Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1917, p. 3

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/ STRONG PEOPLE NEEDED The need for people to be healthy te urgent. Those whom Illness haa put outside the ranks of robust men, and women feel their position keenly. They are b&ndlcapped In every walk trf life and weak men and nerve-worn women need more earnestly than ever to put their health right and become active and strong. Many who began "patching" months ago are as ill now aa on the day they began vainly tin- kering with common drugs. Every ail- ing man and woman should remember that the ills of debility, nerve exhaus- tion, indigestion, sleeplessness, neural- gia, and depression come from a faulty blood supply. Worry, over-work or other causes have imporerished the blood and left the life-stream impure. The nerves thereby are starving and the whole system is languishing for new blood. In this condition many thousands have won back strong nerves and new health and strength through the new rich blood Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills actually makes. In a weak or bloodless condition It Is not only a was^te of time and money, but also a further menace to your health to tinker with common drugs. Fol- low the example of so many thou- sands by giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, and they will trans- form you into healthy, active me:i and women. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont. ALGOMA AND AN AUTHOR. If an author can be said to be the product of any particular districtâ€" and why not. Just as much as a variety of flower, or fruit, or grain ?â€" Alan Sullivan, the distinguished Canadian poet and novelist, should be most pro- perly identified with Algoma, that curiously shaped county of Ontario which stretches from the cities and settlements of the shores of Lake Huron and Lake Superior, up through the 2,900 square miles of the Mlssis- sauga Forest Reserve, to the great fur-trading territories three hundred and sixty miles aortli. where it is bounded by the Albany River, the chief tributary of James Bay. The southern shores of this county were colonized some thirty years ago at the instance of C.P.R. agents, by hardy pioneers from the older counties of Kincardine and Bruce, but the city of Sault Ste. Marie has Its roots in the remoter past, as it was a trading post for the voyageurs, who travelled for the furtraders of Montreal into the far West. Alan Sullivan, whose father was Bishop of the Algoma Diocese, was at one time engineer of the work of construction and ballasting the Al- goma branch of the CPR. between Sudbury and the Sault Ste. Marie, and US08 the local color in several of his short stories. "It was fascinating," he says, "in those days to watch the -psychological effect of the arrival of the track, or even of the survey party on the settlers. They brightened up. and looked at their farms with new eyes. They were in touch with the world that heretofore had seemed so distant." The bush fires, the miners, the hunters, the mail carriers, the Indian agents and the trappers have provided rich material for Alan Sulli- van's stories, some of the best of which have been collected in the vol- ume called "The Passing of Owl-1- But." More recently he has enlarged bis field, aivd in his latest volume, "The Inner Door," he takes for at- mosphere the labor movement In a small Industrial town. But the town Is still in Ontario, a fact that makes it all the more interesting to the Cana- dian reader, who takes an Interest in the now rapid growth of a distinctive Canadian literature. -TACTICAL MINES." Are Inefficient Instruments of Naval Warfare at the Present Time. { I In the last great sea fight in the i North Sea the retreating Germans | â-  threw overboard gre^t numbers of so- ' ' called "tactical mines," in the hope ' that the British warships would hit them and be thereby demolished. { I Nobody knows whether or not any damage to the British fleet was ac- ! complished on that occasion by this ' means. But it is at least doubtful. { Vice-admiral William S. Sims, now; in command of the American naval ' forces in European waters, declares that the menace of tactical mines in a , sea battle is not regarded very seri- ously. If squarely bumped, such a mine will blow up a ship, but ordin- arily the "bow wave" of a warship ; will throw the mine aside and out of. the vessel's path. Many -experiments in the use of such mines have been made by the United States naval experts. They have been attached in pairs by a line 200 or 300 feet long, but the line sank, bringing the two mines together, so that they were no better than one. ' Corks were put along the line to hold it up; but, even so, the cutwater of a ship, bearing a thin sheet of steel with a razor edge, would bite it in ' twain. A steel line suitably buoyed by floats has been tried, but even that is liable to be cut, for it cannot be very thick. Thus the tactical mine remains to this day an ineflScient instrument of naval warfare. It represents an un- ' solved problem. YES ! MAGICALLY ! