Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1917, p. 3

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Hard to Drop Meat? All depends on what you eat as a substitute. It is a good time to study "food value." You may be eating the wrong foods, the foods that cost most and give the least nutriment. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains more real, body-building nutriment, pound for pound, than meat, eggs or potatoes and costs much less. Two of these Biscuits with milk and a little fruit make a nourishing meal at a cost of a few cents. Make Shredded Wheat your "meat." A satis- fying breakfast on which to start the day's work. It is ready-cooked and ready-to- eat. Made in Canada. The Oiie-Piece V Dress © McCau. The one-piece dress is vastly becom- ing to the small girl. The touch of wool embroidery on the collar, cuffs and belt is most attractive. McCall Pattern No. 8012, Girl's One-Piece Dress. Pattern in 5 sizes; 6 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. / Dress. In 4 sizes; 14 to 20 yeavg. Price, 20 cents. These patterna may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. 1 .: I BOCHE A PSYCHOLOGIST. | Changes His Tactics to Suit Racial Tendencies of Opponents. The Boche is a psychologist. Not a very good one â€" but in his fighting on the western front he makes good use of a certain insight into the dif- ferent racial characteristics of the English and the French. A British military expert points out the differ- ence in the ways the (Germans meet the offensives of the two countries in the following way. "When the Briti.sh hammer a cer- tain sector into pulp and then launch an attack," he said, "the German generals withdraw all but a few ma- chine gunnel's from the first line trenches, leaving these to hold out as long as possible and face certain death or capture. They know that the British are going to get to their objective. "The main body of the men are rushed back to reserve trenches in the rear, where they prepare for a counter-attack. They feel fairly cer- tain that the British will reach their objective, consolidate it and stay there. "On the other hand, against the French, they .adopt just the opposite tactics. They crowd just as many men as possible into the front lines. Machine gunners, bombers and rifle- men are packed in like sardines. "They adopt this course because they appreciate the Latin tempera- ment of the average Frenchman. They know that if they can admin- ister a severe check early in the fighting the French will fall back, while if the tricolor once gets through it's quite likely to sweep on to a tremendous victory." CHINA, PRINTING PIONEER. | Movable Type Devised by Oriental Blucksriiith in Ele>enth Century. Those who believe printing to have been invented in Europe during the fifteenth <'entii?y may have been sur- prised to read of Cambridge Univer- sity having acquired "the works of the Chinese philosopher, Liu Tsung Yuan, jprinted in ll(i7." China has betn credited with anti- cipating not a few modern inventions, but her claim to have discovered the art of printing centuries before its adoption in Europe is beyond dispute. An edition of most of the Chinese classics was printed by means of wood blocks in -A-.D. 922, and movable type is said to have been devised by a blacksmith. Pi Shing, in the eleventh century. SATISFIED MOTHLRS Once a mother has used Baby's Own ' Tablets for her little ones she will use notlilng else. The satisfaction she do- rives from their use is wonderful. They are easy to give the baby; their action is prompt and thorough and above all they are ab.solutely harm- less. Concerning them Mrs. .lean Dechaine, Ijiccrrdaire. Sash^, writes : â€" "I am well satisfied with Baby's Own Tablets. I had no trouble in giv- ing them to my baby and tliey have promptly cured her of constipation." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, OnL LUSITANIA WAS DOOMED Bombs in Hold Would Have Destroyed Her Before Journey's End. The German submarine captain who FREE TO GIRLS We win Rive tills beautiful prize free of all i-hiirBt' t(t any glv\ or ytturiK lady | wtio will sell 40 packafir(*H of our lovely [ einlidssed .N'ltias postcards at lu cents u | puckaffe. i Tlie K.xtenHuin Hrai'elet Ib of rolled I K*'U\ pliite and ttt.s any arih. I .Send us your n.'inie anil we will send >-ou the I'urdH. When sold send us the money and we will send \'ou the Uraoe- let. -Vddress : HOMSB-WABREIT CO. SEPT. 86 TOBOHTO. CAMT. CA.XADIAN "LINGUISTS." Boys Eager To Learn More of the Language of Their .Vllies. Young Jack Canuck returned from the front is proud of his assorted vo- cabulary. He talks a bit of Russian, Turco, Arabic, Greek and German, to say nothing of French and Cockney slang. In the wards of the Military Convalescent Hospitals he trots them all out and .shows the greatest eager- ness to learn more of any of them. Many of the boys who are in the eastern convalescent homes of the Commission are taking French les- sons. They practise