Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1917, p. 1

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TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. m 07 No. 22 Plestierton, Ont., Tliursday.October IB, lOlT W. H THORISTON ud PKOPKIB East Grey Prize List HORSESâ€" Drau^hl te»m, J Halbtct, 1 and 2 ; 1 yr old, Jarvts Henuy > spring uolt, H Milliner. A^icul uralâ€" Team, Arthur Poiteoiw. â- H-iwken Bros ; 2 yr «ld, J I (Jrahani, *' Math«w»on ; I yr â- old, H Milinei ;upi*Bgcoh,J I Ciiahini. OeDeral Purposeâ€"Brood mare, Wes Jftaiih ; -2 year old, A TMstlethwirlte, Wm. Holley; •spring coll, Wi?s â- Smith Carriage â€" firood mara, "pped Matheweon, Wilfred Fawcetc : 'l.yrold, •B Welton ; spriogcolb, Artnur Johnson^ •single driver, Thos Pinley, Wea Smith, Thoa Ficley ;«oadaterâ€" 2 yr old, -ftoU' •Siranton, Anhur'Parteous; spring oolt,' Kred Mathewson, Wilfred 'Fawcett : fiiDKle driver, 'Henry Isaac, U '(iliiUTtoo; "â- Wm Swastoii,, »L>idy dri\er, Amaadrv; (Stewart, MrsFmley. "Specials â€" By Jas' Crowstonif'jrO'HrbeHrer colt, •V Maiho- ion ; by >f 'Brown for heavy â-  drm^t colt, H MilnerrbyR J Ball, for be&t bunch ofr'Sve horses, .1 A'Halbert ; bf'H 'binipson Co best sioKle driver, imtd or •«.rri»(je, unoearoand track, T "Fioley ; by W A'K«wken for'lest siutMeturnout, Wm SwMi^a ; by-F Brown foi- tat^tesr walkioK teMn, SVni Holley.; -by *.' W FhiUipat'f<:r b«Ht halter broke cult, ' H Milner- byXjumoniBms for best matched â- t««ai in three heavy- classes, J 'Hal'jert. k«iMul»- of ' the < iUcos 1-F T»ylor <liL^S'l 2-VV Holley ,* 2 t 1-2 3-0 Moaahan ,3-:i3-:{ 3 4â€" W Stewart ...4.4 Bt- • .a.'SWK i.B«klH.K«CE I -Thos Fialty 2.21*1.1 8-W HMey :t. I I. J 2 3-F Tiyior ....l.3.:ti :| â-  4-T Te«»er 4, 4. Ifc CATTIJ£->>tMu)rtborB-.-ifull jgad, C Atkiocon ,- faill calf. .) I 1 jCrahaui, J I • Graham ; ««f ,â-  J I,Griib««, J. I Giabui: : 3 yr old J*eife-rC,Atkia<joa,C Atkimac ; 1 yr old ii«tie.-A t.Atki«%on, J I Grah««i; . heifer c«l£, A ! .Graham, J I Orahaog .: . best bull aadithiwa f:eaialefl,.J| I.Urahaai, diplon.a ; bestbull aqy a^e, C AtkiuaiMU . diploma. Ja«j>y ,A11 priaee to \V J, ; 8bepher<U<Mj .-wtcept inikk cow,. 2ad went to S SlMifi):. , Halst«io«â€" All prix4i8 I to Clias Moor*. . iI«refoid»-r-Jlu!l ajjed; . J C Adame ; l^f: old heifer,,.Mr J Cliaid. â-  Gradea for bee<4;ui;pose8 -ijyr old atoem ..R Swantou, Wr', 'JljarJ ;, 1 ye <»ld ateer, ,.B Swftuton, F Ikawn. l'-' yr «»ld iioiter, W .J a.ard, RSwauijn : .1 yt M fa'3Jfer, V .J?r..irn, It S»a»ion ; heifer e»lf. R hSwiinton, F Brcwn, ; steer t.-ii', Wm kSwanton, J T Sled. , '.-ow,, F Jitbwv VViri •Syanton. Grades.fvr dairy puriik.'ses iCjW, a Thisilethaait^.J. A F.yi.W ; 2 jjl,(:!d heifer, .i Thi» lcth,vi!»ijte ; i,«»!'. J TiiVd, Chas Moore. ii>'.