Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1917, p. 4

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w#- .. .M ..,< „ i'i3SS!C2!!k.i:2i3:; November s I9i; THE Fl^ESHEPrON ADVANCE THK. /icoliertoii Cl&unnc«;'''"'y Pâ„¢'"" ''»'"'«''» anTa<l«»enden» newiti>»|itT, published every fhur<djiy »* "if" oftiw, Cullingwood Street, C'Inherton. Sub«criptii>u pric« $1 ij«t annum Ih'n p»idin»dv»nce ;$1.50wlnjn not no ii«id Ad vf r ii«tnsr rates on appUcatlon. Circulation 1,100 weekly Tmur»ton Editor W. H Ceylon Chat Mr. Thos. Msi'in spent the week end with Titfuuto friends. Misses Jean and Sylile Uollinson left M >nd»y for Toronto, where SyLle will \*'io a coursB in Shaw's HusinesM CoUeRC. Mm. .lohn McMilli»n i« spend ng a few weeks with Torcnto friends. Mmi KUa Whitlaker lefi the past we«k ♦.<) visit with her l)rothpr in Toronto. Willie Paltiton of Oransjevillo high «ch<xjl, spent the week end with hi* parents lieie. Mrs. McLean of I'ricsville, spent the tirtl of the week with her aunts, Mrs, J. and S. Mcl-'^dden. Mrs. Ed. Eaibury of Toroutxi, and W. J. Oo.ik of Elrodale, wore <<ue8ls of K, Gjok on Mondxy. Mi*. Mar«arel Ferguson left Tuesdsy f ,r Toronto. Clarence Muir sl>ent a couple of d,j8 the U.e .lul.n Keddick. al the age lu the <.i»ueen Ciiy. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Irwm of Ke^inr, arrivei Saturdny to vmt the luttei's sister, Mrs. J. I. Lynesc. ')ii WeJncadiiy fveiiin.' liist the iiriKh b-Ht and frienos gathered in the .Sabbath ^jhuijl room on Stone's Line and held a social evening. Flev. .Jones oc'upied the chair. .\ short iirograin ww -iven after which luncii was served ; h most enjoy- a'jle eveoinif was spent. Thomas (iritiiih.s from Temple Farm, Sharon, viaitod his niece. Mrs. H. (>. becker. Tlie congrecatiuii of Tiiuily chmch. here, will hold their anniversary service on Sunday, Nov. 1«, it •-' and 7 p.m. Mesdame.s t'on«loy imd Wil>cn spent the week ei:d with friends near Mclnlyre. The members of the W. T, and Ked Cross societies wilt meet at the lionie of Mrs. J. C. Wright (President) on Thurs- juay evening, Nov. K, for the purpose of packiiig the Chri.stuiHS bi>x«H for their soldier hoys. Miss Kdna Achcson spent the week end in Dundalk and as.si9led the i'rei- byterian choir in their anniversary ser- vices on .Sunday. Mr. and Mis .1 C. Wiii>h» and fainily are at Kincaruine attendin){ Ihj funeral of the forn.er's fatiu'r, Wurd has reached here that I'te. Wni. Ua/t-n, who left h»^re with the 248th Battalion, was seriously injured while discharijin^ a bomb at tha Kolkeiton^ training cnnip. It is feared th^it he will not recover his sight. Hij fiiends hero sincerely hope iliit his injuiie.s will not prove as seiious as reported. Diedâ€" On Nov. I at the home of her son, Williani, Mrs. Heddick, relict of of 7!t years. Mis. Redd'ck had been a pitirnt suH'eier f ir ye.irs and even the loss of sight w.u Imine with ehrisliaii resiyna- It^on. Tho.-e who loved her know that jdeaihlilier was a ^lu^lou.s awakening linto .» tittier world. ^ Odds and Ends^ i ARTICLES FOR SALE L.tmbs For .Sale Kour ewe lamhs and | Leicester laiii three years ol(l--Ilftr''y I Pivttoii, Flesherton. About Overcoats Sherlockâ€" Manning 20th Umtury I'liinos lire the best that money can bu). I -A ill give you any kind ol a su*'""'."'* y.,u »;int with your piano, as to nuality and durtbility. House and L«- for Sale Ht Maxwell- Apply to James F.,ong, Feversham. Four choice Leicester Ram Lambs for sale Apply to- Donald McMilian, Price- ville, (Int., R R :! Pollock Phon<'L.*s and double disc records for eale. Phonolas from SI 5 up, and records fiom Kfjc up. When in j town call Slid hear some »a<)d music at i â€" W. A. Hawken, Photo Studio. | For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, con. 11, Ospiey, 110 acres. This is] ti first cla.ss farm and in a good state of ; cultivation. (Jood bank barn and new frame dwelling'. Apply to R. .!. Sproule Flesherton For S=ile i>r Rent ^IJrick veneer house in the villace of Fle.sliciton. -Apply to - Malcolm McDonald. Flesherton. Mo doubt you have already thought about a new overcoat this Fall â€" we liave too aud have prepared a nice assortment to cffer you at very reasonable prices considering the really excellent values. The styles include convertible collars, Shawl collars with belt, and Shawl ?11i'j;i;ei^;utv"kl;.S"'''t»™:).^!'^ ^â- ''•"'^'•^ ^»f'' I''"ch Backs. The materials are are heavy wool cloths in Plain, Rod and Gun Mr. Forest had a surplus of (K8 profit m their municipal potato patch and $"."