in conversation with their French comratles and are making great strides, just as many of the French who never spoke English before are mastering their language." I To the Nurses of the Empire. We did not need to ask you, You came with loyal heart, And, faithful lo your calling. With zeal, to do your part, You knew the cause was righteous, You heard the great appeal. And willingly you offered To soothe, to cheer, to heal. We do not need to tell you How gieat your trials be; We bless you for your goodness, And pray for victory; Whate'er may yet befal us, In conquest or defeat; A nation kneels to thank you, A suppliant â€" at your feot. We do not need to thank you, Mere words would not suffice; Ten thousand lives restored â€" This i.s your sacrifice; Pen thousand, aye, ten thousand. Lift up their hearts to-day To thank you, bless you, love you. This is your victory. â€" John Light, London. Eiig. <â€" Kitchen windows should always be lowered from the top to allow heated and impure air to escape, and raised from the bottom to allow fresh air to come in. Mluard'B X.iiiiment Ctires Qararet in Cows Educate the mother and save the child. 'â-  WOMEN ! IT IS LIFT OUT MAGIC ! ANY CORN -f^ NERVOUS AILMENTS Pew people realize that nervous ailments often arise from digestive troubles. The stomach fails, for some reason, to digest food properly. Then the system languishes and the nerves become exhausted In striving to con- tinue their work. Impure blood also [ causes nerve troubles, but frequently It is in the stomach where the mis- chief starts. As the nourishment is carried to the nerves by the blood, it will l>e seen what "sin Important con- ; nectlon exists between the stomach, the nerves and the blood, and how such troubles as nervous headaches, ' nervous dyspepsia and insomnia may begin. j In such cases relief la easily obtain- ' able by means of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills replenish the blood with the food elements on which tha nerves thrive; at the same time they exercise a tonic Influence on the di- gestive organs, enabling the system to derive nourishment from the food tak- i en. By this perfectly natural process nervous Ills are steadily dispelled by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If you are suffering from nerves, or require a blood-making tonic, give these pills a fair trial, and .see how speedily the 'â-  best of health will be yours. I You can got these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. HoCall The simplicity oi this dress will ap- peal to many women. It is to be slipped on over the head. Made in ! worsted, shepherd's plaid or any other I warm material, it makes a splendid dress for winter wear. McCall Pat- tern No. 7884, Misses' One-Piece Save In the Use - Of Wheat By eating Grape-Nuts All the food value of the grain is used in niaking this delicious food ; and its blend of malted barley not only adds to its nou- rishing qualities but produces a flavor of unusual richness. All Food- No Waste! Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.. Wlndiior, Ont. CANADA'S FIRE LOSSES. More Than Four Million Dollars Dam- age From Trifling Causes. i A man dropped a lighted match on the shore of Kalamalka Lake, British Columbia, on July 8th last. Within an hour a hot fire was racing through the underbrush. For three weeks after that there raged a series of fore.st fires, defying the organized efforts of hundreds of men. ' At one time, 26 fire fighters were ringed about with flames while their relatives, shut off from them and help- : less to aid, awaited news in terrorized suspense. Only after severe suffering from exhaustion, thirst and hunger did the band of workers force their way through to safety. ! "That experience is a big price to . pay for one person's foolLsh act in handling matches in a forest. The ! court fined the careless man $50 but' that does not help the province to bear the enormous loss. One lighted match dropped on one inch of inflammable ground expanded into fifteen miles of ruin. In the Spruce Valley fire of British Columbia of the same month, eleven nj^n lost their lives, most of them tortured to death as they struggled over the mountain tops. The fuse to that disaster was supplied by a small piece of lighted tobacco carelessly thrown on the grassy floor of a tent. Four out of five tragic holocausts could be avoided if every Canadian camper and fisherman kept vigilant watch on his own pair of hands, and every settler kept a tight rein on his clearing fires. It does not cost five cents or five minutes to put out a camp fire or a cigarette or a match, but it costs the people of Canada four or five million dollars a year to par- tially overtake the timber damage cau.sed by runaway flames. C^ • "When you have read you carry away with you a memory of the man himself; it is as though you had touched a loyal hand, looked into bravo ayes and made a noble friend." â€" Stevenson. torpedoed the Lusitania sunk a ship already doomed, according