\ INK â€" Berkshireâ€" ^11 prizes U W .tJ-i»l.pj>herd8ou fxcaptagftilsow to Cfcas *)teEMrt, W J Si.epherdagsi.; yotikuhitt, »ll,p-i;ie9 to W J fehopJivfcJsuJi ,: ^,o wurtl), ali prizes to W.J Stofherdson. • #iil};;Pâ€" Leicesterâ€" All, yji«s to .I.H ) Vt KicholL-; • lincoliLs, all .nrj;;^- to J u' KichullM. clover, C Atkinson, W Stewart ; alsike clover, Win Stewart ; flax seed, Atkinson, T >l fStinson ; buckwheat-, T J Stinson, C Atkinson. FIELD ROOTSâ€" Pot atoeN white ele- pti.int C Martin. C Atkinson ; « o v, R Kichardsoii, W A Hawken ; svred'e turnips L Fisher., M Wilson sr ; turnips Aberdeen-, L Fishei' ; canots white, F Mattiewaon, M Wilson «r ; mangolds gl ib(s 3 1 <5raham, C W Bellamy ; long mangolds C W Bellamy, Stewart ; corn ensilage, Graham ^ best asBoriment lield roots, I. Fisher ; mangold a o v, R R'chardaon, F Brown. VB&ETABLES-*;abb»ge red, W A 'llawken, 'L Fisher.; riat dutch, F "S Karstedt, L Fisher ; drumhead, W A 'Hawken, L Fisher ; winuingstadi. <'!'ha8 Bel'amy. W A Ra-wken : a o .»,Ikt Wilso jr, SV A Hawker.., cauliHower, OtlxyRell, 'HaWken ; carrots short. C Atkinson, C Maitin ; carrots long, C Martta, C Atkinson ; parsBitJu. A Sornbei^er, C Atkinson ; celejf self blanching, W A Hawkes, S Shunk ; celery red. L Fisher; tomatoes red, €. * islier, W -Stewart ; tomatoes yellow, L Fisher ; beets long, Wtn Stewart.'C Atkinson ; lieets turnip rooted, C Atkinson, C 'W ^IteUainy ; onions from need, S Shank, -W tiawken; potato oDi«ja«, W H Thurston, V Sled > radish winter,*-' Brown, L- Fisher ; other variety,' L'Fisfcer, M Wilson ;ir ; garden herbs coll<-./'C Ad-iins ; pumpkin yellow, C Bellamy,- LiFisher ; pumpkni a o v, C Bellamy^ t, Fisher : aijuash, L Fisher, J I Grahaui . cttrons, C Aikioe-jn, Chas Bellamy ; cugnniber, piclaling, W Stewart J P Ottewell J cuoumbers cipe, C Bell- amy, L Fushet' ; « ears <!o»n .a-o », J P ()ttewell,-J. I<}iuhaiu ; corntable, J P Ottewell, VVtat-SteWart ; coll vegetables, Jj F s'.iei-. W v\ Uawkvic , Uenoie'a special, c.<ll«ction vegetables. tL Fisher, W A U»wi«'i( H{jecial «ol|>{MMipkins, R Richardstiii. KRI IT -F<«Ji apples - oajp^jr* or red streak, J I <rt;isham, Mark Wieli>on sr ; duclu's*, .1 I araham ; blMnhs;m, J I Giahaia ; -St i* wrence, •/ . 1 • Jruhani, Wm Stewart ; ^raveusteiu. Ucwham ; a o v,Gi-ahaiu, Jewc Bum^ead ; beat coll, < Jraham Wu»tar apples ^(Sfqr., « tahani, , fiiimatead: <>ata:i<),.l{umst<at4l /.okldwin •.Graham, BiuMtead : ^ckitNi i-iasela, U^raliam, Bum.'tt^ad ; roxbary lairssets, "C'raham. Buiu^om^ ; »i,ow afifileQ, Gra- ham, W Stewmrt ; a;tng,. .Grah«iH - R I ^eninj^H, Grabaiji ; a o v, Gd«hain< «^:i Stewart ; «.JJ,,;;jMhaiii ; b«u<:»vi?, .O'atliam l$ell«ujy.; «tia.-*bgurg ucij-nn Or»;-t Ceylon Chat On Oct. It Wm. Taylor of Pricevillc was up before Magistrate McMullen and Reeve McKensio charged with keeping lit{uor for sal«. Ue wa.s fined $200 and costs or Ihrea months in jail. The ^nnie day P. Mc.