Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1917, p. 1

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T 4 TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -•• PRlNCIPLEb NOT MEN. / 1 / '^C f V' V ,\ yoi :]7 No. 11) Fleshcrton, Ont., Tliursday, September 'Jl 1017 W, H THURbTON ^Tp'hopku Kimberley Budget Eugenia Paragraphs Thomas ClatW 4nd Mr. McMutcliy of NuttawasAga lnwnship visited over the , weeli end with the fDimei's bi-o;her,\Vin. 'juite a number attendiJ ihe HjliiiesB Workers' camp inaelii);^ at Claik.ilmrg recently. Wellii.j,'to>> fawcett lud KJ«;ird Sloan visited frieads in Fleslierton. Wm. Flood, tJasper Stuart and Ju! n i'leves attended the Uollingwuod Ex. last Thursday. Banford Knott of Thornbuiy wa.s a p'eas^nc caller here on Frid ly. Au aaent of tiie Pdham nursery nmce a buhinesR trip to this part last week. Hugh Kni.ti (if Markdale vi.sited with his aieter, Mrs. )[ . R. Haiumond. one day iatit week? Kriiie and Kniersou Reid captured t»o tine speciniena of .he coon f iiiii'y one oigbt I'lst week. Mrs. Win. I'roctor of Th.'rnl-ury *isiud with her son, Cieorjje, during the past week. aiiss Beatrice sjcniuere lefi for Tvruuto oa .Satuiday last, where she has aecured a situation. Mrs. John Huuter.ii respoctod ii;>idei.t of our town, moved to Clarki-buri: ou Thursday la>;t. Gordon Wilson risiled Eugenia fnem's during the past week. C'MJncillor Gaudm of Heathcoie »:» i calUr m town reoeutly. Harold Ellis and wife of Kucklyu vir^ited the former 4 parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ei:i>, ou Thursdiy la-t. Walkerton Strikini; out to aiake his living as a ycung lad 8< n.e sixteen yairs ai;«', Joe Swar'z, son of a former Walkerton b'ack- sniith, was never hoard of a«ain by tl e family, who ha'l Iomj; presumed him dead. InNt.ad -if dyins,'. however, Joe took up \ farm in .Satkatchtwan and proxpered. Ills brother, Victor, left a few years years later and also look up i Western farm, locatinij in Alberta. Shortly after the outbreak uf the war both boys eulis:- ed in ditforent l>att ilnns and wi-iit to ihe front. After battling for the tla;^ f. r nearly two years loth were woundtJ and tent over t.i F.nglaDd, audit was while in a (.'onv.^lfsceiit Ilospii.il m London that eath recognized the other. Hill) after sixteen years' se;j»ration the two pitriolic brothers lne^ iisjaiii ir happy reuni m. .\ large crowd attended the public w- cep.ion given in (h^ Town Hall I'O Tbur.«dHy eveninu bist to Gunner Jaure- Lvecb, W'alkerti-Ti'B veleru soldier, and a hero of the Etlti|iOan and Boer W.ird, and to Fte Simon Small, the youni>',v-t Walkniti iiiin yet baek from tho fiont. IV.ih soldiers were throui;h the tiL'lit> at Ypres and the Sonime and know exactly what a real scrap Iouks like. A severe shell-f'hock retired Pie. Small fioin the fray, whio Gnr. Leoch was invaliOeil home with Pleurisy. Each wa.s present- ed with a no gold piece and a conipli- iiieiitary .iddress by Rev. U. Peidue tii liehiilf of the I >cil Prepared iioss Lens^ue -Herald and Tiinei«. The Ki-enia W. M. S. will hold their monthly meclnij,' in the Presbyterim church ou Thursdiy Sept 27 at 2 30 p.m. Mrs. Ui;bt. Phillips and sun, AlbvU ot Toronto, are visiting at the fornieis pareiital home, Mr. and Mrs. Dob.son and childrn. of Toronto, are visif Dt! Henry Williams. Mrs. Allen and Mis. Duncui of B*riia spent a few days wiih Mi-s. Geo. Graham. Dave G ii 'e hasreluru^d home after spending the sunuiier i:ut West. John Williams had the miifoi tune o' lo.siiiy his hen (.eii by fire last week. With .lul from fncuda and neighbors "hfy .saved the barn. The loss iiii;tht ha\e been Worse. The ot the lire o-igio i-i unknot! n. The Methoilials have airan;:ed to hold their harvest home the 2Sth and 'iSi h of Uctober- Watch for tie bills. Xexl Sunday, Sept.'3<), is rally Sunday in the Pres^ylcii^n choicli. .