to a state- ment made on October 11th at police headquarters in New York by Martin Ilsen, a German lawyer, editor of a department in the New York Herald. Ilsen has been in the United States twenty years and is still a German subject. He admitted he was connect- ed with three men arrested and charg- ed with conspiracy to plant bombs on ships bound from New York to allied ports in 1915 and early in 191(). Ilsen's story indicates that the Lusitania when she left New York carried in her hold nine T.N.T. bombs, timed to go off when the big liner was nearing the coast of Ireland. Con- spirators evidently figured that the Lusitania would travel faster than she did, for the bombs had not worked when she was torpedoed off Kinsale Head, on the south coast of Ireland. Dr. Karl Schimmel, who had a law office in New York in 1915 and 1916, and is now believed to be in Germany, was in charge of placing bombs on i steamships according to information ! in the hands of Captain Tunney, head of the New York police department j bomb squad. | Ilsen told Captain Tunney that he j was in Schimmel'a office when news came in that the Lusitania had been sunk by a torpedo. Schimmel, ac- cording to Ilsen, wept, tore his hair, and stamped up and down the room. "The fool!" shouted Schimmel. "He has ruined my work. I had nine 'cigars' planted on the Lusitania and they would have destroyed her before she had reached Liverpool." A T.N.T. bomb was called by the conspirators a "cigar." A LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Girls ! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze tile juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beau- tifier, at very, ver>' small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes ! It is harmless. I, She Loved Ferment. A little schoolgirl was told by her teacher to write the word "ferment" on her slate together with the defini- tion and a sentence in which the word was u.sed. The following is the re- sult: "F-e-r-m-e-n-t; a verb signify- ing to work . I love to do all kinds of fancy ferment." BUnard'a Liniment Curea Diphtheria. A Large Edition. "May I print a kiss on your lips?" I asked ; Sh* nodded her sweet permission. So we went to press, and I rather guess We printed a large edition. Apply a few drops than lift corns or calluses off with fingers â€" no pain. â€" o â€" o â€" o â€" oâ€" Just think! You can lift off uny corn or cal- lus without pain or sore ness. A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- pound and named it freezone. Any drug- gist will sell a tiny bot- tle of freezont, like here shown, for very Ijttio cost. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or callu.--. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short- ly you will find the con; or callus so loose tha' you can lift it right off Freezone is wonder ful. It dries instantly It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up withou' even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or after- wards. If your druggist hasr freezone, tell him to order a .'-^mall bot- tle for you from his wholesale drug hcuse. The -Minneapolis and St. Paul rail- way is planting *.rees by machinery to rephice .-^niiw f eiices . imc'BT.t.ikWBovn Bi-;a<:i.k Hc'iNij I'ips thhek rnimlhs .>i<l. 'if Mn- w-orld's best iHi-eiiiiiK. Illl*"-Jt .mil lw..iil\ liiiUurs each. I TtuLS. ilillicri. Iiu\ iliil. \V:ilkfrvillK. Unl. CANCER Ti:.\IOR8 LIJ.MPS ETC- Internat and ^xtvrnal. cur^d with, out p&ln by our homo trpntmfnt. Writ* oa bsrnro ino latn Dr Hrllinan Urdloal Co.. Limited. Colli nttwonil. Ont The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEU' PIANO ACTION =i) MONEY ORDERS It Is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money (Jrder. Fivi.' dollars costs three cents. WfffNE Giaaahled Eyelids, ' -''~'~'- "'"'â- J Sore Eyes, Eyes Inliamed by |5un, Duarand Wind quickly • roUcveil by Murine. Try It In OUR LlCONoSmarting.JaitEyeCoaiert Marine Eye Remedy *'„ J^'p?;'.;;,"!"' mShSI Ky« S>l», In Tulien iSc. f<" "oole of ih* ;.'»• - IT**. Ajik Harlae Eye Remedy Co.. CUcas* * t One Chinese province annually ex- ports more than 150.000 tons of pea- ^ nuts, all because an American mi.s- ^ sionary several years ago gave a na- tive convert a quart of California I seed. ! I A Dyspepsia Cure ^ i " » • :, .€ M.D. advises : "Persons who .J % suffer from severe indiges- vi tlon and constipation can S cure themselves by taking ^ fifteen to thirty drops of Ex- ilS tract of Roots after each % meal and at bedtime. This % remedy Is known as Mother lH Seigel's Curative Syrup in t, the drug trade." Get the % genuine. 50c. and $1.00 K Bottles. Clear Your CGmplexion While You Sleap On retiring u'cntly imcar die !'.ice with Cuticura ihmincnt. Wash off In five minutes with C'ltictin Soap and hot water, using jjU-ntv f SuHp .md con- tinue bailiini; a lew minutes with Soap. Kinse with tepid water. The cleansing, soijihint; influence oi ;hi« ireatineni on the pores xteiids tlirniijh .lie night. It may be rcj)eated ui ri'-ui^ Scmple Ench Free b> Mnil. .i.ldross poot- 'â- srd "Cuticura. Pppl. N. Uuaton. U.S.A." Hold ihriiufrlKMic (hu rrorl'l. 