^nhur was charged with being intoxicated and was isse.ssed 810 and costs. Inspector Beckett prose- C'ltel in both cases and W. U. Wright appeared fur defeiidanis. Mrs (Or.t Hawk and babe., of Med:cine Hat arrived ih's week t-o visit her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jantes McMullen. Mr. BaStterof Collitigwoud and Mr. and Miss Baxter o€€aledon weiv visitors at M. Fer-gnsons *sn«g the past week, R. T. Cook and 'wife of Eborda'e were visitors at R. C(»ek s the riist of the week. Mr. Spiller ard wife of Toronto Aia- ited with f . Ohi«ilett and wife laM week. Born- On 'the 13rh inst in ttes Owen SoUik' hoapitvl, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collinsi n, a'daughter. Congri<'.ulati')n8. Real estate has been inuvirg in this d-strict during the past weak. Henry Stone soW'kis farm to Mi-s. Pedlar of Eui/enia. "George McK«nr:ie sold his farm to Tfcemas Gen le. Â¥.' I.. VVri>;ht •old his Ciaau to Charlei Stalioi-d. R. house and fot to George PCiriUSRY- Barred r«ck ,maH. .1 C Meicer^ i.' J Sled ; female, ^nd \L'rc9r ; CJckerel, Mercer 1 and L' , pulUi. 2iid Mercer .; whi'^e wy.mdotte, all prif«3 to Mercer ; light brahmas, malf. M .Wiiiaon 1 and 2 ; Uio,»,a leghorn, alf prijiofi to Mercer ; whil* .leghorn male, 'iiid S ,C Mercer : white leghorn s c femalt, J f Ottewell ; cockwej, .S Shunk, M^jrcer ^ pullet, Shuiik, Mercer; white leigiwui ' r c fenialo. OUew»:l|! ; bl,-ic!c minorca r *; «iale, Mercer ; femaje, Mercer ; ancooa iPlottled male, Merow .; female, Morcor 1 *5d 2 ; cockerel, M \f.,il.«oii jr, aiercer ; |)rtUet, Mercer. Rho«6 Island red a c, *» prizes to W H 'fhurstou ; buff oty (JJ prizes to M WIIuqu Jjr ; houdan WoAUiii female, Mark WiUm jr ; geese tuulttvuve male, Adaiiis, Fiater ; female, Adaius, ^'isher ; a o v niaW, Fwiier ; a o V female^ J'ishi^r ; female, Fishw ; ducks pekin male, W Stewart 1 aaJ 2 ; female W Stewart ; rouen male 2ud L Fiater ; female, 2nd Adams . a o v m%]e. AiiUwus,' W Stewart ;ao v female, W ^Stowatt, Adams ; oinameolal bantam, W H Thurston, M Wilson jr ; pigeons, M Wilion 1 and 2 ; -abbifo, L Fisher 1 and 8 i best collection jwultry. Mercer. GRAIN AND SEEDS^ White wi";it^r whcftt, V Atkinson, J T Sled; red winter wheat, A Sornberger, C Atkinson ; red spring whaat R Swauton ; white oats A Sorubcrger, C Atkinson ; black oats Atkinson ; small peas C Atkinson ; large poa", A Sornberger, C Atkinson ; coll of bean?, L Fisher, C Atki-nson ; timothy te:d, Wm Stewart, T J Stinson : red Pear* â€" itiuUvSt r, BuuMtead, UiW-ani ; oiupps U»i)m.e,. Bellamy, V,'ni Saa*!;on : a o v. BeUiuuy. Buiusttwcl ; <:Wl.,,ii,'um8tead, Grailiajp. ; Brown Bcwj »peo«,l. best hunhel .^'ples, GrabajB. PIu<»«4. Lombards, Buwirtead ; jSinith'si i Url«ia«i«i Graham ; cooe _i;olden drop Huiiuit*itl, Graham ; rent, claude. Bum stead ; *^>'8, C .Vtki/wum, . a o v, W P Crossley, Graham ; coli. Bumstead. Graham ,:n,"iito grapes. <i,(iJi,mi : coL grapes, Gr^iLani ; b!ark gi-apuv,. Graham. Plantsâ€" Coil. 2ut Ha wors, W i' .t^gssJey, Ottewoi; ; table bouq*i»;, W R .Vhurslon, Msl A VViJ.«on ; hand rbomiuet, W A Ilawkeii, ^1-3 '\ WiUoO , .