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABVS OWN TABLETS -Mrs. A. C. Smith. Goodwood. Ont., writes : â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past two years and have found them the best medicine a mother can give her little ones and I would not be without them." The Tablets never fall to banish the sim- phj ailments of childhood. They regu- late the bowels: sweeten the stomach and make the cross sickly baby bright, healthy and happy. They are sold by i medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ' cents a box from The Dr WllUanjs' Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont. BELGIAN MILLS STRIPPED. Invaders Send Machinery to Germany Or Wreck It. Oflficial dispatches confirm the re- ports recently brought from Belgium and northern France that the Ger- mans are stripping textile mills of their machinery, destroying it or send- ing it to Germany. Actual removal of machinery has been reported from Roubaix, Tourcoing and near Cour- trai, and the purpose of the conquer- ors to carry out this policy through-, out Flanders is forecast by an order to all mills to furnish inventories of their equipment. In some quarters these reports have been interpreted as a possible sign of an approaching evacuation of a large section of Belgian territory. It is pointed out, however, that reports from the same sources tell of the im- portation of children from ten to fif- teen years of age from Germany for office work, and apparently discredit the evacuation theory. Requisitioning by the Germans of wJhe, textile fabrics in retail stores and blankets in private houses is de- scribed in the dispatches. You say to the drug store man, "Give me a small bottle of freezone." This win cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft com or cal- lus from one's feet. ' | .\ few drops of this new ether com- 1 pound applied directly upon a tender, | aching corn relieves the soreness In-' stantly, and soon the entire com or callus, root and all. dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. | This new way to rid one's feet of ' corns was Introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without irritating the surrounding skin. Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip this out and make him try it. It your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from | his wholesale drug house for you. What She Wanted. ' -•\.n old dame who had never budged from her native village in her life be- fore was travelling to London to see her wounded son. It was a long journey, and she began to be very hungry. She had heard that it was possible to get tea on express trains; but no attendant passed along the cor- ridor. Then a bright thought struck her. One should ring for a servant, of course She reached up and pulled the communication-cord. There was a screech of brakes, and presently the guard came rushing along. "Who pulled that bell?" he shouted. "I did!" said the old lady, sweetly. : "Well, what do you want?" asked the guard. "A cup of tea and a ham-sandwich for me, pleasel" said the dame. Minard'g Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs, â€" I can recommend MI- NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism ' and Sprains, aa I have used it for both i with excelleat results. I Yours truly. | T. B. LOWERS, * 3t. John. Blackbirds Saved the Crop. A few days ago. Grant Mitchell, living near Windfall, Indians, gave up â-  for l«st a ten-acre field of tomatoes, ! says the Indianapolis News. In one | last effort to save at least a part of ' the crop, Mr. Mitchell and two or I ' three farm employees went to the i field one morning to destroy as many â-  worms as possible, but they found that every worm had disappeared. A ; nefghbor told Mr. Mitchell the field I had been alive with blackbirds the . I afternoon before. Similar stories are ' I reported by other farmers of the : county. | «^ ROYAL YEAST Ha* bean CtuttuUt't favorit* yeast for ovr m quarter of a canturo. Bread bakad wItH Royal Yeast will kâ€"Q fresh and moist longer than that made with any other, so that a full week's supply can easily be made at one baking, and the last loaf will be Just as (ood as the first. MADE IN CANADA E.WGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED >»TNNiPEO TORONTO. OIST. MONTREAL, J IClaard's Ualment Cores OAdrsff. Seed ears from the best producing stalks in the field produce more than seed ears apparently as good, but gathered without considering the pro- ductiveness of the parent stalk. The place to select seed corn is in the field, not in the crib; the time to select it is as soon as it is mature, not at husk- ing time. I think that every mother's son And every father's daughter Should drink, at least till twenty-one, Just nothing but cold water. And alter that, they might drink tea, E>:t nothing any stronger. If