> , of ihis was prmented to the Ited Croic I Oisoline and c»'>l oil will not make a ^xKl mutuie for n.otoj- c»rs, any more' than the latter material will prove | •atisftctory. \u Orangeville oil tank I man reverted operations with two local dealers, dumping coal oil into the gasoline tanks and selling other dealers jjaeolinc for coal oil. Two doctors lilted tbeir car taiikn that night and ou Sundsy both were ^Iranded in the country. The oil worked all right for a short time, but once the car stopped it refused to start again. Ktily Monday morning the cause of the trouble wk asuertuincd «nd steps rxken to rectify il'.e eriiT, wliich might; easily have proved m ire serious. ; Rod ami Gun for Novumber, which is now on the ne»s stand, con^aills s.s u«u»l miny stories and articles ot particular interest to the lover of outdoor life and sportsmen generally. IJ. J. Fiaier in this issue de'-ciil>eH the "Joys of the Winter Camp." and (.'harle? (.'iinscll writes of tha Wo.kI Butldo of our North- Wes'ern Canadian pUins, Fn-d Co|.e- land tell.s an en'ertainlnn story, " The Dominie's niascKt," and there aio msny more storiei ii.lerveiiing between thete in I ihe regular departments devoted to Fishin'.;. (luiis ami .immunition. Kennel, Along the Tiap Line, etc. The Kennel ' for tint month contains a write up of ilie I reci-nt du^ shows at O.t.iwa and Mun- ' treal wi h a li«t of awards iiveii at each show. Itod and (Juii is published by VV. Stript!, Check and Fancy weaves in Browns, Greys and Olive shades. Men's sizes run from 3fJ to 44, Men's prices range from !^10..)0 to $20.00 Boys' sizes run from 27 tf) 35. Boys' prices range from -$5.9;') to $12.50 YeaiHng Bull for Sale - Polled Angus Gruda. Ai«p!y to - Fred .Janiieson, Eugenia P.tl. 'lY Coal Heitei for Site, nenrly new, self 1 feeder- Inipiire at this i.tlice \]f^ Stanfield's Unshrinkable Unerwear Red, Blue and Green label. All si/es in stock, from 36 to 44 bren.st. Special in wool Underwear Men's ribbed unshrinkable shirts aud drawer.s, generously sized, all wool, nice soft yarn, shirts donble fronted, draw ers sateen finished, heavy winter All sizes from 3<5 to 44. Special $1.25 per garment. weight. Heavy Footwear for Fall Come in and look over our offerings of Men's boots for wear in wet weather. We can fit you and please you with our values. We .saved money by buy- ing earlyâ€" you can too | Long rubber boots and leather top rubbers for the hunting season. MISCELLANEOUS Havinii taken over from H. 15. Mcf.e.in the \V. G. I'ickell Insurance busines.s. I am prepared to look after the interests of the public Hugh U. Hammond, U. R. No.l. Kugei i.a Agent 1 Aug. Phone 2 r 2. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Lout Hind board of democrat between U. Hoy's and KuBeni*. Finder please notify X. Hyship, Msrkdale, U H^ 4. Try Feversha.ii Pailiy Flour, th« bes* for your cook. All Onlirio wheat. Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply lo U. .1. Sproule. Flesherton. ' sept z6 Columbia Grnfonolas Hisjbesi price for buttei and egj,'* »« ' (Jrahrim Itros. Kuyenia. J""^ ^^ Notice All parties owii.g me for sows please psy up. as I have gone out of Itie ImsnesHâ€" (leoiKO Waller. HorseK ^ol• S*le-<)ne '-' year old Cieneriil I'oiposP ni.uecolt, one gcnr-ial MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famous make of implements is well knonn all over the country and their own i»ood work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anythine in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp ers. Plows, Sleighs, Waggon.*, Cream Separators, Harrows. Hollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en «iiie8, .Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chanee lo quote price.i. pur[)osp ie.-ed horce and on .Tames Kishei . Flesherton. d one aged mare J. Taylor, Woodstock, ( Int. .Milk i- ».• :» 'I'.iut ill Wt kfiten A CONVENTION of Libci'.ils ail I utlu'r ; am ForSjIe One bsy horse risinii live yrs., one I l.ick iiure riKini? 4 ye.irs, one brown iii'ire risini! o years. i;iie bay mare rising :ty. a-s, one black colt sin months old, all heavy (lr.iuu'ht sh'iw aniiiislfl. Apply to, -Claude Kkms, i-Mesherlon. Hound Came A. May-Owner can hine same by provin« property and ptyinu e.\penses-Hu)/h llniniiiond. Columbia Records ! â€" FOR SALK BV- W. A. Armstrong .IKWEI.LER, FLESHERTON Eui'enia. Wll Kleetor.i ot SdiiUi K t .