruj Do this not later than NOVEMBER 10th. m 321 Beware of the Last Minute Rush With so many thousands of reports and claims to be dealt with, the rush of Class One Men will grow heavier (iay by day. You will waste less of your time and serve your own best interests if you avoid the inevitable rush on the last days. The law is being enforced with t|iP Qovornnwnt and the People firmly behind it. Obey the law. Do it toqayi, Issued by Xh* Military Service Council riB Deefing Implements AND Gasoline Engines .\U kinds of Deering Iniplein^nts. I' art? always on hand Auent for Barrie Cutters. Barber Buggit.s, Louder Litter Csrrieis, Hay 'Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements' rc'iuire no r«oomniendatiou as they are standard ifixjds and recgnizod as the best on the market. FRUIT TREES â€" I represent ihe Slon A Wellington nui-sery,iind;will be Viloased to call if you send mo a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Farm for Sale Lot 27. Con S. O.^prey, .ibout toitv surM clearif!, the balance iro»;ly hardw mhI ln^^h well watered This f.ariu must be sold to wind u|>au estate .ViipW -WM W THOMl'.-<ON. A1iiiinij.trator, I)W)2t f>i«ihainiit<iii. H K Pig Came Astray S rayed onto ih; i)rcmi.se« of the pndercigned on or al>out .luly ImI, one uig. (.>wner prove iiroperty. pay exjiens- es and lake same away at once. â€"J. T. SLKD. Flesherton. HARDWARE â„¢:^^^^^ Screen Doors & Windows Youge and Charles Streets, Torouto Pmilfrv Nf'I'tina Has lately been asked to till positions at p . p i to S'.'OOOper anTUim. It pays to get a rans Cireen superior Training. Write for Catalogue. Zenoleum Lice Powder ^"'"''"y *""" W. J. ELLIOTT, Pkiscipal Hammocks & Hooks â€" _______ Paints & Varnishes , Sheep Strayed Churns &. Dairy Pails ^, , , ' ^ ,. Strayed from the premises of tlw Sprinkling Cans, etc.. etc. undersigned about the first of September. •^ ^ one ewe and two lambsâ€" dark f.iced ewe .,«.. , and ewe lamias. Finder please commun- ; icate with f- tftf n II 41 n A kl -HARRY FISHKR. Fleshecton P.O. F. W. D U N t A N The Flesherton Hardware. TUT II I Ft 1/ r T fl r:!_"L__ ^1t UUUl. Carefully Corrected Each Week Steer S.rayed IB"'^"--.- 'f'-'**^ - â€" Wheal $2 25 to 2 25 From the preiiiijcK of the under^tign. d , Oats 70 to T"' Dct. 1, a ted yiarimy sleer. white heitd I Pea« I 00 to 2 10 and neck, legs white (^ riiiuuni.ate Barley t>6 to 95 I with l>uckwheat !*,') to 0;» * â€"D. WILLIAMS, Kjgonia. Potatoes. f 1 35

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