all folks would agree with me, They'd live a great deaJ longer. Mlnsrd's Iilalnient (or sals everrwhars. I Sruth Au^raiia hopes to become • producer of radium, as ii his aiscover- ed a deposit of uranium. BTEwspaPEsa roB sazm KuFIT-MAKI.SO NEWa AND JOB OITlcea for sale In aood Oiiiarla ..vrna. Th? moat useful nnd Intereailnc I of all businesses Full Information oa application to Wilson Publtsblnx Coib> pany "3 Adelaide 8t. Toronto lOvrr You will find it much easier to both hear and talk over the telephone if you close your eyes. " , â- nsczi.LArEOT7a CA.NCER. TLMUKS. I-UMI'S. ETC. Internal and external, cured with* out pain b.v our home treatment ^Vrlte â- a bet'^re '.oo late Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. ColIinKwood. Ont MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion Express Money ' Order. They are payable everj-where. ' October is the month to plant tulip, crocus, narcissus and hyacinth bulbs. i Do it now! ABSORBINE Mlnard'a Iilniment Ctu-ss Bnms. Etc. When boying your Puino insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO AOTION V Wl Keuuccs Burrol Enlargemeitta. Ij Thlclcened. Swollen Tissues, ATi Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- â- r ness Irom Bruise* or Straioat ^V atupt Spavin Luuuieaa, allayi pain.' ^F% Does not bliiter, remove the iiair or ^-^ lay up the horse. J2.00 a >ottle at drugiisn or delivered. Book 1 .M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for iranlcindâ€" •• intiseptic liniiucnt for bruises, cuts, wounds^ •traini, painful, swollen veins or glands. It beali and soothes. 11.00 i bottle «t dmt;.< gisn or postpaid. Will tell you more ii yoa W';ite. N. F. TOUNli, V. 3. f.. 3'6 Ifmins 9<d£., IkntrMl. :aa Ibsertiu lai Absorbui:, Ji,. m aadt II Ciaxtki When you have an invalid to care for, baste ten or a dozen sheets of old newspapers together, cover with a lay- er of old cotton cloth, and you will have a mattress protector, easily de- stroyed if necessary. Burning Kept Her Awake i Nights. Hard Lumps Came Then Turned to s cales. "My scalp beijan by being very itchy and burn ing which would keep me awake niRhis it ww so bothersome. First there would come little hard lumps and when I ' scratched them they i would turn to flaky scales ' and dry. | "Igot no relief until I got Cutitura Soap and , Ointment. Tliey gave instant relie< and \ in a week I was aimpletely healed." (Signed) Mrs. Alfred Bc^nhelotte, Ed ' RiverCrossing, N. B. , February 11, '16. Most skin tR>uble« might be prevented by using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for evenr-day toilet puryx>5es. For Free Sample Each by .Mail ad- dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. K, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York City R^ysiclan and Madicai Author jjys : "There can be no strong, vigorous, iron man nor beautiful, healthy, rosy* cheeked women without Iron â€" Nuxated Iron taken three times per day aftar moals will Increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, run-down folks 100 per cent, in two weeks' time in many instances. Avoid the old forma of metallic Iron which may Injure the teeth, corrode the stomach, and thereby do more harm than good. Take only o.-ganic iron â€" Nuxated Iron." It Is di» pansed by all good druggisis. '/^?^fi Graflulated Eyelids , EyealnflameJ by tanJWtaW quickly ^^.:. Peasant women are harvesting the crops in Italy, The latest advice is not to char the ends of fence-posts before setting them in the ground. The charcoal is said to hold water and thereby hast- ens rotting of the post. How things do change! A while ago experts said, "Char," and now they say, "Don't " Sort Eve ^^ ^^ 5an, Duat\n<l 1 , . .. >0«JP55k^ELj^^r»li«vfd by Murine. Try It In ^t, "^J^wSc your Kyesandln BaJjy's Eyas. TOUR LI LjNeSmrtiBf , Jast EyeCtaiert ' aSi I f"i,fl,iMaJw*' Tour l>rumtf«t'i or by I 'â- â- "â- *Ey*'»«™"*Jnnn, BO?p.rl>jitj«. Murine ! Cy* Salv*. ill Tnb«« 2»o. for Buok o/ (M f,i<« - rr«». i AskMBrtBeEU'* BcBMdy Co., Ckteasos I i I To stop the creaking of a door ap-l ply a little soap to the hinge. This is ' ' as effective as oil, and the soap dues not spoil the appearance uf the paint. Minard's Klalment Kaliavas HanrslalSi THERES NO DOUBT ABOUT POSTUM ASA HEALTH IMPROVEMENT OVER TEA , e* COFFEE iWKBWC^'- O Palaces Going Begging. Would you care to purchase a castle, drawbridge and ghost inclusive, for the small sum of two thousand pounds? This was the market value of Henry VIII. 