\lex. McL»uchlaii and brother Angus, A. McMillar. and Ed. S'uilivan of Price- ville motored and visited Mrs. R. Park. .\lex. hjs been in ("algary fi'r six years. Many from Iwre attculfd the fiinernl of the late .Mrs. Meldrum at. Ceylon. Mrs. Meldrum was one of the old.st and UKutt highly esteemed residents li this village. .She went I" Ceylon to live wiih htr son, Geor;;e, about two years aijo. Mrs. Thoiiiis McK' e IS a (lau'.hier, andjnuch sympathy is expiesied tor her and the family iu their iMreave.tient. The W [. aill hold then inouihly iiietiu.: it the home ut Mis. Htiiimoni. Mrs. Uaiii iiond will i;ive < ieadiuij. Mr. and Mrs. U iiuick exp, ct to be pieseiit and •^\\<i '%ddresses. Visit«>rs welcome. Leonard l.itiiiier lia» taken a trip W.St. Ceylon Chat j Vandeleur Happenings Capt. McLaucliliii, who spent a couple Frank Collinsoii spent the week | end with lier mother in Owen Snind. Mrs. Caldivell from tsar Birne is. vL-itiiig with her friei.d. Mis. William Fletclier, on Stone's Line. j Mit.s Jessie Peiry. itneii .'souio', is viaicing Mrs Win. White. Mr. and Mu. James Dyci-, Wm Dyce, of Cedarvi le,ll Cook and Millie ni.ii»r.>d ; to Camp Borden tirst of the seek. j Thislelhwait:^ Bros, have completed ' tie brickwork on H. Piper's reside; ce. \ .Mii-ses Edna Seweil and L ly C oper. who have been visuii'g their uiiole..Ali e t H.uard, and oiiier fiiind-< ihe past thre^ month.-, rtturiiea t.. the r Imme.- in ihe W^est. Mrs. Barton Mid \li,s MoAol y of the L'liited Sta'es lisisi-d with ther sister Mrs. J. O'Alelu here last week. Mrs. Pepper, who lias bfeu visiiini! i her aaugh'.r, Mrs. S. Ka: ds for a mon h returned Mo iday lo lur home lu Barrie. Mrs. Paul and baU of th» West and | Mrs. D. .Mins of Graveahurst is visit- or weeks in ("wen Souiii hospital leuiii- | '"' ''" "'"*â- â- â€¢ M'*' ♦i'^'rge Pritchard. ed home luu'^h benetit-d. I Ed. B^keraud w fe v'fited friends at Mis. Frank Colhnson snent the week ! "olUnt-wood recently. Floyd, the two year old cbi'd of C. B Bolaiid had iho misfoitune lo fall on the floor and break hij thiuh \t>\\>. foder Dr. Brow's care the 1 itle felljw is doing as well as cuuld be e .<: pettc i. S. tJsborr.e, wife ind d.u-ltrr, 11 , and Miss Ro.sie 1 iwson, of MiX«el', were the .:ue»lL- of J J . WcG • > r.-cenily. John ^'c'Iee of Kimber-y m.- ttd friends here a shott lime a: > Corn cutliii/. silo riilini; and thieshn o are making the lanuers hurtle tie: a d%y.«, and beautiful weather prev.,i'a f.jr the work. Robert Huliey of MeafMil w.i.-. a e.iUer here lecenUv. Mi.ss .ilice Gi'iay iml niece. Misa Annie 'jilray, of roionto, are \isUurs ac Geor.e Wri>}ht's. Miss ViuJet Gilbert .: K m'o.iley .vh« the truest jl her sister, Mrs. Wi i Hu-ch- ins.'n, .he lrg;iiiiiijg t l i.^ week. j Frank Davi, and sisteis. Mis< Jnlia i •«iid Mis. 1'. .1. dins on, and >li . ,iiid I Mm. LSeii C(«i rutliris. i,...t'.r.il t'l -r. M. Ma'yi 11 .S ,' uid.y â-  OR. BURT Spciallsr in dlcases ot th« | Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat <JFFICE-10iJ lUthst,West,Wwen Sound i At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd ' Thursday each month from » lo a 12a.