^tdrcy lutld (III Monday, November 12, 1917 in the TOWN HALL, Dl RHAM Mr. \V. i! W'ri-lit, tli.- Libcial Wintln' \V;ir Candidato will place hi.-; vuw.s lit'loic the Klcctiii'.-i. I'vciybody (.'(iino. J. P. Telford, Pre«. Thos. H. Binnie, Sec. if S The Old Adage CANAJOA EXENIPTION TltlBUNALS MILITARY SERVICE ACT 1917 For the Attention of Glass One Men The location of The Exemption Tribunals in this district is as follows: â€" Tribunal Ont. No. 87 Dundalk Gnt.Nj 86 Markdale These Tribunals will commence to deal with claims for exemption on Novemtwr 8th. All claims for exemption must be made not later than November 10th. Those who make or have made their claim for exemp- tion in writing through the Post Oflice will receive notice by registered letter of date on which their claim will be dealt with. Those who neglect to make use of the Post Office must present themselves in person at a Tribunal on November 8th, 9th or 10th, and they will then be informed as to whetj their claims will be dealt with Reports for service must be made on or before Novennber 10th through the Post Office. Severe penalties are provided by law for failure to report for service or claim exemption as above. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating Till' .siiiiK' is t'(|Uiill} triio of the I'JOC (iravily asher. I r) 1)110 and hoconviiicHMJ ilial there is ii<'"i' better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon John Wright, - Agent Flesherton STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE Tamworth Swine. 1!. R, E^'g?, and Itoueii Dticli E""3. I lia\e fi>r<niiiIv»:il.'r<Mii,e vi.nii^TaniHuitlis for liirediii^i>iir|>.iw; aUii w.inc Itai red Kuck fSKN anil Ri.iieii Diii-lc rfig* f..r hatching imr- !•••«•». I'rice» rijtlit Phcmc iir writt; â€" CKO. W. U<).>*S, Oct l!»-|li Ouprer TI. .^v«t>-ii. Ma.vwcll. 1' O i Flesiieirton «^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire tsatisfactton LAINDRVâ€" Bisltet closaa Mondj.y night, deliTery Friday evenia CLE.\NING and DYEING- We aio agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Cluth.jL cleaned aod dved. feathers rejuvenated T FISHER. -PROPRIETOB New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am c.peiiuiii uii atoiice, a blacksntilh- ina and wouJworking bu.siness in Mux.- well, and am na'allin^ up-to-date wood â-  workins; niacliineiy. It will be my en- deavor t.i serve the public in a satisfac- tory iiHinner iind I would solicit p»troa- azf. 1 wmt. ynurwiiik and will do it right. 7 April 1 ICHESTER LONG I Flesherton Tin Shop-^ I havojiHt placfd im tlu- shelves a full line of Tinware, Xickehvaie and A-ateware for domestic lu^e. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrouiil iiitr.s. :hiiig , Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Mill line i)t McL'orinick Faiiii TilplfiiuMH.-:, ISimler.s Mowers, IJakes, Loaders, DiilU rnltivatois. Plows, Kidini,' and WalUiii-; llauows liiaiitlcrd Wind Mills," I'liiri;.-', IMpina and I'imng.s r.f all kinds, I'xMttie Hay Carriers. Hay Forks, Slinus, Kilter Carriers, Fo'ldiii<^ IJatli Tiilis, Fro.st Wiie and JKiMice ('utters ami Sleii^hs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ccylorv, Ont. | Kuinaces Kurnaees Jiepairing (.fall kinds promptly attended to. Pipelittill^^ including,' pump work. Aj:ent for Clare Bros. installed. D. ii I Agent, BOT IssueJ b\) The Military Service Council, ANNOUNCEMENT McKILLOP i;ji III CHRISTOE BLOCK III! FLESHERTON J» ONTARIO. DH WE SELL _. Ifaviiv^' purchased the Furniture liusines.s of Mr. || I -loiin Chapman at a rate on ilie dollar, I am prepared | Til to otVev Kui'iii^Hiv at unheard ofpriees. For the next | fifteen days the puhlie will he al)Ie to profit liy tlws.sale, | |,| as 1 inust'dispose of most of it. The 8toek is new and | [j up lo-date in every respeet. Dres.seis. .Stands, Parlor || I Sets and other choiee ^'oods at prices that will surprise ^ I yon. War time does not atfeet thti.so as they were il inostly pnrehased he( we the raises and are aj;ain our in [Uj order'to make tpiick sal". Come in andhok over th3Stock. j W. H. BUNT k Furniture aud Undertaking I FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. ll \\^fâ€"^r=}n =iJn:dJf =:Ji~n^ -. â- Tr^'.^ •£=^I=^t=: t^Z=rST='^ '^^ FARM IMPLE MENTS f '\ ~ Agents F"©!? Wfgons Plows Hay Rakes GultiTators Harrows Mcwjis JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.

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