's famous residence at Kingsbury, which recently came under the hammer, and which is now the pro- perty of a local dealer. Many palaces have figured recently in the property sales, and some have been acquired at an absurdly low fig- ure. The owner of four houses in Suburbia may reckon his possessions as equalling in monetary value an an- cient seat of the mighty. Fringed by the banks of the River Thames stands Linsey Palace, In Cheyne Walk â€" not of large dimen- sions, but notable as .th6 home of both Stuart and Hanoverian rulers. A cur- rent advertisement tells us that "this delightful residence may be acquired by an immediate purchaser at a very reasonable figure." Men in Treuninsf Fighting isn't the only duty of a soldier, and exposure to bullets is not as serious as exposure to all kinds of weather and dampness. Rheumatic aches, sore and stiff muscles, strains and sprains, chil- blaina and neuralgia, all are enemies of the soldier, and the relief for all these pains and aciies is Sloan's Liniment. Clean and convenient to carry or use; does not stain, and penetrates without rubbing. Generous aUod boltlea, at all (Iruaxists, 25c.. 50c. »l. 00. 5ioa.3nL'5 Liniment KILLS PAIN: PAINS SHARP AND STABHING Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances ;ba orpolght more tban 50 per opnt la one wwk's tiinu. I havf also usihI It with «ar- Turn the garden over with a spade or plough this autumn and, if it Is to be had, cover the soil with manure a foot deep before turning It under. Repeat the operation ne.xt spring and see what a garden will result. Dig deep in spading, ^here is a way to get down two feet with the proper de- termination and effort. If manure is not applied this autumn apply lime liberally, air slaked or hydrated, and turn it under and apply the manure in the spring. Lime and leaves can be worked in together this autumn. Ogdensburg, Wis.â€" "I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knifo Uirough my bact and sido. I final! v lost all my strength 60 I had to go to bed. Tho doctor advised an oper- ation but I would not listen to It. I thought -of what 1 hadroaii aboutLydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured mo. All womon who have female tivuble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." â€" Mrs. Etta Dorion, Ogiiensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and could do no more^ but often tho most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lvdla E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it pays to wtlto the Lvtiia E, Pinkham Menicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special free advice. IKl l^i' m^ jfl^U ED. 7. ISSUE 42â€" '17. UH. BEOK A Free Prosrrfptfon Yon Can nave FUleU and Vsc at Home. New York â€"IT Brok, a N'^w Tork stnto e.re 8|>et.'inll8t, and l>r. JudliluB, a MnsHti- cliiisi'tis physlcinu, were asked to make a tliorougU ttist ot the poimlar eye rfinuJ.v, JJon Opto. Their reports were most Inter- esting. Here they ore: I>r. Pwk ronorls, "When my attention WBS flmt cnllcd to tho wonderful eye rem- edy, Bou Opto, I wa.s Inellnwl to bs skoptl- cnl. I make it a rule to tost every new treatment nhloh Is brought to my nttentlon, Hnrlug specialised In eye work for tho past twenty years, I believe 1 am quaKfled to express an lufelllgent opinion on romeilles applUable to the eyes. Stnee Bon Opto bns created nilch a sensation throughout the I'lilted States and Canada, I weleomed tUa opportunity to tust it. I began to use It In luy prflctti'e n little over a year age and I am frank to say that the results obtiilned are such that I hesitate to tell of my ex- perleneo for fear It will sound incredible, Some o( the results I hare aoromplUhtHl with Bon Opto not only astonished myself lint also other physlrlaus with whom I have talked about It. 1 have had many Individ- uals who had worn glas^sea for years for far-slghledueMS, near-9lg!iti'ilne»s, astigma- tism and other eye weaknei^es, tell ma they have dlspenseil with them through the adop- tion ot the Bou Opto prlnelpal. Many eye troubles ean be traced directly to muscular contrat'lion and relaxation and slueo Bon Opto method tells how to exenrlso and de- velop the eye museles, It reaches conulttous not possible through other nieans, I aUrlss every thoughtful physician to study Bon Opto prlnelpal, give It ths sniue careful trial I have and there is no doubt In ur mind they will eorao to tha eonolusloll I have, namely, that tho Bon Opto method opens the door for tho Oiire of many eye troubles which havo heretofore been Impos- sible to eopo with. Tho treatment It no simple In US nppUentlon that It run be used :\t Itome by anyone of average Intelllgenee. ts lu; uwa vmctlue I bav« iweu It strsuglltoa prising efTect In cases uf work strained eyes, pink eye, Inllummed lids, catorrbsl eun- junctlvltes. smarting, painful, acUln|, itch- ing eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, sun, duat aiiJ win J, watory eyes, blurre<l vision, and iu foot many other couditlons too numerous to deeorlbo in this report. A new and alartltug cute has just ooule under my observntlt'n, whKh yielded fo Iloa Opto, Is that of a young K'rl. i- years old. Two prominent eye spuclallsts, after a tliorougU examination of the young girl, decided In order to snve the sight of her right aye, tho loft eye must be r«movo<l. Before permit- ting hor ly bo operated on, tha young girl's father dueld -tl to use Bon Opto. In lens tlian three days .i marked Improrcment was notiowl. At the end of a we.'