^Qpble g*:anium, J C A'imis, A Thinttethwaite; sii)t;le geriuiuiu, »' P Ottewell, L f liiier: fi^clwia double, Wtiewell : fuchsia sijigie, Octerell, Crossinj- ; aiuarylis. C W BelUiey ; rex bego«:a, Ottewell; begaai» a ov, Ottewell, Crtt:}s]ty ; c )li fuiiajje. Adam.'s, ('Ottewell ; hot.se feru, Ottewell : hanging Wket, Otteaeil, Adams ; liyJ^ dratigea, .(ittewoll, Mw. A Wilson ; iijjgle plunt «ny kind, .V^U^nis, Ottewell ; ,«ull cariiatioiiK. Ottewell ; rfoll begonias, Oiiiiwell, Ada«*. (Con.-Ud«.1 Next VmU) Cook sold . McKenstr,. Andrew Gilchrist vis-ted friend.s « Mono K-uad the past week. Mi-s.-iTulkier of Toronto ia TiaiNcg Mrs. Jolni Giichiist, sr Ribert-gpicer, wife and two children, of Wi«Kaia.n, are *ia((ag the kmmK's parents j^ere. Ma«M2 .Hemphill vittied with I>«<«rfalk f rieiKi«> .last week. Fraii<k'Cullin(oii iipent the week «iid with iHcvife in Ow«r. Sound. Wilfttipiuer tot*k «r ihe Dundail fair last w««^' Kate M'ilcovk, rK^oii Fleloher, Asinie and Kai- McNiUamwotored to <Ma«foid laac w.e<»k and .at««Kdei the t^iehers cuiiv«olii<^n. Th«MiMw Martirt.har purclia.sod a-iivotor- cycla Im himself. All it lacks k the basket, IT-coi. Our W'i<:ing.Halj»«B:» held a ^lotitabie lueetius; a; A. .Ml)L«od's on <>atLrday aftemoobi4i:idm»de»rangem«nls for a ••oajmilt^e to m»,et Thursday <»f this week to pih.k Cbris iiia.^ boxes. for ilie boys at tJce front. They ako i^ad a 'piiltiug be«; Monday osid Tuesday »»ter- noons. •John M«:I<-.idihiio,ia...ved bus family to the McArthurfarm */iiioli he recently purehaaed. *;.'«jttRnd thorn a welcome Victwia Gamer* Mi.-<s (Jraoey (if shelbtnn,* visited her stumor, Mrs. ./amai Laidiiavv, Jaat week, takng Mrs. LiidUw homs „n,i, 1,^,, mk'it: slio returned. A tiuiilier from around h*i-.e attended theilij.'sliyteriaii antiivetnai'j- sewieas :\i Proloii JSuiuley. Don I forget Inistioge anniversary Oct 21 h|kL^. JMi.ss (.{(tlie Stinson in in â- jfronlo at present. Theie weti only two days ,,,f «oliool Ust wi-sK, M.wday bein^' Thanksgiving 'Ti.'.ir.sday aoo *>iday teachers' eonvun- Uvfl 4lt IlaucM.er. Eugenia Paragraphs This vicinity received a great ahock on Sunday morning when it learned ')f the death of Robert Genoe, who had only been ill a few days with blood poisoning. He is survived by a sorrowing wiJo^i, three sms and one diughter Owing to the anniversary services at Inistioge on Sunday next, Oct. 21, the service here will be held ai 2.. '30. *hen Rev. Mr. WnUace of Shelburne, foim- eriy of Markdale, will pr^h. .\ short session of Sunday school will lie held, cuuiuienc'.ng at 2 o'clock, Mr. Tw.ihy has moved his family into town. We give them a heaity welcome. Bernâ€" To Mrs and Mrs. .1. Elmer of St. Con.stanc*. a daughter. Card tiia(i<iu s| ent the veek end in T'jronto. Ouiie Maiimber from here a'tcndnd the Ma(r*.dale fair and concert. Don^ foriiet that next Sunday is l{,illy Day i/K. the Presbyterian chinch . Steamer Burned ! TThe steamer .Ioims of MciL^rd w»s I ^flently burned near Parry Suucid. Sli.: 'â- â™¦3ft Parry Sound dock at ."i â- "» am. and l"when about live miles out <m the ."