[n . DuniiHlk,ls Wednesday t.f nach ni. nth ' J ewelry For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull ou lot ' :!t>, eon, '.». .Kileiiiesia. IVrins <1.0 i i, r grades. Mu~t be paid ni;h:n '• months j from date ',i service. I 1 li-. 17. -R. o irRNKR. Boar For Service .-i\ 11- i' :i.- i.re.! \ .Tli.-iiir- •> tjt !â- â-  .M.-K.i'- farm, rn^ir iVvI.n. Tvr'n â€" â-  I'T ..!! ail n..ls -.ri . ..«|. I.^''' â- â- â€¢ - 1 Y 'iiI.l.lN^o Boar for Service Th- untlersiiiiitd !n.- a tii. r^ui:') .i e V..rl(sbire B. ar for -L-rvH-e ii I.t U.c n >>, il^iirev- TerriiR 81 ."r<i. [â- â- RKK •^PiiKK.AllD. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler KLESHERTON. • ONT a<id Mrs SH^lburne The iiuinicipat council of the town.«hin of Mvltnethon deserves credit for the fteps taken to prevent animals riinniii; at large on the highways of that town- ship. The Shelburne council, at ihe suggeis- tioii ot the business men, has lilted up that port'oii of the town hall, formerly used »« the post ofbce, as a rej.t room fi>r thd l>di s when vsiiing Shelburne on busine.ss- Thos. Svi""n.s, jr., f f the towuliiu-, Mulmuc and Milanclhon, met with a lad accident on Tue8:!ay of lost week. He w.'is engaged drawing in grain and was adjusting the slings in the load when liu overbakncod and fell to the barn Hoor and bloke bis collar bone. The acoideiu is an unfortunate one as Mr. Syiuons is not dene harvesting. We nndetstand that his neighbors are givintr I im what ssbistiiuoj they can iu his work. Free I'reso . Portlaw Kally D.iy services were held in Mt. Zion church on Sunday last which w<tre very l is ructive and interestinii. Mrs. Dinniek took the subject and dclitihted the congreg'Ui 111 wiin her original dioconrse. Auoivcraaay and Harvest Home services will be held on Sunday, ttcf. 7, niorninij, afternoon and evening. Rev. Mr. While, a former putor, will conduct all three seivicus Entertai.]- meutou Thursday following. Mr. R. D. Meldrum and wife of To'on o vi.-<iied wiih friends i.i this pail. Robert Hill and wife, .Mrs. James Hill, and Mr iHiiiies. n and wife, nu t- ored to C^uip lioideu last Saturday. Mr Elliott of Toronto visited with bis bio' her in-Uw, J. H Watjon. Miss Gadjs While, who has been holiJayiog at her home heie the pasf few weeks, irtuiiis to her .stiuties this we' k at McMii,-lcr t n veisily, Toiouto. Mr. Claieiiee Wal*on vsit d with friends in Toioiito lasi week. .Albert Wilkinson of Heilhoo't? spent 'ver Siiii.lty lit Ihe parental lionio. We understand ili!>t R. Hmmh lias sold his farm on ill" Centre Line u^ Elbert Coutield Grey County Ca8u»lties .Mr. F. Martin Eu.!eiiia, \ Isited Week. Mr. S. lleniphi 1 his chimney built <>n his h.iuse. Farmers at the six tlireshiug. elr.ldnn >f I.viiess last L*«tiners are bus Victoria Corners Threnhing has s'arted ju^t •«» seon ts Importance of Canada's Great Effort Ottawa, Sept. '.'"J Figures np t.. Aunust -W, l'J17, -how -hat 4.S1.4.""-> Caaitdlsns had euiUted in l) e Canadiili Expedilioiury force. Canada .s repre- tlie binder hh« been put awa.\ for another seuted on in-tiiy tields. Fn id inland year. ; transport workers, uf whom K'W are Mi . J is. L idlaw has been at Shelburne i ^•"'*'^'»"* *°'i *'"'• »Joi:gsi other attendini: his father's funeral. ' things. I tip to laiie supply barges uu The Le.g.ie at liiist oge 1* « vmg some i 'â- "" '•'"""* "' ^'^^ ^" â- "'•"• '" '""^"" very4u.tructive and enjoyable eve„inu, I "j'^"' "*""'•'' "^"'^ "^"' ' ''"^ ^""'' :heseVV.dnesd.y Lights. Weare plea.