.; ihcluSaui- mation had almost disappeared, and at the end of six woeks the eye was saved. Just think what tlio savhm of that eye means to this Utile girl. AnotDer case is tbnt of a liidy ninety three years olil. .She i-ume to uie with dull vision and extreme luilnUinin- tion of the Uds and tho conjunctiva was al- most raw. Aftir two weeks' use of Bon Opto tha Uds were absolutely normal and her eyes are as bright as many a girl of shtecn." Pr. Jndklns, Massnohusetta physician, formerly Chief of CUulos In the Union Oou- ernl Hespital, Boston, Mass.. and formerly House Surtev>u at the New England Etc anil I'ar Inllrninrr of Portland, Maine, aao. me<llcal author for many years, Reports: "I have found oeullsts too proue to oper- .nto and opticians too wiUlag to ursscrlbe plnsses while negleuting the slmplS formu- las which form tlio boBfa of that woiulerful home treatmout for eye troubles, Bon Opto. This. In my opinion, Is a remarkable rem- edy for tho cure auU prercntlon of many eye dl&orders. Its success In developlug and sireugthonlng the eyesight will soon make eye glasses old fashioned nnj tie form ot oye bHibs whleU the Bon Opto method pro- vides, win make Its u»o as cominoa as that of the tooth brusli, I am tborougUly con- vinced froia jny ejtpcrlonca with Bon Opto that it win strengthen the eyesight at least BO per cent In one week's time in many In- Btnnees. Dr. VT. H. Devlao, director of medical luspectlon lu the Boston aolioola, In I'.ls report pubUehod February :o. 1917, states that only uM" out of «9,i7« ex- nmluod, need to wear glasses now, s marked ilocrense over the previous report. Bon Opto Is bnstenlnx the •yeglussfess age in b*spe<-tacloa Boston." Victims of oyo strsln and other eye waak- nesses and those who wear glasses will be glad to know thnt^ aooordlng to Vt. Beck nad Dr. Judklns, there is real boi)s and help for them. Maoy whose eyes wsro fall- tug say they hn\-e had their ayes restored by this remarkable prtwcrlptton aud many who once woro glaiisos soy tbdy have thrown tnom away." One man sty), after using It; "I was almost blind. Could not see to read at all. Now I can read ererjr- thlng Tvithout my glasses and mf eyes do not nun any more. At night they would pain dreadftllly. Now they feel Hue nil tho time. It wns like a mlraole to ine." A lady who used It says: "Tho ntmosphero seemed hnsy with or without glasses but after using tills prescription for 15 du.vs everything seems clear. I csu read even lino print without glasses." .Another who us. .! it sa^'s: "1 was botberad Witi) »/» strain II DR. Jl'DKINS oaused by overworked, tired eyes which in- duced fierce headaches. I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and close work and without them 1 could not read my own uaaie on an envelope or thf typewriting on the machltio before me. I onn do both now aud have tliscaruetl my loug distance glasses altogether. I cnin count the hutterlug leaves on the treea aeross the stra«t now, which for several years hare looked like a dim green blur to me. I cganot express my Joy at what It lias dene for me." "Jt is believed th»t thousands who wear glsslea can now discard them In o rcnsou- ublo time aud inuUltudes more will be able to strengthen their oy-s eo as to be spured the trouble and expeuso of ever getting • glasses, Byq troubles of iimuy dcscrlpti^'Q* may be wonderfully beuelitod by the use of this prescrlp^ou at borne. Here is the pre- scription: Go to any acUvo drug store and et a bottle of Bon Opto tal)kls. Drop oua Ion Opto tablet In a fourth of a glass of Water and lot It dissolve. 'With this liquid bathe tne eyes two to four times dully. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from tho start and liuinininatlcu and rconess will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you oven a little. It Is your duty to take steps to ears (hem now before it is too lRf4 Many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight it tliey had cared for tUelt ayes tn time. NOXBâ€" Another pro-oilnrnt pU.TsiclRn to i»bom the abo»« article was siibmlttsd, nald: "Yes, tb» Bou Opto proacrlpilon 1» Uiiiy s wnnilerfui «y» r«uieily. Its cuuatliutut Ingredlruts are well known tn emlnont ere speclallsta lud widely pr». scribed by them. 1 h«>» used it verj tucceaa* fully lu my uwn prsctlcs on patienta wbose eyes wftra ittnilucd through overwrrk or mliBt glasere. It Is ouo of ths run few uKDIratious I feel shculd be kept on band for rcriiiar use In nloioit «»ery family." Bon Opto rsfsrred t» :)lwe, la net a paUDt mMllclno or a secret remedy. It Is an athlcs! preimratlon, tho foiv. mula D«lDf printed on the i>*cka(«. The menu* facturera auarautee it to strenstben «TeslKbl :a) p^^ out In ouo wwk's tiina in many In- stances or refiinil tha mouey. It la dlsnsBsed t by oil good clMlgglsts, inclwdinit generai Uteres. s^l»» by t>, Tuablyo and l'. ICuius A Co,, Tbronta

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