-^xiind 1' tire started in the cargo h«tW supp.i-ed lo l>e caused by 'he explosion ••f inmiio chemic'ls. a i)art of the freight. The tire spread so rv{««dly th*t ni>tbiHg ci»uld be saved. The lifeboat Iwd to be lilxl tjli there being no txiae to get it < tf in any other uituuer. The >*sh«>1 Inirned id the water's eilae a«d ll:e haU ami uiauhmery sank in alwut :-?* to JI»<»thom8 of water half a ailu froai iCill'eaf puiiit. Be.sMes the lob* of a full cargo «ch1 the boat Ci^ Uopp* lost fji^t ill cash and bia perauiial effects, and hi* -etiKineer lost all he had except « coat. Tlie bojt cirried ifciriUl iasuraace and wait v«lae« at #4»)«^0. Prepare to Meet the Cwt of War Ottiiw.i. (ijr. l.*»_Tlie coat of ii.» war has lieC'iiiie m .^leat in reeent â- .. .iiths that the laymiii m at pa"i.s to uideisi.wid it. The .\llied linaneial etpert.-', how- ever, are not frightened by the pr'^rJpuct in view of the measures thai *re bung taken to luaintain financial s(«bili>y in .Allied countries. .\s8Uiedly one of the most iiiiportaut of these measures is that which provhl, < f.ir I he aafeguarding of the national | ro« peMty bysendin,' into military s.-n ,-e o:ily those who do not hempen t-i ie working at essentia] tasks. The giv»t basic industries, such as agriculture, transporlaMon. etc., arc beinij carefn; y protected against di.siiite^'rit*n in .all Ic .larger belllgeranl countries. As a resu'i, a very .[uick rec<ivery is expected lo ftllow the end of the war. Canada is being C'.ngtalu'ated u|„ n hjr w,i^dom in recognizing the unexpe.tnl leiii^tii of the war l.y putting into op,.i i- Uona.Mililary Service Act ofiuodciale typo yat bouurl to prove an elHcie-it li Ip to industry'. Vary Your Bread Diet E'Mt Moifntain Honor Rolls .Kimbetley Public School upper room Sr 3â€" Honors â€" Viola Fawcett 82, Jean Lewis 80, Lilian Abeacrombie 79, Bessie StaH'ord and Millie McCounel 53. Failodâ€" Leoaa Weber 53. Absent Jrom one test, EMa Lawrence 76, Teddy Myles 152. Sr. 4- Hi norsâ€" Raymond Stafl'ord 84, Hazel McConnel 81, Carl Carruthers '"75. Pass- Riilph Stafford 74, Cecil Fawcett 73. Absent from one lestâ€" Ruth Mylcs 63, Aunia Curritt 73. â€"Wm. McBride, Priucipal. the The Herald says one man to the oast of Alli»ton is said to have a s.iiin^h jMCJSuring twelve feet iu circumference. Threshing and potato digt-ing are order of the dav. The crowd gathered vciy,|uiekly when th3 aeioplane lan.led in Chirles Martin's field on Oct. 10. Sovonil from „ur vicinity were at Markdale sxhibition and missel seeing thissighl,. Fred Martin, and little son, Lorenzo, »isited a few days at James Lyness, nenr Ceylon. Alex. Mitchell of Manitoulin island, visited for a fortnight at Win. Or- '.-'. Elsie Martin, who h.