'A >! * I '•% I % ' ';sa.X't;is ><i'."it''': V- i.cn If cereals, rice or similar foods stick to the vessel in which they are cooked they have an adhesiveness that a post- age stamp might envy; but put a cup- ful of wood ashes in the pot, fill it with water and leave it to soak, and presto, it is easy to clean. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, â€" I have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and In my family for years, and for the every day Ills and accidents of life F consider It has no equal. I would not start on a voyage witli- out It if It cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. U." DESJARDIN, Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamou- raska. From intllcations, the Stock Show to be he-Id at the Union Stock Yards of Toronto. December Ttli and 8th next, will be bigger than ever. The lOlfi show bad liTii entries, comprising in all 2,:!<)M show animals, which sold for the Christmas trada, some of wliieli brought record prices. Premium list has been enlarged and each class car- ries a hand'Konie prize. For lurtlier particulars write ('. V Topping, care of Union Stock Yards of Toronto. Flapping Shades. Often it is necessary to lower the shades when the windows are open, which causes a constant flapping. I remedied this in a simple, inexpen- sive, yet effective way. I got some small screw eyes and fastened one on each end of the lower shade stick, one on the top and one on the bottom on each side of the window easing. Then I fastened thin cord to the bottom eye- let, ran it through the shade eyelet and fastened it to the top screw eye. If this is done on each side of the shade the window can be left wide open and the shade will stay where you want it. This does not interfere with the raising and lowering of the shade, and if the cord is purchased the same color as the woodwork it will bo unnoticeable. Potatoes showing signs of dry rot, caused by blight, should be well dried before storing, and all affected tubers put away by themselves until fed to the live stock or otherwise disposed of. This disease will spread in the bin. Minard'a Unlinent Cnrea Colda, <Eo. i An effect, oft' the labor shortage is | seen this ^yeifr iiti the reduced num- ber of turltejyg .tnd geese at the Fall ; exhibitions. Women of the farms have been driven to devotin.g much of their time formerly spent on poul- try raising to helping the men folk in the fields. Mlnard'i Unlmant Onroa Diatemver. Bruises and Sprstins Have Sloan's Liniment: h.-indy for bruises and sprains and all pams and aches. Quick relief /olluws ita prompt application. No need to rub. It quickly penetrates to the trouble and drives out the pain. Cleaner than mussy plastei-snr oint- ments. Sloan's Liniment Ques not stain the skin nor clog the pores. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia, sliS miucirs, lame S«ck, lumbago, sout, â-  trains, and spr&ina. it given quick relief. Ceneroiia sized bottle* at all dtugcisK. 23c.. 5Uc . $1.00. KILIiS PAIN NOTICE TO SICLWOMEN Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compcund Relieves Suffering. Bridgâ€" on,N. J. â€" "I cannot apeak too highly of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound foi inflammation and otlierweaknesses. I was very irregular and would have ter- rible pains so that I could hardly take a step. Sometimes I would be so misera- ble that I could not sweep a room. I doctored part of the J time but felt no change. I later took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Veftetablo Compound and soon felt a change for the bettor. I took it until I was in good healthy condition. I recommend the Pinkham remedies to all women as I have used them with such good results." â€" Mrs. MlLKORD T. CUM- MiNGS, 32i Harmony St, Penn'sGrove, N. J. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence of the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a remedy fot the distressing ills of women such as displacementa.inflammation, ulceration, backiK'he, painful periods, Dervousneat ftnd kindred ailments. EU. 7. ISSUE 45â€" '17. Machinery For Sale WHEELOCK ENGINE. 18x42. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping, flywrieel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for Immediate sale. ELECTRIC GENERATOR^ 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. will accupt $425 cash for immediate sale. L.VRGE LEATHER BELT. Double. Endless. 21 inch x 70 ft. Will accept $30C) for Immediate sale, although belt Is In excellent oon. ditlon and new one would cost about $600. ILLEYS. Large size. afixefiâ€" $30 ; 12x60â€" $20 ; 121 2X48â€" $12 ; 12x36â€" «8, BLOWERS OR FANS. Buffalo make, ' ' One 10 inch, other 14 inch discharge â€" $30 each. REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. 60 Front St. West, TorontQ \

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