«ed ' ***' "'"^ '''" Meditcrrinean, ot whom to ,ee so many xouiig people of the "P»""J' "f I'^^O ar. C.n iIm. -. this ueixhborh.KHl present. j count. y hae o.ntnl u'c 1 an ini,oi!..ut .,..,. , ' part I'f the .\llied war effort. Mrs. tieorge Moore received the »sd : mtellige.ice .fthe death by accident . I I A. lo the work woman is doing, t i« her brother, David Heim.rs-n, „f I >"l''rf^t>''« '"""'<-' 'hat I^U C». . lian V ctoria B C i '*"'''*''' have g >ae overseas in the i,'<iia- diaii .\riiiy Medical Corps service and .114 io <.,*ueen Alexandra s Imperial Military Nursiug Set vice. This of coU'-«!, is apait front 'he enormous accoirplii-hinents •<{ women's patriotic and si cial sir i.e s<H:iei.ies all over the couni> Canada's ttreiigih as a belligerent natiuu is shown rather ' tr^kingly in tt e realm of finance. \\ hereas (juat Bri xin hat loai cd millions to « iiuinlier of -VUied nations, she has received fiuiii Canada tll.<(),0«.M>.'tOO more thin s! e b^.- I be n ajiked to give. '*â-  j Canadians returniug fn ui abi-ind 1 repor a uidtspiirkd recognition in other I couutiies of Citnadas iinpuriaiice uud I va'ue to the .\lli-s ai the tiuil 'ts'.:' s f "be »«r -et 111 to appri'sch. The ilate for Iiiisti..>ge Amiiv, u.iw set for Oct. 21-1 and iSnu. Durh am Sir George Foster at Wyohwood !Vrk, Toroiit,', s.i.l »ii election would be im- pi s^i'ile for lour or tive months. Since last i^si'e of The .Advance the fallow iiig Grey County casuillie.s from the old 147ih Bait, hive been ar.nouuced : KiLLKii In Ai-rio.N-D. C. Pallisttr, Duudalk ; J.J. Byers, Owen Sound. G.vssEO â€" U. t'. .\in9worth,t)rangeviIle: J, llatton. Maikdale ; W. C. Brown, Owen Sound : W. D. Tedford, South Maucl-.eiier. I'mn. : .A. riiompaou, Meafi rl ; H. U. S|iarling, Clarksburg ; J. .\. Patterson, '>*>ii Sound : E. T. McAulcy, Owen Sound : Bert Knox, Swintou Park : Wm. Wilson, 'Owen Sound ; Alfred Rosell, Toronto ; Wm. Whitney. Staffs, Ont. ; O. Burdis, England ; K. K Can>p.l>ell,<)*eii Sound ; W. F. BoHes,Cli»tsworih ; J. C. Geddee, Owen Sound ; S. R. Xowmaii, Owen Souud ; U. L, Feathersti n. Shallow Lake, ( >DI . Wo^ MiKii >< (! AssKo -Nel.son Crowe, Owen S. und ; A. J. Hi I, Montreal: H. B Tilker, Hanover. WovM'KK J. T. Ca.sc.-Hon, McPher. son Station, Out. : W. W. McAlister, Durham ; W. L. Cooper, Owen Sound ; R. ^, Jilimiltoi , i)wou Sound. iMlssi.M)--lt)ii037!) R. Schoul z, Owen S un.l. Mr .1. P. Telford motored m M..sh- ertoii on Sunday lo see Mr. M. K, Richtrdjon, who is still .note ill. He ' hid with him J. H. Hardiiis;. Postmaster' Snilh and Ve Editor, all of whom j enjoyed the i.uting. George Nob!e !u.-t ii tine old colt under peculiar crcumstancei:. His son, Alh-rt, put the harness on Iiini atid cio'e'him up ,iud down iha street a few li'iies to break hin. While standing on the street m front of ihe livery i-t.ble on Tuesday, for some reiLson the colt ' b 'came e\eiHd, rese on bis hind legs, fell baclvAird md struek his head on the hard ro.,<, riiptuiiin; a blouc Vhssel. He died yesterday moining Lieu'. Campbell wa< wounded i'l Fi II ce .iiid is now iu the h.'spii.al. Hi- condition *.i8 of a seriiius nature, ' ace 'idini: to the repiris, but a calleuraiii | received Monday was nvre ica.-suriiii;, I and stuted he was considered out if' danger. Fall Millinery \ L:l<lie< if \ (III \V;!llt ^et" what Wf h.i\f ti most up tii'.liitt' .Milliiii can [ilc.i^e yon, Imth in ' iUHi see wli.ir wi' liavt' ai hiiiiie wiih Vdii. II up t.i 'l.