-is .spent the past month with her brother Wm.,Fleshertcii, has returned home. Wc hear that Miss Eugenia Orr has secured n school on Manitoulin i.slnnd and leaves thi.s week to take the position. We wish her succiss. Mrs. Charles Martin htt.s returned to hor parental homo near Fleshertoi. for a while. Mr. Goldcnly .if Tecswa'or is wielding the r.;d ia our schoil ^iiico Oct. Canada and tli* I'liited S atea uro'i- ably will be able to provide f..r the Allies' reijuiienients of cereals other than wheat during the next twelve months. The Allied peoples themselves have been economizii'g with wheat ai.d whtat dour. As Lord Northclirt'e said in M-utrca'. "ihciei^ uo such thing as white bread in Ihe OKI Cuntiy. from t'le kinL''3 t-iUe downwar..ls." Other cereals are being used but they cannot bj ascd alone l"or bread. The All.,s must add them I o wheat fl„ur to lui.jifl Iho war bread now in universal use in Kuiopoan countr:i?s. K.\uopt in lialy, where the people uoroially cnnsume much corn, there are few corn miDa in Eur'ipe. Cornmcal, not being a durable coiuniod- i'y, cannot be sbipced across the ociau in great iiuautities. Tiie Allies must have .-i wheat ilour biisis for their war loaf. Culess the people of Canada and the L'nited States arc willi.;g to .substitute oth.r cereals for part of the who.\t Hour which tliey nor. mally consume, thoy will be denying even war Ijiead to many thousands of p,iop!o. Substitution of at least one pound of other cereals for one pound of wheat Hour weekly, per person, would save a veiy large .(uantity of wheat for expoit. Ic would still be far short of meeting tee normal consumption re.|uirements oftho Allies, but it would SAVe the situation. BatesBurialCo.j^^^j runeral LJirr-ctnr anH i «^ Funeral Director and ; ^ _ Embalmer Phone Hillcrest 1842 I24AveneRoad Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks. Manager. FOR SERVICE L l 2-1, c 11. 14. .\itemehia, pure brep •Shorthorn Lull, V.»lley KinL'. Orade co-.vs «1.2."i, piKebieil S4.()li. ' 1 .July 17 W. A. WKBEK. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler KLESHERTON, ONT Fall Millinery III up-to-ilate Fall hir call and slu)W you. We V»iio from the i-y Hoii.«e in Toronto and we price and fasliion. (,'onie in .<eti wliat we have ai.'l von are s?nre to take a liat Ladies if you want see what we have tt mo.st nptit-date Milliii can ple-ase you, both in and home with yon. Highest Price Paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. < We either carry it in -^totU, will ^et it, or it isn't made. Dealers In Goodyear, Dominio,, and Dmilop Auto Tires an.I Tubes CJasohrie tilling .station and Motor oil, C'ockslmtt Farm implements .im If.irri.s repairs, ('ockshtitt 1 repairs, ,Ma.s.sey- Verity and Plow -shares etc McTAVISH FLESHERTON « Kor A Oooil Pair Of RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. ^^TJr'l""^ ^^^^' N^^y Patent and White Pumps fo the ladies, ; with and without st ap. W HERE? Tho^. Clayton^s „ ^ FLESHERTON

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