-iri- F.ill li ir L.tli ami -li«iw \ mu. \\'t' i IM Irt'iii the â- ,• Hmisi' ill Torontc anii \\ ^^ ic<' -^lU'l t'a.-liioii . < 'niu"' in . ; V 111 art' «iur t" tak'' .i hat Highest Price Paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flfsherton. Service rniiiitn Km . wli e ai-^is'iu.; n ihieph iig ii Til- s. WhI.soii .s mi Tijesdni , slijiped between Iwii mows of sUaw, .-i one fell â- >nr on him, it is noi knouo which, mid f"r more jhan hof ^\\ !i. or renialned buiuHl beneath ihe stiiw before his absence was noted. It « i.s t'i"Oght he had gone for a tank of water wi'h two other helper", but ihoy return- ed with o knowledije of Tiuinan. I"!*' We either iMiTV ir in >;rinK ir i<n r nia'lf will mT It. ur Dealers In (looilyear. Dnmiiiimi aiiij litiiiIo|i .Viiio Tires and Tubes. (iast.ili!ie lilliiii: station and .MnKir oil. CojUshutt Farm iinplenieiits and re[»airs. !N[asstn'- Harris repairs. Veiirv Cockshiiit riovv shares etc an D. McTAVISH FLESHLRTON \ â- 4=^- ' inachinery was (but down and a genoi<l Noiniap, tie luile three year ..'d son j g^^j.^,, j„gj,jm^j^ Moans or faint calls of Mr. and .Mrs. Shiiley Mclntvre, was j were detected from beneath the straw, j badly hilteu on the .arm and throat l«.-.t ,^„d 8t once a dozen forks Mew into lb. Tuesday evening by a vicious d. g, and j p.je, diggit-g tlirougli twelve feet or so iii would, have been killed lii.l U not been | ,, ,,.^ |,„„ut^„_ The yoUTj man «a,s u. I for timely interferaiice. Tho dog beb-n.!- \ ^ b.id .state wlie-i recovered but he soon led to Ml. F. W. Kelsey, and the child. , ^^iijed sufUoiont to be t.iiten home. - ] with olliers,wer« out in a car and stopped ; ^;raiid Villev Star. I for a few minutes at the Kel.sey home, { when the dog sttacked him without any ! provocation. .Mrs. Kelsey was g,.cn on the sCiMU', ami aveited a fatality. Ihe ] About Ihe busiest little iiuatelie on j ihe Hiiiover sh >w ^munds Ian Friday I afternoon were the politicians. Mi. R. J. | ! Ball M P , c me homo from Ottawa to ' dog was said to be of .i snappy uist«..sition . ^ j,,.^^^„^ jj^_ ^y ^ ^y,j^,^^ ^.iOsi^n \ but he was dispatched th.t eveu=n« and j g^,„„j^ ^is r.> . in the Dominion contest. will do no further damage â€" Chroni.,de. was 'Ml deck shakiiis.' hands. Dr. Jamie- â-  oil of Durlia n was also present aud was MS urbane as usual, while Dr. Mearns of Haucver. his ana.joiiist for the Legisln- lure, put ill a busy afternoon. Politics theao days »re .a strenuous affair. Post Lormzo Fcuton. the liie veur old son j of Cbartu« Fentun, Waubashcne, met I death by boing crushed under a bariel of ; coal nil. lie and t«o companions had; I w indored do,\ii to lie freight sbids, Constable Pefch of Collingwood, who I where the barrel of coal ml was standing, was ap|.K-.int.ed less tlom a month ago. ! By some means they started the barrel 'a uo lunger uu the p dioe force. His rolling and young Fenton, to get out of ! personal etl'irts to put dowu booze did i tl:e way, jumped fiom the platform and uot .ippeal to the committee, (hi Ftiday ' failiuv, was ucahlo m escape as the night Pet4:h got a " jig " on and when gcB50ce:8:^ooor8:«:>ce50ooocB:«?ooo -^ g For A Ot^ocl l\\it- Of § RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies» with and without strap. WHERE? .\ r burel tolie-.l from tho platform on top of the little fellow, crushing hiiu terribly. Ch-ef Risi) Refoited promptly disDiLssed . bini ho WIS Thus. Clayton's FLESHERTON O

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